Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 21, 1918, Image 4

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THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. a reign of terror was started by , when the cost of labor was exceed-
blowing up munition factories, etc., , ingly high, as well as material. With PROVED TRUTH OF OLD ADAGE AMAZON LEGEND IS GREEK
F. C. BAKER. Publisher.
Subscription............................ $t-5O yr. but the strong arm ot the govern- . that kind ot showing in this county That “a Little Learning le a Danger*
8tories of Wonderful Feats of War*
ment and public indignation soon i ana with $5O,UOV to go into hard
put a stop to that. So the question i
will soon be raised as to whether it ;
I will be wise to allow Germans to i
come to this country in large num­ .
bers and again sow the seeds of an­
archy and discord in the United ,
states. Our opinion is that they
should be compelled to stay in Ger­
many and maue to help pay for the
mood-thirsty, destructive war. it
would be wrong to allow them to
come to the United States and shirk
their share ot paying tor the damage
they have done in Belgium and
•ua Thing** Seeme Shown by
Thle Anecdote.
like Women Had Their Origin
In That Country.
Herring's Safes, Considered Marvel­
ous Years Ago, Would Be Laughed
at In Thio Generation.
surfaced roads next year, it would
add greatly to building the hard
surfaced road through the county.
If a modern burglartor “safe crack­
A certain lawyer of a bygone gener­
When Russian women, following the er” could see some of the safes M-
Everybody who are interested in
' Demobolization should
start at
good roads in thi3 county see the im-
vented by Silas Herring he would
once at Washington, D. C., for thou­
portance ot more hardsurfaced roads, before a justice of the peace out in took up arms in behalf of their coun­ probably have a good laugh. For a
try. it seemed that the ancient Greek
sands ot dollars could be saved doing
tv no are heartily in favor ot obtain­
“modern" safeblower must be a bit
away witn toe liunuied and one
ing tnern as soon as possible. In fact, He was for the defendant, while a myth of the Amazons was close to of a scientist with a large knowledge
bureaus and the big army of men
tUss people are going to demand them,
of explosives: an old-fashioned safe
holding uown son, political jobs.
lor it is waste ot money to keep on I picke up a few Latin words, appeared zons was a favorite among the would be easy for him to get into; but,
uumping money into macadam roads
The fat - were all In the schoolmas­ the wonderful feats of these warlike in those days the Herring safes were
The garbage man will do a rare
where auto and auto truck travel is
considered marvels and absolutely
’s favor, and in summing up he women.
business these days packing away
heavy. We have been wasting the
theft and fireproof.
stores of substitutes, And why not
roau money in this way too long
Herring was born In Shrewsbury,
gather up some ot the food commis­
already, and it is just as well to quit
and began his career ns a grocery
lived on the shores of the Black sea.
sioners as well tor they are no longer
it as soon as possible, tor longer hard
clerk. Tiring of this after some six
There is a "good deal of speculation surtacing is delayed more it will cost
Mass had really no defense, but his husbands had all been killed in war. years, he went into the lottery busi­
whai terms the allies will impose up­ tor the up-keep ot the main thorough
ness, saved $10,000 and started a
We are anxious to know what the on Germany, Austria, Turkey and tare through the county. Therefore, ready wit and keen sense of the ridicu­ The widows decided that marriage
grocery concern in New
government is going to do
Bulgaria. It the terms of the armis­ it it is a wise thing to do, the coun­ he came to reply he said to the Justice, was a condition of servitude, and de­ York city. A fire and a panic ruined
termined to have no more of it. So
i>ro-Germans who have been placed tice with Germany are any criterion ty should operate its own plant if it
his business, so he obtained the agency
in detention camps. If a vote ot the to judge by, me severity of the peace can lay hard surfaced pavement at "I have a great regard for tha'. old they trained themselves in the use of
for the Salamander safes—so named,
people could be taken they would terms will stagger Germany. She will the small cost Clackamas County is law of snmmum bonnm, on which the arms and became the terror of their
probably, because they were able to
decide to send them back to Germany. have to pay, and pay a tremendous doing. This, however should not gentleman wholly relies, for Its an­ masculine neighbors, according to an
come through fire unhurt. He got the
That is where they belong.
