TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER IO. 191 shipyards President Pici of tke em­ U-BOATS KNOCKED OUT OF BUSINESS. ergency fleet corporation and Pro­ vost Marshal General Crowder will accomplish a double good. They will British De»troyer ’■ Drops Depth Charge on Submarine and rid the shipyards of workmen who Ends Career. I have often seen in the papers loaf on their jobs and slow down The Spanish influenza might have been expected by people who remem­ statements about saving in various production, and will secure for the London, Sept. 26—The destruction ber how the grip, started In southern ways, but have never seen any like army no small number of men. of two submarines by British naval Europe 27 years ago, traveled all this taking place. Often have I craft is thus described: The captain over the world. Eventually the thought how some or rather moat OLD HIGH COST OF of a destroyer saw a U-biot attack a Spanish influenza like its predeces­ people waste food, mostly fruit, pos­ LIVING JUMPS merchant steamer two tulles off. The sor, will make the circuit of the sibly quite common to them, and ------ o------ destroyer went to the assistance of by them- | without doubt, unnoticed globe. From Spain it traveled to every selves. Now, for instance, when par- Bat That Makes no Difference to the the steamer and the submarine dived. "When I judged that we were di­ Millionaire With a Hobby. part of Europe, being especially ing apples, potatoes, pears« or what­ rectly over her I let go a depth severe in the war zone. August wit­ ever it happens to be, they pare Old High Cost of living has so charge with a life buoy to mark the nessed outbreaks at seaport cities in them awfully thick,. It is an ex­ jumped during the past twelve spot," said the captain. "Within .15 tremely difficult to break one of this different parts of the United States. has be- seconds of the explosion, the submar­ This disease was epidemic at Fort i habit, but a little paring knife costs months that mere existence ine came to the surface with a Blight Morgan, near Mobile, Ala., in Aug­ only 15 cents and 1 b well worth the come a sort of luxury. Your groceryman tells you he sim- list to starboard. Immediately the ust, and about the same time a tramp money in homes where there are steamer arrived at Newport News 'such awful habits. I have often won­ ply has to charge the price asked, the conning tower showed above water the same all our starboard guns opened fire with almost the entire crew pros­ dered why people generally pick out ciothler informs you that trated. Philadelphia posted a few large fruits as named above, it is in suit he sold for $20, are now $40 and and the conning tower was riddled." A British submarine accounted for cases five weeks ago and several order to have something left when $50 each, and a bargain at that; have been reported from New York. what they call peelings removed. your milkman strikes you off the the other German U-boat. “I fired both bow torpedoes almost The Boston outbreak was noted on Another thing when eating any fruit list in a hurry if you dare demur to September 11. Since then the epidem­ as named above, I have seen few peo­ $3.75 per quart a month; your wife’s simultaneously," said the captain of ic has appeared at New London, New ple eat them the way nature meant winter coat will be close to the $60 the British submarine, "and about Orleans and numerious interior them to be eaten. Just a little mark, and her shoes will be bargain half a minute later there was a ter­ through the middle is taken, the rest at $14.50. As to your winter’s wood rific explosion, a big flame and a points in the United States. fountain of water a hundred feet is very often thrown away. We in pile—the least said the better. The attack comes on suddenly. Such are the fruits of war, and high. The German submarine totally People are stricken on the street,, our home have always looked at this while at work in factories, shipyards as a sin, but others must look at it in such are the burdens to be borne by disappeared. There was a lot of oil offices or elsewhere. First there is a a different way. Some people leave the great army of the secondary de­ about and the smell of parafine, but no sign of any part of the boat. I chill, then fever with temperature their fruit on the trees to decay. fense. It’s a great life—it you don’t weak­ heard shouting in the water and from 101 to 103, headache hackacke, while they buy other fruit. Perhaps picked up one man." reddening and running of the eyes, larger, perhaps bo better. By the way en. But what would your groceryman pains and aches all over the body a great many people think they are Sir Douglas Haig Honored. and general prostration. Surgeon­ savers, while they are some of the say if you asked him to knock off ------ o------ General Blue of the public health greatest wasters. This is sad but true his profit in these troublesome times? Washington, Oct. 5—Field Marshal service at Washington says those that few of them know. No matter What wou)d happen if you informed who feel the symptoms coming on how small the remains of fruit may your shoeman, your milk man, your Sir Douglas Haig was today awarded should go home at once, get to bed be, it should never be burned up. dry goods man, and the rest of the the Cross of Honor bestowed annual­ without delay and immediately call They are never too small for hungry bunch, that they would have to let ly by the American Cross of Honor a physician. Treatment under direc­ porkers which may often be found on you have the goods at a reduced Society for conspicuous and notable tion of the physician is likely to con­ the same place. While at the same price? Would theBe gentlemen polite­ service to humanity. The medal last sist principally of rest in bed. fresh time pear and apple peelings and ly accede to your request? They year was given Marshal Joffre. This air, abundant food and Dover's cores make dandy syrups if boiled would not. Bankruptcy would follow year the British government was re­ quested to name an Admiral or Gen- powder for the relief of pain. Doctor with a little water and drained and if they did. You couldnt’ expect it— you would eral for the honor, and this reply Blue says that every case with fever a little sugar added. I have often should be regarded as serious and thought of speaking of this when be­ not ask