TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 31,1918. with double deck Iron beds with SENATORS SCORE OLD NAVY BUGLAR IS springs and mattcresses, Each BtU- WILSON POLICIES. IN TRAINING CAMP. -------o------- dent officer provides his own bed- Rollie W. Watson Veteran of Sea ding, toilet articles, uniforms and Appeal to Voters is Target for Attack This Store is where your $ Does Most Duty comfort necessities. The quarters are Washington, Oct. 28.—Peace con­ electric lighted and provided with SIZES 14 TO 48. shower baths and plunge and every ditions and President Wilson’s state­ ment asking his fellow countrymen convenience and comfort. (From Oregon Emerald.) Reveille is sounded at 6:00 a.m., to return a Democratic Congress in The third Officers' Training Camp At 6:30 all companies fall in for the November elections were the ve­ is fast proving itself a regular ref­ physical exercise which lasts from hicles of a partisan debate in the uge of interesting characters. Since thirty to forty-five minutes. After senate today which continued It Is a somewhat bashful organiza­ P. E. the companies are dismissed throughout the session and blocked MODERN DESIGNS tion, however. It is only slowly and until 7:45 when all companies fall plans for adjournment ot Congress one by one that these interesting per­ in and march in formation to tomorrow over the elections. sons come to light. There were mil­ breakfast mess which is in "Friend- The discussion, which was opened <• lionaires, hotel managers, athletes ly Hail” just one mile from barracks, by Senator Knox, Republican, of and senators. This time it is an ex­ where all mess are served in cafeteria Pennsylvania, and former Secretary fl sailor, a veteran of the Spanish- style. All food is excellent, substan­ of State, was an attack on President American war, Rollie W.' Watson, tial and plentiful. Wilson's appeal to the electorate and WONDERFUL STYLES. now buglar in the machine gun com­ The whole camp Is under the Im­ became general among the dozen pany. mediate personal direction of Col- Senators present. Mr. Watson’s home is in Tillamook onel John Leader, of the British Republicans sharply criticised the where he has been engaged in the army and veteran ot the Somme, as President for carrying on peace dis­ real estate and insurance business well also of the Boer war and the cussions with the central powers and for the past eleven years. Previous to Boxer war, Col. Leader is a wonder­ tor enunciating terms and principles this he was editor and owner of a ful man and is fairly loved by all of of peace. Dependable Merchandise at considerable lower prices then elsewhere newspaper in Tillamook. bis students. Col Leader is ably as­ Question of Authority Raised, The navy career of Mr. Watson be­ sisted in the camp by experienced Senator Knox said that the Presi­ gan in 1894 when he joined in San officers in every branch. dent’s appeal raised the question CROSS THE ST. ( Fracisco as an apprentice boy. At A wide range of subjects are FROM CLOUGH’S that time all appretices hud to learn taught and includes military drill whether the will of the President or either drumming or bugling so Mr. and parade, camping, tactics and the will of the American people is to DRUGSTORE. ’ Watson chose the latter. This ac­ strategy, field engineering, signal­ determine the policy of this country The Store that gives you more goods for less Money, TILLAMOOK, ORE. counts he explains, for the ease ing, topography, musketry, machine in ending the war. Senator Piondexter of Washington. xVith which he makes the call now. gunnery, mathematics, camouflage, Republican, said the president as­ trench warfare, officers’ school, mili­ sumed more authority than is given Goes Far into China. Soon after entering he was sent to tary organization, gas school, artil­ under the Constitution in fixing and bayoneting, peace terms. The Washington Sena­ QR. o. L. HOHLFELD, what was then known as the Asiatic lery, bombing station. Here patrol boats made trips French, military law, first aid and tor said no greater service could be up navigable streams as far into the night attacks in offensive and de­ done Germany than to bring about VETERINARIAN. interior of China us possible acting fensive tactics. The work is interest­ an armistice. Mutual Phone. both as a protection to the mission- ing and intensive. It is stated that in Democratic Senators defended the Bell Phone—32J uiries at these points and carrying the one month course the subject President, with Senator Hitchcock, Oregon. Tillatnook on uffairs for the American council matter is equivalent to a one year of Nebraska, chairman of the foreign in China. These patrols were in fact course at West Point. relations committee, the chief spok­ The time alloted to subjects is esman. the furtiierest outposts of American AVID. ROBINSON, M.D , brief and in the lectures