TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER 21, 1918. the date of this notice it shall be un­ Justice Court. Justice Notice. lawful for stock to run at large in must unitedly face and wisely solve, never will. Man just naturally isn’t Constable fees, .. jurors, What the Editors Say and It will require the best efforts that kind of animal. The way men ------ o------ 600.00 ' such precincts of Garibaldi, Nehalem witnesses and supplies.. look at wealth depends upon which Notice is hereby given, that on Mother’s pensions ........... 2 500.00 and such portion of Wilson precinct, ot us all.—Independent. man has it.—Itemizer. Thursday, the 5th day of December, Printing ............................ 300.00 1 under penalty of ten dollars for the Order for three billion cigarettes, 1918, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, Indemnity.......................... 1,500.00 first offense and twenty dollars for enough to provide two smokes for Raise Horses of Bettef Quality. the Court House, in Tillamook 50.00 each and every subsequent offense, ------ o—;— Officer . eve.y person in the world, have been BILLS ALLOWED BY COURT. County, Oregon, a public hearing Truant on to be recovered from the owner of 100.00 Large numbers of undesirable med ­ taxes Rebate placed by the war department to will be held at which the taxpayers Insane 100.00 such stock in a civil action in the pui ;.iy American soldiers for the rest icóle horses are being turned into 8.72 will be heard in favor of or against Health officer 300.00 name of the State of Oregon before a pt the year. When the abuses of war the market at present in all parts of Hobt. Sargent........................... 500.00 justice of the peace in the district in 23.43 any proposd tax levies as shown by Fire warden ..................... are all wiped out the cigarette will the country in order to save teed, ac­ F. J. Welsh............................... go wfjh the rest of them. Some day cording to reports of the United E. L. Erickson ........................... 111.73 the following estimate of the Coun­ Farm demonstration......... 1,500.00 which such owner or keeper or either we ill get back to the old idea of I States Department of Agriculture. Warren Johnson ................... 35.31 ty Court of Tillamook, County, Ore­ County Fair ..................... 1,000.00 of them may reside, and if there be 200.00 no justice of the peace in such dis­ "coffin nails,” and the tobacco trust I As a consequence the market is glut­ James Sperry ....................... 96.25 gon. Auditor .............................. Estimate of the amount of money Juvenile Court ................. 50.00 trict, then before any justice of the will not have such a high harvest. ted with commonplace animals of Roy Woods........................... 2.40 200.00 peace in the county. Some evils are condoned by the exi­ this description to the extent that Jack Dayis ................................... 96.50 proposed to be raised by taxation for Relief, Indigent Soldiers . the ensuing year for Tillamook Waremergency................. 2,000.00 Dated this 21st day of November, gencies of war.—Telephone Register. the prices paid are unusually low. Vai Fisher ....’...................... 22.70 County, Oregon. A. D., 1918. The department urges farmers to ------ o------ 6.76 Figures assembled by the County Erwin Harrison, County raise horses of better breeding and Frank McEneny....................... Total General Fund . $48,970.00 Had C. S. Jackson devoted the same quality. In view of both the domestic Thos. McEneny ....................... 6.23 Court show that it will require the I 204,000.00 Clerk of Tillamook, Road Fund . energy to building up a reliable news and foreign demand during and after Earl Ayer ............................... 7.48 sum of $357,820.00 to defray the ex­ I 53,800.00 County, Oregon. School fund. . service for his newspaper that he did the war for quality horses, farmers Carl Curl................................... 6.48 penses for Tillamook County, Oregon, Library Fund 250.00 to an attempt to put the country should begin now to stock up their Ralph Chilcott........................... 26.25 for the year 1919, and for the object State Taxes . 50,000,00 newspapers out of business through barns with horseflesh of the desira­ Jerry Lewallen ....................... 21.00 and purpose of county improvements, Bounty ......... 