TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 24, 1918 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. citizens of Oregon are going to vote I no telling whose property will be enlng the alliance with Germany I for him to remain on the job to con- | destroyed. An illustration of this was must go. This policy is in contridic- F. C. BAKER. Publisher. UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN | Board, K. of C., Salvation Army, War I Camp Community Service, American DRIVE IS. NEXT. ; Library Association. Huts are estab­ .> — laudable .-.. j - l ,- ef­ experienced jn the fire at Beaver. 1 tion of the idea of a more subsequent that lished where the soldier may spend the state a good I v»e are heartily in accord with better separate alliance." To Help Seven Patriotic Organiza­ his leisure time. Entertainment is Subscription Count Tisza, the former Hungarian is justly entitled I fire protection for timber and more tions Engaged in War Work. furnished him and he is given that stringent laws being enacted to Premier, speaking in the Hungarian care and attention that he would ------- o------- bring this about. The three regret- lower house, according to a Budapest Never in the history ot the world have received in a greater measure, The persons who “beat it” and ob­ - able fires at Beaver, and on the Kil- dispatch, says: has there been so spectacular an ex­ at home. These huts overseas are the o-------- "We have lost the war in the sense ample of supreme importance of mor­ tain more sugar than they were al­ • chis and Wilson rivers is the best ( nearest thing to home that the sol- It is hard to dodge Spanish Influ­ lowed by swearing ralsely, won’t find I kind of argument in favor of better that in consequence of the shifting of ale as is now being presented on the (dler knows. To support this great enza, for we see that three persons it quite so sweet when they have to i fire protection. There were three the relative strength we can no long­ western front. The forces that con- I work there will be a drive for funds 1 . xultno.nuu jail were attacked. pay a big fine. The government ask­ • causes resulting from the three ser- er hope to win the war." tront each other are not widely dis­ by the United War Work Campaign Therefore, he said, he approved the ed the people but a small thing when i ious Urea iu this county this year: 'me Polk County Observer says: mey requested them to use less sug­ ■ 1st, the people of Beaver did not offer of Germany to make peace on similar iu numoer or equipment. Yet November 11 to 18. "The seven newspapers published in ar, and served everybody alike in the i realize the serious menace of a the basis of President Wilson’s 14 one army is constantly withdrawing aud tne other nristuble moving for­ Yamhill county, realizing that the amount they couid obtain. Those i smouldering fire in the vicinity un­ and supplementary points. Bay City Nominates Ticket. ward. The difference is spelled in the game is a losing one under present who get stung can blame themselves, til it was too late; 2nd, the fire up Count Tisza was Premier of Hun­ single word—morale. conditions, have joined in raising but it will show also that tue parties i the Wilsou river was nothing but gary at the outbreak of the war. He The following city ticket was nom­ Now that the Liberty Loan is over their price to two dollars a year.' were not very loyal citizens. We do i gross carelessness; and 3rd, the fire has been looked upon as one of the l there is just one more task tor the inated at Bay City. Mayor—C. F. Girard. not know who the parties are, but up the Kilchls river was incendiary men in Austria-Hungary most re­ lean people—to provide the It has been suggested thut the it won t be long before they nave to and committed by a person who had sponsible tor the declaration of war Treasurer—John O. Bozorth. bojs ' com.oris of me for American people use masks to prevent Spanish settle with the government authori­ 'destruction in his mind. It was a Recorder—J. C. McClure. against Serbia. through me unitea War Work Cam­ influenza. That means one would ties. Councilmen—2 years, W. C. Hawk, i sinister motive, for the fire had paign, which uas tor the purpose of have to keep a mask on day and I evidetnly been premeditated and Theo. Jacoby and J. T. Nevins; one Money in Chickens. raising funas, amalgamated tne sev­ night Why that would be some pen- I The embargo plays havoc with j started after the fire wardens had year, A. Beebeheiser, N. C. Hansen night. Why that would be some pen- some businesses, tor it puQs the been withdrawn and when it was 1 They ail say there is nothing in en organizations uoing welfare work and S. W. Smith. tor the soldiers and sailors—the Y. ance. "movies ” out of business and the j thought that all danger of a forest chickens. I say there is. From Sep­ M. C. a ., 1. vv. u. A., K. oi C., War -------- o ' pool rooms are closed up. But school fire was over. It is still a mystery as tember 1st, 1917, until September 1st, Camp Community Service, Jewish Commissioner For the South End of Don’t be penny wise and pound teachers are severely hit. If the em­ ' to the origin, but one guess is just as 1918, 1 had 47 hens, the first six Tillamook County. Weitare coaru, American Library foolish if the Spanish influenza bargo remains in full force for sev­ good as another. Was it started by 1 months, and the last six months I Association anu Salvation Army. brings you down. Better take the had 25 hens, half White Legnorns eral months it is going to raise the some I. W. W. or pro-German, or We the undersigned citizens of Til­ it is me service rendered by these wise precaution and send for a doc­ question whether a teacher can hold somebody who had a grudge against and half Ancona.. The feed and all lamook County have known R. O. organizations that makes tor the tor immediately, for it Is better to a school district for his or her salary. some of the timber owners out of expenses were 3110-44 and I cleared spiendid morale of the American Ricnards the Independent candidate pay a doctor for his services than an ,rUi of them have contracts that are resentment for the agitation started 3102.00.—H. Booth. armies. General Pershing in a recent for County Commissioner for the undertaker. binding, and the school district in the county a few years ago? We tetter commenting on the work of south end of the county for many 1 should not treat them as scraps of hope the latter is not the case, but I Notice. The city caucus is scheduled for these agencies quoted with approval years, and know him to be honest ----- o------- paper. The embargo puts the preach­ these three fires only go to prove the and reliable. the 27th and there’s an embargo on Notice is hereby given, that a the statement of one of his colonels ers in the same class as the teachers, necessity of more stringent fire pro­ And we believe he will make the holding public meetings in the city. I who said “Give me nine men who 1 but tney could overcome partly their tection. We feel sorry that some of caucus will be held at the City Hall, best man we could elect for county As it would not look very consistent have a hut to spend their evenings of Tillamook, County of difficulties by having one sermon the timber owners have had such in the City to hold a caucus, we move that the in and I will have.a better fighting Commissioner. He has done consider­ printed in the Headlight each week serious losses, which came at a time Tillamook, and State of Oregon, on city election be deferred, or better force than ten men would be without able road work in the south end of and reach their congregations in that when most of us thought all danger Saturday, the 26th day of October, the county as road supervisor, and still keep all the city officials on the I way. As several thousand persons of forest fires were over and we were 1918, at 8 o’clock p.m. Said caucus is it.’ job. Dr. John R. Mott, director general his work has always been satisfac­ to be held for the purpose of nomina ­ 'Congratulating ourselves thut we had I read the Headlight every week and of the United War Work Campaign tory, showing he was industrious, ting candidates for city offices. ' carefully read it from the first to the escaped for another year. The Kaiser and his German Gott, says, “If it is worth twenty-four bil­ and had good judgment in road By order of the Common Council. j last page, the preachers would be must have dissolved partnership, or lion dollars to keep our boys under building. Dated October 7th, 1918. addressing a big congregation in ­ Here is your chance to get a man peradventure the latter is taking a Honor in Politics. arms next year surely it is worth a A. H. Gaylord for County Commissioner that is long journey, but the Beast of Ber­ stead ot a sparce one with a lot of hundred and seventy million and City Recorder. At the primary election there were lin don’t seem to be placing as i empty pews. more to add ten percent to their capable, honest, patriotic, and an five candidates for county commis­ much confidence in hlB Gott as he fighting edge to bring victory ten old time Tillamooker, who has suc­ I Germany is trying to bluff and de­ sioner on the Republican ticket. All No Gasoline For Sale on Sundays. used to. Even the Kaiser's German per cent nearer. This is the appeal of ceeded in his business as a farmer. ------ o—— ceive President Wilson and the I of w wllulll wurB glxm hom were good men men and reliable, Gott can’t stop the on-rushing armies the seven united war worn agencies If you want such a capable man for The Oregon State Council of De ­ .American people. It won’t succeed, | respected citizens. They r were: D D. A A. fense