TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 31, 1918, Administrator’! Notice to Creditors. Notice of Final Account. HAYS FLAYS PRESIDENT - -o —- —-o----- REQUESTS WILSON. Notice is hereby given, that the Notice is hereby given that the Classification, Number Value For Appealing to People to Return undersigned has filed her final ac- undersigned Adolph Schild, by an ■ o Acres tillable land, 18,083 •«■••,., ...................... 82,665,565 Democrat! to Congress. Prciident Makes Appeal to American count as executrix of the last will order of the County Court for Tilla­ Acres non-tillable land, 139.750.................................................... 2,007,715 ------ o------ and testament of Elizabeth J. Good- mook County. Oregon, duly made Acres timber land, 429,716 ............. .................... •........................ 11,967,780 Voters. New York, Oct. 27.—Will H. Hays, speed, deceased, in the county court and entered, has been appointed ad­ Improvements on deeded land ...................................................... 451,930 ------ o------ City, Town and Beach lots, 35,226.............................................. 1,757,325 Following is the President's appeal: chairman of the Republican National of Tillamook County, Oregon, and ministrator of the Estate of Margar­ Committee, made public here tonight said court has appointed Monday, etha Schild, deceased, and has quali­ Improvements on Town lots ........................................................ 430,725 "My fellow countrymen: The Con­ Improvements on lands not deeded................................................ 1,200 gressional elections are at hand. a statement in which he replied in the 25th day of November, 1918, at fied as such. Notice is further given behalf of his party to President Wil­ ten o’clock, a.m., at the county court that all persons having claims again­ Steamboats, . Sailboats, Stationery Engines and Manufactur­ They occur in the most critical per­ 320,305 iod our country has ever faced or is son's appeal to the nation to return room, in the court house in Tilla­ st the said estate must present the ing Machinery................................................................................. a Democratic Congress. In his state­ mook City, Oregon, as the time and same to the undersigned at Tilla­ 200.045 likely to face in our time. Merchandise Stock in Trade.......................................................... place for hearing objections it said mook, Oregon, on or before 6 months ment Mr. Hays said: 51,530 Farming Implements etc. ......................................................... “If you have approved of my lead- • President Wilson has questioned account, and the settlement thereof. after this date, duly verified and 173,380 Automobiles ...................................................................................... ership aud wish me to continue to be with proper vouchers. 21,310 your unembarrassed spokesman in af- the motives and fidelity of your rep­ Dated, this October 24th, 1918. Hotels and office furniture, Theatres etc...................................... Dated this October, 3, 1918. resentatives in Congress. He has Anna Hess, Executrix. 115.000 Shares of Stock ................................................................................ | fairs at home and abroad, I earnest- Adolph Schild, Adminis­ 6.775 i ly beg that you will express your­ thereby impugned their loyalty and II. T. Botts, Attorney. Money Notes and Accounts ........................................................... trator of the Estate of 38.500 self unmistakably to that effect by I denied their patriotism. Ilis chal- Logging roads etc............................................................................... Margaretha Schild, de­ 74,790 i returning a Democratic majority to I lenge is to you who elected those Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. Hor.-es and Mules, 1,357 ............................................................... ceased, Tillamook, Ore. ------ o------ 456,165 both the Senate and House of Rep­ ! representatives. You owe it to them, Cows, 10,757 ......... ........................................................................... to the honor to your great party and In the Circuit Court of the State of 63,925 resentatives. Cattle, 2,871....................................................................................... Notice of Hearing Administrator’s I to your own self respect to me< t Oregon, for Tillamook County. 1.665 Sheep and Goats, 489 ...................................................... .. “I am your servant and will accept ! that challenge squarely, not only as Jas. M. Erickson, Plaintiff. Final Account. 20,000 Swine, 1,188 .................................................................................... ------ o------- your judgment without cavil, but my ! Republicans, but as Americans. I, as vs. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ power to administer the great trust ■ your chairman, call upon you to do *t W. A. Clark and Mrs. W. A. Clark 820,825,630 assigned me by the constitution Total Defendant. J dersigned has filed in the County The above does not include the Public Service Corporations which Accusation» Held Unjust. would be seriously impaired should Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ Court of the State of Oregon, for ate assessed by the State Tax Commission, amounting to (1917) “Mr. Wilson accords the Repub- Tillamook county, his final account your judgment be adverse, and I 842,957 must frankly tell you so because so I licans no credit whatever for having tue of a judgment in the above en­ as administrator for the estate of titled cause and court, made and en ­ many critical issues depend upon I supported the 'war measures' pro­ tered oil the 7th day of October, 1918, Paul Kingston, deceased; and, that Apptoxibate total 1918. posed by his administration, al- i said Court has appointed Saturday, your verdict. Total 1917 though they have done so with great­ in favor of the above named plain­ the 26th day of October, 1918, at Plain Truth Held Necessary. er unanimity than the members -of tiff, and against the above named de­ ten o’clock a.m., at the court room of “No scruples of taste must in grim his own party. Despite that fact that fendants, and each of them, for the said court, in Tillamook City, Tilla­ times like these be allowed to stand he accuses them of having tried to sum of 3422.27, and costs in the fur­ mook’County, Oregon, as the time Popper, Help Me! JACKSON SCHEME REPUDIATED ther sum of 812.40, and by virtue of and place for the hearing of objec­ in the way of speaking the plain usurp his proper functions. I truth. “At no time in no way have they an order of sale for attached real tions to said account, if any there be, In Home of Journal, Chamber of An American soldier in France is property, made and entered on the “I have no thought of suggesting Commerce Rejects His Measures. author of the following, which is en­ that any political party be para- tried to take control of the war out last named date, and of an attach­ and for the closing of said estate. of his hands. The President knows Dated September 26th, 1918. Sam Jackson, self-appointed guard­ titled “l'lie Clown Prince to His Pa.” mount In matters of patriotism, I that. The country knows it. You ment execution, issued by authority William Kingston, Ad­ ian of the public weal, has decreed Dear Papa—I am writing on der feel too deeply the sacrifices which know it. A more ungracious, more of said judgment and order on the ministrator of the Estate through the columns of the Portland run as der brave and glorious soldier have been made In this war by all unjust, more wanton, more menda­ 21st day of Oct., 1918, commanding of Paul Kingston, De­ Journal, that the delinquent tax pub­ under my command h/ve not seen our citizens. Irrespective of party cious accusation was never made by me to sell all the right, title and in­ ceased. idea. lication law and the statute defining der Rhine for so long dat they have I affiliations, to harbor such an the most reckless stump orator, much terest of the said defendants in and “I mean only that the difficulties less by a President of the United to the real property hereinafter de­ legal rates, shall be cast in the dis­ started back dat vay and of course I Notice of Sale of Real Property By card at the coming election. This is am gofng mit dem. Oh, papa, der has and delicacies of our present task are States for partisan purposes. It is an scribed, to satisfy said judgment, Administrator De Bonis Non. of a sort that makes it imperatively costs and expenses incurred under in effect the mandate published each been some offel dings happened here I insult, not only to every loyal Re­ day in the Journal, and in place of ill France. First I started in my big necessary that the Nation should publican in Congress, but to every said execution, I, W. L. Campbell, In the County Court of the State ot the present statute, Mr. Jackson will offensive which was to crush de fool give its undivided support to the loyal Republican in the land. It ful­ Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, Oregon, for the County of Mult­ ‘‘substitute” a couple of pet measures American, but dey know so little Government under a unified leader­ ly merits the resentment which In Tillamook, Oregon, on Saturday, nomah. In the matter of the Estate of ot his own. i-about military tactics dat dey will ship and that a Republican Congress rightfully and surely will find ex­ the 23rd day of November, 1918, at ten o’clock a.m. of said date, at the Leonard Krebs, Deceased. The citizens