TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 17,1918. SENATUR M'NARY THESE MEN STAND KEEPS HIS WORD BEHIND PRESIDENT HAIRY PROBLEMS REPUBLICANS HELPED ARE COMPLEX PASS WAR MEASURES Senator McNary and Governor Fulfills Every Pledge ot Cam­ paign and Should Be Withycombe Have Record Re-elected. for Patriotic Endeavor. Consumers Are Counselled Not Patriotism of Oregon's Con­ To Decrease Use of Milk Nor gressmen Is Unfairly Complain of Prices. Assailed. “While a want of time precludes Loyal and dependable support of the "Unless means are quickly found to The manufactured and unsupported President and his prosecution of tbe any elaboration of the various matters remedy conditions existing In the dairy [ charge that "the election of a Republi­ war is the prime requisite demanded that may engage my endeavors," said industry as well as in other classes can Congress in November would be by all American citizens of every can­ Senator McNary at the time of his of livestock, serious menace to both a source of comfort and elation to the didate for office at this time. Win appointment to the Senatorship, "j Industries—which are allied—may be Kaiser and bis cohorts,” comes with the war and win it now is the demand. shall advocate and enlist my efforts forecast.” poor grace from the Democrats in Nobody has any time for the pacifist. in behalf of National Equal Suffrage This is the statement of Assistant these critical times when it Is recalled Men of action are wanted. Officials and National Prohibition, as each of Federal Food Administrator, W. K. that the votes of Republican members in office who have measured up to these measures has been adopted by Newell. of Congress were required to pass the these demands should be retained. the people of the state which I am se­ "With the dairymen selling their conscription bill and other Important They are on the job and intimately lected to represent. businesses as fast as they are able to war measures. The votes of these "I shall cooperate Immediately with acquainted with the needs of the gov­ find purchasers,” said Mr. Newell, Republicans were positively necessary ernment. They know what has been any movement which has for its pur­ “with an increasing volume of sales of at times when leading Democratic done to expedite the war. They know pose the suppression of gambling and heavy calves, both male and female, Congressmen balked at the President’s what should be done to hasten the speculation in the necessities ot life and with already a world’s shortage war program add not only refused to unconditional surrender of the Huns. to the end that the consuming public ef beef, the outlook for future supplies support but actively opposed some of It is with a full knowledge of these shall pay a fair profit to the producer is not as rosy as one might wish. the more vital war measures. facts that the Republican State Cen­ only.” "ft has been charged In some And yet, despite this fact and the On the same day, Oswald West said: tral Committee commends to tbe vot­ quarters that the price of milk and further fact that the President has in­ ers of the state every Republican “If the pledges he (Senator McNary) ether products of the dairy have been sisted that "politics Is adjourned.” the nominee on the ticket. Senator Mc­ has made to the people are kept, and elevated te such an extent at all Democratic National Committee is in­ Nary and Representatives McArthur, I am sure they will be, he will un­ Pacific northwest points that the dairy dustriously circulating through its Interests should bo making a profit and campaign literature the charge that Hawley and Sinnott have made good. questionably be returned to the Sen­ well satisfied with their lot. They have subordinated politics and ate at the next general election.” the election at this time of other than Senator McNary has kept his every "Taking only the retail price as a Democrats to Congress would give are working earnestly for the one basis—that which most vitally affects "comfort and elation to tbe Kaiser and great cause—win the war. Each has pledge. He voted for submission of the consumer—the price of milk today his cohorts.” a 100 per cent record iu his support tbe National prohibition amendment in Portland Is lie per quart. OBEY OBDXÄS-! of the President. Never have they to tbe Legislatures of the several In view of the records of Senator "Even with normal prices milk Is McNary and Representatives Hawley, faltered in backing up the President's states. He also voted for National generally sold retail at 10 cents a Sinnott and McArthur, who have at all war program. They have given him Equal Suffrage and has introduced a quart here, therefore the advance Is times supported the President’s war ' support at times when such Demo- bill fixing the prices of many essentia! not nearly as marked as in many program, this sort of propaganda ♦ ' cratlc leaders as Champ Clark, Kitchin commodities. Besides, he has a 100 other lines of foodstuffs. ♦ BABIES MUST HAVE MILK ' and Dent balked and by their attitude per cent record for supporting the should be vigorously resented by tbe "The dairyman today is paying more voters of this state, irrespective of ♦ ' imperiled the enactment of legislation President’s war program. than double the wages of normal years their political affiliations. This un­ Senator McNary should be reelected "Tou get more calories to the ♦ ’ vital to the successful prosecution of for bls hired help. He Is paying more founded imputation that the four Re­ ♦ penny from milk than from any ' the war, foremost of which was the for the Increased service he will be than double for his requirements of publican nominees for Congress from able to render his state and nation. ♦ other food even at the present ' »elective draft law. hay and a very considerable advance this state are not dependably 100 per Dr. Mae Cardwell, Back From ♦ price." said Dr. E. J. Labbe, Here at home, Governor Withy- over the normal for his bran and cent patriotically American can be specialist, who returned recent­ , combe has cooperated with the Presl- NOTHING SHORT Washington. Advises shorts. ♦ ly from Europe and who spoke , dent in every war activity. His zeal best repudiated by electing them by "The cost of milk cans and other decisive majorities. ♦ at the State Fair and at other OF SACRILEGE in patriotic work has been unbounded, Housewives. dairy utentlls Is practically double the * patriotic gatherings. Dr. Labbe i He is intensely American. The un­ normal. The cost of bottles has soared ♦ told of the children he treated paralleled record Oregon has made in The Democratic candidate for Gov­ to such heights as to make one dizzy A WIN THE WAR CONGRESS Dr. Mae H. Cardwell, of Portland, ♦ in the Red Cross children’s hos­ aTl war time activities and the alacrity ernor of this state has flaunted in the to think of It. The cost of producing pital in Evian, on Lake Geneva, ♦ who recently returned to Oregon from with which the state has responded face of ,.ie public an advertisement milk today Is therefore more than The Main election supports the ad Gary, Ind., New York and Washington, ♦ in France. The little French ] to every call for patriotic endeavor is and bid for votes that should and no double that of normal periods even ministration’s policy of force to the where she was engaged in medical re­ ♦ and Belgian refugees were wan , due in part to the leadership of Gov­ doubt will be indignantly resented by without considering the fact that this bitter end. I.et ub elect no pacifists search work for the Children’s Bureau ♦ and weak and almost lifeless. ernor Withycombe. patriotic citizens everywhere. It reads has been a very abnormal season and this Fall. The four Congressmen of the Department of Labor, said in ♦ A milk diet soon brought good Both in the halls of Congress at thus: the production of milk and cream per elected from Maine, all Republicans, an interview: “The dairy industries ♦ results and the babes thrived. Washington and in the Governor’s of­ “Not till every grain of wheat had cow is far below the normal. stood by the President when many of must be encouraged. The children of ♦ "But.” said Dr. Labbe, “they fice at Salem, the people of Oregon been harvested for the soldiers did "Laws enacted during the last few his own party failed to do so They America must have milk. They can­ * will never entirely shake off are fortunate in having experienced Walter M. Pierce start to ask you for years force the dairyman to add to his voted for every war appropriation, for not thrive wifliout good clean milk. ♦ the marks made by the months men with a record 100 per cent Ameri­ your votes as Democratic candidate costs as a matter of cleanliness. The the conscription acts, and for confer­ Housewives must use more milk If ♦ in which they were starved for can—men who are standing behind the for Governor,” etc. public is no longer willing to tolerate ring all the extraordinary powers the they demand it the dairyman will find * milk. Children must have milk I President for a vigorous prosecution To anybody who knows the thrifty, the quality of milk generally marketed President and his advisers sought. some solution to bis problems and will ♦ if the race is to go on. It is I of the war to a speedy and victorious lucre-gathering Walter Pierce, the hol­ • few years ago. All of this costs This is a good time for the voters to see that bis cows get the feed and that ♦ every man's and every woman’s conclusion. low mockery of that expression ap­ money and the dairyman has been turn down every pacifist no matter to he keeps them alive and in good ♦ duty to do all in his power to I Senator McNary, Representatives peals with the most disgusting effect. paying It while the full charges have what party he belongs and to make health. However, if the women don’t ♦ keep the herds of Oregon alive. McArthur, Hawley and Sinnott, and They know that every grain of not been passed back to the consumer. It their particular business to elect order the milk, the dairyman isn't go­ ♦ Feed men, mill men, dairymen, Governor Withycombe should all be wheat in Walter's broad acres was "It has eftlmes been said that a man to Congress none but those who can ing to keep his cows around just as ♦ householders, dealers, everyone reelected. They are at their posts of harvested to bring that 12.20 a bushel very seldom quits a business where be depended upon to sustain the policy pets and ornaments. Feed is too ♦ must co-operate. The babies of duty. None is making a campaign. to Walter’s bank account, and they liberal profits are available. The fact of force until Germany has been driv­ scarce and labor too high for that. It's ♦ the world muBt be saved." They «re too busy serving their state cannot resist an angry feeling upon that so many dairymen are quitting en to her knees and a peace with vic­ up to the housekeepers. ♦ and nation. They should be returned seeing this attempt to use the name that they are not making adequate tory achieved.—Leslie’s Weekly. “Are you sending your breadwinners ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦St for continued service. Election of of the noble boys at the front for the that they are not making adequate The same may be said of the four to work with all the vigor and strength Milk may be used not only as an new and untried men, lacking in abil­ ignoble purpose of securing himself profits—if any at all. Republican Congressmen from Oregon you can muster for them In the way of addition to an already rich diet, but "The killing of dairy calves during —Senator McNary and Representa proper food?” asks Dr. Cardwell. "If in place of some of the slowly digested ity and experience to fit them for the some votes. positions, would not only be unwise Using their names in this way is tbe present season has broken all tives Hawley. Sinnott and McArthur, j they don't get the right food they can’t dishes which over tax the digestive records simply because the country They have unhesitatingly given the I think or work well. Tbe same applies organa and Impair the health. Milk at this time, but would fall far short nothing short of sacrilege.—Salem producer could not afford to feed them President the support he has sought to the school children. See that they contains all the elements necessary of the patriotic duty of the voters of Statesman. to maturity. Suggestion has been In carrying out his effective war pro have milk to drink; milk in puddings to sustain life and build up the body. this state. made in some quarters that the kill­ gram. Governor Withycombe also has ! The kitchen is the power plant of the It must be remembered too, that butter ing of female calves be prohibited by cooperated In every war activity | family and consequently, of the nation is a food for all, for rich and poor, for IS POLITICS ADJOURNED? VOTERS HAVE A law. This would Indeed solve the prob­ Their records stand 100 per cent. Don't waste a drop of milk or an old and young. Cottage cheese is PATRIOTIC DUTY lem providing some means were found There is no excuse for replacing these ounce of butter, but ubo plenty. The another dairy product that is of great The extent to which politics has to feed and keep the animals. been adjourned by the Democrats tn trustworthy and dependable public of health of the nation is the kitchen food value. It is the patriotic duty of every citi­ "Dairy experts have for years flcials in these critical times by un question. Milk is one of the main this state is best revealed by the facts. zen to assist in the election of men • • • • preached tbe gospel of getting rid of trained and Inexpe-'eneed men. The factors in a diet.” Milk As An Energy Maker Acknowl­ While United States Senator McNary who, by reason of their ability and ex­ the star boarder'—the cow that does voters of this stato will fall short of • •so is remaining at his post of duty at perience, are not only best qualified edged by Shipbuilders. not pay her expense. That Is the their patriotic duty if they neglect to Baby Expert Preaches Greater Use Washington, loyally backing up the to serve during the war, but who will Because Portland and Seattle ship ­ situation just now. Few are paying reelect Senator McNary and Represen­ President in his prosecution of the Of Milk. builders make a scramble for the milk war. his opponent, Oswald West, is also be able to assist in solving satis­ their board and there Is no Improve­ tatives Hawley, Sinnott and McArthur. A milk bill and healthy children is bottles when the noon whistle blows conducting an active campaign for the factorily the many reconstruction ment of the situation in prospect. *nd Governor Withycombe problems with which this country will cheaper than a doctor’s bill and an they are becoming famous and to the "Similar conditions may be spoken Senatorship. Press of official busi­ be confronted after the war. The rec­ underfed, under-nourished child. It fact that they drink milk is attributed of in regard to tbo future of the beef ness. occasioned by war time activi­ ords of Senator McNary and Repre­ Senator McNary and other members | supply. Owing to the shortage and ex­ if the Oregon delegation are on the | would be cheaper to start right. So their ability to do better work than ties, has made it necessary for Gov­ sentatives Hawley, Sinnott and Mc­ says Mrs. A. Bayley, of the Parents any other shipbuilders. treme pries of feed more light weight lob at Washington attending to their ernor Withycombe to forego a personal Arthur and Governor Withycombe are and unfinished cattle have been official duties while