'j r»- < • - -Î iS s —11 •1.50 PER YEAR. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. OCTOBER 17. 1918. For Sale—Willamette Donkey En­ Tillamook has an auto top and Kilchis Forest Fire Loss. gine 9^x11. Full equipment. Good harness repair shop in rear of ------ o------ as new. Write or phone Sam Bauer, building opposite post office. Auto Neskowin, Oregon. * tops, curtains and cushions repaired The forest fire up the Kilchis river W. A. Wise, dentist. • is far more extensive than at first Furnished rooms for rent. $2.oo a and waterproofed, harness repaired. thought, having, it is stated, burned Spend your evenings at the Gem. week, water and lights, furnished. If you can't come, send your harness over two townships of timber mostly Insurance on hay-Phone Watson.* Corner of Second and Stillwell Ave., by parcel post to the Auto Top and belonging to the Whitney Co. It is * Harness Shop. Box 164, Tillamook.* thought that this fire was of incen- Let W. A. Church write your insur- Tillamook, Oregon. Mr. A. Olson, of Ritzville, Wash., ' diary origin as several fires had been pce. * First class dressmaking. Long's Appartments, Mutual Phone, Mrs. was in Tillamook a few days this 'started on what is known as the Dr. Wise has returned. Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas week, and expressed himself as well-crane place. The actual loss cannot Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Burkhart. * pleased with what he saw in this be estimated at present, and this can vicinity. He was accompanied homeIOnly be obtained by the timber being Co. Don’t throw away your old tires but Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath. Room 4, get an "Inner Tire” and get from by his mother who has been visiting ! recruised. * too to 5000 miles more service out of Dr. Ramsey for the past several Masonic Apartments. weeks. Another Tillamook Boy Seriously Don't fail to see the farm tank at each tire at low cost.—See Shrode.* Will sell 8 acres of Tillamook City « Wounded. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. Roy Maine, who is now cerguant in property lying in and west of the Dr. J- B- Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. the 468th Engineers, has arrived in Gilford Stillwell play ground for Geo. W. Phelps, of Garibaldi, Ore., France, a post card having been re­ $4,000. This is good high ground Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon. received a cable October 15th that ceived to that effect. and well located for platting. Will his son First Lieutenant Francis M. Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- Need a truck to haul your milk? Or take Liberty Bonds and give terms. Phelps, was dangerously wounded me.— R. W. Bennett. Write C. A. Dunn, 303 Capitol Bldg., September 28th in France, where he Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, anything else? Got an old automobile? Salem, Oregon. * has been at the front since last June. Tillamook. * See Slnole, he will explain the rest. It's a “Truxtun Attachment.” * Married, on Saturday, at the court Lieutenant Phelps joined the ranks Why not place your feed orders for Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms house, the ceremony being performed May 12th 1917. He was born and the future with Kuppenbender. * 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office by County Judge A. M. Hare, Clark raised in Tillamook county where he New Grant car for sale at a bargain hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun­ E. Embunt and Miss Irma G. Sumer* had a lot of friends and for 6 years See Ben Kuppenbender. * days by appointment. * lin. The groom is a son of John Em- practiced law in Portland. bum and the bride a daughter of the To rent or buy, Underwood Type­ Miss Charlette Wade is represent­ Rev. R. G. Sunterlin, who was pastor Death of Rebecca Browning. writer. Captain Morgan, shipyard. * ing the well known California Per­ of the U. B. Church. ------ o------ fume Company, reliable dealers in House and lot for sale. Inquire at Joseph Fillman vs. F. R. Beals is a Rebecca Swift was born in Marion all kinds of toilet articles, soaps, ex- this office. * * suit tiled in the circuit court grow­ County, Ind., June 26, 1850. Went tracts etc. Phone 41-R. , ing growing out of a real estate and to Missouri at the age of 18. Was Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale Don’t pay rent. A modern, up-to- saw mill deal. The plaintiff asks the married to R. P. Browning, a soldier office, Saturday, Oct. 26th. * date seven roomed house for sale at court for a rescission of a contract of the Civil War. He died in 1901. We handle Trojan Powder. Best for a bargain, near the high school. and of all contractural retations be­ Five years ago she came to Blaine, Humping.—Tillamook Feed Co. ♦ Terms to suit purchaser. J. H. Frank­ tween the plaintiff and defendant Oregon. On October 9 she suffered a * and be allowed to recover $10.000. For sale or rent, the O’Hara Farm lin, Tillamook, Oregon. stroke of apoplexy and two days lat­ at Netarts. Enquire at the place. * To be sure you have a place to live er peacefully passed away. She was Disinfect your home with B—K. to­ Buy your hay at tbe Kuppenbend­ day and make yourself safe from buy a home today. Never has the de­ a member of the M. E. South Church. er Warehouse. ♦ deadly disease germs. Call Kuppen- mand for houses been so great. Prop­ One sister and four children survive erties are selling every day but bar­ her, namely: Mrs. Clara Sinclair, in bender, both phones. Vote for W. L. Bryan, for county gains are not all gone yet. Some of Missouri; Mrs. Annabelle Jones and treasurer. General election.— Pd. Ad. It is expected that several Tilla- the best buys were listed today for Clyde, of Blaine, Ed Ernest, of Seat­ tle. Interment whs at Blaine, con- Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler mook boys who are still at Fort quick sale. A payment down, balance ducted by Mrs. Dora Young. Columbia will leave this week for monthly, places you in a home of office Saturday, Oct. 19tb. over there” your own. See Everson at once. * R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- Lieut Ernest D. Lamb, of the Offi ­ Herbert H. Edgar Died of Wounds. There are two Oregon Military Po­ pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. cers Medical Reserve Corp, spent the ----- -o------ lice working in the county helping One lot and small house for sale, week end with his parents, Mr. and round up pro-Germans, slackers and A telegram reached this office on $550, part cash. Rosenberg Bros. * Mrs. Francis Lamb and sister, Vida bond shiykers. in Eugene before leaving for Fort Friday afternoon from Portland For Sale—160 acres of land at Mrs. Frances B. Stranahan will j Riley, Kansas. Lieut Lamb was a stating that Herbert H. Edgar, son faudlake. Inquire of Dan Billings. * thank-you for your vote for County i graruate of Oregon and of the Port- of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Edgar, of South A. F. Coats, of the A. F. Coats Lum- Treasurer, at election November 5, land Medical College, taking up his Prairie, had been taken prisoner. A L ber Co., is in the city. 1918.—Pd. Adv. • practice in Union, Oregon. He is the week previous he had been reported killed. The news of bls being a pris­ Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook youngest brother of Geo. B. Lamb. oner did not prove to be correct, for 2U5-206 Tillamook Building. • office across the street south of the ---- '------ - — . . in Friday - . ’s cas_ Mrs. Dr. Boals has kindly consent­ he was' mentioned We buy and sell second hand autos. court house, every Monday, Tuesday, ed to act as chairman of the Tilla­ ualty list as having died from Ackley ft Miller, Tillamook Garage.* Wednesday and Thursday until fur­ mook City committee to take charge wounds. Edgar's parents were hope- ther notice. * of the packages which friends will ful that their son had been taken For bargains in second hand auto­ send to the boys over seas. The car­ prisoner, but the mistake had been mobiles go to Case’s Garage. " Married, on the 12th of October, tons are expected to arrive about the made in Portland. The young man House and two lots for sale. Terms W. B. Honey and Mary E. Landing­ first of November. According to di­ was 29 years of age and was drafted U desired. Inquire at this office. *. ham, the ceremony being performed rections Mrs. Boals will take charge at Bend, having taken up a home­ by Rev. Harry E. Tucker of the of the packing and labeling of the stead in Eastern Oregon. He came to Wanted— Information of the where Christian Church. packages. No packages can go unless Tillamook to visit his parents, fi3rd •bouts of B. Rogers. Make your no­ sent by the 15th of November. Mrs. February last, previous to going For Bale — three high grade regis ­ tification at the Headlight office * tered Holstein heifers, two two-year Boals will be assisted by Mrs. Ken- “over there", coming in on the train Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Plttlnger, of olds and