has requested that no delivery to America and particularly to those County Commissioner vote for R. O. of the allies. | however^ for the United States U ful-I BanCyj H M Farmer, A A Imiah, ------ o------ lour million homes where service Richards. Tuesday November 5, 1918. ly convinced **■*'" that Germany cannot ‘ * *■ be ole B. Redberg and John Weiss. They of gasoline, engine distillate or other The embargo stops all meetings. O. P. Mattoon, Hebo. trusted, and she must surrender un­ all put up a clean gentlemanly fight, petroleum products be made on Sun­ nags fly. E. E. Cross, Hebo. But what about the postoffice? "Viewed as a total sunt, 3170,500- conditionally if she wants peace. with no mud slinging or ill feeling day and as a result the Standard Oil Every afternoon the office is packed P. H. Messner, Cloverdale. That is the unanimous opinion of all amongst any of them, which is some­ Company has announced that begin­ 000 seems gigantic, but divide by the full of persons, like so many sardines J. C. Dunn, Meda. tour minion men who will be under ning Sunday, October 20th, and here ­ the allied countries. If she will not thing unusual in a political scrap. in a box, and the atmosphere becomes H. A. Hess, Meda. do so then the war must go on until It was a fair, clean race and H. M. after until further notice, all of their arms in our army and navy during so foul and poluted that one could D. M. Penter, Cloverdale. Germany is forced to surrender in Farmer won the nomination and is distributing stations in the State of me period it is expected to cover and almost cut it with a knife. This is an W. N. Bays, Beaver. day Oregon, including their automobile it means less than 15 cents per that manner. But Germany is some­ now the Republican candidate for excellant place for Spanish Influenza W. Clent King, Beaver. service stations, will be closed on per man. what in the same predicament as county commissioner and is justly to start its deadly work. C. H. Wolfe, Tillamook. "Surely there is no father or | Austria-Hungary, the German people entitled to Republican support as Sunday. No sale or delivery of any ------- o------- Thos Coates, Tillamook. mother or friend of a soldier in this are also demanding peace and con­ well as those who would play fair in kind will be made on that day. Did the Republican party swallow Alex. McNair, Tillamook. As in the case of the recent an­ great country who will say that ditions are becoming more serious politics. up the Democratic party at the pri­ M. W. Harrison, Tillamook. every week, with more or less rebel­ The Headlight took no active part in nouncement regarding the sale of nlteen cents a day is too much to mary election? It looks thut way by E. T. Haltom, Tillamook. lion in the army and German soldiers the primary election. We treated all gasoline and engine distillate on spend on his church, his home, his the number of Republican candidate E. Jenkins, Tillamook. u. i j , giving themselves up whenever they five candidates for this office with week-days only between the hours of library, his theatre and his club over on the ballot who have obtained also ’___ ” _____ ,,___ „_____ u C. H. Little, Tillamook. ’ .have a chance. General Foch is strik- the same consideration, having decid­ 6 a.m. and 6 p.nu, this latter request there.” Democratic nominations, and which The United War Work Campaign . Ing hard on all fronts and the Ger- ed to support at the general election by the State Council of Defense is also goes to prove the oft repeated Paid Adv. Paid for by O. P. Mat­ , man army is on the retreat. No won­ the candidate who received the nom­ made for that purpose of conserving is being made at the request of Pres­ assertion that the Democratic party toon and E. E. Cross. der that Germany wants peace now ination. That is the reason we are man-power. It is expected that all ident Wilson. is run in the interest of a few mem­ The state quotas in the West are that it is in a serious predicament, now supporting Mr. Farmer, for he users of petroleum products will bers of that party. To the Voter* of Tillamook County. with Bulgaria having deserted her is the regular Republican nominee patriotically co-operate in making as iollows: ---------0-------- - ef- this important new war measure California . 34 688,750 and Austria-Hungary and Turkey on in a fair, honorable race for the of­ Your support respectively solicited Say Friend Cross, how are you go­ fective. Washington 1,278,750 the point of doing so. fice. , ing to square himself with the peo­ Oregon, . .. 767.250 at the coming election for the office I The primary election law gives of Commissioner. ple of the Little Nestucca Valley? Fourth Liberty Loan Drive. Mantana, . 511,500 The editorial in the Oregonian, everybody an opportunity, who wish, You were one of those who protested R. O. Richards. —-o Idaho .......... 