TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, r NOVEMBER 14/ 1918. UPPOSE you had been a week in the trenches—can you imagine what it would mean to you tQ come out and run into a full-fledged good old American baseball game? The ship­ ments of baseballs sent to France would make a line more than two miles long if they were laid side by side. The athletic orders placed by the war work agencies are the largest in the history of sport Keep the boys’ spirits high and they will tend to the Kaiser. Get behind the S This Store is where your $ Does Most Duty. SIZES 14 TO*48. PLUSH and all wool I'i h \ r|'< Velur and Bilevia. A MODERN DESIGNS SUITS DRESSES GOLDEN’S Manish Serge, Broadcloth and all Wool Poplin WONDERFUL STYLES. Wool Jersey, Wool Serge, Satin and Silk Dependable Merchandise at considerable lower prices then elsewhere AT----- CROSS THE ST. FROM CLOUGH’S DRUG STORE. UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN The Store that gives you more goods for less Money, TILLAMOOK, ORE. ;f{- t Star Garage ........................ 72.21 Oscar Tittle ........................... 49.37 Oskar Huber ........................... 5755.45 Mrs. C. E. Walker........... 8.50 Plasker Bros..................... 43.35 Tillamook Iron Works........... 28.65 Alex McNair Co............... 79.15 State Industrial Accident Com. 52.67 James Dailey ....................... 600 King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. .... 69.60 Moon & Woods ..................... 24.00 Roberts-Kinsman Lbr. Co. .. 91.15 Southern Pacific Co........ -S9 R. F. Zachman ................................ 8.75 Tillamook Water Com.............. 2.00 Arthur Edmunds....................... 2.50 j Cloverdale Garage................... 29.90 Frank Foster........................... 45.69 Gilbert Bros............................... 22.91 Lloyd Kellow ........................... 3.00 G. M. Kostic................................ 1.75 Ross Magarrell ....................... 1.75 Fred Lewallen .................. 6.25 Edw. Mallory................ ...... 24.46 P. D. Ott ...'........... 16.00 Sandlake Saw Mill ............... 82.67 Star Lumber Co.......................... 68.76 Star Lumber Co. ............ 164.16 Tillamook Co. Mutual Tel Co. .60 R. E. Wilson Co....................... 93.79 R. E. Wilson ............................ 16.11 Cloverdale Garage................... 2.65 W. P. Fuller & Co...................... 31.00 Geo. A. Sears ....................... 1500.00 W. J. Wilson ............................ 7.30 Guy Mattoon ........................ 1.79 Edw. Mallory ............................ 207.86 Fred Gilbert ........................... 23.56 Harley Curl ............................ 59.96 Hugh Wallace ....................... 6.73 D. B. Swartz ............................ 2.41 Manuel Borba ....................... 39.89 John Saling................................ 2.40 Dewey Saling ....................... 6.54 G. L. Lane ................................ 29.75 Elmer Earl................................ 30.62 C. B. Whaley............................ 9.62 Homer Arstell............................ 9.19 Wade Arstell ........................... 9.19 Paul Burke ................................ 38.06 Glen White................................ 19.25 Ivan Lowrance ....................... 9.62 Wilson Taylor.................. 43.31 Claud Lewallen........................ 9.62 Lee Lane ................ 17.50 J. R. Bidgood ............................ 3.50 Barney Estabrook................... 3.50 A. A. Arstell ............................ 11.25 A. A. Arstell ............ 1150 A. A. Arstell ............................ 6.19 E. E. Koch ................................ 12.00 J. G. Turk ................................ 6.00 B. L. Beals ............................ 85.33 t Rollie W. Watson................... 10.00 G. B. Lamb................................... 83.33 Marion Hare ............................... 55.00 G. B. Lamb ................................ 4-64 G. B. Lamb................................ 18.80 1 W. E. Finzer 4 Co...................... 2.49 ) A. M. Hare ...................... 101.30 F. L. Owens................................... 85.00 : i * Rufus C. Holman....................... 10.00 T. E. Eppelett .......................... 33.00 I ¡Smith Elliott ............................ 6.00 ■ Chas E. Runyon........................... 