TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 21, 19 J 8. TUNNEL UNDER GIBRALTAR. That lit the awful flame, j INFLUENZA TOLL IS HIGH. ’Tls nothing to you that hill and plain Deaths From Epidemic Exceed Cas­ An Old Project Revived: "By Rail Council of Women Propaganda In­ Yield Bheaves of dead amid the grain, > tended to Deceive Sympathetic ualties of Yankees in War. From London to Africa.’’ That widows mourn for their loved One». ------- 0------- ones slain. ■ ■ ■ ■ o------- Washington, Nov. 17.—The recent Interest has lately revived in the And mothers curse thy name. A “native daughter of Oregon” epidemic of influenza in the United writes to the Oregoniau in regard to But after the day there’s a price to States caused more deaths than oc- scheme for a tunnel beneath the Straits of Gibraltar, which has, like the apepal of the "Council of the curred among the American expedi- pay that for a railway link getween Eng­ Women of Germany". She says: tionary forces from all causes from For the sleepers under the sod, Must the slush and rot of German And He you have mocked for many a the time the first unit landed in land and France, made an appeal to ’ propagandists be dinned into the ears France until hostilities ceased. This engineers for a generation or more. day— of the public again? Before we enter­ Listen and hear what he has to say: announcement today by the Census Some of the technical aspects of the ed the war—and after, whenever “Vengeance is mine, I will repay” Bureau was based on unofficial es­ project have been under discussion they thought it safe—certain persons timates of the total casualties before the French Society ot Civil What can you say to God? went about saying, "We don’t want among the overseas forces and re­ Engineers, and it does not appear to Rudyard Kipling. to go over there and kill those poor ports from 46 cities having a com­ be thought that there are any abnor­ Germans do we? They never did us bined population of 23,000,000, mal difficulties ou the engineering any harm!” SIZE DOESN’T COUNT. which showed 82,306 deaths from in­ side. sympathizers KO Now, German Owing to the depth of water and fluenza and pneumonia from Sep­ about saying, "We don’t want to be 16-Year Old English Boy Tells How tember 9 to November 9. character of the sea bed and the un­ hard on the poor German people do Ke “Got” His First Hun. I "Total casualties in the American derlying strata it would be neces­ we? It wasn’t their fault!” expeditionary forces," said the an­ sary to construct such a tunnel at a And now cometh the "Council of Tommy Kehoe, a 16-year-old Eng­ nouncement, "have recently been un­ depth, it is believed, of some 840 the women of Germany" with an ap­ lish boy, tells how he “got” his first officially estimated at 100,000.” meters; and the length between peal to Mrs. Wilson and the pacifist, Hun. Not a hundred feet away they Tarifa, the suggested point of de­ Jane Adams, saying in part: "Let it were when our lads were jumping parture on the Spanish side df the VIEWPOINT OF ARMY. be through you, Madam (this to Mrs. to the parapet to meet them with straits, and either of the alternative ------- o Wilson), to implore our sisters in the their bayonets. I made a leap for points of emergence on the Moroccan United States of America, who are the top of the ladder, grabbed at it, Soldiers Reflect on Recent Armistice coast, would be about 15% miles. It Notes Sent to Germany. mothers like ourselves, to ask their missed and slipped back. Somebody is assumed by the advocates of the Government and the allied govern­ reached out a hand and pulled me up ■ — --o------- scheme that the cost of construction ments to change the terms of armis­ Almost on us they were—and Oh, Germany’s reply to President Wil­ would not exceed 350,000,000, but tice so that the long-suffering of the never in my worst dreams—and I’ve son’s latest communication and the necessary port improvements would women and children of Germany had many a bad one since then—■ reports concerning the Austrian note call for the expenditure of an addi­ may not end in unspeakable disaster" have I seen a more dreadful sight requesting a separate peace have tional $20,000,000. An appealing plea, Indeed! And than that. They came at us out ot reached virtually the furthest ad­ There can be no doubt that the will it work on easy going, tender­ the dark like fiends from another vanced American troops throughout linking of the European and Africa hearted Americans? Or shall we re­ world, like the pictures I’ve seen of the sector. railway systems would give a great member a few things? Shall