TILLAMOOK I THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. road hardsurfaced as far as Garibaldi, up to the fact HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER I4, 1918 that it was only a and that no time should be lost in for there is going to be considerable few days before the fighting would dotng so. The war may end in anoth­ F. C. BAKER. Publisher. be over. We will gamble that the er year, and if this scheme is to be Subscription............................. $1.50 yr. travel in that vicinity. United Press took a gambler’s chance embarked upon at all no time should - — o------- The financiers of Germany, pre­ and figured it out about what time be lost in doing so. The committee vious to the war, wye asked by the 1 the armistice would be signed, but believes the proposed legislation and lser what effect a war would have 1 made a bad calculation, making a the undertaking contemplated there­ ------ o------ on Germany. Their reply was a jackass Of the United Press and asses by to be of great and vital import­ Won't it be a relief when the war quick, decisive war with a big in­ out of the newspapers that published ance to the country and a great and Is over and the restrictions are lifted. demnity would be 1. good thing for it. valuable economic program.” Germany, but a long war would be a o The Portland Journal should ruination to that country. The kaiser The kaiser was a religious mono­ Notice. change its name to " t he Portland toon chances, the people of Germany maniac, imbued with the idea that Luoy Liar.” o backing him up, who were enthusias­ he reigned by divine right. He un- ------ o------ tic to get into war. The financiers of Christianized Germany, for might is Notice is hereby given, that on The kaiser must have gone on the Germany predicted that it would be right was one of his false gods, 1 Thursday, 5th day of December, theory of the old adage: "He who a ruination to that country, which which turned Germany into a greedy, 11918, at 1 the o ' c I ock in the afternoon, fights and runs away, lives to fight have come true, for Germany is in a un-godly, barbarous, blood thirsty tne Court House, in Tillamook another day.” , sorry plight, the people blaming the nation. The land of Luther needs County, Oregon, a public hearing kaiser and the Junkers when they are another Christian awakening, which, The United Press must have gone just as guilty as they were. Germany no doubt, will follow the horrible j will be held at which the taxpayers on the theory that the American is now ripe for a revolution which I war that the kaiser and the German [ w ill be heard in favor of or against j any proposd tax levies as shown by people liked to be humbugged. But will help cause more ruination. I people forced upon Europe, will the i the following estimate of the Coun- it overstepped the mark and It will I foolish religious craze that they ' ty Court of Tillamook, County, Ore­ surely act as a boomerang on the "We’ll eat the Journal building" were chosen of God to dominate the newspapers that published its delib­ and "we’ll treat all the people of Til­ world and treat all other nations as gon. Estimate of the amount ot money erate falsehoods. lamook county to a good dinner if surfs. The kaiser was "buggy” with proposed to be raised by taxation for ------- o------ the news Is not true.” That was some that idea and it was his religion. 1 We will not vouch for the accuracy of the "hot air” that came from the But there are religious monomaniacs the ensuing year for Tillamook of the statement that eating oniops Portland Journal last week In answer in the United States as well who hold | County. Oregon. Figures assembled by the County will prevent Spanish Influenza. to inquiries as to whether the report strange religious views and follow Wonder whether It was a farmer was true that Germany had signed ' the teachings of religious cranks, j Court show that it will require the who grew onions who started the re­ the armistice. It is now up to C. S. claiming that their church, or organ­ sum of *357,820.00 to defray the ex­ port, with the idea that onions Jackson to start in and devour the ization, is*right religiously and all penses for Tillamook County, Oregon, ! for the year 1919, and for the object would take another jump skyward? Journal building, and as there are others are wrong. The war will and purpose of county improvements, ------- o------- about 10,000 persons in Tillamook knock all foolish, religious ideas out It is going to take a long time for county, it's up to Jackson to put up of the minds of the German people, the maintenance of county buildings, roads, bridges and for the salaries of the people to forget the hoax the *10,000, at *1.00 a plate, for that for they have been fooled in their county officers and employes, and Portland Journal and the United good dinner he promised to give Til­ religious ideas that right makes for other purposes, as follows, to-wit: Press played on the people of the lamook people.. And It is up to Dr. might and the kaiser was king by United States on Thursday, which Boals to send in the bill for *10,000, Road Purposes. divine right. was the second hoax that that news for he- was authorized to do so if the District No. 1. ------- o ------- agency was gullty of in a few weeks, report was not true. Everything looks bright for several Garibaldi to Bay City .... *7000.00 o------- years of unprecedented prosperity in Garibaldi to Mohler.......... 