Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 17, 1918, Image 8

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A Bargain in a Choice Buildiing Spot effort, and produces treater returns.
This little farm tank is nothing else
One of the best bargains in a but the Cleveland Tractor. Kuppen-
building spot, Just at the edge of the bender Is the sole agent In Tillamook
city limits, can be secured for a County and don't fall to have it dem-
few days. Nothing better In the cr'strated to you.—See Kuppenben-
county. You will buy if you investi­ der.
gate. See Everson.
Week Beginning Oct. 21.
Dairy Ranch at a Bargain.
o ■
Consumer Pays
For one week only I am authorized Commodity
60c.- 6i>c.
to offer a splendid river bottom
dairy ranch at a great reduction. Butter, fresh, Cry...............
This property must go on snort no­ New Potatoes............. $2.50—$3.25
tice, stock and crop included. This Cheese, Tiitamook .................... 43c.
place is a money maker. Low price Corn Meal, Yellow 10 Ib Bgs . . 85c.
and easy terms. Phone or call A. C. I Corn Meal, Wh. 10- bag..............90c.
Rolled Oats, 9-Ib Bgs................. 90c.
Rice flour in bulk................. 11’Ac.
To the People of Tillamook County. Barley Flour 8 8-10 Ib Bgs. .
Dry Granulated Sugar per Ib
------ o
I am now located in Cloverdale, to Corn flour, Wh. blk................
do Notary work, Fire Insurance and Corn Flour, white, 10 Ib pkgs . 90c.
real-eslate. If you have any business i Rye Flour, 49 Ib. pkgs......... $3.65
in my line I will treat you right, and Rye Flour, 10 Ib pkgs.................. 80c.
appreciate your business. My office Hominy, 10 Ib. Pkgs........... .. 90c.
is in the old Cloverdale Courier Cornstarch, Ib........................... 12 *Ac.
building. If you do not find me there Beans, Small White .... 15c.—16c.
call on telephone, our residence, Beans, Large White.................. 15c.
Beans, Colored ............... 12c.—13c.
R. Y. Blalock.
Yours to serve.
Milk, Canned, 16 oz.»17c.—18c.
Milk, canned, 6 oz.............
Can Corn, Standard per can
------ o------
Tomatoes, Standard, per can
Notice is hereby given, that a i Canned pears, standard, per can 23c.
caucus will be held at the City Hall, Dried fruit, Rais. Ib.pkgs
in the City of Tillamook, County of Corn Syrup 5 Ib. can.................... 55c.
Tillamook, and State of Oregon, on White Flour, 49 lb. Bags . . . $3.30
Saturday, the 26th day of October, Wheat Flour, 24’A tt>. Bags . . $1.65
1918, at 8 o’clock a.m. Said caucus is i Wheat Floar, 10 Ib. Bags ......... 75c.
to be held for the purpose of nomina­ I Lard, leaf No. 5 pail . ..
ting candidates for city offices.
¡Lard, leaf. No. 10 pail ..
By order of the Common Council,
. 45c
Hams, Standard .............
bated October 7th, 1918.
. 57c.
Breakfast Bacon standard
A. H. Gaylord
City Recorder.
sell flour and butter at a price based
See A. H. Harris For Automobiles. on the cost to them'.
------ o------
We have some second hand cars
o ■■
and new ones. Have at present.
That the germ is the cause of most
One Ford with new truck body.
deadly disease is more than mere
One small Saxon roadster.
theory—it is a real fact. The work
One Five passenger New Era.
One five passenger Brisco, nearly of tuberculosis sanitoriums, the ty-
, piioid hospitals in the canal zone,
, the vaccine laboratories are all evi-
One Maxwell, five passenger.
Agent for Liberty, Saxon and Bris- dense of the fact that the safety of j
man does not depend on good or bad
co cars.
luck, but upon the fight which each
I have some bargains to offer.
A. H. HarriB, Garage. | individual makes upon the disease
I germs, the cause of most losses of
To The Voters of Tillamook County, life and dollars. In selecting a weap­
on to kill the germs of disease several I
Through a misunderstanding in an vital questions must be looked squar­
article over my signature last week ely in the face or disinfectanting will
the statement was made that I would be little better than useless. First— j
be willing to do the recorder’s work Has the disinfectant the power to
In addition to that of the treasurer. kill all kinds of disease germs? 2nd, I
I ant a candidate for the office of Can the disinfectant be used safely
treasurer only, and for no reason ex­ whenever disease gernts are found?
cept the privilege which belongs te 3rd, Is it effective, when used any­
where and every where, and by any
any citizen.
body, and can it be used with safety?
