TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 14, 1918. » United States armies in all occupied of America shall be empowered to oc- ¡ARMISTICE TERMS ARE SANITATION. ! MOST DRASTIC. terrltory. The upkeep of the troops cupy all German forts, fortifications, MADE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM - ■ o------ oi occupation in the Rhineland (ex- ' batteries and defense works of all ---------- O’ VETERINARIAN. That the germ is the cause of most | eluding Alsace-Lorraine) shall be I kinds in all the entrances from the British Army Deserter Showed Daring deadly disease is more than mere Bell Phone—32J Mutual Phone. 1 Must Be Met By Defeated Huns ' charged to the German government. I Cattegat into the Baltic and to sweep and Originality in Making Hla theory—it is a real fact. The work Escape From Prisons. 1 lb. Au immediate repatriation up all the mines and obstructions Within Thirty Days. of tuberculosis sanltoriums, the ty­ Tillamook Oregon. I without recipricity according to de­ within and without German territor­ ------ o— Three daring escapes made by a phoid hospitals in the canal zone, 1 tailed conditions which shall be fix- ial waters without any question of Military clauses on Western front: eu ot all allies and United States neutrality being raised, and the po­ British army deserter with ten convic­ the vaccine laboratories are all evi­ AVID ROBINSON, M.D., 1. Cessation ot operations by laud piisoners ot war. 1 he allied powers sitions of all such mines and ob­ tions against him—all for crimes of dence of the fact that the safety of anu 111 the air in six hours alter the and the Lulled States shall be able structions are to be indicated. violence—were described at Oldstreet man does not depend on good or bad signing ui me armistice. a few days ago, relates London luck, but upon the fight which each ' to uispuse ot tuese prisoners as they 2d. The existing blockade condi ­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Chronicle. The man, George Mullins, individual makes upon the disease wish. tions set up by the allies and asso- 14 Days to Evacuate. 'NATIONAL BUILDING, 2. Immeuiate evacuation 01 invaded 1 tx. Sick and wounded who cannot elated powers are to remain un- was sentenced to six months’ impris­ germs, the cause of most losses of countries, Belgium, France, Alsace- be removed num evacuated territory changed and all German merchant onment in January, 1917, and was sent life and dollars. In selecting a weap­ TILLAMOOK OREGON. Lorraine, Lu^eniuerg, ao ordereu as will tie cured tor by German person­ ships found at sea are to remain lia- to Wundsworth. There he was trained on to kill the germs of disease several for the army and taken to France in vital questions must be looked squar­ to oe compieteu wnuin 14 days xrom nel who will be left on tne spot with ble to capture. handcuffs. In a few weeks he con­ ely in the face or dlslnfectanting will T. BOALS, M.D., 27. All naval aircraft are to be the signature ot the armistice. Ger­ the medical material required. I concentrated and immobilized be little better than useless. First— man troops which have noi left tue In trived to get leave and, returning to Has the disinfectant the power to Disposition on Eastern Frontier England, deserted. He was arrested German bases to be specified by the above mentioned territories witnin PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 12. All German troops at present allies and the United States of Amer- last April, but, although handcuffed, kill all kinds of disease germs? 2nd, the period iixed will become pris­ he escaped from his escort. After a Can the disinfectant be used safely in any tenitory which before the ica. Surgeon S. P. Co. oners of war. brief spell of liberty Mullins was whenever disease germs are found? war belonged to Russia, Roumania occupation by the allies and United All Stores to Be Taken. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) again captured, and with five others 3rd, Is it effective, when used any­ States 101 ces pointly win keep pace 'or Turkey shall withdraw within the 28. In evacuating the Belgian was put in the guardroom at Wands­ where and every where, and by any T ilJumook - Oregon with ihe evacuation o, these areas. frontiers ot Germany as they existed coasts and ports, Germany shall worth prison. While the others danced body, and can it be used with safety? ou August 1, 1914. AU movements ol evacuation and oc­ abandon all merchant ships, tugs, 13. Evacuation by German troops lighters, cranes and all other harbor and sang at the top of their voices Therefore a disinfectant that can be cupation will oe regulateu in accord­ TJ OBERT H. McGRATH. ance with me note annexed to me to begin at once and all German in­ materials, all materials for inland na- Mullins cut a hole in the wall and all usud with safety must not be a poison structors, prisoners and civilians as vagation, all aircraft and all mater­ the six escaped. In the following May or coatine acid, whereas poisonous •*" C ounsellor - at L aw , staled terms. the man was again arrested, and disinfectants endanger the life of o. i.epatiation beginning at once well as military agents now on the ial and stores, all arms and arma­ this time to Bethnal Green po­ human beings or animals, this can be ODDFELLOWS ’ BUILDINJ. and to be completed within 14 days territory of Russia as defined be- ment, and all stores a ad apparatus taken lice station, where he was placed In verified by turning to the files of tore 1914 to be recalled. ui an luuaunauts ot the countries of all kinds. a newly built ceil. Again he managed our daily papers. When buying a dis­ TILLAMOOK, OREGON. above mentioned, incluamg hostages 29. All Black Sea ports are to be to escape by loosening a number of infectant be sure what you buy as German Seizures to Cease. P ortland O ffice aim persons uuuer trial or convicted. 14. German troops to cease at once evacuated by Germany; all Russian bricks, climbing through a ventilator your life may depend on that pur­ 1110 W ilcox B ld . 4. surrender in good condition by all requisitions and seizures and any war vessels of all descriptions seized and dropping down a water pipe into chase, look at the label, note the the German armies ot the lollowing by Germany in the Black Sea are to the street. The other night Mullins germ killing power and If it is poison equipments: Five thousand guns other undertaking with a view to be handed over to the allies and the was arrested by Detective Sharp in or not. Disinfectants are measured obtaining supplies intended for Ger ­ ARL HABERLACH (2ouu heavy, 2o99 field) 39,990 ma- United States of America; all neutral Stepney. A big and violent crowd, upon the germ killing strength of cume gun», xhiee thousand nilnnen- many in Roumania and Russia (as vessels seized are to be released; all the officer said, gathered and pelted undiluted carbolic acid, which they defined on August 1, 1914.) werter, 21100 aeroplanes, (fighters, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 15. Abandonment of the treaties warlike and other materials of all the detective and his colleagues with term a phenol coefficient. Look for oouiuers—lii'Htxy D 73s ana night of Bucharest and Brest-Litivsk and kinds seized In those ports are to be stones, weights, coal, bottles and “any­ the phenol coefficient on the label. uomuing machines). The aoove to be T illamook B lock returned and German materials aa thing they could lay their hands on." B. K. was tested by the United of the supplimentary treaties. I specified in clause 28 are to be aban­ The police, however, got away. Mul­ uc.ivc.ed situ (as mey stand) to the States Hygiene Laboratory and found 16. The allies shall have free ac ­ Oregon allies ai.d the united Stales troops doned. lins Is now sentenced to two months' to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus 1 was the detailed condition laid down cess to the territories evacuated by hard labor as a deserter and for dam­ or ten times stronger than undiluted Merchant Vessels Restored. the Germans on their eastern front ­ I in me annexed note. 30. All merchant vessels in German aging Bethnal Green police station. carbolic acid as a germ killer. Much R HOLMES, ier either through Danzig or by the & Evacuation oy the German ar­ hand belonging to the allied and as­ * stronger than coal tar disinfectants mies ot me countries on the left bank Vistula in order to convey supplies sociated powers are to be restored in —much safer. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 01 the Rhine, these countries on the to the population of those territories ports to be specified by the allies and EPIGRAM THAT HAS FORCE or tor any other purpose. Safe—B-K. contains . no . poison, leit ouulx ot the Rhine shall be ad­ COMMERCIAL BUILDING, the United States of America with­ I acid or oil. Terse Statement ae to Value of Man ministered by the local authorities Clause on East Africa. out reciprocity. In the World’e Commercial Clean__ B.—K. is colorless, leaves under the control of the allied ... ' 17. Lucouuiiilloual capitulation of 31. No destruction of ships or of FIRST STREET. Operations. stain on floors or walls. United states armies ot occupation, all German torces operating in East materials to be permitted before TILLAMOOK OREGON iue occupation ot these territories Africa within one month. Drodorant—B.-K. destroys foul evacuation, surrender or restoration. There is a moral for all who will odors leaves no odor of Itself. will be determined by the allied and IS. Repatriation, without recipro- i 32. The German government will United States garrisons holding the city, wimin a maximum period of notify the neutral governments of the seek It in the story of a Minnesota Cheap to Use—B.--K. 1« so much principal crossings of the Rhine, one month, in accordance with de- world, and particularly the govern­ banker, who has made a success of stronger than other disinfectants 0R. L. L. HOY, life notwithstanding the handicap that iviayence, Coblenz, Cologne, together tailed conditions hereafter to be fix- ments of Norway, Sweeden, Denmark that it does more disinfecting for the with bridgeheads at these points in of all civilians interned or de- and Holland, that all restrictions both legs, his left arm and the fingers same money. Use it in Barber Shops, PHYSICIAN ANJ) SURGEON oO-kilometer rauius on the right ed, of his right hand are missing. His pu, ted who may be citizens of other placed on the trading of their vessels Barns, Bath Tubs, Bleaching, bread bank and by garrisons similarly allied or associated slates than those with the allied and associated coun­ career was appropriately reviewed In boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards, T iij . amook B lock , Carry On, a magazine published in the holding the strategic points of the mentioned in clause three, paragraph tries, whether by the German gov­ interest of the reconstruction of dis­ cuts and scratches, house und kitch­ en, laundry, nasal and throat sprays, Tillamook, Oregt n. regions. A neutral zone shall be re- 19, with the reservation that any fur­ ernment or by private German in­ abled soldiers and sailors. , serveu 011 the right of the Rhine be­ ther claims and demands ror the al­ terests and whether in return tor nursing bottles, operating rooms, The essence of this man ’ s success lt ween the stream and a line drawn lies and the United States of America specific concessions such as the ex­ purifying air, sick rooms, etc. Is contained in his whimsical state ­ 1 parallel to it 4u kilometers to the remain unaltected. port ot shipbuilding materials or not, ment of his philosophy. “From his 1. BO1 iu B.