16000.00 Germany is squealing and squirm- The kaiser proved himself a cow­ the United States. Two very impor­ Mohler to Beaches............ 6000.00 tag already over the conditions of ardly cur when he hastily left Ger­ tant matters have to be adjusted, ’ Miami-Foley and Barber the armistice. What will she do when many and went to the Netherlands. the high cost of living, and the wage roads....................................... 5000.00 she sees the terms of peace she will It Is to be hoped when the peace con­ question. Both political parties South Fork above Foley . . 1000.00 have to accept? Then she will fully ference meets that it will demand his should devote their attention to this North Fork roads to County realize the penalties that have fallen surrender and he be banished for life so as to avoid dissatisfaction and la­ line...................................... e. 8000.00 upon her xor plunging Europe into with a whole lot of the junkers of bor troubles. These are two questions God's Valley road. . ............ 1000.00 war. Germany. To flee to a neutral coun­ which now confront the country. Machinery and repairs. . .. 5000.00 ------ o------ try where, we suppose, he thinks he The cost of living will have to be re­ Bridges and Culverts .... 21)00.00 Over in Washington county the will remain in safety will never sat- duced and the high wages now paid . General maintenance .... 13000.00 question of closing the "movies” on isff the people of the allied countries. workmen will have to take a consid­ Deficit and overdrawn . .. 4000.00 Sundays at Hillsboro was put to a The kaiser and his war lords should erable drop, otherwise manufactur­ vote, which resulted as follows: For be made to surrender and held to a ers will have to close down. If these Total .......................... *68,000.00 closing, 144; against closing, 372. strict accountability for their dia­ two matters can be satisfactorily ad­ That is a pronounced vote, and those bolical plot in plunging the world District No. 2. justed, and we think thdy will, the who sought to close the movies know into war, and for the sacrifice of mil­ 5500.00 United States will become exceeed- Machinery and repairs now how the people stand. 12000.00 lions of lives and millions who will ingly prosperous.. As lumber will be bridges and Culverts . 14200.00 -—o----- be crippled for life. They should be in great demand, the Pacific Coast, General Maintenance . Well, the democrats can tske a lit- made to stand before the bar of jus- 1300.00 and especially Tillamook County, Gas, oil, tires, etc. .. . tie comfort out of the election. A. 8. tice and receive their sentences. 35000.00 will be greatly benefltted, so look for Hard surface ................. Bennett, of The Dalles, has been o------- prosperous times. But there is one , elected supreme judge. It was one Total ........................... *68,000.00 There is one thing about the p ro­ other matter that must not be ovef- 1 Democrat to three Republicans Ln hibltion luw that is bringing it tato Democratic looked, and that is • the — District No. 3. the race. Judge Bennett is a fine disrepute, Everybody who makes free trade tariff. Industrial Europe Three Rivers Road ... 17500.00 gentleman, anyway, and will add cider and keeps it for a certain will Immediately quit manufacturing Hudson road................. 10000.00 dignity to the supreme court. length of time violates the prohibi­ war material and devote its atten- Machinery and repairs 2000.00 tion law, for when it becomes hard it tlon to other things which It can ex- Bridges and Culverts . 7500.00 Back to civil life will now be the has more alcohol in it than the law port, and so will Germany. With our 10O00.00 alm of our boys who enlisted to whip prescribes. We see no harm in per­ present Democratic free trade tariff General maintenance . 1000.00 the kaiser, and they have done so sons making cider from apples grown there is nothing to prevent the Eu­ Gas and tires etc........... 20000.00 whether they were in France or in on their own farms. But our prohi­ ropean countries, and Germany as Hard Surface ............... training, for they all formed part of bition law makes it an offense and well, from dumping a large amount Total ........................... *68,000.00 the United States' expeditionary in violation of the prohibition luw of manufactured goods onto the mar­ School Fund. army. When it is taken into consid­ as soon as it has over half of one per kets of the United Stales. If they do, eration that the Yanks, from the cent of alcohol in it. And a crusade it will cut deeply into the prosperity County school fund.......... 43,000.00 time they were given a sector on the is now being made by the Military of the United States, which should High school fund............... 10,800.00 Western front, they had advanced 71 Police against those who make cider have a protective tariff. Total ........................... *53,800.00 miles, defeating some of the best and have it in their possession. We German divisions. question very much whether a jury Bill Appropriating a Million Dollars I GENERAL FUND of farmers would convict a person Assessor’s Office. To Make Survey of Farms. The election passed off with little for having cider in his possession, 1,200.00 I Assessor’s salary ....... mud Hllnglng but it seems almost im­ manufactured for home purposes. The Committee on Public Lands of One Deputy's Salary ..... 