TILLAMOOK, OREGON. OCTOB El Ii.5o PER YEAR. Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kup- And I further request that in every FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN DRIVE. W. T. Henderson Sunday School in Oregon devout R. J.. Ford . . . First class dressmaking. Long’s ' pender, on October 19th, a son. Appartinents, Mutual Phone, Mrs. F. L. Kinsman Will sell 8 acres of Tillamook City prayer shall be offered on October W. A. Wise, dentist. * Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas property lying in and west of the 27th that Almighty God shall grant Tillamook County Overscribed More 8. E. Josly .. * Gilford -Stillwell play ground for speedy triumph to the allies in their Insurance on hay-Phone Watson.* Burkhart. , A. C. Fritz .. More Than $100,000. heroic struggle for righteousness and I W. E. McQueen $4,000. — — o ------- This is good high ground Let W. A. Church write your insur- Eva N. McGee-vs. Orpha A.'East­ justice. Let us make this Sunday an J. A. Rilett man is a suit to recover $55.00, being and well located for platting, Will occasion of solemn devotion and sup­ Nehalem Valley Bank . . . $118,400 A. S. Strand ance. take Liberty Bonds and give terms. First National Bank . . . 115,050 the balance due in which a cow was Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Write C. A. Dunn, 303 Capitol Bldg., plication to Him who is guarding Tillamook County Bank . . 89,200 Wm. Conrad sold on time. and defending our sailors and sol- First Bank of Bay City Salem, Oregon. Co. 26,300 V. Danielson . ' diers and comforting those who have M. Galvin, late of Cape Flattery 17,250 Nancy E. Robedee Frank Burch and Joseph Svegle suffered bereavement because of the Nestucca Valley Bank For rent piano, Call 33W Bell Fred Lyster . . light station, has arrived here as were taken to Portland this morning phone. first keeper of Cape Mears light sta­ by a U. S. deputy marshal. Burch is war.” Total *366,200 G. C. Proctor . H. L. Simmons Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath. Room 4. tion. a slacker and Svegle in his question­ Carter-Whalin Wedding. R. B. Lyster . Masonic Apartments. I have not withdrawn from my can­ naire said he was willing to go back B. J. Stephend First National Bank. Don't fail to see the farm tank at to Germany and join the German On Monday evening, a pretty wed­ Connie Dye and wife » didacy for the office of County W. J. Hill ............................. . 10.00 the Kuppenbender Warehouse. army but would not fight for the ding occurred at the beautiful coun- Treasurer, as reported. Vote Ballot 50.00 J. R. Thompson | try home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Neil- P. W. Jacob.......................... Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. No. 42. Kathleen Mills. Pd. Ad. United States. Margaret Armentrout......... 50.00 M. Abplanalp Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. To be sure you have a place to live son- When Miss Hezel Oneita Whalin H. Hanenkratt Don’t throw away your old tires but buy a home today. Never'has the de- became the war bride of Corporal C. C. E. Walker........................ 100.00 E. Hanenkratt Jewelry, clocks, watches, »ilver- get an “Inner Tire" and get from mand for houses been so great. Prop- s- Carter. The ring ceremony was us­ A. Henderson ...................... 50.00 ware.—R. W. Bennett. 50.00 Peter Schranz ioo to 5000 miles more service out of erties are selling every day but bar- ed and the nuptual knot was tied by G. N. Davis.......................... Mrs. Stella Perry .................. 50.00 Annie Abplanalp Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, each tire at low cost.—See Shrode.* gains are not all gone yet. Some of Rev. Harry E. Tucker, of the Chris- Florence Stillwell............... Peter Betchart 1000.00 Tillamook. * The cartons for the Christmas the best buys were listed today for ten Church. The young couple will Gus Goeres F. J. Klinehan .................... 500.00 Why not place your feed orders for packages to be sent the soldiers and quick sale. A payment down, balance reside at Vancouver, Wash, and will C. Kimmerle . . ................ 250.00 J. S. Diehl the future with Kuppenbender. * sailors overseas have arrived and can monthly, places you in a home of be at home there after the 6th of L. G. Finney........................ 200.00 Gordon Burge be procured from Mrs. R. T. Boals. your own. See Everson at once. * ■ November. K. Zweifel . . New Grant car for sale at a bargain Carl Weighiner .................. 