426.250 aguinst the county building the road "Kalseristn at Home,” and which we to aspire to office, but unfortunately, (Continued From First Page) Utah .......... 341.000 acros the mud flats, which was a 1 reprint In this issue, should be care­ no matter how fair and square a 196,075 To the People of Tillamook County. 100.00 Wyoming . project of Herman Farmer's, and we fully read by the voters of Oregon, primary election may be run. there J. A. Wilson ........................ Nevada ... 85,250 50.00 ‘ ‘ * r shows the initia .ve are always some disgruntled persons Will Roerecke ...................... I am now located In Cloverdale, to understand you and your candidate I ** plainly 50.00 Milei if Film. Will C. Hudson .................... do Notary work. Fire Insurance and made yourselves very conspicuous in and referendum law can be abused who will not play fair in politics. We have an illustration of this in J. J. Hudson.......................... 50.00 The average weekly shipment of real-estate. If you have any business other Little Nestucca Valley Improv­ 1 for spite and to do others a rang in- f justice, also by false and misleading Bob Richards becoming a candidate W. G. Hudson ...................... 50.00 films to France Is more than fifteen in my line I will treat you right, and ements by opposing them. I assertions on the part ot C. S. Jack- for county commissioner, It seems Frank Taylor ...................... 50.00 miles. The average weekly attend­ appreciate your business, My office 'son, editor of the Portland Journal. that Mr. Richards was not very anx- I As win anticipated, President Wil­ 100.00 ance is placed at 2,500,000. Every is in the old Cloverdale Courier J. R. Bidgood........................ son has refused to comply with Aus­ ■ The country papers are opposed to ious to make the race, but E. E. J. M. Traxler........................ 100.00 show is tree and under the direction building, if you do not find me there tria-Hungary’s plea for an armistic, i Jackson's pet single tax scheme, CrosB, a well known Socialist of the Hallie F. Gould .................... . . . 100.00 of the Y. M. C. A., K. of C. or one call on telephone, our residence. of the seven welfare organizations Yours to serve. R. Y. Blalock. which meets the general approval. | which throw the burden of taxation south part of the county, succeeded W. H. Candle ........................ 50.00 recognized by the government. To The president is well Informed as to on those who own land, and this is In inducing him to run. We are also 100.00 Joseph Steinmassel ............. maintain this work tor the soldiers To The Voten of Tillamook County. that country’s internal troubles, and ¡one reason why he has initiated two informed that Mr. Cross has a per­ 50.00 and sailors a drive for funds will be G. R Schaffer........................ hie reply will help to bring about 'measures, one of which gives a high sonal grievance against Mr. Farmer. 50.00 made by the United War Work Com- Through a misunderstanding in an a much more serious state or of arraim! affairs rBte ,or leKal advertising to Mult­ We publish these facts to enlighten J. C. Dunn ............................. 50.00 paign November 11 to 18. article over my signature last week for i Qom*h county and a starvation rate the voters, and to show how a mem­ A. W. Hess............................ there. There Is but one t thing ---- „ — 100.00 the statement was made that I would Austrla-Hungury to do. and that is >o |he nther counJ*^8 °t Oregon. We ber of another party can bring about Frank Wilson........................ For Home Letteri. be willing to do the recorder’s work t D. J. Dunn............................... . 200.00 to follow Bulgaria's example , and ask any fair minded person whether dissatisfaction in another party. Between the seven weitare agen ­ | thia is right and just and whether We think Mr. Richards is a fine H. J. Gould............................ In addition to that of the treasurer. 50.00 surrender unconditionally. cies doing work tor the soldiers m 'they are going to allow this unjust gentleman, but certainly he has 50.00 home and overseas more than 125,- I am a candidate for the office of Mr and Mrs. H. Burke ... . ------ o treasurer only, and for no reason ex­ “Amending Section 2903 1 Lord's discrimination? If Jackson Is succea- made a great mistake in coming out Oretown. 000,UOU sheets ot stationery are sup­ cept the privilege which belongs to Oregon Law by classifying news­ tul, there is nothing to prevent him and having the support of Socialists, James Taggert ..................... . 50.00 plied every month tor the men to any — citizen. papers per circulation In counties of from Initiating measures to discrim- for that party was honeycombed with Jesse C. Taggert................. 