TILLAMOOK. OREGON. NOVEMBER 21, 1918. Ii.jo PER YEAR. Tillamook Jottings J t / Need a truck to haul your milk? Or Acute and chronic disease cured by Floyd Eberman who enlisted in the Obituary. UNINTELLIGENT VOTING anything else? Got an old automobile? drugless methods. Asteopathic, chiro- i navy was home for a few days and -------o------- ------ o------ See Sliro ie, he will explain the rest. pathic electric and the milk and rest left for New York. After enlisting he Funeral services for Harold Levant What the Oregon Voter has To Say It ’ s a "Truxtun Attachment. ” * cure so successful in stomach and ' went to the training college at I Vantress, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wise, dentist • Insurance on hay-Phone Watson.* About Jackson’s Bills. For Sale—A small dairy ranch, one bowel disease, rheumatism and ner­ I Chicago, and after taking ' several C. B. Vantress were held at the resi- mile north of Tillamook on Wilson vous exhaustion. Room 4, Masonic 'nips to Europe was placed in the j dence on Fifth street on Sunday, ----- o----- Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. ♦ I training college at New York where Nov. 17, 1918, at 1:30 p.m. The Rev. river. Inquire on premises. H. F. Bldg. Phone 169 R.. The passage of the two Jackson Let W. A. Church write your insur- Stafford. Large modern Portland residence 1 he obtained a commission and given Ingler officiated, and at the close bills by the vote of the people of Ore­ snee. * with one or more acres of ground to the runk of ensign. He I iub signed up Miss Marie Hathaway in a duet en­ gon last week is one of the clearest In conformity with the rule formed hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough elsewhere, all wood orders must be exchange for 160 acres of land In to remain in the navy for four years, titled. "I Want My Savior Near Me," examples of the abuse of the initia­ and by the rapid strides he has made Another impressive service was held accompanied by payment in advance. Tillamook County. At least forty since he enlisted he will, no doubt, at the graveside, “Harold” was a tive system that has occurred. Co. * * acres must be cleared, and not too It is a perfectly safe assumption — A. F. Coats Lumber Co. Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath. Room 4. far from railroad. L. F. Hemerlynck, soon receive further promotion, for bright lad of eight summers and that 75 per cent of the votes in favor Masonic Apartments. Furnished rooms for rent, $2.00 a 4355 East 82nd St., Portland, Ore. * he is another Tillamook boy who has will be greatly missed by has par­ of the abolishment of the publication made good. ents, other relatives and friends. Don't fail to see the farm tank at week, water and lights, furnished. of the delinquent tax lists and the The saw mill of the A. F. Coats Co. j Corner of Second and Stillwell Ave., Carl Haberlach reports having sold the Kuppenbender Warehouse. establishment of a 3 ft cent legal closed down on Saturday, and will Tillamook, Oregon. remain idle until labor and market all of the October and part of the No­ United War Work Drive will Amount advertisement rate were unintelli- Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. y. For sale, choice Canary birds, to be conditions will justify starting again. vember cheese. One sale made to one gently cast, for the simple reason To About $10,000. Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. sold cheap. Mrs. L. C. Daniels, three During the close down a number of Seattle buyer Saturday was for 1,000 that not one voter in four took the Wanted—Want to buy a Franklin miles south of* Tillamook. Mutual improvements will be made in boxes triplets at 36c. Tillamook, The United War Work Campaign trouble to investigate the merits, the Fireplace—Smithy. Phone. Larger single sales have been made, in Tillamook County have been pro­ fathom the purpose nor consider the mill. but none so large _ at such a high ceeding satisfactorily, with some few harmfulness of these measures. First class dressmaking. Long's Jewelry, clocks, watches. silver* Tillamook has an auto top and ' figure since the cheese industry has districts a little slow in raising their * On the face of these bills they ap­ Appartments, Mutual Phone, Mrs. harness repair shop ware.