Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 17, 1918, Image 6

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ognisee no law and no rule, save, , beg leave to submit ths follovgtng re­ YOUVG ORIGDMLAÄS
that might make« right.”
First: We desire to express our
"If we would make the world a
safe place to live in, we must have a > sincere thanks to the city teachers
Able Instructora in Atiendan«— citizenship whose ambition is in full I for their hospitality shown the vlsit- Result* of Liberty Loan Contest
accord with the expanding Ideas of ’ ing teachers during this session of
Champion Canning Team Demón­
Institute. Our thanks are due to Supt.
“The perpetuity of our government Lamb for securing the abe instruc-
The essay contest section of the
depends upon Bocial harmony and I tors to whom we have so appreciat­ state executive committee for the
The Teachers’ Annual Institute of good works."
ively listened. We also wish to ex­ fourth Liberty loan has completed
Tillamook County, convened at the
"May every citizen of thia great press our thanks to Supt. J. A. the task of reading and passing on
High School Building, in Tillamook commonwealth assist America In be­ • Churchill, to Miss Emily Devore, to the scores of essays submitted by the
city on Wednesday, October 9, at 1 coming a torch bearer in enllghten- Dr. H. P. Barrows, to Pres. L. T. county school superintendents of the
p.m. for a three day’s session. The j ing the world.”
Pennington, to Mr. H. C. Seymour, state, representing the work of pu­
attendance was good, the weather
the address of Mr. and to Mrs. Blanche Blumauer, for pils in the respective counties. Fred
was ideal, and the Institute was one j Churchill came Dr. Barrows, with a their many helpful and able sugges- L. Boalt, who was chairman of the
of the best ever held in the county.
talk on “Nature Work for the Rural l tions which we know will be of essay contest committee, says that a
The instructors were as follows:
much value to us In our work, also least 150,000 school children in the
Mrs. Blanche R. Blumauer, State
The speaker advocated the bring­ ■ for the inspiration which we have re- state wrote on the topic suggested,
Leader of Junior Red Cross Work, ing ot live specimens of insects, . ceived. We wish to express our ap- "My Liberty Bond and I,” Twenty
Portland, Oregon.
plants, and birds to school, when the ' predation for the splendid musical thousand of Portland’s public school
H. P. Barrows, Department of Ag­ same were being studied. The field I entertainment which Miss Hickey, of pupils entered the competition. The
riculture, Washington, D. C.
' work must be organized; It must be 1 the Tillamook Schools so ably direct- character of the essays submitted
J. A. Churchill, Supt. of Public In­ made a basis for the study of wo:k ■ ed.
showed a thoughtful lntrepretatlon
struction, Salem, Oregon.
in the school room.
Second: Whereas, we realize that of the subject, most ot the youthful
Miss Emily Devore, Oregon State
This was Mr. Barrows’ last appear­ pupils entering High School are not writers submitting worthy composi­
Normal, Monmouth, Oregon.
ance on the program and the first as fully prepared as they should be: tions.
Pres. L. T. Pennington, Pacific Col­ time he ever attended an institute in
Therefore, be it resolved, that the
The first prize for each of the ten
lege, Newberg, Oregon.
this county. His addresses were very ' teachers of Tillamook County request grades competing were awarded,
H. C. Seymour, State Leader Boys’ helpful and instructive. He made 1 each of their eighth grade pupils to
Those whose essays were selected
and Girls’ Industrial Club Work, many friends while here.
take the state examinations, regard- are: Twelfth grade, Margaret Slau-
Corvallis, Oregon.
Miss Devore was next Introduced ■ less of class standings.
son, Lincoln High, Portland; eleven­
The session opened with music, and addressed the teachers on the
Third: Whereas, we, as teachers th grade, Zelma Ziegler Sauvain,
"America" led by Miss Hickey, di­ subject of "Language." She used I and citizens, are aware of the im-
Washington High, Portland; tenth
rector of music in the Tillamook cards and pictures and associated 1 measurable value of Club Work in
grade, Gladys
Austin, Jefferson
schools, who also directed the music them with the work. Her deinonitra- our country today.
High School, Portland; ninth grade,
during the whole session.
