TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER 7, 1918. Mr. Hughes declared Major General March, the report said, should make George O. Squirer "had neither train­ profits ot (6,100,000, and »250,000 ing or experience for such a large in­ additional under minor contracts. This company was authorized dustrial enterprise.” shortly after the declaration of war Deeds Testimony Quoted. with paid in capital of »1,000,000 Demure Little Goat There With Referring to Colonel Deeds Mr. The Government financed the plant Hughes recited Colonel Deeds’ own the Hatpin. Washington, Oct. 31.—The long- testimony that he was stockholder to the extent of »1,405,000, repre­ awaited leport of the aircraft inves­ and officer in a number of Dayton, O. sented by loans. me Cord -dolor Company, with tigation, conducted the last five concerns which either directly or in­ months by Charles E.ans Hughesand uuectly were concerned in the a;r- contracts for 5000 Liberty motors, As a Result a Very Surprised and Dis­ consolate Dog "Stood Not Upon which it expects to complete by the Attorney Ge,, ral Gregory, was plac­ ptaue activities of that city. the Order of His Coing,” but 6. cl of January, should make a profit ée f. ie Pre .dent Wilson today He was an Organizer but not a of »5,37 5,000, Mr. Hughes declared. Fled Hastily. an.l 1.. .ÙC public. stockholder in the Dayton Vv right its fiAcu profit, tue report said, is Colo.. I E. A. Deeds, about whom Airplane Company, and it was co H. r< gard most oi the charges which A. ralbott, au ofneer in this com­ rm re than »6vu an engine, which it My Nancy Is ns trim nnd chcrmlng b;ought on the investigation, ,the re­ pany, tile report says, that Colonel can prouuce at less than »3,200, a little goat us you ever wish • to’see. port recommends, should be Detus sent information on a ruling with the audition of more than »400 She wears a fawn-colored coat with brought before a court-martial for of the judge advocate-general relat­ per engine as the plant s-share of the cream trimmings, has confiding ways, bogey”. This togey is set at »5000 and yet n gentle dignity, withal, which sending confidential War De part­ ing co me appraisal ot contracts, merit information on the i aircraft after he had been appointed to the for the cord plant, '1 he Companys rhould protect her. Since she dedicat- investment Is said to be not more I ed herself to tending the yearling colts situation to former business ussocla- i army, man <¡11,800,000. I in the barnyard she has seen little of tes in Dayton,, O., and for being Umer confidential communications the outside world. Indeed she is one spom ur last Friday for a grossly mid­ to raloott und other business asso­ Three Million in Sight. leading statement to the effect thaï ciate.-, in Dayton are quoted but these "The Fisher Body Corporation, of the least sophisticated of her kind. I had a right to be alarmed when "fir: i American-built battle plunes nad been sent while ±M:eds was act­ with contracts for 4000 DeHaviland are today en route to the front in ing in advisory capacity to officers i machines, should make profits of a dissolute vagabond of a dog leaped France.” »3,100,000, with (400,000 additional over tlie fence and began harrying the in charge of contracts. colts; much more was I troubled when l'or communication with Talbot, on other orders," said the report. Three to be Prosecuted. Nancy arose from a siesta in the hay Criminal prosecution of three after lie became an officer, the offi­ • Tlte company s investment on plant loft and lightly dropped from tlie hay Army officers are recommended u.i cer should be court martlaled, it was engaged in airplane production is door to tlie ground. For that degen­ calculated at »860,000. It has been recommended. Mr. Hughes also dis ­ the ground thut they transacted erate collie fustened upon her a lust­ business with corporations in wiiica puted parts ot Colonel Deeds’ asser­ loaned »2,000,000 by the Govern­ ful eye; the twitch of his nostril boded tions in a letter to the aircraft pro­ ment. they were financially Interested. i !te Packard Company’s profits on III from tlie start. And yet he should Delays and waste of the produc­ duction board that on being com­ have misdoubted a creature of such tion program, the report declares, missioned he had bevered his official 600o Liberty motors to be completed gymnastic ability, however much she by next January will probably be connections witu and trausferreu his were uue chiefly to "defective organ­ smelled like a simple sheep. ization of the work ot aircraft pro­ stock in these concerns. The United »6,450,000, earned in J 7 months, He boldly approached her; she tried duction and the serious lack ot com­ Motors Company, of New lock, the said the report. Other profits in to discourage his attentions and set a Daoora tones minor orders may raise this to »8000- good example to the colts by main­ petent direction of that work by the Dayton Engineering responsible officers of the Signal Company; Dayton metal Products 000 it was said. The investment rep­ taining a cold and unseeing gaze. He Corps." Company, ana the Domestic Building resented is