—R. W. Bennett. i in rear Of 1 been going in Tillamook. Last year quotas. Up to Wednesday evening peared as economy measures end as The government took over the ex- Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas building opposite post office. Auto aj this time the cheese market was |8,400 had been turned over to the Burkhart. press business on Monday. tops, curtains and cushions repaired 2ac. on trlplet8 and shortly there- treasurer, Attorney H. T. Botts, and such Ignorantly received support. In Over 50 men who have been work- and waterproofed, harness repaired. : , atter a slump came and the October as there are several districts that reality the voters were made the Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, ing in the saw mills and logging If you can’t come, send your harness I cheeBe wag uot cleaned out until have not made their returns, C. J. tools for spite by C. S. Jackson of the Tillamook. Phone 72-W. camps left for Vancouver this morn- by parcel post to the Auto Top and Christmas. With smull stocks on Edwards thinks the total amount of Oregon Journal on the newspapers of the state outside of Portland and All kinds of mill feed at C. O. & Ilng where they will be mustered out. Harness Shop, Box 146, Tillamook, hand in this country and with Tilla­ money raised in Tillamook County a full measure of revenge has been C. M. Dawson’s. * Both phones, * mook cheese closely sold up, it would will be somewhere near 510,000. Disinfect your home with B—K. to­ accomplished. Why not place your feed orders for day and make yourself safe from For Sale—Most desirable, modern, appear that Tillamook dairymen are I It would have been more sensible the future with Kuppenbender. * i deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen­ 15 acre city home in Ashland, Ore­ in much better position tor the coin­ had the voters been asked to favor Flu Situation Still Bad. bender. both phones. Dhones. * gon. Fine climate, pure water, health ing season than usual. For a number New Grant car for sale at a bargain ' bender, 1 the establishment of maximum price resort, free irrigation, green mead- of years past, a slump has come in See Ben Kuppenbender. • The Spanish influenza situation in of 25 cents per dozen on eggs, 8-cent A fire alarm was turned in on ows and pastures year round, great- the market in the fall. Tillamook county continues to be milk or 5300 automobiles, for the Wanted—I want to rent a piano.— Tuesday evening, the old Morton est variety products for home com- serious, there being a large number gullible voters then would have at Smithy. ♦ barn in Sunnymead having caught forts; A city of real homes.—R. D. ANOTHER TILLAMOOK BOY KILL­ of caBes in all parts of the county, least stopped to consider the harmful fire. Sanford, Helman St., Ashland, Ore. * We handle Trojan Powder. Best for but for the most part of a light char­ effects on the producers and manu­ ED IN ACTION. Will sell 8 acres of Tillamook City stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. ' » j Dr. Wise will be at his i office acter. There are some few serious across the street south from i the property lying in and west of the I Leonard C. Gitchell, Son of Mrs. cases but only one death, that of L. facturers. But as it was the economy For Bale or rent, the O’Hara Farm coui 1 house until about December seeking, short sighted voters jumped Gilford Stillwell play ground for E. Gitchell, who died at Dr. Boats’ at the opportunity to “hit the prof­ at Netarts. Enquire at the place. * Florence Gitchell, of Hebo. 1st. 2* 54,000. This is good high ground hospital. The deceased was a son of iteer,” although they had little idea ------ o------ - Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend­ Dr. Wise has discontinued his trips and well located for platting, Will Mrs. Florence Gitchell, who is post­ who the profiteer was nor whether A telegram was received stating er Warehouse. * take Liberty Bonds and give terms. to Nehalem, Wheeler and Cloverdale, that Leonard C. Gitchell, of Hebo, master at Hebo. What makes the a profit was being made,. R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- on account of the influenza and bad Write C. A. Dunn, 303 Capitol Bldg.. As it now stands the newspapers of was reported killed 1’» action in the death of the deceased more sad, a « - P. Watch ................ inspector. » roads until about Feb. 15. 2t Salem, Oregon. > airing. S. telegram from Washington stated Oregon outside of Portland, have re­ Fiance. He was the sc., of Mrs. I Anna E. McKune vs W. D. McKune j One Ford for sale, Apply to L. D. Mrs. Edwards received a telegram Florence Getchell,- postmaster at that his brother Leonard C. Gitchell ceived a severe wound and one that Hardin, 7 miles south of '1 illamook.