sum, tor the loss of life and destruc­ stand in the way ot paving compan- | and served well its day and generation.
right to manufacture them later, and
All good But the people finally outgrew It and
tion she imposed upon a large pro­
kept on Improving and improving them
It seems to be the fashion in Ger­ portion of the world, for Germany is
.a boosters should help boost for became dissatisfied with It; and It was
each year. He once put $1,000 in the
many tor all the high muck-a-muckB not deserving of any pity. She is just considerable more hard surfaced one of the laws England tried to force was conquered by Hercules; Penthe- drawer of one, sent It to the world's
to be abdicating and fleeing to Hol­ as arrogant today as sne was when roads every year, and this raises the upon the colonies.
aiding the Trojans; Theltstris, who fair and offered the money to any one
land or some neutral country. What the war started, unrepentent and question again whether it would be
“But.” said Mass, raising his voice visited Alexander the Great, accom- who could get Into the safe and get
is most surprising is the number. no doubt, gloating over the wreck wise or unwise to bond the county.
and arm on high, “our forefather» panfed by three hundred of her war- ft No one got it.
Since the armistice was signed the and destruction ot life. To deal lein- , I
But nowadays big banks and trust
fought and spilt their blood in the rlors.
news reports give numerous abdica­ iently with Germany means another
A movement was started in the Revolution to overthrow that law, and
companies would laugh at these old
tions every day.
square safes.
The "burglar proof”
■ bloody war In a few years. As to Aus­ United States to designate the 7th of they did overthrow It, and then they
cause early Spanish explorers who
------ o------
tria, she, too, will have to pay a big December as "Britian's Day,” and, no reared In its stead the law of e plu­ were floating down that great stream safe today Is round like a ball, and has
Don't be a pessimist, Industrial indemnity, with loss of territory. As doubt, some date will be suggested ribus nnntn, which must govern this
believed they saw a race of women a door that screws in. leaving no
conditions will soon right t iieuxaei *eS the United States is not at war later to celebrate "United States case."
warriors on the land bordering the cracks for explosives. Even if any
and it will not be long before the wlth Turkey and Bulgaria, England Day.” Quite a number of persons are
were poured Into the hinges, the ex­
Thereupon the justice said, “I have river.
wheels of industry will be buzzing and France will have to settle with not properly informed as to the im­ a great deal of respect myself for that
plosion would only drive the door more
again, giving plenty of employment them. The Turkish empire will no portant part England took in the old English law, summum bonum. It
firmly into the casing of the safe.
to wage earners. It will take a little longer control the Dardanells, nor war and the sacrifices she made in was good enough for that time, and CAN LEARN TO UKE TASKS
Herring died In J881.
time to change from war work ac­ nor will the Turks be allowed to life and money. Previous to the Unit­ good enough for the English, but I
tivities, but not as long as some per­ massacre the Armenians, for Turkey ed States entering the war, John Bull agree with Mr. Jones that our fore­
Quallty Once Acquired, Many Men MANY VARIETIES OF SUGAR
sons imagine.
I will have to pay a terrible price for was packing the heaviest load, fi­ fathers tumbled that law over In the
Will Find Their Life Take on
'joining hands with Germany.
nancing her allies and providing Revolution, and this case will be de­
a Brighter Hue.
