TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 31, 1918. Germany wiped off the earth. Even PRESERVING SCENES OF WAR MANDALAY 8EST IN WINTER that would not atone for the death WOULD LINK EAST ANO WEST a..d destruction brought about by a Future Generation* Will Realize How 3urmeso Capital Known to All Whitts uaroarious, blood-thirsty nation like Proposal to Make the American Expe­ In India as an Ideal Cold Much They Owe to Courage and ditionary Force in China Prac ­ Weather Retort. Germany, that is now talking about Skill of Photographers. tically a Student Army. honor and justice. Doubtless It will surprise a great ----- o Wheh the history of the great war Under the agreement entered into President Wilson, has unfortunat­ between the powers and China follow­ comes to be written in the days after nany persons to learn thut Mandalay. It is unfortunate for Bob Richards, who is an independent candidate for ely, blundered and caused general ing the Ecxcr uprising In 1900, the the tumult and the shouting hav# died 1 tamed of song and story. Is little more U. 8. Stands for Unconditional county commissioner, that it is two resentment by butting into politics United States government was per­ away, the fortunate chroniclers of the ‘ than a half century old. It was built Surrender and that is what the G. O. well know Socialists who are endeav­ a.tu asking the voters to express their mitted to keep un expcdltbmary force momentous events now tn progress will J in 1856 by King Mlndon, who made it 1’. stands for too. oring to push him over the top. Very approval ot the administration by of about 2,000 men in China, says Mil­ have access to enormously valuable the capital of what wns then iudepen- lew persons have any use tor the So­ electing only Ueiuociats to seats in lard’s Review. This force is stationed and enormously numerous “documents” lent Bunnah. Something more than 300 feet above Vote tlie Republican ticket from cialist party these days, anyway, and Long.Vs. that is certainly ungrate­ at Tientsin and Pekin, about 1,500 men of a kind with which their predeces­ top to bottom and that '.vlll make you Boo made the mistake of his life ful to Kepuulicans who have given being stationed at the former place sors of the nineteenth century were the level of the sea, Mamlalay sits a JOO pet cent Republican. See the when he consented to become the the President their hearty co-opera- and the rest stationed as a legation but scantily supplied, and those of tightly upon a stretch of tableland just In front of the Shan hills. The candidate of two prominent socialists. tion in the prosecution of the war. It guard In Pekin. It lias now been pro­ earlier times next to not at all. point? ------- o—— But, say, Bob, wasn't Mr. Farmer is ucund to act as a buor.ierang, and posed to the American government ut Photography can hardly be called city proper extends over about five It is not 14 conditions that the perfectly satisfactory to you and you arouse Republicans to activity. It Washington that the regular army new, anil as long ago as our war be­ square miles, but the military district central powers have to agree to but favored his candidacy until these So­ simply means that the President does troops stationed nt Tientsin be re­ tween the states w<> had photographers, 1 of Mandalay covers a more extensive simply two words—unconditional cialists pulled your leg? not »ant ¿republicans in Congress called to America for service in France notably the never to be sufficiently area. With the British soldier, Mandalay aurrendey. nor does he want them to have a ami their places taken by a contingent thanked Brady, who Immortalized the ------ o------ Instead of persons who have been voice in the terms of peace. The Pres­ of tlie same number of men who are leading figures and some of tlie events has taken on a great-deal of the char­ Show that you are not in favor of affiliated with the Socialist party ident is simply playing politics. We now in training in America at the vari­ in that conflict. But what was done acter of a vacation resort. In the tor­ the Initiative law being used for running a candidate for county com­ an remember the Democratic slogan, ous cantonments under the provisions with the clumsy cameras of that ern rid months of the Burmese summer spite, vote "No" to millionaire missioner they should be on the "He kept us out of war”, at a time of the selective draft. The idea orig­ can hardly lie mentioned in comparison ' the heat becomes very great, some­ Jackson’s two measures. mourner's bench repenting for hav­ when the United States should have inated with Maj. Arthur Bassett, judge with the achievements of tlie men who times making the thermometer rise to ------ o------ ing anything to do with that pro- been in the war, for the war would advocate of the army contingent at today follow every army, often to tlie I 119 degrees in the shade; hut