* stating that Christmas presents for I is a divorce suit filed in the circuit Hebo, and previous to the draft had been killed in action in France, may actually result in a number of It is generally thought that the In­ courtTThese parties were married on j One lot and small house for sale, the boys in France can be mailed up December 30, 1909, at Vancouver, B. , worked in Ott Brother’s store at fluenza situation will grow better suspensions of business and failures.. The newspapers of Oregon have been, to November 30th. Hebo. He left here with a number of 5550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. * C. Plaintiff alleges that her husband ' drafted men. on the 26th of June. He from now on, although it is consider­ fighting a hard up-hill battle for For Sale- — five room bungalow and deserter her, no children were born ed wise to keep the embargo on for For Sale—160 acres of land at bare existence since the war began, was a young man who was respected bandlake. Inquire of Dan Billings. * lot. good location, close in, reason- to the union. She wants her maiden I by all who knew him, and his numer­ several days more. being called upon to donate their nhlo r.ll C1 A. A Swenson Qwonunn’ ’s u nluno able. Call C. place. name Anna Wolf restored and 520 1 ' only saleable article, namely space, ous friends are Borry to hear of the Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms Mutual Phone. per month for her support. i to patriotic causes. The revenue re­ sad news, which 1 b doubly so, for his To Members of Pomona Grange. 205-206 Tillamook Building. * Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms ceived from the publication of , the A meeting of the ------- o------- ---- We buy and sell second hand autos. 205-205 Tillamook Building, Office the Feeney-Bremer stackholders of brother of L. E. Gitchell died in this Co. was held on city on The next regular meeting of Tilla- delinquent tax lists was one of the Monday from ¡Spanish inilu- Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* hours 9 until 5, eveninga and Sun- Saturday, and from the present indl- enza. ntook County Pomona Grange will be iew tan8*ble assets left and the legal • For bargain* in second hand auto- days by appointment. cations there is not lnuch prospect of held at Pleasant Valley, on the first advertising at an average price of 5 o-------- ■ mobiles go to Case s Garage. a check for 5200.00 was received going ahead with the building of the 'Another Tillamook Boy Died in Hos- Thursday in December, 1918. This cent8 Per ,,ne «ave but a small mar- being the date of the biennial elec- gin of Prof,t> as that price had been Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, First from Mr. N. P. Wheeler, Jr., of En- second vessel. This is to be regretted, pital in France. Natlonal Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., deavor, Pa., for the United War for the ship yard gave employment Another boy whose name will be [ tion, every member who can possibly current ior years past, despite the to a large number of men, who will on the Tillamook honor roll is that j come should be in attendance. increases in all costs of manufactur- In Dr. Allen’s office. * Work drive in Tillamook County. now be thrown out of work. < Since the Pomona Grange is paying ing- of Private Frank Mitchell, Company Best by Test—Oregon Portland Don’t throw away your old tires but Now the newspaper publisher by a The bodies of Dave Coulson and his G, 361st Infantry. A telegram was instalments on a Liberty Bond all Cement. For sale by Lamb Schrader get an "Inner Tire” and get from members knowing themselves to be vote °f hi8 own people, unintelli- two year old child was brought ito ¡received by his father, Harry Mitch- ioo to 5000 miles more service out of Co. * this city from St.Johns and were ell, of Garibaldi, from Washington, in arreaB should make arrangements gently qast, has been substantially legislated out of this business and County School Superintendent in­ each tire at low cost.—Sec Shrode.* buried at Blaine on Sunday, their [ D. C., stating that Frank died at a to pay their dues at this meeting. One of the features of the meeting forced 1° content himself with a 3% For Sale—Willamette Donkey En­ previous home. The deceased leaves a 'hospital in France on the 17th of Oc- forms us that the government is not gine 9ftxll. Full equipment. Good wife and seven children. The family ' tober. It is not known whether he will be the dedication of a service cent Per llne le«al advertising rate wanting any more pits. as new. Write or phone Sam Bauer, was stricken with influenza and ■ died from wounds or disease, but it flag. Will the secretary of each sub- and at a time when he was entitled to For sale, thorough-bred Red Island Neskowin, Oregon. • other members of the family were is supposed that he had been wound- ordinate grange in the county mail fuHy double that amount, if charges Red roosters at 52.50. Enquire at in action. He was in the draft from a list of the names of the members were increased in proportion to the Lost—double barrel hammerless not expected to live. Headlight office. of his grange who are in Uncle Prices of other manufactured articles. Clatsop County. shotgun between Tillamook and To be sure you have a place to live J. P. Jepsen vs. James Wilson Is a Hemlock. Finder please return to Sam’s service, either in the Army or The State of Oregon will surely I 1 the Navy, to the secretary of Pomo- lose by this unintelligent vote in suit to recover 5160.00 growing out Lloyd Kellow, mall carrier.—Suit­ buy a home today. Never has the de­ mand for houses been so great. Prop ­ Hester-Shillinglaw, Wedding of a sale of personal property. na Grange before the next meeting, favor of this oppressive newspaper able reward. erties are selling every day hut bar­ ------ o------ Fannie Smith, Secretary, legislation. Over thirty strictly Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is Anyone having room or apartment gains are not all gone yet. Some of A very pretty and quiet wedding county newspapers in thfs state have __ at safe, clean and powerful. For sale in their house which they would rent the best buys were listed today tor occurred at 12:30, Nov. 17, 1918 at Instructions Relative to Sending 8USPended publication and gone out the Kuppenbender Wirehouse. quick sale. A payment down, balance desirable party, unfurnished or par­ the home of the IK,, brld«'s Mr “ — bride's parents, Mr. - nf of Ktiulnoaa business within within th,, the nnr* past • two years — Parcels to Boys in France. Let wour co-worker on the farm be tially furnished—Address A-l eare monthly, places you in a home of and Mrs. Thomas Shillinglaw, of l representing about 15 per cent of ------- o ------- your own. See Everson at once. * Hemlock, Ore., when their youngest I the Cleveland Tractor. On display at of Headlight office, the state’s weekly and daily news- An 1 individual who Bhould have re‘ papers, not to mention the Kuppenbender Warehouse. daughter, Miss Alice, was united on . First Bank of Bay City vs Arthur numerous I Married, by Chas. E. Gibson, D. D., ceive i a label, but who failed to For Sale—two year old colt, next at the home of the officiating clergy­ A. Edmunds la a suit to recover marriage to Eugene D. Hester, by . ceive it, or who has lost it, may re" semi-newspapers and other publica- re‘ lions. spring. Sold cheap. Enquire of Mrs. man, Nov. It, Mr. Wm. H. Bovare, 52,311.76. It is alleged in the com­ Rev. Pearson, in the presence of a ceive a carton not earlier than Nov. few invited relatives and friends. plaint that th* defendant drew a These unfortunate publications of Los Angeles, Calif., and Miss Belle Knight. cheek on the Nestucca Valley Bank The groom is the eldest son of Mr. 21st, upon signing a statement at the could not weather the increased coet Bailey, of this city. Red Cross Christmas Parcel station Those who wish to see Dr. Wise of material and labor incident to the for the above «mount, but he had no and Mrs. James D. Hester, of Hebo. The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ fuads in the Bame. The money having A bountiful dinner was served, after substantially as follows: about dental work should do so at ; war and at the same time donate to chine Agency is now permanently lo­ i been paid to the plaintiff by the which the afternoon was spent in | The undersigned hereby makes ap­ the government a majority of their once. cated opposite the post office, where First Bank of Bay City, it now brings singing and prayer. The bride and plication to forward to ......name advertising and reading columns for for sale, or will Horse and buggy monthly payments may be made and suit to recover the same. groom are both well and favorably ........................ ,..................... Organiza­ patriotic purposes and besides stand trade for heifer. Apply at Dawson's supplies ordered. Both Phones. tion ...................... American Expedi- j • Grocery store. * Edith Estell Loomis vs. Harry F. known and have a host of friends tionary Forces, a Christmas package. , the- loss of the usual Income from th* For sale—three high grade regis­ Loomis is a divorce suit filed in the who wish them success. They will re­ The undersigned hereby declares '• railway and other advertising, which Ford car for sale, either 1915 or tered __ _ Holstein heifers, two two-year side at Hebo on a farm. the government's administration did that he or she is nearest living rela­ ! away with completely. 