Therefore, be it resolved, that the
tions were very clear, and her dram-
Dr. H. 1’. Barrows, of Washington, atlzations were excellent. She de- teachers of Tillamook County pro- Elda Josephine, Gardiner,
Dorothy Simpson,
1). C., was the first speaker on the lighted the audience with her story mote the club work to the fullest ex­ eighth grade,,
Prineville; seventh grade, Ramona
program, taking for his subject, of Robert Bruce and the Spider.
tent, giving to Supt. Lamb, who is Haltom, Tillamook, District 9; sixth
"Education in a Democracy." The
Following Miss Devore came Pres­ devoting so much time to this work, grade, Donald Grant, Fairview, Mult­
speaker divided the object of educa­ ident Pennington, who gave a splen­ the support it deserves.
nomah County; fifth grade, Margar­
tion into three divisions—-
did address on the subject "The
Fourth: Whereas, we teachers
First—-To train all to make a liv­ Power of Personality.” Mr. Penning­ know that in years past we have et Glover, Creston School, Portland;
fourth grade, Frances Robinson,
ton is a forceful speaker and drove been neglectful of the physical, mor- Woodlawn School, Portland; third
Second—-To train to enjoy life.
his statements deep into the hearts 1 al and patriotic training of our pu­ grade, Jean Ingle, Corvallis, District
Third—To train all to do his part ot his listeners. From his address we pils,
No. 9.
in the affairs of government.
Therefore, be it resolved, that we
got the following maxims—
Ten Receive Gold Medals.
"A true democracy”, said the
"It is not what you teach so much follow the suggestions of Supt.
Each of these young people will re­
speaker, "was a condition of govern­ aa what you are."
Churchill along these lines and de­ ceive a gold medal. In addition to
ment in which pach one hud aa equal
"What you are speaks so loud that vote more of our time to these three the first prize winners each of the
part in contributing to the maln- I cannot hear what you say."
phases of school work.
contestants in each county whose es­
tainance of society.
Fifth: Whereas, President Wilson, say was deemed worthy by the coun­
"What are your students going to
Dr. Barrows was followed by Miss get from you?"
in a recent letter given to the public ty superintendent of forwarding to
Emily Devore, of the Monmouth
He gave the teachers the following has urged that there be no falling off
Normal School, who represented that good advice: "Be clean and be sensi­ in the attendance in the elementary state headquarters will receive a pin
in recognition of effort. Because in
institution during the institute. She ble in matters of person and dress.”
schools, high schools and colleges, many counties the schools did not
took for her subject "Phonica" and
"Have your habita of work In or- in order that we may attain the larg­ open before the contest closed on
gave a very interesting and Instruc­ der."
est possible efficiency both in war September 27, their contestants were
tive talk, which was very helpful,
and after peace shall come; and
"Be on schedule time."
limited. In fact, there were but 14
especially to those teachers who are
Whereas, there is an increase in counties represented.
"Have an attitude toward others,
doing primary work.
that your desire your pupils to have the enrollment of the public schools
Tillamook—Lucille Matteson, third
The next fdw minutes was occupied toward you."
of Oregon, but a marked under-sup- Marjorie Tucker, fourth; Bert Good­
in the election of two delegatee to
"Serve others as much as you serve ply of teachers—every county in our speed, sixth; Ramona Haltom, sev-
Association, yourself.”
the State Teachers’
state is at this time without a full enth; Eloit Henderson, eighth; Em-
which meetH In Portland during the
A very Interesting session was held quota of teachers-—and this shortage met Gray, ninth; Leland Bester, 10th
holidays, and attending to other Thursday evening at which address­ is felt especially in the counties of
and Mayme LaFollette, 12th.
business matters.
es were made by Supt. Churchill, southern and eastern Oregon; and
Mrs. Bertha Hanson, of the Tilla­ Pres. Pennington, and Mrs. Blanche
Whereas, the Board of Normal
mook High School, and Mrs. Harriett Blumauer.
Resolution of Sympathy.
