TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 7, 1918 of the supreme court and all other Notice of Final Account. Notice of Sale of Real Property By officers of the United Strates whose -------O------- Administrator De Bonis Non. appointments are not herein other­ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed her final ac- In the County Court of the State of Even to the casual reader, the wise provided for. Colonel House is a private citieen. count as executrix of the last will Oregon, for the County of Mult­ sporting page of the dally newspaper, appears to be a mere shadow of its on precisely the same legal footing I and testament of Elizabeth J. Good- nomah. In the matter of the Estate of former glory. Sports have suffered as any other private citizen. The speed, deceased, in the county court greatly because the young men are president has not nominated him to of Tillamook County, Oregon, and LeonardeKrebs, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that pursu­ now in the army and navy service,—• the senate, and the senate of course, said court has appointed Monday, has not confirmed him to any public the 25th day of November, 1.918, at ant to power and authority granted News Reporter. I position.—Spokesman Review. ten o’clock, a.m., at the county court to the administrator de bonis non of I room, in the court house in Tilla­ the Estate of Leonard Krebs, deceas­ Now that the lime plant of Gold Hill is producing it is up to the Paying the Penalty for Their ’’Dirty mook City, Oregon, as the time and ed, by the ubove entitled court on place for hearing objections to said the 25th day of September, A. D. farmers of Oregon to make it a suc­ Trick.” ¡account, and the settlement thereof. 1918, the administrator de bonis non cess by sending in orders. A produc­ ------ o------- of the above entitled estate will from tion of one carload a-day, to be in­ Maximilian Harden, Germany’s : Dated, this October 24th, 1918. and after Friday, . the 8th day of Anna Hess, Executrix. creased to two, is the average capac­ brilliant free lance editor, states the | November, 1918, offer for sale and H/T. Botts, Attorney. ity. If the plant is to operate, it must truth with engaging frankness; • will proceed to sell at private sale to convert its production into money, “We started the war with a dirty | the highest bidder for cash, subject and much ot the Oregon soil needs trick and all our subsequent victories Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. | to confirmation by the County Court ------ o------- lime.—Willamina 1*10163. have been the results of dibhonesty. ------- o - In the Circuit Court of the State of i for Multnomah County, State of Ore­ William II is a film hero and Ger­ gon, all the right, title and interest The after-war program is second many a vulgar cinematograph show. Oregon, for Tillamook County. of said estate in and to the follow- in importance only to the war pro­ We sit today on the ruins of 30 years Jus. M. Eiickson, Plaintiff. Ing described real property situated vs. gram, for, whether autocratic or of Hohenzollern politics. in Tillamook County, State of Ore- democratic, Germany will attempt to The "dirty trick’ was Germany’s W. A. Clark and Mrs. W. A. Clark Defendant. gon, to-wit: win by guile the trade she ha/ lost sly manipulation of Austria to seize All of Lots Numbered One, Two, Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ by war and frightfulness. The nature upon the Serajevo assassination of of a people does not change suddenly the Austrian crown prince as a pre­ tue of a judgment in the above en­ Three, Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen I when it dons a democratic suit of text for war. The dishonesty was the titled cause and court, made and en­ of Block Numbered Two in the Town clothes. The American people will canting, lying insistent plea put i tered on the 7th day of October, 1918, of Woods, County of Tillamook« need defense in peace as they have forth by the kaiser and his aides in favor of the above named plain­ State of Oregon; An undivided one half interest in needed it in war.