1,020.00 possible to get away from it. Some Keep on prosecuting the farmers for 400.00 the Senate has unanimously report­ One Held deputy ............... few persons started in on H. M. making cider and it will not be long ed in favor of a bill appropriating a Speciul help extending taxes 150.00 Farmer, and circulated a good many before there Is a sentiment to do 100.00 million dollars to make surveys of Making index for rolls .. things that w’ere not true about him, away with the prohibition law. 250.00 farms for returning soldiers, In its 8ix assessment rolls 1919 which, no doubt, cut some figure in ------ o Incidentals ........................... 180.00 report the committe says: the election. It was more of a person­ It was freely predicted that when 500.00 is for Cruising burned timber . "The proposed legislation al grouch than anything else, No war was declared that the side with ----- the purpose of providing an oppor- matter who the people elect for the most money, men, food and ma­ Total ............................. *3,800.00 tunity to procure homes for those of county commissioner, they are sure terial would win the war. It proved our returning soldiers and sailor*: Clerk * Office. to meet with opposition, for county true. When the United States enter­ who may wish them upon their re­ Clerk’s salary ...................... 1.600.00 commissioners, like editors, cannot ed the war that gave the allies a 1,020.00 turn from the war, aa well as giving Deputy .................................. please everybody. preponderance of money, men, food a like opportunity to thousands of Deputy .................................... 900.00 and material and drove a nail in the workers in munition factories aad supplies, etc ........... 980.00 In a recent issue of the New York kaiser's coffin. Even thia did not ex­ other war industries who at the con­ Times, Cosmo Hamilton concluded haust the allies' man power, for had clusion of the war will be out of em­ Total ............................. *4,500.00 an article thus: "la it insanity or more pien been required, probably ployment. It Is intended to promote District Attorney. pm-Germanism that makes men say Japan would have been called upon. as nothing else ever has the "back that the war will be over by Christ- It was the wearing down process that to the land” spirit. It is recognized District Attorney’s office . 1,000.00 mus.” It wasn’t insanity, nor was it went on for four years that crippled that one of the great evils of the Dairy Herd Inspector. pro-Germanleni, but every close ob­ Germany, using up her man power times In our country is the over­ Dairy Herd Inspector. . . . 1,000.00 server saw that Germany was about and exhausted material. Then the al­ crowding and congestion of people in Sheriff* Office. petered out when the allies started lies made one tremendous drive with cities, many of who are utterly un­ 1,600.00 the final drive, for It was only a the result that she was hopelessly fitted for city life and not adapted Sheriff’s salary................... question of time when she would defeated In a few months, in which for the avocations thereof. After the 1 Deput/ sheriffs salary .. . 1,200.00 have to surrender. We were one of the United States army played an im­ war this undesirable condition will | Deputy Sheriffs salary . . 1,200.00 250.00 those who believed that the war portant part. One must not overlook be greatly intensified. Further, there ' Automobile .......................... 450.00 would be over by Christmas, but we the tremendous sacrifices in the loss will be hundreds of thousands of Postage and envelopes . . . 400.00 hope we are not Insane for believing of millions of their young men In young men who will have returned Supplies ............................... Extra help............................. 250.00 It. killed and wounded, in this wearing from the service in our Army and Miscellaneous ...................... 250.00 — -o------ down process, that France and Eng­ Navy who will be out of employment People should quit taking a news­ land herically endured, to say noth­ and for whom there will be no jobs Total ............................. *9,600.00 paper like the Portland Journal. This ing of the enormous cost and finan­ or positions. In addition there will Is not the first time that it has fal­ cial burdens placed upon those coun­ be thousands and thousands of men School Superintendent'* Office. sified its news and published delib­ tries, as well as Canada and the other and women, now employed tn mu- Salary .................................... 