calculated at »11,808,000. came the closer. Now she stepped The Lincoln Motor Company’s Company of Dayton. away, stiffly, very much on her dignity. Cadet Training Delayed. He transferred stock in the United profits on 6,000 motors la calculat- He followed up. She stood still, ob­ One of the most regrettable Inci­ Motor Corporation Company to his cd at »6,450,000 with additional trusively turning her back to his atten­ dents of the delay in production, profits on other contracts ot »1,500,- tions. This disconcerted him; he had says the report, is that on account of wife, it was said, and book accounts 000, according to the report. Invest­ planned to catch her by the throat. snowing the time of the transier of the scarcity of training planes, hun­ ment Is reported at »150,000, of Cautiously he edged over to the side; i in some cases, says the* other stock dreds of cadets were held at concen­ which »3,460,000 represents items on she let him come. He gathered him­ tration camps abroad for several report, were ualeu oaca to August 28 which lire government pays 40 per self to leap upon her. Then as he months "without suitable training.” when Deeds was appointed a colonel although nof actually made until cent depreciation. Paid in capital is arose, she flashed about; he landed The report is supplemented by 17„- »850,000. with his diaphragm poised on her slen­ 000 pages of testimony taken from later. Criminal Charges Waived. der horns. 280 witnesses. Details of Outlay Given. ¡Since it is not p.Ovea. However, A fata! Injury was not within her No fault la found with the manage- “Of the »691,000,000 originally ment of aircraft affairs since reor- that colonel Deeus transacted any appropriated for aircraft production power, but it was not needed. He ganizatlon of last May, which placed uuslness with those firms before he disbursements reported down to June sprawled to earth with an anguished transferred ms stock, no criminal 30, 1918, including advances for yelp, lit running, nnd cleared the gate John D. Kyan in charge. enurges aie myiue against him. building of plants, and outlays of the at his second leap. That was no gay Some Act« Highly Improper. Colonel .Sidney D. Weldon, assistant sales department, similar expenditur­ deceiver, no masterful betrayer, self- The general conclusion and recom­ to Colonel Deeds when he was chief confident of bls allure, that fleeting mendations by Mr. Hughes follows; or the equipment division of tile Sig­ es, amounted to »430^000,000 and form which spurted gravel behind each »276,000,000 of the appropriation "The evidence discloses conduct nal Corps, was snowii, the report eager stride. which, ulthough of a reprehensible says, to have been a stockholaer in remained unexpended at the end of Nancy watched if go. There seemed the year. character, cannot be regarded as af­ the Packard Company, but it does almost an expression of regret in her "Of the »155,000,000 spent for air ­ fording a sufficient basis fbr charg­ ..oi appear tlial he took part In uny amber eyes; she twiddled an impatient es under existing statutes, but there proceedings involving Government planes and engines, »25,000,000 was tall, then, primmer thnn ever, went to for overseas manufacture, »21,000,- are certain acts shown not only dealings with tne company. • finish her nap. But a diversion had 000 in udvances to contractors and highly improper in themselves, bat Colonel Robert L. Montgomery also »1,697.000 for experimental and de­ been welcome In the virtuous monotony ot special significance, .which held stock in companies holding con­ of her days—and the good old hatpin should lead to disciplinary measures. tracts lor manuiacture of aiiplanes velopment work. This left only »106- trick worked again.—John Breck in De­ "Tlie evidence with respect to Col­ or parts, but he did not deai with 000,000 spent for production in the troit Free Press. United States. Of the latter amount onel Edward A. Deeds should be pre­ them in ms capacity us an officer. »57,000,000 was paid under fixed sented to the Secretary of War to Insisted Neighbor Was "Devil." Dieulenant-Colonel Vincent, for the end that Colonel Deeds may be whom criminal procesution is recom­ price contracts and »49,000,000 un­ She was a motherly old soul who der cost-plus contract. ’ wore glasses and she insisted, vehe­ tried by court martial under Articles mended, was shown, the report says, Official estimates place at »24,000- mently, thnt “that woman next door 95 and 96 of the articles ot war for to uuve authorized payment of sums ills conduct (1) in acting as confi­ to the Packard company while he 000 the loss to the Government on was a regular devil.” account of the condemnation ot two And when the police court com­ dential adviser of ills former business was stockholder. types of planes, the Bristol fighting plaint clerk asked her to explain fur­ associate, H. E. Talbott, of the Day­ Gleuienunt-Colonel George W. machine and the S. J-l training ther she snld: "She’s a spiritualist. ton-Wright Airplane Company, and Mix ter, stockholder in the Curtiss in conveying Information to Mr. Tal­ Aeroplane und Motor Corporation, it plaue. Including about »65.000,000 She sits up all night putting evil bott in an improper manner, with is charged, had charge of Inspectors on the Bristol and »17,500,000 on thoughts into my head. She won’t let the S. J-l. me sleep.” respect to the transaction of business in that company's plant. It was a declaration that made the between that company and the divis­ Major Howard C. Marmon, a Sig­ woman next the motherly old soul at ion of the Slgnul Corps of which Col. nal Corps officer, also Is cited for his The Right to Grumble. the counter open one eye wide It DeedH was the heud, and (2) in giv­ connections with the Nordyke and amazement. That woman couldn’t ing the representatives of the com­ Murmor Company, of Indianapolis, ▲ prominent restaurant manager open both eyes, for her husband had mittee on public information a false which held a contract for Liberty and misleading statement with re­ motors, but since be had transferred Is quoted as saying that If any pa- blacked and closed one. The complaint clerk tried to soothe gard to the progress of aircraft pro­ his stock to his mother, the report tron complains of his method of en­ duction for the purpose of publica­ holds, there Is Insufficient ground forcing the new food conservation the motherly old woman, but she kept tion with the authority of the Secre­ tor a criminal charge against hiui. orders he will take the offender’s on Insisting that her neighbor sat np name and address and "send it to nights transferring evil thought from tary of War. the government.” bedroom to bedroom. She wnnted Plane Deliverie« 8171. Proprieties Held Violated. This is a cheerful prospect. Must something done, she said, for, as she The report showed that up to last “The absence of proper apprecia­ Insisted over and over, “No decent per­ June 30, more than a year after the people who patronite reatauranta as­ tion ot the obvious propriety of tran­ nation entered the war (171 finish­ sume a meek and lowly mien at their son can do that.” sactions by Government officers and The clerk had to humor her and It ed airplanes had been actually de­ meals or run the risk of becoming agents with firms or corporations consists in was a long time before he finally got livered by manufacturers, Including suspects? It treason in which they are Interested compels rid of her.—Detroit Free Press. 4572 elementary training planes, grumbling about restaurant service, the conclusion that public policy de­ 1046 advanced training planes and Ney York must be an enemy alien mands that the statutory provisions Trouble on Parnassus. 553 combat and bombing planes. Of city at heart. What becomes under beating upon this conduct should be The Poetry Society of America ap­ these conditions of the inherent An ­ the fighting machines, 529 were De strictly enforced. pears to be stumped. Its constitution Huvllands and 2 4 were of the aban­ glo-Saxon right to find fault? The “It is therefore recommended that American people have put up with falls to provide for the dropping of a doned Bristol design. the oft leers found to have hud trans- member except for non-payment of Airplane engines delivered up to patriotic good will with an unprece­ dues. There Is no provision giving i actions on behalf or the government dented amount ot regulating in the that time amounted to 12.633 of power to expel writers of free verse— with corporations in the pecuniary which 2390 were Liberty motors for public interest, but they are hardly or even bad verse. And now the ex­ profits of w hich they had an Interest ready for personal regulations at the combat and bombing planes, 7662 ecutive committee wishes to erase from should be prosecuted under Section were for elementary training ma­ hands of restaurant keepers. the society’s roster the name of one 41 of the criminal code. chines and 2579 for advanced train­ This, ot course, is taking a foolish who has. In his day, written good j "The Federal Trade Commission ing planes. remark In mock seriousness. But poetry, but who. It is alleged, has not | should be requested to report on the The original program for Liberty have not the restaurant proprietors been so patriotic as the executive com-, proper cost of mahogany for airplane motors alone had called for about all along taken their part in food mlttee thinks he should have been. In I propellers, to the end thut the com­ 17.000 of these by June. conservation with a one-sided aeri- such dubious cases It is always wise to ing in of the report the question of Turning to the question ot profits ousness? It Is the patron who does turn to “Alice in Wonderland.” where the propriety of further action with by contractors tor airplanes and the economoiing, who finds his por- the King of Hearts reads out rule 140, respect to transactions of the mahog­ motors, Mr. Hughes cited figures tion smaller and the "garnishes" cut “one of our eldest roles,” which for­ any manufacturers' and Importers' showing that manufacturers were oft but the bill and the tip unchang­ bade anybody more thnn -40 feet high association may be determined. enabled to make as much as »1000 ed. He patriotically endures and attending In a courtroom. Let It be Re-Auditi Should be Watched. on each Liberty motor, and from pays, and since the proprietors get held that the offending poet Is physi­ "It is recommended that the repre­ »750 to »1,500 on each finished the credit, can they not allow him a cally—not prowvllcally—too short or sentatives of the Department of Jus­ plane. Profits In some cases were little rebate in Che way of an occa­ too long.—New York Post tice should keep in touch with the several hundred percent ot the ln- sional "kick"? That at least would progress of the re-audit of accounts vestment, the report said. be a more agreeable role than to go Where He Got the Other. so that it 'may be advised of the com­ heresy-hunting among other guests. A Boer who fought with the Brit­ Orders on Cott Plui Basu. plete enforcement of the rights of New York World. ish forces In the Fast African cam­ Mr. Hughes explained that the the government in final settlement paign was recently operated on for ex­ principal orders were placed on the of accounts and that the Government traction of a bullet. Shortly afterward has been fully protected against un­ basis of cost-plus, a fixed, not a per­ an English surgeon remarked to him: necessary loss through waste and the centage profit, and a bonus ot 25 per TOWERS FJSH BRAND "By the by. we took two bullets out cent ot any economics under an es ­ absence of suitable factory supervis­ of you. Did you know there were timated cost, or "bogey. ” ion. two?” “Oh. yes,” replied the Boer; "The bogey costs," said Mr. Hughes "Permit me also to suggest that a 'V Z Q “one I got from the Germans and the special division, or subdivision, of “were In all cases placed so high that other from you beggars at Colenso.”— is a corker tha present bureau of investigation the contractor hud every reason to I Manchester Guardian. expect that the actual cost would be for staying in the Department of Justice should be assigned to the consideration of much lesa and that through its When Ha Got Practice. on the job. suggested delinquencies in connec­ share In this saving, the contractor Flatbnsh—They say ottr neighbor tion with aircraft production so that would be able to derive an Increased who has gone to the war is wonderful i In jumping over wire-entanglements | the work*niready done may be ap­ profit from economical management. X. "It is apparent, however, that with propriately followed. and other obstructions. XI I "In particular it ta recommended a large fixed profit guaranteed, the Rensonhurst—Well, he ought to be i I expert at It. You know, bls wife used I that the activities in relation to incentive to economy Is not so strong spruce production, which, being aa when the entire venture is at the to do housecleaning stunts four times largely centered on the Pactftc Coast contractor's risk." a year. it was Impractical to embrace In the Mannfaetnren’ Profit Given, present Inquiry, should be carefully KÁiiprotZ Ah • hhly. ; Her Short Sult Hi» Long Ono. The fixed profit per plane varied scrutinised. Mrs Styles—Isn’t her dress a poem» I with different concerns. SMijfaciña ? G« J Mn teed Mr. Styles—Yes. dear, and It has a Taking up the question of faulty The Dayton-Wright Company with DEALERS EVER^'WHERE characteristic that I enjoy in poema. organisation of the Signal Corps contracts for 4000 De Haviland A. J. TOWKR CO BOSTON. “What Is that, pray?" aoou after the declaration of war. planes to be completed before next I "It’s short.” NANCY WAS ARMED MILLIONS WASTED IN AIRCRAFT BARED. ------ o------ Imprewive Revelations in Hughes’ Report—Colonel Deeds Accused REFLEX SLICKER Unusual Times E ARE facing the most extraor­ dinary situation in the history of our country. Never before have so many new problems—so many de­ mands for re-adjustment—thrust them­ selves upon men and women for settle­ ment. W Things big with fate are happening and we must know how to adjust our business—our homes—our personal lives to the new conditions. This bank publishes a Monthly Bulletin Letter that represents a very unusual service at this time. In a clear and general way these Bulletins present the pith of facts that influence your welfare. This is one of the ways we are helping our friends and customers to meet the demands of the present and assisting them in their plans for the future. We will gladly mail future copies regularly to anyone free for the asking. Tillamook County Bank Tillamook, Oregon CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disenfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. Boy. Howdy! If you only knew to­ bacco you’d get a pouch of Real Gravely today. Then you’d have a sat­ isfying chew, a good tasting chew. It lasts so much longer that any man can chew this class of tobacco without extra cost • • • • It goes further— that’s why you can get the good taste of this class of tobac­ co without extra cost. PEYTON BRAND P B.GPAVELY TOBACCO CO City Transfer Co. We do a general Transfer and Delivery business, with speeial attention to moving Furniture and Pianos. ( oal and Wood a Specialty. flüEX. McRfllR & CO. Vi vìi _> J GENERRLi hardguare Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. I