» t I 0 tillamook , O regon , N ovember 14, iois . « ti.jo PER YEAR. Congressman Hawley Takes Action 1913— 7240 lbs. milk, 314. lbs. fat. Dolph Tlnnerstet who had been ac­ 1914— 6906 lbs. milk, 305.4 lbs. fat. in Grand Ronde Post Road. cepted into the tank service has been 1915— 6591 lbs. milk, 302.6 lbs. fat. o------ recalled, he was to report In the east Washington, D. C., Nov 1, 1918 1916— 7156 lbs. milk, 313.6 Ibs. fat. next Saturday. N Hon. Fred C. Baker, Tillamook, Ore. 1917— 7377 lbs. milk, 343.8 Ibs. fat. w a . Wise, dentist. Dr. Wise has discontinued hiB trips ¿iurance on hay-Phone Watson.* Is it any wonder that Mr. Durrer My Dear Friend.—I have presented to Nehalem, Wheeler and Cloverdale, states that the money he spent in the proposal for the establishment (Dr R- W. Donohoe, dentist. * on account of the influenza and bad of a star route between Willamina cow testing and better bulls is the 2t Let W. A. Church write your insur- roads until about Feb. 15. and Hebo to Mr. Geo. L. Wood, super­ best investment he has ever made? Mr. Durrer has five pure bred fe­ intendent of the Division of Rural Need a truck to haul your milk? Or ice. males in his herd only one of which in the office of the Fourth As ­ Mails anything else? Got an old automobile? | Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough sistant Postmaster General. This di­ has completed a year's work. Import­ See Slirode, he will explain the rest. Co. vision prepares all advertisements ed Dame of Sarnia as a three year It’s a "Truxtun Attachment.” * Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath. Room 4, inviting proposals for star route ser­ old made 6851 Ibs. milk and 420.7 Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms vice, receives proposals, prepares Ibs. fat with ordinary good farm I Masonic Apartments. ■ 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office awards for the execution of all con­ care. This product sold at an aver- rAlon’t fall to see the farm tank at hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun­ f tracts, and prepares all orders for age price of 61c. per pound for but­ the Kuppenbender Warehouse. days by appointment. * the establishment of or change in terfat or a totol of *257.60. She con­ Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. sumed *78.20 worth of feed, leaving star routes. Don’t throw away your cld tires but .n,n__ Hrpe'on • get an “Inner Tire” and get from I Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. We went over the matter together a net profit above feed cost of *179.- on the map, and in connection with 40. She returned *3.04 for every dol­ I Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- too to 5000 miles more service out of CD your letter and those received from lar Invested in quite favorably impressed with the to Mr. Durrer and his herd and many gine 9^x11. Full equipment. Good Tillamook. * proposal, after our examination, and thanks to them from the Tillamook as new. Write or phone Sam Bauer, Why not place your feed orders for Neskowin, Oregon. promised to give it immediate at­ Branch of the Red Cross. Who * the future with Kuppenbender. * tention. It may be necessary to have knows how much suffering the Guer­ All the draft calls have been can­ the proposed route inspected by a nsey calf will relieve? New Grant car for sale a^a bargain celled, but those who have received R. C. Jones., postal inspector, if the data in the gee Ben Kuppenbender. * questionnaires must fill them Tillamook County Agent. Department and in the letters I filed We handle Trojan Powder. Best for and return them at once. with my statement are not sufficient Stumping.—1 illamook heed Co. * Andy Nolan is Safe. to satisfy the Department. We are indebted to Mrs. Norberg Some mention has been made of a For sale or rent, the O’Hara Farm for a hamper of vegetables and fruit petition and other papers explana­ I On Tuesday a telegram was receiv­ and to Mrs. Billings for some fine at Netarts. Enquire at the place. * The United War Work Campaign this time is that the fighting is all tory of the proposal, but to date such ed giving the glad news that Andy apples grown on her place from Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend­ started on Tuesday, and Tillamook over. Let it be a thank offering, joy­ have not reached me. I will give the Nolan had arrived at Manila, who is young trees. er Warehouse. * County must raise *15,000 for the fully given that the terrible sacrifice matter further attention and do all well known here and is a brother of Asa B. Robinson, who was clerk in seven organizations. Because the war of human life is stopped. possible to have the route establish­ Mrs. R. W. Watson. Nolan had grad­ R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- Lamar’s Drug store, a few years ago, uated from the nautical department ------ o------ is practically over, this should not ed. The outlook appears favorable. (•airing. S. P. Watch inspector. was elected County Judge of Polk deter people from making liberal do­ of the Shipping Board, and was ap- The committees in each district are With best wishes, I am, One Ford for sale, Apply to L. D. county, the only democrat elected In nations to the commendable organ- making strenuous efforts to raise I pointed third mate of the steamer Yours truly, Hardin, 7 miles south of Tillamook.