50.00 Lottie Haberstrow................... 10 9 ; A.. C. Stubling ................... 28.98 H. C. Daulton............................ 19.44 T. H. Goyne................................ 25.00 Western Union Tel. Co.......... .90 T. H. Goyne ............................ 26 00 C. A. Johnson ........................ 103.90 Myrtle Walline ........................ 85.00 Tillamook Water Com.............. 10.00 Glass & Prudhomme Co.......... 56.50 Tillamook Headlight ............... 205.00 A. C. Stulbing ................... 30.85 Ernest Zuercher .................... .30 W. S. Coates ......................... 42.50 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co.............. 10.88 A. F. Coats................................ 9.00 H. C. Daulton............................ 24.05 T. E. Ashley ............................ 1.20 A. C. Deuel............................................. 30 T. H. Goyne................................ 75.73 King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. .. 1.35 Weary Burmester................... 25.00 Irene Eadus ............................ 10.00 Johanna York ....................... 17.50 Ioel V. Gillam............................ 25.00 Florence M. Baker................... 25.00 Ruby C. Brooten ................... 17.50 Sarah E. Hatch ................... 17.50 Augusta E. Williams............... 25.00 Grace V. Illingworth............... 10.00 Emma E. Colestock .......... 10.00 Plasker Bros............... '........... 2.25 Standard Oil Co....................... 11.25 Tillamook Garage.................. 26.20 John Aschim ............................ 112.96 C. B. Stanley ........................ 113.44 W. L. Campbell ................... 6.62 James Burke ............................ 5.00 Hazel Lamar ............................ 2.00 F. C. Reed ................................ 5.00 Laura L. Weirick .............. 10.50 E. J. Irvin ................................ 8.45 F. P. Darland .................... 1.50 F. A. Rowe ................................ 20.00 -------O— ■ - Total........... 10.234.93 Road Dist. No 3. H. Nordstrom .. ................... 8 19.68 Alfred Nordstrom................... 11.37 John Stults ............................ 27.12 M. Curl .................................... 17 60 B. Wood................................... 16 17 ■Arthur Hanson ................ • • • 3.06 Carl Curl ................................ 1663 Carl Commons ....................... 16.62 Fred Scherzinger ................... 9-17 •-Harold Scherzinger ............... 19.25 A. E. Meyer ........................... 12.00 Alfred Bauer ........................... 2.62 Will Ward ................................ 19-25 J. Lewalien ................................ 28.00 C. M. Lane ............................ 21.00 Ross Chilcott ........................... 21.00 Ralph Chilcott ....................... 21.00 Geo. Lane.......................... ■ • 9.62 C. Lewallen ........................ • 9.62 A. B. Wood............................... 1-50 John Browning ....................... 40.74 Wm. Bedortha ....................... 52.94 Earl McLaughlin .......................... 105.88 Bill Wilmot....................... .. 37.64 Henry Bohna ............................ 151.00 Henry Bohna ........................... 69.00 W. D. Benfield ....................... 24.50 Vai Fisher ...................... .'....* 58.63 Total................. 6,410.38 H. L. Jensen ........................... 17.50 General Fund. John Borba ............................... 17.50 25.00 W. J. Wilson ........................... 12.37 L. S. Hushbeck ....................... 20.85 Gus Chopard ............................ 12.25 A. L. McCarty .......... 79.94 Emmet Benfield............ .......... 9-62 R. C. Jones ......... ,................ 78.00 ' Arthur Haag ........................... 9.62 C. E. Stewart ....................... 150.00 ■Ed Morehead ...................... 9.62 R. L. Shreve .............. 37.45 M. J. Sausers ........................... 9.62 T. H. Goyne................................ 2.25 Leo Nelson ................................ 9.62 Jos. Aufdermauer................... 12.67 Chester Jensen ....................... 1.75 Underwoed Typewriter Co. 43.88 C. C. Murphy ........................... 115.87 Glass Prudhpmme Co............. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. ...... 