1,000.00 erate Ilea. Even when it was con­ English colonies. nitlon factories and in other war in- • Salary of deputy................. 660.00 clusively proven that there was no ■ o — dustries which will have to elose at Traveling expense»............ 200.00 truth in the armistice report, the The government should make an the end of the war, who will be cut Stationery, office supplies Journal persisted In making the as­ Investigation and punish the perpe­ lout of employment. Many of them fixtures and other inciden- sertion that it was true. Some preju­ trators of the contemptible hoax that will have some means which they tala....................................... 640.00 dice persons stuck to what the Jour­ was played on the people last Thurs­ I will have saved at their employment nal had said, and at the name time day. as well as suspend for a time and with which — they could ---------------- . ------- locate Total.............. ....... *2,500.00 accused the Gregonlan and the Tele- 1 all newspapers that published the 'upon and improve land and engage Surveyor’* Office. gram of suppressing the new*. It falsehoods. It will be remembered In agriculture, horticulture, or live- Salary .................................... 1,200.00 goes to prove which are the reliable that when the Pope died the same jstock raising. All of the above de­ [ 700.00 newspapers In Portland and which news agency wired it all over the ' scribed classes of people will be Deputy ................................. 600.00 are the sanguinary perverters of the world several hours before It occur­ 'needed on the land. The land will Supplies, etc............................ truth. red. And the Portland Journal when ' need them and they will need the Total ............................. *2,500.00 •------ o - i the State of Washington’s dry law land. It should be the object of the It will be seen In the county bud­ lliahpd a great big He that the court government and it Is the object of Treasurer'* Office. get that the County Court Is intent had decided in favor of the "wets”, this proposed legislation to provide Salary .................................... 1.000.00 on providing considerable money for but when the decision was rendered them with the opportunity of getting Supplies ............................. 200.00 more hard surfaced roads. That is a It was In favor of the "dry*”. How­ on the land. FurAermore, the under­ move In the right direction. With so ever, most everybody will now taking which this proposed legisla­ Total ............................. «1,200.00 many auto trucks and autos, which agree that some punishment should tion contemplates, if embarked upon County Court. will Increase In number the next few be Inflicted on news agencies that by the government, would offer em­ County Judge, salary . .. 1,200.00 years, this is the moat economical publish such glaring falsehoods. It is ployment for thousands ef men who road to build, tor it eliminates the true that the United Press denied the will be out of employment at the ter­ Commissioners' salary. ex- penses. supplies, etc. . . 3,000.00 enormous maintenance charges on report, and in doing so have impli­ mination of the war. when there will the main thoroughfares, With the cated Admiral Wilson, who Is accus­ be a scarcity of employment in this Tot»! ............................. 4,200.00 war ended, this should have the ef- ed of informing the news agency that country and when the idle will be County poor ........................ 4,000.00 feet of reducing the coat of road the armistice had been signed. Is this clamoring for employment. building next year, as well as provide another falsehood? It looks as though "This bill ts in line with proposed Court House and Jail. woik tor meu now employed In war It was. The government should as- 1 legislation suggested by the aecre- Insurance premium................ 200.00 work. As the south pRrt of the coun- certain the facts whether It is Ad-, tar of Interior, and the committee Janitor's salary ................. 960.00 ty have been specially benefltted mlral Wilson or the United Preaa believes it to be important. The Night watchman................. 160.00 wifh a good stretch of hard surfaced that committed such a grave error at committee further believes that it Wood............................. $0Q 00 road It might be well to have the at a time when the nation was keyed should be attended to in ample time Light and water................. 4S0.00 Editorial Snap Shots. Telephones ........................... Supplies, repairs,etc........... County Jail, etc................... 550.00 BILLS ALLOWED BT COUTE 260.00 300.00 Road Dist. No. 1. Nehalem Garage................... 75.67 Southern Pacific Co................... 240.00 Circuit Court. Jerome Stewart................... * 177.62 Jurors, witness, bailiffs Frank Wright r, . 4.00 I and expenses ...,.......... 4,009.00 A. E. Harkens '. j. <... .