* that county. | Damaru, which was recently launch­ izations.lt will be another year, per­ their quotas. Several have already W. C. Hawley. * 'J ; , One lot and small house for sale, I ed at Portland and on her maiden Chas. G. Goeres vs. Walburger haps longer, before the United States done so, the first being Wilson, for *550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. * Jacob, Vincenz Jacob and Ben Jacob Army is demobolized, and for that in about 15 minutes the farmers liv­ The District Attorney and Teachers’ trip. Between Manila and Guam the vessel ran into an electric storm and ing that district held a meeting and Salaries. For Sale—160 acres of land at is a suit filed in the circuit court to reason a large amount of money is went over the top. being struck with lightening, the to carry on the laudable required recover *127.05 on a promissory Sandlake. Inquire of Dan Billings. * vessel, which was loaded with gaso­ Some of the districts are lagging To the Editor of the Headlight: work of these diferent organizations. note. I» There appears to be considerable line, was soon in flames. Three boats Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms and a strenuous effort will have to The men of the Spruce Division, There are probably between five and be made the next few days. Amongst misunderstanding amongst the managed to get away from the burn- 205-206 Tillamook Building. * six thousand persons in Tillamook who are working in the saw mills teachers of this county as to an op ­ 1 ing vessel, the only one picked up for * Í the districts that are not coming County who are all well able to give We buy and sell second hand autos. and logging camps, have been recall­ Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* ed. They will leave Tillamook next something, and if all will do their through as fast as it should in Tilla­ inion which I was supposed to have a long time was the one containing part cheerfully and readily the com­ mook city. It has to raise *4,200.00, rendered on the right of the directors the captain. As nothing was heard of For bargairs in second hand auto­ Thursday for Vancouver. mittee will have no trouble in rais­ and from what we can learn only of the various school districts to pay the other boats for two weeks, it was 7*1 mobiles go to Case’s Garage. Anyone having room or apartment ing the *15,000. One incentive to about *1,000.00 have been subscrib­ the teachers their salaries during the thought they were lost as a severe time the schools remain closed on ac­ storm prevailed when the boats part­ Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. First in their house which they would rent make us all more liberal givers at i ed. count of the Influenza, and I am ed company. National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., desirable party, unfurnished or par­ writing this to clear up the matter. In Dr. Alien’s office. * tlally furnished—Address A-l eare hard surfaced roads are to our sister tion of the company to reorganize As a matter of fact I have not ren­ of Headlight office. Influenza Situation Is Bad. Best by Test—Oregon Portland state. He says the worst roads he if it be allowed to build the second dered any written opinion on the ------ o------ The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma ­ Cement. For sale by Lamb Schrader came across in the whole trip was vessel, James Feeney having turned question, but did give Mr. Lamb, our The latter part of last week the chine Agency is now permanently lo ­ ?>Co. * his stock over to the company. county school superintendent, a ver­ Spanish influenza situation became cated opposite the post office, where through the Grand Ronde. Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is monthly payments may be made and Cecelia F. Johnson vs. Ralph John­ bal opinion to this effect: That if the more serious, a large number of new Large modern Portland residence safe, .clean and powerful. For sale at supplies ordered. with one or more acres of ground to son, is a divorce suit filed in the cir­ directors were compelled to close the cases being reported in this city. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * exchange for 160 acres of land in cuit court. These parties were mar­ schools by authority of law the dis­ Whether this was owing to people The Salesman for Schilling & Co is trict would not be obliged to pay the congregating last Thursday, when Wanted—Information of the where an Irishman, which explains why he Tillamook County. At least forty ried in Tillamook on July, 1917, the teachers; but that if they closed the false report reached here that plaintiff alleges cruel and inhuman not too acres must be cleared, and abouts of B. Rogers. Make your no- used a green background in trim­ treatment on the part of the defend­ them ot their own accord or were not Germany had signed the armistice far from railroad. L. F. Hemerlynck, tification at the Headlight office. ming a window for C, O. &. C. M. 4355 East 82nd St., Portland, Ore. • ant, who refused to properly support obliged to do so by authority of law is a debateable question, but since Let wour co-worker on the farm be Dawson. Drop around and see it. then the district would be liable. In then the disease has increased. Tillamook has an auto top and his wife and child. Plaintl*'t acks the other words, if the Surgeon General the Cleveland Tractor. On display at Three deaths are reported with a For sale—three high grade regis­ court to dissolve the marriage con ­ harness repair shop in rear of the Kuppenbender Warehouse. tered Holstein heifers, two two-year DUilding opposite post office. Auto tract, give her the custody of the of the United States Health Commis­ number of serious cases as well. The deaths are: Carl Olson a log­ Will trade cement work for a good olds and one yearling and one milch tops, curtains and cushions repaired chila, »20.0u per month tor the sup­ sion, who it is reported closed the same, was not clothed by law with ger, died at Wheeler, on Tuesday. cow. Write, Mrs, J. A. Hazlitt, For ­ port of the child and restore her milch cow. A. T. Dolan, Mutual J and waterproofed, harness repaired. such authority, or if, being clothed Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben r Phone. * If you can’t come, send your harness maiden name, Cecelia F. Wilson. *2 est Grove, Ore. with such authority, he did not pro­ Vantness in this city, died this The pits in prunes are pure waste. by parcel post to the Auto Top and The funeral of Floyd Williams, son ced according to law in closing the morning. He was eight years of age. For Sale—two year old colt, next W. Hall, who drives the passenger 3prlng. Sold cheap. Enquire of Mrs. When prunes with the pits in them Harness Shop. Box 164, Tillamook.* of Mr. and Mrs. W. Williams, who schools, the district would be liable. cost you 15c. a pound why not buy For Sale—Most desirable, modern, died at Fort Stevens last week from As to my own personal feelings in stage between this city and Clover­ Knight. Liberty Pitted Prunes at 15 cents a 15 acre city home in Ashland, Ore­ Spanish influenza took place Friday the matter, I believe the teachers dale, died at the latter place. Those who wish to see Dr. Wise package. C. O. & C. M. Dawson. ♦ gon. Fine climate, pure water, health afternoon, the religious services be­ ought to be paid as long as the dis­ With the influenza situation be­ about dental work should do so at resort, free irrigation, green mead- ing held on the lawn of the court trict continues to hold them on the coming more serious, there is no up-to- Don’t pay rent. A modern, once. date seven roomed house for sale at ows and pastures year round, great- bouse. The Home Guard had charge job; however, the teachers ought not prospect of the embargo being lifted Horse and buggy for sale, or will a bargain, near the high school. est variety products for home com- of the funeral arrangements and a to condemn the directors for with­ on Saturday, in fact it would be a trade for heifer. Apply at Dawson’s Terms to suit purchaser. J. H. Frank­ forts; A city of real homes. .—R. D. large number of persons attended, holding the salaries until they can mistake to do so. Grocery store. lin, Tillamook, Oregon. * Sanford, Helman St., Ashland, Ore. * notwithstanding that it commenced get an opinion from the attorney to rain previous to the services. Rev. W. A. Rowe and E. B. Gresham Harry Tucker preached the funeral general on the question, which has THE BEAST OF BERLIN QUITS Just received a car of mill,feed at W. R. Illingsworth was down from been submitted to him, for the reas­ vs. Tillamook Bay Fishing Co, and the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices the Wilson river on Thursday, and sermon. The .deceased was a member on that if they pay out any school THE HUN THRONE. after looking over the map he does W. L. Campbell is a suit filed in the of Company C; Coast Artillery, and moneys without authority of law, are lowest. ■ O' circuit court. Plaintiff alleges that was with the company when it en­ not think the Blodgett Co. has lost they would be come personally liable War Ends Suddenly When Germany For sail bay mare and colt six as much timber as was first thought. defendants wrongfully and unlaw­ trained at Tillamook for Fort Colum­ for such expenditure. months old. To be sold cheap. Fred Signs Armistice—Kaiser Flees fully took possession of a gasoline T. H. Goyne, District Attorney. Car! Olson, a lumber jack, working power boat, claiming *25,00 dam- bia, where he has been stationed. The W. Pulcipher, Garibaldi, Ore. To Netherlands. bereaved parents have the sympathy For Sale—Berkshire pure bred for the Brighton Mills Co., died at ages. ------ °------ of the people of the county, as the night from pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. Wheeler on Tuesday Early Monday morning telephone Mrs. J. J. Krebs returned Thursday young man was one of those who Guernsey Calf Swells Tillamook Red was a man Spanish influenza. He Cross Funds. E. Williams, Mutual Phone. messages were received in this city about thirty years of age and un­ to her home in Rockaway after a volunteered his services to his coun­ that Germany had signed the armis­ week spent in Hillsboro and Port- try, and will be on the honor roll of Beit in the West—Oregon Portland married. In September, 1916, the first pure tice and that the Kaiser and the land, where she was called by the Tillamook county. Cement. Always uniform and fresh. bred Guernsey female was brought Crown Prince had suddenly left For sale or trade, one sorrel mare serious condition of her brother, Lamb-Schrader Co. * six years old, weight 1500 Ibs; and Dick Kamna, following an operation To All Retailers of Tillamook County into Tillamook county. Since then Germany and had gone to the Neth­ Guernsey enthusiam has grown until erlands for safety. Most everybody N P Wheeler, of Endeavor, Pa., is one colt, three years old. iron gray, performed in a Portland hospital. now there are about 100 ppre bred here looking over the Wheeler timber weight 1100 Ibs. Will trade for good He is steadily Improving.—Independ­ All persons who have finished their females in the county. Some twenty- wanted to know whether the Ore­ lands accompanied by Wayn Cook, dairy cows. Andrew Vetsch, Elmore gonian and the Associated Press con­ canning and still have on hand some five breeders have organised a •2 ent. Jr. •* ranch. canning sugar, which they purchased County Guernsey Club and are look­ firmed the news, for they still re­ Will sell 8 acres of Tillamook City for canning purposes, must return or membered how the Portland Journal For Sale-r-A small dairy ranch, one One of the best bargains in a ing out for the interest of the breed had played a hoax and humbugged mile north of Tillamook on Wilson building spot, just at the edge of the property lying in and west of the account for the sugar at the store in the county. 4 river. Inquire on premises. H. F. city limits, can be secured for a Gilford Stillwell play ground for where they are purchasing their This fall, Jos. Durrer, the president the people by sending out false news *4,000. This is good high ground which was the second of a like na- few days. Nothing better in the and well located for platting. Will sugar. Stafford. of the club, donated Red Cross Marie If such persons have over 20 pounds a pure bred heifer calf, to the Tilla­ ture. county. You will buy if you lnvesti- take Liberty Bonds and give terms. lu conformity with the rule formed gate. See Everson. The local committee that was ap- they must return it. If they have Write C. A. Dunn, 303 Capitol Bldg., less than 20 pounds they have the mook Red Cross. The live-stock com­ pointed last week to look after the " i L. must elsewhere, all wood orders — be -- mittee of the Red Cross decided to Mrs. Fred Lyster, who has been Un ­ Salem, Oregon. * accompanied by payment in advance. right to return it or notify you of sell this calf at auction at the Ore­ matter of a demonstration met Mon­ . w» .. — Lae Co. i\ der the care of Dr. Ramsey for some­ —A. F. Coats T Lumber To be sure you have a place to live the exact amount which they have on gon State Fair. She was entered in day morning and decided to have time. has fully recovered from a ner­ Furnished rooms for rent. *2 00 a vous and physical prostration, and buy a home today. Never has the de­ hand and you are to indorse it upon the show ring and easily won the one that afternoon. The saw mill week, water and lights, furnished. her relatives can not express enough mand for houses been so great. Prop­ their monthly sugar card and they blue ribbon. At the auction sale on whistle was blown at one o'clock and Corner of Second and Stillwell Ave., thanks for the splendid care the doc­ erties are selling every day but bar­ will then be authorized to use the Friday she brought a total of 1306 soon after people flocked to the city. gains are not all gone yet. Some of sugar for their daily use at the rate which together with the |20.00 prize The fire department. Home Guards, Tillamook, Oregon. tor has given her. the best buys were listed today for of 3 pounds per person per