Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 31, 1918, Image 3

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BTh'lt th#* F/iit’AFC Csv ins of Pru8slan militarism is not a ue has been flirting continually with re-elected. They are at their posts of
A liul LL1C CiUlLvld Ody question of revenge, but of future the luuicals who are ftanding spon­ duty. None is making a campaign.
[ world safety. As Clemenceau ex- sor ror the league in Oregon.
They are too busy serving their state
Meanwhile why should the voters and nation. They should be returned
After the pillage and ruin, murder ' pressed it before the chamber of de-
and devastation which has been In­ 1 putles Friday, “our victory does not of Oregon even consider placing a for continued service. Election ot
flicted by the Tutonic allies on the spell revenge. Our victory and the new and untried man in the gover­ new and untried men, lacking in
countries they have overrun during victory of our allies means the liber­ nor's chair wneii we all konw wrere ability and experience to fit them for
the Great War, the entente allies will ation of civilization and liberty of Governor Withycombe stands? Our the positions, would not only be un­
present war governor has more than wise at this time, but would fall far
demand reparation and restoriation, I human conscience.”
else the sacrifice of millions of souls ' The German armies are beating it made good, I urtliermore he has not short of the patriotic duty of the vot­
would have been almost in vain.— out of Belgium, not in a spirit of eiau been accused of any connection ers of the state.
despised Non-Partisan
i obliging concession or repentance, with the
News Reporter.
THAI S lust what you do when you deposit your
but to save themselves from the league which is being vigorously re­
Nothing Short of Sacrilege.
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money in the bank. You gain both cash and
Tillamook carrier pigeon fanciers 'crushing military disaster which a pudiated by loyal-hearted Americans
The Democratic candidate for Gov­
sent 10 birds to Express Agent Bow­ i longer stay ¿here would render in­ the country over. Is it well to take
credit resource for yourself and contribute to’the
ernor of this state has flaunted in
man for release Wednesday morning, evitable. Military necessity compels chances in war times?
financial worth of the whole country.
For governor the Republican party the face of the public an advertise­
but it is probable no record was them to fall back fighting and to
You'll Find the First National Bank
made for the pigeons when released destroy as they retreat supplies they has in the person ot its nominee. ment and bid for votes that should
at 10 o’clock did not get their bear­ can not hurridly take with them. Governor James Withycombe, ot and no doubt will be Indignantly re­
ings and circled about the town for They would infinitely prefer an or­ balem, a business man an a student sented by patriotic citizens every­
three-quarters of an hour before derly withdrawal under an armistice of attairs, whose training and whose where. It reads thus:
A. W. Bunn, Farmer.
p. Helsel. Farmer.
until Foch, Haig and Pershing are reputation tor honor and fair deal­
"Not till every grain of wheat had
C. J- Edwards.Mar. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres.
■ content to have one that will be bul- ing reconuned him to every voter. been harvested for the soldiers did
B. C. Lamb. Buildina Materials. John Mot gan. Farmer.
i warked with guarantees that will The first need of any state during the Walter M. Pierce start to ask for
------ o------
W*. J. Riechers. Cashier.
People who in the past have ob­ ' be equivalent to unconditional sur­ war in its governor is a strong exec­ your votes as Democratic candidate
utive, who can see that the business for Governor,” etc.
jected to assessment according to render.
To anybody who knows the thrifty
wealth in raising the various quotas I The allied nations will not be of the state is properly managed,
should keep In mind the fact that re­ tricked as the stupid Russians were who can organize and look forward lucre-gathering Walter Pierce, the
gardless of their sentiments the gov­ tricked with the armistice preceding to to-morrow. Governor Withycombe hollow mockery of that expression
ernment needs money for war and af­ 1 the Brest-Litovsk “peace” conference Is a man with a vision to see great appeals with the most disgusting ef­
ter war expenses, and it will get It. The kaiser cannot pick that card up development in Oregon and he will fect.
They know that every grain of
In selling bonds it offers the people from the table and play it again in not have to look back, shaping his
wheat in Walter’s broad acres was
an investment. If they are obtuse the greater game he is now losing.— administration on mere precedent.
The state needs new laws, it needs harvested to bring that $2.20 a bush­
enough not to recognize a good thing Spokesman Review.
new industries, it needs proper co­ el to Walter’s bank account, and they
when it is offered them, the govern­
The Valve-in-head-type engine illus­
ment will get the money anyway, The Spirit of France Bodes Ill for ordination of its industries. To ac­ cannot resist an angry feeling upon
trated here, like all internal combus­
tion enjinea, requirts an oil that
complish these things a man of wide seeing this attempt to use the name
but will take it in the form of taxes.
The Kaiser.
holds its lubricating qualities at cyl­
business experience is needed. Mr. of the noble boys at the front for the
Hillsboro had a narrow squeak in
inder heat, burns clevn in the com­
Withycombe understands the needs ignoble purpose of securing himself
bustion chambers and goes out with
the loan which closed Saturday and
| “As you deal with my contemners of the business and at the same time some votes.
exhaust. Zerolene fills these require­
ments perfectly, because it ia correct­
l so with you my grace shall deal.”
Using their name in this way is
he has kept in close touch with the
ly refined from selected California aa-
situations in the future.—Hillsboro
With memories of Sedan and 1870 laboring man, knowing their needs nothing short of sacrilege.—Salem
^hali-baae crude.
strengthening their resolution, it is and desires. He does not need the Statesman.
inconceivable that Foch, Clemenceau government of Oregon, but the gov­
Alas! We Cannot Help.
and Poincare will assent to any ter- ernment of Oregon needs him.—Sil­ Three Men and the Vision they Saw.
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| mination of fighting short of Ger­ verton Tribune.
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Let us confer together a moment, many’s
In a certain city dwell three men.
fellow citizens, to ascertain, if we They know that if the German
And by accident of birth one ot
can, what the state ot Oregon can do armies had defeated France the kai­
A Win the War Congress.
them Is a Catholic and one a Protes­
to grant the President the great ser would now be imitating his
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tant and one a Jew. For thirty years
boon of a Democratic Congress.
j namesake’s haughty conduct of that
The Maine election supports the they have engaged in business side
i There is Senator McNary, Repub­ I tragic September day eight and forty
lican. who is up for election. Of him I years ago. Victor Hugo thus narrates administration’s policy to force to by side, and the Catholic has not
Zerolene keeps the engine young—full-powered, smooth­
the Democratic candidate said on the story of France’s deep humilia­ the bitter end. Let us elect no pa­ dealt with the Protestant; and the
. ■
cifists this Fall. The four Congress­ Catholic and the Protestant has not
running, and economical in fuel and oil consunotion—
April 30: “Senator McNary is giving tion:
because it is correctly refined from selected California
the President his unqualified sup­ I “At b o'clock in the morning a men elected from Maine, all Repub­ dealt with the Jew.
asphalt-base crude. Gives better lubrication with les3
"What is he to me?” each man has
port in the prosecution of the war." gilded open carriage and four cross- licans, stood by the President when
carbon. Made in several consistencies. Get our Correct
many of his own party failed to do so. said. "He is not of my faith; 1 will
Lubrication Chart covering your car.
ed the blpod-soaked and deathstrewn
McNary’s record and capabilities plain, carrying a man who had a cig­ They voted for every war appropria­ avoid him.”
A.t dealers everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations.
So for thirty years they have dwelt
that he declines to make a campaign arette in his mouth. It was the em- tion, for the conscription acts, and
for conferring all the extraordinary together, strangers in a friendly
in his own behalf.
I peror of the French, on his way to
I There is Representative Hawley In surrender his sword to the king of powers to the President and his ad­ world.
T*en came the shadow of a fearful
the First District. Hawley has been Prussia. The king kept the emperor visers sought. This is a good time for
i standing by the President and it is waiting. He sent Monsieur de Bis­ the voters to turn down every pacif­ war. And out of those three homes
not to be suspected that he will kick marck to say to Louis Bonaparte ist no matter to what party he be- three boys went forth alone. Their
the war program overboard for po­ that he "would not” receive him yet. longs anu to make It their particu­ fathers waited heart-worn for the
litical reasons, inasmuch as he has Louis Bonaparte went into a hut by lar business to elect to Congress letters from over there.
"There are Soldiers of Friendli­
two sons in the service, and would the roadside. It contained a table and none but those who can be depended
not do It anyway. There is no Dem­ two chairs. Bismarck and he leaned upon to sustain the policy of force ness over here,” the boys wrote home.
until Germany has been driven to her “They bring us chocolate and motion
ocrat out to oppose him.
' on the table and talked to e.ach other. anees and a peace with victory pictures, and base balls, and good
There is Representative Sinnott in Lugubrious conversation. At the
lectures; and the memory of mother
the Second District. Representative hour that suited the king, somewhere achieved.—Leslie's Weekly.
The same may be said of the four and of God . Help these friendly
Sinnott has been supporting the toward noon, the emperor got into
president, and his only sin is the un­ his carriage and went to Bellevue Republican Congressmen from Ore­ agencies when you have a chanbe.”
So it happened that the three fath­
pardonable one that he is a Repub­ castle, half way to Vandresse. There gon—Senator McNary and Represen­
lican. But the Democrat against him he waited till the king came. At 1 tative Hawley, Sinnott and McAr­ ers found
thur. They have unhesitatingly given shoulder to shoulder in u great cam­
is making no visible impression.
1 o clock William arrived at Vandresse
In the Third District is Represen­ and consented to receive Bonaparte. the President the support he has paign of funds. Not as a Catholic and
tative McArthur. The National Se- He received him badly. Attila car­ sought to carry out his effective war Protestant and a Jew, but as good
Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and Srd.Ave. West, Tillamoek, Or.
curity League, a non-partisan pa- ried no dainty hand. The victor re­ program. Their records stand 100 per citizens united in a common cause.
triotic organizatiton, gives him a proached the vanquished for his cent. There is no excuse for replac­ And as they worked they came to
100 per cent record on war and pre- victory. It was rough handling for an ing trustworthy and dependable pub­ know each other, and they were
lic officials in these critical times by ashamed that for so many years
paredness measures.
open wound. “What was your idea in
Now, will everybody who recalls declaring this war?” The conquered untrained and unexperienced men. they had been strangers side by side.
“Surely this is one of the compen­
the name of McArthur’s democratic excused himself by accusing France. The voters of this state will fall
opponent please raise the right The distant cheers of the victorious short of their patriotic duty If they sations of war,” they said "that in
hand? Ah, fourteen, No, only thir­ German army cut short the infer­ neglect to re-elect Senator McNary, our deepest love for our boys we
teen; the gentleman in the far cor­ view. The king sept tile emperor and- Representatives Hawley, Sinnott have learned a new respect for one
and McArthur.
ner seems to be doubtful whether it back in
' charge of a detachment of
So a new spirit was born into that
is Jones or Brown.
royal guards. This excess of igno-
city. As though in its heart it had
• But in the Third District there is miny is called a 'guard of honor."
Republicans and the War.
discovered something of the greater
Lafferty, an independent and a few I With added graphic touches Hugo
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religion, whose God is Father, and
other things. If we defeat McArthur abasement describes the French em­
Loyal and dependable support of whose faith and creed are love.
we get Lafferty. What of Laffertys’ peror's abasement while awaiting
the president and his prosecution of
the haughty pleasure of the Prus­ the war is the prime requisite de­
Lafferty failed to get a commission sian monarch, how, sitting deathly
A Few Reasons
Why Governor
In the first training camp and he pale upon a stone close by a dung- manded by all American citizens of
be Re-elected.
would not go as a private, although hill, he said, "I am thirsty," and a
------ o------
he is healthy, young and has no wife, Prussian soldier had brought him a time. Win the war and win it now is
the demand. Nobody has any time
He is loyally, patriotically Ameri­
no children, no dependents. The first glass of water.
for the pacifist. Men of action are can.
draft age limit let him out of com-
One muBt read the history of 1870
He has faithfully co-operated with
• pulsory service, yet the government to know the iron determination of wanted. Officials in office who have
was still taking volunteers of hie age. France of 1918, the France which, measured up to these demands should the President in every far time ad-
Did he engage in war work? He in the words of Hugo, "was equal to be returned. They are on the job and tivity.
He was foremost of Governors for
did not. Though representing him­ her own salvation,' the France Intimately acquainted with the needs
self to be the candidate of the com­ which, “has risen in her strength. *9 of the government. They know what preparedness and has earnestly sup­
has been done to expedite the war. ported a vigorous prosecution ot the
mon people, he would not go down to
They know what should be done to war.
the shipyards and work among them
hasten the unconditional surrender
He haB stood for and insisted upon
when his country was crying for
Is Politics Adjourned ?
of the Huns.
a square deal for both labor and cap­
help. He loafed In his office and
It Is with a full knowlege of these ital, Industrial development of the
wrote a piteous letter to the Port­
The extent of which politics has
land Journal In which he complained been adjourned by the Democrats in factB that the Republican State Cen­ state and suppression of I. W. W.ism.
He has for more than 20 years
that his law practice had vanished this state is best revealed by the tral Committee commends to the vot­
and he was cooking his own meals, facts. While United States Senator ers of the state every Republican earnestly supported and vigorously
nominee on the ticket. Senator Mc­
He wouldn't fight and wouldn’t McNary is remaining at his post of Nary and Representative McArthur, advocated woman suffrage and pro­
hibition and stood for a better and
duty at Washington, loyally backing Hawley end Sinnott have made good.
2nd Ave. E, between 1st and 2nd Sts.
Lafferty promises a still hopeful up the President in his prosecution They have subordinated politics and cleaner state.
He did not assist in organizing the
public that If elected to Co*gress he ot the war, his opponent, Oswald
will go to' France as a private, if in West, is conducting an active cam­ are working earnestly for the one Non-Partisan league in Oregon,
Successor to J. S. Stephens.
no other way. But the public need paign for Senatorship. Press of of- great cause—win the war. Each has neither was he ever a worshiper at
not worry. He will go as a private if ficial business, occasioned by war ac- a 100 per cent record in his support the shrine of populism or other or­
not elected. The new draft law will tlvlties, has made it necessary for of the President. Never have they ganizations of doubtful purpose and
loitered In backing up the President’s loyalty.
business the coming election involves «el him at la8t-
Governor Withycombe to forego a i war program. They have given him
He has conducted his office pa­
Weit Endorws McNary.
our civil government also, upon the
Doe8 the President
personal campaign. He is remaining , support at times ashen such Demo­
triotically—alway has he placed pa­
as Champ Clark,
While the present duty of every success of which the t---- „
triotism and efficiency in the public
(of patriotism that is needed in Con­ business of the state and cooperating ! cratic leaders
Kitchin and Dent balked and by service above party politics.
good American citizen is to contrib­ which we are fighting depends."
with the national administration in their attitude imperilled the enact-
That thought should be carefully
ute his utmost toward the winning
He has given his earnest consid­
I There 4s the list. McNary, Hawley,
of the war, he must also bear clearly pondered by every patriotic voter be­ Sinnott, McArthur, all Republicans, every war time activity. Not so with ment of legislation vital to the suc- eration and substantial effort in
cessful prosecution of the war, fore­ promoting the happiness and comfort
in his mind the fact that after peace
and all headed straight for election, for the Governorship. Mr. Pierce is
mast of which was the selective draft of the boys in the service of their
comes we will be confronted with ends next year, as we all hope it will j—Oregonian.