one yearling and one milch nedy. on Saturday and leaving the next Portland are visiting with Dr. and cow. Write, Mrs. J. A. Hazlitt, For­ C. A. Dunn who is connected with morning. Mr. and Mrs Edgar have Mrs. Wise. est Grove, Ore. * the State Highway Commission came the sympathy of the people of the Let wour co-worker on the farm be - For sale, a motor washing machine, in from Salem to make preparations county in the loss of their son. tbe Cleveland Tractor. On display at in good condition and ready for use, for the improvement of the the Three Rivers road, which will be the Kuppeubender Warehouse. to be sold for $10.00; also Sears & done by the State Highway Commis­ Is Mrs. Stranahan's Petition Legal Or Null and Void? Will trade cement work for a good Roebuck’s sewing machine, for $10. sion. Work Will be started as soon as milch cow. A. T. Dolan, Mutual Enquire at the Headlight office. possible, as it is the intenton of the Phone. ' *2 The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ Commission to get out the rock this In making up the official ballot for Let B—K be your disinfectant. It is chine Agency is now permanently lo­ winter so that the road can be com­ the general election, County Clerk pleted as early as possible next year. Harrison ran across a snag in the safe, clean and powerful. For sale at cated opposite the post office, where the Kuppenbender Warehouse. • monthly payments may be made and Attorney General Brown was asked petitions of the four candidates for for an opinion whether the Commis­ county treasurer. The petitions of supplies ordered. sion could do the work legally and Mrs. Everson, Miss Mills and W. J. Homer R. Craig vs. Fred Seeley Dolph Tlnnerstet has gone to Port­ he has decided that it can. •ud wife is a suit to recover $600.00 land for the purpose of joining the Bryan each designated themselves as ou a promissory note. At a meeting of the Executive “Independent" candidates, which is tank service. Dolph appears to be in For Sale—two year old colt, next every way physically fit for this se im­ Board of the Tillamook Branch of the the usual form for candidates who ►P”ug. Sold cheap. Enquire of Mrs. vice, and it is more than probable Red Cross on Tuesday, the matter of are nominated by petition, while the caring for the sick, should the petition of Mrs. Stranahan is desig­ Knlglrt. • that he will be accepted. Spanish influenza become prevalent nated as "Republican” and complying There were no blds submitted for in the county was discussed, a let­ with the wording of the petition the Those who wish to see Dr. Wise •bout dental work should do so at the Improvement of the Brighton- ter from tbe Portland chapter having county clerk designated her as a Re­ once. • Wheeler road, consequently the court been read promising co-operation. publican on tbe ballot. Referring the could not let a contract for this Just received a car of mill feed at much needed and necessary improve- Another matter that was diBCUssed matter to District Attorney T. H. was the next war drive for funds for Goyne, he decided that the county the Kuppeubender Warehouse. Prices ment. seven organizations. Mrs. Everson clerk could not legally place Mrs. •re lowest. * For sale or trade, one sorrel mare the secretary, who left for Portland Stranahan on the ballot as a Repub­ For sale, a matched team, 1100 tbs. six years old, weight 1500 lbs; and later in the day with the treasurer, lican, for no one could use the name ••ch. Enquire at Dawson Bros., Tilla­ one colt, three years old, iron gray, Thad Robison, were authorized to of a political party without having mook. weight 1100 lbs. Will trade for good confer with the Red Cross officials in first obtained the endorsement of the County Central Committee, of the For Sale—Berkshire pure bred dairy cows. Andrew Vetsch, Elmore Portland on these matters. •2 figs, four months old. Enquire of A. ranch. Orpha A. Eastman vs. Alonzo party they belonged, and in this case £ Williams, Mutual Phone. * A number of the timber owners Thomas Eastman is a divorce suit even the central committee had no whose timber was destroyed by the filed in the circuit court. These par­ legal right to endorse a candidate.. Jeff Fleck vs. Martin Blaser is a bad fires on the Wilson and Kilchis ties were married at Caldwell, Idaho, The district attorney is somewhat in all filed ln the circuit court to re­ river last month, will be in Tilla- on April 3, 1905. The plaintiff al­ doubt whether Mrs. Stranahan's cover possession of 24 head of cows. mook next week to look over the tim- leges cruel and inhuman treatment name can be placed on the ballot, on the part of the defendant, whe on and this is the opinion of some legal Mrs. Alex Scott and son. of Gaston, ber and ascertain the loss. several occasions nearly killed the lights of the city. Previous to either »Pent the week end with Miss Marie was I Owing to the dentist who plaintiff by his violent and savage of the candidates becoming aspirants Tinnerstet. 