800.00 NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING. his initiated bill reducing the rate ble type. Under existing Conditions, 21.00 the maintenance ot county buildings, Claud Lane ............................... they may charge for legal publica­ feeding Btuffs for work animals are Notice is hereby given to the legal 97.12 roads, bridges and for the salaries of Total all funds ... $357,820.00 tions, while hiB own rate remains at extremely high in price. One heavy D. W. Snyder........................... 61.25 county officers and employes, and Probable receipts of the county other voters of School District No. 9, of a fat figure he would have been draft horse will perform the work ot Ade Lane ............................... Tillamook County, State of Oregon, than by direct taxation. 86.62 for other purposes, as follows, to-wit: saved the embarassment of today, practically two undersized, inferior A. Arstell ............................... that a s hool meeting of said district Road Purposes. Receipts from the County 17.50 when the whole state 1 b holding him plugs, while such an animal can be O. C. Mattoon ....................... Clerk’s office estimated $4,200.00 will be held at the High Cchool audi­ District Na. 1. 28.00 responsible for the fake peace news fed at at about the same cost for H. C. Sanders........................... 21.00 Garibaldi to Bay City .... I $7000.00 Dairy herd Inspector .... 1,500.00 torium on the 30th day of November, his newspaper was chiefly instru­ maintenance as one of the plugs. Ray Hushbeck ....................... mental In circulating.—Independent. When the farmer desires to sell a Ross Chilcott........................... 33.25 Garibaldi to Mohler.........: 16000.00 Interest on county deposits 1,000.00 1918, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon to vote on the proposition of levying a 35.00 Mohler to Beaches ........... 6000.00 Geo. Ethel ............................... Total ................... $6,700.00 special district tax. It Is said that no other great nation heavy horse of quality and breeding Feeney-Bremer Co...................... 39.28 Miami-Foley and Barber The following school districts have in the world’s history ever had so he can always locate a ready market, Hiner 4 Reed Steel Works .. roads................................... 5000.00 The total amount of money needed 10.50 South Fork above Foley .. 1000.00 filed with the County Clerk and As- by the district during the fiscal year swift and decisive a fall as Germany. whereas inferior animals ordinarily 14.36 seftsor, tire special levies: North Fork roads to County When a nation gets it well fixed in can be disposed of only at a sacrifice. Alex McNair Co.......................... beginning June 30th 1918 and 9.51 Plasker Bros............................ its head that it can conquer the —News Reporter. line. .. .*....................... .... 8000.00 School Dlst. No. 1........... .......... 001 ending June 30th 1919 is estimat ­ 113.22 Roberts-Kinsman Lbr. Co. .. ...........0014 world, and Is not confident of its God’s Valley road................ 1000.00 School Dist. No. 3......... State Industrial Accident Com. 50.25 Machinery and repairs. .. . 5000.00 School Dist. No. 5........... .......... 0013 ed in the following budget and in­ What To Do With Kaiser. prowess that it didn’t hesitate to Tillamook Iron Works . disregard the rights of other great Bridges and Culverts .... 2000.00 School Dlst. No. 6........... .......... 0011 cludes the amounts to be received There Is all sorts of conjectures as School Dis. No. 7........... .......... 0021 from the county school fund, State powers such an end Is befitting, and General maintenance .... 13000.00 : Witnesses. sooner or later It will come. Germany to what will become of Emperor Wil­ Jos. Legault ... Deficit and overdrawn ... 4000.00 School Dist. No. 12 .... .......... 0011 school fund, special district tax, and School Dlst. No. 17......... .......... 0023 all other moneys of the district: is only reaping the cruel harvest that liam and others of the royal families Ida W. Bye ...(> it recklessly sowed, and Is entitled to of the central powers. No one knows Sam Lundberg Total ........................ *68.000.00 School Dlst. No. 22........ .......... 0058 BUDGET. School Dist. No. 24 .... ...........0004 no sympathy, or so far as its govern­ but it is probable that the assassin Solon SchiiTman District No. 2. Estimated Expenditures. will find some of them. At present, ...........0067 School Dist. No. 26 .... ment is concerned, no pity.—Tele­ 5500.00 School Dist. No. 28......... .......... 0036 Teachers’ salaries Machinery and repairs . William, the crown prince, and the Howard Crane $18,445.00 phone Register. Bridges and Culverts ... 