TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER 14, 1918, highway construction next year j hospitality,’’ The Soldiers’ and Sail- sum of 8422.27, and coats lnthe fur­ should be only for the most essential ’ore' clubs in various cities are exam- ther sum of 812.40, and by virtue of needB, particularly streets and roads pies of this work, but not the only an order of sale for attached real oneB. It concentrates on putting the property, made and entered on the Onions eaten raw are declared to of military or great economic value, last named date, and of an attach­ be a preventative of and a cure for and it asked that the municipal au­ soldier, sailor or marine in touch ment execution, issued by authority with the best phases of civilian life, thorities submit before December 1, Spanish influenza. Kissing is said to of said judgment and order on the spread the disease, and onions when estimates of what they propose to do| particularly in the home. The Jewish Welfare Board is help­ 21st day’of Oct., 1918, commanding eaten but by one party to the pro­ Some of these estimates have been me to sell all the right, title and in­ posed occulation would certainly be coming back to the Highwty Com­ ing to sustain the morale of some terest of the said defendants in and 100,000 Jews in the Army und Navy, mission in poor shape, indicating a deterrent. And onions are cheaper to the real property hereinafter de­ und in addition to recreational and that too little attention has been loo.—Telephone Register. paid to the rules. Some communities athletic work it specializes in "Am- scribed, to satisfy said judgment, ------- o------- costs and expenses incurred under R. Sayre & Co. of Chicago, who- have sent in returns saying that they ericanizing" the young men of that WHY cash them—when you know the money said execution, I. W. L. Campbell, ever they are, are doing a good deal propose to do no street work next faith. The business of the American Li­ Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, will soon be spent? With a Savings or Check­ of advertising against the cat. They year. They evidently did not realize in Tillamook, Oregon, on Saturday, offer prizes for pussy’s destruction. that under such a return they would brary Association’s War Service has ing \ccount here at the big. strong First National Bank be prohibited from getting materials been to keep the men in the Army the 23rd day of November, 1918, at Among the prizes is $200 for the kil ­ it will be no time at all until you will have a nice and Navy supplied with books and ten o'clock a.m. of said date, at the- ling of the last cat in the world, and for even the slightest repair job. “nest egg. ’ magazines. In this it has worked front door of the Court House of said It is very evidently the intention of 1 they predict that by Christmas 1920, Only National Bank in Tillamook. Tillamook County, will sell for cash there will be no more cats. We would the Highway Council to carry out through all the other organizations DIRECTORS : think their circulars a joke if they its announced purpose of limiting mentioned and also in co-operation in hand to the highest bidder, in A. W. Bunn, Farmer. P. Heisel, Farmer. did not take the matter so seriously highway construction and mainte'n- ■ with the Red Cross. Its responsibili- obedience to said judgment, order C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. ance to essential needs; in fact it 1 ties have been greatly increased by and execution, ail the right, title and themselves.—Itm.iizer, B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. appears to be the desire of the coun- the ambitious plans of educators for interest of said defendants, which ----- o W. J. Riechers. Cashier. / Partisan criticism of Theodore ctl that there shall be no work next the continuance of school facilities they, or either of them had at 3 Roosevelt went entirely too tar when year except that of maintaining the for men in the service, and this in o’clock p.m., July 16, 1918, or at any his patriotism was questioned and he streets and roads already built. At the future will call for a heavy ex- time thereafter, in and to the follow­ was compared with the kaiser as an least one large municipality has felt penditure for books of the sort de- ing described real property, situated enemy of America. Whatever differ­ the teeth in the rule in that it has munded by the army students of the tn Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the- ence of opinion there may have been been refused a permit to continue "Khaki University.” The Salvation Army was early on Southwest quarter and the Southeast as to the colonel’s statesmanship ana some more important street work the ground overseas and has won an quarter of the Southeast quarter as to his political methods, no one already begun.