we ask men from Mars; for their heads were As was the case with the previous stimulus to French and Spanish the "Council of Women of Germany” covered with the most evil looking notes, and the various political de­ trade, and on the assumption that if they protested to their armies in masks that anybody could imagine, velopments of recent weeks, the news the tunnel beneath the Straits of behalf of the women and children of masks with huge round eyes and was promptly communicated to the Dover is constructed, the tunnel long suffering Belgium! Oh! the long piggish snouts. Shells were fighting line by telephone from main would provide over the Trans-Afri- women and children of Belgium! bursting about them, machine guns headquarters, through the army can railway a through route between Will the world ever forget the brutal were tearing through their ranks corps division and down to the England and South Africa. unspeakable things done to those and their masks were white and brigades, where it was practicable. The scheme now put forward by women and little children? ghastly in the light of the rockets. Behind the lines where the news Henri Bressler does not differ in its Did the "Council of the Women of Many a time I had thought of what spread more rapidly the ! men have essential aspects from that planned Germany"' protest when the Lusitan­ war would be like, but never had» a watched developments with that by Bedlier 20 years ago; but it is ia was sunk and the cries of the thought I should look on such a keenness of intelligence 1 that marks felt that the case for the tunnel has women and children made "music in sight as that. ' the citizen army. been strengthened in the Interval, the ears” of the submarine com­ "Fight or die Tommy Kehoe! Fight 1 The rank and file do not hesitate and it is believed that the capital mander who did the sinking? Or did or die!” to comment and speculate on the fi­ could uow be found without seeking the said "Council of Germun women" That’s what I told myself as I nal outcome of the negotiations, but any financial aid from either the join in the holiday—made in Ger­ crouched in front of the sandbags, in his long trips over the front and French or Spanish government.—■ many—to celebrate the killing of with my bayonet ready for them. behind the lines the correspondent London Times. those innocent women and children? Whooping big men they were, head has found at each step that the dis­ Now that the German women are and shoulders above me, But as I position of the men is to speculate on howling for food it is pertinent to in­ waited there a thought flashed the character of the next develop­ COAXING YOU TO SMILE. quire if they ever protested against through me of the Bantam regiment, ment rather than to pxpress an opin­ the billions of tons of food sent to little fellows, scarcely bigger than I ion of what should be done. Accepts his advice. i the bottom of the seas by German who had made good even against The bulk of the American army Sufferer—"I have a terrible tooth­ submarine«—on the God given water those giant Prussians. Size didn't now has been soldiering long enough routes of the world? Let them get count behind a bayonet. I was sure and seen enough hard fighting to be­ ache and want something to cure it.” Friend—“Now, you don’t need any their boasted German efficiency of it. If I didn’t then it was all over come imbued with the principle that working and resurrect the food— with me. it is America’s duty to fight if or­ medicine. I had toothache yesterday, sent to the bottom by their devilish Even then, when they were almost dered to do so, and to accept without and I went home and my loving wife submarine«—they would have up to us, how the guns were mowing any question the orders of its gov­ kissed me and so consoled me that enough to keep them fit and flue for them down! It looked as if none ernment, upon whose request it en­ the pain soon passed away. Why the rest of their lives. could be left in a moment or two. tered the war, and upon whose de­ don’t you try the trick?’ Sufferer—"I think I will. Is your However, we have it from good au­ But those that didn't fall came on cision it is willing to abide. thority, Germuny is not in any dan­ like madmen and poured through the In other words, the general army wife home now?” ger of starving. lanes where the big guns had leveled viewpoint is that the American gov­ France has been “bled white” "The i our wires. ernment declares for an armistice His Repentance. number of British killed, exclusivo One—he was a six-footer if he was then an armistice is what the army of her colonies and dominions, has an inbh—ran straight for me with will approve of. If not, well and Old Mammy Mary Persimmons call­ been more than a million.