TILLAMOOK J2)R o. L. HOHLFELD, What the Editors Say V ET ERI NA RIAN. Eell Phone—34 J l'illamook Mutual Phone Oregon X. v’ I l > 4\ * > i i i ».SOS, >1.1> , Official dignity denies that $640,- 000.000 was wasted in airplane ex­ periments. Says half of it is in bank. Suppose $320,uu0,000 is such a small sum it isn't worth bothering about. imr-un Valiev Ne i. Daily defeat is wearing away the fighting spirit ot tlie German Hoop., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON imong the people at home. And why . ot? 'The war party promised loot and booty, and disappoint.ne^; is as OREGON. great as hopes were high. The tide of battle has turned.- Itemizer. T. BOAI.S, M.D., ------o------ The calls to the colors has decreas­ ed tlie number of applications to PHYSICIAN AND SI RGEON practice law in Oregon. At the recent Surgeon S. P. Co. examination only eleven applicants (I. O. O. E. Bldg ) took the test3 before the supreme Tillamook .... Oregon court. In an ordinary year there would have been sixty at least.— News Reporter. OBERT H. McGRATH i - ARL HABERLACH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock Tillamook W Oregon 1 Cat pelts are selling in the East at $1.24 each, and buyers admit they expect to pay more before the close ot the season. In view of the demand it is suggested that persons whose slumbers are disturbed by backfence cat paraues, can make piofitable their midnight activities by invest­ ing in shooting arms. Instead of heaving shoes and hair brushes and getting nothing better than a brief respite from annoyance, a few well directed shots will bring enough fur to compensate them for '.heir loss of sleep. Telephone Register. According to a Portland paper Sam and J. S. Spencer of the Sher­ wood district, held by the federal ATTORNEY-AT LAW authorities in the Portland Jail on a COM M ERCIA I. B U IL DING, charge of being slackers, were tried before the kangaroo court composed FIRST STREET, of prisoners in the jail on a charge TILLAMOOK, . OREGON ot harboring influenza germs in their wiskers. Tlie sensence was removal of the offending appendages and this QR. L. L. HOY, was done. According to the paper's story, the technical charge was "hid­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGE« N ing behind the bush" and the con- viction was for "hoarding alfalfa." T illamook B lock , The trial is said to iiave been ex­ The Spencer Tillamook, Oregt n, cruciatingly funny. brothers were arrested last week by sheriff Alexander, and are said to have claimed to have been above r. nona draft age, but neither could give the date of his birth. Independent. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Boe ks in The Stars and Stripes, the official < Iflice. newspaper published by the soldiers Taxes Paid for Non Residents. of the Americun Expeditionary EBSTER HOLMES, HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER fair legislation and protection being asked for by the State Editorial As­ sociation met with partial failure, although bis influence modified much ot the legislation enacted. Now lie has carried his fight to the polls, in two initiative measures the effect of which is to cripple the country These aie perilous days in the news . j r uelci., >■>!'■ ituiy in ihe »mailer communities which are suffering -;u;.i lei' .vul of labor to la;ger cities am. gene;ally feel;, g the hardships Mi ilie wui mole than iietropolitau centers. Aii that a newspaper Las to sell is its advertising »puce a.id all that it is asking i» a lair profit on same. Every article going uno the manufacture of a newspaper from paper, inks and machinery to the skilled labor has gone up in price from 40 per cent to iuu per cent in the lust four years. The price of advertising should be increased, but few country publish­ ers are able io obtain this increase, as advertising is considered by too many of the smaller town merchants as a charity and placed in a spirit of patronizing liome industry rather ihan as a paying business proposi­ tion. The value of the country newspa­ per in any community Is too great and loo well known to the voters to need further elucidation here, for it is the heart of the community, the mil l or of its activities and Hie lead­ ing factor in its development and progress. Few country papers are financial successes as compared with other lines of industry, few owners and publishers are earning salaries with­ in hundreds of dollars proportionate to their labor and responsibilities— so why enact legislation which will prove a hardship and oppress this important part of our state's indus­ try.—Oregon Voter. 24,1918 Call a Halt on Mock Heriocs. In a single eaght hour day. one ex­ ceptionally swift and rigorous rivet­ er in the South Chicago ship-build- ;i,g yard, earned a wage of $64. It was double pay work on Sunday, and indoubtedly ihe worker labored un­ der high pit.»lire. but the achieve- vement 1 indicative suf the lavish benefits enjoyed by shipbuilders. In a single day the Chicago cham­ pion earned as much a. a private sol- dim receives in two months. The salary of major general in the United States army is $8,000 a year—a lit­ tle more than $45 for each working day—less than hall the pay the Sun­ day pay of the Chicago worker. For $33 a month the private soldier sur­ renders his liberties wholly to his country, There is no eight hour day tor him! No extra pay for overtime, no double compensation on Sunday. It Is drill, drill, drill, and then over seas at command and into the trenches or over the top. with all that implies of hardship, danger. dirt, disease; artillery, machine gun and rifle fire; poison gas or liquid flame; instant death or racking wounds, or. perhaps, the horrors of a German prison camp. With these contrasts in view, many people are saying that it is high time to call a halt on further mock heroics about the man in the ship yards ser­ ving his country equally with the man in France or the man who is drilling to go to France.