44.13 Guy Mattoon .............. 112.50 1.50 Vai Fisher ................................ 10.50 Harris Furniture Co. Tom Nicklaus ....................... 28.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 20.80 Remainder of bill continued next Herman Nicklaus .......... 14.00 Yoran Printing House ........... 126.00 week. 7.87 O. W. Kinnaman....................... 7.87 Erwin Harrison....................... Lottie Haberstroh ................... 12.00 C. C. Murphy........................... 62.85 29.00 Guy Mattoon ............................ 28.68 J. A. Smith .......................... 59.34 U. S. Edwards........................... 89.25 Star Grocery ........................... 39.00 Lester Edwards....................... 77.00 Tillamook Herald ................... Ulysses Edwards ................... 3.50 W. L. Campbell ....................... 169.08 50.00 Bolen Edwards ....................... 7.00 F. B. McKinley ....................... E. L. Glaisyer ............................ 240.00 Ed Hayes.................................... 8.75 4.96 Ed Carter ................................ 14.00 Frederick Poet Co...................... J. J. Hollett ................................ 10.00 H. A. Brandt .......................... 7.00 3.63 F. C. Reynolds ........................ 68.00 Smithy’s Variety Store .... 1.55 Ira Diamond ........................... 3.50 Frank Heyd & Co...................... 2.65 P. C. Meyer ............................. 4.00 Crystal Laundry ................... 7.70 P. C. Meyer ............................. 3.50 C. O. 4 C. M. Dawson........... 15..00 Nolan Babcock....................... 10.50 D. E. Goodspeed....................... 7.70 Dell Penter................................ 7.00 Tillamook Co. Mutual Tel. Co. 32.86 The fitter the fighter the W. H. Candle............................ 12.25 Coast Power Co.......................... 10.97 faster the finish. Willie Frazier............................ 5.25 Conover & Condit ... .../.. 4.62 J. M. Weis.................................... 3.50 JC. O. & C. M. Dawson........... Invest in morale through 5.00 Geo. Shaffer ............................ 3.50 Cady’s Department Store .... the United War Work L. J. White................................ 3.50 W C. Hawk................................ 206.55 Campaign. Mrs. F. P. Hobson ................... 25.00 Otto Nicolay ............................ 3.50 4.00 Frank Carver............................ 14.00 Geo. W. Phelps ....................... 7.08 Floyd Booth................................ 7.00 J. F. Jones ................................ 12.50 TOWER’S FISH BRAND Chas. Altenberger................. » 12.25 Jos. Blattler ............................ 15.00 O.M. Burbank.................................. 11.35 Mrs. G. B. Lamb....................... 25.75 Manuel Suares ....................... 7.00 Claude Brown ....................... 5.00 John Borba................................ 14.00 State War Savings Com.......... 97.00 E. R. Ayer................................ 26.00 H. V. Alley................................ 20.00 W. D. Jones .............’................ 102.39 Bancroft Whitney Co.............. m R. F. Zachman....................... 20.40 T M. Hurlber............................ Abe Hudson ................................ 4.50 King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co................ 92.50 6.50 Southern Pacific Co.................. 6.18 Mrs. John McKie................... Cloverdale Hotel ....................... 6.50 James Dailey ....................... 54.75 30.35 Moon & Woods....................... 104.75 E. W. Stanley............................ 1.70 Tillamook Garage .................... 7.15 S. Siskuy............................... 80.00 A. C. Deuel................................ 50.00 T. E. Epplett............................ 19.95 John Affolter ............................ 9.65 T. E.Epplett ........................... E. G. Anderson........................ 10.35 Erwin Harrison..............................133.33 85.00 E. R. Ayer................................ 60.00 Vida Millis ................................ WipMÎAkiWy. 75.00 Forrest Ayer ............................ 135.00 Zella M. Harrison................... Sedi rfàciioi > G< a NnieeJ. Albert Boon ............................ 4.00 City Transfer. .Co................................. 86 Bushong & Co ............................ 