TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT* OCTOBER 1O, 1918. deferment. trlotic co-operation on thls latent This eflort to keep men in industry call of the government for aervice tq rather than to send them to the win the war, I am, Special Care to be Taken to Defer camps and the trenches, should not Very sincerel yours, Agricultural Workers. be abused so as to permit the slacker Jesse A. Currey, to escape military duty. The neces­ Building Permit Commissioner, If you desire to build in the near Under the rules of the War Depart­ sities for raising an army are para­ ment for executing the new draft mount. Every man that can be spar­ i future make out your application at law, special provisions made for in­ ed will be needed and needed badly once and forward it to Roy C. Jones, forming the district boards in regard to bring the enemy to his senses. County Chairman State Council of to farm labor requirements in order The advisor should be assisted in Defense, Tillamook, Oregon, and they that necessary food production may | every possible way by every legiti­ will be duly forwarded to the proper be maintained, says a statement is­ mate agricultural interest to find authorities. sued by the Department of Agricul­ the men that can be spared for mili­ tary duty, but also to keep those who ANOTHER SUGAR REGULATION. ture. The statement continues: In the new draft the district boards are essential to the maintenance of ------ o------ are charged with the duty of putting a proper food supply. Families May New Get Four Weeks’ into deferred classes those persons Supply at One Time. who are more likely to further the BUILDING PERMITS MUST BE OB­ war by remaining in civilian occu­ TAINED FROM WAR INDUSTRIES 'Commencing last Tuesday, families pations than by entering the army. are permitted to purchase a month’s BOARD . Accordingly, three advisors are to supply of sugar at a time. The ration be selected for each district board— basis remain the same, permitting one for agriculture, one for labor, Non-Essential Building to Cease and the purchaser of two pounds a month and one tor other occupations. The . Emergencies to go toward War per individual. A member of four agricultural adviser will be appoint­ I members is thus entitled to buy eight Essentials. ed by the board upon the recommen­ ! pounds of sugar at any time during ----- o----- dation of the Secretary of Agricul­ I the month. The following letter just received ture. The advisors are not members I It is stipulated in the new announ­ of the board but may, when invited, from the State Building Permit Com- I cement of the State Food Administra­ missioner is self explaining: attend its meetings. tion that the profit on sugar shall not exceed one cent per pound above How Agricultural Advisors Will Aid. to the Chairman of the , cost of the sugar delivered at the re­ The duties of the agricultural ad­ State Council of Defense. The new ruling of the War Indus­ tailer's store. Overhead charges must viser will be to furnish to the board regulating through come from the 1-cent margin. The facts relative to farm labor require­ tries Board ments, not only of his own district, priorities the construction ot non­ jobber's profit is fixed, at 35 cents but of the whole country. He should war building and placing the respon­ per hundred. Profits on butter are also fixed by be the repository of all facts having sibilities of this regulation on the relation to the deferment of agricul­ National Council of Defense, has the promulgation. It may not exceed tural workers, whether these be nec­ ! given to the Council, the state Coun- 6 cents per pound for “service” essary farm laborers, managers or I oils, and In turn county chairman, stores and 5 cents for cash-and-carry operators. He will be expected to ad­ lone of the greatest and most impor­ stores. These are the maximums. o------ vise the district boards as to a short­ tant tasks of the war. 1 am quite- Conservation of Food. age or surplus of necessary farm sure that each county chairman re­ A big food pledge drive, the object workers for any given district, as alizes the responsibility thus placed well as for the entire nation. Such upon him in seeing that the wishes Of of which will be to pledge all Oregon information will be supplied to the the government in this work are families to strict observance of the advisors by the Department of Ag- carried forward. It is no mean re­ new conservation program and to riculture. This will make it possible sponsibility, as each chairman will hang the new Hoover "Home Card" to have necessary workers transferr­ have to decide matters which would in every Oregon home is announced ed from districts in which they may n»un material welfare, advancement for the week beginning Oct. 28th by not be necessary to other districts in and upbuilding of his community. Federal Food Administrator W. B. Many times you will have to decide Ayer. Simultaneously drives will be which they are sorely needed. The anvisor also concern himself whether the material, labor and carried on in al the other states. with individual cases that come be­ i transportation involved in these im- | “This will be a national campaign” fore