300.00 T. _________ W. Lyster . Disinfect your home with B—K. to­ In order to increase car efficiency C. W. Goeres.................... See Ben Kuppenbender. * 400.00 Suear Violators in Bad. I A. J. Anderson day and make yourself safe from ;Jay Baker ............................. and to expedite movement of freight 4Ô0.00 To rent or buy, Underwood Type­ R. T. Boals writer. Captain Morgan, shipyard. * deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen- in less than car lots the Southern There are quite a number of sugar C. E. Donaldson.................... 100.00 P. Jepsen _________ . bender, both phones. * Pacific Company has arranged for A. E. Harris ........................ 50.00 violators in Tillamook county who I W. K. Scovell Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale Tillamook to be delivered at East Cummings Moberly Co. . . . 2600.00 Mrs. Frances B. Stranahan will will have trouble with the Federal office, Saturday, Oct. 26th. 50.00 Erwin Harrison thank you for your vote for County Portland depot on Mondays, Wednes­ 'Authorities. They undertook to beat M. R. Kerns........................ A. Vaughn ... 50.00 |c. Three good milk cows for sale, Ap- Treasurer, at election November 5, days and Fridays. Freight delivered the game of procuring more sugar G. Hundlach ........................ T. McKinley ply at the Headlight office. 1918.—Pd. Adv. * to Park St. depot will be accepted I than they were entitled to by pur- Employes S. P. Company . . . 6500.00 *L. Hiner......... I and forwarded daily as 11 the past. I chasing sugar at different stores, M. A. Hodgdson ............... . 100.00 I We handle Trojan Powder. Best for A telegram was received on Friday i The bulk of Tillamook freight is de­ IC. E. Mellette...................... 100.00 I G. W. Parish . . . slumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. * stating that Miss Eugpne Thayer, livered to West side depot at tark I thinking, no doubt, they would not | Henry Rogers...................... 250.00 I Wm. Tinnerstet . be detected. Some have even gone to i 1 G. W. Davis .......................... For sale or rent, the O’Hara Farm daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude St. 50.00 C. J. Coburn ! the same store and obtained double IW. L. Bryan ........................ at Netarts. Enquire at the place. * Thayer, had died that morning. 50.00 Fred Gilbert Henry E. Thompson and Clay their allowance, and this makes it !C. E. Swenson I Lillie B. Kays ........................ 450.00 For sale—three high grade regis­ Brown vs. Joseph Fellman, O. V. 1 hard on the store keeper. The sugar Buy your hay at the Kuppenbend­ IH. H. Brians ¡Will Goeres .......................... 300.00 tered Holstein heifers, two two-year Roberts, Pacific City Lumber Co., W. cards have been scrutinized and re­ er Warehouse. * 50.00 1 Nellie Hughey peals the fact that about 50 persons I Georgia Johnson.................. olds and one yearling and one milch C. E. Millette . Vote for W. L. Bryan, for county cow. Write, Mrs. J. A. Hazlitt, For­ B. Aiderman, H. Sander and F. R. in the county will be prosecuted by ' Bud Johnson ........................ 50.00 Beals, is a suit filed in the circuit Albert Marolf and wife . . . treasurer. General election.— Pd. Ad. I Jesse B. Morris .................... 50.00 est Grove, Ore. * | court to recover money growing out the Federal Authorities for violating 50.00 L- Larson ............. .... t..... [ of the sale of the Pacific City Lum­ ' the sugar ruling, their names having ' G. V. Richards...................... R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- j W. G. Larson........................ Need a truck to haul your milk? Or ’ W. J. Berns .......................... 100.00 piring. Iairing. S. P. Watch inspector. * been reported. The authorities have 1 D. W. Krake ........................ anything else? Got an old automobile? ber Co., There is a second suit in the proof in the faqt that they have M. Seifer............................... 50.00 One lot and small house for sale, See Sliro le, he will explain the rest. ’ which Henry C. Thompson and Clay |R. B. Miller ........................ Mary Kelly .......................... 50.00 the cards with the person’s signature $550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. * Marolf ............................. ,G. It’s a “Truxtun Attachment.” * Brown are the plaintiffs and Joseph to it of receiving the sugar. Retta Goodspeed .................. 