Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 17, 1918, Image 5

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’F Ike actM-
that in thia disease the number of
white corpuscles shows little or no In­
crease above the normal. It Is possi­
ble that tbe laboratory Investigations
Unlike Most Uncivilised Peoples, the
now being made through the National
Maoris Have Been Helped by
Research Council and tbe United Bedouin Women the Possessors
Contact With Conquerors.
Many Constantly in a Fever of
States Hygienic Laboratory will fur­
nish a more certain way in which indi­
ter- it
lie Health Service Issues vidual cases of this disease can be
their faces tatooed so ns to be terri-
’ îr fnnients
nnientj ajj’*11816*
ble to look upon, the Maorls of New
F Should
ted '
Barbaric Ornaments, With Which They Zealand are now lawyers, doctors, 9ns of Man’s Greatest Mistakes Is to
¡lai Health Bulletin
Ure *Uh whnW bey°
Load Themselves, Do Not Seem
Do people die of it?
Allow Himself to Be Constantly
even members of the New Zealand
he President
on influenza.
Out of Place—Abandoning An­
legislature. Their cannibalistic ten­
ref“y toX ?
Under Pressure and Intense
“Ordinarily, the fever lasts from
cient Customs.
dencies Britain long ago successful­
three to four days and the patient re­ I
Nervous Strain.
nn,e'« « 4uXia.a,ld'
ly suppressed. A few old warriors are
covers. But while the proportion of
WORD ON SUBJECT. deaths in tbe present epidemic has
All the women of the Bedouin village the only remaining examples of the
Some of us are trying to live our
generally been low, In some places the came to see us, writes Elizabeth Coop­ ancient art of tattooing.
Ilves all at once. We would cramp the
outbreak bas been severe and deaths er in Asia.
The cannibalism of the Maoris was slow development of years Into the
They had magnificent
probably Not Spanish In have been numerous. When death oc­ physiques, tall and supple, and carried the natural consequence of life in a coming month or week ; we would com­
curs it Is usually the result of a com­ themselves with stately grace. They country where animals and birds were
press the work of an hour into the
,m, Still Unknown—Pso-
were dressed In long, straight cotton few and hard to find. War was their next five minutes. Nature—patient,
Guard Against “Droplet
What causae the disease and how le gowns of blue or black, and a many- favorite sport, but from their ear­ tireless, cunning laborer that she Is—
«-Surgeon General Blue It spread?
colored sash was wrapped around the splitting, hair raising war dance often does not favor this plan. She takes her
:ts from soih ,
Authoritative Statement
"Bacteriologists who have studied In­ waist. The only foot coverings were performed even in time of peace, they time—"Because it is hers!” some one
fluenza epidemics In the past have the anklets of silver that fell down would turn to the, story tellers for one makes prompt answer. “She has com­
ra"t to write P pe
found tn many of the cases a very over the Instep. Over their hair, which of the loved tales or songs of their__________________________
mand of all the time there is. ____
She can
0. C.—(Special.)—Al- Small rod-shaped germ called, after Its was braided In many braids, and In ancestors and heroes. A feeling of be as deliberate as she chooses, We
,ow tha‘ 1 ama tew 1
\ lad^eadaZrec^
IQj, Alfonso of Spain was discoverer, Pfeiffer's bacillus. In other which were plaited small gold coins rhythm and poetry was deeply rooted | must make haste because our little
the victims of the Influenza epl- cases of apparently the same kind of that clinked musically as they moved in these people. Many of their stories lives are so soon clipped off. Tbe dark-
h 81
U 1893 znd again this summer, disease there were found pneumococci, their heads. they wore veils of black were in verse form and they had a nesa too early rounds our day. Our
»'SS fOr
work must be put through with speed
gsthorltlea repudiate any the germs of lobar pneumonia. Still with a colored border, which adtjgd to song for every occasion.
others have been caused by strepto­ their dignity and beauty in a most
They had not always lived in New and under pressure or we shall not fin­
e folks «j a.loagi
w mfloenza as a “Spanish" dls-
cocci, and by others germs with long charming manner.