—Oregon Voter. enviable place among the soldiers. Its of Section 5, Township 2, South, who has followed his course closely doughnuts and pies represent only a of Range 10, West of the Willam­ could for a moment be uncertain as The Welfare of Our Men. small part of its activities, but they ette Meridian, and Lot 1, Sec­ to his love of country and willingness ------o — The Valve in-hesd type encine Illus­ have made it famous. Its workers, tion 8, said Township, lying North to go to any length in its service. We The needs of the welfare agencies trated here, like all intemel combus­ must also remeniber that long before through which the American people both men and women, have been and west of the Netarts County road. tion •nil»**, rtquir«« an oil that hoida its lubricating qualities at cyl­ we entered the world war he was will express their solicitude for the tested in the service and have with­ Dated this October. 22, 1918. inder heat, burns clean in the com­ W. L. Campbell, clear-sighted enough to see that our well- being of our soldiers and their stood the ordeal. bustion chembers and soaa out with exhaust. Zerolene Itlla these require­ Sheriff of Tillamook These, in brief, are the claims up- entry was inevitable, and he was one gratitude of deeds already performed ments perfectly, because it it correct­ County, Oregon. of the few prominent men courageous will not be abated by the early con­ j on Americans of the allied welfare ly refined from .elected Californie aa- heli-base crude. enough in the face of apparent pub­ clusion of peace. There will still be organizations for whose support con- First publication Oct. 24, 1918. lic disapproval to preach the doctrine some millions of men under arms, for j tributations are being asked this Last publication November 21, 1918- of preparedness. It is beside the ques­ whom provisions will still need to be i week. They have in the past held tion at present to remind ourselves made, and even the unconditional i separate campaigns, with inevitable Notice of Sale of Real Property By - Administrator De Bonis Non. that we would have profited had we surrender of Germany will have no duplication of effort and unnecessary I followed his urging and would have effect upon the plans for the cam­ I additional expense. That they have In the County Court of the State ot saved valuable lives and millions in paign which will be launched this pooled their issues is assurance that , money and have brought the war to week. There has been nothing to for every dollar contributed there Oregon, for the County of Mult­ an earlier conclusion. Roosevelt must change the revised estimate that a will be given a full 100 cents in ser­ nomah. In the matter of the Estate ot ■ be given the credit of having seen quarter of a billion dollars will be vice. The success of each depends up­ facts, as they were later proved to be, required for the work which has been on the success of all. This union of Leonard Krebs, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursu­ Zerolene keeps the engine young—full-powered, smooth­ and he was one of the first after the planned. More than a year would be effort represents the fullest co-opera­ running, and economical in fuel and oil consumption— cobwebs of German intrigue were required to bring the American sol­ tion in a welfare undertaking that ant to power and authority granted because it is correctly refined from selected California swept away to recognize the great diers back to their homes, even if the world has even known.—Oregon­ 'to the administrator de bonis non of asphalt-base crude. Gives better lubrication with less the Estate of Leonard Krebs, deceas­ moral and humanitarian question in­ they should start home at once and ian. carbon. Made in several consistencies. Get our Correct ed, by the above entitled court on volved. If in his impatience at the keep coming at the rate of twenty Lubrication Chart covering your car. the 25th day of September, A. D. dilatoriness and apparent obtuseness shiploads a week. There is, on the When in Rome— At dealers everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations. ------- o—----- 1918, the administrator de bonis non of others he has gone to greater other hand, no probability that a The French people have always of the above entitled estate will from STANDARD OIL COMPANY lengths than some consider proper homeward movement will be started been extremely forgiving towards us and after Friday, the 8th day of (California) under existing circumstances, there before the final peace agreement is for our national shortcomings. They November, 1918, offer for sale and can be no question that the sole mo­ signed. The armistice and the peace do not expect us to grow Frenchfied will proceed to sell at private sale to- tive is pure