—K. 18 not a cure *11 hut athor- east from tlie frontier ot Holland to 19. The following financial condi­ are immediately cancelled. neck down,” he says, “a man is worth ough germ killer. Protect yourself j the parallel of Gernsheim and as far tions are required: 33. No transfers of German mer­ about a dollar and a half a day; from now against any dangerous disease ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I as practicable a distance ot 39 kilo­ While such armistice lasts no pub­ chant shipping of any description to his neck up he may be worth a hun­ germs that you may come in contact Complete Set of Abstract Bo< ks in meters from the east of the stream lic securities shall be removed by the any neutral flag are to take place dred thousand dollars a year.' The with by using B.-K. B.-K is sold in Office. irom this parrellel upon Swiss front­ enemy which can serve as a pledge after signature of the armistice. facts of this statement apply as forc­ quart and gallon bottles. Our guar­ ier. Evacuation by the enemy of the Taxes 1’aid for Non Residents. to the allies of the recovery or repar­ ibly to a man with all his limbs as antee. B—K stands absolutely on Duration of Armistice Given. Rhine lands shall be so ordered as to ation tor war losses. Immediate resti­ T illamook B lock . what it doe:; for you. Use it according 34. The duration of the armistice to a cripple. They constitute the to directions then if you don’t find Tillamook ... - Oregon be completed within a further period tution of the cash deposits, in the chief reason why vocational education to be 30 days, with option to ex ­ of 11 uays, in all 19 days after the is National Bank ot Belgium, and in is Increasing in popularity and why it exactly as represented by us we Both Phones. signature of the armistice (Here the general iinmeuiate return of all doc­ tend. Durink this period, on failure child labor and compulsory education will refund your money—For sale by x resluent interrupted his reading td uments, specie, stocks, shares, paper of execution of any of the above laws are being made increasingly se­ Kuppenbender, bith phones. remark that there evidently had money together with the plant for clauses, the armistice may be de- vere. C. HAWK been an error in transmission, as the the issue thereof, touching public or nounced by one of the contracting It Is a fortunate epigram which has arithmetic was very bad. The “fur­ privute* interests in the Invaded parties on 48 hours previous notice. been made by this cripple of peace ther period ot 11 days is in addition countries. Restitution of Russia and 35. This armistice is to be accepted for the benefit of the cripples of Ornaipental Fire Places Built PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, to the 14 days allowed for evacuation itoumania gold yielded to Germany or refused by Germany within 72 war. The part of the man “from the of Brick and Stone, All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed neck up” knows no limitations except Oregon or invaded countries, making 25 days or taken by that power. This gold to 1 hours of notification. Bay City given the Germans to get entirely M delivered iu trust to the allies un- not to smoke or money re­ self-imposed ones.—Portland Ore­ funded. clear ot the Rhine lands.) All move­ Cl* the signature ol peace. gonian. iwwa Brick work of all kinds done ments of evacuation and occupation Council of Defense Notes. Nq. -■ — DR J. G. .TURNER, on short notice. Naval Conditions Stated. will be regulated according to the Emotions and the Eye. We make a specialty of re­ note annexed. 2U. Mrumeuiate cessation ot all hos­ To the County Chairmen of the State i • pairing smoking Fire Places. EYE SPECIALIST. The thing we look at stralghtest and tilities at sea and detinue iniorma- Council of Defense for Oregon. Inhabitants to Be Safe. I most steadily is the eye of the man or tioa io be given as to the location PORTLAND — OREGON We are In receipt of a telegram woman who talks to us. And no emo­ 6. In all territory evacuated by the and movements of all German ships. Regular Monthly Visits to enemy there shall be no evacuation Notilmatlon to be given to neutrals from Franklin K. Lane, Chairman tion changes the glistening of that eye. of inhabitants; no damage or harm mat freedom ot navigatiou in all ter­ Field Division, Council of National Yet. so unobservant are we all, espe­ Tillamook and Cloverdale. TILLAMOOK. ORE. snail oe done to the persons or prop­ ritorial waters is given to the naval Defense, urging that the State Coun- cially descriptive novelists, that eyea, watch paper for dates . erty ui the Inhabitants, no destruc­ and mercantile marine ot the allied cils of Defense and Women's