School Regents recognizing the Inad­
Ford, principal of the Wheeler achool
The session Friday morning opened equacy for the demand, having en­
were selected as delegate» to the with an excellent talk by Mrs. Blum­ dorsed the measure submitted by the
Whereas, it was the will of the
Htate Association.
auer, of Portland, on the subject of last legislatiture providing for two
Supt. White, of the Tillamook "The Junior Red Cross." Mrs. Blum­ additional Normal schools and urg­ almighty with his unseen hand to
BchoolH, was elected preHldeut of the auer is State Leader In Junior Red ently requested its approval by the take from our midst Howard B. Mil-
lis, our beloved Brother, who ans­
County Teachers Association, and H. Cross work and explained very clear­ people at the coming election of
wered the call of his country, giving
8. Brimhall, principal of the Neha­ ly how the work is to be done, and November 5, 1918, and our State
all, asking nothing, making the
lem Public School, was selected sec­ what work is to be done, by the Supt. of Public Instruction, P. A.
retary of the Institute, und also dele­ teachers of this county. She urged Churchill, has said that next to "supreme sacrifice” In his departure,
gated to report the proceedings of upon the teuchers that they must the winning of the war, the most im­ we, the Pythian Sisters, lost a
the institute for the county papers. sacrifice, and that they must Inspire portant problem before the people of brother true to our every principle,
The session Thursday morning was 1 their pupils with the same noble Oregon is the establishment of these P. L. C. and F.; be It
Resolved, Miriam Temple, No. 36,
opened by a talk by Supt. Churchill, thought. That is what Red Cross schools.
Pythian Sisters, extend to the sor-
on "Standards in English for Eighth work means. The speaker further
Therefore, be it resolved, that the
Grade Pupils", which wus very In­ urged upon the teachers the impor­ teachers of Tillamook County in an­ row'ing widow, sister and father
tant matter of a Salvage Program. nual institute assembled, do pledge
Following Mr. Churchill came Pres. For the teachers in the several dis­ our Individual and united efforts to row ; and be it further
Resolved that a copy of these res-
L. T. Pennington, who took for his tricts of the county, to collect with secure the adoption of this measure
subject, "Flies in the Educational the aid of the children, old papers, at the coming election in order that olutions be placed on the minutes of
our order, a copy sent to the re­
tin foil, old rubber, and old Iron. Oregon may have an adequate sup­
Among the flies Unit caused the This salvage is to be transported by ply of thoroughly trained men and latives, one to each of the cpunty
ointment to become very offensive, the railroads free of charge. The women to instruct and lead out our newspapers for publication and that
our charter be draped in mourning
the speaker named the following:
teachers promised Mrs. Blumauer children so they may help to build
First—Failure on the part of the their hearty co-operation in this all the world anew and function effi­ for thirty days.
'Tis hard to break the tender chord
teacher to realize the value of the important matter.
ciently in the world's new democ­
When love has bound the human
tusk before him.
At the close of Mrs. Blumauer's racy."
Second—Lack of preparation for talk. Miss Devore again delighted
Sixth: Whereas, we as citizens and ’Tis hard to speak the mournful
the audience in presenting the sub­ fellow teachers are aware of the fact
ject of "Literature.” She dramatized that the salary of the County Super­
Must we forever part.
Fourth—Lack of sympathy.
several more familiar stories, and intendent of Tillamook County is Dearest Brother, we have laid thee
Fifth ludescretlon on the part of gave niauy
valuable suggestions totally inadequate to justly com­
In thy peaceful grave In grace,
the teacher.
which will greatly help the new, as pensate him for the service he rend­ But thy memory will we cherish
H. C. Seymour, State Club Leader, well as the older teachers.
Till we see thy heavenly face.
was next on the program and ad­
Just before noon Friday, the cham­
Therefore, be it resolved, that we,
Resp. submitted in P. L. E & F.
dressed the teachers on the subject of pion canning team of Oregon, which aa Individual citizens, request our
Margaret Penwell, Elizabeth Oot-
"School Fairs and Club
is composed of Marie Gienger, Pau­ representative from Tillamook Coun­
When Mr. Seymour gave the report line Qienger and Gladys Kllnehan, ty to Introduce a bill in the next hout and Jennie Coburn.
of the prizes won by the Tillamook gave a canning demonstration for the Legislature, placing the salary of the
County Schools at the Slate Fair at benefit of the visiting teachers. The County Superintendent ot Tillamook
Salem last month, telling of our girls acquitted themselves nobly, County at *1800, for traveling ex­
county winning first place with our and received the commendation of penses *400 and for office hire *600.
Primary results in various states
canning team, a cheer of applause every one present. The whole county
Seventh: Whereas, we fully be- Indicate that the next senate will
greeted the speaker.