“°oie a
Zealand. Many years back a chief had ish.”
If the people of thia country do
From the lower lip to the neck, and gone on a long voyage from their
The,beat work even by these feeble
gM art the epidemic will be-
“No matter what particular kind of lost In the coverings of the dress, were home in Hawalkl and had found an mortal hands and minds of- oars is
,nd,n« the
M vtdespread throughout the germ causes the epidemic. It Is now
three dark blue lines of tattooing. Thia island good for fishing and with few done not in a fever but in a calm. Art
Stites that soon we shall bear believed that Influenza Is always tattooing Is seen now only on the older
natives to be conquered. To this is­ (and the exception proves the rale)
KeZ’ be
called “American" tnflu- spread from person to person, the women, and Is being thrown on the al­ land he led his people and here for achieves most nobly when it achlevee
germs being carried with the air along tar of modernity by the daughters of many generations they have lived and with tranquility. The personal cir­
Aiso tb8 tr‘p o
lt 'egistereS .■a*a,ea
^tpooN to a request for definite with the very small droplets of mucus, the Bedouins who have peeped into the fought. A Maori legend explains that cumstances of the artist may be dis­
tloa concerning Spanish Intlu- expelled by coughing or sneezing, outer world and are trying to be more the north island of New Zealand was tressing. He rises above them. His
and the like by one like their city neighbors. The hair is
Siugeoo General Rupert Blue of
caught up from the eea with a jaw dream translates him to the skies
who already has the germs of the dls- straight and black, and with many has
bone fish hook by Maul, the favor­ above his mundane environment Hie
j, 8, Public Health Service baa
ease. They may also be carried about
’ ,,xle
the following official Inter- In the air In the form of dust coming been given a tinge of red by washing ite hero of the tribe. Many are the passion for the truth leads him to for­
It In henna. I saw no gray-halred wom­
get that he is poor and hungry and
from dried mucus, from coughing and en, because those who have beau legends of the deeds of Maui which misunderstood. He writes his book or
eJ,n»s When®.1"8 °n
the Maori fathers relate to their sons
I sneezing, or from careless people who
e° 1 recei
touched by the finger of time have
paints his picture or composes his
ing new? Does It come from spit on the floor and on the sidewalk. been allowed by kindly custom to dye that they, too, may be brave and sonata in a land where it is always
As In most other catching diseases, a their locks, and there were many flam­
the football field, where today the summer and the skies are blue and
dliease now occurring In this person who has only a mild attack of ing heads above wrinkled faces. Hen­
tears are never shed and none ever
,u for the
Muoris excel.
and called ‘Spanish Influen-
na Is also applied to the nails of the
ty (Utah) MPaper
Those of the tribe who do not live lies. By the force of a creative Imag-
severe attack to others.”
retembles a very contagious kind
fingers and toes, and the under side
nation, he establishes for himself a
6 se'’t'".ent J®1,
What should be done by those who of the feet and palms are not forgotten In the New Zealand cities are grouped new Heaven and a new earth, and his
i,' accompanied by fever, pains
ay J Jook t ° aJ
in little villages not unlike the Maori
catch the disease?
by the Bedouin woman who has con­
spirit Is tranquil because it is trium­
" arnve,
settlements of the days before the
“It Is very Important that every per­ served the customs of her mother and
phant over the pinching and gnawing
ghs and Sneezes
coming of the white men. They raise
son who becomes sick with influenza has not yet relegated the henna pot
Spread Diseases
should go home at once and go to bed. to the lumber room along with the tat­
Artist or artisan, each of us must
"cias? No?
their gardens, and fish in river and
This will help keep away dangerous tooing ink.