of Oregon, as a conse­ ' not be crushed like I vant ’em. I would divide the leadership. pression at the polls. "The leaders of the minority In the front door of the Court House of said quence, are debating on whether sent my men in ter fight In big Notice is hereby given that pursu­ Republicans are Pro-War. Tillamook County, will sell for cash they should follow Mr. Jackson’s in­ waves and ven dey got to de Ameri­ present Congress have unquestion­ ’Mr. Wilson grudgingly admits that in hand to the highest bidder, in ant to power and authority granted ably been pro-war, but they have junction, or whether it would be safe cans dey all say "Boo“ as long as dey to the administrator de bonis non of the Republicans have been ’pro-war’. to figure out their voting privileges | could holler. Veil, according to vat been anti-administration. At almost Then why does he demand their de­ obedience to said judgment, order the Estate of Leonard Krebs, deceas­ in accordance with mandates of their I you half alvays told me der Ameri­ every turn since we entered the war feat? Because they are still pro-war and execution, all the right, title and ed, by the above entitled court on own consciences. If they are at all cans have turned and run like they have sought to take the choice Hardly that. No. It is because they interest of said defendants, which the 25th day of September, A. D. hesitant to comply with the Jackson blazes. But vat do you tink? Dem of policy and the conduct of I he war are for peace though, not without, they, or either of them had at 3 i 1918, the administrator de bonis non edict, it is probably because they fool Americans don't know anything out of my hands and put it under the victory, Because they do not believe o’clock p.nt., July 16, 1918, or at any of the above entitled estate will from time thereafter, in and to the follow­ realize Mr. Jackson is an old hand at about war, instead of running de control of instrumentalities of their lasting peace can be obtained ing described real property, situated and after Friday, the 8 th day . of telling folks how to cast their bal- odder vey, dey come right toward us. own choosing. through negotiations; because they in Tillamook County 'regon, to-wit: November, 1918, offer for sale and will proceed to sell at private sale to lots and that his desire in the mat­ Some oi dem was singing something Unity of Command Desired. consider that ’U. S.’ stands for Un- The Southwest ^rter of the the highest bidder for cash, subject "This Is no time either for divided conditional Surrender as well as for ter do not always coincide with the about "Ve Won’t Come Back Till It's views of the citizens. This was not­ Over Oved Dere,” or some odder fool­ council or for divided leadership. the United States. The Democratic Southwest quarter and the Southeast to confirmation by the County Court ably the cause of a few years ago ish song, and some of dem were Unity of command is as necessary party does not. Mr. Wilson does not. quarter of the Southeast quarter for Multnomah County, State of Ore­ when Mr. Jackson attempted to foist laughing like fools. Dey are so ignor- now in civil action as it is upon the There Is the Issue as clear as the of Section 5, Township 2, South, gon, all the right, title and interest of Range 10, West of the Willam- off single tax in Oregon. ant. But dey are aful reckless mit field ot battle. If the control of the noon-day sun. The country will de- ette Meridian, and Lot 1, Sec­ of said estate in and to the follow­ ing described real property situated House and Senate should be taken The two measure in question are dere guns, and ven dey come toward cide. i tion 8, said Township, lying North in Tillamook County, State of Ore­ now being considered by the voters us it vas dat my men took a notion away from the party now In power and west of the Netarts County road. gon, to-wlt: Only Rubber Stamp» Wanted. of the state, and it seems to be the dey wanted to go back to de dear old an opposing majority could assume 'Mr. Wilson wants only rubber Dated this October. 22, 1918. All of Lots Numbered One. Two, well defined consensus of opinion in Rhine. Ve don’t like de little old control of legislation and oblige all W. L. Campbell, Three, Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen every section, that the present laws dirty Marne river anyhow, And, oh action to be taken amidst contest and stamps, his rubber stamps, in Con­ Sheriff of Tillamook of Block Numbered Two in the Town gress. He says so. No one knows it are equitable. It is further conceded papa, dem Americans use such offel obstruction. County, Oregon. of Woods, County of Tillamook^ "The return of the Republican ma­ better than Democratic Congressmen. that the delinquent tax law is more language. Dey know nothing of Kul- State of Oregon; - than a mere administrative