relief is The sooner the note writing exer­ Hun purty. It was through the So­ have been over before this had he Tientsin, and formerly United Status very front of battle. The products of . easily found in the adjacent hills. The cises are over with and we tell Ger­ cialist party that German propa­ declared war when the Lucitania was district attorney of China. Under the their courage and skill will constitute British sanitary officers have succeed­ many in as few words as possible ganda tound its way into the United torpedoed. A tew months ago the plan suggested by- Major Bassett the a priceless treasure In the future, and ed in exterminating all the fevers and that it is unconditional surrender, States, and it was a party that was president counseled that politics be contingent of regular army troops now tlie students of this war, even in re­ other diseases with which the climate the sooner the war will be over. controlled by pro-Germans. What do adjourned, but now he Jumps in and in China should be returned to Ameri­ mote ages, will be able actually to see wns once lnfekted. In winter—or as near to winter as It you patriotic citizens, who have been starts a political ruction. The slogan ca and sent to France, as the men de­ its every phase and operation. We all remember the Democratic contributing to the numerous war of the Republican party is “Stand by sire, and in tlielr place the United The reproduction of photographs by gets—Mandalay becomes a semlpara- slogan "He Kept us of War.” The drives, think of a few Socialists but­ the war" and the party has stood by States government should send out printing processes is equally far ad­ dlse, for the temperature stays at Republican slogan is "Stand By the ting In with a candidate for county the president in the prosecution of 1,500 men specially selected from the vanced beyond the old standards of ex­ about 50 degrees. Happy the British War.” The New Democratic slogan is commissioner at the eleventh hour the war far more so than the Demo­ standpoint of education and training, cellence, and reproductions have be­ soldier who is assigned to this garri­ "Vote for only Democrats for Con­ and opposing a person who was nom­ cratic party. The State of Oregon is who would be available upon their re­ come wonderfully cheap. Indeed, so son. Like as not he sits of afternoons un­ gress.” inated in a fair and square fight? overwhelming Republican. It was tirement from service in China to en­ cheap are they and so abundant that ------ 0------ We don’t think the people of the first in furnishing its quota for vol­ gage in trade or other activities in few of us realize the need of their derneath the shadow of the Moulralen It may be a little humilatlng for county will indorse such pro-Hun unteers. first in subscribing f^pr Lib­ China and the far East. Major Bas­ preservation, and the result is that pagoda gazing dreamily at the flotillas Germany to have to surrender to methods. erty Loan Bonds, war savings sett would select the new men for serv­ already foresighted collectors of care­ on the Irrawaddy. “Can’t you hear their paddles chunk­ that little contemptible English , stamps, Red Cross and all other pa­ ice In China largely from the great lessly treated magazines and supple­ army and the United States army "Honor In politics,” was the cap­ triotic drives, and Republicans gave group of college graduates and stu­ ments are storing away the founda­ in' from Rangoon to Mandalay?” Or perhaps he looks at the distant that she poked fun at, but she has tion of an editorial last week, the government loyal support, not dents who have been drafted for serv­ tions of fortunes not to be scorned, got to do It, don’t you know.* and In this connection we consider ungrudgingly, but in a genuine pa­ ice In France. He would bring these even in these days of multimillionaires. mountains, fabled to be so rich In ala- that a person should be Just as hon­ triotic spirit. With this splendid men to China ai.d, in addition to their With the war less than four years old, bnster and rubles. And very often the Let’s see wasn’t It Champ Clark, orable in politics as in business. But record by Oregon, in which Republi­ regular army drill, he would have them copies of periodicals that cost only a whole picture as drawn by Kipling Is speaker of the house, who voted a large number of persons are not cans largely preponderated, the pres­ Instructed in the Chinese language few pennies now fetch as many dol­ - complete, even to the temple bells and against conscription? He did .not sup­ honest in politics. That is a bold ac­ ident now makes an appeal to elect and in the customs, history and tradi­ lars, and “complete sets” are becoming j the Burmese maiden. tions of the country; and at stated in­ hard to get at any price.—From Topics port the President, but the President cusation, but, nevertheless it is true only Democrats to congress. tervals he would have them make trips of the Times, in New York Times. wants only Democrats returned to of a great many persons. The pri­ RANG OUT ALARM OF FIRE Into all parts of China for study and Congress. mary election law gives persons the Olson For Supreme Judge. Gas Made From Straw. investigation. In short, these 1,500 ------ o------ right to affiliate with whatever par­ The production of fuel and lighting Aa Late a* Civil War Daya New York men would receive a three years’ col­ In all justice to the timber owners ty they wish, or register as inde­ Justice Conrad P. Olson has been a Employed Bells to Warn Citizens Who lost considerable timber last pendents. After taking part In a conspicuous figure in Legislative As- lege course on China, so that upon gas from straw is now made possible of Danger. month by fire, the county court primary election, those who act hon­ sembleys of Oregon for the past eight their retirement from tlie service they by a Canadian invention. Tills pro­ should make some arrangement so orable in politics vote for the per­ years. He has always been a leader would be at liberty to engage in trade, ducer, which Is designed for individual Not longer ago than Civil war days that the burned timber can be re­ sons who have obtained the nomina­ in either branch of the legislature missionary, educational or any other farm use, offers a practical means for cruised and u Just valuation placed tion at the general election, and he has served. The last session he activity they desired in the far East, utilizing the vnst quantities of atrnw fire alarms were rung in the city on or If they desired to return home they that now gv> to waste on the Western great bells hung In towers erected for upon it. those who do not does not play fair served as Chairman of the Senate would possess Information regarding plains. the purpose about the town. The bells ------ o------ • or honorable in politics. Under the Committee on roads and highways The gas Is made in a retort equipped Indicated the district In which the Are My. some of those big politicians old convention system it was the dis­ and had complete charge of the China that would be of the highest back East are saying some very un­ gruntled persona who would not changes in the road laws. Senator value to China. The plan has been ap­ with three cylinders, each of which was and sometimes a good deal of complimentary things about one an­ abide by the decision ot the conven­ Olson gave ear to the appeal that proved by the American chamber of molds a bale of straw seven feet | ground was covered In looking for a other. Ex-President Roosevelt made tion. It is the same thing today. came from Tillamook County to have commerce and other organizations in long, two feet wide, and six inches fire. The First district, for instance, in Civil war days extended from Twen­ a crack and which, no doubt, is very There are those who will not abide changed in the road bill the claasl-. China and has been commended to the thick. After filling and closing these cham­ ty-second street north to Yorkville and annoying to Democrats, for he said by the primary law and allow the fication of the State Highway South state and war departments at Wash­ ington. It Is also certain that this bers, a straw or gas fire Is lighted from the East river to the North. this about the President: "Here’s to majority to rule. from Tillamook City from a post road plan of a citizens’ student army In under them and allowed to burn 30 The bell ringers were constantly on our czar, last in war, first toward ------ o------ to a hard surfaced road classification. China would be welcomed by China, or 40 minutes. One firing with wheat, duty In the towers watching for signs peace, long may he waver.” Quit it The question of teachers’ pay is The last day of the session he cour­ for It would be of the greatest possible oat, barley, or flax straw In this man­ of a fire. An inventory of the contents gentlemen, quit it.. somewhat of a delecate subject Just ageously Introduced and recommend- 4 assistance in bringing about a better ner produce» 1,200 cubic feet of gas, of the old Marion street bell tower In now, and we are amongst those who ed an amendment to the bill making j understanding and mutual interest be­ Since politics are, and are not ad­ think that they should not be un­ this change; under the provisions of tween East and West, something very having fuel value of 400 B. t. u. About 1865 shows the equipment then In use. 12,000 cuMe feet of gas can usu­ It is as follows: “One bell, weight 11.* journed. we make an appeal to Re­ justly or arbitrary dealt with. Of this amendment $08,000.00 of Stale necessary If the future peace of the ally be generated from one ton of 000 pounds; one striking apparatus, publicans to go to the polls next course, there are two sides to the funds have been expended and much world Is to be maintained. straw, and In addition six to eight gal­ one stove, table, clock, one spyglass, Tuesday and vote the Republican controversy. The teachers are in a more will follow. Mr. Olson also co­ lons of tar and 640 pounds of carbon, one field glass, one slate and book." ticket from top to bottom. Don’t be predicament. They are under con­ operated with Senator Handley and from which lampblack can be ob­ Appearances Deceptive. The fire bells of the old city could a slay at home, but turn out and ex­ tract and are liable to be called up- ( Representative Rowe in the splendid The war lias turned the habits of tained.—Popular Mechanics Maga­ be heard all over the town unless ■ ercise your right. A big Republican on ut any time to resume school, so work done by them in looking after round-the-towners so topsy turvy that zine. gale of wind was blowing. The largest vote 1s needed and every Republican cannot engage in other employment. Tillamook County's interests in road It has become a difficult problem to bell was In the City hall tower. Its should help put the Republican can­ The school boards are also In a pre­ legislation. Origin of “Doughboy." tell from a glance whether a man is weight was 23,000 pounds.—New York didates over the top. dicament if It is decided by Attorney This is what the Oregonian says a church member or a disciple of John A phrase, strictly American tn its Times. General Brown that they cannot al­ about Olson: Barleycorn these days. Two middle- modern usage, is that of “doughboy" The Kaiser says "I will not aban­ low teachers’ salaries. We are rather j The object of Governor Withy- aged men were riding on a Fifth ave­ as applied to an American soldier. An Amusing Trick la Simple. don my sorely tried people.” Per­ inclined to believe that teachers are comoe In appointing a member to nue bus recently. Each had all the American Infantry soldier recently ex­ One of the moat amusing tricks In haps not, but they are liable to as- not too flush with money just now ' the Supreme Court to fill (be brief surface Indications of being merry old plained the origin of the term to the Huslnate him at any time. The proper after the summer vacation, and vacancy caused by the death ot Jus­ •onls, who tarried at the dinner table correspondent in Paris of the London fireworks Is the serpent’s egg trick, place for the kaiser and a number of for that reason it would be doubly tice Moore has been fulfilled in a and looked upon the wine while It was Times after this fashion: "Tn the Civ­ where a little pellet when lighted turns the war lords of Germany Is banish­ hard to deprive them of their salar­ gratifying way. The need of clearing fizzing. Both had red faces and pro­ il war a great number of federal troop» into a horrible snake, many, many ment to some inland for the remain­ ies. It may be several months before the court docket was great and Jus­ nouncedly "bay windows." And what 1 were waiting for uniforms, which were times the size of the pellet. How awe-tnsplrlng It is to the youngster! der of their lives, or, better still, they it is wise to lift the embargo, but in tice Conrad P- Olson, the Governor's do you suppose they were talking > made but lacked buttons. So great should be shot for the horrible the meantime it would show the selection, has responded with vigor about? Naturally, one would say they ! was the hurry that eventually the men Most people have no Idea what in the crimes they have permitted. And right spirit if the teuchera could ob­ and enthusiasm. Although doubtless were discussing the attitude of con- went round the houses In the town and world causes the snake to appear. The if justice is properly administered tain other employment for the time tempted to leave the work to engage gross for trying to make the country 1 collected buttons off the women's cloth­ explanation Is simple. Mercury sul- pho-cyanld bums with a voluminous this is what should happen. being. These were for the most part ash. The little pellet Is nothing more In his campaign for election. Justice bone-dry. But nothing of the kind. 1 ing. ------ o_—.— Olson has curried out the spirit of They were talking ahont Bibles, the I large buttons from overcoats. Natural­ than some mercury milpho-cyanld. The splendid results obtained in his appointment by strict application number they had distributed to sail- j ly the Infantry looked funny with their The heat causes the ash to move off Pro-Gernians who accuse England of starting the war should read the Fourth Liberty Iatan drive in to the duties of his place. It may be ors and soldiers and the price of them. I uniforms fastened by great overcoat so quickly from the burning pellet that what Maximilian Harden, a promi­ Tillamook County is another source said, without disparaging the attain­ And both chuckled because the war ' buttons. Those resembled hard tack It writhes and distorts Itself Into the nent newspaper man in Germany of satisfaction and the committees ments of other candidates for the bad not affected the price of the good ! (large, round, dry biscuits made of shape of a miniature snake. •aid a few days ago. Here It la. "We [are to be congratulated on their ef­ place, that Justice Olson has demon­ book, which could be bought as low dough) and hence sprang the word •tarted the war with a dirty trick, forts. There was one feature about strated by the quality of the several as 15 cents. When you hear conver­ ’doughboy.* which has been kept in th« Daylight Saving. and all our subsequent victories the drive that met with general ap­ opinions he has handed down and by sation of that nature in this town. It United States army ak a slang phrase Ben Franklin thought of saving have been the results of dishonesty. proval, and that was going after his Industry his fitness for the posi­ begins to look as If the hour had ' for an infantry soldier." daylight a long time ago. In the year William II la a flint hero and Ger­ persons who were financially able tion of Justice of the Supreme •truck.—New York Sun. 1784 he wrote from England to ■ many a-vulgar cinematograph show. but had taken but little or no part Court." Conquered at Last An unknown genius at Camp Kear­ friend In America^ Pays to Kaep ■ Toad. We sit today on the ruins of 30 in any of the war drives It is some­ In writing in the name ot Olson tor “Tn a walk through the Strand and what of a delicate matter to delve Supreme Justice be sure you place a The toad is useful because of Its ney Is entitled to a monument “every­ years of Hohensollern politics." diet No less than eighty-three species where In America.” He'd been a Fleet Street one morning at 7 o'clock -> t ------ o------ Into one's financial afairs, especially cross before his name. of Insects, mostly Injurious, have been , naughty boy or something and was as­ I observed that there was not one There is not much doubt hut what when persons were not financially - ■ ■ ■ .... proved to enter Into its dietary. In ; signed to cut onions for camp mess a« shop open, althongh It had been day­ able to subscribe for bonds. These Germany needs watching, and watch­ his "Civic Biology” George W. Hunter j a punishment. Imagine the surprise light and the sun up about three ing closely in endeavoring to bring persona should not be censured, but says: “A toad has been observed to of the corporal of the guard when he hours: the Inhabitants of London about peace under the false pretext In the dragnet quite a number of Ornamental Fire Placet Built snap up 128 flies in half an hour. Thus discovered the offender blithely dis­ choosing voluntarily to live by candle­ that German has become Democratic persons were found who had persis­ of Brick and Stone. AU Fire at a low estimate It could easily de­ secting the Bermudas under the pro- light and sleep by sunshine; and yet all of a sudden. We have no confi­ tently Ignored the appeals of the Placet absolutely guaranteed stroy a thousand Insects during a day, I tectlon of his gas mask. “Youae ain't often complaining a little absurdly dence in any of Germany’s good be­ government. It may have placed them not to smoke or money re­ and do an immense service to the gar- | sufferin' no punishment.” scoffed the of the duty on candles and the high in an embarrassing position to be funded. havior dope And another thing. Bul­ den daring the summer. It has been officer, adding, "but 'tls a ghrand Idea price of tallow." Brick work of all kinds dons garia surrendered unconditionally, rounded up. but they have to thank estimated by Kirkland that a single and *tla the wimmen 0’ the counthry on short notice. and as Germany and Austria were themaelvea. if they feel aggrieved. toad may. On account of the cutworms will bless ye, me lad!" We make a specialty of re­ Old English Names. the criminal nations that started the Apart from this, the drive went pairing smoking Fire Place«. which It kil'o, be worth $19.88 each through smoothly, being the largest . It would be Interesting to know how war. they should be dealt with the History Repeat* I tost. season It lives. If the damage done amount of money subscribed here, certain places on the edge of St Louts same as Bulgaria. Not for the first Dine have Genua* and Franklin counties got their names, by each mtworm be estimated at only placing Tillamook County over 110#- ------ o------ one cent Toads also feed upon slugs Invaders been checked at Chateau- such as St. Albans. Melrose, Chester­ If we do not miss our guess the 000 above its quota. and other garden pests.”