50.00 Fellman and O. V. Roberts, Pacific I Geo. Williams...................... ! Wm. Williams and wife . .. For Sale—160 acres of land at 450.00 Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms Lumber Co. and F. R. Beals are de­ These are clear cases of violating Carrie and P. Marolf . . . .. gandlake. Inquire of Dan Billings. * 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office fendants. the sugar ruling, and there is no way It. D. Rankin ...................... 100.00 Lucile Christensen ............. I D. Robinson ........................ 100.00 Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun­ I Blanche Johnson vs. Oliver C. of getting out of it for those who 50.00 F. D. Bester........................ * thought they would not be detected. I Chas. Hamant...................... 205-206 Tillamook Building. ♦ days by appointment. 'Johnson, is a divorce suit filed in the They have been and they will have | Kathleen Mills...................... 100.00 1 Rose Hanenkratt.................. Miss Charlette Wade is represent­ circuit court. These parties were We buy and sell second hand autos. |C. C. Getchell...................... 50.00 I Ernest Kirk..........................; to stand the consequences. Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* ing the well known California Per­ married at Dayton, Oregon, the 29th I K. Schlapp!.......................... 50.00 A. Perron ............................. fume Company, reliable dealers In of December, 1914, and, no children 'F. N. Elliott........................ 50.00 I Mrs. Carl Haberlach ......... For bargains in second hand auto­ all kinds of toilet articles, soaps, ex- I were born to the union. The com- I J. L. Larson ........................ Spanish Influenza Situation in 50.00 C. W. Goeres........................ • I plaint alleges that defendant treated mobiles go to Case’s Garage. ' Marie Hanenkrat ................ tracts etc. Phone 41-R. |N. O. Glad ........................... 100.00 Tillamook County. For Sale—Jersey Cow, will freshen • C. N. Wanzer...................... 150.00 I Willie Hanengrat ............... Don’t pay rent. A modern, up-to- I plaintiff in a very cruel and inhuman in February. Apply to Clent King, date seven roomed house for sale at manner, and has heaped upon her ! E. Davis and wife................ 50.00 IEstella and F. Hanenkratt. Thus far Tillamook county has not J. L. Ashton ........................ Beaver. Oregon. * a bargain, near the high school. such personal indignities as to rend­ 50.00 IG. Hanenkrat ...................... developed many cases of Spanish ln- 50.00 Hid Anderson and wife . . .. Dr. R. W. Donohoe, dentist, First Terms to suit purchaser. J. H. Frank­ er her life burdensome, failed to pro­ I fluenza, and there is a good deal of J. M. DeLillies .................. Antone Landolt .................. vide her with a proper home and sup ­ C. J. Edwards ........................ lin, Tillamook, Oregon. * 200.00 National Bank Bldg. Tillamook, Ore., port, that he was very reckless in all speculation whether the county will 50.00 Edwin Hanenkrat ............. lit Dr. Allen's office. For sale, a motor washing machine, his business transactions and neg­ be effected with the disease as in Maydelle Kiger.................... G. E. Leach.......................... 50.00 B. Gantenbein...................... Wanted— Information of the where in good condition and ready for use, lected to pay his honest obligations, ' some other localities. Ten cases have A. Ludtke............................... 50.00 Lester Atterbury.................. abouts of B. Rogers. Make your 1 no- to be sold for $10.00; also Sears & and that defendant has a very bad been reported, none of which were A. Balmer ............................. 100.00 Marion Temple No. 36 . ... Roebuck’s sewing machine, for $10. temper. The plaintiff prays the court considered serious. Dr. Boals is wil- tification at the Headlight office Will Goeres ........................... , 250.00 Fred Davidson...................... Enquire at the Headlight office. H. G. Thayer........................ to dissolve the marriage contract and I ling to take the embargo off, but ! Henry Landolt .................... Let wour co-worker on the farm be does not want to go contrary to the j I H. H. Hogan.......................... 350.00 C. A. Lewis .......................... The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma ­ be allowed her maiden name, 100.00 at the Cleveland Tractor. On display I State Health Officer, for should the chine Agency is now permanently lo­ Blanche Tucker. * Baumgartner.................. 