TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER 21, 1918, DATE OF ANNUAL CONVENTION. Ing in the matter of cheese, and y >■■ Notice of Guardian’« Sale of Real and ing described real property, situated -------o ask that in this event, you folks of . in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: Personal Property—Register The Southwest quarter of the Of Oregon Butter and Cheese Mak­ Tillamook have a representative pre- I No. 550. sent. Southwest quarter and the Southeast ers Association Announced. ------ o RANGES ! M Universal I Columbia 1 Idea ! Exceptionally Low Priced $40 to $90. g pl AT ! These ranges were bought over ! a year ago at prices before the i raise, and will give you the ben- efit of these prices while they last. Also a complete line of | | | | WOOD & COAL HEATERS] HARRIS FURNITURE COJ Tillamook, Oregon. The Valve-in-head type engine Illus­ trated here, like all internal combo«** tion anjinaa, requires an oil that holds its lubricating qualities at cyl* inder heat, burns clean in the com­ bustion chambers and goes out with exhaust. Zerolene fills these require­ ments perfectly, because it is ©orreet- ly refined from ael»ctad CaXi/bmia ae- g’Aalt-baae crude. ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars It Keeps the Engine Young! Zerolane keeps the engine young—full-powered, smooth­ running, and economical in fuel and oil consumption— because it is correctly refined from selected California asphalt-base crude. Gives better lubrication with less carbon. Made in several consistencies. Get our Correct Lubrication Chart covering your car. Al dealara avarjlwhan and Standard Oil Service Stationa. STANDARD OIL COMPANY f ' (California) UAMB-SCHRADER co . WHOLES ALB AND RETAIL CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rdjAve. West, Tillamoik Or. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector BELL PHONE. MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE. SEE w. A. CHURCH. FOR INSURANCE. Fire, Life, Asiident, Automobile. 2nd Ave. E. between 1st and 2nd Sts. Successor to J. S Stephens. ------o lyill say that we have contemplat­ In the County Court of the State of quarter of the Southeast quarter The Executive Committee of the ed nothing of this sort; that we are Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. of Section 5, Township 2, South, Oregon Butler and Cheese Makers’ satisfied that the manner in which of Range 10, West of the Willam­ In the matter of the Guard­ Association are laying plans for the j you folks are handling this product ette Meridian, and Lot 1. Sec-, ianship of Rachel Smith, a biggest convention iu tne history of ■ is O. K.; that you are figuring your tion 8, said Township, lying North minor, by Charles A Smith, their association. At a joint meeting selling price on a figure based on Guardian. and west of the Netarts County road. of the executive committee with the that of competitive Eastern goods; Notice is hereby given, that the Dated this October. 22, 1918, factorymen or Portland, it was de­ that we know you have had, an(i undersigned by virtue and authority W. L. Campbell, cided to hold the meet this year in likely will have, your troubles; that of a license and order of sale of the Sheriff of Tillamook Portland at the Hotel Portland, the I we are proud of the article you are County Court of the County of Tilla­ County. Oregon. date, Wednesday and Thursday, [ turning out; that we hope the busi- mook, State of Oregon, made and en­ First publication Oct. 24, 1918. December 11 aud 12. the Portland I ness will continue to grow and the tered into its records the 11th day of Last publication November 21, 1918. boys are giving members of the asso­ fame of your product increase; and November, 1918, will from and after ciation their unqualified support, that we have your interests at heart the 13th day of December, 1918, at Notice of Sale of Real Property By and indications are that all parts of and from us you have every well the office of John Leland Henderson Administrator De Bonis Non. I the state will be well represented by wish. Trusting that prices of feed in the city of Tillamook City, Tilla­ In the County Court of the State of butter and cheesemakers. may be lower soon; that you will mook County, Oregon, sell, at private The program while not definitely