TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER 7, 1910. t . .”7 - - ----------- ~ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. F. C. BAKER. Publisher. Subscription ............................ $1-5° yr. Editorial Snap Snots I It is a mistake to use the fire alarm for any other purpose than for to call the lire company. ------- o------- No mutter who is responsible, it was u contemptibl trick, to sent out false rep i ts about Germany Bigning tt. armistice. The Portland Journal, < as usual, is on of the newspapers that sent out the falsehood.; and de­ ceit cd the people. » - • ™ .Mr. Hughes sted in his report of the aircraft investigation that the government scrutinize the spruce production in the northwest. Well it will L>e interesting to know what it cost to get out spruce in the govern­ ment spruce camp». We suggested a tew weeks ago how preachers could get their sermons be­ fore their congregations. The news reports »ays that the four leading Protestant churches of Lebanon have united in giving their people printed REPUBLICAN LAND SLIDE. sermons on Sundays during tiie pe- I ---------- O— nod of closing ott all public places. President Wilson is Rebuked by the Good idea. Did one of these 200 letters come to you? For County Sheriff. . L. Campbell .................... 1446 For County Treasurer. Nation in Acting the Role of Dictator. W. L. Bryan ........................... 578 It was a penny wise and pound C. Everson ................................ 123 Kathleen Mills ...................... . foolish idea in not allowing the pave­ 595 ment company to put down the War- The entire Republican State Ticket Frances B. Stranahan.......... 325 ranite pavement on the piece or road was elected on Tuesday, Governor For County Surveyor. north of the bridge to the city bound­ Withycombe and Senator McNary W. S. Coates...................... .. 1359 ary. Since then it was planked which having majorities over their oppon­ For County Commissioner. soon went to pieces. Then the con­ ents of 20,000 to 25,000 votes. 1256 crete pavement was laid, and thiB is The Republicans will control the . V. Alley.................................. 85b rapidly going to pieces. house by about 30 votes and will al­ H. M. Farmer........................... I R. O. Richerds ........................ 647 so control the senate, but as the race i For County Corner. President Wilson's appeal to voters iH close in some states it is not known 1312 to elect democrats to the Senate and how many votes the Republicans will Roy Henkle ............................. House of Representatives »as for the have in the senate over the Demo­ Establishing and Maintaining purpose of obtaining a vote of confi­ chats. Southern and Eastern Oregon Normal o------- dence. And as the voters decided dif­ The election in Tillamook County Schools. ferently to what the president asked, then, it is only logic to come to this was a Republican landslide on Tues­ 300— Yes.......................................... 427 713 conclusion: Instead of a vote of con­ day last when the Republican ticket 301— No .......................................... Establishing Dependent, Delin­ fidence it was a vote of want of con­ went through with a whoop, giving all the Republican candidates sub­ quent and Defective Children's home. fidence. ■ - stantial majorities over Democrats. 302— Yes ............................... ------ o------- 521 We read in the telegraphic dis­ The Democrats centered their fight 303— No............................................. 544 on United States Senator, Governor, patches from Germany that the KaiB- Prohibiting Sein and set net fish ­ er was spending much of his time in and county commissioner, and not­ ing in Rogue river and tributaries. withstanding that they had the sup ­ prayer and reading the bible. That German Gott of his m-st have failed port of Socialists in helping to elect 304— Yes.......................................... 317 558 him, and he now realizes that he is Bob Richards, they were unable to 305— No .......................................... eternally damned for the remainder defeat H. M. Farmer, who had pre­ Closing the Willamette river to of his life on this earth and in the viously held the office of ca'.niy Commercial fishing south of Oswego. world to come. Damned on earth and commissioner. There was an inter­ 306— Yes .................................. . 342 darned in linden la just judgment for esting contest for county treasurer, 307— No........................................ 525 the candidates being Mrs. C. A Ever ­ him. son, Mrs. Stranahan, Miss K. .Mills Delinquent tax notice bill. • .. — o ------- I and W. L. Bryan. The first returns 308 Yes .................................... 