TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 31, 1918, HE President has expressed what is in every It rests with you. Think of this campaign as your American heart. As a nation we are united in sole responsibility. What you give will mean its suc­ the winning of this war. As a nation we stand cess. You cannot leave this undertaking to others. It behind our fighters eager and prepared to do for them is YOUR campaign. In France, Americans are fight­ whatever will hasten victory and make the fighter’s ing this war as if the result depended on the way each | task a little lighter. individual fights. At home, this campaign rests with ; you. What will you give—decide to night—and make As individuals there is little we can do. As a na­ your share the biggest thing you ever did! tion we can work wonders through the seven organi­ zations authorized and recognized by the Government. They come to you not as Catholics, nor as Jews Why you should give twice as much as you ever gave before I nor as Protestants, not as the representatives of any Th. need is for ■ sum 70% greater than any gift ever asked for tinea th. world began. The Govern­ ment has fixed thia sum at $170,500,000. creed -or enterprise, but as Americans to ask that you By giving to these seven organisations all at once, the cost and effort at six additional campaigns is saved. Unless Americans do give twice as much as ever before, our soldier, and sailors may not anjoy during join in this great united undertaking for God, and 1919 their 2500 Libraries supplying 5,000,000 books 3600 Recreation Buildings country and our fighters. 85 Hostess Houses 1000 Miles of Movie Film 15,000 Big-brother “secretaries" 100 Leading Stage Stars The President has voiced his belief that this spirit Millions of dollars of home comforts. 2000 Athletic Directors When you give double, you make sure that ev.ry fighter baa the cheer and comforts of th.ee ..ven of unity will be “ crowned with abundant success.” organisations every step of the way from homo to the front and back again. You provide him with a T He believes it because he knows this campaign is *of vital military value ” and he knows that you will leave nothing undone to win this war. church, a theatre, a cheerful home, a .tore, a school, a club and an athletic field—and a knowledge that the folks back homo are with him, heart and soul I you have loaned your money to supply their physical needs, Now give to maintain the Morale that is winning the war I UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN Mr. Roosevelt interpreted the said in part: being, although 'pro-war,’ yet ‘anti­ UNPATRIOTIC DEMOCRATS IN the bill through. Democratic support ELECT REPUBLICANS, of the President No. 4. “This meeting is held under pecu­ administration?’ SAYS T. R. TO VOTERS. President’s reference to the anti­ UNITED STATES CONGRESS Administration” attitude of the Re­ liar circumstances. If the President "He means that when the war de­ About two weeks ago Mr. Wilson ------ o------ ------ o------ publican members of Congress as is right in the appeal he has just partment was administered with ut­ made a plea to Congress to pass the Who Did Not Support President Wil­ bill for wonlan’B suffrage on the Wilson’s Appeal for Democratic Ma­ based on their 'demand that ineffi­ made to the voters, then you and I, ter inefficiency they investigated ciency, waste and extravagance be my hearers, have no right to vote at the matter and insisted upon effi­ jority Answered. son and Voted Against His War ground that it was a war measure, remedied” in the war conduct work­ this election or to discuss public ciency. He means that when they ------ o------ taking the stand, in substance, that Measures. questions while the war lasts. If his found that nothing effective was be­ we could not talk about democracy New York, Oct. 28—Colonel Theo­ ing department. ------ o------ "We Republicans pledge ourselves appeal is justified, only that faction On interesting letter appeared in abroad and not have it at home. The dore Roosevelt, answering President to stand by the President so long as of the Democratic party which ex­ ing done in shipbuilding they Insist­ ed that the work be speeded up. He the Oregonian, written by Isaac measure was defeated, though he had Wilson’s appeal for return of a Dem­ he stands by the American people Peart, which goes to prove that a Democratic Congress behind him, ocratic majority in Congress, urged and to part company with him at any hibits toward the present rubber means that when they found that stamp attitude of complete servility President Wilson did not obtain the 17 Democrats voting against it. Dem­ voters of the nation, in an address point where in our judgment he does Is entitled to enter Congress and no $600,000,000 had been spent for No. here tonight, tt transfer control to airplanes and yet that not an air­ support of the Democratic party that ocratic support of the PreBident not stand by the people," he said. man who is a Republican and no plane had reached our soldiers at Î; .1 î - • Republican leadership. he was entitled to for some of the '5. Such an outcome of the election, he "This is the people’s government: man, who, whether a Republican or the front, they insisted that our sol­ leading members of that party op-I Seven great war * measures have declared, would assure “our allies this is the people’s war and the not puts loyalty to the people ahead diers should get the airplanes for through Congress. letter been carried posed his war measures. The that American is determined to speed peace that follows shall be the peo- of loyalty to the service of the people which the people had paid. [These have been supported by 75 per follows: ! ( 1 b to have a voice in determining the I up the war and insist on uncondi­ pie’s peace." cent of the Republicans and 67 per Mr. Wilson ha« sent out a call to greatest question ever brought before cent of the Democrats. Democratic tional surrender." of the enemy and Truth Declared Relented. the people of the United States to this Nation. —aix Save all Nut Shells aad Fruit Pits. would serve notice on Germany “and of the President No. 6. Quoting a press dispatch to the ef­ return only Democrats to Congress. .support ' her vassal states" that they would ■ ------------- 0------------- I In closing let me say that if Mr. Politics Put Aside. This i,s based on the ground that he have to deal henceforth “with the fect that Republican Senators, such wants ‘‘unity of command.” or un­ Wilson and the Democrats can fur­ resolute and straightforward soul of as McCurnber, Nelson and Lodge "When the war broke out I and all The Government la in great and nish alone all the soldiers and sailors animous support of his measures. "are as highly thought of in France those who believed as I did cast all Immediate need of all possible nut the American people and not merely and officers and money to conduct Some personfl who are more pro­ the war; if they can furnish alone with the obscure purposes and wav­ today as are the American generals” thought of politics aside and put our­ shells and fruit pits for the purpose Colonel Roosevelt declared that selves unreservedly at the side of the of making carbon to be used in the Wilson that pro-just will heed the the munitions and guns and all the ering will of Mr. Wilson." call. Personally, I hope that the call various war boards, stenographers, manufacture of gas masks for our Declaring that "half the leaders of "nine times out of ten this Adminis­ | President. “Of course If Mr. Wilson bad real- soldiers. will be positively ignored for it Is a clerks. Red Cross workers. Y. M. C. the President’s own party opposed tration has never lead the people;" rank injustice to those whom he A. workers, the metal workers, steel him when he had committed hlm- "has been reluctantly been forced'ly meant to disregard politics he The notice was Issued some time wishes turned out who have beyond workers and coal miners and chem­ self to war measures,” Mr. Roose- forward Into action by criticism would have constructed a coalition, ago that these pits would be collect­ the shadow of doubt proved them­ ists, then, of course, the Republicans velt asserted that beads of the Re- against which it has violently pro- non-partisan Cabinet, calling the ed November 1st. All persons having selves to be 10 per cent loyal. He might sit back and watch the big publican organization in Congress tested” and "has sullenly and some-1 best men of the nation to the highest them on hand please call the office wishes a Democratic Congress. He show. If they cannot do this, why de­ supported the Administration when a times maliciously sought to punish | and most important offices under of the County School Superintendent has a Democratic Congress, but the ny them a seat and a place in the declaration of war was needed, when the men who by their truth telling I him without regard to politics. and arrangements will be made for Republicans have furnished, seem­ ¡councils of the Nation? "He did nothing of the kind. In the collection on them immediately. there was a demand for the draft, have forced it into action.” "In a word.” the Colonel said, "the the positions most vital to the con- Where these pits have been left at ingly so, the "unity of command.” when the army was sent overseas When a Wilson measure was intro­ and when money was required by Democratic party, under the leader­ , duct of the war and in the positions, a grocery store call us up and we will ship of the Administration, has car­ now most important in connection provide for the transportation. Or duced in the Senate calling for arm­ Price Interpretation Schedule For taxation or by loans. ried partisan politics durin# the last with negotiating peace he retained ! better ship them to us at once, Week Beginning November 4 ed neutrality, the Right Honorable [ Bitter Jest Quoted. 18 months to an extreme never be­ i or appointed men without the slight­ charges collect. - o- ■ ■ ... Bill Stone, a star in the Democratic Consumer Pays You can help save a soldier’s life The former president spoke at a fore known in this country in a time I est fitness for the performance of firmament, was chairman of the mil­ Commodity itary committee for foreign affairs, Fresh Eggs................................. 70c. meeting under the auspices of the of war. As among loyal upholders of tasks, whose sole recommendation by saving these pits, Mark plainly Republican Club at Carnegie Hall to the war, it has come dangerously was a supple eagerness to serve Mr. on the package from whom they and it fell upon him to steer this Butter, Fresh Cry......................... 70c. measure through the Senate, but he Potatoes, New ...................... 2 % -3c. advocate the election of "the Repub­ near creating a condition of one Wilson's party Insofar as such ser- com». vice benefited Mr. Wilson. G. B. Lamb, said that he could not support the Cheese, Tillamook ...................... 45c. lican state ticket in New York and partyism. "The test insisted on has been not I “I am glad that Mr. Wilson has Congressional measure, and. therefore, handed his Corn Meal, Yellow 10 lb Bgs . , 85c. of the Republican County School Supt. loyalty to our allies and hostility to now cast off the mask. His appeal I m job over to Senator Hitchcock, of Corn Meal, Wh. 10- bag......... .. 80c. ticket throughout the Union." Rebuking what he termed the "ser­ Germany, but adherence to the Ad­ now pure partisanship. . . . Nebraska. Democratic support of the Rolled Oots, 9-lb Bgs................ . 95c. Rice flour in bulk................. 1154 c. vility” of Democratic leadership, the ministration,” he declared, adding I "I ask all patriotic Americans to Schiffman Mill in New Hand*. President No. 1. Barley Flour 8 8-10 lb Bgs. . . . 85c. Colonel said it was "small wonder that President Wilson's request of consider just what is meant when the ------ o------ A little later Mr. Wilson appeared October 14 that citizens should sub- , Dry Granulated Sugar per tb. before the joint session of Congress Corn flour. Wh. blk................... . 11c. that in the cloakrooms of the house scribe to the loan, but "leave to the i President says that the present Con­ G. It. Comeslock and the Wisconsin and asked it to declare that a state Corn Flour, white, 10 lb pkgs .. 8c. the bitter jest circulated: 'Here’s to Government of the United States and gress 'the leaders of the minority al­ and Oregon Lumber Associates have . 90e. our czar, last in War, first toward though unquestionably pro-war have of war exists between the United Rye Flour, 49 lb. pkgs......... $3.65 taken over the Solon Schiffman saw of the allies the momentous decision been anti-Admlnistration.’ peace, long may he waver!” States and Germany. The Right Hon­ | Rye Flour, 10 tb pkgs mill at Wheeler, Oregon, together initiated by Germany” could be in­ . 80c. Mr. Roosevelt criticised the gener ­ orable Claude Kitchen, Democrat, Hominy, 10 tb. Pkgs . with all timber, logging equipment, Unfailing Support Given. that they . 90c. al course of the Administration terpreted as meaning who was and la, chairman of the Corn Starch, lb............ together with other lumber inter­ “ should both put up and shut up. ” 12 54c. throughout the war, contrasting the “These leaders supported the ad­ I "ways and means committee" in the Beans, Small White . . Colonel Roosevelt asserted that if ministration when a declaration of ests, and will start at once to make 15c.—18c. President’s appeal with Lincoln's House opposed the resolution and Beans, I-arge White .. ......... 15c. outright refusal even in the darkest the Administration had used with war was needed. They supported it the necessary improvements to the voted against it. Democratic support Beans, Colored ........... 12c.—18c. days of the Civil War to apply any : moderate efficiency the results of when there was a demand for the Jogging camps and mill with a view of the President No. 2. lavish generosity of Congress our draft. They supported it when we (of Increasing the mill and logging Cond. Milk, 16 oz cans . 19c. party test to fitness of office. A little further down another Wil­ Cond. Milk, 6 oz. cans [ 9 54c. the army overseas. They sup- output, all of which It is estimated The Colonel said that Lincoln "ap- [ Army and the allied armies* would [sent son measure went to Congress, ask- [ ' Can Corn, Standard per can . .. . 25c. pealed to all loyal men of ail parties _____' have * been doing last I March what i I ported every demand for money, twill require 25 to 30 men in the woods operation and 35 to 40 men ing for conscription. Champ Clark, ■ I ' Tomatoes, Standard, per can ... . 23c. and asked that candidates t for — con- ---- ’ “ th«V »» are actually doing now in Octo- whether by taxation or by loan. for the mill, and the principal pro­ another star in the Democratic -firm- * , 'Canned , V'mtaixju pears, nmiiuaiu, standard, per can i 23c. gress be judged, not by the standard ber. "They supported it or gave it initi­ ament and Speaker of the House of DriPd frult> Ra|a n> pkgs After asserting that the war must ative and guidance on every issue duction of same will be carried out . 15c. of adherence to his personal admin­ Representatives, took the floor in op- |Corll Srnip 5 rb can . . .. . 55c. istration, but by their unconditional be put through "to our last man and where it stood for vigorous prosecu­ to produce the maximum of ship and position to the measure, and among white Flour, 49 lb. Bags lour last dollar," the Colonel declar­ tion of the war; and they supported aeroplane material for the United $3.30 support of the war.” other things said: "I see but little [ ' Wheat Flour, 24 54 lb. Bags ed "we should accept no peace not it on these lines when the leaders of btates Government. $1.65 Mr. Comstock, who has a broad ex­ difference between a conscript and a .Wheat Flour, 10 lb. Bags .. . 75c. Rhetorician» Would Be Displaced. based on the unconditional surrend­ President Wilson's own party oppos­ convict,” and voted against the . Lard Leaf No. 5 pail........... $1.80 Election of a Republican Congress, er of Germany and her vassal states." ed him when he had committed him­ perience in the mill and lumber measure. Democratic support of the Lard, Leaf. No. 10 pail . .. $3.60 the Colonel continued, would be un­ He asserted that the President's self to war measures—and yet H-esi- business, will have general charge of President No. 3. $1.70 derstood abroad as meaning that the latest note had placed him in such a dent Wilson now makes a partisan all the work and Mr. Samuels will be Lard, leaf No. 5 pall......... Mr. Dent was chairman of the com­ Lard. leaf. No. 10 pail .... $3.40 pro-Germans and pacifists and Bolts- I position that he bad either to "sac­ appeal in favor of the Democrats the superintendent of all woods op­ mittee on foreign affairs in the Hams, Standard.................. . 45c hevlkl and Germanized Socialists rifice America and humanity" or to who opposed the war measures and erations. Local labor will be given House and to him fell the duty to Breakfast Bacon standard .. . 57c. could not longer be counted on as ef­ "respond in such a manner as to against the Republicans who sup­ first choice and a full crew for the woods and mill will be required at guide the draft measure through, Retailers under the food law must ficient and tortuous tools, that the stultify his own diplomacy." ported them. | once as full operation of same Is ex­ but he balked, and Mr. Kahn, a Re­ sell flour and butter at a price based fighting men and not the rhetoric­ Replying to a statement issued by “Now, what does Mr. Wilson mean to be started on or about publican. took his place and carried on the cost to them. ians were uppermost.” President Wilson, Colonel Roosevelt when he speaks of these leaders as pected November 5, 191s, I .1