'manager of Dr. Wine’s Portland of- blows. There is one child by the for public office. Mrs. Everson. Miss Best by Test—Oregon Portland flee, going to war. Dr. Wise will have union. The plaintiff prays that the Mills and Mr. Bryan had registered Cement. For sale by Lamb Schrader to devote a part of his time there. marriage contract be dissolved, that as Republicans and all of whom had Co. • • But will remain here as long as kept she have Interest in certain property, been identified with that party, • that she have judgment against the while Mrs. Stranahan had registered Best in the West—Oregon Portland busy. as an “Independent.” Since circulat­ I Cement. Always uniform and fresh. Large modern Portland residence defendant for $1000 and $200 for Lamb-Schrader Co. * with one or more acres of ground to the benefit of the plaintiff and that ing her petition she had her regis­ the latter have custody of the child. tration changed to Republican. It a. Lumber for Sale.—The lumber exchange for 160 acres of land in seems that Mrs. Stranahan endeavor­ at the Chautauqua is for sale. Tillamook County. At least forty The Fir Protection Board is anx­ ed to obtain the endorsement of the acres must be cleared, and not too ious that the people be enlightened Republican County Central Commit­ ** H. T. Botta. far irvin from mmw railroad. L. F. Hemerlynck. iar — in regard to air craft production, es­ tee and a meeting was called for that ln conformity with the rule formed 4355 EaSf 82nd St.. Portland. Ore. pecially in timber sections of the purpose, but it failed to materialize, ‘•»»where, all wood order» must be country where the fir and spruce for it would have placed the commit­ Owing to Mayor Beals' proclama ­ •*cotnpanied by payment in advance. grows, The Board is sending out tee In a ludicrous and embarrasing ”“A. F. Coats Lumber Co. * tion prohibiting public meetings, the samples of wing beams to different position to have endorsed a person annual meeting of the Red Cross, R T. Boats vs. George Ethel Is a which should have taken place on localities, so as to give lumbermen a who had registered as an Independ­ **•' filed in the circuit court to re- Tuesday, was postponed and will not better idea of the final disposition of ent. and who had no political affil­ *°»»r $100.00 for professional servic- 'be held until the embargo is taken the stock. These wing beams are fin­ iation wi(h the Republican party, ished products, but rejected for de­ when there were three other candi- ¡off. fects which can be plainly seen by didates. each of whom were regular For rent—two nice furnished lumbermen, and which shows the and genuine Republicans, when tbe For Sale — Most desirable, modern. corner >th 8t. »nd 4th Avenue care which must be taken in their committee had no legal right to do 15 acre city home In Ashland. Ore ­ or Inquire of Im G. Lance at manufacture. Two of these wing "Woftice. • gon. Fine climate, pure water, health beams have been sent to Thad Rob­ so. The question now in doubt is resort, free Irrigation, green mead- whether the county clerk can desig­ *•»». Frances B Stranahan will owa and pastures year round, great- ison, of the Tillamook County Bank, nate Mrs. Stranahan as an “Inde­ your for your vote for County est variety products for home eom- and they are now on exhibition In pendent,” when her petition says: J*»«, at election November (. forts; A city of reel homes.—R. D. the bank, with the places marked “That party of political principle »»>•—M. Adv. • Sanford, Helman St., Ashland, Ore. • where they are effective. which she represents is the Repute- Tillamook Jottings 50.00 Louis Wein . . 50.00 Wilson .... 150.00 L. McGiffin H. Deines . 50.00 J. Jarrett . 50.00 A. Gelinas .. . 50.00 50.00 S. Polsjci ____ 50.00 C. Farrell ... G. Smedlund .. 50.00 G. O. Wingate 50.00 V. W. Winbiad 50.00 T. J. Cooney . 50.00 SPANISH INFLUENZA TAKES T. M. Vimont 50.00 50.00 HOLD IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY S. Giollo......... G. W. Jordan . 50.00 50.00 Ban Placed on Schools, Churches, Wm. J. Norton 50.00 Movies, Pool Rooms and Meetings. H. J. Bernier J. F. Forcha 50.00 F. A. Jackson 50.00 Tillamook County was not to be Cummings-Moberly Lbr. Co. 2000.00 overlooked in the Spanish influenza Claude Ackley ...................... 100.00 drive, which is world wide in its A. L. Durby.......................... 50.00 scope, and acting on the advice of Sollie Smith.......................... 100.00 the State Health Authorities Mayor C. S. Barnes ........................ 100.00 R. T. Boals on Sunday closed the Adolph Nielson .................... 3UO.OO churches, movies and pool rooms, and W. G. Gruman...................... 50.00 the next day the schools came under Lucinda Ford........................ 100.00 the ban in all parts of the county. J. G. Martin........................ 50.00 Following is Mayor Boals' proclama­ Anna Holden........................ 50.00 tion. J. Jordi ................................. 100.00 A Proclamation. R. Butnet............................... 50.00 Conforming to the following order M. D. Ackley............. 100.00 Issued by the Surgeon General of the Alice Fitzpatrick ... 50.00 United States Public Health Service Edna M. Cone ........... 50.00 I hereby declare that all public meet­ Cecil Kinnaman . .. . 50.00 ings, all public schools, all churches, V. Maurer ............................ 50.00 theatres, pool halls and other places J.oe Donaldson and wife . . . 100.00 of amusement shall be closed until D. G. Stojanchrich............. 200.00 further notice. W. G. Harris and wife . .. . 100.00 R. T. Boals Mayor. P. J. Worrall . .. 200.00 To the Mayor, Tillamook, Oregon. G. W. Proctor . . '50.00 By order of the Surgeon General of L. B. Hays......... 50.00 the United States Public Health Ser­ B. W. N. . eilson 100.00 vice, you are directed to discontinue J. A. Neilson . . . 100.00 all public meetings, close all public Wesley Day . . . . 200.00 schools and places of amusement on W. B. Aiderman 300.00 the appearance of the present world C. E. Walker . 50.00 wide epidemic of influenza. G. A. Martin . 100.00 You are requested to urge on every D. E. McDaniel 50.00 one the necessity of avoiding crowds Wm. Ryan............................. 50.00 and shopping until the present epi- Cora E. DeFord.................... 50.00 demic has subsided. Signed . L. A. Goodspeed.................... 200.00 Robert E. L. Holt, Mrs. M. E. Holden............. 100.00 State Health Officer. H. A. Ness............................. 50.00 There have been several cases in Leila Drew .......................... 50.00 the county for over a week, but not Mrs. Pearl Grlest............... 100.00 of a serious nature, and although it Clem Rust ............................ 50.00 is thought that the disease might A. L. Mapes.......................... 100.00 spread rapidly in this county, there I q y White 50.00 others who take the opposite view if j Mrs. O. V. White 50.00 proper precautions are taken and the p 3 McKinley 50.00 doctors are Informed Immediately, so j john Naegll and wife . . . . . 25%00 that houses can be quarantined. , Esther Schnal 100.00 ; —-_ — I Crystal Laundry Co............. 100.00 100.00 TILLAMOOK BANKING DISTRICT' Mrs. B C. Lamb................. 1 J. H. Lawson........................ 100.00 IS SHORT $25,000. j Henry Becker...................... 100.00 ------ o------ [ Dr. O. L. Holfeld.................. 50.00 Effort to be Made to Raise This ; G. B Lamb .......................... 50.00 1 A. W. Phelps and wife ... 50.00 Amount Immediately. ■ Herman Farmer.................... 100.00 ------ o------ 50.00 Tillamook Banking District is short G. Munson............................ 200.00 $25,000 in its quota for the Fourth Paul Erickson .................... 50.00 Liberty Loan drive and this amount Victor Glad .......................... must be made up immediately. Quite O. Gulstrom.......................... 100.00 200.00 a number of persons who were finan­ C. E. Graves ........................ cially able to buy large amounts of Tillamook Sheet Metal Wks. 100.00 50.00 bonds have only subscribed for small Mrs. A. M. Burdick............. o amounts, and this is the reason why this banking district failed to come Tillamook County Bank. through on time and with its full Mr. and Mrs. Emil Benscheidt $ 100 quota. 50 Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Tucker .... This is how the district stands: 50 Mrs. S. E. Blasep........................ First National Bank........... $93,300 50 Tillamook County Bank . . . 72,050 Till. County Pomona Grange .. 50 Arthur S. Measor...................... 