TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 17. 1918, What the Editors Say CLOSED SUNDAYS. BEGINNING SUNDAY, OCT B K K S 5 tì a The Oregon State Council of Defence has requested that no delivery of Petro­ leum products be made on Sundays. The Standard Oil Co. is glad to comply with this request, and beginning Sunday, October 20th, and thereafter, until further notice, all of our distributing stations in the State of Oregon, including our automo­ bile service stations, will be closed on Sundays. As in the case of our previous announce­ ment regarding the sale of gasoline and engine distilate only between the hours of Six A.M. and Six P.M. (now week days only), this request is made for the purpose of conserving man power, and we know that our patrons will patriotically co-oper­ ate in making this important war measure effective. üj "Zerolene is the Best” —Say leading motor car diatributora, because the records of their service departments ahow that ZEROLENE, correctly refined from selected Cali­ fornia asphalt-base crude, gives per­ fect lubrication with less wear and less carbon deposit. Most cars are now lubricated with ZEROLENE because their owners have learned through experience that there is no better oil. The Ford automo­ bile engine, illus­ trated here, like all internal combustion anfines, requires an oil that holds its full lubricating qualities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the combustion chambers and goes oat with exhaust. nROLKNk LIGHT til. tkw. raquirMn.nts pertMUg. S mmw * to Ofrtdly reflnxf from —¡•ctod Califomiat ervd». ZEROLENE it th« correct oil for all tyaci of automobile «nrln««. It it th« correct oil for your automobuo. Get our lubrication chart showing the correct consistency for your car. At d««J«rs srorywAsr« «nd Standard Oil Swvicu Statist. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaNtortiia) ZEROLENE Tip Standard Oil Notice for Publication. ------ o------ T he . I LATEST Electricity s latest gift to the housewife—greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the Western Electric P ortable S ewing M achine No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache—a little electric motor does the hard work. A foot control gives any speed desired. Í i U. 8. Land Office at Portland, Ore. September 6, 1918. I Notice is hereby given that Walter Sedore, of Dolph, Oregon, who on August 17, 1915, made homestead entry No. 04530, for Lot 2, S.E. 14 N. W. >4, S. W. *4 N. E. % and S. % N. W. % N. E. >4, Section 30, Township 5 South, Range 9 W. W. M„ has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the County Clerk of the County Court for Tillamook County, Oregon, at Tillamook, Oregon, on the 19th day of October, 1918. Claimant claims as witnesses: George Baxter, of Dolph, Oregon. Frank Yoch, of Meda, Oregon. Lewis Shortridge, of Dolph. Oregon. Asher Stem, of Dolph, Oregon. Proof made under Act of June 11, 1906 and June 6. 1912. N. Campbell, Register. T-rrc'T' • The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. Ask for a demonstra­ tion. COAST POWER CO THE ELECTRIC STORE J WAR ENERGENCY COURSE AND CERTIFICATE. ----------- Q----------- OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL ------ o------ Owing to the scarcity of teachers the Oregon Normal School will offer a War Emergency Course of twenty weeks outlined by the Superintend­ ent of Public Instruction. The course will begin with each of the terms commencing Nov. 16, 1918; Feb. 8, 1919; and April 12, 1919. The Supt. of Public Instruction will consider it equivilant to the Teachers’ Training Course and issue a certificate upon its completion valid to teach in the elementary grades for one year. This course will be open to t’aoso who have had two years or more of high school work or its equivalent and who are at least eighteen years of age. For detailed information addieca Registrar C.egon Normal Sch ■ >1 K B (n K H H B B B B H B H 5 B Our old friend Jim Stewart, of the Fossil Journal, will again represent Wheeler county in the legislature at the coming session, after which he announces he expects to go to France as a Y. M. C. A. worker. With Jim’s story telling coupled with his ready Scotch wit he ought to be able to dis­ pel any case of the blues that may show up among the boys around the camp fire. He has two Bons in the army, a brother lying wounded in a hospital at Salonica, while another brother was killed while In action.— Graphic. Aerosi the Rhine and on to Berlin. peace terms be made the more rigid. And today the business men of Ger­ many are considering with alarm the tendency of public sentiment against them. PRAISES THE YANKEES. ------ Q------ French Editor is Much Impressed by Spirit of Americans. ----- o , Leon Daudet, son of Alphonse Dau­ det and editor of the Action Fran­ çaise recently visited some scenes of American activity behind the lines, and his enthusiasm is unbounded. "What cordial frankness they show,” he writes of the American soldiers. "To the inhabitants they of­ fer their bread, preserves and cigar­ ettes with a charming gesture which seems to say, ’Are we not brothers?’ They are full of politeness to every woman, no matter what her age, and of kindness to every child. "In a station, in the middle of the night, I saw some poor little kiddies, the family of refugees, sleeping on the floor. Two American officers pas­ sed. They stopped, looked, shook their heads, then without a word, throw over the youngsters their over­ coats, which they were carrying on their arms. They themselves sat down nearby and waited for two hours in the cold air of the dawn. "A French aviator, instructor at a flying school for Americans, said to me: 'Thy are remarkable pupils; their docility and modesty are won­ derful. They learn rapidly and retain everything, and their gratitude to their teachers is extreme. They burn to avenge the devastation of France.” After speaking of the American Red Cross hospital trains with the greatest admiration Daudet conclud­ ed: “To the French, to the English, still full of valor but exhausted by four years of terrible war, the Amer­ icans are bringing their fresh blood. The older fighters, seeing this glor­ ious aid arrive, understanding its valor and vigor, have felt their forc­ es revive, Hope, the certainty of vic­ tory. have bounded in a single leap to the marvelous level of the begin­ ning, and by victory I mean the def­ inite crushing of accursed Germany. I do not know that the world has ever known a sight so grand or one that even resembles it." The terms to Bulgaria must now be the terms on Germany, to Austria, to turkey—unconditional surrender. Unconditional surrender and imnied- late evacuation of invaded territory; unconditional surrender and Instant stacking of arms. And the peace treaty must be sign- ed in Berlin, with our victorious ar- tuies firing salvos of victory with captured German guns, to impress indelibly upon the minds of the Ger­ man people that their reckless lead- ers have brought humiliation and ruin upon them. This is no time for a negotiated peace, with a kaiser proclaiming such exhortations as "My navy is holding its own against the united enemy naval forces;” "troops of all According to a news article in the the German states are heroically de­ Portland Oregonian, the Democratic fending the fatherland on foreign National committee is soliciting con­ soil;” "the eyes of those at home rest gressional campaign contributions with pride aud admiration on 1 the zl from both republicans and democrats deeds of the army and the navy.” who are officers or stockholders in This is no time for a negotiated ship-building companies engaged in peace, when the new German chan­ i building ships for the government cellor, speaking before the applaud­ r 7 Tariff and our Debt. Notice of Sale of Real Property By and depending upon future contracts ing reichstag, declares: from the same source. If this has " Only when our enemies feel that — ---- o ------ Administrator De Bonis Non. been done, it is reprehensible in the the German people stand united The United States national debt is highest degree. If this has been done back of their chosen leaders—then growing rapidly. It will soon be over In the County Court of the State of in Oregon, it has doubtless been done only can words become deeds. » » » Oregon, for the County of Mult­ In every other section of the country Thanks to the incomparable heroism twenty-five billion dollars, mostly for the war. We cannot help this or nomah. where government contracts have of our army, which will live as an stop it and we should not stop it but In the matter of the Estate of been let. Direct and personal solici­ immortal, glorious page in the his­ should expend twice the umount to Leonard Krebs, Deceased. tation of partisan contributions from tory of the German people for all win the war if necessary. Notice is hereby given that pursu­ a concern having a war contract is times, the front is unbroken. This enormous Bum must be paid ant to power and authority granted the grossest kind of utilization of the The German people’s chosen lead­ some time and the easiest way to to the administrator de bonis non of war for partisan political purposes. ers! Chosen by whom? The kaiser pay it is through the tariff. the Estate of Leonard Krebs, deceas­ —Observer. still hugs the delusion that he was Our government should at once ed, by the above entitled court on —o------ chosen by God, and he in turn, not raise the tariff on all imported goods the 25th day of September, A. D. While the Democratic candidate the German people nor the German sufficient to pay off this great debt, 1918, the administrator de bonis non for governor is conducting a thor- reichstag, chooses all the ministers, with Interest, in a few years after of the above entitled estate will from ough canvass of the state, and did including the new chancellor, and the war and we will never feel the and after Friday, the 8th day of not even let the Liberty Loan drive ¡his generals—Hindenburg, Luden- debt, 1 i November, 1918, offer for sale and interfere, Governor Withycombe has , dorff and all the others.. Can we expect the free trade Demo­ will proceed to sell at private sale to been sawing wood down at Salem William of Germany is mightily crats to make such a tariff law? No, the highest bidder for cash, subject meeting the perplexing problems in­ scared, but unrepentant still. He Then if the people want to help them to confirmation by the County Court cident to the war. His candidacy is fishes now for a tricky peace in or­ selves and especially the producers of for Multnomah County, State of Ore­ not based on the handshaking tour in der that he maye save and perpetuate this country, they must elect a Re­ gon, all the right, title and interest which he makes promises about an