*.,. 1^.00 John Gray..................... 77,00 Coroner fee* and inquests 150.00 ' District Sealer of weights and , G. Goodman ................ ........ 5^.25 ................................ 4L00 • measures........................... 120.Off E. ‘L. Hall j John Hicks.................................... 45.00 Justice Court, Justice and I Ernest Stander............................ 68.00 constame tees, . .jurors, witnesses ana supplies. . 600.00 J. J. Spencer .................................. 108.00 Mother’s pensions ............ 2 500.00 Fred Lange ................................ 75 00 Printing ............................... 300.00 C. E. Allen.................................. 106.25 Lnaemntty............................. 1,500.00 Bud Steel .................................... 94.50 Truant Officer .................... 50.00 Chas. Haybarker.......................... 121.25 'Rebate on taxes................. 100.0Q Edw. Braunsereuther............. 60.00 Insane .................................... 100.00 John Johnson................................ 32.00 Health officer...................... 300.00 W. S. Linkhart ..................... 54.00 Fire warden ........................ 500.00 F. E. Cain .................................... 77.00 Farm demonstration.......... 1,500.00 County Fair ........................ 1,000.00 O. Toney........................................ 45.00 52 50 Auditor .................................. 200.00 O. WÄite ........................... . Juvenile Court ................... 50.00 M. Springer ................................ 22.75 Relief, Indigent Soldiers . 200.00 Sam Tomlinson........................... 52.50 War emergency.................... 2,000.00 E. D. Tomlinson....................... 35.00 W. P. Morrison..............................107.25 Total General Fund . *48,970.00 L. G. Boyd................................... 96-75 Road Fund ...................... 204,000.00 John Svegle ............................... 35.00 School fund.......................... 53,800.00 Lester Best ............................... 45.00 Library Fund .................... 250.00 H McKiddy................................. 78.50 State Taxes ......................... 50,000,00 AJ. Fleming............................. 64.50 Bounty ........................ 800.00 W. Tomlinson............................. 66.50 Total all funds . . . *357,820.00 Leo Sabastino ........................... 65.00 Probable receipts of the county other Max Huegenon........................... 22.00 H. Johnson................................... 82.00 than by direct taxation. C. F. Dunn................................... 50.50 Receipts from the County 32.00 Clerk's office estimated *4,200.00 John Fowes ............................... Dairy herd inspector .... 1,500.00 I. H. Knight........................... 73.50 Interest on county deposits 1,000.00 F. C. Reed................................... 530.00 F. C. Reed......................................134.75 Total ...................... *6,700.00 C. W. Ross................................... 68.00 The following school districts have E. Krumlauf............................... 66.50 filed with the County Clerk and As- F. P. Hobson............................... 63.43 sessor, the special levies: Jos. Hauxhurst...................... 27.12% School Dist. No. 1............ . ;... .001 School Dist. No. 3 .......... ............ 0014 Dave Krumlauf ........................... 42.00 School Dist. No. 5............ ............ 0013 J. B. Langley........................... 84.87% School Dist. No. 6............ ............ 0011 Geo. Krumlauf............................. 122.50 117.25 School Dis. No. 7 ............ ........... 0021 James Pallin ....................... School Dist. No. 12 . . . . ........... 0011 Wm. D. Shafer........................... 10.50 School Dist. No. 17.......... ............ 0023 James Pallin ............................... 6.80 School Disi. No. 22.......... ............0058 Frank Illingworth ................... 3.10 School Dist. No. 24 . . . . ............ 0004 Brighton Mills Co........... .. 13.85 School Dist. No. 26 . . . . ............ 0067 Wheeler Lbr. Co.......................... 15.50 School Dist. No. 28.......... ............ 0036 C. W. Ross ............................... 3.75 School Dist. No. 31.......... ........... 0018 1. M. Vermilyea....................... 961J School Dist. No. 33.......... ........... 0008 W. B. Aiderman ....................... 100.00 School Dist. No. 36.......... ............004 48.75 School Dist. No. 39 . . . . ............ 0056 W. S. Coates ......................... 7.01 School Dist. No- 42.......... ............0038 A. C. & H. Anderson............... School Dist. No. 49.......... ............0005 Anderson Bros................................ 119.88 B. Batzner................................... 25.75 School Dist. No. 51.......... ........... 001 W. F. Cain..................................... 125.00 School Dist. No. 57.......... ........... 001 School Dist No. 61 ......... ............ 0033 Ward Mayer.......................... 