TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 17, 1918 by the action of the Gen on the battle field, Sandlake sections, and for that very best that is in me In approach­ GERMANY MUST SURRENDER themselves. Germany is now sparring for time I reason It seems to us that the voters ing the enlarged and more important UNCONDITIONALLY. with the hope of obtaining better i of the county will be doing the right developments that will come with the "The President feels terms in a peace conference. She | thing by electing him, and that the close of the war I shall indeed ap­ say that the whole process Subscription li jo yr. should not be allowed to have one i people in the south part of the preciate an expression of confidence will, in his Judgment, deg The German Reply, word to say there, for the i allies | county should show their apprécia­ and shall strive diligently to merit the definiteness and the ¡a the In replying to the questions of should dictate the terms if it I is to ; tion of him, for he certainly made the endorsement of reelection. It is character of the guarantee! be a victorious conclusion of the war ! good with good permanent road work for the people to say and I feel that President of the United States the can be given In this funi German government hereby declares: they are qualified to pass Judgment for the allies. It won't be if Ger­ in that part of the county. matter. It is indispenslble ! The German government has ac- without the disturbance and inter­ The Miami appears to be getting many is allowed to have her way at governments associated agail cept the terms laid down by Presi- ference of a personal campaign. ” a reputation for home made brew a peace conference. Anyway, we have Title Grabbers Not Satisfied. dent Wilson in his address of Janu- many should know beyond i and minature stills. no more use for Germany’s pledges ------ o------ ary 8th and in his subsequent ad- venture with w hom they are I ■ ■ O— “ ■ ■ ■ and arguments than we have for a "The President will make, A striking illustration of the value NON-ESSENTIAL MEN dresses on the foundation of a per- Get your shouting organs in first mad dog. arate reply to the royal and i| of publicity has come to light within ASKED TO REGISTER. ntanent peace of justice. Consequent ­ class tiini, for you may need them on ------- o------ the past three weeks. The illustration ly. Its object In entering into discus­ governmenj of Austria-Hung) short notice to celebrate the down­ The forest fires last month up the bears a moral which should be of in- 'Large Number of Industries Listed sions would be only to agree upon fall of the Beast of Berlin. Wilson and Kilchis rivers have des­ terest to every voter. practical details of the application of DO THE BOYS LIKE For Attention. ——o troyed a vast stretch of valuable tim­ The State Liberty Loan sent out o these terms. The German government The snap shot man predicted, when ber. It is exceedingly unfortunate, as TO GET ‘ HOME PAP pledge cards broadcast over the state Adjudged as non-essenttial in Ore­ believes that the governments of the ------ o------ Germany declared war in 1914, and it is a great loss to the timber own­ to notify patriotic citizens to come in gon, large number of industries have powers associated with the United England was drawn Into it. that ers, who have held it for a number of and voluntarily purchase Liberty been listed by the state advisory States also take the position taken by Here is the Answer from the I there would be no kaiser when the years and paid taxes on the same. es and Training Camps. Bonds during “Honor Week" preced­ board of the United States employ­ President Wilson in bis address. The war was over. This raises the question of recruising ing the efficient campaign. aient service and placed i| the hands German government, In accordance the burnt area, and placing a proper Did the voters respond? They did of each local Federal labor board in with the Austro-Hungary govern­ Extracts from soldiers' 1 The annual election is only two valuation on it for assessment pur­ t th« state. not. ment, for the purpose of bringing abe «riPPe I grabber. The present law provides cars; auto trucks and teaming, en­ present German government and by a to the day when it arrives. News! large majority of the Reichstag of Germany surrenders unconditionally , swept over the world some few years I publication, but only after mail gaged in work other than fuel or the terms laid down by the President irom home is the best." and the allied countries dictate the , ago. It claimed many victims, and it j notices have been sent out and have government work; abstractors; art­ of the United States of Au'arica in , run its course. So it will be with I failed to notify. Publication is not terms she will have to accept. ists; advertising agencies; bath and his address to the Congress of the "Parlez vous Francias? No? Well I Spanish influenza. The geri ms are in I for those who pay but for those barber shop attendants; bowling al­ United