TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 21, 1918. 1.25 if Tillamook City, Oregon, by ordi­ Cost of Advertising............. nance number 352, adopted October Lot 8, Block 3, Owned by a th, 1917; Dwight and Curtis. Ass ­ In pursuance of Warrant issued by The respective lots or parts there­ »122.09 essment ................................ the Recorder of Tillamook City, of, together with the respective 22.98 Interest, ................................. fl Oregon, the undersigned marshal of 1.25 amounts of the delinquent assess­ said Tillamook City, will on the Cost of Advertising............. ments against each thereof, interest 21st. day of December, 1918, sell at Lot 5, Block 4, Owned by thereon and costs to date of sale, due Dwight and Curtis Ass- »122.09 upon each lot or tract, or part there­ fl the hour of ten o’clock A. M. at the 22.98 of, together with the name of the fl front door of the City Hall of Tilla- : Interest, ................................. 1.00 owner or reputed owner of each tract mook City, Oregon, that being the Cost of Advertising............. fl building Lot 8, Block 4, Owned by respectively, as the same appears up­ in which the Common Council j fl Dwight and Curtis Ass ­ on the docket of city liens of Tilla­ fl of Tillamook City holds its sessions,1 essment, .............................. »122.09 mook City, Oregon, are as set out in fl sell at public auction to the highest 22.98 the following: fl bidder for cash in hand, the real pro­ Interest,................................. Tract beginning 330 ft. S. and 100 1.25 Cost of Advertising, fl perty hereinafter described.. ft. W. from the S. E. corner of Block fl Said property is to be sold for delin-1 Lot 1, Block 5, Owned by 8, Original Town of Lincoln; thence fl quent assessments made for street Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ lu5 ft. S.; thence W. 5 ft.; thence N. fl essment, .............................. »175.79 105 ft.; thence E. 5 ft. to the point fl improvements by the Common Council Interest,................................. 33.07 of beginning. fl of Tillamook City, Oregon, pursuant Cost of Advertising.............. 1.25 Owned by M. A. Baker. fl to an order of the Common Council Lot 2, Block 5, Owned by Assessment............. »35.47 fl made on November 8th, 1918. Dwight and Curtis Ass­ interest .................... 2.38 The respective lots or parts thereof, »53.70 Costs of advertising essment ............................. 3.72 together with the respective amounts 10.11 Lot 5, Block 11, Stillwell Addition of the delinquent assessments against Interest..................................... 1.25 to Tillamook City. Oregon Owned by each thereof, interest and costs to Cost of Advertising........... .. F. C. Feldschau, Lot 3, Block 5, Owned by date of sale, due upon each lot or , Assessment.................................. »37.25 Dwight and Curtis. Ass ­ tract or part thereof, together with I Interest ................................... 2.85 »53.70 essment, .............................. the name of the owner or reputed , Costs of advertising............. 2.24 10.11 Interest, .................................. owner of each tract respectively, as Lot 6, Block 11, Stillwell Addition 1.25 the same appears upon the docket of j Cost of Advertising............. to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by city liens of Tillamook City, Oregon, | Lot 4, Block 5, Owned by F. C. Feldschau. ' Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ Assessment............................... »37.24 are as set out in the following. essment, .............................. »175.78 Interest ................................... 2.85 All in Maple Grove Addition to 33.07 Costs of advertising.............. Interest................................... .. 2:24 Tillamook City, Oregon: 1.25 Cost of Advertising........... '. Lot 7, Block 6, Stillwell Addition Lot 1, Block 1, Owned by Lot 5, Block 5, Owned by to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ A. Barnett. Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ essment.................................. »175.79 Assessment................................. »49.84 »175.78 essment, .............................. 33.07 Interest, .................................. 3.36 33.07 Interest .............. .*................... 1.25 Interest,................................. Cost of Advertising, .......... Costs of advertising............. 2.24 1.25 Cost of Advertising ........... .. Lot 2, Block 1, Owned by Lot 4, Block 6, Stillwell Addition Lot 6, Block 5, Owned bd Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ »63.70 essment................................. J. W. Thompkins. fl »53.70 essment ................................ Ln 10.11 Assessment................................. »37.24 Interest .................................. 1 10.11 Interest ................................... 1.25 Interest,.................................. 