—Spokes­ man Review. w; e«on. be the unit.' Hilisbmo has been at a which may elect to devote them to that up to the present i time there were three great names which would it; own ends. disadvantage because ot tlie fact that The Journal has manufactured an go down forever in history—these quotas are fixed on the basis of bank issue out of nothing, it has paid to are the Marne, Verdun and Clemen­ deposits and the city being the coun­ put the issue before the people. It lias ceau. This Is a slight indication of ty seat carries deposits from all parts put its employes to work scanning the popularity of M. Clemenceau in H._T. Hotts, Pres Attorney of the county and these deposits are the books of every county for niate- France today. at-l.aw. drawn upon to pay subscriptions "If M. Clemenceau has become rap­ Joint Leland llendersun. Sec­ rial that may be twisted into an ar- made in other districts. During the gument in favor of its position. It is idly popular it is because he has retary Treaa., Attorney at- past year Hilsboro has had the un­ devoting space that no other law­ ways understood the obligations Law and Notrnry Public. enviable notoriety of being a slacker giver would be permitted to use at tached to accepting a position In these drives, for it has been ex­ any price. It is searching out these trust. He always endeavors to Tillamook Title and ceedingly difficult, despite the hard­ persons who believe it, or fear it. or that which is most important for the est kind of work by the patriotic merely rejoice in notoriety to inter­ safety of the country. He has no Abstract Co. gentlemen who have composed the view in behalf of its policy. While other aim or desire. At the front the Law Abstract« Reni Estate, various committees, to meet the complaining that the country news­ French soldiers adore him. and he is Insurance. quota assigned to the district. So far papers term its publisher a czar and often among them. In spite of his Both Plior.es. as subscriptions paid for from depos­ do not discuss the merits of the bill, age he visits the trenches frequently, its In Hillsboro blinks are concerned it has never yet. on its own account, and does not hesitate to circulate TILLA MIMIK— OKKllHN. they have been in correct proportion published an honest statement as to through the first line trenches, hi« and the federal reserve plan has the present law which it seeks to head covered by a steel helmet. They proved sound, but when it conies to amend or an honest statement as to have remonstrated with him for do­ crediting them to Hillsboro's quota what its bill would do. Its attempt is ing this, and have pleaded with him Is where the difficulty arises. As a plainly a desire to illustrate or prove not to expose himself unnecessarily, result the city is branded a slacker its power as a czar. but he is as obstinate as a mule and I in spite of the basis of the loan being It is withal a gross abuse of Jour­ continues his trips. Anything that met. In all fairness, therefore, the power and ethics and a be­ comes from or pertains to the sol­ 'J. ore than ever I plan of the past calls for revision nalistic trayal of such confidence as is re­ diers moves hint deeply. we believe exact Justice can only posed In that ‘publication. If there "In the interior of France they jy’oar rc\iny laud be secured by making the county the should ever come the day when the love this politician who has grasped „ dàvs n\ust be unit. Independent. On soman. The Telegram, the News, with firm hand and long tail of po­ i'-ß productive the Voter, the Labor Press, the Jour­ litical reason. Thanks to him, the nal and every other newspaper big or country breathes more freely Why Persecute Them! ■ iCutuWk Ivana's little, has its own pet bill, made in thanks to him victory draws net its ow n office, and circulated by ex­ for the allies. "Later on the name of Cbamen- penditure of its own money, oti that day the pee >ple will doubtless rise cea.i will be attached inseparable to and «mite tl !ie initiative and referen- the hist ary of this war and to a solid and lasting peace for the welfare of Jura out of existence. It bi a p.o per tli ng to point out the human;.>. and for the carrying on \ shoulder ch st » power of lit of human progress and civilization." thta instate The w ue is I ar -CGnfcrtabk. s greater one i >< Hl the me it or de 111 e libtrrpnAfdbMakN it of the par mlar iuv > ui4 an> un- A J Towns Co ncrupulously F rose ne ted Orc nian win* J E SINCERELY believe that no matter what may be your station in life, the establish­ ment of a banking connection;—then the full use of its advantages is the most important step that can be taken. f the country for excellence in o the call. The College is ry instruction, but ILSO FOR— f< r men and for women: leering. Forestry aacy. and nt life. Iti su rolled las lai Students enrolled HSJ’. *tan on its service flags, 1158, over frsrty percent representing cthcers. College opens September 23. 1918 ’ ’ ‘°»* I‘‘“«»oM BoHkr «4 «Wr .afomaù». «r.i. u> m. Re,..;.*,, Qxvalló. Ona®