patriotism and a desire treaty are widly different matters. by living and fighting with them. the highest bidder for cash, subject to cause others to see dangers that Months are likely to intervene be­ We do some things differently, to confirmation by the County Court are clear to him. We believe that this tween them. And these will ta both of us. But we, as Americans, for Multnomah County, State of Ore­ is generally recognized and as a re­ months in which, especially If disci­ sult Colonel Roosevelt has gained a pline is relaxed, our men will suffer could journey nowhere over the gon, all the right, title and interest globe and find national traits so ot said estate in and to the follow­ multitude of friends who formerly if we fail to till their leisure hours nearly alike. If we say otherwise, differed with him.—Hillsboro Inde­ with the right activities. if ing described real property situated we think some customs of the in Tillamook County, State of Ore­ pendent. The agencies now co-operating to French people odd, and if we go gon, to-wit: this end, and officially recognized as wholesale and retail about proudly proclaiming that oddi­ All of Lots Numbered One, Two, Wake Up On Roads. such, are seven in number. They are ------ o------ ty. we not only betray ill breeding, Three, Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen the Young Men's Christian Associa ­ There is little evidence that our but a quality that the ordinary ill- of Block Numbered Two, in the Town road officials, either state or county, tion. the National Catholic War bred man cares much more about— of Woods, County of Tillamook* Council, the Jewish Welfare Board, are sufficiently alive to the impera­ we show ourselves to be made of State of Oregon; tive necessity of tabulating their re­ tile American Library Association small town stuff, though we hail An undivided one half interest in pair needs in time to have same cer­ and the Salvation Army. Although from New York or Chicago or Phila­ and to Lots Numbered One, Two and) these represent practically every Warehouse unii onice Cor. Front and BrdjAve. Went. Tilhimo* k Or. tified to the United States Highway delphia. Three in Block Numbered One in th® large sectarian division, their work Council before December 10. Forms No one asks us to become French, Town of Woods. County of Tilamook* is essentially non-sectarian. There | huve been sent to all state, county, even to act French while we are here. State of Oregon; and municipal officials having to do has been ample testimony to their But there is one French custom An undivided one-half interest in with road work ».nd street repair full and hearty co-operation in every­ which, as a remark ot common re­ and to Tract No. 654 as shown bjr thing that they have done. Day and | and construction, ihese forms evi­ night these organizations have la­ spect. we ought to adopt. It is one on Volume One, page 251, Line 3 ot dently have been disregarded through which the French feel strongly, one 1913 Tax Roll of Tillamook County» bored to make American soldiers the failure to sense their importance. which high und low, rich und poor, State of Oregon, in Section 19, Town most efficient, the cleanest, the most The gist of the ruling of the nat­ honor alike. ship Four South, Range Ten West ot intelligent and the most human body ional authorities is that no labor or Every Frenchman, be he cabinet the Willamette Meridian in Tilla­ of men that have ever faced a foe. material will be permitted to be used Every man in the army and Navy member or common thief, bares his mook County, State of Oregon; and for road or street work during 1919 An undivided one-half interest it» has been welcome to the best that head reverently when the little open unless the necessity for it has been hearse passes in u funeral procession. and to a parecl of land described as each organization had to offer. passed upon by the highway council. The Y. M. C. A. has accompanied And if the dust in the casket is all follows: "Beginning at the Southeast, The council has ruled that it will ac­ the fighters from the moment of that remains of the common thief, corner of A. Phelps one-acre Tract, cept applications for action only up their induction to the time when the cabinet member will bare his in Section 19, Township Four South to December 10 of this year—only a they go to the battle front. In this it head just the same. It is the final to- of Range 10 West of the Willamette month hence. i ken of respect for all that is good in Meridian; Thence North 6 degree® has already shared honors with the These applications must specify man. 37 minutes West 150 feet; thence National W’ar Council and the Jew­ BELL. PHONE. MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE. each piece of street or road work Is it asking too