637 It is to bt* hoped that the govern* made it appear that he waH gotn.i to 309— No......................................... 427 ment will not give the large number win out, for he had a majority of 200 Fixing compensation for publica­ of pro-Germuns now in detention over Miss Mills when a number >f cumps, their freedom when the wai­ the precincts in the vicinity of Tilla­ tion of legal notices. ls over. If the government does it 395 mook city were brought in on Tues­ 310— Yes .................................. will ullow a lot of sedlcious persons day night; which looked like a land- 311— No—................................. 406 to sow the seeds of disloyalty. Those slide for him. But the slide suddenly Tax Commission Measure. who would not support the govern­ stopped when the returns were re­ 377 ment of the United States in a nat­ ported from Nehalem. That precinct 312 -Yes -.................................. 513 ional crisis, but are In sympathy gave Miss Mills 96 votes and prac­ | 313— No ............................. .................... ■ , with Germany and the central power tically elected her. She still contin­ I should be deported when the war is ued to gain and at one time was re­ Safety First. over. I-------------- o- ported to be 50 votes ahead, but this ------ o------ Keep iiiHured in best companies* was reduced to 17 majority With two There Is not much doubt when precincts missing on Wednes.lu r. it writing insurance. Everson repre­ normal conditions are restored, that is generally thought that these < wo sent* them and aolicita your business. we shull see flour at 75c. per sack. precincts, Foley and Wilson, will not Some persons may doubt this, but change the result. Geo. W. Kiger put C«rd of Thanks. when the Dardunells becomes c free up a wager with M. F. Leach, the water to the Black Sea, Russian former backing Mr. Bryah against We wish to thank the many kind wheat will come out of that country the field, and It became highly friends for their sympathy and kind­ in great quantities to compete with amusing as the result varied from ness extended to us on account of the wheat grown In the United States, time to time. death of Geo. W. Bodyfelt and we Caoada and the Argentine. Russian The vote In Tillamook County, was, wish to express our appreciation. wlieut will become a great factor In Mrs. Geo. W. Body felt and family. regulating the price of flour In the with two precincts missing, as fol­ future. It may take a few years to lows: Buy Your Meat for Canning New. bring this about, but as sure as little For United States Senator in Con -------o------ potatoes make large ones, this Is gress. Meat will be high this winter. Get what is going to happen. Look for 185 it now for canning, while it is cheap. M. E. Bean .................................... flour at 75c. a sack then. F. W. Mulkey................................ 1241 Beef by the quarter, 9c. to 14c per ------- 9------- For United States Senator in Con- pound. The mugwump editor of the Tilla­ Beef steak, 18c. to 2.8c. per tb. mook Herald said the president’s ap­ Kress. Beet pot roast, 12 He. to 22c. per L. McNary 1017 peal to the voters threw certain Re­ C. pound. 78 publican leaders Into spasms and A. Slaughter Bolling beef. 9c. to 17c. per tb. 639 i Beef foe stew. 6c. to 15c. per lb. then some. It is Bro. Trombley who O. West .... i has a bad spasm, for the Republican For Representative in Congress. I All meats are government inspect- purty now control the Senate and W. C. Hawley............ 1349 ed. I the House, which It did not previous H. Talbert.................... Tlllamook Meat Co. 154 I to the election. Some of us can re­ I For Governor member when Bro. Trombley was 580 W. M. Pierce............... We are told (by the Democrats) sponsor for Senator LaFollette and »3 ¡that the tariff will never figure in B. F. Ramp................. advocated his election for the presi­ James Withycombe . . 1077 politics any rnoore. That is Just all dency, notwithstanding that our you know about It; a man who will For State Treasurer. respected Bro. posed as a democrat, 1085 tell you that is as’ ignorant on that and hobnobbled with the democrats, O. P. Hoff .. 440 question as he Is on the tariff Itself. and allowed certain Republicans to D. P. Mason pull his leg. Pauline Sears 109 We are told that It has been settled by a non-partisan tariff board. Show ------ o ■■ - 1 For Juxtioe of Supreme Court. us a nonpartisan tariff board and we Summed up briefly thia is what H. W. Evan...................................... 310 will show you a “board" that hasn’t Mr. Hughes says about the aircraft Chas. A. Johns................ 