learn to make the pilgrimage a step at
aea for eels and trout. Unlike the In­
complications and will, at the same
a time. Let not an anxious forecast
Great masses of Jewelry were worn
time, keep the patient from scattering by all, not the diamonds and rubles dian, these people are holding
corrugate the brow with the thought
the disease far and wide. It is highly found In the cities, but the true orna­
of a morrow sufficient unto itself.
desirable that no one be allowed to ments of a barbaric people. Hoops of
Epicurean delight lives for the mo­
sleep in the same room with the pa­ gold were In the ears—one hanging land.—Chicago Dally News.
ment ; a man’s more serious purpose
tient In fact, no one but the nurse from the top of the ear, another from I
in existence would often do well to fol­
should be allowed In tbe room.
the lobe. The neck was covered with CONNECTS CARACAS WITH SEA low the example. We can be sure as
"If there Is cough and sputum or chains formed of balls of gold or of
to what we wish to do with our lives;
« the
running of the eyes and nose, care I coins, and on the arms were many American
inri j r°ctoii
Which we can have a great and generous alm;
should be taken that all such dis­ bracelets. In writing coldly of the Bed­
we can appoint a goal and know the
Gives Venezuelan Capital
Dangerous as ftsiaon Gas Shells
charges are collected on bits of gauze ouin woman, her tattooing, her henna-
point we wish to reach and the way by
He‘P Wan,?;
Only Outlet to the Ocean.
or rag or paper napkins and burned. ' colored hair, her kohl-blackened eyes,
which we .are proceeding. But the
tit head, eyes, ears, back or other
H,eadF job.“
If the patient complains of fever and
miles we measure forward with the
,of the body and a feeling of se- headache, he should be given water to and her massive chains of gold and
For more than 300 years Caracas,
' anklets of sliver. It seems as If she capital city of Venezuela, was acces­ spiritual eye are not to be o’erleaped
ilckness. In most of the cases the drink, a cold compress to tbe forehead
’°d old Pro.
In the next second. We must plod. We
were still In an age of barbarism, yet
b,°’> Effies
ptoms disappear after three or four and a light sponge. Only such medi­ her ornaments are becoming to her sible from La Guaira. Its port town, must be content with a wayside inn to­
d OJd Paper
the patient then rapidly recover-
night, and the next night, and many
rich coloring and she is not over­
't like as Í
Sorne of the patients, however, by the doctor. It is foolish to ask the dressed. Ornaments belong to the time the very early days of the country nights, perhaps, before we reach our
,whal waa
op pneumonia, or Inflammation druggist to prescribe and may be dan­ and the place, and are made for these i
haven and our home.
mountains that range along the north­
gerous to take the so-called ‘safe, sure
’Piton has
women, who need strong settings for
It will not do to disparage this good-
the ear, or meningitis, and many of
and harmless" remedies advertised by
ern coast. It was not until 1883, after
u c«n ar-
their own savage beaufy.
I ly earth as a vale of tears for all the
complicated cases die. Whether patent medicine manufacturers.
1 *U1 be
■ sorrow and all the blackness that we
to-called ‘Spanish' Influenza Is
build a railroad, that Caracas finally ; see. Tbe
„ of
“If the patient Is so situated that he
The eartb
eBrth is fu
of fal|lbl0
fallible peo-
Saving Time in Shipbuilding.
tlcal with the epidemics of Influen- erfn be attended only by some one who
.waj connected by rail with th« |»Qt | le llke ounieiYe8( trylDg and romlng
I little town that gives the republic •; fo
t0 glv„ batt,e agaln
must also look after others In the fam­
’d that f
"ipldemics of Influenza have visited ily, It Is advisable that such attendant plates and the framing of a ship to­ , chief city its outlet to the sea.
ln tbe lnextlngul!)habIe bope of victory.