—Popular Thlerry. It was there, in February, field. Manchester and so on, all good ----- -o- ---- ' voters in the Little Nestucca Valley TILLAMOOK. ORE. 1814, that Napoleon, by one of those old English names, while the majority Science Monthly. Probably moat everybody have are just anxious to get even with extraordinary forced marches of his, of the names on the letter boxes on noticed that the German government Friend Cross, for they are going over fell upon Blucher, who was confidently the Manchester and Melrose roads arit War at Close Range. the top next Tuesday and will get hta wants peace with honor and justice.' Margaret Deland, the New England marching upon Paris. By swift blows German and undoubtedly many of the "goat," for Bob Richards was unwise It makes our blood boll to th|nk novelist, writes from Paris: “Over In on succeeding days he ahsttered the people of this part of the state are of in consenting to become the "goat” that a barbarous, blood-thirsty na­ America we thought we knew some­ second and third divisions of the Prus­ German descent although among the tion like Germany talking about for a few Socialists. Bob will know thin* about the war and the conditions sian army, rapturing almost all their | loyal of the Americans of the better next time, but a little exper­ honor and justice, after what the ore tnui ever In France, but when you get here the artillery, and then fell upon Blucher's most present day. Rut who was responsi­ ience won’t do him or anyone else world witnessed the past four years. .your rsviiw .difference Is aa the difference between main force, In the vicinity of Chateau- ble for the English names of the set­ any harm who wish to hobnobble The German Emperor started the studying the laws of electricity and be­ Thlerry, and compelled him to fall I tlements?—St Louis Globe-Democrat war for world conquest and when with Socialists and undergo the deys must be ing struck by lightning. I have been back, with heavy losses. war was declared the German people process of meeting with a freexe out. struck by lightning. The only way In productive Ware That Made History. That’s what is going to happen on were the most enthusiastic people of First Tennis In Ameriea. which I can keep sane and steady Is to the world, believing that It would The Civil war In America was fol­ <• U?ctu\xkirauns Tuesday . Forty-four years ago the game of look very, very closely at my own Im ­ be a short war with big indemnities. mediate little trivial, foolish job—writ­ lawn tennis was Introduced by a Boa- lowed— In 1866—by the Prusao-Aus- It will be noticed that the Port­ Germany was after plunder, and to ing or working In the canteen—for If tonlan. according to records In the pos­ trian campaign In Rohemla. which may be said to have lasted only seven land Chamber of Commerce decided obtain It all rules of International I dare to lift my eyes to the black hor­ session of George Wright, father of weeks, since Austria was completely to oppose two Jackson Initiative law and humanity were brushed the former national title Bolder. Beals izons, I lose my balance. ” measures. We are glad to know that , aside. Germany and the German peo­ Wright. After a visit to England the brought to terms by her flrat crushing the big commercial organisation of ple are outlaws and the allies should Massachusetts man brought home nets, defeat at Konlggrats. The logical se­ Good Suggest ion. quel to the Prussian war of 1866 with business men of Portland have taken [ treat them as such to prevent wars Mrs. Bugs—Clarence. through your racquets and balls, as well as a book ' Austria was the German one of 1870 Cut tùli in shoulder, ch :st that stand, for It Is a bad reflection ¡of that character in the future. of rules then governing the game, and stupidity we are lost In this strange »1th France, though. Indeed. It may on that city to have Jackson use the With these facts fully proven Ger­ nrd cots-convertible, s Rty pantry and we don't know north from set up a court at Nahant. A little later fte said to have been practically de­ Initiative law to spite the country many Is wanting a peace with honor courts were laid out at Newport. R. I , j south or east from west. lord iOcarrd UÄskrpnxf disdaiA rided tn less than one month—at Se­ newspapers, especially when Jack- and Justice. If justice Is properly ad­ Mr. Bugg—Let’s step Into this box and also on the grounds of the Staten i dan—the rest of the time being but a S atisfaction AJTowtuOa aon wants to discriminate against ministered. the Kaiser and his war G uaranteed of pills, dear; it says "Directions In­ Island Cricket dub. Livingston, State« long-drawn-out agony of lighting des­ •11 newspapers in the stale outside lords should face a firing squad and bland. dia." pair on the part of the vanquished. Every fair minded voter will admit that thia is F. C. BAKER. Publisher. wrong and un|ust and to avoid thia injustice becoming effective, we ask Subscription ............................ $150 yr. the voters to vote "No” to Jackson’s measures. THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. of Multnomah county. I Editorial Snap Shots J ------------- RALPH E. WARREN, M REFLFK SLICKE R «