Respectfully yours,
Canzada Everson. . Therefore a disinfectant that can be
used with safety must not be a poison
(Paid Advt.)
or coatine acid, whereas poisonous
disinfectants endanger the lite of <
Grange Resolutions of Condolence human beings or animals, this can be :
verified by turning to the files of
We the committee to draft reso­ our daily papers. When buying a dis->
lutions on the death of Harry R. infectant be sure what you buy as
Ackley and Hubert Edgar, who have your life may depend on that pur- ,
given their lives for their country, chase, look at the label, note the
both being killed in action. Submit germ killing power and if it is poison
the following.
or not. Disinfectants are measured
We are called to pause a moment upon the germ killing strength of'
In the busy whirl of life and bow undiluted carbolic acid, which they
our heads in reverential silence.
term a phenol coefficient. Look for
Resolved, that we the members of the phenol coetficient on the label. I
Fairview Grange, No. 237, extend to
B. K. was tested by the United i
the sorrowing families our heartfelt States Hygiene Laboratory and found
. to have a phenol coefficient 10 plus
We cannot'say and . will not say.
or ten times stronger than undiluted
^ey are dead, just gone away cart>oijc acid as a germ killer. Much
A —' 4 1 A
cherry Bmile
a wave of > stronger than coal tar disinfectants I
the hand.
—much safer.
They have wondered Into an un­ i Safe'__B--K. contains .no .poison,
known land.”
acid or oil.
Be it further resolved that a copy
Clean—B.-K. «• colorless, leaves .
of these resolutions be sent to the stain
on floors or walls.
Borrowing mothers, fathers, sisters
Drodorant__ B.--K. destroys foul |
and brothers and a copy to each of odors leaves no odor of itself.
our home papers.
Cheap to Use—B.-K. 18 80 much |
Fraternally submitted, Grace Bes­ stronger
than other disinfectants
ter, Minnie Maxwell and Rose Craw­ that it does more disinfecting for the
same money. Use it in Barber Shops, I
Barns, Bath Tubs, Bleaching, bread i
Resolutions in memory
of the boxes, chambers, closets, cupboards,
mother of our esteemed brothers and cuts and scratches, house and kitch­
sisters Schild.
en, laundry, nasal and throat sprays,
Whereas the Supreme Master has nursing bottles, operating rooms,
entered our midst and removed from purifying air, sick rooms, etc.
among us the mother of John.
B.-K. ‘a not a cure all but athor-
Adolph. Henry and Anna, who are ough germ killer. Protect yourself
members of Fairview Grange No. now against any dangerous disease
273. and whereas the community has germs that you may come in contact
Buffered an imparable loss and the with by using B.-K. B.-K is sold in
family a devoted mother; therefore quart and gallon bottles. Our guar-,
be it
antee. B—K stands absolutely on
Resolved, that we the members of what it does for you. Use it according
the aforesaid Grange, extend to the to directions then if you don't find
bereaved family our sympathy.
it exactly as represented by us we
Be It further resolved that a copy will refund your money—For sale by
of these resolutions be sent to the Kuppenbender, bith phones.
families and a copy to each of our
Grace Bester. Minnie Maxwell and
Rose Crawford. Committee.
- o-----
To'whom it may concern. I have
sold my interest in the Tillamook
The Little Tank.
Feed Co. to Geo. Williams, who will
pay all bills against the company
The Little "Tank” for farm work and collect all accounts.
Charles Kunze.
has made Its appearance in Tilla­
mook County. As the army increases
tbe man power of Tillamook county
decreases Therefore as the tanks on
The complete Electric Light and
the battle field save man power ro
Power Plant
the little tank for farm work saves
Plenty of bright, safe clean
manpower. It travels on Its own
electric light. No more hot,
track, it will go moat anywhere. It
smoky lamps.
will not pack the soil, it does its
work up fast. It does the work of
three good men and three good three
horse teams. It plows, harrows,
plants, cuts ensilage, runs wood­
saws. pile« logs, pulls stumps, hauls
manure spreaders, does everything a
team can do and many things a team
cannot do. It produces feed and food
Tillamook Garage.
but consumes none. TV conserves man
power, horse power, time. energy and
Hems ti t chi ng
The Dressmaking Department
the Balcony is now prepared
do Hemstitching on all kinds
Mrs. Pinkney—Manager.