law in ture, aud say such offel dings right jority to either house ot the Congress He calls for the defeat of pro-war Re­ First publication Oct. 24, 1918. would moreover be interpretive on publicans and the election of anti­ Last publication November 21, 1918. that it specifically renders a public before us. An undivided one half interest In service which cannot be overlooked and to Lot! Numbered One, Two and And dey talk blasphemy, too. Vot the other side of the water as a re­ war Democrats. He, as the executive, is no longer satisfied to be one by any fair minded citizen—and the you tink dey said right in front of pudiation of my leadership. Three In Block Numbered One In tho Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. 's4. “Spokesmen of the Republican par­ branch of the government, as provid­ Town of Woods, County of Tllamook, taxpayer in particular. my face? One big husky from a place The present tax publication law they call Arizona, he said—ho papa, ty are urging you to elect a Repub­ ed by the constitution. Republican In the Circuit Court of the State of State of Oregon; provides that mail notices be sent I hate to tell you vat an offel ting he lican Congress in order to back up Congressmen must be defeated An undivided one-half interest In Oregon for the County of Tillamook. out to the taxpayer. This fact you do said—but I cant help It; he said "To and support the President, bqt even Democratic Congressmen must, and to Tract No. 654 as shown by Smith-Wagoner Company. not see mentioned in the columns of h—1 mit der Kaiser!” Did you ever if they should in this impose upon they would, yield in everything. That Volume One, page 251, Line 3 of A corporation, Plaintiff. the Journal. Then, after failure of hear anyding so offel? I don't tink some credulous voters on this side of is evidently the idea—the idea of an 1913 Tax Roll of Tillamook County, vs. autoarat calling himself the servant, mail notice, the tax lists are to lie anybody vould say such a offel ting. the water, they would impose on no State of Oregon, in Section 19, Town Charles Stonehouse and Mat- published. Thus is the delinquent tax­ It make me so mad. I couldn’t stand one on the other side. It is well un­ but bidding for the mastery of this ship Four South, Range Ten West of tie Stonehouse, Defendants. payer protected as far as possible. and hear such an offel ting so I derstood there as well as here that great free people. | the Willamette Meridian tn Tilla­ Pursuant to an execution Issued “Republicans In Congress have Jackson's law would abolish the turned round and ran mit der odder the Republican leaders desire not so out of the above entitled court, to I mook County, State of Oregon; and publication altogether, and leave the boys. Was I right? And, oh papa, you much to support the President as to seemed to him good enough when me directed, dated October 23rd, ' An undivided one-half interest in they assented, as they did assent, delinquent at the mercies of the tax know dem breast plates you sent us control him. and to a pared of land described as with highest patriotism, and some­ 1918, and a judgment, decree and follows: "Beginning at the Southeast title grabber. Such is the practical —can you send some more to put on Allied Viewpoint Comidered. order of sale rendered and entered working of the Jackson amendment. our backs? You know we are going “The peoples of the allied countries times against their best judgment, in the above entitled cause, October I corner of A. Phelpe one-acre Tract His other bill is to cut down the de odder vay now, and breast plates with whom we are associated against to his proposals. Republicans at 12, 1918, in favor of Smith-Wagoner in Section 19, Township Four South of Range 10 West of the Willamette present legal rate of five cents per are no good, for de cowardly Ameri­ Germany are quite familiar with the home have seemed to him good Company Plaintiff, vs Charlee line—now in force in practically cans are shooting us right in der significance of elections. They would enough to send fully a million of Stonehouse and Mattle Stonehouse, Meridian; Thence North 6 degrees back. Some of our boys took off der find it very difficult to believe that their sons into battle, to furnish al defendants, for 1158.70, and the 37 minutes West 150 feet; thence every state in the union. Unfortunately for Mr. Jackson the Dreast plates and put 'em behind, but the voters of the United States had least half of the army and far more further sunt of 818.00 costB, which North 83 degrees 23 minutes East voters of the state are able to reason de fool Americans are playing “Der I chosen to support their President by than half of the money for the win­ sums bear interest at 6 per cent per <306 feet; thence South 6 degrees 37 things out for themselves, They love Star Spangled Banner" mit machine electing to the Congress a majority ning of the war, but they are not annum from October 12, 1918, and minutes East 199 feet to the Inter- considered good enough to have a section line of ordinary high water; suggestions but not mandates as to guns on dem plates. controlled by those who are not in the costs of this writ, commanding thence South 76 degrees 8 minutes Can’t you help us? You remember fact in sympathy with the attitude i voice in the settlement of the war. how they are to cast their ballots. me to make sale of the Southwest West 208 feet along the line of ordi­ For weeks Jackson’s Journal has in your speech you said nothing and action of the administration. One-Man Rule Scented. Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of been given orders to the Oregon elec­ could stand before the brave Ger­ ‘‘I need not tell you, my fellow- j “But Mr. Wilson’s real purpose the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, nary high water; thence North 6 de­ torate on the Jackson pet measures. man soldiers. Oh, papa. I don’t be­ countrymen, that I am asking your ( has nothing to do with the conduct Tp. 1 South, Range 9 West, W. M. grees 37 minutes West 74 feet to the Strange to relate, however, the Port­ lieve dese Ignorant Americans ever support not for my own sake or for of the war. He has had that from the in Tillamook County, Oregon, con­ place of beginning in the Town of land Chamber of Commerce, at its read your speech, for dey run after the sake of a political party, but for beginning, has it now, and nobody taining 10 acres more or less, I will, Woods, Tillamook County, State of weekly luncheon this week, unani­ us just like ve vjis a lot of rabbits. the sake of the nation itself in order dreams of interfering with his con­ on Monday, November 25th, 1918 at Oregon. mously turned down both of the Vot you dink of dot? Can’t you send that its inward unity of purpose may trol. He wants Just two things: One is 10 o’clock a.m. at the front door of I Bids offered in writing 1 for said schemes, They evidently figured that dem some of your speeches right be evident to all the world. full power to settle the war precisely the County Court House, for Tilla­ real property may be made s at any there was no justifiable reason at avay? Dey don’t know how terrible “In ordinary times I would not feel j as he and his sole, unelected, unap- mook County, at Tillamook. Oregon, time after the publication of this this time for punishing either the we are.’Can't you move my army at liberty to make such an appeal to pointed, unconfirmed personal advis- sell, at public auction (subject to notice and before making sale at the office of Emil P. Slovarp. Attorney, taxpayers or the press, so they went back to Belgium vere ve von our you. In ordinary times divided coun- | er may determine, redemption) to the highest bidder on record as unqualifiedly rejecting glory? My men can vlp all the vim- seis can be endured without per- “The other is full power as the un­ for cash, all the estate, right, title 608-9 Henry Building, Portland, Ore. Dated and first publication October men un children vot Belgian can manent hurt to the country, Bu t embarrassed spokesman in affairs at the Jackson bills. and interest which the above named 10th, 1918. It must have been a sorry day for bring us. But dese Americans are so these are not ordinary times. home, as he actually demands in his defendants, or either of them, had, Jefferson J. Kreba, Mr. Jackson and his Portland Jour­ rough and ignorant. We can't make statement, to reconstruct In peace on the 3rd ddy of March, 1915, or Support Appealed For. Administrator de bonis non. nal, when the "home town” folks ’em understand dot vot ve are de times the great industrial affairs of which they, or either of them, or any "If in these critical days it is your the Nation In the same way, in unim­ C. C. Stout and Emil P. Slovarp, turned against him. Incidently no greatest soldiers on earth, and ven wish to sustain me with undivided peded conformity with whatever un­ person claiming through them, or 608-9 Henry Building, Portland, Ore. of the action was made in the ve try to sing “Deutschland Ueber netion Allies” dey laugh like a lot of mon­ minds, I beg that you will say so In limited government-ownership no­ either of them, since that date ac­ Attorneys for the Estate. Joural. keys. But ve are getting de best of a way which It will not be possible tions, whatever hazy whims may quired, or now have, in and to the Notice for Publication. de AwiericaBS. We can outrun dem. to misunderstand either here at home happen to possess him at the time, above described property, or any Tons of Supplies. ------ o------ Papa iv ve are not de best fighters or among our associates on the other but first and above all, with abso­ part thereof, to satisfy said execu­ ------ o------ side of the sea. I submit my difficult­ lute commitment to free trade with tion, judgment, decree, order of sale, U. 8. Land Office at Portland, Oro. on earth, we are sure de best runners. week more than 500 tons of Every coats and accruing costa. ies and hopes to you.” September 6. 