TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 31, 1918. will • * make a paaaionate sob- serves the interest of the taxpayer bing against any more ‘useless best? Which is the more equitable o----- Several articles have recently slaughter of our boys in Europe ’ statute from the taxpayers’ view- Lives. Property and Money Lost and crawled into the press to the effect Beware of the sob-sister appeal." point? • The answer is apparent to every : that, even admitting they will not Destroyed. thinking voter. Vote 'NO” on Jack- ' conquer all they set out to conquer, Lauder Says America Awake. sons delinquent tax bi’ll. the German people are elated because In the Manufacturers’ News, of of their belief that after the war the ago, for September 19, 1918, R. Harry Lauder, the Scotch come- banner of Great Britian will float E. Whittlesey, stutlstlcau of the beneath the Stars and Stripes—that dian, who toured America with a Commissioner For the South End of Guarantee Trust Company, of New Tillamook County. in world affairs of the future Great war message from Great Britian. is York, presents some startling sta- Britain must play a role secondary back home in John Bull’s tight little tl:-t s showing the "Cost of the war We the undersigned citizens of Til­ island with the following written re­ to the United States. iu money, property and lives,” up to There is no sucpicion of German port to his fellow countrymen, which lamook County have known R. O. July 31, 1918. "from the best avail­ propaganda in articles of that sort, has just been reprinted in the New Ricnards the Independent candidate able sources.” He shows that 22 na­ for County Commissioner for the and the man who reads them should York American: tions are actively engaged in the war Ye remind the tale of the train south end of the county for many dismiss them from his mind, News­ and that they have 31.357,383 square papers should be chary in giving jumper who said he was for Frisco if years, and know him to be honest miles in area and a population of only his trousers held out. Well. and reliable. 1,349,561,000, of which 30,163,783 space to such articles. If the insid- And we believe he will make the when the folks ‘In New York asked square miles and a population of lous German propagandists could cre­ me how much ground I was coverin best man we could elect for county ate jealousies among the Allies by 1.207,870,000 belong to the Allies. I said: "The Continent of No. th j Commissioner. He has done consider- "In national wealth,” says Mr. Whit­ this sort of talk they would achieve America if my voice held out.” And it I able road work in the south end of tlesey, "The five main Allies possess­ their purpose, for these jealousies has held out. But my arm's sore the county as road supervisor, and ed before the war $406,000,000,000, might speedily disrupt the co-ordina­ with the handshakes. ills work has always been satisfac­ tion among Germany ’ s enemies a rum nearly four times as great as ' I think that every man and boy in tory, showing he was industrious, i which has required so much punish ­ the national wealth of the two cen- 1 the United States over 10 must have and had good judgment in road truly powers the latter being $105,- ment to bring about, and for which had a go at my paw. If I’m a bit dis­ building. 500,0o0,o00. As to man power, the Clemenceau, the French premier, is jointed the day ye must pit it all Here is your chance to get a man Allies could command on the battle­ so largely responsible. The American down to the wedden. There’s been a for County Commissioner that is people are not fighting this war with field 88,000,000 effectives, as against wedden the morn. Its’ my wife’s capable, honest, patriotic, and an 26,000,000 of the central powers, a any thought of the advantages they niece, Mary Kerr Vallance (and a old time Tillamooker, who has suc­ proportion of about 3 to 1.” The may gain over Great Britain. To ceeded in nis his ousiness business as a mrmer. farmer. suggest it is to insult the nation. A bonny lassie she is.) She’s married a , eeeaea article proceeds: country that could forget that for braw soldier laddie of the name of i if you want such a capable man for County Commissioner vote for R. O The Actual Cost of Money. nearly three years England was its Hamilton, And a fine name too. The money expended by the seven first line of defense, while Its admin­ I Well, Fm writing these casual Richards. Tuesday November 5, 1918. O. P. Mattoon, Hebo. leading belligerents for purely war istrative officials were playing up notes in momentary expectation of E. E. Cross, Hebo. purposes during the foui years has peace sentiment to win a re-election, being called out to form part of a P. H. Messner, Cloverdale. ' been estimated at about $134,000,000 would indeed display a "besotted family group in the back garden. Och There they go, will you just excuse J. C. Dunn. Meda. 000.. The enormous magnitude of I base Ingratitude.” H. A. Hess, Meda. this sum is beyond all comprehension I U is without impiety to declare me for a minute? Voice—Look pleanant please. D. M. Penter, Cloverdale. and can be grasped only in terms of that we are joined with the Allies in I Lauder—How can I look pleasant