350.00 Lewis Larson ...................... the Kuppenbender Warehouse. ' embargo be taken off and the disease I | Joe cated opposite the post office, where A. B. Freeberg...................... 200.00 H. C. Kuppenbender........... P. S. Brumby, representing the spread over the county, then the Will trade cement work for a good monthly payments may be made and 400.00 A. F. McShame ............ •. . . . Blodgett Co., was in the city on state authorities would attribute Jos. Dürrer .......................... milch cow. A. T. Dolan, Mutual supplies ordered. , R. A. Leonard...................... John Schild .......................... 1000.00 Wednesday, having returned from a t that to lifting the embargo. Al- Rhone. *2 Adolph Schild ...................... 450.00 Carl and Mark Curl........... Lowell Moulton, son of Sam trip up the Wilson river to see what 1 though It was thought at first that W. H. Hosley........................ Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is Moulton, who has been in the navy damage was done to the timber in two weeks embargo would be suffi­ L. E. Osborne ...................... 50.00 ; 1E. K. Gilbert ...................... safe, clean and powerful. For sale at nearly two years came home to visit the recent forest fire. The fire start­ cient, it may be necessary to extend K. J. Roffe............................. 50.00 the Kuppenbender Warehouse. 50.00 M. A. Wheeler...................... his parents last Friday, he left this ed on Bill Smith’s place from a fire the time. That the disease is taking John Van Mourick................ Bvzycki .... 50.00 J. Abplanalp estate............... For Sale—two year old colt, next morning to join his ship somewhere I he had set out. The fire went rapid­ I firm hold in some places is freely G. Goetlieg Wyss...................... A. Cleusa ......... 5Q.00 on the Atlantic coast. ly over a large stretch of timber, admitted, with an increase in the spring. Sold cheap. Enquire of Mrs. Bessie Chaffee .................... F. Garms ......... 50.00 land Mr. Brumby thinks that the death rate, and this necessitates that Knight. * Owing to the dentist wild was C. W. Goeres........................ L. C. Burg .... 50.00 timber destroyed will be a total loss, Those who wish to see Dr. Wise manager of Dr. Wise’s Portland of­ especially that up Cedar creek, where proper precautions be taken when W- Koehler ... 50.00 H. B. Swenson .................... the first symptoms appear. All fice,, going to war, Dr. Wise will have about dental work should do so at D. W. Freeman 50.00 Esther Swenson.................... I there is a large quantity of cedar and cases should be quarantined as soon to devote a part of his time there. once. * L. L. McKnight 50.00 Eunice Swenson .................. But will remain here as long as kept hemlock. This is an unfortunate and as possible after a person is stricken. Ralph Wilson .. 50.00 Alpha Swenson.................... Just received a car of mill feed at busy. • serious loss to the timber owners, ------ o W. R. Blackston 50.00 N. Roethlishberger............. ' who bad taken every precaution to the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Prices Word was received this morning Wm. Fisher ... James Withycombe, Governor et al, 50.00 i John Feldschau.................... 1 prevent fire, but it goes to prove are lowest. * comprising the State Land Board, vs what damage can be done by persons that Spanish influenza had made its W. H. Vovard . 50.00 S. W. Elliott........................ For sale, a matched team, 1100 lbs. M. W. Harrison, administrator of the who indiscreetly set out fire. It will appearance at Wheeler, there being a. C. Caroser . . 50.00 , W. J. Gilbert and wife .. .. each. Enquire at Dawson Bros., Tilla­ Estate of Sophia R. Severance, et al, be known in a few days the amount 30 cases reported. U. A. Larson .... 50.00 Peter Betchart .................... mook. is a suit to recover $2,500.00 on a of damage done and the lands over C. G. Goeres .... 400.00 1 E. W. Abram........................ For Sale—Berkshire pure bred promissory note. 100.00 1E. Harrison ........................... which the fire swept. Oregon Military Police Take Hand B. Jacob............. pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. A. P. Vlahos ... 50.00 R. E. Andrus........................ Robert Ellison vs. M. F. Leach and In Liberty Loan Drive. The Tillamook Headlight criticises K. J. Gienger . . . E. Williams, Mutual Phone. • Henry Leach is a suit filed In the 100.00 ‘ Lillian R. Anderson........... ------ o—— I H. T. Botts............................. the early announcement that Tilla­ W. G. Dwight .., 250.00 Best in the West—Oregon Portland circuit court to recover $370.00, mook county had reached its quota 'Anna Christensen................ The Oregon Military Police for the Rosenberg Bros. 500.00 Cement. Always uniform and fresh. growing out of an automobile acci­ in the Liberty Loan, for the reason past two weeks has had two of its H. J. Curl ........... 50.00 • Geo. Christensen and wife . Lamb-Schrader Co. * dent in which Henry Leach drove his that it influenced persons who might members in our midst, rendering Mrs. M. Eichinger................ J. W. Shortridge 100.00 M. F. Leach ........................ * Attorney Webster Holmes has mov­ car into the plainaiff's car, doing otherwise subscribed and caused some assistance to the Liberty Loan R. W. Ferris .. . 50.00 ed his law office from the Commer­ damage to the above amount. others to buy less than they would Drive and about $20,150 was sub­ I. N. Ferris .... 50.00 .Frank Heyd .......................... cial Building to the Plasker building 100.00 J. Lenzinger ........................ At midnight on Saturday time will had they not believed the responsi­ scribed through their efforts. When Carl Helsel next to the Gem Theatre. 50.00 ■ J. Pesterfield........................ change to its old schedule, when all bility had been met. The criticism is it is taken into consideration that J. C. Shaw 100.00 Mrs. J. C. Reedy.................. For Sale—A small dairy ranch, one clocks and watches will have to be well founded, and applies with equal most of this came from those who P. Norberg .................... 5000.00 1G. W. Russell ...................... mile north of Tillamook on Wilson set back one hour, and there will be force to Washington county, where had either refused to subscribe or Hammond Lumber Co. . there is no question that optimistic had subscribed tar below their rating I A. B. Hammond 2500.00 river. Inquire on premises. H. F. one hour extra time in bed for the Nestucca Valley Bank 50.00 hour lost when the time was chang­ early reports had an effect upon sub­ it is a showing that the organization R. L. Shreve ... Stafford. • scriptions. According to Portlyand can be justly proud of. G. A. Edmunds L. H. Turner................. 500.00 ed in the spring. In conformity with the rule formed • newspapers the state headquarters The Oregon Military Police is a 500.00 Clarence C. Dunn.................. elsewhere, all wood orders must be Large modern Portland residence were told by the county chairman body of men gotten together through T. Hamilton .. Mrs. E. Perkins .... 100.00 | L. Walling.............................. accompanied by payment in advance. with one or more acres of ground to not to worry about Washington the untiring efforts of Major Rich­ 100.00 Mollie Craven........................ —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. * exchange for 160 acres of land in county because it would be over the ard Deich, who is a patient, econom­ Joe Rust.................... Mrs. P. Luthi........... 50.00 Mr. & Mrs. W. N. Bays .... Mrs. Frances B. Stranahan will Tillamook County. At least fbrty top before the end of the week -be­ ic and efficient gentleman. He has a f. J. Sharp and wife 50.00 Minnie N. Whiteman............ acres must be cleared, and not too thank your for your vote for County fore the campaign officially opened. thorough system of weeding out un­ F. Nicklaus............. 50.00 Mrs Bertha Dimick.............. Treasurer, at election November 5. far from railroad. L. F. Hemerlynck, At that time less than half of the desirables, and he organized a A. P. Cole................ 100.00 St., Portland, Ore. * 4355 East 82nd quota of the Hillsboro district had body of men that have been of mater­ David Martiny......... 1918.—Pd. Adv. * 200.00 Joseph Wilson ...................... been raised. We only refer to this ial assistance in their every line of who was taken the Ira C. Smith 200.00 Clara A. Wade .................... For Sale—Willamette Donkey En­ D. Trussell ............. 50.00 Minnie L. Nolan .................. gine 9Hxll. Full equipment. Good military course at the University of matter because of its effect upon fu­ endeavor, throughout the state. Anna C. Harris .... In larger cities the lurking I. W. Mrs. O. F- Carpenter as new. Write or phone Sam Bauer. Oregon, was in the hospital at Eu- ture campaigns and with no desire to 50.00 Evelyn N. Foster ................ 100.00 Wm. O’Connell .................... Neskowin, Oregon. ' * gene with Spanish influenza. We are reproach the county chairman, who Wi’s have ever been present, but Jos Dürrer ............. glad to say that he has recovered and was probably led astray by enthus­ through fear of the boys walking G. W. Kiger............. 400.00 Edna Reusser ...................... Dolph Tinnerstet has been accept­ returned home on Wednesday being iasm.—Independent. posts around and in the ship yards R. Grate ............. .... 100.00 John Gickens ........................ ed in the tank service and expects to too weak to go on with the training. this element can not gain a foot hold. Mrs. R. Grate........... 100.00 Charles Breshears .............. be called into service within the next Too much credit cannot be given L. Oberlinffer .... 100.00 For Sale — Most desirable, modern, I , Leo Norton .......................... To Pray at Home. two or three weeks. one of our fellow townsmen "Jitney” O. E. Reckli ....... 100.00 Byron C. Randall ................ ------ o— 15 acre city home in Ashland, Ore­ Linton D. Hetrick, of Tillamook gon. Fine climate, pure water, health 50.00 Chester I. Worthington ..., In a proclamation issued by Gov- Smith. From early morning until late I. D. Knight ........... County, was one of the five men sent resort, free irrigation, green mead- ernor Withycombe, designating Oc­ at night he has donated the use of R. Wheeler ............. 50.00 1 Richard Miller .................... from Washington county to Vancou­ ows and pastures year round, great- tober as Go-to-Sunday-School Qay, his car, and through his vast ac­ J. P. Gerardy ......... 200.00 ver. Wash., for limited service. 100.00 Elizabeth Southmaid .......... est variety products for home com- but owing to the Spanish influenza quaintance he has been the means of A. H. Fallett........... H. S. Harry ........ i saving the detail from the Oregon J. S. Blair................ 200.00 embargo it is requested that the peo­ forts; A city of real homes. — R. D. Furnished rooms for rent. $2 00 a Military Police much time and ex- A. Nelson ............ H. C. Boone ........... 100.00 week, water and lights, furnished. Sanford, Helman St., Ashland, Ore. * ple pray in their homes on that day. ' pense. Accosted by many who wanted Honey ............. 50.00 J. Ganyson ........ Jay The Governor says in his proclama ­ Corner of Second and Stillwell Ave., Tillamook has an auto top and I to pay him for the use of his car. he Ben Vantress .... 50.00 I O. V. Roberts ... Tillamook, Oregon. * harness repair shop in rear of tion: 1 would invariably answer "My car Is O. V. Roberts .... ------ o "Being mindful of the importance For sale or trade, one sorrel mare building opposite post office. Auto of Sunday School work. I respectful­ being used now by Uncle Sam and , I S- A. Jackson ... Tillamook County Bank. six years old. weight 1500 tbs; and tops!. curtains and cushions repaired ly call upon the leaders in the Bible I until he is through it is not for hire.” Gus Peterson........................ 50.00 ' F. M. Suitzer .... The two me* who came to THla- A. D. Penny one colt, three years old, iron gray, and waterproofed, harness repaired. School movement to plan such an 50.00 A. DeMacon ........ •eight 1100 tbs. Will trade for good If you can't come, send your harness observance of Go-to Sunday-School I mook County were Sergeant A. C. C. L. Penny 50.00 H. D. Beckwith dairy cow*. Andrew Vetsch, Elmore by parcel post to the Auto Top and Day as shall emphasize the necessity Strubllng and Corporal H. C. Daul- P. L. Smans 50.00 Tillamook Jottings I 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 500.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 1000.00 500.00 450.00 450.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 750.00 200.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 400.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 500.00 200.00 150.00 200.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 10O.00 600.00 50.00 50.00 1000.00 400.00 1000.00 150.00 450.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 50.00 .500.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 500.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 250.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 50 00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50 00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 700.00 50.00 50.00 50.00-