-—Oregonian. that Germany was fighting a defen­ tiff, and against the above named de­ fendants, and each of them, for the and to Lots Numbered One, Two and sive war. The request that Sunday school be To do Hardin justice, it must be sum of $422.27, and costs in the fur­ Three in Block Numbered One In the held in the homes last Sunday was said that from the beginning he ther sum of 812.40, und by virtue of Town of Woods, County of Tilamook, I I complied with in many instances by scorned the hypocricy of the German ' an order of sale for attached real State of Oregon; An undivided one-half interest in Dallas families. The opening of a government. In the opening weeks of property, made and entered on the church door Is not the only call to the conflict his newspaper was sup­ last named date, and of an attach­ and to Tract No. 654 as shown by worship. The really religious man pressed for this frank avowal: ment execution, issued by authority Volume One, page 251, Line 3 of makes an altar of religious fever in Cease the pitiful attempts to ex­ of said judgment and order on the 1913 Tstx Roll of Tillamook County, his own home. The real triumph of cuse Germany’s action. No longer 21st day of Oct., 1918, commanding State of Oregon, in Section 19, Town faith is. to be able to be religious wail to strangers, who do not care to me to sell all the right, title and in­ ship Four South, Range Ten West of whether you have a church to keep hear you, telling them now dear to terest of the said defendants in and the Willamette Meridian in Tilla­ you going or not. The church is the us were the smiles to peace we had to the real property hereinafter de­ mook County, State of Oregon; and An undivided one-half interest in organized public expression of re­ smeared like rouge upon our lips and scribed, to satisfy said judgment, ligion. It is valuable, but not absolu­ how deeply we regret in our hearts costs and expenses incurred under and to a pared of land described as tely essential to religion. One may be that the treachery of conspirators said execution, I, W. L. Campbell, follows: “Beginning at the Southeast religious at home as well as in dragged us unwillingly into a forced Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, corner of A. Phelps one-acre Tract church. The devoted Christian spirit war. » » » That national selfish­ in Tillamook, Oregon, on Saturday, in Section 19, Township Four South will find a way to worship his God ness does not seem a duty to you, but the 23rd day of November, 1918, at of Range 10 West of the Willamette no matter what regulations may be a sin, in something you must conceal ten o’clock a.m. of said date, at the Meridian; Thence North 6 degrees 37 minutes West 150 feet; thence put around churches.—Observer. from foreign eyes. * • ♦ Not as front door of the Court House of said North 83 degrees 23 minutes East Tillamook County, will sell for cash weak-willed blunderers have we un­ The reason why the pits of stone­ dertaken the fearful risk of this war. in hand to the highest bidder, in 206 feet; thence South 6 degrees 37 fruits and shells and nuts are good We wanted it. obedience to said judgment, order minutes East 199 feet to the inter­ section line of ordinary high water; material for gas-masks is simply be­ Harden administers bitter but and execution, all the right, title and cause. when converted into charcoal, wholesome medicine to the kaiser, interest of said defendants, which thence South 76 degrees 8 minutes they are found to absorb a larger the general staff and the deceived they, or either of them had at 3 West 208 feet along the line of ordi­ percentage of the poisonous gases German people. They are paying now o’clock p.m., July 16, 1918, or at any nary high water; thence North 6 de­ than the charcoal made from woody the penalty for the “dirty tricks” time thereafter, in and to the follow­ grees 37 minutes West 74 feet to the matter of other kinds. It is easy to and 30 years of fatuous following of ing described real property, situated place of beginning in the Town of Woods, Tillamook County, State of provide a chemical that will neu­ Hohenzollern politics.— Spokesman in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wlt: Oregon. tralize one particular gas, but when Review. The Southwest quarter of the Bids offered in writing for said the familiar fifty-seven varieties are Southwest quarter and the Southeast real property may be made at any outnumbered by the production of quarter of the Southeast quarter The Tank Situation. German gas-factories, it becomes of Section 5, Township 2, South, time after the publication of this necessary to carry a special mask for Frequent references appear in <1 ¡H- of Range 10, West of the Willam­ notice and before making sale at the each or discard the idea of chemical patches from the front, especially ette Meridian, and Lot 1, Sec­ office of Emil P. Slovarp, Attorney, neutralization and adopt another those which have been subjected to tion 8, said Township, lying North 608-9 Henry Building, Portland, Ore. that will take care of all gases alike, the tender ministrations of the Com­ and west of the Netarts County road. Dated and first publication October 10th, 1918. | which is what has been done in the mittee on Public Information, to Dated this October, 22, 1918. I Jefferson J. Krebs, selection of porous varieties of chart the heroic and effective work of “the W. L. Campbell, Administrator de bonis non. coal.