12000.00 School Dist. No. 31......... ..........0018 general staff are safely enconsed in Aldon Buckles 400.00 General Maintenance . .. 14200.00 School Dist. No. 33......... ..........0008 Furniture ........... One kind of competitive "service” an ancient castle in Holland, where Clark Smith Apparatus and supplies, such 1300.00 Gas, oil, tires, etc ............ School Dist. No. 36......... .......... 004 which the merchants of the world they are claiming neutral protection. Jos. Langley as maps, chalks, erasers, Hard surface ................... 35000.00 School Dist. No. 39 . . . . ...........0056 are going to encounter in the future Emperor William has been indicted Lewis Smith 640.00 stoves, curtains, etc.......... j for murder on several counts In Eng- School Dlst. No. 42......... .......... 0038 W. P. Morrison Is illustrated by an incident of the Total ........................ $68,000.00 School Dist. No. 49......... .......... 0005 Library books ................... 150.00 allies’ entry into Ghent. Here the , | land, France and Belgium. If he es- E. E. Koch ... — •«.- Flags ................................... 25.00 District No. 3. School Dist. No. 51......... .......... 001 victorious troops found the city be- I ® ---- apeH the *...«.< of His own enraged Chas. I. Clough Repairs of schoolhouses, out­ 17500.00 School Dlstr No. 57......... .......... 001 decked with Belgian flags, for which former subjects, it is possible that A. G. Langley 13.40 Three Rivers Road . .. 750.00 buildings or fences ........... Hudson road ............... 10000.00 School Dist No. 61 ......... .......... 0033 they had been prepared by a similar he may be called to face trial in the I Mrs. Jas. Langley Machinery and repairs 2000.00 Dated this 12th day of November, Improving grounds............... experience at Ostend, but the profu- I courts t°r murder. It has been sug- Martha Zurcher 100.00 Bridges and Culverts . 7500.00 1918. sion of which amazed them. It might geBted’ and 11 appearH the »ug- Joe Hauxhurst Playground equipment .... 100.00 General maintenance . Erwin Harrison, 10000.00 be supposed that the German army I gestlon is not without real merit, Transportation of pupils .. 540.00 Andrew Zurcher Gas and tires etc......... County Clerk. Janitor’s wages................... 1000.00 of occupation would have auppreHHed 1 that it Is useless to take the life of 1,100.00 L. H. Kinney .. Hard Surface ............. 20000.00 most of the Belgian . flags, but it was , ulinilld theMe para8,,eH ’ hut Janitor’s supplies ............... 300.00 _ orn nnzl rather 4 to 1 life I tn that I .. they 4 A t Hattie L. Muirhirter 15.00 found ..... that when the German retire- should Ko bc i»rvv»r$ condemned servitude Fuel ....................................... 700.00 15.00 Total ........................ $68,000.00 Notice of Budget Meeting of Bay ment became certain German traders | ,n sa*’ m*neH °f bleak Siberia, F. N. Muirhirter Light ................................... 150.00 26.21 had entered the city and sold large 1 "'^ere^they all, as a class, should be Jno. C. Church City, Oregon. School Fund. Water *.................................. 240.00 26.20 County school fund......... 43,000.00 quantities of flags to the people, at I compelled to work as long as physi­ I Roy Church ----- °—:— 225.00 Notice is hereby given that the Clerk’s salary ................... 15.i».> High school fund............. 10,800.00 prices which yielded them a hand­ cally able, and until death comes to Claud Willy 101.00 Common Council of Bay City, Oregon, Postage and stationery .... some profit. The allies themselves their relief. To be forced to work at Thomas Willy 15 CJ upon the report of the auditing com­ For the payment of bonded had been too busy even to think of such employment in the garb of a J. W. Willy 15.00 Total . ...................... $53,800.00 mittee of said Council, has prepared debt and interest thereon, this businesslike procedure, but even peasant would, it is alleged, be equi­ Mrs. Willy 15 OG GENERAL FUND the following estimate of proposed in the hour of defeat the German did valent to hell itself for these de­ H. J. Hickerson .. issued under Sections 117, Assessor’s Office. tax budget, as follows: not lose Instinct and thrift. The sale throned autocrats. In this way they Clark Smith . | 144 to 148, and 422 of the Assessor’s salary ............. 1,200.00 .of enemy flags Is a bit of enterprise might get a glimpse of the untold W. E. Noyes ... Expenditures. School Laws of Oregon, One Deputy’s Salary......... 