month, money goes to the Red Cross fund. Red Cross and a large number of For sale, choice Canary birds, to be Shortening should be kept fresh quick sale. A payment down, balance and should not purchase any other The purchasers were Calkins and autos, bedecked with Stars and sold cheap. Mrs. L. C. Daniels, three and free from rancid. Snowdrift monthly, places you In a home of sugar until the same has been com- Riggs, of Middledale farm, Creswell, Stripes paraded the business streets, miles south of Tillamook. Mutual Shortening is Wessen oil whipped your own. See Everson at once. after which there were exercises. * pletely used up. Qregbn. Phone. until it becomes ha: d and packed in 1 wish you would post this letter Red Cross Marie is sired by Jolly Mayor R. T. Boa Is and Attorney R. Tom Price has been growing early in some conspicuous place in your making patriotic First class dressmaking. Long’s a vocuum sealed can. This insures Fermaln No. 37639, owned by Frank H. McGrath Amber sargrum for his cows and he Appartments. Mutual Phone, Mrs. that every can you buy is strictly says they are ravenous for it. It store and also give it as much pub­ Hunter of Tillamook and her dam is speeches. In the evening there was another licity as possible, I am having the Lady Bopeep of Edgemoor No. 59520, * Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas fresh. C. O. & C. M. Dawson. grows seven or eight feet and he • Burkhart. ' Acute and chronic disease cured by chops up the stems. He has been same published in the county news- a daughter of Bopeep Mar of Iowa, demonstration and a lively time. she is therefore a direct decendant Disinfect your home with B--K. to­ drugless methods. Asteopathic. chiro- making sargrum, the same as they papers. Yours very truly. The Allied Churches. of Glencoe's Bopeep, the many times day and make yourself safe from pathic electric and the milk and rest made in the east, and he bought a ------ o — ■ Geo. P. Winslow, Grand Champion at the National deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen­ cure so successful In stomach and i glass of it to the office for the editor Cor. 1st. Ave and 3rd Street. Tillamook County Food Admn. Dairy Show. The calf is as straight bowel disease, rheumatism and ner­ to pass judgment on it. It is the real bender, both phones. If the churches are permitted to and nice as her grandmother and Mr. and Mra. W. H. Hoskins have vous exhaustion. Room 4. Masonic thing. open for services on Sunday, Nov. 17 given a chance, should make a mark Card of Thanks. moved down with the myrmaids at Bldg. Phone 169 R.. the public will be notified by the The Tillamook stock holders of for herself. The list of persons of class of Sept. the Feeney-Bremer Ship Building Co. I desire to thank each and everyone Rockaway, having leased their farm Mr. Durrer has two sons in Unde ringing of the bell on Saturday even­ 12, 1918, who failed to submit ques­ held two meetings on Monday, ow­ of my friends throughout the county Sam's service, one in France and one ing. If the bell does not ring the I to their son George. tionnaires. and who have been re­ ing to the contract for the second who so kindly gave me their liberal in the Navy. He has one of the best public will know that no services will Dr. Wise will be at his office ported to the Adjutant General of vessel having been cancelled. On support at the general election, nerds in the Tillamook Testing Aseo- be held. from the across the street south ■1 Oregon, as delinquents are Fred Joai. Sunday School at 10 a.m.. Prof. O. court house until about December Bozo Socoovich. Samuel Blaser and Wednesday. Thad Robison. W. J. thereby electing me to the office of ! ciation of which he has been a mem­ 2* Reicbers. H. T. Botts. C. J. Edwards county treasurer. I have no adequate ber since its inception in 1912. The V. White Supt. 1st, Juan Juan, all of Tillamook. Preaching 11 a.m. Subject "Con­ and O. A. Schultz left for Portland, way of expressing my appreciation yearly average production of his herd Wm. Anderson and E. Anderson where they had a conference with Mr. but hope that during my term of of­ or about forty cows the six years has flict and Victory.’ J. J. Krebs, of Rockaway, la back Vs. B. Batzner and Leo Batzner is a Subject (or evening will be "A- Wentworth for the purpose of in­ fice. I shall be able to prove myself increased as shown in the following suit filed In the circuit court to re­ from a motor trip to California, and Worth While Church." table: cover *105.70 for goods delivered to he la now a booster for hard surfac­ ducing him to rescind the order can­ an efficient servant of the peopfe. Chas. E. Gibson, D. D. Pastor. ed roads after seeing the benefits of celling the contract. It is the inten- Kathleen Mills. 1912—7298 Ibs. milk, 283.3 Ibs. fat. the defendant. Tillamook Jottings UNITED WAR DRIVE X < > £ n » 1 i I I Í V t ■ k * } i