W. N. Bays. Beaver. comparison with otheh wars. It has I this war to "lick hell out of the W. Clent King. Beaver. been said that this sum is greater Hun." Germany must be shriven. At with a crick in my— Click. C. H. Wolfe, Tillamook. than all combined money expendi­ the same time not only is it right and Thos Coates. Tillamook. tures for all other wars since the be­ proper to take action to prepare this ! Well, thank goodness, that’s over. It was a wonder my voice held out, Alex. McNair. Tillamook. ginning of recorded history. The to­ country for post-war commercial M. W. Harrison, Tillamook. tal cost of all the wars fought since competition, but that the administra­ for in traveling 33,000 miles I ad­ E. T. Haltom, Tillamook. the American revolution, the aggre­ tion refuses to do so in a matter for dressed 2,000,000 people. It seems to E. Jenkins, Tillamook. gate Xighuug period covering si«ty sharp criticism. Tat action, however. me that every British propagandist C. H. Little, Tillamook. years, was only $23,000,000,000, Is not to be taken with a view of in in America should first undergo making the expenditure of the pres­ juring Great Britain, but to insure voice training on the hills. Paid Adv Paid for by O. P. Mat- ent war for only four years Bix times tranquility to our own domestic con­ I Still. I may mention that when I greater. It is about one-third of the cerns. Sound protectionists all ap- started out you got the best of every toon and E. E. Cross. total national wealth of the chief I plaud the steps which Great Britain thing at the hotels, and only a hy­ belligerents. The combined average Î herself is taking with this end in phenated waiter, who has since been SANITATION. daily war cost, computed on a four ¡view. It is improbable, in this day interned, seemed to know there was year basis, is about $107,500,000 or and age, that the competition be­ a war on. When I came back six tween us and our Alites after lile months later I lived on brown bread $4.479,000 each hour of the day. That the germ is the cause of most These astounding expenditures wur, will be attended by the bitter­ and attempted thefts of sugar. deadly disease is more than mere In money the results of the cani- have already entailed a debt for these ness which has chacterlzed competi­ theory—it is a real fact. The work nations six times greater than was tion between the Allies and Germany paign were $11,000,000 for the varl- of tuberculosis sanitoriums, the ty­ ous war loans. their total debt prior to the war, rep­ because we believe ourselves incapa­ phoid hospitals in the canal zone, The effects don’t end there. The resenting the enormous sum of $129- ble of the trade rogueries which have the vaccine laboratories are all evi­ 000,000,000. It took the belligerent been practiced by Germany in the ' Americans, like the Scots, are as pru- dence of the fact that the safety of 'dent in the cash department as they nations a hundred years to accumu­ past. This competition will be more man does not depend on good or bad late a debt of $23.560,000,000 which in the nature of friendly rivalry, for are reckless in the charge, and. hav- luck, but upon the fight which each ling put their money into the war only four years of the war have we Allies can play the game of trade individual makes upon the disease as we play the game of campus, with they decided it was their war and germs, the cause of most losses of multiplied by six. put themselves in too — right in. And Taking an average of 5 per cent out hitting below the belt. But there I lite and dollars. In selecting a weap- interest, this debt involves an Inter­ I will be no objection to equipping they're for keeps there. I on to kill the germs of disease several You may take it from me, and I est charge obligation of the chief ourselves with the shinguards or vital questions must be looked squar­ belligerents of about $6,500,000,000 hear gear of protectionism as king as know, for I’ve been all over .America, ely in the face or disinfectanting will that this is the spirit of the states: annually. Assuming that this war we play fair. be little better than useless. First— ’This as much our war as yours. ¡1 will last another year, the total debt Then, let our banners entwine a* Has the disinfectant the power to is more our war than yours, because at the present rate of borrowing will they are planted on the redoubts of kill all kinds of disease germs? 2nd, amount to about $190,000,000,000, the Hun, and in the peace to come there U more of us.” Can the disinfectant be used safely I Yes, and I have another message — and interest charges at the above they will dip to each other as the al­ whenever disease germs are found? rate to about $9,500,000,000. lied shuttlecocks of trade ply the a message of friendship signed and 3rd, Is it effective, when used any- | sealed. and endure forever. All the The author then proceeds to quote Seven Seas. , where and every where, and by any mists of prejudice between us and from an estimate by the National I body, and can it be used with safety? i our cousins have been blown away Foreign Trade Council on war losses, The Sob-Sister Appeal. Therefore a disinfectant that can be by the great guns of war. The mist "which unfortunately