’e«d the
Tn tkni vrztn w n vs zmfnwrielnl nzv A m AvK I ___
. .
country since 1647. It Is lnterest- wear a wrapper, apron or gown over I gether, a test Is being made by the I
In that year an enterprising Amerl-1 We are more alike
than we realize.
to know that this first epidemic the ordinary house clothes while in the Emergency Fleet corporation, at the can, who several years before bad > We are a marching army, with leaders
bronght here from Valencia, sick room and slip this off when leav­ Federal Shipbuilding company’s yard come to Venezuela as minister or ' whom we must obey. Like good sol-
Fou for
in Kearney, N. J„ in the use of elec­ consul from the United States, com-1
i-. Pa.)
Since that time there have ing to lobk after the others.
diers we must keep the cadence with
“Nurses and attendants will do well tric welding. This test is to be con­ pleted tbe work on the La Guaira and
* I re-
numerous epidemics of the dls-
the rest, If we grow careless and
ducted on a 40-foot length of a 9.600-
Caracas railway and Immediately straggle, we dislocate the whole pro-
'as io.
In 1889 and 1890 an epidemic
ous disease germs by wearing a simple
opened the line to traffic, which but ceedlng.
1 the
We came Into this world
Influenza, starting somewhere In the
fold of gauze or mask while near the ing and continuous arc welding will for an Infrequent landslide or revolu­
tat, spread first to Russia and patient"
be used, the spot welding for connect­ tion has continued uninterrupted ever bound to be submissive to Its dls-
"Jpllre. To defy the natural laws is
ce over practically the entire civ-
Will a person who has had influenza ing the A-aines and plates, and the arc ' since. The line today is one of the only to be miserable and to make mis­
world. Three years later there before catch the disease again?
welding for Joining the seams of the I i finest narrow-gauge mountain railways
ery for others. If war shall teach us
plates. The hull to be tested will be
another flare-up of the disease,
"It is well known that an attack of
In the world.
‘'“-rx ,
to respond with promptness to a com­
times the epidemic spread wide- measles or scarlet fever or Bmallpox filled with water and subjected to va­
mand, out of its horrors will be born
over the United States.
usually protects a person against an­
a blessing.—Philadelphia Public Led­
Reliable Weather Glass.
"Although the present epidemic Is other attack of the same disease. This strength of the Joints. Should the test
- „
A test tube about 111 Inches long and ger.
cl ‘Spanish Influenza,' there Is no appears not to be true of ‘Spanish in­ prove successful. It will result not only
n to believe that It originated in fluenza.’ According to newspaper re­ In the saving of 10 per cent of weight,
Jackies Ignore 8tyles.
n. Some writers who have studied ports the King of Spain suffered an but also in a great economy of time. base or hung up by a wire. In thia
Fashions may come and fashions
Question believe that the epidemic attack of influenza during the epi- j It will eliminate a great deal of work best tube are put 2 drams of camphor,
e from the Orient and they «all at- demlc thirty years ago, and was again in marking out, punching, and fitting of H dram of potassium nitrate, "A may go, but the habiliments of Uncle
*tlon to the fact that the Germans stricken during the recent outbreak In I the members, as well as a reduction in , dram of ammonium chloride, 2 ounces Sam’s Jackies never vary. Trained to
face r.ature in the open, the jacky Is
*ntlon the disease as occurring along Spain.”
the railroad transportation from the I of pure alcohol, 2 ounces of water.
If the Ingredients do not mix easily invariably ready to meet all sorts of
4« eastern front In the summer and
How can one guard against Influ­ rolling mill to the fabricating plant. It
weather. He knows how to dress to
411 of 1917.”
Is believed that the total saving will tube should be put In warm wuter
meet every condition, and the nuvy
How can “Spanish Influenza” be rec-
“In guarding against disease of all , amount to about $40 a ton of the steel put In the tube it is ready for work, j not only has him sufficiently clad, but
kinds, it Is Important that the body be structure.—Scientific American.
hns more, clothes in his sea bag and
says Electrical Experimenter.