States on the eighth of Janu­ here goes in English. If you will send , . the atmosphere and one is i liable to who have failed to receive proper leys; billiard and pool rooms; bot­ My, the railing of the bridge across a newsboy over here with some Rock­ the slough received rough usage one , be infected with it at any moment I notice. Could any fairer scheme be tlers and hottie supplies; bill posters ary, 191». and in his subsequent ad­ land (.viuss.) Independents, every­ dress justifies the President in mak ­ . and in any place. devised ? way and the other. And even the pas­ blueprinters; brokers, candy manu­ body in this outfit will buy one, even ------ o------- Let the present law alone. It works facturers; cigars and tobacco; clean­ ing a trank and direct statement of the boys from Frisco. The Independ­ sage way for pedestrian, has been nis oectsion with i egard to the com- is bei hr 1 to your advantage even if it does I That the initiative law converted Into a shoot the shoots. not ers and dyers; clubs; confectioners munications of the German govern- ent is as popular as a piece of mince Maybe, before long, somebody will used for spite by C. S. Jackson, editor please the title grabber. and delicatessen establishments; .nent of the eighth and 12th of Oc- pie in this outfit. It is certainly hard of the Journal, is freely admitted by think they have a right to carry off builders and contractors not engag­ tober, 1918. to get something to read here. One those who have taken the trouble to some of the iron weights. ed in lite erection of structures for "It must be clearly understood that fellow occasionally gets the Brocton Oregon's Patriotic Governor. I inquire Into the motive of the would war work: collection agencies; danc­ the process of evacuation and the (Mass.) Enterprise, and when he iDangzrous* ------ o — - The slogan "Vote No”, to all the I be political dictator of Oregon. This ing academies; detective agencies; conditions of an armistice are mat­ gets through with it I devour every­ is what the Oregon Voter has to say: Declaring that he has neither the initiative measures to be voted upon head, ey< mercantile stores; livery and sales ters which must be left to the judg­ thing in it, even the Help Wanted In November is a good one and “It is notorious that the bill origi­ time nor the inclination to travel up stables; pawnshops; private employ­ L of the bo< ads, all hough I've got a steady job.'\ ment and advice of the military ad ­ should be followed by the voters. Be nates in Mr. Jackson't desire to pun­ and down the state soliciting votes. ment agencies; insurance agencies; juiciness. It sure and place a cross where it’says ish the country press of the state by Governor James Withycombe, Repub­ peanut venders; shoe-shining shops; visers of the Government of the "I got 4 copy of the good old Pro­ Lptotns dlsapi United States and the allied govern ­ depriving it of a little revenue that lican nominee for reelection, in a "No”, and that will register your window cleaners; soft drink ••stttb- ments, and the President feels it his gressive (Port Clinton, Ohio,) Times L the patient has come to it by annual publication statement to the voters of the state, lishments; waiters; soda fountain protest against the initiative law be­ yesterday. 1 read that good old paper L Some of t ing monkeyed by wealthy political of the delinquent tax list. If the announced definitely that he will supplies; taxicabs "for hire” cars duty to say that no arrangement can and get ail the dope Just like as I be accepted by the Government of the measure is understood by the tax- not wage a personal campaign. Lgop pneumo dictators. and hotel omnibuss^s. United States which does not provide was back there and knew what was ' payers and the public, it will be de­ (the ear, or mi Governor Withycombe has always ------ o------ Another plan calls for employment absolutely satisfactory safeguards going on. Dad, my subscription has m complicate If the German Chancellor and other feated on its merits. Where the mo­ had the reputation of being one of of boys between the ages of 16 and expired by now, but if you can ar­ h so-called ‘1 officials high in office in that coun­ tive behind it generally understood, the first state officials at his desk in 18 years in essential industries a part and guarantees of the maintenance range to have it sent over I will be Btlcal with th< try tbitik that they can work the it would be buried by an overwhelm­ the morning but those who frequent of the time each.day, allowing them of the present military supremacy of mighty tickled.' Bolshevick dope on President Wilson ing negative majority as a rebuke to the state house note that ths Oregon to uttend school during the other the armies of the United States and hof earlier yeal o------ and the allied countries they are go­ the bullying tactics employed by a executive has, since the accumula­ portion of the day. This also will the allies in the field. He feels confi­ ¡■Epidemics of "Tell all the folks hello and that I .wealthy newspaper publisher to bend dent that he can safely assume that tion of so muny duties related to the ing to he badly fooled. This, from the effect boys over 18 until such time L country sine am well and be sure and send the looks of things, is how they are set­ ) the small country papers to his will war program, been probably buiser as they are called into military ser­ this will also be the judgment and home paper.” a to know th» decision of the allied governments. ting their trups for the allies, the or break them as punishment for than ever before. He still takes a vice. brought b o ■ ■ I their Independence of his dictation." vigorous horseback ride occasionally, same as they did for the Russians. Atrocious Acts Must Cease. "Just a short note to thank you for Since tl t he Oregon Voter might have added but these are started later in the ... --O— ■ Circuit Court Adjourns. the Gazette (Frankford, Phila., Pa.) numerous < "The President feels that it is also that Jackson's bill is in the in ­ also afternoon than formerly and many of We are Inclined to think that in ------- o------- his duty to add that neither the which you sent me, and which I re­ In 1889 at closing up schools and meetings to terest of the tax certificate sharks of them are confined to inspection trips Owing to the proclamation to ceived but a tew days ago. It was in­ Influenza, start prevent the spread of Spanish influ­ | Portland and Seattle who do not among the Stale istitutions about close all schools, churches and places Government of the United States nor, deed a pleasure to hear from the he is quite sure, the governments ' want publicity. Salem. ent. spread I enza it may be possible to overdo this of meeting, on account of thg Span­ home town and to know the happen ­ in his address to the voters of Ore- ish influenza, Circuit Judge Geo. R. with which the Government of the ce over pract closing up fad. We fail to see how the United States is associated as bellig­ ings of that town.” world. Tbi disease can be any more Infectious I From our experience with Liberty gon Governor Withycombe says: Bagley adjourned the circuit court erents, will consent to consider an Loan and War Savings Stamp drives ------- o ------ "No matter how active other can- on Monday, dismissing the jury for In a properly ventilated school room another flar> "As soon as 1 received the (Yonk ­ than in one's home, in places of busi­ ¡we are inclined to believe that the didates tor political offices may be I the time being. He left on Wednes­ armistice so long as the armed forces _ times the ei ers, N. Y.) Heralds, my pals .ake ness, or on the train, for the germs of scho-d district unit is the best sys­ am determined now, as I was at the day morning. Following are some of of Germany continue the illegal and over the United them, and, sitting around the firn inhuman practices which they still tem, and should be followed in fu ­ time of the primary election last the additional cases disposed of: the disease are in the atmosphere •Although the like Indians, they pass the copies persist in. and it is going to be hard to tell ture drives. It is true that the third May. not to conduct a personal cam­ A. Arstill vd. D. H. Fletcher et al. ed 'Spanish In from one to the other. ” "At the very time the German gov ­ • Liberty Loan drive in this count\ paign. 1 shall not have the time, the Damages. Jury awarded the plaintiff where one may catch It. n to believe ----- o ernment approaches the Government ------ o------ - 1 ,'was exceedingly successful and those | money nor the inclination to go up jouu against the drainage district. n. Some writ» "When at mail call, and your mind of the United States with proposals who managed it deserve considerable and down the state, figuratively or Not only should Germany be made question belle' W. Kuppenbender vs. Ike Quick. Is doubtful as to the packages which to puy for the damage done ill Bel­ credit for the enthusiasm that pre­ personally, in solicitation of votes. Action for money. Order for non­ of peace, its submarines are engaged _ e from the Ori follow, when the mail orderly reach ­ in sinking passenger ships at sea, vailed in all parts of the county, but This is no time to seek political pref­ suit. gium and France, but she should be tattoo to the fac and not the ships alone, but the very es down into the sack and hunts >>r made to pay for the lives and vessels the War Savings Stamp drive, where erence purely for selfish gain and Motion the dlsens State of Oregon vs. James Langley. any small letters or pa:< ;.'gt i v h>h I feel that all Indictment. Charged with manufac­ boats in which their passengers and destroyed by ruthless submarine war- 1 .the school district unit was adopted, aggrandisement. the eastern front mny have gotteu into the corners fare, including the vessels of neutral worked, to our way of thinking, far spare time and all spare resources turing beer. Found guilty and fined crews seek to make their way to hll of 1917.” and brings