have a mild winter, and that the sale for cash to the highest and best Oregon, for the County of Mult­ arranged will include speakers from make of cheese may be larger and bidder, all of the following described nomah. In the matter of the Estate of the United States Department of Ag­ larger, and that prices may be large real and personal property situate in riculture, Bureau of Markets, Oregon enough to afford a fine profit to the the County of Tillamook and State of Leonard Krebs, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursu­ Agricultural College, and leaders in producers. Thanking you I am Oregon, to-wit: ant to power and authority granted the butter and cheese business. Defi­ Keep, yours, All of the interest of said Rachel to the administrator de bonis non of nite announcement of program will Thos. G. Farrell Smith, as' an heir at law of Amanda the Estate of Leonard Krebs, deceas­ be made in a few weeks. The enter­ L. Donaldson, deceased, and being an ed, by the above entitled court on tainment committee is working out I undivided 1-3 of an undivided 1-14, the 25th day of September, A. D. Bed Cross Work to Continue. some features that will mix well or an undivided 1-42 interest in said 1918, the administrator de bonis non with the more serious part of the Poriiand, Ore., Nov. 13, 1918. 1 property, described as follows to-wit: of the above entitled estate will from meeting. j Real Estate: All in Tillamook Coun­ and after Friday, the 8th day of Mrs. C. J. Edwauls, Chairman Prizes and cash aggregating >350 ity, Oregon, to-wit: Farm "A”—West November, 1918, offer for sale and xiiiaiuooa Branch, A. it. C. will be offered for butter and cheese ! half of Southwest quarter and south­ will proceed to sell at private sale to i iliuuioox, Oregon. entries at the Exhibit to be held in My dear Mrs. Edwards.'—On Feb- west quarter of northwest quarter the highest bidder for cash, subject connection with the convention. In ruary loin, last year, nearly six Section 22, containing 120 acres, AL- to confirmation by the County Court addition to the medals and cash of­ weens betore the Umied States de­ SO, begin at northeast corner of sw for Multnomah County, State of Ore­ fered by the association the dairy clared war. National tteu Cross Head­ >4 of NW*4 said section, and run gon, all the right, title and interest manufacturing firms have been thence S. 45 degrees E. to NW cor. of said estate In and to the follow- very liberal in their cash and pro- quarters udviseu its Chapters to pre­ of SE quarter said Sec.; thence west ing described real property situated pare tor war. that whicn has follow ­ fund. duct contributions to the prize t o northeast corner of NW^ of SW For butter the lollowing are offered. ed in the record of the lied Cross in *4 of said Sec.; thence north to in Tillamook County, State of Ore- gon, to-wit: First place—Solid gold medal of helping to win the war and to relieve place of beginning, 20 A., all in sec­ All of Lots Numbered One, Two, the association. 10,000 butter car­ ' the sintering growing out ot it, con- tion 22 in township 1 south, range 9 Three. Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen I sinuies some tut ng ut which every tons. Silver plated butter trier, West, ALSO: 9-14 interest in the fol­ of Block Numbered Two in the Town American has a right to be proud. 'three gallons B. K. disinfectant. lowing, the other 5-14 belonging to of Woods, County of Tillamook, Second place-—Solid silver medal of Every American lied Crost. worker 5 of decedent’s children—Robert E. State of Oregon; must feel a sense of gratitude iu Lee Donaldson, Joseph Wesley Don­ the association. An undivided one half interest in having had a share iu it all. Natis acidity test outfit. aldson, Ivan Donaldson, Virgil Don­ Tlie moment oi peace is now come. aldson and Jessie Donaldson Gleb- and to Lots Numbered One, Two and Third place—Bronze medal of the Bui wiin peace let no one suppose isch: containing 61.50 acres, more or Three in Block Numbered One in the association. Town of Woods, County of Tilamook, Specials—Gold watch for the high­ that the work ot the Red Cross is less: Commence at the NW corner of State of Oregon; finished. Millions ot American boys est scoring butter salted with Wor­ Sec. 27, in township 1 south, range An undivided