1,020.00 Mayor’s Salary..................... $360.00 which probably would not occur to woe they brought upon the world.— 1917................................... 2,100.00 W. F.. Cain . .Umpqua Valley News. One field deputy ............. 400.00 Recorder ’ s salary ................. anyone in the world except a Ger­ 360.00 Interest on Warrants........... 400.00 Lewis Smith . .. Special help extending taxes 150.00 City Attorney’s Salary & At­ man.- -Oregonian. Outstanding Warrants .... 2,509.00 Albert Smith . Making index for rolls .. torney ’ s fees ..................... 100.00 ------ o------• 350.00 Bri tian’s Day. 475.00 Lester Best .. Six assessment rolls 1919 250.00 Rent on fire house................ The need of co-ordination of mis­ 24.00 Insurance ........................... 400.00 Incidentals ........................ 180.00 General supplies ................. 291.00 Incidental........................... sionary effect in foreign landB is The movement for the celebration Andrew Fleming Cruising burned timber . 500.(TO Printing............. '.................. strikingly emphasized by William T. of December 7 as "Brltian’s Day,” Jos. Langley ... 50.00 Total estimated amount of Interest on $5000, Gen fund Ellis in an article in the Christian which has been launched in 300 Jurors Total .......................... $3,800.00 bonds ................................ 300.00 Century, in which the writer men­ cities of the United States, is a rec­ J. S. Lamar .. money to be expended for 3.20 W. L. Provost, judgment .. . 1000.00 tions the fact that there are seventy­ ognition of the share of the glory to Solon Schiff man all purposes during the Clerk’» Office. 16.40 Interest on $35,000 street eight denominational missionary so­ which our ally is entitled for its part G. A. Edmunds year ............................... .. 29,850.00 3.20 Clerk’s salary................... 1,600.CO improvement bonds......... 2400.00 cieties now at work in China, "rep­ In winning the world war. It will Deputy .............................. 1,020.00 Estimated Receipts. S. V. Anderson 21.80 resent seventy-eight kinds of Chris­ not detract from the credit due to 900.00 Interest on dock bonds .... 330.00 From county school fund dur­ 3 2) Deputy ................................ tians." He points out the absurdity our other allies, who doubtless will W. F. Baker .. Street lighting ..................... 500.00 980.00 ing the coming year .... 7,600.00 12.60 Supplies, etc...................... of perpetuating in China separate or­ also have their days, to give this oc­ Ole B. Ridberg Miscellaneous street repairs 335.00 From state school fund dur­ P. D. Ott . .. 7 46 ganizations such as the Northern and casion a reflection upon how much Total .......................... $4,500.00 ing the coming school year 925.00 2 J 03 Total ................... Southern Methodist. Presbyterian was accomplished by our British Thore Haugen $6,300.00 District Attorney. Cash now in the hands of the W. B. E'liott . 1340 and Baptist churches which were the neighbors. Revenues. county treasurer, belonging outgrowth of differences entirely lo­ Until the United States entered the Albert Darby 24 00 District Attorney’s office . 1,000.00 General License Fees . 15.00 cal to America, and he BiiggeBts that war, Great Britiun was the mainstay B. E. K-r.g ... Receipts of City Recorder’s to the district ............... 8,125.00 Dairy Herd Inspector. 3.2U office ................................ even the wealth of Chinese ideo­ in financing her allies. She supplied Edw. Weston 25.00 Estimated amount to be re­ 22.00 Dairy Herd Inspector. ... 1,000.00 graphy would prove unequal to tran­ l France and Italy, and Russia prior C. A. McGhee Coast Power Co. franchise.. 90.00 ceived from all other sources 2*. .20 Sheriff'» Office. slating the ideas contained In some to the revolution, with vast quanti­ Claude V'lley 20.00 Í during the coming school >.l>0 Sheriff’s salary................. 1,600.00 Dog Tax ................................ of the names of our eccentric types of ties of munitions, and since our par­ C. A. Swenson 21 1 » Deputy sheriff’s salary ... 1,200.00 Five mill tax levied on assess­ year................................... 3,200.00 denomination. We have an "Old-Two- ticipation has furnished us with P. B. C. Lucas ed valuation of $410,000 21 eO Deputy Sheriff’s salary .. 1,200.00 of artillery. She con- Seed-in-the-Spirlt" Baptist Church In great ------ -- quantities ----------------------- for that part of budget des ­ Total estimated receipts, not 1700 Automobile ....................... 