2.85 Cost of Advertising.............. « Lq 1.25 Costs of advertising............. Cost of Advertising, ............ 2.24 Lot 3, Block 1, Owned by I Lot 7, Block 5, Owned by Lot 3, Block 6, Stillwell Addition Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ to Tillamook City, Oregon. Owned by »53.70 essment .......................... »53.70 J. W. Thompkins. essment, .......................... 10.11 { Interest .... ....................... ... . 10.11 Assessment .......................... »37.24 Interest, .................................. 1.25 Cost of Advertising.............. > 2.85 1.25 Interest ................................... Cost of Advertising, .......... Lot 4, Block 1 Owned by nJ Costs of advertising-............. 2.24 Lot 8, Block 5, Owned by a Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ Tract beginning at a point 165 Dwight and Curtis. Ass­ § essment .............................. 1175.79 »175.80 ft. West from the S. W. corner of essment, ............................. 33.07 fl Interest .................................. 35.07 Block 9, Stillwell’s Addition, thence 1.25 Interest, .................................. Cost of Advertising, .......... N. 105 ft.; thence W. 105 ft.; thence 1.25 Cost of Advertising, .......... fl Lot 6, Block 1, Owned by S. 105 ft.; thence E. 105 ft. to point nJ Lot 1 Block 6, Owned by Ln of beginning. Owned by M. H. Reese. Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ fl »175.79 W. G. Dwight, Assessment, Assessment............................... »74.48 essment .............................. $ 53.70 33.07 Interest ................................... 5.01 10.11 Interest, .................................. Interest .................................. 1.00 Costs of advertising............. 3.72 1.25 Cost of Advertising, .......... Cost of Advertising,.......... Lot 2 Block 6, Owned by And the respective lots and tracts fl Lot 7, Block 1, Owned by W. G. Dwight, Assessment, $53.70 of land or parts thereof, described nJ Dwight and Curtis, Ass ­ Ln 10.11 herein, will be offered for sale to fl essment, .............................. I 53.70 Interest, .............................. 1.00 satisfy the assessments, interest and fl Cost of Advertising ............. 10.11 Interest .................................. costs due upon each tract, lot or par­ Lot 3, Block 6, Owned by 1.25 nJ Cost of Advertising............. »53.70 cel of land or part thereof, respec­ Ln W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 8, Block 1, Owned by ß Lot 10.11 tively, and each lot, tract or parcel Interest,........ '........................ nJ Dwight and Curtis, Ass­ m 1.00 of land or part thereof, will be sold Cost of Advertising............. separately. essment .............................. $175.79 Ln Ldt 4, Block 6, Owned by nJ I 33.07 Dated this 20th day of ovember, fl 1 Interest .............. ,.................. W. G. Dwight, Assessment, »175.78 1918. 1.25 Cost of Advertising, .......... 33.07 Interest...................................... D. A. Morrison, nJ j Lot 1, Block 2, Owned by W. 1.00 Cost of Advertising ............. City Marshal. G. Dwight, Assessment, 5 53.26 10.10 Lot 5, Block 6, Owned by Interest...................................... W. G. Dwight, Assessment, »175.78 Report of The Condition of 1.00 Costs of Advertising............. 33.07 THE FIRST BANK OF BAY CITY Interest, .................................. Lot 2, Block 2, Owned by W. 1.00 at Bay City, in the state of Oregon« M G. Dwight, Assessment, »175.28 Cost of Advertising............. Lot 6, Block 6, Owned by at the close of business November 1st 32.98 Interest ............ ..................... 53.70 1918. W. G. Dwight, Assessment fl Costs of Advertising,.......... 1.00 • I Bi Interest..................................... 10.11 --------O-------- Lot 4, Block 2, Owned by E. 1.00 « | J. Gienger, Assessment, »53.20 Cost of Advertising.............. Resources. Lot 7, Block 5, Owned by Loans and discounts . . . »41,869.70 10.10 ' Interest .................................. W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 50.70 Overdrafts, secured and un- 1.00 . Costs of Advertising,.......... Interest,.................................. 10.11 secured .......................... 1,160.20 i Lot 5, Block 2, Owned by Em- 1.00 Bonds and warrants . . . . 14,417.67 26.63 Cost of Advertising............. * ma Leach, Assessment, Banking house and lots . . 2,500.00 Lot 8, Block 6, Owned by 5.05 Interest ................................. 2,091.75 W. G. Dwight, Assessment, »175.79 Furniture and fixtures .. Costs of Advertising............. 1.00 Other real estate owned . 13,910.08 Interest ....................... 33.07 Lot 6, Block 2, Owned by S. > s 1.00 Due from banks (not reserve 1 A. Moulton Assessment, »25.57 Cost of Advertising.............. banks) .......................... 3,345.07 Interest ................................. 4.79 Lot 1, Block 7, Owned by Due from approved reserve W. G. Dwight, Assessment, »175.80 • Costs of Advertising,.......... 