one-half interest in are still under arms. Thousands ot 9 west, W. M.; thence south 80 rods; cester salt. and to Tract No. 654 as shown by them are sick and wounded. Uwing to Gold watch and chain for«highest thence run east 135 rods; thence run Volume One, page 251, Line 3 ot scoring butter colored with Golden [ me shortage In shipping, it may lake north 80 rods to north boundary said 1913 Tax Roll of Tillamook County, I a year or more to bring our boys section 27; thence run W. along said Glow color. State of Oregon, in Section 19, Town The association offers fifty dollars home from France. But whatever the section line to place of beginning, ship Four South, Range Ten West of to be delivered prorata among butter | lime, our protecting arms must be containing 67% acres, more or less; the Willamette Meridian in Tilla­ and cheese entries scoring 90 or over. about them and their families over Excepting out of the southwest cor­ mook County. State of Oregon; and Winner of a first cannot share in ' me whole period which must elapse ner of said 67% acres, 6 acres be­ An undivided one-half interest in | before the normal lite or peace can be longing to Margaret E. Jensen, (for­ this money. and to a pared of land described as For cheese the following will be resumed. merly Margaret E. Parkhurst), follows: "Beginning at the Southeast I uur soldiers and sailors are enlist- awarded: which she acquired from Amanda L. corner of A. Phelps one-acre Tract First place—Solid gold medal of ! ed until the commander in chief tells Donaldson, et al, by two deeds re­ in Section 19. Township Four South them mere is no more work for them the association. Silver plated cheese corded in Deed Records of Tillamook of Range 10 West of the Willamette trier. Three gallons B. K. disinfect­ io do in tile war. Let every Red Cross County, Ore., in Book 1 pages, 474 Meridian; Thence North 6 degrees ant. Cheese Preparation of the Diges­ member and worker show our return­ and 475, leaving in the tract above, 37 minutes West 150 feet; thence ing soldiers and sailors, that to care all in Sec. 27, Tp. 1 south, R. 9. W.. tive Ferments Co. North 83 degrees 23 minutes East Second place—Solid silver medal of for their health, welfare and happi­ W. M. 61.50 acres. 206 feet; thence South 6 degrees 37 ness, we are enlisted for no less per­ the association. Farm “B”: Lots 4, 5, and 7 and minutes East 199 feet to the inter­ Third place—Bronze medal of the iod than they are. the southeast quarter of southwest section line of ordinary high water; We are advised from Washington quarter of Sec. 27, aforesaid; ALSO: thence South 76 degrees 8 minutes association. Specials—Waltham 17 jewel gold that calls from Red cross Commis­ Commence at southwest corner of West 208 feet along the line of ordi­ watch tor highest scoring cheese sions in many parts of the world in- what was formerly George W. El­ nary high water; thence North 6 de­ made with Marschals' rennet extract, idicute an almost unlimited need tor mer's land in said section 27, and grees 37 minutes West 74 feet to the >20 gold piece tor highest scoring civilian relief abroad. Your branch, which point of beginning is south­ place of beginning in the Town of cheese made with Hansens’ rennet snouid, therefore, make every etiort west corner of Joseph Champion’s Woods, Tillamook County, State of to furnish at once all the refuge gar­ Don. Land Claim' No. 39; thence Oregon. and color. Prorata money allowed butter and ments luui nave been allotted to you running East to land deeded by said Bids offered in writing for said i in order to be prepared to take care Elmer and wife to John Crawford; real property may be made at any cheese makers. Exhibits must be sent to the Ore­ • ot additional orders. The Bureau of thence north 6.82 chains; thence time after the publication of this gon Butter and Cheese Makers’ As­ ! Chapter Production is now pi epar- west to west line of said Elmer's notice and before making sale at the sociation, Hotel Portland, Portland, ' ing additional allotments of refugee land; thence south to place of be- office of Emil P. Slovarp, Attorney, Oregon so as to reach there by Tues­ garments and will Issue them rapidly ginning, containing in the last tract 608-9 Henry Building, Portland, Ore. day morning December 10. A triplet as one garment