250.00 the census returns, and the Holy j tributed great stores of coal to Italy J. L. Burke . ignated as General Fund.. 2050.00 450.00 Ten mill tax levied on assess­ including the money to be 4.00 Postage and envelopes .. . Rollers are represented with a mis- , . uud and France, ~ and much foodstuffs Oscar Tittle 400.00 ed valuation of $410,000 for 26.60 Supplies ............................ received from the tax which eion in China. But these, to the 'from overseas. It is no secret that the S. C. I *rsen Extra help......................... 250.00 it is proposed to vote .... 19,850.00 Chinese mind, only serve to becloud British navy and merchant marine W. H. Hoskins that part of budget desig ­ Miscellaneous ................... 250.00 the fundamental principles of Chris­ ■ made it possible for us to transport J. W. Hunt .. Recapitulation. f nated as Road Fund......... 4100.00 'our Army abroad. About 70 per cent J. W. Holgate tianity. —Oregonian. Total estimated expenses for Total .......................... $5.600.00 of anti-submarine protection and Frank Hunter the year ........................... 29,850.00 Total................. ’..... $6300.00 about 60 percent of transport was C. E. Reynolds School Superintendent'» Office. And that the City Council has Total estimated receipts not United Press Service. Salary ................................ 1,000.00 fixed Tuesday, the 10th day of De­ furnished by British vessels. Jacob Pesterfield including the tax to be Salary of deputy............... The number of British killed, ex­ S. A. Moulton 660.00 cember, 1918, at the hour of 8:00 voted .................................. 19,850.00 C. S. Jackson, publisher of The clusive of colonies and dominions, R. O. Richads Traveling expenses........... 200.00 p.m. at the City Hall in Bay City, I Journal, has often expressed himself has been more than a million. Total Stationery, office supplies Oregon, as the time and place for Balance, amount to be raised W. S. Randall to the effect that he would not take casuulities last year alone aggregated fixtures and other inciden - hearing any and all objections, re­ Sam Downs . the Associated Press Service, but pre­ 880,000. Her donation of men to the tals.................................. 640.00 monstrances and discussions to said by district tax.................?.. 10,000.00 D. E. Goodspeed Dated this 9th day of November, 1918. ferred the United Press, the Hearst allied cause has been upwards of proposed budget. F. N. Wilson ... International and other sensational 8,000,000. Total .......................... $2,500.00 Canzada Everson Dated this 15th day of November rather than reliable service. Now he Other nutions have done nobly, and Henry Rogers .. 1918. C. W. Miller Surveyor's Office. is losing hundreds of subscribers be­ we pride ourselves upon our own M. R. Hanenkratt H. T. Botts. Salary ................................ 1,200.00 J. C. McClure, cause of the conspicuous unreliabil­ performances in the war. But these Eric Glad .... Board of Directors School City Recorder. Deputy .............................. 700.00 ity of the United Press service in bul- 'circumstances, as we have suggested, W. B. Aiderman Supplies, etc.......... .............. District Nd. 9. 600.00 leting the armestice without verify­ [ do not make the reasons for a na- Alex Imlah Attest Erwin Harrison, Clerk. ing the facts. If the Journal had lional tribute to Great Brltian less Alex Wait Total .......................... $2,500.00 Notice as to Stock Running at Large. featured the denial It would have ' impelling. It will be well for all to Ernest Hoag . Treasurer'» Office. been better for It. But it stuck stub­ ! compare performances and sacrifices A. W. Bunn . Notice of Final Account. Notice is hereby given, that at a 12.40 Salary ................................ ------ o------ bornly to the "fake”, so now it is 'once in a while.—Oregonian. 1,000.00 general election held in the various Geo. Williams 6.20 Supplies ............................ Notice Is hereby given that th« paying the penalty.—Oregon Voter. 200.00 precincts of Tillamook County, State J. H. Johnson 2.20 undersigned has filed her final ac­ of Oregon, on the 5th day of Novem ­ On the Wrong Track, As Usual. f Wm. Hoover 18.20 Total .......................... $1,200.00 ber. A. D., 1918, a vote was taken count as executrix of the last «111 ------ o------ Otis Frisbie .. Peace Came». 6.20 County Court. for and against stock running at and testament of Elizabeth J. Good- ------ o—— That paper, misnamed "A^eal to A. II. Harris 18.20 (County Judge, salary ... 