1 1133 enough sense to pound into a rathole. bungle and waste of millions of dol­ Conrade Oldon ............................. 143 The present tariff board la composed lars: 11 of free-traders or else they wouldn't Coke ................................................. 36 have been appointed. When the Re­ "For a whole year after the nation Bennett...................... *................... 33 publicans get back in power In 1920 entered the war, the equipment di­ Campbell .......................................... vision of the Signal Corps was badly they will boot every mothers' son of For Attorney General. organized with a host of sections Geo. M. Brown ................................ : 111» them out and put in Protectionists. and departments will ill-refined Collinsville Courier. E. L. Cannon.................................... 206 functions, creating disorder and con- | For Supt. Public Instruction. fusion." When It is taken Into consideration J. A. Churchill............................. 1363 153 that the United States Army was de­ I. A. Lusk................................... '.. . I H. T. Botts, Pres Attorney prived of airplanes at a time when For Labor Commissioner. at-Law. they were urgently ueeded, it looks C. H. Gram.................................... 1286 to us that thia la criminal negligence Aug. Nlkula ............................. 143 John Leland Henderson. Sec­ on the part of (he Signal Service. retary Treas., Attorney-at- For Public Service Commissioner. But here la the reason why the pro­ Law and Notrary Public. J. E. Johnson .......................... 151 duction of airplanes proved such a 1313 fizzle. Mr. Hughes said Major Gen­ F. A. Williams........................ eral George O. Squier "had neither training nor experience for such a large industrial enterprise.” There It la in a nutshell and it sizes up with what the government did In sending to the northwest men to look after the ahlppulldlng, who never had any experience in shipbuilding. For Supt. Water Division. M. Burgholzer ....................... P. A. Cupper ........................... 145 1245 For Joint Representative. J. C. Edwards............ ........... . 1401 For County Clerk. E. Harrison............................... 1447 Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law Abstracts Real Fatate, Insurance. Hotli Phones. 3 TILLAMOOK —OREGON. i I DUSTY courier slid off his motor-cycle at the big double hut in a French town and tramped up to the canteen. “Got a note for the secretary from my commanding officer,” he said. He handed a piece of paper across the counter to a smiling middle-aged man. This is the note the Secretary read: A We landed here three days ago—miles from anywhere. Can you send us some supplies, especially writing paper? This is the first chance the boys have had to write home and we have no paper to give them. $ : < I? * V I !'* 4 I $ I t Í The older man looked up and grinned. “ Got you away off in the woods, have they ? ” “I’ll say they have!” “Can you carry anything?” “All you’ll give me I ” From the shelves the secretary took big packages of paper and envelopes. “Too much?” He asked. “It will be gone ten minutes after I get back!” said the boy. “Tonight,” the secretary went on, ‘Til drive out a truck with more supplies and a man to stay with you. And tell the boys that if their letters are finished, I’ll bring them back with me tonight, and get them into the mails.” An hour later that motor-cyclist whizzed into camp, loaded down with writing paper, and in ten minutes letters were being written to 200 American homes. The United War Work organizations know what letters mean to American soldiers. They know that fighters want to get letters and want to write letters. So in every hut and on every ship your boys find writing paper, envelopes, ink, pens and pencils, and tables where they can get off by themselves and tell the folks back home how things are going. Millions of sheets are given away free every week to Amariwn boys overseas. That is why the letters you get from your boy are written on the stationery of one of these organizations. It is one of the plans to bridge the Atlantic. Help keep the letters priming | Your dollars will supply a whole Company for several days. Dig deep today; help to bind together France and here. 1 • f f I ■ i i » À » V i ’ I .4 « I % » » J À I I a * ( > 3 Í UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN I