atitook TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 7, 1918, »1.50 PER YEAR. T- high marks, being credited with 92 Decker Fitted $1000.00 and Six to oppose Blaine Hayes. There is REPORT WAS FALSE. points. some question whether the caucus ———o-------- Months in Jail. ------ o------- nominees had a right to be placed on Mrs. J. M. DeLillies returned home Portland Journal Makes Ass of Itself All the romance and revenue of the ballot, and it is claimed by some W. A. Wise, dentist. • Circulating Lies. after visiting friends in Portland, j making ilicit whiskey by the moon­ that those who were nominated by Insurance on hay-Phone Watson.* Oregon City, LaGrande and other Thursday morning news reached shine method received a severe set­ petition had no right to be on the points. She was accompanied by her Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. * daughter Miss Lolo DeLillies who the city that Germany had signed the back Monday in Portland before ballot because their petitions were Let W. A. Church write your insur- remained at the Dalles with her sis­ armistice, when the whistles and Federal Judge Wolverton, when not in the hands of the recorder in __ _ people ____ of _____ bells soon put the the ____ city three of the clan pleaded guilty and time. However, an interesting fight ter, Mrs. J. E. Nielson and family. Mice. and sorrunding country on the move, ! were uniformaly sentenced to serve took place between Boals and Coates, Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Miss Kathleen Mills has the honor who hurried here in their autos. I six months in jail and pay fines of the former winning with only 13 of being the first woman to be elect­ Quite a large demonstration, headed »1000. Co. votes, which was his number on the ed to a county office in this county, by the fire department, paraded the ( Joseph Handy, whose still was ballot. Moulton beat Edmunds and For rent piano. Call 33W Bell and although it was by a narrow streets. It was planned to hold a big traced out by. Federal officers near Harris beat Hays. There was no phone. margin in which three women and demonstration in the afternoon. ■ Heppner; Joseph Decker, who chose candidate in the first ward, but Allen Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath. Room 4. one man entered the race for county When a large crowd had assembled Tillamook County as his zone of op­ Page was given a few votes, which Masonic Apartments. treasurer. it was ascertained that the Oregon­ erations, and Manly Teeple were tile entitles him to a seat in the city council. Don’t fail to see the farm tank at Tillamook has an auto top and ian could not confirm the new», re-* convicted moonshiners. « « In conformity with the rule formed harness repair shop the Kuppenbender Warehouse. in rear of ports coming in that the news was elsewhere, all wood orders must be true and other reports to the effect Another Tillamook Soldier Victim of Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. I accompanied by payment in advance. building opposite post office. Auto Geo. Tone Fined $500.00. tops, curtains and cushions repaired that it was not true until near mid- Influenza. ------ o ------ Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. * —As F. Coats Lumber Co. I and waterproofed, harness repaired. night. A funny incident occurred on Word was received here on Tues- Word was received this (Friday) Thursday, but was not very funny Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- Furnished rooms for rent, $2.00 a If you can't come, send your harness ^re _R. W. Bennett. week, water and lights, furnished. by parcel post to the Auto Top and morning that the armistice hid not for Geo. Tone, The Military police day that Floyd Williams was sick Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, Corner of Second and Stillwell Ave., Harness Shop. Box 164, Tillamook.