the district board. He will have j provements is not of more impor- said Mr. Ayer, “and because the most the right, under certain conditions, I tance to the government than the conscientious cooperation of every to examine the questionnaires and i benefit that would accrue to your American family is needed to save the 15,000,000 tons of foodstuffs that other records in the .files of the local j community, board for the purpose of ascertaining i The State Council of Defense has will be required by overseas demand whether persons entitled to deferred the assurance of the War industries during the coming year, it is most classification have actually claimed Board that every building project Important. The new home cards are it. In case he finds the names of that will aid in winning the war or now being printed and wiil be in the such registrants he may file for them is of necessary interest' to the com­ hands of the county food administra­ a claim for deferred classification munity will receive careful consid­ tors and their distributing organiza­ with the district board, which, in eration. Everything that partakes of tions in time for a systematic and turn, may require the local board to luxury, amusement, personal con- thorough distribution during the certify the questionnaire and record vlenence, or designed to contribute week beginning Oct. 28th. Similar of any such registrant for consider­ to the pleasure of an individual, will methods to those used last year will ation. Reasonable time will be given be discouraged. A building must be a be utilized, the public schools being for the purpose of obtaining informa­ real war essential to receive consid­ the Important factor in reaching the tion and supplying the affidavits re­ eration either from the State Counsil homes of the state. The new card quired. If a local board determines ' of Defense or the National Council. I will beur the official emblem and to consider a case for deferred class­ I The Priority Division feels confi- will set forth in detail the definite ification because a registrant is en­ | dent that it has absolute control of conservation duties of each family gaged in a necessary occupation, not­ ! the situation, and for any dealer on and member thereof. Each family withstanding no claim for deferred building materials or any work not which is pledged to strict observance classification on that ground has i carying governmental approval will of the new conservation program been made, it shall endorse the rec­ find that he cannot get a replacement will receive one of these cards, ommendation on the questionnaire j in his stock of the materials he has which are to be hung in the home. It of the registrant and forward it to | dissipated by furnishing them to a is important that every member of every family should realize the im­ the district board having jurisdic­ I non-war project. portance of his or her individual sup­ tion. The district board will there­ Method of Procedure ? upon consider the case and proceed Before anyone can get governmen­ port of the Food Administration and to classify the registrant, notwith­ tal approval and show the certificate rigidly observe every tenet of the standing the fact that the claim for entitling him to get building mater­ new conservation program as set deferred classification by or in re­ ial he must file with the county forth on this card.” spect of the registrant has been made chairman of the State Council of De­ I The Food Administration’s first Claims in Behalf of Necessary Labor. fense an application in writing. This “home card” wan distributed during A further duty with which the ad­ application can be in the form of a the week of October 28th, 1917, just THIS IBTIÏTIÏIMIST COIT1IBUT1D TBMÜO1 TX1 TATMIOTIC CO-OFBMATIOM OT viser is charged is to consider with letter or as a sworn statement of a year previous to the coming drive. I . employers of necessary farm workers facts, must give the location of the All these old cards are to be taken | and to Instruct them as to their building, the name of the owner, the down and destroyed, and by Sunday right under the regulations to file a kind of building, whether wood, Night, Nov. 3, State Conservation claim for deferred classification in ■ I brick or concrete, and number of Chairman, Arthur M. Churchill, in respect of any registrant who has | stories high; the probably cost of the charge of the campaign, hopes to failed or refused to file a claim for building repairs, and what the new have a new card hanging in every deferred classification In his own be­ building is to be used for. The per­ Oregon home. months produced 924 lbs. of milk ■■ o- - Price Interpretation Schedule for Report of Tillamook Cow Testing and 59.13 tbs. fat. The high pure half. This, In the opinion of the War son making the application must give l Department, Is a very important mat­ his name and address, and his rela­ New Ships to Fill; More Men to Feed Association for Month of Sept. Week Beginning Oct. 14. bred was Countess of Sunny Brook ter. The apparant Injustice of placing ------ o------ ----- o----- De Koi owned by Jack Rupp and many registrants in Class 1 Is often tionship to the building; whether he | "Every day new ships are slipping Commodity Consumer Pays 676 cows were tested during this made 1569 lbs. milk and 48.63 lbs. due to the fact that employers have is the owner, architect, contractor or from American ways. We read with a lessee. The application should state thrill of prides that more vessel Fresh eggs ........................ 60c.- 6 be. month with an average of 532 lbs. fat. failed to make claims for deferred briefly and concisely the necessity were ___ _____ , launched during the month of The three highest herds were: Butter, fresh, Cry........................ 71c. of milk and contained 21.03 lbs. but­ classification on behalf of necessary .—> had taken J. T. Woodward, 8 cows averaged workers. It is to avoid a repitition for the projected construction, and a ju)y than had hitherto New Potatoes............. $2.50—$3.25 ter fat at a feed cost of »2.75 per statement from the application why i the water in over twelve months Cheese, Tillamook...................... 40c. cow. 33 cows made over 40 pounds lbs. milk, 37.67 lbs. fat. 'of this trouble that farmers should be desires to build at this time. All from America shipyards.” says a Jos Durrer, 39 cows averaged 815 see that all of their necessary em­ Corn Meal. Yellow 10 lb Bgs .. 85c. of fat. applications must be in duplicate Food Administration Bulletin. We Corn Meal, Wh. 10- bag........... 99c. The high cow of the association lbs. miik, 37.34 lbs. fat. ployees. whether sons or other labor­ Mrs. Theresa Ross, 8 cows averag­ ers. of the draft age have made for and sworn to. These two points are joyfully celebrate our Fourth of July Rolled Oats, 9-lb Bgs. ............. 99c. was a grade Jersey owned by Jos. important, and the county chairman Rice flour In bulk................. 1116 c. Durrer and after being in milk six ed 719 lbs. of milk and 35.34 tbs fat. them just claims for deferred class­ shall consider no application until this year by adding ninety-five ships to our growing fleet. Barley Flour 8 8-10 lb Bgs. . .. 85c. The honor roll follows: ification. all the conditions above noted have "But we must not forget that each Dry Granulated Sugar per lb.. 11c. One important explatatlon is made Pct. Fat lb. Fat been fulfilled. I of these new cargo-carriers mean an Breed lbs. Milk Corn flour, Wh. blk................ 8c. Owner, and Name of Cow in the new Selective Service Regula­ Upon receiving the application, the Corn Flour, white, 10 lb pkgs . 90c. Jos Durrer, Jersey 924 .............. 6.4 ........... 59.13 tions in connection with the expres­ county chairman will make such in­ Increased responsibility to save food. G. J. | We are not building ships to have 57.10 Rye Flour, 49 lb. pkgs......... $3.65 Jos Durrer, Baby . 1215 ........... 4.7.............. G. J. sion “skilled farm laborer". The vestigation as he may deem neces­ them He idle at our piers. We are Rye Flour, 10 lb pkgs................. 80c. Jos Durrer, Beauty 1071 ........... 5.3.............. 56.76 questionnaire G. J. provides deferred sary to check the statements of the building them to take our fighters 1278 ........... 4.2.............. 53.67 classification for Hominy, 10 lb. Pkgs ............... 90c. Jos Durrer, Chance G. J. the "necessary application and inform himself on Corn Starch, lb........................... 12M|C. Jos. Durrer, Kitty 1011 .............. 5.1 ........... 51.56 skilled farm labor in necessary ag­ the necessity of project. When this across the water, clothes, food and G. J. munitions. 48.67 937 ........... 5.2.............. Beans, Small White .... 15c.—16c. Jos. Durrer, Flora G J. riculture enterprise." The new reg­ investigation is completed the county I "It Is not alone the additional Beans, Large White.................... 16c. Jack Rupp. Countess of Sunnyside ulations provide that in Class II shall chairman will forward the applica­ i number of merchant vessels Uncle 48.63 .............. 3.1 ........... 1569 Beans. Colored ............... 12c.—13c. R. H. be placed any registrant found to be tion, together with the report of his De Koi 2nd................... 1029 .............. 4.7 ........... 48.36 engaged in a "necessary” agricultur­ investigation and a recommendation Sam now has that brings increased Milk, Canned, 16 oz.......... 17c.—18c. Jos Durrer, Vera............. G. J. responsibility to the housewife to 47.88 .............. 4.2 ........... 1140 Milk, canned, 6 oz ...................... 8c. Jos Durrer, Lilly ...... G. J. al enterprise, and found to be neces­ of approval or rejection, to the 900 ........... 5.3.............. 47.70 sary to such enterprise in the capac­ State Council of Defense. The county save food, e Is also building battle-» Can Corn, Standard per can ... 25c. C. W. Tilden, Julia......... G. J. 1014 .............. 4.7 ........... 47.65 ity of a farm labor—"especially fit­ chairman in his investlgatkki should ships, destroyers, submarines, trawl­ Tomatoes, Standard, per can ... 23c. Theresa Ross, Heart......... G. J. 1038 ........... 4.5.............. 46.71 ted for the work in which he is en­ ascertain if the materials to be used ers. drifters and observation ships. Canned pears, standard, per can 23c. Jos Durrer, Mu ley........... G. J. 996 ........... 4.7.............. 46.81 gaged." Thia quoted phrase consti­ can be secured locally or will have to The increase in units for our Navy Dried fruit, Rais. lb.pkgs......... 15c. Jos Durrer, Bess............. G. J. 913 ........... 5.1.............. 46 56 tutes an explanation of what is be transported by rail, and If he ap- is enormous, but these ships are of Corn Syrup 5 lb. can.................... 55c. Jos Durrer, Pansy........... G. J. ’ 756 ........... 5.9.............. 44.60 meant by “skilled" as applied to ' proves of the application he should little use unless they are manned by White Flour, 49 !b. Bags ... »3.30 Theresa Ross, Grace........ G. J. 1272 ........ 3.5.............. 44.52 farm laborer. The expression shall ! state his own viewB why he deems crews that are well fed. Wheat Flour. 2416 lb. Bags .. »1 65 Seifer & Peterson. No. 26 G. H. ‘You and your neighbor must feed 837 .............. 5.3 ........... 44.36 make easier the determinatio'n of the ! the project a necessity at this time. Wheat Flour, 10 !b. Bags.........75c. Carl Hunt, Zlindy........... G. J. them. , 44.35 status of many registrant. 1056 .............. 4.2 G. J. Card, leaf No. 5 pail............. U-70 Jos Durrer, Matty........... The entire effort of the War In­ “The shipbuilders will build th« Lard, leaf. No. 10 pail........... »3.40 Carl Possetti. Victoria of Mistle­ dustries Board is to discourage non­ vessels, the Navy will man them,— War Service in Right Place. 44.06 ........... 7.2 .............. 612 Hams. Standard .......................... 4 5c R. J. toe .................................... The purpose in the appointing of j war construction, whether it ifi a but there is no one who ran feed 807 .............. 5.4 ........... 43.57 G. J. Breakfast Bacon standard......... 57c. J. T. Woodward. Jersey .. advisors is to place men where they building, roads or other improve­ them but you. and your neighbor. 990 ........... 4.4.............. 43.50 Nat. Retailers under the food law must ¡Carl Hunt. Lena ............... can do most to help win the war. ments, so as to release labor, mater­ | "Trhat is the reason all housewives 1085 ........... 4.0.............. 43.40 G. H. sell flour and butter at a price based Ulrich Wyss. Spot............. These advisors will be able to help ials and transportation of war es­ should be saving sugar, setting their 43.25 ........... 5.4 .............. 801 G. J. D. Fitzpatrick. Tiny......... sentials, but at the same time will on the cost to them. 618 ........... 6.8.............. 42.02 greatly the district boards to keep endeavor tb aid and assist every­ table with perishables, baking with . Nat. Harrison A Betchart, Mary work- wheat substitute flours, and canning in agriculture the necessary 927 ........... 4.5.............. 41.71 G. J. Carl Possetti, Beauty .... era. These workers, whatever may be thing that is essential, to preserve every possible pound of surplus fruit 41.3'. Ornamental Fire Placet Built ...... 5.3 ........... 780 G. J. Jos Durrer, Mabel.............. the health and well being of the and vegetables. 810 ........... 5.1.............. 41.31 their inclination to enter military people. of Brick and Stone. All Fire M. Abplanalp. No. 5. - - • "What are you doing to help?” I i service, should stand ready to serve Place« absolutely guaranteed ........... 3.2 .............. 41.28 1290 G. H. . Albert Johnson. Whlty, ... Your task in this new work Is not in any capacity in which they can not to «moke or money re­ 41.28 ........... 4.0 .............. 1032 G.J. . Jos. Durrer, Brindle......... an easy one, but every county chair­ Tillamook has an auto top and funded. 780 ........... 6,2 .............. 41.02 contribute most toward a speedy man I feel sure will meet It with the G.J. . I Joe Durrer, Dame ............. harness repair shop in rear of ending of the war. In order that this Brick work of all kind« done 40.71 783 ........... 5.2 .............. . Nat . Carl Possetti. Dixie............ same broad gauged unselfish patriot­ building opposite post office. Auto may be done a frank statement on short notice. 900 ........ 4.6.............. 40.50 O. J. . A. L. Mapes. No. 6......... We make a specialty of re­ should In each case, be made to the ism which has marked his efforts in tops, curtains and cushions repaired pairing stroking Fire Places. boards. It is believed that It will fre­ the past. If your problems are many and waterproofed, harneM repaired. quently require as much courage on and complex, remember we at stat« If you can't come, send your harneM the pan. of many men to remain In headquarters will try and help you. by parcel poet to the Auto Top and Again «Muring you of hearty pa- HarneM Shop. Box 184, Tillamook.* their civilian occupations as to waive PROTECT THEM. YOU KNOW the fate of the children of Belgium and Northern France. Protect your own children from a like fate. Our soldiers are ready to fight for them - - to die for them - - to make the world a fit place for children to live in. If you can’t fight, support those who can. Buy Fourth Liberty Bonds Any Bank Will Help Vou Standard Oil Company. RALPH E. WARREN, First Class Job Printing TILLAMOOK.. ORE- FARMERS AND THE DRAFT. - o------- I