TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OOTOÊLD 24, 1918, THE NOVEMBER ELECTION BALLOT. STATE. FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR IN CONGRESS, To Fill Vacancy in Term Ending March 4, 1919. 12 MARTHA E. BEAN, of Malheur County 13 FRED W. MULKEY, of Multnomah County Socialist. Republican. FOR UNITED SENATOR IN CONGRESS, For Term Beginning March 4, 1919. Vote For One. Republican. 14 CHAS. L. McNARY, of Marion County 15 ALBERT SLAUGHTER, of Marion County 16 OSWALD WEST, of Multnomah County Democratic-Prohibition Socialist. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, FIRST DISTRICT, Benton, Clack- antas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill Couties. Vote for One t 17 W. C. HAWLEY, of Marion County, Republican-Democratic-Prohibition. 18 HARLIN TALBERT, of Linn County Vote For One We, the undersigned, constituting the State Tax Commission of Oregon, hereby certify that in our opinion it is necessary to levy an amount of State taxes for the fiscal year 1919 larger by $940,000.00 than Republican the amount limited by the Constitution of Oregon, unless specifical­ Independent ly authorized by a vote of the people. '47 R. 0. RICHARDS From careful investigation we believe that the proposed specific ■ increase of the State levy of taxes for 1919 is necessary that de­ ficiency debts incurred for maintenance of State institutions and Vote For One I OR COUNTY CORONER departments mav be paid, that increased cost of necessary labor and supplies during the ensuing biennium may oc anticipated, that '48 Republican ROY N. HENKLE unavoidable obligations in war emergencies may be met ana than the credit of the State may be preserved. The amount specified is estimated as equivalent to an average levy of one mill on the dollar of the total assessed valuation cf the State for the current year. PROPOSED BY PETITION. Witness our hands and the seal of the State Tax Commission this seventeenth day of September. 1918 VOTE FOR OR AGAINST STOCK RUNNING AT LARGE IN GARIBALDI JAMES WITHYCOMBE. Governor, Chairman. PRECINCT ( ( Seal of the ) EflT W. OLCOTT, Secretary of State VOTE FOR OR AGAINST STOCK RUNNING AT LARGE IN NEHALEM (State Tax Commission ) THOS. B. KAY. State Treasurer. PRECINCT. ( Oregon ) CHAS. V. GALLOWAY, Tax Commissioner VOTE FOR OR AGAINIST STOCK RUNNING AT LARGE IN THAT POR­ Filed in the office of the Secretary of State. September 17. 1918 TION OF WILSON PRECINCT, described as follows: Commencing at the S. E. corner of Sec. 18, Tp. 1 S., R. 7 West. W. M.. in Ore­ Shall the increase of $940,000.00, as stated in the foregoing certificate, in i gon, running thence North along said Section line to the N. E. the total amount of the State levy of taxes for the year 1919 over the amount otherwise limited by the Constitution of Oregon, be corner of Section 31 Tp. 2 N. pf R. 7 West; thence West to N. W. corner of Section 31 in Tp. 2 N., R. 8 West, thence South to S. W. authorized? _________ Vote YES or NO j comer of Section 18 Tp. 1 S. of R. 8 West; thence East to place of beginning at S. E. comer of Section 18, Tp. 1 S of R. 7 West W. M. 312 Yes in Oregon. No 313 I for county commissioner , for 46 H. M. FARMER r 4-year Term REFERRED to the PEOPLE by the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. le.e.-i ol the said defendants in and to the real property hereinafter de­ Submitted By The Legislature—ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING That the germ is the cause of most, scribed, to satisfy said judgment, Vote For One FOR GOVERNOR SOUTHERN AND EASTERN OREGON NORMAL SCHOOLS— deadly disease is more than mere costs and expenses incurred under Purpose: To amend Article 14 of the Constitution of Oregon by theory—it is a real fact. The work said execution, I, \V. L. Campbell, Democratic WALTER M. PIERCE, of Union County, 19 adding Section 4; appropriating one hundred and twenty-five of tuberculosis sanitoriums, the ty­ Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, thousand dollars to establish “Southern Oregon Normal School” at phoid hospitals in the canal zone, in Tillamook, Oregon, on Saturday, Socialist B. F. RAMP, of Marion County 20 Ashland, and one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars to es­ the vaccine laboratories are all evi­ the 23rd day of November, 1918, at tablish “Eastern Oregon Normal School” east of Cascade Moutains; dence ot the fact that the safety of ten o’clock a.m? of said date, at the Republican 1 JAMES WITHYCOMBE, of Marion County 21 providing for maintenance of each school respectively, from funds man does not depend or. good or b;.d front door of the Court House of said procured by levying one twenty-fifth mill tax upon each dollar of luck, but upon the tight which each Tillamook County, will sell for cash ——... ~ j i taxable property within the State, for Southern Oregon Normal individual makes upon the disease in hand to the highest bidder, in School, and a like tax for Eastern Oregon Normal School: all funds germs, the cause of most losses of obedience to said judgment, order Vote For One FOR STATE TREASURER hereby appropriated shall be .expended by Board of Regents of life and dollars. In selecting a weap­ and execution, all the right, title and Republican Normal Schools. Vote YES or NO on io kill the germs of disease several, interest of said deiendauts, which. 0. P. HOFF, of Multnomah County 22 vital questions must be looked squar- j they, or either of them had at 3 ' Yes. Democratic 300 DAVID P. MASON, of Linn County 23 ely in the face or disi.ifectanting will o’clock p.m., July 16, 1918, or at any be little belter than useless. First— time thereafter, in and to thertollow- No Socialist 301 PAULINE SEARS, of Malheur County 24 Has tile disinfectant the power to ing described real property, situated ' | in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: kill all kinds of disease germs? 2nd, -'Ubmitted by the Legislature—ESTABLISHING DEPENDENT, DELIN­ Can the disinfectant be used safely i The Southwest quarter of the QUENT AND DEFECTIVE CHILDREN S HOME, APPROPRIAT­ whenever disease germs are found? > Southwest quarter and the Southeast Vote For One FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT ING MONEY THEREFOR—Purpose: Appropriating the sum of 3rd, Is it effective, when used any- quarter ’ of the Southeast quarter two hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be where and every where, and by any . of Section 5, Township- 2, South, Socialist H. W. EVANS, of Douglas County 25 necessary to establish a Home to be known as “The Home for State body, and can it be used with safety? ! of Range 10, West of the Wlllam- Republican CHARLES A. JOHNS, of Multnomah County Wards,” for dependent, delinquent and defective children, who Therefore a disinfectant that can be ■ ette Meridian, and Lot 1, Sec­ 26 shall be committed to said home by lawful authority of the State; used with safety must not be a poison tion 8, said Township, lying North authorizing the State Board of Control to acquire a site and title to or coatine acid, whereas poisonous and west of the Netarts County road. real estate for said home at some point within the City of Portland, disinfectants endanger the life of Dated this October. 22, 1918. FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. To Fill Vacancy Caused by the or within five miles from the corporate limits of said city, and to human beings or animals, this can be W. L. Campbell, Death of Justice Frank A. Moore. Vote For One. construct buildings, and provide necessary equipment therefor, in­ verified by turning to the files of Sheriff of Tillamook cluding furnishings, lighting and heating Vote YES or NO our daily papers. When buying a dis­ County, Oregon. infectant be sure what you buy as First publication Oct. 24, 1918. 302 Yes your life may depend on that pur­ Last publication November 21, 1918. Vote For One FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL chase, look at {he label, note the 303 No germ killing power and if it Is poison GEORGE M. BROWN, of Douglas County 27 Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. or not. Disinfectants are measured Republican-Democratic-Prohibition ----- o upon the germ killing strength of REFERENDUM ORDERED BY PETITION OF THE PEOPLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of undiluted carbolic acid, which they Socialist E. L. CANNON, of Douglas County 28 term a phenol coefficient. Look for Oregon for the County of Tillamook. Referred by the authority of H. L. Christensen, 21 North Third Street, Port­ the phenol coefficient on the label. Smith-Wagoner Company. land, Oregon—PROHIBITING SEINE AND SET-NET FISHING IN A corporation, Plaintiff. B. K. was tested by the United Vote For One F0R SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ROGUE RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES-^-Purpose: Declaring it un- States Hygiene Laboratory and found vs. lawful (1) Rogue 1 River Ri , . to fish for salmon or other fish in ____ or to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus Charles Stonehouse and Mat- Republican-Democratic J. A. CHURCHILL, of Baker County 29 tributaries by means of sein or set-net; (2) to fish for salmon or or ten times stronger than undiluted tie Stonehouse, Defendants. other fish, except with hook and line, in Rogue River or tributaries carbolic acid as a germ killer. Much Pursuant to an execution issued, Socialist INEZ AUGUSTA LUSK, of Coos County 30 below or west of line extending due south from highest point of stronger than coal tar disinfectants out of the above entitled court, to I me directed, dated October 23rd. Doyles Rock near mouth of Rogue River, and in waters of Pacific —much safer. Ocean within a radius of three miles of mouth of Rogue River; pro­ Safe—B-K. contains .no .poison. I 1918, and a judgment, decree and viding punishment for violation of act by fine or imprisonment, or acid or oil. order of sale rendered and entered FOR COMMISSIONER OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS AND both; and giving Justices of Peace concurrent jurisdiction with Clean—B.