does not go .used with safety must not be a poison beyond 1916." Then he continues as By Gertrude Atherton of the Vtgi- was the poison gas of German prop­ or coatine acid, whereas poisonous aganda. follows: lantes. It was the Germans taught the disinfectants endanger the life of In speaking of the Hun peace Americans that we were all "Haw, human beings or animals, this cun be i Loss of Life in Dollars and Cents. verified by turning to the files of j But the greatest and moat irrepar­ moves, Gertrude Atberson said re- haw Johnnies." It was the Germans our daily papers. When buying a dis­ cently: taught us that the Americans were able loss entailed by the war is, of "A great danger lurks in the belief all spread-eagle, cock-a-doodle, get- infectant be sure what you buy as course, the loss of human life. It Is your life may depend on that pur­ the greatest because life Is a price­ that the governmeu' has the slliut- off-tbe-eartb hustlers. chase, look at the label, note the tlon so well in hand it Is not necea- We know' better now. And the re ­ less thing, and no value can be set germ killing po»er and If it is poison upon it. Still in economics, as in all sary for the Individual to bother; in ception a simple Scottish comedian or not. Disinfectants are measured other sciences. In treating of man, that pride (which often goeth before gat from the American people is a upon the germ killing st l ength of emotional considerations are set a fall) that scare stories, disseminat­ sign. undiluted carbolic acid, which they I aside, and a purely economic value, ed by German agents are easily rec­ term a phenol coefficient. Look for ognized, and are but to laugh. in terms of money, has been placed Swat The Tax Shark Bill. the phenol coefficient on the label. "When It comes to brains the Ger­ upon the individual, based upon his B. K. was tested by the United potential productive power. Thus Mr. mans are outclassed, even in thia Let the present delinquent tax pub­ States Hygiene Laboratory and found young nation. Moreover, we have M. Barrlol, the celebrated actuary, to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus lication law of Oregon alone. gives the following figures as the now had four years illuminating ex­ Whenever fhe voters of the state .or ten times stronger than undiluted periences with the Germans, and we capital value of man: In the United know that they are liars. The more tamper with an existing statute of carbolic acid as a germ killer. Much States, $4.100; in Great Britian, is a stronger than coal tar disinfectants they protest, the less we believe the merit, the inevitable reaul* $4,140, In Russia. »2.020; in Austra nigger in the woodpile, But while boomerang. Whenever, likewise the. - -much safer. Hungary, $2020 or un average of the we have brains to match the beast freak liglslation fiends succeed in Safe—B-K. contains .no .poison, five foreign nations of $2,892. we also are a very soft and sentt- placing some wild etherlal plan on acid or oil. The number of men already lost is mental people, Ruthless while we the statute books, the voters of Ore­ Clean—B.--K. is colorless, leaves 8,509,000 killed and 7,175,000 per- have a great war to will, we are gon bear the burden until such time stain on floors or walls. manently wounded, or a total of 15.» liable to violent reaction the moment as the law can be cut off the books. 684,000. Thus society has been Inl­ Drodorant— B—K. destroys foul poverlshed through the death and we are positive that Germany Is Such Is the history of freak legisla­ odors leaves no odor of itself. broken and can do no more than tion. put permanent disability of a part of its Cheap to Use—-B.-K. is 80 much up a long and stubborn defense. Get this point clear. The present productive man power to the extent "The pacifists are still with UR. delinqunet tax publication law was stronger than other disinfectants of $45.000,000,000. that it does more disinfecting for the And by the pacifists 1 do not mean The loss of man. measured in terms societies existing under that name. devised for one purpose only— to same money. Use it In Barber Shops, of the capital value of the workers They shot their bolt and are fright­ protect the unfortunate delinquent Barns, Bath Tubs, Bleaching, bread withdrawn from industry, is offset ened into quiescence besides. I mean taxpayer from that peculiar brand I boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards, in some degree by the enhancement thousands of secret pro-Germans who of social parasite known as the title cuts and scratches, house and kitch­ of the capital value of the remain­ are waiting their moment to work grabber. It Is considered a model law en, laundry, nasal and throat sprays, ing producers. Thia loss of man upon our sympathies and Insure the by adjoining states and its practical nursing bottles, operating rooms, power is also partly offset by the ultimate triumph of their otherwise application has convinced all that it purifying air, sick rooms, etc. Is a statute of merit. When speaking large contingent of women drawn In­ doomed fatherland. B.