out in safety; and more satisfactorily, for very little in their present enforced his hand your should be devoted now toward win- *50.00. How oan “Spanll countries. England will put up a home paper — Oh. withdrawal was heard about slackers. A commit- from Flanders and boy. niug the war. lt wbuld be positively at.i't it a strong plea that Germany Is to pay State of Oregon vs. James Langley. France the ignited? grand glorious feeling. ” German armies are pur- for that kind of cold blooded war- j | tee in a school district is better able unpatriotic to spend large sums of Indictment. Charged with running a "There Is as yet ■ ■■ ■ o------------ fare, for of all the allied countries lo Judge If a person's financial money trying to divert the public, still and manufacturing liquor. Jury suing a-course of wanton destruction vhlch a single cas "There is nothing that .... ...«» . » which has always been regarded as England has been the greatest suf-[ab*Dty tc subscribe for bonds than mind from the man Jn wartime duties to I disagreed. aza’ can be recog more than the in direct violation of the rules and tl he service craves for _____ ferer. And the junkers and war a rating committee at long range, thoughts of politics. Both State of Oregon vs. Joseph Lam­ «■ hand, recognltl news from his home town. An official 'and can handle that feature with and the effort should b« lords of Germany should be made to brecht. Indictment. Charged with in­ practices of civilized warfare. Cities there Is a group of .better results and with less friction, more commendable ways. and villages, it not destroyed, are be­ censor of the ship which I command, l'ay. decency. Jury brought in a verdict ol to the outbreaks c i We heard but few remarks dining ing stripped of all they contain not 1 am in a unique position to know _---- Q------- For nearly tour years I have been not guilty. uid colds, which w their wants, and hardly a letter pas ­ only, but often, of their the W. S. S. drive about slackers, and very in- privileged to serve the people of Ore- President Wilson expressed the will eoM months, epldt Spaulding Manutacturing Co. vs. habitants. * ses through my hands that doos not the satisfactory results that followed gon as governor, endeavoring to Lada C. Quick. Action tor money. of the people of the United States in stlf.r occur at any s “The nations associated against request a few copies of th? home pa­ his reply to Germany. "Uncondltlon- was largely due to the school district give the state it sound, dignified. Dismissed. Thus the present ei per. ” German cannot be expected to agree al surrender” with the kaiser dispos­ limit plan and the manner in which businesslike administration, 1 be- tetensely in Europe Jei'lerson Fleck and Lulu Fleck vs. ¡the school district committees saw to a cessation of arms while acts of iieve that I have kept my pledges. I ed. Is what is now demanded. Noth­ lily. Moreover, in Martin Blaser. Forcible detainer. 'T never realize the value ■that their neighbors subscribed as inhumanity, spoliation and desola ­ | am willing to allow the record of my Defendant ordered forthwith to de­ ing short of this will now satisfy of a colds, the I home paper as much as I have much a» they were financially able. , tion are being continued which four years stewardship to stand as liver the property to the plaintiffs they the people of this country, and there since (tever. pain, depre ------- o ------- my only campaign document, The anu to pay costs amounting to *39.8o Justly look upon with horror and being in France.” la strong sentiment growing that naris as severe or with burning hearts. II. M. Farmer Is again a candidate people have that record before them ohJt as they are In Germany must pay a big Indemnity Edgar Woodard vs. A. F. Coats "When n nen one comes in from a hard ly, ordinary colds and the war lords of that country on the Republican ticket as county and upon it they must base their Lumber. Co, Damages. Demurrer Autocracy Must Go. day's training, a home paper acts as punished for the barbarous methods commissioner, and although he has I judgment for the future. through the commut overruled. "It is necessary also, in order __ _ tonic, and he gives that to is that a •0 extensively as doe For many months 1 have been ex­ they have used in the conduct of the an opponent in the person of Bob __ the w—— best WW»«. «.»»**<. State Industrial Accident Commis ­ law kl -- *- -« there may be no possibility of misun ­ in him to the cause for which we are “In most cases a I war. especially the submarine atros- Richards, he has a good record for 1 tremely busy on the organization of sion vs. Solon Schiffmann. Action for derstanding. that the President all working.” permanent road work in the south I war work. This work is by no means with Influenza feels Ities. money. Default and judgment. should very solemnly call the atten­ part of the county We consider that. ' completed, nor will it be for an in­ tally. He feels weal ------- o—— — Slate Industrial Accident Commis­