—Telephone Register. American Tanks”, And these refer- Sheriff of Tillamook C. C. Stout and Emil P. Slovarp, ------o----- ences are just as misleading—and County, Oregon. 608-9 Henry Building, Portland, Ore. The Woodburn Independent makes designed to be—as were the constant First publication Oct. 24, 1918. the sensible suggestion that now that references of a few months ugo io the Last publication November 21, 1918. Attorneys for the Estate. people have become accustomed to “American aeroplanes” on the West­ meeting subscriptions for war work ern front. The tanks referred to are Administrator’# Notice to Creditor». Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. and buying bonds, when the war ends American to the extent that they are and when the need of these sub­ maned by American soldiers and un­ Notice is hereby given, that the In the Circuit Court of the State of undersigned Adolph Schild, by an scriptions has passed, there be one der the command of American gener­ Oregon for the County of Tillamook. great final drive which will create a als. But the studied implication that order of the County Court for Tilla­ fund that will give each state in the they are American built tanks are Smith-Wagoner Company. mook County, Oregon, duly made A corporation, Plaintiff. and entered, has been appointed ad­ union the good roads they so badly false, for the tank program has col­ vs. ministrator of the Estate of Margar- need. The suggestion has been made lapsed as completely as did the aeor- Charles Stonehouse and Mat- et'na Schild, deceased, and has quali­ before, but reiteration shows that plane program. tie Stonehouse, Defendants. fied as such. Notice is further given the idea is sinking in, and we be­ Months ago there was established Pursuant to an execution Issued that all persons having claims again­ lieve It none to early to begin to plan. an American assembliiig plant for The United States ¡3 creating a great tanks in France, and contracts were out of the above entitled court, to st the said estate must present the army and transporting it overseas let to English, French and Americans me directed, dated October 23rd, same to the undersigned at Tilla­ has shown what can be done by a for approximately 590 tqnks each. 1918, and a judgment, decree and mook, Oregon, on or before 6 months great nation when necessary, and the | .«hen, a short time ago, the 1,099 order of sale rendered and entered after this date, duly verified and construction of a system of perman­ i tanks contracted for in France and in the above entitled cause, October with proper vouchers. ent highways would be child’s play i Great Britian had been delivered 12, 1918, in favor of Smith-Wagoner Dated this October, 3, 1918. Plaintiff, vs Charles Adolph Schild, Adminis­ when compared with the achieve­ I and assembled, the parts of not one Company, trator of the Estate ot ments of the past year. For another complete American tank had arrived. Stonehouse and Mattie Stonehouae, defendants, for 8158.70, and the Margaretha Schild, de­ thing, it might be well to keep in The War Department program call­ ceased, Tillamook, Ore. mind the problem of employment ed for the construction of 4,499 further sum of 818.00 costs, which when the great army disbands. tanks in this country. Ou September sums bear interest at 6 per cent per Notice of Budget Meeting. \ There will be highly trained engi­ ’ll, just eight tanks had been com- annum from October 12, 1918, and ------ o------ neers without employment, and the ! ! pleted. There was prospect, it was the costs ot this writ, commanding To the taxpayers of the Port of highway engineers who have built • I 1 officially stated to members of the me to make sale of the Southwest the military roads in France will Senate Military Committee, that a Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Bay City, Oregon. At a meeting of the Board of Com­ compose a trained unit which could 1 i total of forty tanks would be deliv- the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, be duplicated under ordinary circum- , ered during the month of September. Tp. 1 South, Range 9 West, W. M. missioners of the Port. of Bay City, in Tillamook County, Oregon, con­ Oregon, held on the 28th day of Oc­ stances. Not all of these men of Months ago a tank training camp I course would be available when mus- was established at Gettysburg, Penn. taining 10 acres more or less, J will, I tober, 1918, the following estimate or