each stu­ civillzatiton. i Letters From Wilson Read. Mr. Watson was serving on a pa­ dent takes notes for working up the Answering the Republican conten ­ trol at the time of the survey of the subject. There are certain periods ior PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON famous Pekin-Canton railroad by En­ drill and lectures with brief intervals tions that in his third principle against economic barriers the Presi­ LABORING CLASS gineer Parsons of New York. This for rest. NATIONAL BUILDING, Target range practice with rifle dent was attempting to Inject free railroad extended 1100 miles into the interior and followed the course of and machine gun has already been trade into the peace treaty. Senator TILLAMOOK OREGON. had during the past week. There has Hitchcock read a letter from the the grand canal. President, saying that his words left At the outbreak of the Spanish- been drills and lectures without num­ T.iBOAI.S. M.D., American war. Mr. Watson went to ber. Bayonet and bombing work has every nation free fo decide its own the Philippines and was there dur­ been strenuously attacked. Field at­ Internal economic policy, but that SPORTSMEN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ing the memorabble buttle of Manila tacks in offensive and defensive as tariffs adopted should apply to all Bay. Following the declaration of well i as a two days 30 mile hike, nations alike. Surgeon S. P. Co. Before the Senate met, a similar peace he served in settling the insur­ Guard mount and retreat have been (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Keep the Price of Fish Down. Help Production of Fish. rections which arose soon afterward. staged I in the days past and more to letter addressed to Senator Simmons, come. We had two real military fu- of North Carolina, had been made Tillamook Newspaper Field Attracts. Eliminate’Waste. Oregon public. Both Senators Knox and C~. . In 1901 he received his discharge nerals with the whole camp, as es- Poindexter said the letters clearly at the Mare Island training station. cort under arms and "taps” sounded demonstrated that the Presidenj fa­ At the time of his discharge he had as the lust tribute of respect. A mem­ vors admitting Germany to the pro­ TT)OBERT H. McGRATH, attained the position of a non-com­ orial service was held In honor of posed league of nations as an “equal COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, missioned officer, gunner's mate of one of the men of the camp. There partner" and with assurance against has been a little of the Spanish In ­ the second class. ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING discriminatory treatment. It was immediately following his fluenza—three men of the camp Read Argument in State election pamphlet. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. having died here- — this is now under Deliberate Attack Charged. return to Tillamook that he entered complete control and all the men of Senator Hitchcock said the Repub­ P ortiand O ffice • Clackamas County Fishermen's Union, Andrew N'atelitie, Secty.. a the newspaper field. lican leaders, for partisan political Oregon City, Oregon. —Paid advt, So when you next hear the good, the camp are in fine fetel. 1110 W ilcox B li >. During the closing week of this ends, are making a deliberate effort clear notes of the reveille, mess call .¿iL-iEEfcliSEISiSISiSEiSEEiaEISJSIBISISJefSISEEISiaJSiSJSjHJSEJEISJSISJBISJSJHiSEEfaiSISIEGrt or taps, more than likely It is Mr. camp a big camp fire is being staged to "distort and misrepresent" the Watson, ex-sailor, newspaper-man, for' Monday, night attack and trench third peace principle. He emphasized ARL HABERI.ACH real estate and insurance man now war for Tuesday night and a big re­ that the Republican "free trade at­ chief buglar tor the third Officers' view for Wednesday . The Third Of­ tack had been withheld until the ficers' Training Camp will be com­ present political campaign. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Trulning Corps. pleted and pass into history of Eu­ This drew from Senator Lodge, of ——o------- T illamook B lock OF OREGON gene and the University of Oregon Massachusetts, the Republican leader he To the Editor Tillamook Headlight. on Saturday. November 2nd. A num­ the declaration that he had not in­ Tilla mook Jus'ice F. A. Moore ot the Supreme Oregon Dear Mr. Buker: — atest ber of the men here have already dorsed all the President’s 14 prin­ Court died last month, too late for This officers’ training camp began been detailed for the General Offi­ ciples, and had especially opposed the name of any candidate to suc­ u series of Instructions on October cers’ Camps and some have gone on the term which, he said, proposes to ceed him to be placed on the ballot. EBSTER HOLMES. 