--K. 18 »ot a cure all but athor- of statutes, merit can only be meas­ ough germ killer. Protect yourself to industries. In England, out of the "In this city of New York there ured by service rendered to the citi­ female population of 23,000.000 Is a powerful group of women of t.ow against any dangerous disease about 6,000.000 were engaged before German extraction who are now— zens of the state. germs that you may come in contact C. 8. Jackson, editor of the Port­ with by using B.-K. B.-K is sold in the outbreak of the war in gainful to use a sadly overworked word — occupations. Since the war broke out camouflaging themselves magnifi­ land Journal, la attempting • to sub­ quart and gallon bottles. Our guar­ not less than 1.500.000 women have cently, and It may safely be said stitute a pet scheme of his own to re­ antee. B- K stands absolutely on been added to the ranks of wage there are corresponding groups In place the present law. what ft does for you. Use it according earners, an Increase of fully 35 per­ every city of any slxe In the union. Glance at the difference between to directions then if you don’t find cent. Moreover, about 400.000 wom­ These women contribute heavily the present luw and the Jackson it exactly as represented by us we en have shifted from non-essential (and with the utmost publicity) to comouflage measure; will refund your money- For sale by ocupatlons to man’s work. In the war relief organiiatlons. Before we The present law provides that a Kuppenbender. blth phones. United States, approximately Mit­ went into the war, they were equal­ mail notice be sent to all delinquents 000 women are now engaged in in­ ly blatant pro-Germans. or. seeing within a certain time following the dustrial work, either directly or la­ that didn't work, gave thousands to delinquency date. directly necessary to carry on ika the cause of pacitlsm in other The Jackson law does likewise. war. words to keep the United States front The present law, to save the delin­ The cxapht. Electric Light ud The article concludes with the fol- settling the fate of Germany. Power Plant quent property from the title grab­ lowing: "Now their new pose wins them bers and scheming land attorneys, Plenty of bright, safe clean Besides the loss In actual popula- high encomiums, the average citizen who are always "taking a ehance" electric light. No more hot. tlon there Is a loss of potential pop­ not realizing that anyone who re­ on delinquent titles, further provides smoky lamps. ulation. Carefully compiled figures mained a ro-German after the sink­ that when the mail notices fall to rhow that by 1919 the population of ing of t'.is Lusitania (charitably as- perform their function, then and Germany will be 7,500.000 less than isumlng that they did not know all only then, may the notice be given it would have been under ordinary the circumstances during the early publication. circumstances. The people In Austria i months of the war ) is hopelessly de­ The Jackson law amendment leaves In 1919 will be 8 per cent leas tn fective or crooked. out the publication entirely, and thus "Now the moment the Prussian the delinquent who falls to get his number than In the year before the ACKLEY A MILLER war. Hungary will be still worse off; hierarchy realises that It la in its last notice la entirely at the mercy of the Tillamook Garage, it will have a population of 9 per precarolus hole, and make* the allies title grabber. Tillamook Oregon. a ‘reasonable offer," these women cent lower than In pre-war days. Which is the better lawT Which COST OF THE WAR. Protection is Fair to Our Allies. Unusual Times E ARE facing the most extraor­ dinary situation in the history of our country. Never before have so many new problems—so many de­ mands for le-adjustment—thrust them­ selves upon men and women for settle­ ment. W Things big with fate are happening and we must know how to adjust our business-:—our homes—our personal lives to the new conditions. This bank publishes a Monthly Bulletin Letter that represents a very unusual service at this time. In a clear and general way these Bulletins present the pith of facts that influence your welfare. This is one of the ways we are helping our friends and customers to meet the demands of the present and assisting them in their plans for the future. We will gladly mail future copies regularly to anyone free for the asking. Tillamook County Bank Tillamook, Oregon CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disenfecting where Contagious or . infectious diseases are prevailing. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. That good Gravely taste! 1 t < « Real Gravely it the common-aenae chew for men. It is economical A man gets his tobacco sat­ isfaction out of a smaller chew and fewer of them. The good Gravely taste lasts a long while. Two or three smallsquaresof Real Gravely stays with you longer than a big hunk of ordinar)-plug. Each piece is packed in a pouch. These are the plain facta about Gravely Plug To­ bacco. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug lO*a pouch-and worth it ° T T^T P ; G iAVELY TO. ACCQ ¿O oan tì City Transfer Co We do a general Transfer and Delivery business, with speeial attention to moving Furniture and Pianos. C oal and Wood a Specialtv flUEX. MefifllR & CO DELCO-LIGHT GENERAL harduiare Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere