TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 24, 1918. This Store is Headquarters for Gum Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Rainclothing “SHOP FOR CHRISTMAS NOW SAYS UNCLE SAM. “ I claim the’right-of-way for my ‘men and guns and rations; I will permit no December congestion of the rails with civi­ lian holiday goods; I will release not a single individual worker to care for belated December demands.” Shop now—and buy ^tsefulgoods^ TILLAMOOK, ORE. Whatever your Rain Clothing or Footwear needs may be they can be fully supplied here. You must however choose early for the securing of future supplies is a very uncertain matter. Palmer Suits and Coats Economy in Clothes Is as Necessary today! as Economy in Wheat and Sugar. The government must have wheat, sugar and beef to feed the men who are fighting for our freedom and Wool must be conserved to clothe these fighters. Hart Scha ffner & Marx Clothes Conserve Wool because they last longer, keep their shape and newness longer than shoddy garments. It is more patriotic to] wear one Hart Schaffner & Marx all wool suit or overcoat than two or three shoddy garments, and you get more service, your garments look better, you conserve more wool, they outlast two or three of the inferior kind. Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits are shown here in Blue Serges, Fancy Mixtures and Scotch Tweeds, in form fitting, medium and box back styles and they are guaranteed all wool and fast colors. Hart Schaffner & Marx, and the famous Rosenwald and Weil Overcoats are now being offered in the new fall "Bally- mede,” "Roswell,” and "Ulsterefte” models as well as a number of smart stylish light weight Raincoats. All are shower proofed—all wool—fast colors and made in 44, 48 and 50 inch lengths. L4 (SiL- Every woman in Tillamook County is invited to visit our Ladies’ Ready-to- Wear Department as soon as possible to view these new arrivals of The selections in these famous gar­ ments, in spite of unprecedented mer­ chandising conditions, were never more varied or pleasing. We do not ask you to buy, all we ask is that you will view the new garments. You will wear a “Palmer” eventually of that we are certain. THE COATS Satin Finish Kerseys, Velours, Silver- tone, Deerskin Kitten’s Ear, Velvet and Plush are the lovely fabrics from which you are asked to choose your New Fall Coat. The colors represented include Taupe, Burgundy, Brown, Green, French Blue and Tan. Belts, Cuffs and fur Collars trim the coats in handsome effects, and some have very effective button trims. THE SUITS Of course Serges ami Poplins are here, but we want you to see the new Yalama and Burella cloths in such lovely shades as Plum, Taupe, Burgundy and Green as well as in Navy Blue. The Collars are of Panne Velvet, Plush and Silk Velvet and the trimmings consist of belts, buckles, buttons and pleats of various kinds. The linings are in pretty fancy effect# to match the fabrics. All Wool Suits, $21.50 to $25.00 NewjFiill model* of all wool Oregon Cassimeres, fancy worsted* and Blue and Brown Serge*. Splen­ did Suit* at very’ modest price*. Mallory ¡Hats, copyright Hart Schaffner Sc Marx In Splendid New Stales o_ylrrived Just this Week. Just a Word About Fittings. Cravenetted—They defy the Rain. The only hat that holds its shape in defiance of all weather conditions. New Fall blocks are now here ami the newest and most fashionable colors are represented. Mrs. Edney, the lady in charge of the Department is an expert seamstress of many years practical experience and any garment you select will be fitted perfectly and, if any alteration is needed, will be made with the utmost care and precision. Perfect fittings are our Specialty. Florsheim Shoes New Crepes de Chine For the tJWan Who Cares. The New Fall Florsheim’s are here in English, medium and wide toes, included in which the new Rajah shades are prominently represented. The jiame "Florsheim” on every shoe of that make stands for quality the same as heretofore. Con­ sider what you get, not what you pay. "Flor- sheim's” are reasonably priced compared with the value obtained^ Per $1.98 Yard 40 inch wide all silk Crepes de Chine for Waists, arty dressesand Negligees in the following shades, 1 eacock - Plum-Burgundy — Corn — Grey—Golf Blue—Maize—Wisteria—Lavender—Ivory—Coral— Lead—Amethyst—Russian Green -Nile—Rose Pink T y Blue—\ erbena as well as such staple shades as Bhck” " ,Ute*’Navy Blue-Midnight Blue and Exquisite Blouse Models Just Received—made of Georgette and Crepe de Chine and Priced very Specially at $4.50 .nrf$6.45 Two Smart Models Red Cross Shoes. In the New Fall "How Comfortable!” is an exclamation our shoe litters frequently hear when trying on a pair of these famous Red Cross Shoes with the "bends with the foot” feature. "And so stylish, too!” Yes! they are both stylish and comfortable- just look at the two styles pictured above and you can­ not but admit that they are as smart, stylish and sightly as any shoe could possibly be. The model on the left is an 8i inch top all kid shoe and can be obtained in dark grey or brown. It can also be had in dark grey or brown kid vamp with cloth tops to match. The model on the right is an 8‘. inch top all kid shoe and is shown in black only. These shoes are priced from $8.95 to $12.00. DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT. Those ladle«’ who nre unable to do their own .ewing will tint! the DreMmaking Department on the Balcony the logical place to vi.it. Mr*. Pinkney, the lady in charge <* a very competent cutter and designer, and will be glad to give you the benefit of her help and advice. Hematitching of all kind* of fabric* at reasonable price*. To *ay that these Blouse« are values extraordinary is exag­ gerating not one bit for they were bought under a plan that brings them here at a price far below their actual worth to­ day. Only one store in each city could secure these Blouses and we as sole distributers in Tillamook are passing on the saving to you. Choose your size and style as early a* possible for there is sure to be a rush for such charming styles as these two low price«. The color selections include: — French blue, Hunter green, coral, flesh, shell pink, grey, maize, black and white. Ses 2nd Av«. Windoar Tonight. Wonderful Selection of Suberb Creations In Fall Chapeaux. If any difficulty is experi­ enced in choosing vour au­ tumn Chapeaux it will be because of the immense se­ lection offered and not be­ cause of your inability to find vour own particular style. There are Pattern Hat*, tailored model*, beaversand velvet sailors, etc., in the richest of autumn shades. We have also jn*t received a large selection of new shape* as well a* a beauti­ ful variety of ostrich feather and novel bird trimmings. Miss Rundlett, the trimmer in charge of the Department is a milliner of many years wide and varied experience and her help and advice will be gladly given nt all times. Any changes you wish made will be will­ ingly carried out or any special orderswill be taken care of by Miss Rundlett, herself. Department on the B.i.ony. Ladies’ Munsingwear Union Suits Three Styles as Illustrated $2.00 Each. Nice fine quality medium weight bleached Cot­ ton I mon Suits in styles as illustrated. Perfect S’s'X' W“ri"K’ shape re,ai"i"K S tylk 21—Low neck-no sleeves-no button«— ankle length. S tylk S tti . k 17- Half low neck—short ankle length. K.gularSizes 34 t<. Io. •leevee—half open front |>vr Suit. . . $2 00 Extra Sizes 41 to 50. Per Suit « Other spies and qualities from $1 25 to $¡.25