much to expect North 83 degrees 23 minutes East I ish Welfare Board, and these three that is necessary to be done. If offl- that every man in the A. E. F. will 206 feet; thence South 6 degrees 37" I cials fall to make a complete list, the organizations with others have re­ make that same sign of reverence _________ minutes East 199 feet to the inter­ cently expanded their field of useful­ work cannot be done under these ness by instituting classes of instruc­ whenever the occasion arises? It does section line of ordinary high water; ruling«, which fact will invoke a tion for the newly drafted men at not make him conspicuous—failure thence South 76 degrees 8 minute® severe hardship In such instances West 208 feet along the line of ordi­ home. Beginning with a few "Y” to do so does.—Stars and Stripes. I where repair or maintenance work nary high water; thence North 6 de­ secretaries who went to France in I is absolutely necessary. Every pro- grees 37 minutes West 74 feet to the advance of General Pershing ’ s men, Notice to Creditor». I ject in each county of Oregon must place of beginning In the Town of ----- o ------ the force had grown at last estimates I be listed und certified to the national In the District Court of the United Woods, Tillamook County, State of to 5739 men and 852 women in I council. The same applies to the two Oregon. States for the district of Oregon. I hundred incorporated cities and camps overseas and 3882 in home Bids offered in writing for said' In the matter of Elbert L. Worth ­ I towns of the state. By overlooking camps. The organization now con­ ington and Gladys M. Worthington, real property may be made at any ducts the canteen in camps where I this necessity at this time, counties Individually and as partners, bank­ time after the publication of this I will find themselves unable to exe- there are no quartermaster's stores. rupt; notice and before making sale at the Its tads, and also those of the I cute necessary work for which they office of Emil P. Slovarp. Attorney No. 1997 in Bankruptcy. Knights of Columbus and the Jewish have included items in their tax 608-9 Henry Building. Portland, Ore’ Welfare Board, are the soldiers' I | Notice is hereby given that on the levies. clubs, theatres, schools, churches and 31st day of October A. D., 1918, El- Dated and first publication October It is required that these applications 10th, 1918. bert L Worthington and Gladys M. reading and writing rooms. be made through the state highway Jefferson J. Krebs, Worthington individually and The prominent part played by as commission, so that commission may Administrator de bonis non. women in reinforcing the fighting partners, of Tillamook. Oregon, the ! pass upon them and submit them to men and in relieving men from other bankrupts above named, was duly C. C. Stout and Emil p. Slovarp, the national council with its recom­ adjudicated bankrupt, and that the 608-9 Henry Butlding. Portland, Ore. mendations. It should be kept in work in order that they might fight, is forcibly illustrated by the work of first meeting of their creditors will be Attorneys for the Estate. ' the County Court House, for Tllla- ntind clearly that this rigid require­ the Y. M. C. A.. This association’s held at my office. Sth floor. Title & Notioe of Sheriff’» Sale. ment haB nothing to do with the Trust Building, Portland, Oregon on ' mook County, at Tillamook, Oregon, Notice of Final Account. work of the Capital Issues Committee most striking accomplishment in ------- o------- In the Circuit Court of the State of sell, at public auction (subject to which pusses aione upon road bond America has been the establishment J the 19th day of November, 1918, at Notice is hereby given that the of hostess houses in mobilization i 10 a.m., at which time said creditors Oregon for the County of Tillamook. ¡redemption) to the highest bidder issues. The United Stales Highway ' for cash, all the estate, right, title centers and training camps. In the may attend, prove their claims, ap­ undersigned lias filed her final ac­ Snitth-Wugoner Company. Council has jurisdiction over mater­ point a trustee, examine the bank- count as executrix of the last »<11 and interest which the above named A corporation. Plaintiff. ials and labor for ordinary work paid war zone it has provided social work- I defendants, or either of them, had, ers, recreation leaders, physical di­ t rupt. and transact such other busi- and testament of Elizabeth J. Good­ vs. fur out of tax levies as well as for rectors and cafeteria managers for I ness as may properly come before speed. deceased, in the county court on the 3rd day of March, 1915, or Charles Stonehouse and Mat- work to be done under bond Issues. of 1 illamook County,- Oregon, and I which they, or either of them, or any the thousands of American