Those Which Are Contained In Dried
I them with food, money and muni­ cided In favor of the defendant under '
President Wilson has decided to go i
---------- ■-<>——■ ■
Fruits Are Recommended as of
to France and attend the peace con­
tions of war.. When the United the law of e plnribus unum, which
It is a remarkable fact that most
Very High Food Value.
ference. It would nave been the right I It is beginning to come to light (States entered the war, England was was put in Its place.”
men are engaged In occupations that
thing for the President to have at­ that me British Meet played a more relieved of much of that burden, the
When yon say sugar, you mean that
tended the armistice conference, but important part in the winning of the great resources of this country com­ KING ARTHUR’S ROUND TABLE they dislike. We know many a doc-
tor who would far rather be an author, white crystalline material which
as Germany was exceedingly anxious war than most persons in the United ing to her assistance at a critical
to come to terms as the German army States realized. Had Germany been stage of the war. England readily ap­ Legend of Sir Galahad and the “Holy and, by the same token, we know some comes originally from the sugar cane
authors whom we would like to be doc­ or the sugar beet. And that substance
was on the point of sustaining a able to became master ot the seas, preciated this, and it put new life
Graal” as Recorded by
tors or something else.
There are Is a pure sugar. But It is not (he only
crumbling defeat the president could there is not much doubt but what and vim into the Britisher. Like the
statesmen who always wanted to be sugar, by any means.
the war and United States, England had but a
I she would have
not get there in time.
ruled the world, The British fleet small, insignificant army when the
blucksmlths, and blacksmiths who
If you were a chemist you would
------ o------
Sir Galahad of {Tennyson's “The
The crowned heads of Europe have stood in the way and bottled Ger- l war broke out. It commenced pour­ Holy Graal,” was the noblest and pur­ wanted to be statesmen. In many in­ call that sugar “sucrose,” and you
taken a terrible fall this year. They many up. Edgar Piper, of the Ore- ing men into France, which stood a est knight of the Round Table. The stances they could trade and the coun­ would remark quite casually that, of
course, there are other sugars.
plunged the world into war and can gonian, who is in i Europe as a guest large number of the hard knocks of title was Invented by Wnlter Map in try would be the gainer.
Some of these other sugars are “glu­
But that's neither here nor there.
see now what fools they made of of the English government, with the war, and to-day has an army of the "Quest of the Graal.” Morley, in
themselves. Even though some ot other Aniei lean < editors, is writing 8,000,000 men. The Kaiser ridiculed his “English Writers,” »ays Sir Gaia- The thing to he considered Is that we cose,” or “dextrose," or "grape sugar;”
them have fled to Holland, the assas­ some interesting letters to the Ore- England's little contemptible army, liad was the son of Map’s L’Ancelot can make life a whole lot easier by “fructose;” or “levulose," or “fruit
sin it ill get them before long. They gonian on this subject after visiting but was worried at the same time, und Elaine. The son and namesake learning to like tasks that we now do sugar;" “lactose,” or “milk sugaf;”
are fully aware of this and they are the British fleet. Mr. Piper was evi­ for he knew of the pugnatious, bull I of Joseph of Arlmathea, Bishop Jo­ not like. It can be done, strange ns and “maltose,” or "malt sugar.”
Honey, corn sugar, maple sugar and
enjoying a little hell on earth, 1 dently amazed with what he saw, for dog characteristic of John Bull When I seph, to whom the holy dish was be­ it may seem. Many a man has learn­
lit is taken into consideration that I queathed, first instituted the Order of ed to like to play croquet or to eat maple sirup, corn sirup and many oth­
never knowing when the assassin’s ; this is how he describes it;
bomb will hurry them into eternity. I "A h a picture it was perfect. As a England lost more than 50 per-1 the Round Table. The Initiated at greens. There are Instances of men er sirups contain one or more of these
( spectacle it was glorious. As a lesson cent of her young men in the early I their festivals sat as apostle knights who actually fell In love with their “other sugars.” In this sense, all the
------ o
sugar substitutes are not really sub­
lit was an incomparable exhlbititon part of the war, and in October had I
The majority of boys in the Army of national power? It was the culml- a casualty list of 158,000, this will I round the table, with the Holy Graal
It will not do to merely assume a stitutes at all, but are sugars just aa
In the midst, leaving one seat vacant
•und Navy will be just as anxious to ' nation of a thousand years of Great give some idea of the tremendous I as that which the Lord had occupied grln-nml-bear-lt attitude toward the cane sugar is sugar. All fruits 'con­
gel back to civil life as they were to Brittans mastery of the seas. No losses England suffered the past four I and which was reserved for a descen­ unpleasant task. Eat It up. Go at it tain sugar of one kind or another.