* his bayonet—thrust upward. His good; the men will go on fighting. ed one day on a village lawyer. Let France and England set Ger­ bayonet went over my shoulder. He "Well, old lady”, he said "what can The decision of the situation has many’s penalty! Americans, let us staggered and fell over my gun. I mostly been quiet and earnest, but I do for you?” keep "hands off.” This slush by the had got him! I had got him! in the there ulso has prevailed the typical "Ah want’s to divorce my husband,’ “Council of Women of Germany” is stomach! American jocularity, with weird bets said Aunt Mary. appeal calculated to work on Ameri­ ’Twas lucky for me there was no made as to when and how the war "Divorce Uncle Bill?” cried the can sympathy. American women! time to think over it or to stand will end. Meanwhile the fighting lawyer. "Why?" Mothers, sisters and wives of Ameri­ there gaping at hint—the dead Hun goes on, men are landing at the bases "Bekase he's got no religion dat’s can soldiers! Let us protest against hanging over my gun with his and the great war machine moves why,” said Aunt Mary, "an’ we ain't our prominent women playing into masked head almost touching me— forward as if peace had uever been had a chicken on de table for six the hands of the Bly and foxy Ger­ for it was terrible. For a second or mentioned. weeks.” mans! two I turned dizzy and sick. But it was fight again or die. I jerked my Drafting Highways to do Their 3it. Never Saw Him Before. rifle back and stumbled over the Bombs What They Understand. ------ o------ dead man as he flopped to the ground “I shall have to ask you for a ticket Fifty per cent of all the food rais­ o------ "Make for their stomachs. Tommy ed in this country never reaches the for that boy, ma'am," insisted a Dr. Rosemeler, a distinguished Ger­ conductor, speaking to a quiet-look­ man Journalist—who escaped Ger­ Kehoe. Make for their stomachs!” I consumer! many—was asked why he did not told myself. "Size don’t count.”’ Nearly 60 per cent of this year's ing little woman. The woman de­ I write something to move the German crop of potatoes either spoiled or clined to pay. "You’U pay for that boy or I’ll stop people to a sense of justice and right. wasted! To Get ’Em Back. I These are the statements of one ot the train and put him oft," he per­ He replied: “Nonsense. Haven't I been writing Only three nionthB will be requir­ the most eminent food authorities la sisted. "All right, put him off,” she my fingers oft for thirty years. Whgt ed to bring the Americun troops home the country. Such conditions are said calmly. "You ought to know the those fellows need is not Ideas fur from France, according to the Shlp- caused by the distance of the pro- rules.” “How old is that boy?” ‘ their brains; they need bombs on ping board, after peace shall be de­ duclng from the consuming centers, don't know. 1 never saw him before. their skulls. Help can come from clared. It has been assumed it would the delays in transportation and the only one place, Bethlehem—Bethle­ ' require at least fifteen months. Ac- number of handlings required before A Defeated Candidate. hem, Pa. 1 cording to estimates worked out by the produce can be marketed. Is it "Are you related to the bride­ “They will cheat you yet, these the board, however, by transforming any wonder that food prices are high junkers. Having won half the world cargo boats into transport« the boys and that so many of us must practice groom-elect?” asked the busy usher. "No.” by bloody murder, they are going to can be brought home in the much real self-denial? try to win the other half with tears shorter period. The War and Navy "Then what interest have you In But we have the means to improve tn their eyeB, crying for mercy." department« are believed to have as­ these conditions and already market the ceremony?" "I’m the defeated candidate.” sented to the program. The trip« will changes in our transportation system have occurred. It was little more ,——o------- be much shorter than at present, "Der Tag." ------ o------ when the submarine peril requires than a year ago that the majority of Tit for Tat. trucks were operated with a paying You boasted the day, und you boast­ sailing in convoy. An elderly lady, telling her age re­ load in but one direction — systemat ­ ed the day. ic arrangements for stcut'tng a re­ marked that she was born on the 3rd And now the day has come. The Brigand Standi Alone. turn loud were unknown. LaBt