Perfect Fittings
Whatever alteration is suggested
to make the Suit, Coat or Skirt you
purchase here fit perfectly will be
done by a competent seamstress of
many years practical experience
The Store that Sells for Cash Only—and Selling for Cash Sells for Less
Lovely New Hats
Just Unpacked and
Now Being Shown for the First Time-
Che yen» Joan b’^rc,
Uno ^er^plrtne yiobele,
yetv ynttern
yenx»ere, yelaure
nnb yuntte yelnete.
You will be charmed with this assemblage of New
Creations. They are exquisite in style and most becom­
ing shapes. The trimmings consist of the New Chenille
Cat Tails, Velvet Floral Sprays, and the New Ostrich
Edgings, &c.’
The color selection includes the new Taupe, Nigger
and Mole shades, as well as the many other colors just
now in favor.
We invite you to view these lovely creations at your
earliest opportunity.
Miss Rundlett, the Milliner in
charge of the Department is a practical trimmer of many
years experience and her help and advice is entirely at
your disposal. Come today
Just Kj>eceived
New Consignment of
Girls’ and Misses
Dress and School Shoes
For Fall Wear
Exceptionally Priced at Per Pair
Gunmetal Lace Shoes with dull mat tops
and coin toes in Misses’ sizes 8f to 2 and
Growing Girls’ sizes 2f to 7.
Girls’ and Misses' 8| inch Top Lace
Shoes with dark brown vamps and tan kid
tops, military heels and English toes.
Misses’ Sizes Ilf to 2.
d»r CC
Per pair................................................
Growing Girls' Sizes 2i to 7.
¿•'7 Ot
Per pair ................................................ »? •
Everybody Munsingwear
Fall Stocks Now Complete
Munsingwear Union Suits in all sizes for all ages and in styles
for Men. Women, Boys and Girls are now being shown here in
Fall and Winter weights. The prices are of necessity just a
little higher this year, but the quality and dependability are the
same as heretofore. You can buy your fall and winter Munsing-
wear with the foreknowledge that you will get the same lasting
service and satisfaction as you always have in the past.
Ladies’ Munsing
Union Suits,
Girls’ 8f inch Top Lace Shoes with
dark brown calf vamps and leather tops to
match, military heels and English
toes. Sizes 2f to 7....................Per pair*?
Medium weight bleached cotton
L nion Suits with Dutch necks, el­
bow sleeves, half open fronts and
ankle length as illustrated.
Sizes 34 to 40.............. Per Suit $1.50
Extra Sizes Al to 50..................... ♦l.<5
Other styles and qualities upto $5.25
Girls’ 8J inch Top Lace Shoes with
Gunmetal vamps and grey kid tops, mili­
tary heels and English toes.
Sizes 2i to 7
Per pair
Men’s Munsing
Union Suits,
In Tillamook County
For the Famous
Gum Boots,
Shoes and
Rubber Footwear
The Footwear Department is now show­
ing a larger and more complete selection
of this famous brand of Gum Boots, Shoes
and Rubber Footwear than it has ever done
before. Contracts were made for the de­
livery of the merchandise several months
ago and the prices asked are practically the
same as those asked for tbe same qualities
and styles last year.
Men’s Medium heavy weight cot­
ton Union Suite in bleached or
cream. There are sizes for regular,
tall and short men up to 52 inch
b«8t. in high neck, long sleeve,
ankle length and flose crotch styles.
Price Per Suit..;.......................... $2.25
Other styles and qualities up to ♦6,50
Girls’ Munsing
Union Suits
Girls' bleached cotton Union Suits
with high necks, long or elbow
sleeves, half open or full open
fronts, drop seat or open crotch, and
ankle length as illustrated.
Sizes to fit ages 3 to fi................ ♦ '.25
Sizes to fit ages 8 to 12............. ♦1.45
Sizes to fit ages 14 to 18.......... »1 50"V
Other styles and qualities up to ♦3.00
Boys’ Munsing
Union Suits,
Bovs' Grey cotton Union Suita
with high necks, long sleeves, full
open fronts, drop seat or closed
crotch and ankle length.
Sizes to tit ages 3 to 6............. $1.35
Sizes to tit ages 8 to 12............. $1.60
Sizes to fit ages 12 to 18.......... 11.85
Other styles and qualities upto $3.50
! H