50.00 write letters home. This means that Inate against other businesses and pro-Germans. Mr. Cress should have Respectfully yours, 150.000 or more Inhabitants.*'. Oscar E. Taggart................ 100.00 halt a million dollars is kept tied up Canzada Everson. That Is one clause you will see attorneys who have legal business induced a Socialist to have run for Stella V. Christensen......... in postage stamps to meet the calls . 500.00 the office or run himself. (Paid Advt.) printed on the official ballot In C. S. outside of Multnomah county. ot the soldiers. Wm. Redberg ........................ 50.00 ------ - — Jackson's measures. Few persons un­ I H. E. Follett ........................ 50.00 Staggering Figures. An Explanation. derstand it. But In plain English ' Very few persons have given The Situation in Austria. L. J. Redberg........................ 50.00 One ot me seven organizations do ­ this la what it means: Multnomah much thought to peace proposals ------ O------ Mrs. Stranahan Informed me that 50.00 ing welfare work for the soldiers county publishers will be allowed to from this stand point. Suppose It had I Anyone can see that Austria-Hun­ Lillie G. Redberg................. been ’ the allied nations that was su ­ Flora B. Carver.................... 50.00 overseas shipped to the men over some people are under the impression charge nearly twice the amount for gary is going to capitulate and agree 50.00 there during the period from July that the county clerk, acting on my legal advertising as the other count­ ing for peace, this is what Germany to unconditional surrender. It is only Frank Carver ........................ I would have done. Annex Belgium, 1917 to August 1918: 1, »59,156 advice, does not intend to place her Roy K. Redberg .................... . 100.00 ies of the state. I large parts of the Balkans. Russia, a matter of time. She la simply wait­ cans of fruit; 14,510,000 packages name upon the ballot as a candidate o------- Roy Turner ............................ 50.00 ing to see if Germany can bluff the of chewing gum; 648,785,802 cigar­ for county treasurer, and requests The United War Work Campaign Is France «nd Italy, and England as allied countries by obtaining better F. W. Redberg...................... 100.00 ettes; 463,824 pounds of cocoa; 10,- me to correct such error by a state­ confronted with a serious condition I well, and would have made the Unit­ terms In a controversy. A news item Hurburt Etzwiler.................. 50.00 227,735 pounds of sugar; 551,520 ment through the newspapers. In to carry on an effective drive, on ac­ ed States pay an Indemnity some­ from Amsterdam on Saturday shows J. S. Lowrance...................... 50.00 tubes of tooth paste; 31,279,020 order to correct such error I will count of the Spanish influenza, hence where near one hundred billion dol­ the trend of opinion in Hungary, for Mrs. Anna Jenck.................. 50.00 pounds ot flour; 2.557,481 packages state that my advice to the clerk a strong appeal is made to the news­ lars. That would be Germany"s con­ the people are sick and tired of the ditions of peace. We have no patience of tobacco; 32,358.700 cigars and was that her name should not appear papers to come to the rescue. ''Clos­ war and are demanding peace. It it 'with persons who argue that Ger­ Resolutions of Condolence. 1.865,120 cans of condensed milk. upon the ballot as a candidate of the ing up the whole slate against meet­ is not soon obtained it will plunge These figures show the need of rais­ Republican party, but It should ap­ ings," says the appeal, "we are com­ many should not be made to pay a that country into a revolution, and In accordance with a resolution pelled to resort the more strongly to big Indemnity, for fear that the peo that is the reasan why they are anx­ passed by Tillamook Lodge No. 57, ing funds to maintain the work of pear on the ballot as an Independ­ ent candidate. T. H. Goyne. pie of Germany will have to pay it. the printed word - especially news­ ious to comply with President Wil­ A. F. and A. M., at its last regular the welfare organisations which serve to keep the morale of the Allied papers" That being the case the In answer to that we may say that son s conditions. The news item says: communication, we the undersigned The Little Tank. armies at the topmost point. newspapers will, of course do Its best the German people were imbued with I "Hungary must return to its aut- committee present the following res­ to help make the War Work drive a the war spirit in August 1914, for • onomy and complete independence. " olutions: The Little "Tank" for farm work Establish Factories. when war was declared It met with success. Whzreqs. our Creator has seen fit In France and Switzerland two has made Its appearance In Tilla­ great enthusiasm on the part of the declared the draft of an address to ■ o------- King Charles which was