* t< on signed. hired him to take him on one of with Spanish Influenza at Fort It was the Portland Journal that their crusades for stills and bootleg Stevens, and that he was not expect­ Tillamook. * j Tillamook, Oregon, Amy L. Bray vs John M. Bray is a ed to live. Later in the day the news was so positive that the news was Why not place your feed orders for j First class dressmaking. Long’s 1 divorce suit filed in the circuit court. true, which goes to prove that that whiskey. When near Tone’s place the of his death was received from hiB military police confidently told Tone married at the future with Kuppenbender. * ' Appartments, Mutual Phone, Mrs. These parties were a profound secret. It was to the ef­ mother'at Warrenton, who had left Chehalis, Wash., on Aug. 22nd 1914, newspaper is unreliable. It was learned also this morning fect that they intended to "rubber'’ the previous day to see him. He was New Grant car for sale at a bargain Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas and in November of • i the same year stationed at Fort Columbia ana and was See Ben Kuppenbender. * Burkhart. was defendant deserted the plaintiff, that Germany will sign the armistice. around in his home. Tone almost through his jitney with tur- tO ,he ho8pltal at Stevens, I Disinfect your home with B — K. to ­ went The Armistice had not been signed and she has been unable To rent or buy, Underwood Type­ to obtain writer. Captain Morgan, shipyard. * day and make yourself safe from any information as to his where- up to noon on Friday, says the prise, for he was conscious of sòme- ! C., Coust Artillery, when that com­ : deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen- abouts. thing radically unlawful having Oregonian. Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale bender, both phones. * 1 taken place there. But that did! not pany left this city for active duty. The local Draft Board is now send- office, Saturday, Oct. 26th. * deter the Military Police from rub­ He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | a A string of _z beads ___z, were _____ left at this ing out questionnaires to men 18 Registrants Are Called. bering around, for somebody had Williams. The body arrived today Three good milk cows for sale. Ap- office, picked up by some boys. Own- | years of age, and to men 37 to 45 ------ o------ d 1 i fh t nffir.P. * ............... •_ given them some tangible proof that and will be buried Friday, The Home ply Ivr nt at tho the Headlight office. er can have .......... same 1- by .. applying to this years inclusive. The mailing will be Provost Marshal-General Crowder they would make a haul, in fact some­ Guard having charge of the funeral We handle Trojan Powder. Best for ofGce. completed by Saturday, the 9th, and ha/called for 18,300 draft regis­ body had squealed on Tone. The Mili­ arrangements. Stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * 1 NecJ a tfUck tQ hauJ yQur miIk? Of anyone not receiving his question­ trants physically qualified for limit­ tary police did not have long to rub- | I naire in a reasonable length of time Much Alive. For sale or rent, the O'Hara Farm anyiiiing else? Got an old automobile? after that date should get in touch ed service to entrain for camps be­ her around, for they soon came across i tween November 25 and 27. Volun­ a complete still, a barrel of mesh j at Netarts. Enquire at the place. * See Shro je, he will explain the rest. with the local board. tary enlistments will be accepted un ­ It was reported here over a week and a number of bottles of liquor ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worthington It’s a “Truxtun Attachment.” For Sale—Most desirable, modern, til November 20. that had been taken out of bond in ago that Miss Lola DeLillies had died Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms were in from Newberg this week. A variety of trades and occupations 1918. Tone first denied that the at The Dalles from an attack of the 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office 15 acre city home in Ashland, Ore­ The county Court is in session this hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun­ gon. Fine climate, pure water, health are mentioned in the call. liquor belonged to him, but owned up Spanish Influenza. We received this resort, free irrigation, green mead- week making up the county budget. days by appointment. after that it was his. The Military letter from her on Monday. * ows and pastures year round, I Dear Mr. Baker—Will you please great- Police phoned Sheriff Campbell and Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend­ i Young Gamblers are Nabbed. Don’t throw away your old tires but est variety products for home com- Tone was arrested and the outfit and kindly notify the people that I am ------ o— er Warehouse. * i get an “Inner Tire” and get from forts; A city of real homes.