wint­ of April. Her husband who was pres­ Blasphemer, braggart, and coward all ---- o-- er some states, through government ent, observed, "I always thought you Little you reck of the numbing ball. Germany now stands alone. Aban- The blasting hell, or the white arm's 1 dotted one after another by all her pressure, lnaugrated the first ar­ were born on the 1st of April." “People may well judge so,” re­ rangements for road plowing and fall. accomplices iu the crime of 1914, she As they speed poor humans home. confronts the wrath ot the civilized snow removal, so that assistance to sponded the lady, "In the choice I the railroads could be rendered at made for a husband.” You spied for the day, you lied for world Infinitely the greatest male- the time it was most necessary. I , factor of all, the instigator of the the day. With such rapid strides as these we I Discriminating. And worked for the day's red ' war In which her allies only did her can almost predict that, in a few ‘ bidding. Two political candidates were dis­ spleen. years, state interference with the Monster, who usked God's aid divine, | There Is no trace of heroism in the passage of trucks from one com­ cussing the coming local election. Then strew His seas with ghastly attitude she assumes in the hour of munity to another and a lack of uni­ “What did the audience say when i defeat. The magnanimity so often wine. you told them you had never paid a form laws which work a real hard­ . manifested toward a conquered foe is Not aii the waters of the Rhine ship on any company undertaking dollar for a vote?” enquired one. denied to her because she is unwor- Can wash thy foul hands clean. “ A few cheered, but the majority I thy of It. Pity for her distress, which an intercity hauling contract will be seemed to loose interest,” returned You dreamed for the day, you ( is beyond the power of calm endur­ relegated to the dead past with such the other. laws as those requiring a man on foot schemed for the day, ance. is withheld for a like reason. ■ o------ with a bell or red lantern to proceed Watch how the day will go. She has shown no pity herself, she Fanner's Reason. Slayer of age, and youth, and prime , deserves none. She 1s a criminal na- every self propelled road vehicle.— (Defenseless slain for never a crime) ' I l n whose offenses transcend all hu­ Harold W. Slauson, in Leslie's. I Ex-President Taft was talking to Thou are steeped in blood as a hog man experience, The only concern a farmer and asked him why it was in slime. i that farm products shoulch cost so About Croup. ' the world feels as to the degree of False friend and cowardly foe. much more than formerly. "They her punishment 1« that it shall com­ If your children are subject to don't of themselves." replied the You have sworn for the day, you pletely and forever put it out of her have grown for the day. power to bring about another ent- croup, or if you have reason to fear farmer. "It's because a farmer has their being attacked by that disease, got to know so much more." “Why” Yours la the harvest red. i broilment of the nations. you should procure a bottle of Cham­ said the ex-president, "does that af­ Can you hear the groans and the berlain's Cough Remedy and study fect the price?” awful cries? the directions for use. so that in case Ripened Judgment. "Weil' replied the farmer, “when Can you see the heap of slain that ------ o------ ot an attack you will know exactly a farmer 1« supposed to know the Ilea, "Then we're engaged?” i what course to persue. T^ls is a botanical name of «hat he's raising, And alghtleas, turned to the fame- Of course." favorite and very successful remedy an’ the botanical name of the in­ split skies. "And I am the first girl you ever for croup, and it is important that sect that eats it, an' the pharmaceu­ The glassy eyes of the dead? | loved?" you observe the directions carefully. tical name of the chemical that will You have wronged for the day, you 1 "No, dear, but I’m harder to suit For Sale by Lamar's Drug Store.—Pd kill the insect, somebody»' got to pay have longed for the day. ■ now than I used to be." Adv. him for getting the knowledge." o QR. O. L. HOHLFELD, SANITATION. GULLE IN GERMAN APPEAL ----- 0----- VETERINARIAN. That the germ is the cause of most deadly disease 1« more than mere Mutual Phone. Bell Phone—32J theory—It is a real fact. The work of tuberculosis sanitoriums, the ty­ Oregon. Tillamook phoid hospitals in the canal zone, the vaccine laboratories are all evi­ dence of the fact that the safety of AVID. ROBINSON, N.D., man does not depend or. good or bad luck, but upon the fight which each PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON individual makes upon the disease germs, the cause of most losses of NATIONAL BUILDING, life and dollars. In selecting a weap­ on to kill the germs of disease several TILLAMOOK OREGON. vital questions must be looked squar­ ely in the face or disinfectanting will T.fcBOAI.S, M.D., be little better than useless. First— Has the disinfectant the power to kill all kinds of disease germs? 