Tliere Is as yet no certain way In kept strong and able to fight off dis­
Following is the weather which the ready for use when he needs them.
•hich a single case of ‘Spanish influ- ease germs. This can be done by hav­
Art Works in Demand in Japan.
Ills clothes are eternally blue, the
changes in the liquid denote:
can be recognized. On the oth- ing a proper proportion of work, play
Fabulous prices, ns far as the deal­ I
pattern never changes and tradition
’’ band, recognition Is easy where and rest, by keeping the body well ings In works of nrt are concerned in
Crystals at bottom—Thick air, frost still holds her own In their making.
“We Is a group of cases. In contrast clothed, and by eating sufficient whole­ Japan, have been paid for rare master­
I Decades ago when the “oh! tars" hud
•o the outbreaks of ordinary coughs some-and properly selected food. In pieces. At the Higashi Hongwanji In winter.
I ,. .
to climb a mast and dangle from the
Dim liquid—Rain.
•nd colds, which usually occur In the connection with diet, it is well to re­ sales a pair of screens, with Iris blos­
Dim liquid with small stars—; stretched-out ends of yardarms to do
’’A! months, epidemics of influenza member that milk la one of the best soms painted by Ogata Korin, fetched
their reefing, conveniences and cus­
occur at any season of the year, all-around foods obtainable for ndults 105,000 yen and created quite a sen­ Thunderstorms.
Large flakes—Heavy air, overcast tom made necessary the bell shaped
present epidemic raged most as well as children. So far as a dis­ sation.
lower ends of the trousers. And time
sky; snow in winter.
»tensely in Europe in May, June and ease like Influenza is concerned, health
At Viscount Akimoto's sale an al­
has not changed them one iota. The
'«7. Moreover, In the case of ordt- authorities everywhere recognize the
bum with eight small paintings, rep­
sailor also clings to his black hand­
iZl cold*’ the general symptoms very close relation between Its spread resenting eight scenes of Shosho, by
kerchief, draped about his blue blouse
g l«ver, pain, depression) are by no and overcrowded homes. While It is
Small dots—Damp weather. fog.
Kelshokl, was sold for 140,000 yen. and
ar.d tied across his breast. Tradition
^',S 8S sevel* or “» sudtien In their not always possible, especially in
a scroll of Elga Monogatari, by Nobu-
tells that the handkerchief thus worn
as they are In influenza. Ftnai- times like the present, to avoid such zone, fetched 110,000 yen. But this Wind in upper air.
originated with the British tar, for the
‘b ordinary colds
do not spread overcrowding, people should consider
record was broken when a kakemono
blacks were once worn In this fashion
“rough tbe community so rapidly or the health danger and make every
(hanging picture) of snow land­ clear, sunny days—Snow In a day or as a mark of mourning for Ixird Nel*
** •»tenslvely as does Influenza.
effort to reduce the home overcrowd­
son. The custom endures.
“In most cases a person taken sick ing to a minimum. The value of fresh scape. painted by Royokal, was sold
*”h Influenza feels sick rather snd- air through open windows cannot be for 210,000 yen. This was again broken
Will Amount to Vast Sum.
when a pair of scrolls with 36 poems
Potash From Mill Dust.
~”F- H« feels weak, has pains In the over emphasized.
by Nobuzane, in Marquis Satake's col­
We read that a retired soap manu­
Extraction of potash from the dust
j?** ears, head or back, and may be
“When crowding Is unavoidable.
lection, was sold for the enormous sum facturer of the middle West has made from cement manufacture Is claimed
al) over.
Many patients feel
In street cars, care should be taken
of 353,000 yen. This is the greatest testamentary provision for a fund of as a possibility. James D. Rhodes, a
alur some vomit. Most of the pa- keep the face so turned as net to
amount of money paid In modern times I $11,000 which is to remain Intact un­ Pittsburgh manufacturer, made the
complain of feeling chilly, and hale directly the air breathed out
in Japan for a single work of art.
til the year 2169. a neat little period. discovery, and at his own expense has
’bls cornea a fever In which the another person.