women I said meeting. tie Stonehouse, Defendants. It is high time for officials to wake Claims must be presented in form said court has appointed Monday, Pursuant to an execution Issued person claiming through them, or up to the situation. If they are not I nurses. Signal Corps workers and out of the above entitled court, to either of them, since that date ac- in possession of the requisite forms, other English-speaking women em- | required by the Bankruptcy Act. and the 25th day of November, 1918, at me directed, dated October 23rd, ! quired. or now have, in and to the as may be the case if they were toss­ ployed with the American forces, and (»worn to. The schedule filed disclos­ ten o clock, a.m., at the county court room, in the court house in Tilla­ 1918, and a judgment, decree and above described property, or any ed into the waste basket on receipt. for French women employed In niu- es estimated assets of 8222.50. mook City, Oregon, as the time and order of sale rendered and entered I part thereof, to satisfy said execu- The Voter will provide forms upon nftion plants, war offices, stores aud ! Dated November 7, 1918. ' factories. judgment, decree, order of sale, application. tn the above entitled cause. October A. M. Cannon, place for hearing objections to said The National Catholic War Council j and accruing costs. Referee in Bankruptcy. account, and the settlement thereof. 12, 1918. in favor of Smith-Wagoner | The situation is reviewed by the * was formed to co-ordinate all Cath- i Dated, this October 24th, 1918. W. L. Campbell. Company, Plaintiff, vs Charles Boston Transcript in a recent issue. lolic war activities and to put all I Sheriff of Tillamook It says: • Stonehouse and Mattie Stonehouse, „ _ Anna Hess, Executrix. Notice of Sheriff» Sale. H. T. Botts, Attorney. 'Catholics in touch with ways of aid- County. Oregon, defendants, for 8158.70, and the Municipal authorities, who have | ing our Government to win the war. I I further sum of 818.00 costs, which Fi ret publication Oct. 3». 1918. In the Circuit Court of the State of given only passing attention to the __ ¡Oregon, for Tillamook County. sums bear interest nt 6 per cent per l*aat publication Nov. 31st, 1918. the " Knights of rules of the United States Highway It has designated 1* Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. annum front October 12, 1918, and . Council In regard to street and road Columbus as the body representing ■ Ja* M. Erickson, Plaintiff. the costa *of this writ, commanding Do not believe that becaus other vs. wur« In 1919. and who have return­ the church in the recreational wel­ Sleep and Reit, me to make sale of the Southwest cough medicines failed to give yon ed their estimates of work to be done fare of soldiers in camps and trench­ W. A. Clark and Mrs. W. A. Clark Quarter ot the Northeast Quarter of relief that It will be the same with One of the most common causes of without careful consideration, will es. The Women's Committee on War w . . , Defendant. Activities maintains visitors' houses the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, : insomania and restlessness is indiges- find that the rules have Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Bear teeth, and Tp. 1 South. Range 9 West. W. M. ilon Take one of Vhamberlain's Tab- that unless they follow them careful­ in and near American camps. tue of a judgment in ths above en­ in mind that from a small beginning tn Tillamook County, Oregon, con­ ets Immediately after supper and see ly they are likely to be in a bad po The War Camp Community Service titled cause and court, made and en­ «his remedy has gained a world wide taining 10 acres more or less. I will, if you do not rest better and sleep aitlon next spring when they want to is less well known than it ought to tered on the 7th day of October, 1918, reputation and immense sale. A med­ on Monday, November 26th, 1918 at ( better. They only cost a quarter. For do road work. i be. considering ths size if its under­ in favor of the above named plain­ icine must have exceptional merit to taking. py Lamar's Drug Store. Pd Ad. ' The council took the position that j „¡' 10 o’clock a.in. at the front door of “gg’n Its aim Is expressed in its tiff. and against the above named de­ win esteem wherever it become« , to surround the camps with fendants, and each of them, for the known. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store —Pa. Adv. What the Editors Say Deposit These Creamery Pay Checks The First National Bank. ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars It Keeps the Engine Young! UAMB-SCHRRDER CO CEMENT. LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector SEE W. A. CHURCH, FOR INSURANCE Fire, Lifs, Accident, Automobile. 2nd Ave. E, between 1st and 2nd Sts. Successor to J. S. Stephens I