J the monstrous evils which inflicted publican Senate and Congress who of said estate in and to the follow­ office of which he knows little, as is 1 all his death, destruction and misery will give the United States the tariff ing described real property situated the case with his opponent, but he is ’ upon a horrified world—Prussian legislation needed. It is up to the In Tillamook County, State of Ore­ i simply referring the people to the absolutism and autocracy and Prus- electors to protect themselves by gon, to-wit: i manner in which he has performed j 8ian militarism and "kultur." electing protective people. Study it All of Lots Numbered One, Two, the duties of the office during his I A negotiated peace which stopped over, see what is for your best in­ past term and asking re-election on Three, Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen 'one hour short of driving into the terest and vote accordingly. of Block Numbered Two in the Town that basis. He knows the work, has minds of the German masses the of Woods, County of Tillamook, met every requirement during a ■ knowledge that the kaiser, the crown Why Not Leave it to Foch? period the most trying in the state's , prince, Hindenburg and Ludendorff State of Oregon; ----- o — ■ An undivided one half interest in history. His opponent is inexper­ had suffered an ignominous drub­ ienced. We believe the voters of the "If there were 10 divisions of bing, that the German armies were and to Lots Numbered One, Two and Three in Block Numbered One in the state will agree that this is no time smashed and routed, that the allied American soldiers in Italy now,” Town of Woods, County of Tilamook, for experimenting with new men and powers and their armies were 100 says Charles Edward Russell, return­ Governor Withycombe will not lose per cent victors and the kaiser 100 ing from that gallant and much-en­ State of Oregon; votes because he has stuck to the .per cent vanquished and suppliunt,, during country, "the war could be An undivided one-half interest In state’s business to the exclusion of 'can not and must not be considered. ended by Christmas or before. Thin and to Tract No. 65 4 as shown by his candidacy.—Independent. I Forward, mes braves! Across the ia not a rash assertion of a civilian Volume One, page 251, Line 3 of ----- o----- I Rhine and onto Berlin!—Spokesman that has seen only a few battlefront* 1913 Tax Roll of Tillamook County, One day last week a teamster Review. but is the deliberate judgment of the State of Oregon, in Section 19, Town whose horses could not hold th,, load very best military observers that ship Four South, Range Ten West of he was hauling on the Rex hill have carefully studied the exact sit­ How Germany Will Suffer. the Willamette Meridian in Tilla­ shoveled some dry dirt onto the pav­ | uation in Italy.” ------ o------ mook County, State of Oregon; and ing in order that his horses might Mr. Russell’s zeal lit the cause of An undivided one-half interest in get a toe hold. A shower that follow­ j The activity of German Hubmarines civilization entitles hitn to a respect­ along our coasts is stimplating the and to a pared of land described as ed soon afterward made the clay dirt ful hearing. Ills appeals for coal, follows: “Beginning at the .Southeast as slippery as soft soap, which caused American sentiment for a trade boy­ oil and steel for Italy should not fall cott as a trade punishment after the corner of A. Phelps one-acre Tract a great mix up of autos and motor the enemy undersea upon deaf years. But as to the 1(1 in Section 19, Township Four South trucks that passed that way, though war. .Since wasps have been destroying helpless American divisions, his military utl- of Range 10 West of the Willamette no serious accidents resulted. It has fishing fleets resell'meet has increas­ visors, however high in place, may Meridian; Thbnce North 6 degrees been evident all along, to observers, ed strongly. Within a few days 200,- be mistaken. 37 minutes West 150 feet; thence that horses would have a hard time Marshal Foch I ihh at hin command j 000 signatures have been obtained to North 83 degrees 23 minutes East climbing the grade there during the many times 10 American divisions, 206 feet; thence Sotith 6 degrees 37 winter season, and unless provision a pledge not to buy anything made in He has more than 10 that have ar­ Germany after the war. The organi ­ minutes East 199 feet to the inter­ is made for teams at one side of the rived in France since the ticle of section line of ordinary high water; paved grade there will come times sation expects to get twenty million battle turned In July. If the war ¡such pledges. thence South 76 degrees 8 minutes when it will be a "closed highway” Such a movement Is apart from any could be won before Christmas by West 208 feet along the line of ordi­ for the noble horse. In icy times a government plans under peace terms. sending these troops to Italy it is nary high water; thence North 6 de­ coating of sand covering the paving It will be effective without any legis- highly probably that Foch would grees 37 minutes West 74 feet to the would probably obviate the trouble |latlon on the subject. Great Brltian send them. If he does not send them place of beginning in the Town of but rains that would follow would it la probably because he does not Woods. Tillamook County, State of soon take it off. And while the Rex