The important document in the case arranged to erect a large experimental
j—«Perature rises to 100 to 104. In
“It Is especially Important to I bo­
bas been placed in an air-tight metal plant adjoining the plant of a cement
Center ef Production.
cases the pulse remains relative­ ware of the person who coughs or
ly slow.
The center of agricultural produc- tube, hermetically sealed to withstand company at Castalia, O., for the pur­
sneezes without covering his mouth
"I*’ appearance one Is struck by the and nose. It also follows that one ton of the United States, according to the ravages of time, and the fund will pose of experimenting for 120 days.
that the patient looks sick. His should keep out of crowds and stuffy the value of crop and animal products be safely kept in such places as will
Mr. Rhodes said he could extract
*F*s and the Inner side of his eyelids places as much as possible, keep for 1917, Is In west central Illinois, as provide for a steady financial accre­ from the dust and gvaste of the ce­
m*’ be slightly ’bloodshot.’ or ‘con- homes, offices and workshops well shown by a diagram Just Issued by the tion. It bas been figured that tn 246 ment mills large quantities of potash
***t*d.' as the doctors say. There aired,- spend some time out of doors department of agriculture. The states years the 111.000 will have Increased for fertilizer that will be of great
be running from the none, or each day. walk to work If at all prac- of greatest production are: Iowa. *1,- to more than *200.000X100, and in the benefit to tbe country in increasing
T*r* may be some cough. These signs ttcable—in short, make every posslbh 320.000.600;
Illinois. »1.255,000.000; year 2163 that amount will he avail-' the supply.
7* cold may not be marked; never- effort to breathe as much pure air h
Texas. *; Missouri. *947,- able for the beneficiaries—"homeless
®*less the patient looks and feels very possible.
000,000; Ohio, *851,000,000; Nebraska, dogs and cata."—Providence Journal. 1
Or He Might Move Here.
*774.000.000; Indiana. *766.000,000:
“In all health matters follow rhe :
“This report claims that In ■OlIlP
*,n addition to the appearance and vice of your doctor ai
Kansas. *735.000,000; New Tork. *7fiC^
Man’s Advantage.
parts of Mexico it only rains once or
symptoms as already described, lationa of your I. ,i
000,000; Minnesota. *646,000,000 Penn­
Muggins—A man Is often forced to twice a year."
•kndnatlon of the patient's blood may officers."
sylvania, *636,000,000, Georgia, (605,- pocket his pride.
“Please keep thst report away from
’he physician In recognizing 'Span-
“Cover up t
0000,000; Wisconsin, »568,000.000; Cal­
Buggins—Yes. that's where he has my husband. He's so pigheaded that
influenza,' for it has been found
If you do'
ifornia. *575,000,000; Michigan, *534,- ■ decided advantage over a woman, he'd go there Immediately and start an
000,000, and Kentucky. *529,000,000,
who hasn't so many pockets.
umbrella factory-
■ «o:"fr<-”
Good Old Custom Has Not Died Out,
Though the Conditions Have
Greatly Changed.
The Connecticut Valley Advertiser
tells its readers that on Saturday of
last week a barn-raising was held at
Hadlyme with about everybody In Had-
lyme and East Haddon present. That
seems much like the old type of barn-
ralslngs. but something new comes la
tbe statement that three kinds of li­
quids were to be had for tbe asking,
one being water and another root beer.
Formerly there were but two, one be­
ing hard cider and the other West In­
dia rum.
From early times up to 40 years ago
dwellers in the country did not have
the knack of erecting a building with
no more timber In it than could be car­
ried on a wheelbarrow; hence, to erect
the frame for a barn or house was a
work which taxed the strength of all
the men and boys in the community,
and which brought the local carpenter
into a place of proud Importance. It
was considered altogether out of the
question to do tbe work without stimu­
lants, and these were furnished gen­
erously, for, though a man might be
"close" about many things, he could
not afford to ration those who came to
the raising if he hoped to spend the
rest of his life tn the community.