budget of the receipts and dis­ ¡on Monday, November 25th, 1918 at tered out of the service, but it Is 1 On September 1 not one tank had likely that many would welcome the been delivered at the camp, and the i [ 10 o’clock a.m. at the front door of bursements of the said Port for the opportunity to utilize the knowledge men who had enlisted for and been I | the County Court House, for Tllla- year 1919 was ordered published as of road building they have gained in assigned to tank service were being 1 mook County, at Tillamook, Oregon, required by law: Receipts. the army. With a great project of i trained With blue-prints, paper rep- I I sell, at public auction (subject to this kind under way it would seem resentatlons of the machines they .redemption^ to the highest bidder Balance on hand January there would be a gradual absorption were supposed to master. Whether for cash, all the estate, right, title 1st, 1919, after paying the of the extra labor set before, but reit­ or not the deficiency at Gettysburg and Interest which the above named interest coupons then due on 758.67 eration show's that the men released has been remedied since by the de­ defendants, or either ot them, had, the bonds of the Port ... 8 21,970.00 from exclusive war industries and livery of at least one tank, in order on the 3rd day of March, 1915, or Tax levy............................ the slump that many fear will not that the men may have the opportun- j which they, or either of them, or any Total.............................. 125,728.67 develop. For these reasons the sug­ ity to study the form and substance, i person claiming through them, or Disbursements. gestion is not one to be idly dismiss­ as well as the paper designs, the Mili- ¡either of them, since that date ac- 7 ed, and is forth careful consideration • tary Committee is not informed. To ■ quired, or now have, in and to the Interest on the 8497,000.00 and an attempt to shape it into prac­ I learn the reasons for the collapse of ' above described property, or any bond Issue of the Port, at fi tical form which will permit adop­ the tank program it will probably be I part thereof, to satisfy said execu­ per cent per annum, payable tion, judgment, decree, order of sale, one half July 1st, 1919, and tion.—Hilsborol Independent. necessary to ask Secretary Baker— one half January 1st, 1920 costs and accruing costs. although members of Congress have ............................................... 824,420.00 W. L. Campbell, Status of Colonel House. asked him and he has replied that Appropriated for landing Sheriff of Tillamook ------o------ i that is “military information not float at Bay City............ 250.00 County, Oregon. A Faria dispatch reporta that Pres- . proper to disclose.” Balance to cover legal and I First publication Oct. 24, 1918. ident Poincare “received Colonel E. But if Mr. Baker ever is called on other expenses, and inciden- M. House, who presented his creden­ to explain by anyone with sufficient Last publication Nor. 21st, 1918. tials. 1,058.67 tials as a special representative of authority to compel an answer, he the United States Government to the j will have as much to explain regard­ Notice of Final Account, Total .......................... 825,728.67 European Governments.” This In­ ing the failure of the tank program —--- o------ Please take notice that a meeting formation seems to have been fram- ' as he has in connection with the col­ The undersigned have filed their of the taxpayers of the said Port of ed by one not fully cognizant of the lapse ot the aeroplane plans.—North final account in the County Court of Bay City Is hereby called to meet at principles of the government of the American Review. Tillamook County, Oregon, and said the City Hall In Bay City, Oregon. United States. Colonel House is not court has appointed Monday. Novem­ on the 23rd day of November, 1918, a representative of this government. ber 11th, 1918, at the court house in at the hour of 10 o’clock a.in. for He is the personal friend and unoffi­ Tillamook City. Oregon, at 10 o'clock the purpose of discussing the said cial advisor of the president. Ornair'ntal Fire Places Built a m., as the time and place for hear­ estimate or budget. The constitution prescribes a clear of Brick and Stone, All Fire ing objections to Baid final account By order of the Board. Places absolutely guaranteed course of official representation and the final settlement thereof. All Theodore Jacoby. money re- not to smoke or abroad. Defining the powers of the persons interested will govern them- Secretary of the Port of funded. president it says: .telv !S accordingly. Bay City. Brick work of all kinds done "He shall