24.28 Dated this 12th day of November, W. J. Mead ................ 4.00 1918. Nehalem Tel. & Tel. Co.......... 1.92 Erwin Harrison, Wheeler Lbr. Co.......................... 26.40 County Clerk. Hiner A Reed Steel Works .... 21.85 Tilden A Madden....................... 352.10 Notice to Subscriber* and Advertisers Good Roads Machinery Co......... 34.79 ------ o------ Howard Cooper Corp............. 6.00 Owing to the voters discriminating Feeney & Bremer Co.................. 16.24 Total ............................. *3,500.00 at the general election, giving Mult­ nomah county a fair rate for legal advertising and other counties in the state an unfair rate, the county papers will have to raise their adver­ tising and subscription rates or go out of business. Hence we will raise the subscription price of the Head­ light, commencing the first of the year, to $2.00 per year. Advertising rates on new contracts will be 20c. per inch in future for advts below one fourth of a page. Locals and readers will be 7c. per line. We have been in the habit of inserting a good many items free and in fnture these will have to be paid for at the line rate. ___________ HANG KAISER. SAYS GERARD. Former Ambassador Demands Extra­ dition and Trial. ------- O------ . New York, Nov., 11.—Extradition for ex-Emperor William of Germany from Holland and his trial in Eng­ land on the charge of murder for which he has been Indicted there was urged here tonight by James W. Gerard, ex-Amerlcan Ambassador to Germany, in an impromptu address before a theatre audience. Asking whether a man shall be al­ lowed to escape who had "killed so many people that if they were stretched on the ground they would form a line almost around the entire world. Mr. Gerard answered his own questions with an evnphatic ”1 should say not." "There is a treaty between Holland and England.” Mr. Gerard declared, "by which they can extradite thé ex-kaiser, who has been indicted in England, and try him before an English court. I guess we all know what the verdict would be. When the hangman drops the trap he will be doing away with one of the world’s greatest murderers." Total ... w-.. 4716.64 Road District No. 2. Ed Le Francis .................. * 71.00 A. A. Apsley........................... 44.18 John Caligan ....................... 47.68 Jess Sawyer........................... 23.18 A. J. Nails...................... ..... 36.Î0 Dell Le Francis....................... 14.00 Frank Oliver ................. 1.75 Henry Nelson ........................... 72.00 Ray Brading............................... 97-.12 Jeff Wallace........................ 42.87 Dolph Tinnerstett................ 28.87 N. J‘ Dye ................................... 135.62 Oscar Tittle..................... .7.00 Louis Weber.................. 38.72 E. G. Wisdom........................ 6.56 Tony Berns .............,.4.8I J. N. Robinson.......... 3.06 W. B. Smith.................... 36.75 Let Rush............................ 8.75 E. Rhodes...................... ....... 3.50 G. H. Hodgson........................... 105.87 J. Hodgson............................... 72.18 L. Hodgson........ ...................... 35.00 T. Haugen ........................... 12.00 J. Woodward .......................... 7.00 C. Kinnaman .......................... 28.00 J. Tagman.............................. 21.00 C. Christensen......................... 7.00 G. C. Vaughn ........................... 73.00 Mat Weber............................... 55.12 Wm. Olson ............................... 55.12 G. C. Vaughn............................... 13.50 Ben Darby ............................... 3.50 Ed Hadley ............................... 28.72 Frank Blaser ........................... 7.00 Geo. Russell ........................... 17.50 C. S. Wells ............................... 8.00 C. S. Wells............................... 3 50 I Shortledge ....................... 144.88 E. Parrish ............................... 15.43 M. V. Stillwell ....................... 110.85 E- K>rk ................................... 91.68 E- Swifl.................................... 118.20 P. Erickson............................... 52 74 F. Mathews ........................... 159.48 Henry Nelson ............ 35.36 Leo Morrison ........................... 17.96 Guy Allmon ........................... 4.49 W. S. Otates ........................... 56.8O Joe Blazer .................................... g.17 Ed Le Francis............................... 6.17 Ole Olson ............................... 5^7 Turner Bros. A Team ........... 13.98 Roberts Kinsman Lbr. Co. 219.62 M. A. Schultz ........................... 134.15 A. F. Coates Lbr. Co.............. 131.38 A. F. Coates Lbr. Co.............. 77.25 Frank Dye ............................... 132.50 A. G. Beals Lbr. Co.................. 67.42 J. J. Perry.............................. 1.25 Standard Oil Co.......... ........... 23.86 Oskar Huber ........................... 296.36 Hiner A Reed Steel Works 22.55 E. D. Hadley........................... 28.00 Arthur Hanaon ................... 208.75 Star Lbr. Co............................... 547.42