1.00 banks ............................ 11,010.24 Interest .................................. 33.07 Checks i Lot 7, Block 2, Owned by S. and other cash 1.00 items ............................ 86».»» 1 S. Moulton, Assessment, »25.57 Cost of Advertising, .-........ Cash on hand .................. 4r694 63 jInterests ................................. 4.79 Lot 3, Block 7, Owned by W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 53.69 Expenses .......................... 1,926 43 ( Costs of Advertising,.......... 1.00 Interest..................................... 10.11 Other resources................ . 776.57 ' Lot 8, Block 2, Owned by Cost of Advertising.............. 1.00 j Dwight and Curtis Ass- Total ........................ »97,961.97 I essment .............................. »25.58 Lot 5, Block 7, Owned by W. G. Dwight, Assessment, »175.78 Interest..................................... 4.79 Interest..................................... 33.07 Liabilities. Cost of Advertising............. 1.25 Capitol stock paid in .. . »25,000.00 Cost of Advertising .............. 1.00 Lot 9, Block 2, Owned by Surplus fund.................... 600 00 Lot 6, Block 7, Owned by Dwight and Curtis. Ass- Individual deposits subject W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 53.70 essment,................................ | 25.58 to check........................ 62,780.91 Interest,.................................. 10.11 Time and saving deposits 4.79 4,371 06 fl Interest, ................................. Cost of Advertising ............. 1.00 Bills payable for money bor- Cost of Advertising............. 1.25 Lot 7, Block 7, Owned by rowed ............................ C,000.00 Lot 10, Block 2, Owned by W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 53.70 Other liabilities............. 210.00 Dwight and Curtis, Ass- 10.11 essment .............................. »25.58 Interest, .................................. Cost of Advertising............. Total 1.00 »97,961.9/ Interest ................................. 1.79 Lot 8, Block 7, Owned by -------o------- Cost of Advertising, .......... 1.25 W. G. Dwight, Assessment, 175.78 State of Oregon, County of Lot 11, Block 2, Owned by Interest...................................... 33.07 Tillamook, bh . Dwight and Curtis Ass- I, John O. Bozorth, cashier of the Cost of Advertising, .......... 1.00 essment,............................. »25.58 above-named ban*. do solemnly And the respective lots and tracts of ' Interest..................................... 4.79 swear that the above statement I h Cost of Advertising............. 1.25 land or parts thereof, described here­ true to the best of my knowledge in, will be offered for sale to satisfy Lot 12, Block 2, Owned by and belief. the assessments, interest and costs .. John O. Bozorth, cashier. Dwight and Curtis. Ass- Subscribed and sworn to before me essment,............................. »25.58 due upon each tract, lot or parcel of Interest ................................. 4.79 land or part thereof, respectively, and the 19th day of November, 1918. each lot, ^ract, or parcel of land or .. T. E. Ashley, Notary Public.. 1 Cost of Advertising............. 1.25 part thereof will be sold separately. My commission expires Aug. 18th, Lot 13, Block 2, Owned by Dated this 16th day of November, 1920. Dwight and Curtis. Ass- Correct attest: R. J. Hendricks, essment,............................. »25.58 Scott Bozorth, Directors. D. A. Morrison. Interest, ................................. 4.79 Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. Cost of Advertising, .......... 1.25 Sleep and Rest. Lot 14, Block 2, Owned by ------ o------ Notice of Sale. Dwight anr Curtis, Ass- One of the most common causes ef essment.............................. »25.57 In pursuance of warrant Issued by Insomania and restlessneHS Is Indiges­ Interest............................ 4.79 t le Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore- tion. Take one of Chamberlain’s Tab­ Cost of Advertising, .......... 1.25 , K on, the undersigned marshal of said lets Immediately after supper and see Lot 2, Block 3, Owned by Al- 7 illamook City, will on the 21st day If you do not rest better and sleep bert Schlappi Assessment »53.70 i o r December, 1918, sell at the hour better. They only cost a quarter. For 4.79 |° f ten o’clock A. M. at the front door Sale by Lamar's Drug Store.—Pd Ad. Interest........................... Costs of Advertising............. 1.00 0 f the City Hall of Tillamook City, c regon, that being the building in Lot 3, Block 3, Owned by Kas- Call for School Warrants. - - o------ per Schlappi, Assessment »53.70 * hlch the common council of Tllla- ook City holds its sessions, sell at Warrants of School District No. 9 Interest................................. 4.79 ' ubllc auction to the highest bidder Costs of Advertising............. 