Com- In fiction, always flash, and no doubt tion of any kind to be committed. and associated powers, all questions mittee’s pay no heed to the looming will always flash, under the stress of possibilities of an armistice, but to any kind of rage, The assnssln of the Military establishments of all kinds of neutrality being waived. snail be delivered intact as well as H GOYNE, 21. All naval and mercantile ma­ carry forward their line of work surgeon in Paris the other day went military stores ot food, munitions, rine prisoners ot war ot the allies with undiminished vigor. Chairman to his deed, as wo read tn the ficti­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW'. equipment not removed during the and associated powers iu Germun Lane's instructions addressed to all tious part of the report of a witness, State Councils and Woman's commit­ with eyes that flashed according to periods fixed lor evacuation. Stores Office: O pposite C ouht F ; jsk ol food of all kinds for the civil pop­ hands to be returned without recip­ tees are as follows: custom. Now the human eye has two atest f rocity. "I earnestly beg that you do not places for flashing—one in the clear 22. Surrender to the allies and the O. egon. ulation, cattle, etc., shall be left in Tillamook siiu. Industrial establishments shall United States ot America ot 160 relax your effort in the slightest de­ pupil, showing one point of light or not be impaired in any way and German submarines (including all gree on account of the possibility of more according to the light or lights JOHN ¡LELAND HENDERSON, their personnel shall not be moved. submarine cruisers and mine-laying an early armistice. Even if an early reflected; the other In the white. Roads and means of communication submarines), with their complete armistice should be concluded, this Neither of these brightnesses depends ATTORNEY of every kind, railroads, waterways, armament and equipment in ports, does not mean that the war is over, upon the mind. main roads, bridges, telegraph, tele­ winch will be specified by the allies and, in any case,, the emergency will AND phones, shall In no manner be im­ and the United States ot America. All not be over for a long time. Most of Pharaoh's 8erpent’s Egg Trick. COUNSELLOR AT-LAW the work that you have been called paired. • One of the most amusing tricks In other submarines to be paid off and on to perform must go on undlmin- flreworks Is the serpent’s egg trick, T illamook B lock , completely disarmed und placed un­ Materials To Be Given Np. Tillamook - - • -Oiegs* der the supervision ot me allied pow­ ished and every man and woman in where a little pellet when lighted turns 7. All civil and military personnel ers and the United States of America. the State Council of Defense system into a horrible snake, many, many ROOM NO. 261. 1 hope will stay on the job. In a few times the size of the pellet. How awe­ at present employed on them shall 23. The following German surface remain, live thousand locomotives, warships which shall be designated days 1 will write on the outlook for inspiring It Is to the youngsters I Most 50,099 wagons and 10,000 motor lor­ by the allies and the United States ot the further work.’’ people have no idea what in the world The above message, with the fol- causes the snake to appear. The ex­ H. T. Botts, Urea Attorney ries in good working order with all America shall forthwith be disarmed Electricity’s latest gift to necessary spare parts and fittings and thereafter interned in neutral lowing addition, was later received planation Is simple. Mercury sulpho- at-Law. the housewife - greatest shall be delivered to the associated ports, or, for the want of them, in from the Council of National De­ cyanld burns with a voluminous ash. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ fense, signed by D. M. Reynolds: since the electric iron The little pellet Is nothing more than powers within the period fixed for retary Treas., Attorney-at- .the evacuation 01 Belgium and Lux­ allied ports, to be designated by the "This holds good for labor also. some mercury sulphocyanld. The heat and electric vacuum allies and the United States of Amer ­ Law and Notrary Public. emburg. 1 lie railways of Alsace-Lor- ica and placed under the surveillance Please give this widest publicity. It causes the ash to move off so quickly cleaner—the from the burning pellet that It writhes 1 raise snail De handed over within the of the allies and the United States of is absolutely necessary.” Tillamook Title and same period, together with all pre­ America, only caretakers being left Will you be good enough to place and distorts itself Into the shape of a Western Electric war personnel and material. Further on board, namely: Six battle cruisers, this message in the hands of the miniature snake. Abstract Co. 1 material necessary for the working 10 battleships, 8 light cruisers, in­ proper authorities for publication in P ortable Law Abstracta. Real Estate, > of railways in the country on the left cluding two mine layers, 50 destroy­ your county? Radium In Sea Salt S ewing M achine Thanking you in advance for your bank of the Rhine shall be left in ers of the most modern type. All I nan rance. Samples of sea salt collected dur usual co-operation, I remain, situ. All stores ot coal and material Both Phones. Ing a recent voyage In the Pacific and other surface warships (Including No more tiresome tor the upkeep of permanent ways, river craft) are