100 Total............................. $165,350 C. Jane Ramsey......................... 100 A number of persons have increas­ William M. Brown...................... ed their subscriptions the past few E. K. and Mary Alice Scovell .. 300 50 weeks and quite a number of addi­ Edna Mae Small ..................... 100 tional bonds have been sold. Al-' F. D. Small................................. 100 though the amount of money raised Mrs. Salena Small...................... 50 in the county is $285,350, the com-1 Alfred Reynolds.......................... mittee does not intend to allow I A. H. Gaylord .......................... 50 those who have not bought as large _ R. O. Richards ......................... 100 amounts of bonds as they should | T. Levericb .................................. 50 have to get off in that manner, and ' p jj Zurfluch their names will be published if they I F. B. and J. C. Edney.............. do not come through immediately. ! L. L. Stillwell ......................... 50 The other banking districts in the Peter Betchart .......................... 50 county have come through and so 100 must the Tillamook district, and the Marie F. Wagner...................... 50 persons who have only taken out Mrs. Jennie Me Ghee.............. $50.00 or $100.00, when they should Pearlie and Loyd John Hughey 200 100 have taken $500 or 1,000., are going B. Kuppenbender ...................... 200 to be rounded up and made to W. Kuppenbender...................... “cough up.” ! Pliny Buttz................................. 50 1 Henry Plasker .......................... 100 First National Bank. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Himes .... 50 Henry J. Dltter .... 150.00 Catherine A. Long.............'........ 50 J. D Powell ............. 100.00 W. S. Randall............................. 50 Everett Hale ............. 50.00 David Kuratli .......................... 200 D. J. Harrison ......... 300.00 Gilbert Rock ............................. 500 M. J. Baldwin........... • • • • • 100.00 Jos. E. Williams ...................... 150 A. Laviguenr ........... 150.00 Mr. and Mrs. Gus Goeres.......... 100 A. D. Wicks ............. 50.00 200 C. E. Bobb................. 50.00 J. S. Lamar................................. 100 E E. Richardson .... • • • • • 300.00 Martin J. Bernes ...................... 50 B. G. Howard............. ........... 50.00 Roy A.. Searcy.......................... 50 E. Rogers................... 50.00 Will Goeres................................. R. Bagley ................. 100.00 E. E. Koch................................. 50 J. L. Beltau............... 100.00 Plasker Bros................................ 100 F W. Reid ............... 100.00 Mrs L. Pelk ............................. 50 R E. Miller............... 50.00 Nick Pelz ....»............................ 50 L. W. Hudson........... 50.00 M. V. Stillwell .......................... 50 C. F. Neifert ........... 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bauer.......... 50 O. E. Lamberson .... • • • • • 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bauer .... 50 Geo. E. Carlin........... . . . . , 100.00 Cicero Proctor .............. . ‘ ......... 50 G. B. Either............. • • • • • 50.00 100 J. F. Conway............. . • • • . 50.00 Cyrus Randall .......................... 100 J. W. Swaney............. 50.00 Bessie and Earl Effenberger .. 50 W. R. Plckerell......... • • • • • 50.00 Geo. W. Crimmons .................. F. S. Richards........... « • • • • 100 50.00 J. ■Carl Bowman.......................... C. W. Jenney............. . , • . . 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Scharff 50 J. A. Piercy........... ... . . • • • 50.00 Hugh Barber .... 100 J. J. Gerber................ • • • • • 50.00 M. T. Chance .... 150 J. T. Evans ............... • • • • • 50.00 Mrs. Cora True .. 50 J. 8. Manning........... e • • • • 50.00 Ruth A. Rees .... 50 Geo. Asbenfelter .... M H I Lauis Labowitch 100 J. H. Reid.................. • • • • • 50.00 I Mrs S. M. Travis , 50 C. 1. Fortinberry .... • • • • • 300 00 I Frank W. Hunter 400 M. Knutaon................ • • • • • 100.00 100 • • R. E. Shrieber......... • • • • • 50.00 J. J B-PP lican party." when, in fact, she was not a member of that party, and in the opinion of some persons she had no right to circulate that kind of a petition. To solve the matter, a friendly suit should be started, if im­ mediate action is taken, and this would not only settle the contro­ versy but avoid legal proceedings after the election. C. F. O. c.