-K. is colorless, leaves in the above entitled cause, October INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS Vote For One . Circuit Courts of violations. Vote YES or NO stain on floors or walls. 12, 1918, in favor of Smith-Wagoner Drodorant— B.--K. destroys foul Company, Republican-Democratic I C. H. GRAM, of Multnomah County Plaintiff, vs Charles SI 304 Yes odors leaves no odor of itself. 'Stonehouse and Mattie Stonehouse* Socialist ! AUGUST NIKULA, of Clatsop County 32 Cheap to Use—B.-K. is so much defendants, for $158.70, and the 305 No stronger than other disinfectants further sum of $18.00 costs, which that it does more disinfecting for the sums bear interest at 6 per cent per Referred by Clackamas County Fishermen’s Union: President, Charles Gates same money. Use it in Barber Shops, annum from October 12, 1918, and FOR COMMISSIONER OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF 410 Madison St., Oregon City, Oregon; Secretary, Andrew Naterlin, Barns, Bath Tubs. Bleaching, bread the costs ot this writ, commanding OREGON Vote For One 1420 Madison St., Oregon City, Oregon; Treasurer, Anton Naterlin, boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards, me to make sale of the Southwest 1420 Madison St.. Oregon City, Oregon—CLOSING THE WILLAM­ cuts and scratches, house and kitch­ Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Socialist JOHN E. JOHNSON, of Malheur County 33 ETTE RIVER TO COMMERCIAL FISHING SOUTH OF OSWEGO— en. laundry, nasal and throat sprays, the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Purpose: Closing Willamette River and tributaries, North of the nursing bottles, operating rooms, Tp. 1 South, Range 9 .West, W. M. FRED A. WILLIAMS, of Josephine County 34 WIC8UI1, County, von_ South line of Section 11, Township 2 South, Range 1 East to salmon purifying air, sick rooms, etc. , , , ............. in Tillamook Oregon, con- Republican-Democratic B.”K. is »ot a cure all but athor- taining 10 acres more or less, I will, fishing except with hook and line, from March 15th to May 1st, »nd from June 15th to November 1st: and above said line, at all ough germ killer. Protect yourself on Monday, November 25th 1918'at times; forbidding any person catching more than three salmon in now against any dangerous disease io o'clock a.m. at the front door of FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER DIVISION NUMBER ONE. Benton, one day with hook ana line in any portion of said river closed to germs that you may come in contact the County Court House, for Tilla- Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, net fishing during closed season; forbidding sale of salmon taken with by using B.-K. B.-K is sold in mook County, at Tillamook. Oregon, Josephine, Klamatn, Lake, Lane, Lincoln. Linn, Marion. Multno­ with hook and line during closed season; limiting number of troll­ quart and gallon bottles. Our guar­ sell, at public auction (subject to mah, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill Counties. ing outfits in any boat to number of occupants Vote YES or NO antee. B—K stands absolutely on redemption; to the highest bidder what it does for you. Use it according for cash, all the estate, right, title Vote For One. to directions then if you don’t find and interest which the above named 306 Yes it exactly as represented by us we defendants, or either of them, had, Socialist MAX BURGHOLZER, of Lane County 35 No 307 will refund your money—For sale by on the 3rd day qf Marc^, 1915, or Kuppenbender, bith phones. PERCY A. CUPPER, of Marion County Republican-Democratic 36 which they, or either of them, or any person claiming through them, or PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION, Notice of Final Account. either of them, since that date ac­ ------ o------ quired, or now have, in and to the FOR REPRESENTATIVE, FOURTEENTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT, Initiated by C. S. Jackson and R. W. Hagood—DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the above described property, or any Tillamook and Yamhill Counties. Vote For One. BILL—-Purpose : To repeal present laws requiring newspaper