1918. all the world, thus giving to I Ger- supplies for the boys overseas leave Nobody can keep up mit us ven ve W. L. Campbell, Woodrow Wilson. Notice Is hereby given that Walter tink of de dear ol Rhine, and my many out of hand the fruits of vlc- Atlantic ports for France. These sup- Sheriff of Tillamook Sedore, of Dolph, Oregon, who on tory greater than she could ’ wln by Plies are shipped by the welfare army never did tink so much of dot County, Oregon. August 17, 1915. made homestead Wages in Japan. fighting a hundred years. Agencies working for soldiers and der old river. Let me know right Laat publication Nov. 21at. 1918. ------ o----- - 1 entry No. 04530, for Lot 2. S.E. U avay vot to do by return postoffice. Bailors. To maintain this work and Vot«n to Decide lime. Firat publication Oct. 24. 1918. N. W. U.S. W. U N. E. U and S. An Associated Press dispatch from Willie. to increase It to meet the needs of "A Republican Congress will never Tokio, Japan, says: U N. W. U N. E. U. Section 30, the two million men over there, a i Township 5 South, Range 9 W. W. Skilled labor In Japan Is now re­ assent to that. Do you want a Con­ Notice of Final Account. united campaign for funds will be To the People of Tillamook County. ceiving the highest wages according gress that will? Germany does. M.. has filed notice of intention to I made by the United War Work ’’Mr. Wilson forced the Republican to the Tokio Chamber of Commerce. make three-year proof, to establish The undersigned have filed their I am now located in Cloverdale, to Campaign. The sum of 8170,500,000 Before the war carpenters were party to lie down or fight. I say final account in the County Court of claim to the land above described, must be raised in the week of No­ do Notary work, Fire Insurance and paid the equivalent of 65 cents a day fight. Answer with your votes! Tillamook County, Oregon, and said before the County Clerk of the real-estate. If you have any business and are now getting 75 cents. rember 11th. “Mr. Wilson is for unconditional court has appointed Monday, Novem­ County Court for Tillamook County, in my line I will treat you right, and Other trades by increases now re­ surrender—yes, for the uncondition­ Oregon, at Tillamook, Oregon, on the appreciate your business. My office ceive as follows: Masons, 95 cents al surrender to himself of the Repub- ber 11th, 1918, at the court house in 19th day of October, 1918. Tillamook City, Oregon, at 10 o ’ clock is in the old Cloverdale Courier per day; roofers 75 cents; bricklay­ lican party of the country, of the al- Claimant claims as witnesses: Ornamental Fire Plaeei Built building, if you do not find me there ers, |1; joiners, 75 cents, gardneis, lies—all to him. as the sole arblter a.m., as the lime and place for hear­ George Baxter, of Dolph, Oregon. of Brick and Stone, All Fire ing objections to said final account call on telephone, our residence, 60 cents; shoemakers 75 cents, and master of the destinies of the and the final settlement thereof. All Frank Yoch, of Meda, Oregon. Place» absolutely guaranteed Yours to serve. R. Y. Blalock. not to »moke or money re­ foundrymen. 81; printers and com­ world. Do you stand for that? Ans persons Interested will govern them­ Lewis Shortridge, of Dolph, Oregon. funded. positors 67H cents; unskilled la­ wer with your votes!” Asher Stem, of Dolph, Oregon. selves accordingly, Brick work of all kind» done .Proof made under Act of June 11, A Bargain in a Choice Buildiing Spot borers. 65 cents. Dated this October 10th, 1918. on short notice. 1906 and June 6. 1912. Notice. Edgar K. Gilbert. We make a specialty of re­ One of the best bargains in a To the Voters of Tillamook County. N. Campbell, Register. To whom it may concern. I have William J. Gilbert, pairing smoking Fire Places. building spot, just at the edge of the — o----- - sold my Interest in the Tillamook Administrators of the city limits, can be secured for a Your support respectively solicited Feed Co. to Geo. Williams, who will Safety First. Estate of Daniel W. Gll- few days. Nothing better in the at the coining election for the office pay all bills against the company ------ o------ bert. Deceased. county. You will buy if you investl- of Commissioner. Keep insured in best companion and collect all accounts. H. T. Botts, Attorney, TILLAMOOK. ORE. gate. See Everson. writing Insurance. Everson repre­ R. 0. Richards. Charles Kunse. For Administrator*. sents them and solicits your business. Summary of Assessment Rolls for Tillamook County for 1918. ELECT DEMOCRATS RALPH E. WARREN,