contenders for Educational Rureau. Oregon Congress ’ Now comes San Francisco showing campaign, He is remaining at his all 100 per cent in their support of marketed In the stockyards of the their seats in Congress are actively of Mothers, who has presided at the she, too. has taken up the habit. The office in Salem attending to the busi- country during the last two seasons campaigning here at home. Voters i testing of thousands of babies. She Pacific Dairy Review says "one dis­ ness of the state and cooperating, war activities. Their loyalty and pa­ than ever before known. The country will do well to reta'n in Congress the finds the milkfed youngster of three tributer alone supplies 1,600 quarts with the national administration in triotism are unquestioned. They are cannot afford to feed its cattle even at men who are now f-Ithfully represent- . or four years scores much higher than daily to men in the Union Iron Works.” i every war time activity. Not so to be trusted to meet and solve every big problem the world war may devel­ the child who has had little milk in although, the review adds, "in San the present price of beef and the ing the interests of the state and loy- j his diet. Mrs. Bayley preaches a Francisco, the milk-drinking habit is with Walter M. Pierce, who op- op. Their records entitle them to re­ journey to market la therefore a neces­ poses him for the Governorship. Mr. illy standing behind the President and ( * sity. In fact the government has re­ his prosecution of the war. This is ' greater use of milk for young aud old still in its infancy." Here’s another Pierce is and for weeks has been mak­ election. • • • • argument for keeping up the dairy cently requested that the public pur­ no time to send new and untrained Dairy Commissioner 8ees Encouraging herds. The milk bottle is backing tbe ing a thorough canvass of the state Although it was urged in an address chase beef from light weight animals urging his candidacy upon the voters. Signs. beer can off the map. Time was j Sure! "Politics is adjourned"—for by President Wilson delivered in the because the stock must be marketed. men to Congress. Senate as a necessary war time meas­ This means that many thousands of J. D. Mickle, State Dairy and Food when the men of the iron works would Senator McNary was one of the 27 Commissioner, stated recently that tho have "rushed the can" as they termed , the Republicans. ure, the equal suffrage amendment animals that are today coming to was defeated by a Democratic Con­ market weighing around <00 to 1.000 Republican Senators to support the dairy situation, in spite of high prices getting their beer. What the Burns News said of Gov­ gress. With this exception, President • • • • pounds, would have showed a weight Rilsan It. Anthony equal suffrage of feed and scarcity of labor, is not all of at least a third more if allowed to amendment. The measure failed to gloom. Reports have come to him "The food value of a quart of milk ernor Withycombe in the primary cam­ Wilson has been able to accomplish fatten properly This means an pass. Twenty-one of the 31 negative from various parts of the state show is the equivalent of three fourths of a paign is equally true today: "The the enactment of every measure ho enormous loss in the meat supply for votes were cast by Democratic Sena Ing that the housekeepers are begin pound of beef, two pounds of chicken many level-headed actions of Governor has deemed expedient in connection the future—a loss that the country tors. Oregon women should retnem ntng to see that they must pay more or eight eggs. Compare the costB and Withycombe, coupled with his un­ with the war. Failure of the Demo­ her this when they go to the polls for milk than they did a few years ago. milk wins.” Dr E \ McCullom of daunted and unquestioned patriotism, crats to approve the Susan B. Anthony can ill afford to contemplate." November 5. The dairymen are beginning to take John Hopkins University who visited with his tenacity of purpose to assist amendment only strengthens the sus­ ‘ “Why not have milkmaids now a heart, too, in some instances and are Oregon not long ago made this state­ Oregon and its citizens in the fullest picion that the administration is op­ Governor Withycombe has been safe looking to the future when the cow ment. He adds "For the sake of your efficiency in domestic, commercial and posed to extending the right of suf­ days?” someone asks. There Is a cry that the labor conditions are In a bad ind sound. He has conducted the state of today will be worth much more family's health, and for the reduction military affairs, entitle him to the frage to women. Senator McNary way as far as the dairies are concern with credit through perhaps the most money alive than she would now. of your living expenses, use more dairy Indorsement of the electorate of Ore­ voted with the Republican majority in gon.” od. The men have gone to war or trying period of its existence; he has slaughtered. And that future Isn't so products, and then some more.” supporting the amendment when it * • * • Into other work and tbe cows are being thorough grasp of all state matters, tar off If the dairymen only ceutlnue came before the Senate. killed off because there la no one to ind we say frankly that he should be to have courage and patience. "In his price fixing bill, as in his ca­ "The restricted use of milk would enTTh them "What is going to become permitted to continue to work and the The wise man and the one who la mean a serious loss of energy, and a reer as Senator, Mr. McNary has Submission of the woman suffrage ef the children of this country if that vtate will be the gainer.—Hillsboro far-seeing. Is keeping his herds Intact. serieue menace to the winning of the shown his ability, his vision and his amendment was defeated in the Unit­ Independent. gees on?” is tbo question asked Hume We are grateful to ed States Senate by the votes of Dem­ True, he won't keep tho old boarder war” says G. A. Morgan tn Hoard's statesmanship of the girts wbo are not oxactly the state of Oregon for having given ocratic Senators. More Republicans who would just eat the food and bring Dairyman. fascinated by the thought of washing “Governor Wfthycombe will not make no returns, but ha is holding his good • • • • us such a Senator He reflects credit than Democrats voted for the measure windows, running elevators and carry i personal campaign Instead, be will stock. Tho sensible housewife, too. Shoes have gone up In price but upon his state and does honor to the while 21 of the 31 votes against tbe lag mall are looking toward tbe dairies. remain at hia post of duty at Salem must know a man can't teed and care we buy them They are a necessity, nation."—United Sutes Senator John­ measure were cast by Democrats. True Thoy won't wear tbo costumes seen »nd continue his 100 per cent record for cows, keep a first class dairy, and , Tet milk, the food that Is necessary son. former Governor of California. to his promise at the time of his ap­ in light opera but they’ll be quite sen n war activities The Governor takes provide clean bottles aud well paid te everyone, because it goes up. Is too pointment. Senator McNary voted with s'ble In heavy boots and coveralls the position that, under present con- deliverymen without noose expense often cut from the diet Isn't that a "The attitude of Senator McNary on the Republican Sena'ors to give wo­ and theyll save the day. Here's to litlons. he will not conduct an active The Oregon Dairy Council io doing little inconsistent? the temperance question in the United men the right of suffrage. tbe milkmaid ef modern days. campaign. • • much to get the situation straightened SUtes Senate has been most satlsfac out. The exhibit at the state fair, the We must have pure fresh milk. tory to the representatives of the Senator McNary has been unwaver­ The 1918 food reserve is the only Aside from handling the finances of splendid cooperation of the Food Ad Count It economy to see that each Women's Christian Temperance Union safe insurance for 1*19 food supplies the state, the State Treasurer also la ministration, the public schools. Ore­ child in the family has at least a pint at M ashington. and we believe in jus­ ing in his support of the President’» t member of the State Hoard which gon Agricultural College and the Bu of milk a day. Get the milk habit tice to the Senator this fact should be war program. He has supported ev­ Conservation is the All American job administers the genet-al business of roau of Health, all help the educational Encourage the dairymen to keep up known by his constituents."—Officers ery measure urged by the President —an army of four million soldiers the state. O. P. Hoff, the Republican work and are part of the great task of his dairy. He is willing to do hie share of National Women's Christian Tem­ for more effectively prosecuting the »ar. He is on the job. He is ac­ must bo fed from this year s crop. nominee, is a man of wtde business "keeping the home fire» burning." but he can't do everything without co perance Union. quainted with the duties and respon­ 1 experience and fully qualified for the which task Includes the preservation operation. sibilities of the office and should be “There is no substitute for milk as iff Ice. of essential home industries and the O. F Hoff. Republican nominee for elected. a food for growth Portland mothers health of the nation. The aelfdenial of the American State Treasurer, is a broad minded • • • • should make a drive on father's pur»< Officers of the National Anti Saloon home, added to tbo efforts of the man of wide business experience with A vote for Governor Withycombe to tbo extent of one quart of milk pe League recently sent the following tel- A farmer may slaughter his dairy American farmer, have removed fear an intimate knowledge of state affair*. day lor every child.''—Oregon LeagU' •gram to Oregon Senator McNary's herd in three hours but he could not from tho minds of our Allies, tor thia He will come to the State Treasurer'• will be a vote to keep Oregon in'the ‘«ad in all patriotic endeavor. No one .Dairyman. temperance record is satisfactory to replace it in three years. year, at least Let's keep it up. office well equipped for the important doubts the patriotism ot Oregon's chief Jks Anti HaJvcw League.” dutieq of th« position. executive. MILK AS STRENGTH ■ BUILDERADVOCATED