«•tlliri In
.1—— America
A—_ 1_ wlio " has wonder-
Since doubting
in 9K
the a sminirv'u
country’s nnllan
cause, Minx'*»
years and a quarter. What saved the I dant of Joseph, named Galahad. What­ as though there were not half as much Dried fruits—prunes, figs, apricots,
they have helped cun the Kaiser and ed whut Englund had done in,the day for the allies was the British I ever man else attempted to sit in the fun in doing anything else in the world. dates—contain a great deal of sugar.
Germuny haH surrendered they know I war could fail to find his answer fleet, which bottled Germany up, I place of Galnhad the earth swallowed. You will then certainly discover that They can be used by themselves as
sources of fuel for home fighters.
there is no more fighting to be done, here. It was complete, all-convincing,
and from the looks ot things now I It was called therefore the Siege you were not nearly so badly oft as
All these sugars have a very high
hence It is only natural that the tremendous. This fleet saved Great
When men became
almost starved Germany into sur- I (seat) Perilous.
food value. That is the second fact
boys should want to get back to Britian front early defeat. It saved render. But this was not without I sinful, the Holy Graal, visible only to Times.
to keep In mind.
They are energy
their homes und loved ones und again , the allies cause. It made possible serious loss, for after defeating the I pure eyes, disappeared. On Its recov­
foods and of particular value In that
devote their time to peaceful employ­ America's ettective entry into the German fleets that were at sea, Eng- I ery depended the honor and peace of
King Named Pennsylvania.
they act very rapidly in producing
j war. It 1 b the foundation and back- land suffered severely from the sub- I England, but only Sir Galahad, who
It was Charles II who gave the energy for the body to use.
I bone of the entire opposition to Ger­ marine menace, as well as other I was at the appointed time brought to
It must be exceedingly enibarras- many's plan to conquer the world.” ( countries. It was a most serious sit-1 the knights by a mysterious old man name Pennsylvania to the American
colony. The founder would have
Ing to the government of the United
uation, yet England did not flinch I clothed in white, and placed in the named It New Wales on account of
Beneficence Without Ambition.
Blates to receive messages from Ger­
At present we behold only the rising
Some are claiming that the United but grapple^ successfully with the I
Its rugged and beautiful scenery. A
many, asking President Wilson to Stales won the war. They overlook difficult problem, building thou- Galahad succeeded in the quest.
good story Is told of how Charles once of our sun of empire—only the fair be­
intercede in that country's behalf. the fact that for four years the ar­ sands of submarine destroyers and
turned the tables on his Quaker sub­ ginnings of a great nation. We do-
They can't fool the United States by mies on the Western front were dead­ doubling the tonnoge of her great
Gulls as Human Food.
ject when they met In the park. “Why parted early—we departed at the be­
playing the baby act, for that is locked, notwithstanding Germany's fleet. It was the British fleet with
“The flesh of gulls,” says one of the dost thou remove thy hat friend ginning—from the beaten track of am­
what they are doing with the hope persisteut efforts to break through the assistance of the United States best-known cyclopedias, “is rank aBd Charles?" asked William Penn. "Be­ bition. Our lot was cast In the age
of obtaining better peace conditions. | the French, English and Belgium fleet, that made it possible to ship coarse.” So It is. You have only to cause wherever I am It Is customary of revolution—a revolution which Is to
It is only reasonable to suppose that lines. Neither could the allies break over 2,000,000 of our boys to France shoot a gull and cook it to find this is for only one person to remain uncov­ bring all mankind from a state of serv­
some of the women that are now ap­ though, but during the four years with but little loss. A large number the case, ond that aw a dinner dish It ered.” Penn was much at home with itude to the exercise of self-govern­
pealing to the United States tor food the latter stood the brunt of the of persons were greatly alarmed at Is a complete falltr».