1.00 r >r cash In hand, the real property endorsed on or before Sept 12, 1918, and Nos. 813 to 818 inclusive en­ Lot 5, Block 3, Owned by i h ereinafter described: dorsed Sept. 13, 1918 are hereby call­ Dwight and Curtis, Ass- Said property is to be sold for de- essment................................. »122.09 :1 nquent assessment made for street ed for payment. Interest ceases this 29th day of October, 1918. Interest................................... 22.98 1 nprovements by the common council Erwin Harrison, Clerk. ZSHS2S25ï5ZSa5Z5ESa52SH525a5Z5a52SZSH5H52SH5a52SZ5aSÎ5ÎSHSZSZSa5HSH5Z5a5Z5ï5Z5ZSH5a52S2S2SZSZS252525Z5ZS2SE5 foot rest hosiery . For Children, Women, Men. For . For Price, be Euaqlled. BUCILLA CROCHET COTTON. Absolutely Fast Color. Get It Here Only. GO TO SMITHY’S VARIETY STORE Store will be closed alj day Thanksgiving. Special Prices that will make a Busy Buying Week. Get Your Share of these Specials. SALE STARTS FRIDAY MORNING at 8 A.M. and continues until Saturday Evening, November 30th, unless goods are sold out before that time. 4 -LANTERN SPECIAL—4 Everyone has use for one or more good Lantern. Now is^your chance to get them. Two extra globes with each Lantern. Fishermen get this. SPECIAL. No. 2 Cold Blast Lantern, Short Globe Extra Large Fount, with Two Extra Globes, Each............................................................. No. 2 Cold Blast Lantern, Long Globe, with Two Extra Globes . No. 2 Cold Blast Lantern, Short Globe, with Two extra Globes . Tubular Lanterns, with Two Extra Globes................................... Glass Lamps complete with burner, chimney and wick. Priced at 95c, 85c.---69c.— ................. Two Extra Chimneys with each Lamp Free. LAMP CHIMNEYS. No. 1 Crimp Top Lamp Chimneys, each......... 13c. No. 2 Crimp Top Lamp Chimneys, each......... 15c. No. 2 Crimp Top, Large Etched Chimney .... 25c. $1.71 $1.45 $1.45 $1.00 49c. LAMP GLOBES. No. 0 Tubular Lantern Globe, each.................... 15c. No. 2 Cold Blast Lantern Globe. . 19c. Two for 35c No. 2 Cold Blast Short Globe .. 19c. Two for 35c fl Thanksgiving Needs—Buy Them Here. fl fl fl fl fl fl nJ in fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl c § fl nJ un fl fl fl g Self Basting. Glazed Roaster, family size Il%xl7%x8. Each........... $2.85 Egg whips . . .. Egg beaters ... Flour Sifter .. Pie Pans......... Cake Pans . Bake Pans .... Potato Mashers Mincing knives Strainers ......... Toasters ..... ...................... 25c.—10c.—5c. ....................35c.—20c.—15c. ............................... 29c.—19c. 15c.—13c.—12c— 11c.—10c. ............. 15c.—14c.—9c.—4.c ............................ 13c. to 28c. ...................... 15c.—10c.—5c. .............................. 15c.—10c. • • • •............. 15c.—10c.—5c. .............................. 30c.—15c. Potato Ricers.................................................... 35c. Can openers........................................15c.—10c.—5c. 6-Cup Coffee Percolators Aluminum............. $2.00 6-Cup Coffee Percolators Aluminum............. $2.15 Water Glasses........................ 19c.—15c.—10c.—8c. Cup and Saucers....................................... 35c.—29c. Table Mats, Set of Six............................................ 25c. Salt and Pepper Shakes, Aluminum.................... 10c. Vegetable graters........................................ 10c.—5.c Pancake Turners ............................. 15c.—10c.—5c. ... Dinnerware, White, Gold Band and Decorated, Made in U. S. A., Buy them by the piece or seta. 42 Piece Sets—Beautiful decoration in neat patent, Per set............. $10.95 SPECIAL—Toilet Paper. A splendid value in Crepe Tissue Toilet Paper ... Per Roll........................................................................................................... 5c. Limit—10 Rolls to Customer. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early. Our Government asks that of us—can we afford to do otherwise, START NOW—Although Christmas goods an far more scarce than ever before and transportation has been a problem, early buying from two of the largest Toy distributors in our country has made it possible to offer a better and more complete line of toys than «veT before. It would be difficult to mention a toy of any kind that is made that we are unable to show you. Not toys alone but we have in stock many useful articles for every one. Almost every freight brings us Christmas goods and they are immediately put on display. By next week we will have them all on display. MAIL ORDERS—Send us your mail orders. Describe article wanted and price you want to pay. We will pay postage on all toys. SIZES 14 TO 48. PLUSH and all wool fTÌ A TÄ Velin and Bilevia. VV/2A- J_ MODERN DESIGNS Manish Serge, Broadcloth and all Wool Poplin ÖTTTT« OGJln WONDERFUL STYLES. Wool Jersey, Wool Serge, Satin and Silk T II JA Dependable Merchandise at considerable lower prices then elsewhere AT----- CROSS THE ST. FROM CLOUGH’S DRUG STORE. GOLDEN’S--- The Store that gives you more goods for less Money, TILLAMOOK, ORE. § fl fl I fl fl Notice of Sole