2nd, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Can the disinfectant be used safely Surgeon S. P. Co. whenever disease germs are found? 3rd, Is it effective, when used any­ where and every where, and by any Oregon, body, and can it be used with safety? T illaniook Therefore a disinfectant that can be used with safety must not be a poison I.) OBERT H. McGRATH, or coatine acid, whereas poisonous COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, disinfectants endanger the life of •*" human beings or animals, this can be verified by turning to the files of ODDFELLOW’S’ BUILD! N?c our daily papers. When buying a dis­ TILLAMOOK, OREGON. infectant be sure what you buy as I ’ okti and O ffice your life may depend on that pur­ chase, look at the label, note the 1110 W ilcox B ld .. germ killing power and if it is poison or not. Disinfectants are measured upon the germ killing strength of I QARI. HABERLACH undiluted carbolic acid, which they term a phenol boeffioient. Look for ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. the phenol coefficient on the label. T illamook B lock B. K. was tested by the United States Hygiene Laboratory and found Oregon Tillamook to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus or ten times stronger than undiluted carbolic acid'as a germ killer. Much EBSTER HOLMES, stronger than coal tar disinfectants —much safer. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Safe—B-K. contains .no .poison, COM M ERCIA L B U IL DIN G, acid or oil. Clean__ B.--K. is colorless, leaves FIRST STREET. stain on floors or walls. Drodorant—B—K- destroys foul TILLAMOOK, OREGOsj odors leaves no odor of itself. Cheap to Use—B.-K. 1» 30 much stronger than other disinfectants £)R. L. L. HOY, that it does more disinfecting for the same money. Use it in Barber Shops, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEC N Barns, Bath Tubs, Bleaching, bread boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards, T illamook B lock , cuts and scratches, house and kitch­ en, laundry, nasal and throat sprays, Tillamook, Oregt n, nursing bottles, operating rooms, purifying air, sick rooms, etc. B.-K. is not a cure all but athor- T. BOI lb ough germ killer. Protect yourself now against any dangerous disease ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. germs that you may come in contact Complete Set of Abstract Bock« ■. r* with by using B.-K. B.-K is sold in Office. quart and gallon bottles. Our guar­ Taxes Paid for Non Resident«. antee. B—K stands absolutely on T illamook B lock , what it does for you. Use it according to directions then if you don’t find Tillamook .... Oregon it exactly as represented by us we Both Plione«. will refund your money—For sale by Kuppenbender, bith phones. C. HAWK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ornamental Eire Places Built of Brick and Stone, All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Place«. Oregon Bay City |2)« J. G. »TURNER, RALPH E. WARREN, TILLAMOOK. ORE. EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND — OREGON: Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. H T he ,. L atest ! GOY NE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt t Tillamook - jjbk . O. tgon. J OHN ¡LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook • ROOM NO. 261. H. T. Bott«, at-Law. Electricity s latest gift to the housewife—greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the Pres. Attorney John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Trea«., Attorney-at- Law and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Western Electric P ortable S ewing M achine Law No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache—a little electric motor does the hard work. Abstract«. Real Estate, Insurance. Both Phor.ee. TILLAMOOK—OREGON. A foot control gives any speed desired. DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Pleat The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. - Plenty of bright, safe clean electric light. No more hot, smoky lamps. Ask for a demonstra- tion. COAS1 POWER CO THE ELECTRIC STORE. 1 ♦ _ ACKLEY & MILLER Tillamook Garage. Tillamook Oregon.