- —R. D. I Tillamook City used to be a wide liquor brought to the city. 'Tone not dead. The rumor got started that R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- ioo to 5000 miles more service out of Sanford, Helman St., Ashland, Ore. ♦ open, gambling town not many years pleaded guilty this (Friday) morning. I had died of the flussie, but it is all camaflouse.” »airing. S. P. Watch inspector. ■ each tire at low cost.—See Shrode.* Will sell 8 acres of Tillamook City since, but the strong arm of the Justice Stanley politely told Tone One lot and small house for sale, For Sale—Willamette Donkey En­ property lying in and west of the law and public sentiment eliminated that he would have to pungle up »550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. * gine 9*4x11. Full equipment. Good Gilford Stillwell play ground for it, but not for good, for every once »500.000 which he did without a de­ About Teachers’ Wages. as new. Write or phone San> Bauer, »4,000. This is good high ground in a while the poker players get to­ murrer. Tone, however, had a come­ For Sale—160 acres of land at The matter of paying teachers their * and well located for platting, Will gether behind closed doors and pass back which was »3.00 for auto hire. »andlake. Inquire of Dan Billings. * Neskowin, Oregon. wages is not settled yet, as Attorney the chips around to one another, and ■ 11 I. !■» ,' take Liberty Bonds and give terms. House and lot for sale. Cor. 2nd General Brown has not given his Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms I Pla? ior money. A gambling joint of “Soaked” ’Em for $1000.00. Ave. West and Front St. Buy direct Write C. A. Dunn, 303 Capitol Bldg., opinion. The matter is somewhat • ; this character was unearthed, and it 205-206 Tillamook Building. * from owner. Apply on premises or Salem, Oregon. ------- o------ ■■ i proved be the Tillamook Cleaning The State Military Pol^e ¿s rajs- complex as it depends a good deal We buy and sell second hand autos. address Mrs. Bertha P. Newcomb, A meeting was called at the Liber- ____ avfd 1’rdlmng parlnwk B. M4Hs-en ift-^poB who had -authority to etose iK P*riafcA=-eê* K. M+Hs en tng.fc.des in Tillamook 7!, e wni ty* wffir Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* Tillamook. Oregon. ty Temple ~Ob Thursday evening, First Street. The Military police say those who operate stills and manu­ the schools during tHe Spanfstf+rrtlw a committee was appointed to when the back room of the parlor was facture intoxicating liquors, as well enza embargo. Anyone having room or apartment For bargairs in second hand auto­ County School Supt Lamb has re­ in their house which they would rent arrange a celebration as soon as it nicely curtained so that no one could as making it tropical for pro-Ger- mobiles go to Case’s Garage. was positively known that Germany Fred Weber has bought from Mrs. desirable party, unfurnished or par­ had signed the armistice. The com- peak in and closed up tight. E. Mills mans and those who make seditious ceived the following letter, which is Hoskins the 22 acres that she in­ tlally furnished—Address A-l eare committee is composed of Roy Jones the proprietor of the place was fined remarks about the United States an opinion of a former attorney by City Recorder Gaylord $50.00; general, but whether this covers the of Headlight office. herited from the Vaughn estate. R. McGrath, A. H. Harris, Ira Smith, Henry Leach, of this city, »25.00; government, and with the assistance present embargo is not known: of the sheriff,, district attorney and W. E. Noyes vs. Grover Hart is a and L. Eberhardt. J. L. Mills, »25,00 and another justice of the peace, five violators Salem, Ore., Oct. 23, 1918. For Sale—Jersey Cow, will freshen suit filed in the circuit court to re­ To be sure you have a place to live young man is to be arrested. in February. Apply to Clent King, cover »150.00 the value of a horse were "soaked" for »1000.00 on Wed­ To County School Superintendents: This department is receiving many Beaver. Oregon. nesday. which had been rented to defendant, buy a home today. Never has the de­ mand for houses been so great. Prop­ Andred Vetsph was charged with letters now from teachers asking if Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, First but which had died. Lieut F. M. Phelps Heard From. erties are selling every day but bar­ manufacturing and having in his school boards are required to pay National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., A number cf the dairymen, owing gains are not all gone yet. Some of their salaries during the time that In Dr. Alien’s office. * to the high price of hay, are dispos­ the best buys were listed today for i Geo. W. Phelps, of Garibaldi, re- possession intoxicating liquor, ,and the board keeps the school closed on owning up to the charge, Justice 1 ceived a letter from his son, 1st Best by Test—Oregon Portland ing of their surplus stock and send­ quick sale. A payment down, balance Stanley "soaked” him for 1200.00 account of the influenza. Our answer to one and all is that the school Cement. For sale by Lamb Schrader ing them to the stockyards in Port­ monthly, places you In a home of Lieutenant Francis M. Phelps, who which was paid. * was seriously wounded in France on land. This is mostly cows. your own. See Everson at once. boards are required to pay, and we Co. * John Enzler was next to stand be- September 27th. Having received no base»this statement on the opinion Charles Dobils, who lived on the Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is The Spanish influenza situation in news from him only that he was fore the bar of justice for manufac- of Attorney General Crawford, found safe, clean and powerful. For sale at Kilchis and went to Portland to Tillamook County is not serious by seriously wounded until he received turing and having in his possession the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * work in the shipyard, died in that any means, but it is just as well to this letter, his many friends In this intoxicating liquor, and the justice on page 50, under paragraph 133, of the 1917 edition of Oregon School Wanted—Information of the where city last week from Spanish influ­ continue to use proper precautions county will be glad to hear of his "pinched" him for »200.00. Very truly yours. Joseph Martin Blaser, who is held laws. enza. for fear that the disease might condition. The letter follows. abouts of B. Rogers. Make your no­ J. A. Churchill, over to the grand jury charged with spread. There are several cases of a Oct. 11th, 1918. Mrs. Nancy Wilson and Delaney -»■—-• tification at the Headlight office Supt. Public Instruction. Dear Father and Mother,—Just a violating the liquor regulations, had Ellison were taken to the insane ' liRht nature and the ) conditions in Let wour co-worker on the farm be the north part ow the county have word to let you know that I am still alBO been engaged in the manufac­ asylum at Salem on Tuesday, at ­ the Cleveland Tractor. On display at ture of some "tangle foot" with a alive, for which I thank God. tendants from that institution ar­ wonderfully improved. * the Kuppenbender Warehouse. strong flavor of alcohol in it, and Rules Governing Christmas Pack­ I was wounded on Sept. 27th. Was riving here on Monday. ages for Soldiers. At the annual meeting of the shot through both legs, just below having peached on himself the justice Wanted to rent a piano, for the The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ Shakespeare Club recently at the I „e body” V.'L... —ZZ ZZ ___ in a "touched" him for the little sum of When Z I Z fell It was 114th Spruce Squadron, Tillamook, On account of required tonnage chine Agency is now permanently lo­ home of Mrs. Webster Holmes, who ghen hole about one foot deep and »200 and he "coughed up.” Call at the Headlight office. cated opposite the post office, where entertained the club on that occa-' half - full of water, in which I had to Arnold Mettler, another amateur only one package per man will be Will trade cement work for a good monthly payments may be made and -sion and served a delicious lunch, lay for twelve hours. Owing to the booze manufacturer was unfortunate accepted. Package must bear label milch cow. A. T. Dolan, Mutual supplies ordered. Mrs. O. A. Schultz was elected presi­ fact that I couldn’t move, and every In getting nabbed by the Military furnished by consignee, Pasteboard eortons or containers •2 Phone. dent; Mrs. W. J. Riechers, vice-pres­ time I did try to do so some German Police when his home was raided for For sale or trade, one sorrel mare 3x4x9 inches in size must be secured ident,- Mrs. John Groat, secretary- "spirits, ” not that the Military Po ­ would take a shot at- me. When I get Remington, "Pump" shot gun for six years old, weight 1500 lbs; and treahurer. The club will meet during lice is supersticious about ghosts from nearest Red Cross Chapter, sale or trade.—H. King, Hiner’s one colt, three years old, iron gray, the coming year as follows: Nov., home I will tell you all about it. or scared of spirits, but it was the branch or Auxiliary. However I am doing fine. Am in a weight 1100 lbs. Will trade for good Shop. Mrs. O. A. Schultz; Dec., Mrs. H. real, intoxicating stuff that they 1 Articles barred by postal author­ good hospital and will be able to get dairy cows, Andrew Vetsch, Elmore Crenshaw; Jan., Mrs. B. C. Lamb; back and hit them another crack, for happened to run across. The justice ities must not be included among For Sale—two year old colt, next ranch. *2 Feb., Mrs. W. J. Reichers; Mar., Mrs. gifts. spring. Sold cheap. Enquire of Mrs. I am anxious to get back Into the "squeezed” Mettler for »200.00 and Letters must not be placed in pack­ Owing to the dentist who was C. I. Clough; March Mrs. H. T Botts; fight again. Well, will ring off for he pungled up. Knight. * ages. manager of Dr. Wise’s Portland of­ April., Mrs. W. J. Campbell; May., this time as I have to write in bed Joe Durrer No. 2, of Longg Prairie, Those who wish to see Dr. Wise fice, going to war. Dr. Wise will have Mrs. D. Robinson; June, Mrs. F. C. was the last of the five victims to be j Weight of packages before being about dental work should do so at to devote a part of his time there. Baker; July, Mrs. J. Groat; Sept., on my back. With love to all. arrested who faced the bar of jus­ wrapped must not exceed two pounds Marion. once. But will remain here as long as kept Mrs. C. J. Edwards; Oct., Mrs. W. tice, charged with manufacturing and fifteen ounces. * Holmes. and having in his possession intoxi- | Unwrapped packages must be tak­ Horse and buggy for sale, or will busy. Price Interpretation Schedule For eating beverages, and after squealing en to nearest collection center indi­ trade for heifers. Apply at Dawson’s Large modern Portland residence , Week Beginning November 11. on himself, the justice thought the cated by Red Cross not later than Grocery store. * with one or more acres of ground to Christmas Packages for Sailors and county's treasury need another little | Nov 20th where it will be inspected. Just received a car of mill feed at exchange for 160 acres of land in After Inspection packages must be Commodity Consumer Pays helping out, "soaked” him for »200, Marines in U. S. th« Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices Tillamook County. At least forty Fresh Eggs ................................. 70c. Justice Stanley making a wonderful wrapped in stout paper, the Christ­ ----------0---------- acres must be cleared, and not too an lowest. * Butter, Fresh Cry............................ 70c. record in adding »lOOb.OO to the mas label bearing address of con- Packages must not exceed 20 far from railroad. L. F. Hemerlynck. signee and sufficient postage affixed, For sale, a matched team, 1100 lbs. 4355 East 82nd St., Portland. Ore. • pounds in weighj and not measure I Potatoes, old................ »»2.75-»3.OO county funds. Package must be left with the Cheese. Tillamook ...................... 45c. each. Enquire at Dawson Bros., Tilla­ more than two cubic feet in volume. , Corn Meal, Yellow 10 lb Bgs .. 85c. Red Cross who will turn it over to L. G. Freeman has sold his place at mook. The City Election. Container must be of 1 wood, well [corn Meal, Wh. 10- bag.............. 90c. the postal authorities. Corvallis at a good price, and would For sale—bay mare and colt~ six have come back and resided in this strapped and have a hinge or screw Rolled Oots, 9-!b Bgs..................... 95c. ------ o------ Christmas packages for Marines months old. To be sold cheap. Fred city, but could not find a house to top to facilitate opening for inspec­ Rice flour in bulk.................... 11 >4 e. The city election did not pass 0« whose address is America Expediti­ W. Puicipher, Garibaldi. Ore. Barley Flour 8 8-10 lb Bgs. ... 85c. without some excitement. Owing to onary Force will be governed by the rent. He will make his home at Hills­ tion. All perishable food products must Dry Granulated Sugar per lb . . 