5th, three hundred and sixteen their way rejoicing, others will fol­ guarantee Turkish sovereignty. This condition makes it necessary business and professional men from low soon. Such is the beginning of to write in the name of your candi- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Re-election Purpose Alleged. the states of Oregon, Washington, the career of an officer for service in I 1 date. Senator Pittman, of Nevada (Dem) iduho and California were uccepted Uncle Sam's service to crush the COMMERCIAL BUILDING, This is the most important position for enrollment to quullfy in fitting Hun. The adaptibllity ot the men at made a vigorous attack on Republi­ in the Judicial system of the State. can leaders, especially on ex-Presi- themselves tor further advancement this camp has proven that wonderful FIRST STREET. to the Central Officers’ Camps es­ results can and art? being accom­ dent Roosevelt and Chairman Hays, It is essential to choosj a man of tablished in different states. Think­ plished in fitting the millions of our for their statements concerning the TILLAMOOK, OREGON extensive legal training, of high ing that the efforts of these citizens American manhood to fight to a President's moves in peace nego­ character, and of broad vision. We along these lines would be of interest finish for the cause of liberty, free­ tiations. The "ungodly purpose” of commend for your consideration and to your muny readers of the Head- dom, righteousness, Justice and de­ re-election is the motive, Senator Pit­ 0R. L, L. HOY, I , vote light, setting forth in a brief way, mocracy against militarism, auto- tman declared, charging Republican leaders with exhibiting lack of re­ the "primary workings of making of­ ehacy andt he Kaiser’s hordes. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEC N ficers," available for carrying on the Rollie W. Watson Student Third spect for the President and with do­ OF OREGON CITY war against the KaiBer. Electricity’s latest gift to Officers’ Training Camp and ing everything to discredit him. T illamook B lock , Senator Ashurst, of Arizona (Dem) At the present tlme we are told Resident of the State 30 years; the housewife—greatest Chief Trumpeter. referred to the attack on President that these good old U. S. has over since the electric iron Oregt n. lawyer for 25 years; veteran of ""■ '• " Wilson by Theodore Roosevelt, de­ Tillamook, two million trained fighters in Ru­ Spanish-American War and Philip­ and electric vacuum rope and that there are over two claring that the ex-president also Notice of Budget Meeting. pine Insurrection, having served cleaner—the had criticised Senator Lodge. Smoot million more men in tralnlhg In this ------- o------- with 2nd Oregon regiment; member J T T. Bui ib country to “lick hell out of Uer- To the taxpayers of the Port of ant) Penrose at the time the Pro­ of Oregon Legislature in 1907 and gressive party was formed. many" and that there are sunie- Bay City, Oregon. ’ ATTORN K Y- AT-L AW. 1909 sessions; Judge of the 5th Ju­ "The things Colonel Roosevelt said thing now ov«r seventeen nillllon I PORTABLE At a meeting of the Board of Com­ about Senator Lodge. Smoot and Pen­ Complete Set of Abstract Boi ks in dicial District nine and onehalf years men and women engaged in govern- In all these positions he has made mental war works; (now, if the missioners of the Port of Bay City, rose were just as untrue as the Office. S ewing M achine good. German war dogs could see what Oregon, held on the 28th day of Oc­ things be had said about PreBident Tazes Paid for Non Reaidenta. His record as a private citizen and tober. 1918. the following estimate they are up against, they would Bur- WilBon,” said Senator Ashurst. No more tiresome T illamook B lock , public official has been above criti­ render, absolutely and uncondition­ or budget of the receipts and dis­ treadle pushing - no cism. Tillamook .... Oregon bursements of the said Port for the ally.) more backache—a little year 1919 was ordered published New Band is Being. Organized. a» Both Phones. The available man power of this Write in his Name at the General electric motor does the ------ o------ great country is almost unbelieveable required by law: Election Nov. 5th. hard work. Receipts. when we talk in millions of men From Trench and Camp, published For Justioe of the Supreme Court to and in billions in real money it is Balance on hand January A foot control gives any at Camp Lewis we cull the following: C, HAWK fill vacancy caused by the death of inconceivable to the lay mind, and in 1st, 1919. after paying the •peed desired. Some of the most accomplished mu ­ Justice Frank A. Moore. physical, financial and material re­ Interest coupons then due on sicians of the camp are to be found the bonds of the Port . . . » 758.67 Vote for One sources we cannot be compared with The entire machine in PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 24,970.00 In the Headquarters