177.04 DEALERS EVERYWHERE J- G. Brink................................ 10.25 A.JLTOWZRCO. BOSTON. 24.00 Cloverdale Mercantile Co. .... 1.85 T. H. Goyne ........................... HAT chance will I have when the war is over?” Thousands of boys are asking that question. They want to keep up with their studies; they want these warfare years to count For them the war work agencies are con­ ducting the greatest university in the world. Every hut in France is a class­ room, and the leading college and high school teachers of the country, under » * the leadership of men like Professor Stokes of Yale and Professor Erskine of Columbia, are keeping your boy in touch. Get behind the campaign that will keep 1 the boys from falling behind. UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN OTHERS and sisters of America, there are a thousand girls over there who are representing you. They are the girls of the Y. M. C. A., ths Y. W. C. A. and the lassies of the Sal­ vation Army. Boys come back to them at night hungry for a woman’s voice in a language they can understand. They bring your letters; and the pic­ tures of you—their sisters and their mothers over here. Have you ever stopped to think that this is the first war in which the influence of good wo­ men followed the boys straight up to the front? It’s worth a lot to you to keep that influence strong and perma­ nent Keep it so through the M UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN r F I NOTICE OF ( SCHOOL MEETING. ■ Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 9, of Tillamook County, State of Oregon, that a school meeting of said district will be held at the High Cchool audi­ torium on the 30th day of November, 1918, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year beginning June 30th 1918 and ending June 30th 1919 is estimat­ ed in the following budget and in­ cludes the amounts to be received from the county school fund. State school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: 4 BUDGET. Estimated Expenditures. T 1 Teachers’ salaries............... |18,445.00 Furniture ........................... 400.00 Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalks, erasers, stoves, curtains, etc. . 640.00 Library books ............... 150.00 Flags ................................ 25.00 Repairs of schoolhouses, out- 750.00 buildings or fences ... Improving grounds........ 100.00 Playground equipment . .. 100.00 Transportation of pupils 540.00 Janitor’s wages............... 1,100.00 Janitor’s supplies ........... 300.00 700.00 Fuel .................................... Light ................................ . 150.00 Water ................................ 240.00 225.00 Clerk’s salary ............... Postage and stationery . 101.00 For the payment of bonded , « debt and interest thereon, issued under Sections 117, 144 to 148, and 422 of the School Laws of Oregon, 1917 ................................ .. 2,100.00 Interest on Warrants .. .. . 400.00 Outstanding Warrants .. .. 2,509.00 Insurance ......................... 475.00 Incidental......................... 400.00 Total estimated amount of money to be expended for all purposes during the year .................................... 29,850.00 Estimated Receipt«. From county school fund dur­ ing the coming year .... 7,600.00 From state school fund dur­ ing the coming school year 925.00 Clash now in the hands of the county treasurer, belonging to the district ............... 8,125.00 Estimated amount to be re­ ceived from all other sources during the coming school year.................................... 3,200.00 Total estimated receipts, not including the money to be received from the tax which it is proposed to vote .... 19,850.00 Recapitulation. Total estimated expenses for* the year ............................ 29,850.00 Total estimated receipts not including the tax to be v°ted ................................... 19,850.00 A dollar will care for a soldier for a week. How many soldiers will you make happy next year? They are waiting for your answer to the United War Work Campaign. Balance, amount to be raised by district tax........................ 10,000.00 Dated this 9th day of November, 1918. Canzada Everson C. W. Miller H. T. Botts. Board of Directors School District No. 9. Attest Erwin Harrison, Clerk.