ad­ undersigned has filed her final ac- vertisement of delinquent taxes and in lieu thereof providing that count as executrix of the last will part thereof, to satisfy said execu­ C. J. EDWARDS, Of Tillamook County Republican 37 tax collector shall, after taxes become delinquent each year, mail and testament of Elizabeth J. Good- tion, judgment, decree, order of sale, by letter to each owner of real property at aduiess furbished by him speed, deceased, in the county court costs and accruing costs. W. L. Campbell, and noted on roll, a written notice containing description, amount of Tillamook County, Oregon, and Sheriff of Tillamook >f taxes, rate of interest, penalties and date on and after which said court has appointed Monday, County, Oregon. COUNTY. certificate of delinquency shall issue; providing for posting of de­ the 25th day of November, 1918, at Last publication Nov. 21st, 1918. linquent lists and proof by certificate of mailing and posting, mak­ ten o'clock, a.m., at the county court First publication Oct. 24, 1918. Vote For One FOR COUNTY CLERK. ing such certificate conclusive evidence thereof, and subjecting room, in the court house in Tilla­ collector to damages sustained for failure to comply with act. ERWIN HARRISON Republican-Democratic _____________________________________________________ Vote YES or NO mook City, Oregon, as the time and 38 Notice of Final Account. place for hearing objections to said ------- o------- account, and the settlement thereof. Yes 308 Dated, this October 24th. 1918. The undersigned have filed their Anna Hess, Executrix. final account in the County Court oE 309 No H. T. Botts, Attorney. Tillamook County, Oregon, and saitl — court has appointed Monday, Novem­ Initiated by C. S. Jackson, 610 Salmon Street. Portland. Oregon, and R. W. ber 11th, 1918, at the court house in Notice of Sheriff's Sale. Hagood. 1109 East Davis Street. Portland. Oregon—FIXING COM­ ------- o------- Tillamook City. Oregon, at 10 o'clock PENSATION FOR PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICES—Purpose : In the Circuit Court of the State of a.m., as the time and place for hear­ Vote For One FOB COUNTY TREASURER Fixing compensation for publication of all notices, summonses, cita­ Oregon, for Tillamook County. ing objections to said final account tions. county financial statements, reports, proceedings, and all ¡Jas. M. Erickson, Plaintift. and the final settlement thereof. Alt Independent W. L. BRYAN 40 other legal advertisements of whatsoever kind which now or V8. persons interested will govern them-e hereafter may be required published: providing that newspapers W. A. Clark and Mrs. W A. Clark selves accordingly. Independent CANZADA EVERSON 41 may contract for lower rates: that publication proof of such legal Defendant. Dated this October 10th, 1918. notices shall include amount charged for publication : that legal Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ Edgar K. Gilbert, Independent KATHLEEN MILLS 42 advertising required for irrigation, school aud road districts be, tue of a judgment in the above en­ William J. Gilbert. published in local papers : amending Section 2903 Lord’s Oregon ! FRANCES B STRANAHAN Independent titled cause and court, made and en­ 43 Administrators of the Laws by classifying newspapers per circulation in counties of ; tered on the 7th day of October, 1918, Estate of Daniel W. Gil­ 150.000 or more inhabitants; repealing Section 2911 Lord^sOregon ,n favor of thl. ^Te7um^pü^ bert. Deceased. „LawsandChapter 385.Laws 19b._____________ Vote YES or> ti„ _Ild u_alnb. the nbove ’ " tiff, and against the above named de- H. T. Botts, Attorney, FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR Vote For One For Administrators. ! fendants, and each of them, for the 310 Yes. I sum of 8422.27, and costs in the fur­ W. S. COATES 44 Republican-Democratic ther sum of $12.40. and by virtue of A Bargain in a Choice Buildiing Spot 311 No an order of sale for attached real property, made and entered on the One of the beet bargains in a FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, to fill Vacancy in Term Ending January 1. REFERRED BY THE STATE TAX COMMISSION. last named date, and of an attach­ building . pot. just at the edge of the 1921. Vote For One ment execution, issued by authority city limits, can be secured for a Certificate of Necessity for Increase in State Tax Levy for 1919. of- said judgment and order on the few days. Nothing better in the H V. ALLEY Republican-Democratic 45 ¡1st day of Oct., 1918, commanding county. You will buy If you investi­ (Issued under authority of Chapter 150, Laws of 1917.) me to sell all the right, title and in- gate. See Everson. STATE OF OREGON, County of Manon, ss. * SANITATION. b