Having this In mind, he bought rum
liberally, while the sour elder was
brought from his own cellar, but,
though its ability was recognized. It
was hardly regarded seriously because
everyone had au abundance of it at
home, while drinking rum at the ex­
pense of another was something alto­
gether more Important It was hard to
raise a building without It, and. on
some occasions, fairly difficult to raise
one with it. Not infrequently it was
found necessary to continue the work
to a second day because the spirits
from St. Croix had done their work
not wisely but too well. Changing man­
ners have modified the work, for the
Advertiser's account says that the barn
was raised in a single afternoon. It is
a pleasure to know that the work was
done successfully and that tills old
form of communal living survives.
Hartford Courant.
Now It’s Bottomless Pie.
When Is a pie not a pie? Is a ques­
tion which will tax the wltiA of some
wartime Solomon to solve In squarely
facing the issue of "bottomless pies”
as h measure of war saving of food­
stuffs in the latest Hooverlzed Innova­
tion of baking for the nation. The
move.nient to remove the bottom crust
from pies Is being taken hold of by
housewives and bakers generally, and
Is gaining wide support. New York 1»
a ple-eatlng city. It Is estimated that
an entire pie Is eaten between 15 per­
sons ¡lally, or a total consumption of
500,000 plea each dny In the metropolK*
tan district. In one year the collective
stomachs of New York’s pie-eaters ab­
sorb 182,000,000 of the dainties. Some
one with a penchant for large figures
has gone so fa’r'even to state that the
bottom criist of those pieces. If rolled
out with a large rolling pin across ■
40-acre lot, would In a week cover the
surfa“«?? ~ot the field and lap over the
fence posts. On the basts of 4,000,000
pies eaten by the entire nation each
day, at the end of the year the bottom
crust of the plea would form a strip
of crust nine yards wide and Ione
enough to encircle tbe globe at the
equator. Some crust.
---------- ---
Brava Milk Girls of Raima.
The little milk girls of Reims are
given high rank by Paul Dramas of
that martyred city. In an article he has
written praising the heroism displayed
by the women of Reims.
“The little milk girls,” he writes,
“will never be forgotten at Reims.
Milk was a necessity for the children,
the aged and the sick. Thanks to the
little milk girls they never went with­
out. The tinkling of their little hells
announced their arrival and for 44
months they traversed-all the streets
of the city. Many a time they were
taken by surprise by a storm of shells.
Three of them had to be carried away
on stretchers, yet the others continued
on their route so that the children and
sick should have their milk all the
same. On February 28 we heard the
tinkling of their bells for the last time.
The little milk girls were sent out of
the city. They had filled their mis­
sion to the very end, for after that
there were no longer In Reims either
children, aged or sick. All had left.
Try New Preventive for Rabies.
The production of a new serum with
which animals and man can he inmla
Immune to rabies may result from ex­
periments recentry conducted by a
French scientist. The brain of a rab­
bit which had died of rabies was treat­
ed with sulphuric ether and then
mlzed with a special preparation,
forming an emulsion. By Injecting a
weakened solution of this emulsion un­
der the skin, Immunity to rubies ban
been produced which appears to be
both lasting and effective. No bad ef­
fects, It is said, result from giving the
Injection. The serum has, so far, only
been tried on animals.—Popular Me­
Right Out Loud.
The master shipbuilder, Charles M.
Schwab, was discussing the trend of
the times with a friend who remarked:
"Do you follow the food regulations,
f'harile, or are they meant for only
the little fellow?"
Schwab laughed.
"To tell th«
truth,” he sal’, "the food savings pol­
icy has been a great thing for
Now I can go Into a restaurant
order corned beef and caboage
boiled potatoes right out loud,
nobody thinks anything of It.