1918 model. Apply to Ernest Glsler. oWg any submit to you for your and repealed, but in the meantime W. Pulcipher, Garibaldi, Ore. • Marion T. Chance. Adam Schmel-] way. the ceremony being performed amook, Oregon, November 17, 1918, age 72 years, 11 months and 25 days. __ __ ________ _ information a copy of the following many hardworking, struggling pub­ “* their •- home, which was witnessed ------ -* Stray Jersey heifer on my place. zer, executor of the estate of Laura at Deceased came to America when 23 I telegram, which was received today I lishers probably will have been Owner can have same by paying for I. Chance, vs. George Tinnerstet, A. by a number of relatives and friends. years of age, living in Michigan for ' from the War ____________ Construction Section, j forced out of business. _____ _________________ M. Hare, county judge, et al, is a The happy couple received the con­ a while, then moving the keeping of same. U1 Lenzinger. to Chicago, ' Priorities Division, War Industries petition for a writ of review from the gratulations and best wishes from where he followed his trade as a ' Heinze mince meat, fig and plum county court in the Chance estate their friends. They will be at home in brick mason. From Chicago he came a I ’ Board, Washington, D. C. "War Industries Board has remov- Call For Bids. Tillamook after the 1st of December. Pudding will help that Thanksgiving case. to Tillamook, Oregon, in 1978. ' ed effective at once all restrictions dinner. C. O. & C. M. Dawson. In 1884 he was married to Maria including houses and garages costing The remains of Miss Boss, sister of J. 8. Lamar vs. Arthur Stuebling Bids are hereby called for the con­ Wanting to rent a dairy ranch with Mrs. Herman Hauswirth, who was a and H. C. Daulton is a suit filed in C. Elofson. To this union was born ' not more than ten thousand dollars. I struction of the Trask Drainage Dis­ from 20 to 40 cows. Apply to Ernest nurse in a Portland hospital and died the circuit court, who claimed 510,- one son, Edgar, and one daughter, I ’ Between ten thousand and twenty- | trict’s ditch. Plans may be seen at Glsler, or Amstad, Tillamook. Ore. *8 from Spanish influenza, were brought 000 against the defendants. The com­ Esther, who, with their mother in five thousad dollars State Council of4 the office of H. T. Botts, secretary, here for buriel. Rev. Chas. Gibson of plaint alleges that the defendants, this city and a brother, Olaf Munson, [ Defense can issue licenses. Above ‘ For Sale—Berkshire pure bred the Allied Churches, conducting the acting together, for the purpose of and a sister, Christina Peterson, both ! twenty-five thousand dollars Wash­ Tillamook City, Oregon. Bids will be received up to the close of Wednes­ Pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. barrassing, intimidating, and fright­ in Sweeden, survive him. ington approval necessary. No license day, November 27th, funeral service. 1918, and E Williams, Mutual Phone. * ening the plaintiff, who falsely and necessary irrespective of cost on farm I should be left with the secretary, H. for Portland on maliciously placed the plaintiff in A. C. Everson left buildings, flour and feed mills, rail­ |T. Botts. Best in the West—Oregon Portland Tuesday, where he will serve on the duress by threats and violence, with­ Men Wanted. roads and public utility work, high­ Cement. Always uniform and fresh. ------ o------ ways. srteets and bridges, wheat Lamb-Schrader Co. * federal jury. Mr. Everson wishes to out any right or authority of law to thank the Boy Scouts and the men in do so. damaged the defendant's per­ Loggers and mill men wanted at warehouses and grain Card of Thanks. elevators. Will either rent or buy a dairy the spruce camps for their assistance son and reputation in the full sum of the Brighton Mill Co. at Brighton. I When schools, churches, hospitals ranch of 15 or 20 cows, or will take in helping him advertise the war ■ 52.500.00. That said arrest was made ' and municipal buildings do not cost I It is with heartfelt gratitude that charge of a dairy ranch.—Apply at work campaign. with wicked and malicious intent on over twenty-five thousand dollars we wish to express our sincere Card of Thanks. •2 this office. »2 -------- o-------- i they can go ahead.” Shortening should be kept fresh the part of the said defendants, and thanks to the many kind friends who the plaintiff further demand punitive We wish to thank our many friends Kindly transmit this information I showed so much sympathy and kind­ One of the best bargains in a and free from rancid. Snowdrift I damages against the defendants in for the beautiful floral offerings and I to all applicants, whose applications ness. and for the beautiful flowers in Gilding spot, just at the edge of the Shortening is Wesson oil whipped the full sum of $2,500.00 and a for the sympathy and kindness have been declined or have not been the hour of our sad bereavement in until It becomes hard and packed in for a secured **ty limits, can be tew days. Nothing better in the a vocuuni sealed can. This insures judgment against each of them in shown us in the recent loss of our 1'acted upon by the War Construction the death of our dear husband and Section. father. **unty. You will buy if you investl- that every can you buy is strictly the sum of 55.000.00. A motion was dear son. Harold. . filed to dismiss the case. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Vantresa. Mrs. Munson and Family. State Council of Defense for Ore. I 1