company of the any single nation, or combination of Tax levy............................. ! its case can be carried 76th infantry. The organization of Write the name of J. U. Campbell in nations in this particular. unywhere—it’s no larger Oregon the above »pace an X in front of the Total.............................. »25.728.67 the regimental band for the 76th in- Bay City This O. T. C. is one. of many Uni­ I than a typewriter. lantry is now under way. Sergt. Dlsbu rsements. name. versities that are the clearing house Samuel R. Donaldson has been desig­ of the national intellectual man Interest on the »407,000.00 Ask for a demonstra nated as band master. Instruments QB J. G.iTl’RNER, J. U. Campbell for Supreme Court power, where the commanding offi­ bond Issue of the Port, at 6 tion. are ordered and as soon as received Campaign Com., Oregon City, Oregon cers of our great armies ar» being per cent per annum, payable the 76th infantry band will be a J. D. Buttler. Secy.— (Paid Adv.) EYE SPECIALIST. tempered; and the process is both a onehalf July 1st. 1919. and reality. COAS! POWER CO one half January 1st, 1930 physical and mental grind which, OREGON An orchestra made up of band PORTLAND — THE segregates the fit from the unfit, is ................................................ »24.420.00 members under the leadership of Regular Monthly N isits to the primary test of both. The hard­ Appropriated for landing ELECTRIC STORE Sergt. Donaldson, has been a head ­ 250.00 ening of the muscles, the sharpening float at Hay City............ Tillamook and Cloverdale. line feature of the tent meetings at Balance to cover legal and of the mind to grasp the situation V No. I the past week. Special men- WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. and do it quickly. All of whlah must other expenses, and inciden- 1.O5S.67 i.on should be made of the unusually ire than ever be assimilated Even though these I tlals. accomplished pianists of the orches­ men in training never secure the 2/our rainy tra. Messrs Leland B. Irwin and Total ........................... »25.728.67 OHN LELAND HENDERSON much coveted commission as an of­ da/s must be ficer of the armies of Uncle Sam, | Please take notice that a meeting Joseph Le Var Jensen, who are help­ H. T. Botts,(Pres Attorney attorney :*. they will be physically and mentally of the taxpayers of the said Port of ing to make the musical features in productive at-Law. this section exceedingly attractive. Bay City is hereby called to meet at better men and citizens after having AND ■ tOctutorkicOoircs John Leland Henderson. Sec­ I the City Hall in Bay City. Oregon, Serg. Donaldson trombone solos and passed through the "try-out" test. COUNSELLOR-A T-L.pV orchestra leadership mark him as a it;;. G — 22.2 2..,. ..." _ _ on the 23rd day of November. 1918. retary Trees., Attorney-at- Your correspondent arrived tn Eu­ hit the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. for musician of rare ability. He is an en­ T illamook B lock , Law and Notrary Public. gene and registered at headquarters . . • Qiega« of this O. T. C. Oct. 5th. work com­ the purpose of discussing the said thusiastic and energetic leader and Tillamook • is determinedly instilling the spirit room no . ani. menced Immediately, barracks were estimate or budget. of 76 Into not only his own men of established, assignments were made By order of the Board. the 76th Infantry the singing regi­ Theodore Jacoby, and companies organized There be- Secretary of the Port of ment of the United States army. Cut full in shoulder, ch st Ing companies A . . Il C. I».. F . .H Law Abstracts. Real Estate, H GOYNK, Bay City. Machine Gun. of which latter com- ¡Insurance. cvNd ecrrts-conVcrtùbîc. < Don't pay rent. A modern, up-to- pnny I became a member. The Y. M. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW. Both Phones. date seven roomed house for sale at Icnûuv Utotercnxfabwiatefc C. A. Building, a three story brick Let B--K be your disinfectant. It Is a bargain, near the high school Office: O pposite C ourt I iJSt TILLA MOOK—OREGON. SAT15FACDCM AJToWOtQ) situated on Willamette street was safe, clean and powerful. For sale at Terms to suit purchaser. J. H. Frank- • rapidly converted into barracks. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. lin, Tillamook, Oregon. O »gon. • ■ Tillamook Career Carrie» Him Over Much, of World. PLUSH and all wool Velur and Bilevia. ManishSerge, Broadcloth < 5 ’ UPS and all Wool Poplin k1,1 7 K JÄ“DRESSES ) AJ T i JL7 I ) \ r SJ WOMEN'S 1 KJ SHOP Which »« £«,, Want ? -_________ ____ More & Cheaper Fish, I Honest Livelihood, 307 X NO Food Production I Higher Priced Fish, 306 X YES Pleasure Seekers, I Waste of Food Fish VOTE 307 X NO VOTERS T . ! L J. W. CAMPBELL ! Western Electric Ì ! ! M J TownslDHta® VF' REFLEK SLICKER I Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. !