read at the to take from our midst our beloved cracker factories and a chocolate fac­ mook County. As the army increases If the would-be Kaiser of Oregon German people. With these facts conclusion of the sitting of the lower Brother Howard B. Mlllis; we bow tory were taken over so that the the man power of Tillamook county can abuse the Initiative law. there ta confronting us. we are amongst a house of the Hungarian Parliament, in humble acknowledgment to his soldiers might have something good decreases. Therefore as the tanks on no reaeon why other wealthy Indl- large number of our citizens who says a Budapest dispatch, i infinite wisdom, and extend to the in their pockets between meals. the battle field save man power co vtduais cannot do the same to ac­ don't proposed to be chicken hearted, i "Hungary is in harmony with the sorrowing widow, relatives and This is but one feature of the work the little tank for farm work saves but look at the situation from a cold compllsh their aiins The law was International currents baaed on the friends our earnest and heartfelt which the welfare organizations are manpower. It travels on its own passed to avoid abuse of the money blooded point of view, and now do to noble principles of president Wilson s sympathy. doing overseas to serve the fighting track, it will go most anywhere. It power. Here la a flagrant case of Germany and the German people points," the address adds. I Howard B. Mlllis made the su- men. These organizations have unit­ will not pack the soil, it does its what they would have done to us If that character and abuse of the law "Hungary must be completely In­ ' preme sacrifice for a holy cause. ed in a drive for funds to continue work up fast. It does the work of to do the country papers outside of they had won the war. dependent," the address continue«. which fact we are sure la pleasing their work. The drive comes the three good men and three good three Multnomah county a dirty, mean, "The general franchise must be In­ in the right of God. For what more week of November 11 and is for horse teams. It plows, harrows, contemptible act. Show your con­ The unfortunate forest fires up the troduced and the relations of the can a man do than to give hie life 3170,500,000. The western states plants, cuts ensilage, runs wood­ tempt for that kind of trickery by Kllchis and Wilson rivers calls for various nationalities to each other for a just and righteous cause, his are asked to raise 38,525,000 of thia saws, piles logs, pulls stumps, hauls voting no to Jackson’s measures. more stringent fire protection in the must be arranged in the spirit ________ of I country, his family and his mends. sum. manure spreaders, does everything a -—o——— future. This is a matter In which the President Wilson's principles." I His sacrifice was complete, so in team can do and many things a team There is one thing most everybody timber owners and the citizens Home Influence. Count Michael Karolln. leader I _2_. of, these things let us find comfort in cannot do It produces feed and food must admit, and that is Governor should co-operate to bring about the opposition, speaking in the lower The influence of the American this hour of trial. Be it further but consumes none. It conserves man Wlthycombe has made a splendid with as little delay as possible. We home the American fighting man house of the Hungarian Parliament, Resolved that a copy of these reso­ power, horse power, time, energy and war Governor, his heart and soul be­ referred to this matter a few weeks is quoted in a dispatch from Buda­ lutions be spread upon the minute«, clear to the front line trenches. It la effort, and produces greater returns. ing in every patriotic effort to win ago. which appears to meet with the pest as saying: the first time In the world ’ s history a copy sent to the bereaved widow the war. That was the reason that he approval of the people of this county. that this is the case. This influence This little farm tank is nothing else "We ____ have ____ lost the war and we and a copy sent to the local papers. but the Cleveland Tractor. Kuppen- obtained such an overwhelming vote This Is a matter of mutual interest I ought at least to try and have'peace' is carired overseas by the seven C. B. Stanley. bender ta the sole agent in Tillamook at the primary election and that la to the timber owners and the citizens. Those men who heretofore have great welfare organisations doing R. L. Shreve County and don’t fall to have it dem­ also the reason why the patriotic for once a fire gets started there is championed the policy of strength­ work among the soldiers, the T. M. C. E. Trombley. to you.—See Kupper.ben- C. A., Y. W. C. A., Jewish Welfare onstrated der. *'---- ... tinue his — efforts •_ in fort. He has given $> 50 yr- administration and i to a second term. Editorial Snap Shots i