have power, by and with Dated this October 10th, 1918. f on short notice. the advice and consent of the senate, Edgar K. Gilbert, We make a specialty of re ­ Notice. to make treaties, provided two-thirds WlllUrn J. Gilbert, To whom it may concern. I have pairing smoking Fire Places. of the senators present concur; und Administrators of the sold my interest in the Tillamook he shall nominate by and with the Estate of Daniel W. Oil- Feed Co. to Geo. Williams, who will advice and consent of the senate bert. Deceased. pay ail bills ngnlnst the company shall appoint ambassadors, other H. T. Botts, Attoraey, and collect all accounts. public ministers and consuls, judges TILLAMOOK. ORE. For Administrators. Charles Kunse. What the Editors Say fl il Deposit These Creamery Pay Checks WIH cash them—when you know tlip money will soon be spent? With a Saving- or Check inn Account here at the bin. stronn First National Bank it will be no time at all until you will have a nice “nest egg. Only National Bank in Tillamook. DIRECTORS : A. W. Bunn. Farmer. p. Heisei, Partner. C. hdwofds.Mgr. C.PowcrCoe J. C, Holden, Vice Pres. B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Partner. W'. J. Riechers. Cashier. A. 7A h um ________L»S¿ TILLAMOOK- OREGON______ The Valve in-head-typa engine illus­ trated here, like all internal combus­ tion engines, requires an oil that holds its lubricating qualities at cyl­ inder heat, burns clean in the com­ bustion chambers and goes out with exhaust. Zerolene fills these require­ ments perfectly, because it is correct­ ly refined from selected California aa- Shad-base crude. •< z ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Carr i It Keeps the Engine Young! Zerolene keeps the engine young—full-powered, smooth­ running, and economical in fuel and oil consumption— because it is correctly refined from selected California asphalt-base cnide. Gives better lubrication with less carbon. Made in several consistencies. Get our Correct Lubrication Chart covering your car. t At dealers everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) T— '’-'480 LAMB-SCHRADER co wholesale and retail CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. Warehonse and Office Cor. Front and BrdjAve. West, Tillamock Or. T Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector BELL, PHONE, MAIN 3 MUTUAL PHONE. SEE W. A- CHURCH, FOR INSURANCE Fire, Life, Issident, Automobile . 2nd Ave. E. between 13t and 2nd Sts. Successor to J. S. Stephens. explosive. When the shell bursts the solid chemical is atomized and dis­ tributed into the atmosphere in the form of tiny particles which even in very small concentrations cause in­ -------o------ At present the Germans use three tense sneezing and are also very ir­ kinds of gas shell, each marked with ritant to the eyes and lungs. The gas shells contain no gas. They a different colored cross, says Major 8. J. M. Auld of the British military contain chemicals which form gas mission In the October World’s Work. when the explosion exposes them to The green cross shells contain the- the air. The major says: "It will have been realized that the chief killing gas. This is gas. par- excellent. for persisting. It causes German gas shells are not really gas irritation of the eyes, nose and throat ! shells In the sense that they contain and will sometime hang about tor | gas under pressure. Two are liquids. component of days. The blue cross shell is quite I the most volatile different from the other two. For I which is less violent than wa^er and one thing, the active component is a ; the third is a solid. “Only after the explosion has par- solid and for another the shell itself given it is a high explosive shell of almost ticulated the poison and full violence, the solid poison being every opportunity to vaporize can embedded in the fuse TNT enclosed any appreciable concentration of gas in a glass bottle or in some cases ac­ be present in the air. In the case of tually mixed which is trlchlometh- I the solid ’sneezing gas' the fine par­ ly-chloroformate. It is not very per­ ticles probably remain more like a sistent and will soon disappear un­ smoke and are hardly gasified at all. less the weather is very cold. There Don't pay rent. A modern, up-to­ Are two kinds of green cross shell. The first is the “vomining gas", and date seven roomed house for sale at the second is the “sneezing gas". The a bargain, near the high school. yellow cross shells contain the "mus­ Terms to suit purchaser. J. H. Frank­ * tard gas”, mixed up with a special lin, Tillamook, Oregon. GERMANY'S GAS SHELL. ------ o------ Colored Crosses Indicate Different Varieties of Explosives. I RALPH E. WARREN, J