kings. James II used to go to Quaker ment—from under the tyranny of phy­
were amongst those who celebrated fighting and kept nibbling away at first and predicted that the sub­
Yet in Iceland gull flesh is one of meetings to hear him preach. He sical force to the gentle sway of opin­
the sinking of the LuBltania.
j the German army. Every battle Ger- marines would torpedo vessels with the principal winter foods of the peo­ knew Anne as a little girl and that ion, from under subjection to domin­
ion over nature.
I many engaged in made her that United States troops. We can thank ple. T?“re, In early summer, when the queen counted him as an old friend,
It was ours to lead the way—to take
During the piocess of changing much weaker in man power, and the British navy, to a large extent, cliffs swarm with nesting gulls, parties but William III was not so cordially
up the cross of republicanism and
from war work to other industrial when General Foch made the great that our boys reached England and are organized and men are let down disposed. When Peter the Great was bear It before the nations, to fight its
over the lofty precipices by ropes. occupying Evelyn’s residence at Dept­
work there will be some loss of time drive in the summer he knew that France in safety, all of which goes to
catch young gulls, which are as ford he went to Quaker meetings and earliest triumphs to Illustrate its puri­
for workmen. This la unavoidable, i the antes during the four years had
fying and elevating virtues, and by
fat as butter, and send them up to the
but it is not going to take long, to i nibbled away at Germany's man upon one another and which brought top In sacks. The moment they reach knew Penn. Indeed, that destructive our courage and resolution, our mod­
adjust it, although it is no eusy job 1 power and she did not have sufficient about the defeat of Germany and a the top the birds are skinned. A great tenant and absolute monarch and mili­ eration and magnanimity, to cheer and
tarist said that whoever could live as
to chunge the occupations ot men men to withstand the repeated drives barbarous and blood-thirsty nation.
sustain its future followers through
caldron of boiling water is ready and a Quaker would be happy.
from one job to another. We disagree 1 that were made, and had not Ger-
the baptism of blood and martyrdom
Into this the bodies are dipped and
with those who hold pessimistic J many asked for peace when she did
of fire. A mission so noble and benev­
held for a few seconds. Tills com­
Call for School Warrants.
Britain and British.
views, who are .unduly alarmed ! the^Uerman army would have crum- I
olent demands a generous and self­
pletely does away with the fishy taste,
where men are employed in war [ bied up as completely as the Austrian
It was not until their occupation by denying enthusiasm. Our greatness
All outstanding school warrants and the birds are then taken home and
work and the soldiers returning army did on the Italian front. That are hereby called for payment issued hung io smoke until they are thorough­ the Romans that the word Britannia Is to be won by beneficence without
from France are going to obtain em­ was why the Germans were so ex­ by school district No. 9. Interest ly dried.
came Into use as a name for the Brit­ ambition.—William Henry Seward.
ployment. We predict that things ceedingly anxious to sign the armis­
When winter comes they are cooked ish isles. The name Great Britain
ceases this 12th day of November,
w ill soon right themselves. Back to tice and accept the sever terms, for 1918.
and eaten, and are as delicate as any was applied to England, Wales and
Nervet In Sexes Differ.
the farm should be the first slogan. they saw that crushing defeat and
chicken or game bird, but far more Scotland on the accession of James I
Erwin Hawison, Clerk.
The late Professor Munsterberg of
------ o------
lu 1603, when the king of Scotland
I surrender of the whole German army
fat and nourishing.
succeeded Queen Elizabeth, and the Harvard believed that the sensory
Samuel Compere, president of the was inevitable. The French generals
crowns became united. The expression mechanism of women worked quicker
American Federation of Labor, in the I at the commencement of the war
had been used for some time before than that of men. He took the Illus­
closing hours of the Pan-American said the only way to defeat the Ger-
that event to distinguish England, tration of tw-o sets of wires, corre­
Labor Conference, served general . man army was to keep nibbling at it.