will oe of infinitely 3 >4 acres, more or less, and in the Dated and first publication October 10th, 1918. size cheese or cube of butter, inBide greater service In saving lite than first tract, 124.84 acres, more or less, Jefferson J. Krebs, dimensions 5x6x5 will constitute an many garments after winter is past.. and in all Farm "B” 128.09 acres. Those who have been making sur- Personal property belonging to Administrator de bonis non. exhibit. Out of state makers and visitors gieal dressings should know of this Farm "A”'—12 hogs and their ln- C. C. Stout and Emil P. Slovarp, are cordially invited to attend. Make need tor refugee garments and crease, 2 mares and thelr Increase; 608-9 Henry Building, Portland, Ore. your plans, as well as hotel reserva­ should be urged to enlist in this 59 cows; 6 heifers and their increase Attorneys for the Estate. branch of work. We suggest that you together with all farm implements, tions early. hold meetings at once ai your work­ etc., as described in said inventory, Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. rooms reading to workers the con­ belonging to Farm "A". Grand Ronde Star Route. — ■ o----- tents ot this letter, explaining the ------ o------ Personal property belonging to In the Circuit Court of the State of Washington D. C„ Nov. 6, 1918. situation fully and organize the Farm "B”—28 cows; 1 bull; 1 Oregon for the County of Tillamook. necessary change In work. Further horse; 1 mare; and all farm imple­ Hon. Fred C. Baker, Editor, Information will follow as the situa- ments, etc., as' described in said in- Smith-Wagoner Company. The Tillamook Headlight, A corporation, Plaintiff. tion develops. I ventory, belonging to Farm "B", Tillamook, Oregon. vs. 'Ihe cessation ot war will reveal a said interest in said real and per- My dear Friend:—I have just been Charles Stonehouse and Mat- advised by the Fourth Assistant picture ot misery such as the world sonal property to be sold together tie Stonehouee, Defendants. for a lump sum. naa never seen betore, especially in Postmaster General that the propos­ Pursuant to an execution issued Charles A. Smith, Guardian. al to establish a star route between the many countries which cannot I out of the above entitled court, to Willamina and Hebo has been refer­ help themselves. The American peo­ John Leland Henderson, me directed, dated October 23rd, red to the "Chief Inspector for Inves­ ple will expect the Red Cross to con­ Attorney for Guardian. 1918, and a judgment, decree and Notices posted Nov. 11, 1918. tinue to act as their agent in repair ­ tigation by a field representative of order of Bale rendered and entered the Department." I regard this as a ing broken spirits and broken bodies. First publication Nov. 14, 1918, in the above entitled cause, October favorable indication and is the usual 1 Peace terms and peace conditions Last publication Dec. 12, 1918. 12, 1918, in favor of Smith-Wagoner ' will determine how we may best course. A favorable report from this Company, Plaintiff, vs Charles * minister to the vast stricken ereas Inspector Is most important. I sug­ Stonehouse and Mattie Stonehouee, Notice of Sheriff’i Sale. gest that It would be well for him to which have been harrowed by war, ----- o ■ - - defendants, for >158.70, and the meet with the business men of the and in this great act ot mercy, the | In the Circuit Court of the State of further sum of >18.00 costs, which heart and spirit of the American peo ­ City and County, that they may pre­ sums bear interest at 6 per cent per Oregon, for Tillamook County. sent the facts and arguments in fa­ ple must continue to be mobollzed Jas. M. Erickson, Plaintiff. annum from October 12, 1918. and vor of the route. I have written also through the American Red Cross. I VB. the costs of this writ, commanding On behalf of the War Counell, we to the Postmaster, Hon. P. W. Todd. W. A. Clark and Mrs. W. A. Clark me to make sale of the Southwest accordingly ask each member ot our I do not think I overestimate the Im­ Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of z Defendant. portance of a favorable report from splendid body of workers through­ Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ 'the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, the inspector who makes the Investi­ out the land to bear in tnlnd the tue of a judgment in the above en­ ' Tp. 1 South, Range 9 West, W. M. solemn obligation which rests upon gation. With best wishes, I am, titled cause and court, made and en­ in Tillamook County, Oregon, con­ each one to "Carry On”; we cannot Truly Yours, tered on the 7th day of October, 1918, taining 10 acres more or less, I will, abate one instant in our efforts or in W. C. Hawley. in favor of the above named plain­ on Monday, November 25th, 1918 at our spirit. There will be an abun- tiff, and against the above named de­ 10 o'clock a.m. at the front door of i dance ot work to do and specific ad­ fendants, and each of them, for the the County Court House, for Tilla­ Food Administration Satisfied With vices will be given, but even at the sum of >422.27, and costs in the fur- mook County, at Tillamook, Oregon, Handling of Tillamook Cheese. I moment of peace let no Red Cross ' ther sum of >12.40, and by virtue of sell, at public auction (subject to worker falter. an order of sale for attached real redemption) to the highest bidder Our spirits must now call us to property, made and entered on the Some time ago Carl Haberlach re­ for cash, all the estate, right, title ceived a letter from the Food Admin­ show that it is not the roar of can­ last named date, and of an attach­ and interest which the above named istration regarding advances in non nor the blood of our own alone, ment execution, issued by authority defendants, or either of them, had, cheese market. The matter was taken 1 that directs our activities, but that a of said judgment and order on the on the 3rd day of March, 1915, or up with some of the directors and great people will continue to respond 21st day of Oct., 1918, commanding which they, or either of them, or any Mr. Haberlach wrote the Department greatly and freely to its obligation i me to sell all the right, title and in­ person claiming through them, or going into detail as to how he ar- and opportunity to serve mankind, ! terest of the said defendants in and cither of them, since that date ac­ rived at the market price and cheese ¡ This closes one page in the history to the real property hereinafter de­ quired, or now have, in and to the conditions in general. It is of inter- of this division, the realization that scribed, to satisfy said judgment, above described property, or any est to all the dairymen of Tillamook the surgical dressings made by the costs and expenses incurred under part thereof, to satisfy said execu- County to read the reply of the Food loyal women of the Northwest have said execution, I, W. L. Campbell, tion, judgment, decree, order of sale, Administration to Mr. Haberlach’s ! saved the lives of many boys will be Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, costs and accruing costs. letter, which reply follows: ¡ a source of life long gratification to in Tillamook, Oregon, on Saturday, , W. L. Campbell, United States Food Administration ail who have participated in the the 23rd day of November, 1918, at Sheriff of Tillamook work. In rejoicing that this phase of November 16, 1918 ten o'clock a.m. of said date, at the County, Oregon. Red Cross activity 18 no longer neces­ front door of the Court House of said First publication Oct. 24, 1918. Mr. Haberlach. Dear Sir;—Some time ago I wrote sary let us not forget the misery and I Tillamook County, will sell for cash Last publication Nov. 21st, 1918. you. from the oflfce of U. 8. Food suffering throughout the world that in hand to the highest bidder, in Adm. asking for particulars as to still call to us to continue our pro­ obedience to said judgment, order For sale or trade, one sorrel mare how your are handling the diet lbu- duction activity along other lines. and execution, all the right, title and six years old. weight 1500 lbs; and Yours very truly, tion of Tillamook Cheese, etc and in Interest of said defendants, which one colt, three years old. iron gray, Portland Chapter, A. R. C. they, or either of them had at 3 weight 1100 tbs. Will trade for good • a few days I had your letter of ex­ planation. In it you seem to think By I. Lowengart, o’clock p.m., July 16, 1918, or at any dairy cows. Andrew Vetsch, Elmore Chairman, Military Relief. time thereafter, in and to the foilow- ranch. that we were about to start a hear- *2