Is proud of them.
lleve that we have not yet fully at- contain no "kaiser’s dozen." Men of
Mr. Seymour stated that last year
Pres. Pennington opened the last tained the helghts of sacrifice and suspected lukewarmness toward the
4bere were only 400.000 Club Work­ session. Friday afternoon, taking patriotism necessary to our full de- nation's war
program are being
ers in the United States, while thia for his subject "The Leadership of velopment and the development of weeded out. It is impossible for the
year there were over 2.000,000; Tomorrow." This address was one of our children:
voters this year to get all the sen­
16,000 of them being in Oregon, and Mr. Pennington’s best during the In­
Therefore, be it resolved that we:
ators who have offended in this re­
260 In Tillamook County.
stitute. and hie earnest Ratners
First: Support to the fullest extent spect. but enough are falling by the
The speaker further stated that drank in every word, he said In part of our ability the Junior Red Cross, wayside to make the object lesson
Club Workers thia year in Oregon "that Oregon was today, the moat and endeavor to report our county effective.
produced >64,SOO worth of pork, or highly civilized part of the globe; 100 per cent Red Cross as soon as
At President Wilsons' urgent re­
enough to feed three regiments of that the leaders have come from the possible.
quest the democrats of Georgia de- I
vur soldiers in France for seven country and small towns in the past,
Second: That we. by our own ex­ nled Senator Hardwick a renomina- 1
months. That the cost to the govern­ and not from the great centers of ample, encourage the children to tion and put in his place on the tick­
ment in the furtherance of the Club population." "As go the leaders, so further the sales of government et William J. Harris.
Work was 79 cents for each boy and goes the world." "We must have a bonds and thrift stamps.
Mississippi democrats dealt similar­
girl engaged in the work, and the re- thoroughly
educated leadership."
Third: That we as teachers and ly with Senator Vardaman and put
turns were *21.82 per pupil. Club “The leadership of tomorrow must patriotic citizens, support by our Pat Harrison in nomination in his
work surely pays.
be a democratic, a moral, and a broad every thought, word and deed, our place.
The afternoon session. Thursday, Christian leadership."
administration program and that we
South Carolina decided that Cole
opened with a very able and Instruc­
The last speaker on the program labor unceasingly to hasten the suc- Blease was no fit successor to the
tive address by Supt. Churchill on wus Supt. Churchill, who talked on cesaful conclusion of this world war late Ben Tillman.
"Forward Movements In Education." "The Weakness of the Small High so that this earth may be a safe
In Illinois the republicans rejected
We regret that we cannot give tile School and its Strength." The teach­ place for true democracy."
the candidacy of "Big Bill" Thomp­
full address here, but space will not ers gained many good points from
son. mayor of Chicago, who Is re-
permit. Suffice to say, that it was his remarks, especially those who are
membered among other acta for his
one of the ablest addresses ever de- engaged in High School work. Mr.
refusal to extend the welcome of
livered at a Tillamook County Insti­ < hurchill also gave and explained a
America's second city to Marshal Jof-
tute. We here give a few extracts dally program for the use of teachers
fre. If Senator Lewis is defeated in
front the address:
who have all the grades. Many ques­
November it will be by a man whose
of Bnck and Stone, All Fire
"We must put into the schisila tions were asked by the teachers, and
career in the house is a guarantee of
Places absolutely guaranteed
what we would have In the nation." thia proved to be one of the most In­
hia Americanism.
not to smoke or money re­
"We can only get more effective teresting periods of the institute.
These are straws in the wind. The
citizenship by making greater sac­
Following the remarks
of Mr.
American electorate wants th* sixty­
Brick work of all kinds done
rifice, in which the teacher must Churchill, the resolutions committee,
on short notice.
fifth congress to be aggressively pro-
which consisted of H. 3. Brimhall.
We make a specialty of re­
All great victories have been son, Ethel K Gllnes and W. L. Bryan,
pairing smoking Fire Placer
atoi by armies alone, but by men and submitted
the following report,
Safety First.
women at borne."
which was adopted unanimously.
"Inefficient is the teacher who
Copy of Resolutions.
Keep Insured In beet companies
4oea not do bi* part."
To the teachers of Tillamook County:
writing insurance. Everaon repre­
"Sad 1* the condition when one rec-
We. your committee on resolutions
sents them and solicits your busin
The Usefulnes
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