Wales and Scotland from LMtle Bri­ sponding to the nerves of the human
warning that no general reduction ' Now that the war Is won we should
tain Britannia Minor—which was the body, conducting a current of elec­
of wages nor increase in working not overlook the fact the nibbling
French province of Bretagne or Brit­ tricity to a certain point. The wires of
hours after the war would be accept- ' process was one thing out of many
across the channel from Eng­ woman’s nerves were able to communi­
ed without a bitter fight by organ­ that knocked the stuffing out of the
land. On January 1, 1801, when the leg­ cate to the fixed point. In this case the
ised labor. It that Is the attitude of German army. So It is hardly fair to
islative union of Great Britain and Ire­ brain, the current much more quickly
labor, then the United States is going claim that the United States won the
land took place, the name adopted was than the male equipment, and, further­
to see labor troubles in the near fu­ war, but It did play a very important
the "United Kingdom of Great Britain more, reacted to currents too faint for
ture or the industries of the country part in the grand finale.
and Ireland.” It la a mistake tn refer man’s wires to take up. The addition
will close down. Wages will have to
to she United Kingdom as England. I of these subtle stimuli produced In the
come dawn, and so will the high
An Interesting news item, which
England Is a part of the United receiving center an entirely different
coat of living. No one wants to see appears on another page, gives some
WH> cash them when yon know th» money
Kingdom, as Saskatchewan is a part comprehension in woman than In man,
labor troubles nor industrial stagna­ ■ Idea of what Clackamas county is
Munsterberg argued.—Chicago Exam­
of the Dominion of Canada.
tion during the process of changing doing in obtaining hard surfaced
from war work activities, but one roads at uomlnal cost. That county is
ing \ccount here at the big. strong First National Bank
Color Blindness.
must not close their eyes to the fact operating it own plant, which con­
*, it will tie no time at all until you will have a nice
"Many persons have the mistaken
Superstition Hard to Down.
that they will occur if radical ideas structed 4.05 miles of standard five-
nest egg. ‘
Idra that color blindness causes a con-
It has recently been discovered that
prevail and labor lusiats on the con- I inch hard surfaced pavement
at a
slderable nnmber of the railroad acd- ♦he “thirteen” superstition still exists
linuatiton of abnormal wages.
. cost per square yard of $1.015. It is
dents,” said a veteran of the line re- In New York. At a dinner to which
I what is called the Clackamas County
A. W Hum, Farmer.
/>. Hciteh Farmer.
cently. “Dnring the early part of my he was Invited one of the guests dis­
After the Franco-German war in home made pavement. We believe it
G. J. Edwards Mgr. C. PowerCo. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres.
life, when I was in railroad work, a covered that 13 persons were present.
1870, a large number of Germans would be good business policy for
physician who examined 700 appli­ He was so disturbed over this fact
left that country and came to the Tillamook County to operate a like
cants for positions as railroad men that he left the table.
United States, and It la possible that plant. If some experienced and capa-
“In tracing the origin of this su­
found only one who was color blind.
there will be another exodus from I uie person could be selected to run it
Several of the applicants, however, perstition.” said a traveler, “I found
Gennauy after peace la declared. I economically, tor the success ot such
did not know the proper names cf that the Turks have almost eliminated
Will the government allow it? Pro­ an undertaking depends upon those
the colors. They were able to group 11 irl'.'2n
vocabulary. The
Germanism aud German spies were I who manage it. This is the reason
and match test samples accurately Itt linn« discontinued using the num-
to be found In every section of the I why Clackamas County was able to ,
enough, but were uncertain when be- in making up their lotteries and
country, and wheu the war broke out lay pavement at bo small a cost.
asked to pick out certain colors and the thirteenth card in a game they
name them.”
play has on it the symbol of death.”
Editorial Snap Shots
Deposit These Creamery Pay Checks
J TheHrst National Bank