Î1EADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 7, 1918 TILLAMOOK UNIVERSAL DAY OF BAD LUCK In All Ages Friday Has Been Consid­ ered a Period of General III Omen. • * The Fitter the Fighter The Faster the Finish. The United War Work Campaign Drive (No­ vember 11th to 18th) is for funds to help make our boys fitter to finish what they have begun. They must have the things that make for fit­ ness and morale. Give Double. The French call Friday “Vendredl" —Venus day. Scandinavians regard Friday as the luckiest day of the week. Our ancestors believed that eggs laid on a Friday would cure colic. “Friday face” still lingers as a term of reproach for a sour-visit ged person. Friday is the United States’ lucky day. Columbus discovered land on that day; the Pilgrims landed on a Friday, and Washington was born on a Friday. The “unlucklncss" of Friday owes its origin, of Course, to our Lord Jesus Christ’s death on Good Friday. Friday marriages are "for losses," nnd superstitious couples who are get­ ting married avoid this day. Shipping returns of all countries show a much lower sailing rate on Friday than on any other day of the week. The Talmud, the book containing the civil laws of the ancient Jews, says that Adam was created on a Fri­ day. sinned on a Friday, and was thrust out of Eden on a Friday. The Government Urges the Giving of Only Superb Selections oi Wearing Apparel ■ I pin In accordance with the Governments! desire along these lines this store has assembled a magnificent selection of Gift articles and wearables that will surely be appreciated by the recipient. We mention briefly only a'few items: — LADIES’ UMBRELLAS Utility and fancy styles in plain black, plain colors and novelties. Plain and fancy handles some detachable $3.50 to $10.00 LADIES’ SILK HOSE Phoenix Silk Hose, and other brands in pure thread silk in all the most fashionable colors and sizes 8à to 10à $1.00 to $2.50 LADIES' SILK WAISTS Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe Waists in the loveliest of pastel shades and styles that are absolutely the very latest to choose from at very modest prices. All sizes - - $4.50 and $6.45 GIFT LINENS The Growing Girl or ¿Miss Can be as Stylishly c_ylttired C_y4s her ¿Mother. The Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Department on the Balcony is now showing a splendid selection of garments for Fall Wear for Girls, Misses and Women. Come to the store and see for yourself what beautiful styles we have secured for your viewing. SERGE DRESSES Styled oil modish lines of Fine French Serges in Mid­ night nnd Navy Blues and Nigger Brown. Misses, Small Women, Regular sizes and stouts Modestly priced around................................. GEORGETTE Smart, stylish Coats in the most fashionable shades of Blues, Browns and Tans. Coats in practical styles made of good looking good wearing Kerseys. djiy nn Priced very specially from ylLJv Also smart snappy models for Girls 12 to 14 years at prices from Perfect Fittings—Our Specialty ,900000000000000000000000000000, I The Little Peri» Shop Ie Completely Stocked with Useful Xmas Jewelry Gifts For tJMen Women end Children. PURSES AND HANDBAGS | Genuine Pin Seal and other fine quality purses in hanging and envelope styles, nicely fitted and finished at prices from - - - - - 75c. to $5.00 ¿MEN'S NECKWEAR Every'man appreciates the gift of a Tie especially when of the kind we show here—Wide flowing end ties in the loveliest of colors and designs. $1.00 to $2.50 I Munsing Union Suits We show two styles in these famous LTuion Suits in a nice fine medium light weight worsted plaited fabric that comes in white only. One garment is styled as illustration half low neck—elbow sleeve*—half open front and ankle length. The other style has low neck—short sleeves—no buttons- and knee length. Regular Sizes 34 to 40........... Extra Sizes... 41 to 50............. Other Style» end Quelitie» et Price» from fl. 25 to 95.25. Boys’ and Girls Munsing Union Suits $2 00 to $3.50 Fell end Winter Weights in HANDKERCHIEFS Linen, Lawn or Silk Handkerchiefs are always acceptable and here you will find a pleasing selection. Some are hemstitched only, others are em­ broidered and some have initials. Priced each from - - - 10c. to 75c. Taking Note*. Fine, Soft, Wool $3.25 $3.50 NOVELTY SILKS 36 inch wide Novelty Silke in the New Serge Weaves, Chiffon Taffetas and Meeealinee are offered for gift pur­ poses in an extraordinary wide and varied selection. We urge you to see these without delay. Priced per yard from ------- - - - $2.49 When you tske note* let them be brief, sharp, in open order, no a glance will give you a blrd’e-eye view of your whole scheme. For instance: “John J. Jonee—ex-mayor—JW auto­ matic—0 a. m.—34S6 Wabash—Ill- health —12 — born Springfield. O.— Cornell—Country Club. (Jolf Club— 1100.000—wife, Maria; children, Mary. John. William—Sunday 2 Trinity—Mt. Evergreen." Make your copy faat. de­ void of deadwood like “that" and “which." Pick your own shorthand. For Instance, ”Nw tm al! gd me cm aid prty." or "sldr, btlin. dvsn, emflg trnsprt. Kar. btleahlp. arpln.”—A. 8. Paine in Pep (Cleveland). $12.00 We have just received a splen­ did selection of Ladies’ Dress Skirts included in which are a number of extra large sizes. We urge you to view these garments at your earliest opportunity Tor they are exceptional values and very smart* stylish and becom­ ing models. Every garment purchased in our Ready-to-Wear Dept, will fit you perfectly. Mrs. Edney, the lady in charge, is a seamstress of many years experience and will make any alteration the garment you purchase requires, to make it satisfactory. CREPES DRESS SILKS The selection of Gift Silks this year sur­ passes any we have ever offered. There are lovely Duchess Satins, Lustrous Dress Messalines, beautifully Chiffon Taffetas and a wide selection of weaves in Black Silks. Prices from per yard yard - - - - -............................ $2.19 Ladies’ Dress Skirts. Just Received this Week. Chine Party Good $1.98 An exceptional showing of these beau­ tiful and very fashionable silks in a wide selection of colors. They are 40 inches wide and firm even weaves. Price Per Yard - - - - - - $2.69 $25.00 ¿Misses’ Coats The selection of Gift Towels and Bath Mats comprises some beautiful qualities in pretty styles and colorings. Priced very modestly. CREPES DE CHINE 40 inch wide all silk Crepes de in about 25 lovely shades for Dresses, Waists and Negligees, heavy quality. Per yard - - Sizes for Also splendid little styles for Girls 4 to 14 years of age in Blue Serges with novelty colored trimmings dje A C from .......................................................... A most noteworthy showing of desir­ able Linens imported frbm Great Britain. Table Cloths, Sets, Runners, etc., at wonderfully low prices for such lovely qualities. GIFT TOWELS, Etc. Napoleon’s Heroes Trained. Memorials of the Famous. Interesting memorials have been told at i’las N’ewydd. Llangollen. North Wales. Ineluded amongst the unique contents of the old house were memor­ ials of the Duke of Welllugton. Madame de Genlla, Southey. Words- • orth, Lord Kilwnnl Fit age mid. and many other famous personages with shorn the "Ladles of I.I.-ingollen" wer* jootempor.ine.iui. By Choosing from Our Useful Gifts for Christmas I Extraordinary were the precautions taken that Napoleon should never ap­ pear at a disadvantage on horseback. The emperor was not a first-class horseman, and his horses were always thoroughly broken In. Her* la a de­ scription of the methods employed: “They were trained to remain per­ fectly steady under tortures of every description; to receive blows about the bead; drums were beat, pistols and crackers fired tn their ears, flags waved before their eye< clumsy pack­ ages, and sometimes even sheep and pigs, were thrown between their legs. “None of the animals were deemed sufficiently trained till ths emperor could, without the least difficulty, pull them np short at full gallop, which was hla favorite pace." TILLAMOOK. ORE. Do Your Xmas Shopping this Month American Advantage In Battle Obvloua to the Most Casual Observer of Events. . ’’ Nature Study. In the study of nature do not try to teach too much in one lesson. Notice first the characteristic features and qualities of whatever is^ under discus­ sion ; let the child examine the object If possible; remember that children are more Interested in what things do than in their form. Let the child examine a little plant, seed and all. Lead him to observe that it does something. It pushes Its roots and Its stem up; it eats and drinks, breathes, sleeps and wakes. It makes things: Leaves and Cowers, seed and fruits. Incidentally, notice the form nnd color that these activi­ ties give to each individual plant. Nature study need not be dull or dif­ ficult ; it provides plenty of life and ac­ tion. It is mostly our own interest that Is dead, or our senses that need quickening. Grasp a few fundamental principles •nd nature study tn the home, in ths kindergarten and in the school, will be­ come the children's delight, the teach­ er's friend, and occupation for the nursery to help start the youngster* In busy work, a dally delight when walking out V - . -, _ J V V. Hi V.«J It You are a Patriotic Citizen You Will VICTORY MATTER OF COURSE One of the great assets on the side of the United States In any war is the complete and unbounded confi­ dence of nil the people—soldiers and civilians—that we are going to win. No one for a moment has any doubt about that. Some of us feel that we may have to pay a heavy price, but most of us will feel also that It Is going to be worth all that It costs. It Is to be noted that this sense of confidence that fills the hearts of the people la not the overconfidence by which grent battles are sometimes lost, but rather the consciousness of being in the right and of having the mental and physical force to uphold that right for our own sakes and for the sake of the world. Tills calm confidence Is unquestionably a great American advantage. .The magnificent showing that has been made and always will be made by the American soldier boys thrills the hearts of all loyal citizens. It Is inspiring and It warms the heart— but it was not unexpected. ¿Make a Soldier Happy And You Help a Soldier Fight. Seven Organizations Y.M.C.A—Y.W.C.A — Jewish Welfare Board—National Catholic War Council K. of C.—American Library Associa­ tion—Salvation Army—War Camp Community Service, Appeal to you to help. Give Double. Medium weight Union Suits in Worsted, Worsted plaited and worsted faced fabrics iu white and natural. Styles are high or half low necks— long or elbow sleeves—half open fronts—drop seats and ankle length. Sizes are to tit ages 3 to 18 years. Two Extraordinary Sales of Calf Buttons from ... 25c. Stick Pina from ... 25c. Watch Chains from 75c. Bracelets from — . ... 2rtc. Ln Vallierea from . ... 75c. * Pearl Beads from ... ..-•1.50 Earl Drops from ... ... 25c. Beauty Pins, Lace Pin Sets. Novelty Bead*. Rings, Rabv Pins, Slipper Buckles, Hat Pins, Lock­ et* and Chains at similar price*. New Fall Millinery $4.98 and $8.65 In all probability the first, last arid only reduction sale the Millinery Department will ar.noonce this season. The inclement weather of the last few weeks and the daily increase in our New Fall stock has created a condition that leaves us with rather more Hats than ought to he on our counters at this time. Come and see what wonder­ ful bargains we have prepared for your choosing. Actual Values to $9.00 for only ............... $5.98 Actual Values to $11.50 for only................ $8.65