and for weeks has been making a law.
country and, lastly,
other problems that must be antici­ the men elected this fall will be con­
He has a record of a sound, busi­
pated if they are to be met success­ fronted at once with economic prob­ No Armistice Short of Unconditional thorough canvass of the state urging , Here at home. Governor Withy­
combe has cooperated with the Pres­ ness administration and loyal and
fully. Senator Charles E. Townsend,
| Mr. Pierce is the running-made of ident in every war activity. His zeal earnest effort In the nation's present
of Michigan, lays stress on that part successful, be confided to the hands
Oswald West. Democratic candidate in patriotic work has been unbound- crisis that should command the ap­
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of his speech before the Republican of the Republican party. ,
Henry Morgenthau, former Ameri­ for senator, who has announced that I ed. He is intensely American. The proval and support of the whole peo­
When Mr. Charles L. McNary was
State Convention of his State. The
can ambassador to Turkey, states he will make a number of addresses unparalleled record Oregon has made ple.
very men who will be sent to the appointed United States Senator by with admirable clearness the funda- urging the election of Pierce.
■ in all war time activities and the
Re-elect Withycombe—why experi­
United States Senate and House of
• mental point in the whole interna­
Sure! "Politics is adjourned" for alacrity with which the state has re- ment?
Representatives at the elections this said:
tional situation: Unless peace can be the Republicans.
fall are those who will be called upon
mds. and bls appoint- restored "upon terms that will j The Democratic candidate for Goy­ endeavor is due in part to the leader­ To The Voter» of Tillamook County.
to meet the questions that will arise lifelong frjei
lost pleasing to me. If change the mental attitude of the ernor is busy running over the state ship of Governor Withycombe.
------ o------
our of our attempt once more to ac­
1 has made to the peo- , German people toward their own trying to explain that he is not af­
Both in the halls of Congress at
Through a misunderstanding in an
commodate ourselves to the condi­
pie are kept, , and I am sure they will masters and toward the rest of the filiated with the notorious Non-Par­ Washington and In the Governor's article over my signature last week
tions of peace.
he will unquestionably be re­ I world, the war will have been fought tisan League. To be sure. Any stu­ office at Salem, the people of Oregon the statement was made that I would
‘In the m'dst of war we are also in
to the Senate al the next in vain.” A peace negotiated on any dent of simple arlthemetic could are fortunate In having experienced be willing to 8o the recorder's work
peace". Senator Townsent reminds us
other conclusion would be "merely , easily figure bow many votes an men with a record 100 per cent in addition to that of the treasurer.
‘Not only must and will the war be general election/*_____
a truce.*
j avowed non-partisan league candi­ American—men who are standing I am a candidate for the office of
won by the United States if every
For sale or trade, one sorrel mare
Germany went Into this war in the date might expect in patriotic Ore- behind the President for a vigorous treasurer only, and for no reason ex­
other ally shall be overwhelmed, but six years old, weight 1500 Tbs; and bully spirit and the bully never
it is our duty here to maintain a one colt, three years old. iron gray, ceases bls intimidating tactics until I gon. But the fact remains that Bro. prosecution of the war to a speedy cept the privilege which belongs to
any citizen.
government which will be worth all weight 1100 lbs. Will trade for good he suffers a thorough-going physical j Pierce took a prominent part In the victorious conclusion.
of the Non-
Senator McNary, Representatives
Respectfully yours,
the sacrifice and suffering which it dairy cows. Andrew Vetsch, Elmore drubbing. Complete defeat of the organization session
Partisan League leas than a year ago McArthur. Hawley and Sinnott, and
Canzada Everson,
has cost. • • • I repeat that while ranch.
*2 German armies and downright rout- in Portland and that since that time (Governor Withycombe should all be
(Paid Advt.)
the war is our first, our supreme.
E 'et
The Standard Oil for Motor Cars
It Keeps the Engine Young!
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspector
Fire, Life, Aooident, Automobile