11c. the usual city caucus falling down, above rules.. For Sale—Berkshire pure bred boro at present. be placed in cans or glass jars. State Council of Defense by John Corn flour, Wh. blk.......................... 8c. about 15 citizens managed to get to- pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. All boxes must be plainly marked Corn Flour, white, 10 lb pkgs . 90c. gether at the city hall on Thursday K. Kollock, Executive Secretary. One of the best bargains In a E. Williams. Mutual Phone. building spot, just at the edge of the with name and address of sender and Rye Flour, 49 lb. pkg3......... »3.65 evening and put up the following Best in the West—Oregon Portland city limits, esn be secured 1 for a bear label indicating a Christmas Rye Flour, 10 lb pkgs.................. 80c. ticket: Notice. Cement. Always uniform and fresh. few days. Nothing better in the box. Mayor—Thos Coates. Hominy, 10 lb. Pkgs................ 90e. ------ o------ Lamb-Schrader Co. * ceunty. You will buy if you I Investl- Boxes sent by parcels post must be . Corn Starch, lb...................... 12>4c. Treasurer—M. W. Harrison. Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds have addressed as now prescribed by the Beans. Small White . ... 15c.— 16c. Councilmen—Geo. R. Edmunds. been received at the Finit* National Stray Jersey heifer Calf on my gate. See Everson. Beans. Large White.................. 15c. W. B. Aiderman, C. A. Johnson and Bank and all subscribers having paid place Owner can have same by pay­ Those who have received Xmas. postal authorities. Boxes sent by express should be | Beans. Colored ............... 12c.—13C. Blaine Hayes. in full are requested to cal] for their ing for the keeping of same.— Ul. labels from the boys in France G. bonds.—First National Bank. Water Commissioner—W. should present same to Mrs. R. T. forwarded tn care of supply officer, [cond. Milk, 16 oz cans......... .. 19c. Len zinger. Boals and receive their carton for Fleet Supply Base, thirty-ninth St. |Cond. Milk, 8 oz. cans................ 9*4c. Dwight and H. Crenshaw. Found lavalier near Haltom’s store. sending packages overseas. These and 3rd Avenue, South Brooklyn, N. ¡Can Corn, Standard per can Notwithstanding that It requires a 25c. Call for School Warrants. Owner may recover same by paying packages must be mailed before Nov. Y. _ Tomatoes. Standard, per can 23c. hundred persons to be present to o for this ad.—Call at No. 2. DeLillies If for shipment abroad, box must I Canned pears, standard, per can 23c. hold a caucus, the above persons 20. Warrants of 8chool District No. 9 not reach New York later than No- ¡Dried fruit, Rais. Ib.pkgs......... 15c. were put up as caucus nominees, but Apartments. Corn Syrup 5 lb. can.................... 55c. they failed to circulate petitions. It endorsed on or before hept 12, 1918, Rollio W. Wa”on a^d Howard vember 15th. For sale—three high grade regis­ Edmunds have return'd tu the rlty Christmas packages for marines I White Flour, 49 lb. Bags ... »3.30 seems that some opposition arose and Nos. 813 to 818 inclusive en­ tered Holstein heifers, two two-year after taking a month's military serving in this country at naval Wheat Flour, 24*4 lb. Bags .. »1.85 and petitions were circulated to dorsed Sept. 13, 1918 are hereby call­ olds and one yearling and one milch training at the U. of O. officers’ posts and stations or in training will {wheat Flour. 10 lb. Bags 75c. place on the ballot R. T. Boals for ed for payment. Interest ceases this «0». Write. Mrs. J. A. Hazlitt, For- training camp. Mr. Watson obtained be governed by the above rules. Hams, Standard............. 45c mayor and S. M. Moulton to oppose 29th day of October. 1918. *t Grove, Ore. • Erwin Harrison. Clerk. State Council of Defense. Breakfast Bacon standard 57c. Geo. R. Edmunds and A. H. Harris » Tillamook Jottings Tillamook Bay Fish Co., vs. John Knowles is a suit filed in the circuit court to recover »102.76 loaned th) defendant. Mrs. Wm. Williams left on Monday for Fort Columbia on account of hex- son, Floyd Williams being seriously sick with influenza. C. A. Everson left for Portland on Tuesday, having been summoned on the Federal Jury, but he was excused for several days. For Sale—A small dairy ranch, one mile north of Tillamook on Wilson river. Inquire on premises. H. F. Stafford. Y" °‘