1,200.00 large in the precincts of said county «peed, deceased, in the county court is >n I.'«<«■ y .. The war has ended. Columns could Reason." at one time very close to N. W Barker Tillamook County, Oregon, and lo.-v , Commissioners’ salary, e ex­ of Garibaldi. Nehalem, and that por­ of be written, but the single sentence anarchistic, somewhat milder now, Sam Moulton . court day has of appointed 6.20 nenses supplies, sunnlies etc. etc .. precinct described as said the 25th Number, Mnndav 1918 It penses, 3,000.00 tion of Wilson ~ tells the tale. The hell of more than is still traveling the path it hopes Ralph Warren follows: four years has ceased. Kight has will lead to yellow socialism. A re­ J. J. Johnson . -• -• iten ° cl°ck, a.m., at the county court Commencing at Total .......................... 4.200.00 the southeast cor- triumphed over wron«. and the vic­ cent Issue said; 18 in “»7ZTMi.r’r7 i the court hoU8e ,n Tilla- Dee Robison ... ner of section 2.20 County poor ...................... 4.000.00 tory is complete. The greatest mili­ - I-L ‘ L «-T.? ah1 ’ 1 'T°k CltJr’ “ the time and "Why not eighty percent war south of range tary mlchine the world has ever , profits tax? It hasn't done England S. G. Clark ... 7 west of Willamette Court House and Jail. Place for hearing objections to said and J running r"~_:..B known l«s been smashed and the au­ any harm. Some day we'll take care Wm. Stephens ----- - — 15.20 j insurance premium, 200.00 Meridian, in Oregon, account, and the settlement thereof. tocrats who created it and who plan­ I of that other twenty per cent too.” Grand Jurors. Janitor’s salary .. 960.00 thence north along said section line Dated, this October 24th, 1918. ned to dominate the earth are seek­ 9.20 Night watchman .. It doesn't mean the ”20 percent Jay Baker . 180.00 to the northeast corner of section 31 „ _ Anna Hess, Executrix. ing safety in flight. But our task la war profita” which It expects to G. W. Olson 600.00 in township 2 north of range 7 west H. T. Botts, Attorney. 6.80 Wood ..................... thence west to the northwest corner not finished and we must remain "take care of some day", but means S. A. Moulton g 20 Dight and water .. 450.00 steadfast and resolute to the end. The that some day there'll be no profits H. B. Johnson . ~00 Telephones ........... 550 00 of section 31, in township 2 north of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. arch-criminala must be punished', for allowed anyone and everything will E. U. Wagy . Supplies, repairs.ete. 260.00 range 8 west; thence south to the 6.20 southwest corner of section 18, in it would be a black blot upon this be equally divided among mankind— Chas. C. Atkinson i County Jail. etc. .. 300.00 10.00 Do not believe that becaus other township 1 south of range 8 west; century were those who brought. I an absolute Impossibility. The world 6.60 thence east to the place of beginning cough medicines failed to give you about the woe and calamity of the will never be tilled with that sort of F. H. Neilson . Total ............. $3.500.00 6.20 at the southeast corner of section 18, relief that it will be the same with past four years to go scott free. Jus- ’ angels. An example doesn’t often A. W. Plank Circuit Court, C C. Jensen in township 1 south of range 7 west t hamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Bear 10.40 tlce must be administered, payment , happen when a rank socialist, earn­ of the Willamette Meridian, in Ore­ in mind that from a small beginning 11.60 Jurors, witness, bailiffs for wanton ruin exacted and the feet | ing his living by day’s wages, be­ L. P. Gray .. and expenses ... 4.000.00 gon. and that at such election a ma­ this remedy has gained a world wide of the dupes who are now set free comes wealthy, but when he does S. A. Brodhead jority of all the votes cast in said reputation and immense sale. A med­ firmly established in the paths of you never hear of him rushiug out A. M Austin Coroner fees and inquests 150.00 precinct and said portion of precinct icine must have exceptional merit to nafety and progress before our task 1 and wracking up with hla former so­ G V. Stoker District Sealer of weights and were against stock running at large win esteem wherever it becomes is ended These are the problems we cialist friends, do you? And they T. J. Harris i measures ,.. 120 00 therein, and that in sixty days from known. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store.—Pa. Adv a I I