TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER 14, 1918, Official Count of Election in Tilla- , mook County. ____ _____ o The official count of the vote in Tillamook County ' was made on Monday by Justices i of the Peace Stanley and Seeley, The race for county treasurer was close, Miss Mills winning with only 21 votes to spare: United States Senator (vacancy) Martha E. Bean, Soc................. 211 Fred W. Mulkey. Rep............... 1263 United States Senator. Chas. L. McNary, Rep............. 1035 73 Albert Slaughter, Soc............... Oswald West, Dem-Pro............. 675 Congressman W. C. Hawley, Rep................... 1414 Harlin Talbert, Soc................... 160 Governor. Walter M. Pierce. Dem.............. 598 90 B. F. Ramp, Soc......................... James Wlthycombe, Rep.......... 1090 State Treasurer. O. P. Hoff, Rep........................... 1114 David P. Mason, Dem................ 448 Pauline Sears. Soc..................... 107 . Justice of Supreme Court. H. W. Evans. Soc......................... 218 Charles A. Johns, Rep.............. 1215 Justice of Supreme Court( vacancy) 19 Coke, Rep.................................... 43 Campbell, Rep............................. 186 C. Olson, Rep............................. 73 Bennett. Dem.............................. Attorney General. Geo. M. Brown, Rep..................... 1367 ] E. L. Cannon Soc. ... ,. . 148 • Supt. of Public Insetruction. J. A. Churchill, Rep.................... 1394 Inez A. Lusk, Soc....................... 149 Commissioner Bureal of Labor. C. H. Gram, Rep............................1330 August Nlkula, Soc................... 146 Commissioner Public Service. John E. Johnson, Soc. ........... 155 Fred A. Williams, Rep........... 1324 Superintendent Water Division Max Burgholzer, Soc................. 148 Percy A. Cupper, Rep................ 1266 Joint Representative I C. J. Edwards, Rep................. 1619 County Clerk. 1503 Erwin Harrison, Rep. Sheriff. W. L. Campbell, Rep................. 1498 County Treasurer. W. L. Bryan, Ind....................... 593 128 Canzada Everson, Ind.............. Kathleen Mills, Ind................... 614 Frances B. Stranahan, Ind. .. 326 County Survey jr. W. S. Coates, Rep..................... 1385 County Commissioner (vacancy) H. V. Alley, Rep....................... 1278 . Four Year Term. ... H. M. Farmer, Rep..................... 872 684 R. O. Richards, Ind................. Coroner. Roy N. Henkle, Rep................. 1 1392 Constable 2nd District. Bill Powell.................................. Justice 3rd District. R. Y. Blalock................. .......... Constable 3rd District. France* Welsh............................. Justice 4th District. J. J. Krebs................ ................... Constable 4 th District. G. A. Jones.................................... Port of Bay City. Ruusell Hawkins ...................... F. C. Robison............................ . Port of Nehalem. ... H. V. Alley................................. To Fill Vacancy. Harry A. Bell.............................. Stock Running at Large. Garibaldi—Yes, 17; No. 30. Nehalem—Yes, 26; No, 83. Wilson—Yes, 0 i The Oppressor has been Overcome United War Work Campaign Victory is With The Allies. Give a Day's Pay To Help the Boys Over There." * The Cause of Kight has been glori­ ously successful and by the strength and cooperation of all the Allied Powers the enslaved nations of Europe have been freed from the heel of the War Demon. May Peace—lasting Peace be the out come of this last, the world’s most horrible — most stupendous — most costly war. Show your appreciation of the splendid work our Boys have been doing ‘■‘over there” by subscribing as generously as possible to the United War^Vork Campaign which ends on Monday, November 18th. d^hôm’s TILLAMOOK, ORE. Dont give less than you intended because the armistic has been signed. The boys will need our help and cheer just as much as if the war was going on. Help the following seven organizations do for our boys what you would like to have done for you if you were “over there” — Y.M.C.A.—National Catholic Coun­ cil, K.C. War Camp Community Service— Salvation Army. American Library Association— Y.W.C.A. Jewish Welfare Board. Sale of Lovely Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe Blouses ^y4t the Very c^^ocfesf||Prices, ö Pendants and Chains tn Per $2.19 s««t Extra Large Sizes $2.35 Suita Winter Weight Union Suits in a nice soft quality of bleached cotton fleeced on the under side. Garments that you can put on right away without fear of irritation or dis­ comfort of any kind. Half low neck—elbow sleeves—half open front and ankle length as illus­ trated, or high neck--long sleeves__ half open front and ankle length styles Regular Sizes 34 to 40 - $2.19 Extra Sizes 41 to 50 - - $2.35 Vest and Pants Same Weight and Quality Per $1.25 Garment. Extra Large Sizes $1.40 Garment. Ankle length, open gore pants and high neck. Ion* sleeve Vests in’the same number fabric as the Union Suits. Regular Sizes 34 to 40.. $1.25 Extra Sizes 41 to 60.... ••• $I.M) --- » Cara of Thanks. 1 ------ o------ I Keep insured companies We wish to express our heartfelt EXITJ'*™ re»r- thanks to. the people of the county < 4 •oHcite your business, who sympathized with us on account I Notice.