and France intend to exclude certain think that course would win bo imports e ’ xcept under special lioense, Oregon. hill is being discussed it may not be quickly. Bids offered in i writing 1 for said out of place to admonish the doctors, and has tied up under contracts the raw materials in colonies for years real property may be made ! at any the nurses, the undertakers and the Notice of Final Account. to come. The prejudice against Ger­ time after the publication of this grave diggers to hold themselves In ------ o------ many's style of warfare will be felt notice and before making sale at the readiness, for with the speed that The undersigned have filed their for more than a generation and she office of Emil P. Slovarp, Attorney, some auto drivers "hit the pike” filial account In the County Court of 608-9 Henry Building. Portland, Ore. coming down that long grade and is bound to suffer In consequence. Tillamook County, Oregon, and said Germany is largely dependent on Dated and first publication October sail over the fill In the canyon at the court has appointed Monday, Novem­ 10th, 1918. bottom of the hill, it seems hardly the outride world for her raw mater­ ber 11th, 1918. at the court house In ials and her manufacturers are now Jefferson J. Krebs, possible that the slippery season will Tillamook City, Oregon, ut 10 o’clock Administrator de bonis non. be passed over without some serious I much alarmed over the prospect of a m., an the time and place fur hear­ obtaining them. We shall defend our C. C. Stout and Emil P. Slovarp, casualties being enacted there. No ing objection» to Bald final account 608-9 Henry Building. Portland, Ore. charge is made for the suggestion new dyestuffs'and chemical indus­ and the final settlement thereof. All Attorneys for the Estate. and it is not made with the thought tries against German competition, of persons interested will govern tbem- that it will cause drivers to be more course, by a tariff. In many ways selves accordingly. cautious. It is so easy to turn on the Germany is bound to suffer a heavy Dated this October 10th, 1918. trade loss through personal opinion Notice. gas. don't you know.—Graphic. Edgar K. Gilbert, in enemy countries, whatever may be William J. Gilbert, the terms of a peace settlement. As To whom It may concern. I have Hiti Bank Stock Values. Administrators of the our losses grow on the battlefields sold my interest in the Tillamook Estate of Daniel W. Gll- ■ — —o------ and her submarine crimes Increase, Feed Co. to Geo. Williams, who will bert, Deceased. Activities of the Non-Partisan so will the trade sentiment against pay all bills against the company League in North Dakota have been _ ¡Germany be Intensified in the United H. T. Botts, Attorney, and collect all accounts. For Administrators, so successful that the value of North States. And very likely, also, will the Charles Kunze. .Ì Standard Oil Co. CALIFORNIA « S Nothing has impressed us as finer among all the young soldiers we have met than the absence from their thoughts that they were entering a war inspired by hate. Body and soul, we believe, they have devoted them­ selves, as perhaps no other army ever has, to a great and holy cause, with "malice towards none.”—Itemizer. o------ And to think that Portland, rich and opulent Portland, thriving and thrifty, caused Oregon to lose first honors among the states of the Union in attaining its Liberty quota! Port­ land with its war Industries, its big payrolls, its shipbuilding plants, its increasing population, owes an apology to the state.—News Report­ er. Dakota bank stocks have gone down 20 per cent. As the league ia fighting the banks, its leaders is pluming themselves on the damage they have done to the objects of their wratn. We have recently seen a private letter from a North Dakota banker to an Oregon stockholder, in ah; he says that stock in his bank is bought for 20 per cent less than it bought on the market two years ago, aud that this decrease in banking stock values is about the same throughout the whole state. The rea­ son he sets forth as follows: "You are probably aware that this state is now controlled absolutely by the Non-Partisan League and the so­ cialistic element who are threatening to drive business out of the state. What the outcome will be is hard to predict, but they do not seem to use any reason and are bent on the dem­ truction of all business and finan- cial interests. They have already in­ corporated a number oí farmer stores, and in different towns have started farmer banks, and whenever they start a bank in a farming c >ui- munlty, the other banks will have to go out of business. We would not care to buy your bank stock under these conditions, even atdhe reduced price.”—Oregon Voter. £ a Some of the clerks who are In the 1 a employ of the government getting • a out publicity copy for the hundreds 1 a of country newspapers : a the United States/ might throughout better be 1 a employed in munitions factories or i a the kitchens of some of our society ■ people for all the good they are do­ . in putting in their time and [ a ing wasting paper. Newspaper publishers 1 a P are conserving in the use, of paper, i S and others should. Business men are a getting little or no job printing ¡done S —saving paper. It is a fact, how­ that there is need of more con­ § ever. servation on the part of some of the a i larger concerns.—Willamina Times.