it! These are not the good old was received: "In the opinion of His Majesty’s kept in bed until the temperature ing at such a place, and was recently days of old. Costs have gone up on becomes normal. He adds that con­ called upon to make this statement everything, and quite naturally, too. government, the services which In view of the general condition of Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig has valescence requires careful manage­ to be printed in the Tillamook papers affairs it is a rather astounding bit rendered and is rendering in the and I truly hope to see more ment to avoid serious complications, war of legislation that Sam Jackson, edi­ common cause of the two countries saving citizens hereafter. such as bronchial pneumonia. tor of the Portland Journal would would seem to indicate him as suit­ —A Young Patriot. At Newport, R. I., Rear Admiral foist onto the statute books this fall. able recipient of the society's decor­ Oman issued an order forbidding en­ listed men visiting Boston and not What Has Been Accomplished by the It is astounding to the person un­ ation.” acquainted with the facts, but to long afterward extended his prohibi­ Victory Will Come in Unexpected tion to prevent the men under his School Children Army in 6 Months. those who understand the motives ------ o------ underlying the ' proposed measure, Manner. churge fr<*ni going outside of New­ ------ o------ One million fife hundred thousand Mr. Jackson’s scheme is petty, dia­ port without special leave. Dr. Blue Allied victory, in all probability asserts there is no such thing as an boys and girls have responded to th« bolically dirty, and as malicious as will come about in a wholly unex- any piece of legislation that was ever call of the president and enlisted in effective quarantine against pandem­ Pected manner, and since the feeling ic influenza. What Is needed is that the United States school garden framed to be "put over” on the citi­ is growing that a decisive victory is zens of Oregon. everybody shall take the utmost pre­ army. You have your home paper, you be­ not far off, the subject is of interest. Twenty thousand acres of produc- caution to avoid exposure. This The trouble with most of the specu­ means keeping away from localities tive home and vacant lotH have been lieve in it, and you realize that its ln- lation regarding a military decision fluence as a community builder is converted into productive land. This known to be Infected. As precaution big. Do you know, also, that a man springs from the hypnotic effect of against the development of broncho­ will release an equal acreage now high in affiars of the nation has re- the familiar battle lines. The allied pneumonia, patients with influenza used in truck gardening for tlje pro­ task in the west has been to sweep should be treated is well ventilated, duction of other foodstuffs more im- cently stated that the first, Second, the Germans out of France and Bel­ Third and Fourth Liberty loans for war purposes. It will also partant warm rooms. congestion would never have been possible with­ gium, and the obstacle to that There is no occasion to be greatly relieve transportation achievement, in most minds, is the alarmed. American physicians who through home consumption of home out the generous support of the series of German lines. Actually, the press of Oregon and of the nation? have had experience with Spanish in­ produced foodstuffs. Fifty thousand teachers have re­ Do you know too, that not one cent chief obstacle, as has been demon­ fluenza describe it as a milder typ« reived valuable instruction in gard- of advertising was appropriated by strated with the breaking of the of the disease than the old grip. enlng through the garden leafiets the government to help the press strongest army lines, is the German army. written by experts in the office and make the loan a success. While we have been watching the But to return to Jackson's malic­ SDauiah Influenza on Pacific Coast. distributed from here. Boards of Education and other ious measure. He and some Portland swaying Hindenburg line and wait­ 1 Spanish Influenza, a recent epi­ civic organizations have been influ­ attorney have decided that the legal ing for it to break. Marshal Foch has demic and the most serious that haH enced to give financial and moral advertising rate which provides that been trying to break the German spread over the country in the past support to the school and home gar­ publishers shall not be paid a greater army instead of the Hindenburg line. 51'ew yeurs I iuh at hint made its ap- den movement and to pay extra sal­ sum than five cents per line, is alto­ His objective is not Berlin or the lpearance on the Pacific coast and aries for supervision and teaching. gether too high to suit his imperial Rhine, but the remaining organized mtate authorities are much concerned 1 When they Hundreds of thousands of parents taste. He therefore has prepared an forces of the Germans. ••ver Its alarming headway tn tile have become Interested in the garden initiative petition and wants the vot­ are defeated, we will have victory, , eastern states, which may result like­ movement and are working with ers of Oregon to lower the rate, in not when the Hindenburg line is broken or the Rhine crossed, if eith- wise here. County Health Officer K. their their children in home gardens. accordance with his wishes. L. Miller was today notified by tele- In Salt Lake City alone 5200 mothers This is Millionaire Jackson's way er takes place before the enemy is \ grant from the State Health Officer representing sixty-two parental as­ of "getting even" with the press of smashed. For this reason it is better R. E L. Holt, of Portland, of the ser- sociations are actively supporting Oregon. He has been unable to dictate to count prisoners and guns taken ilousness of the situation and was to the thinking editors of the state and German divisions defeated than food production in the schools. Slrged to seek the Immediate co-oper- Thousands of civic, commercial and who have steadily refused to be to measure allied success 'by ground ( at ion of every Douglas county physl- patriotic organizations have become whipped into line to »upport Jack­ gained, be it ever so impressive. ’ clan in fighting this dread disease. It Interested In the movement and are son’s single tax and other campaigns urged that all cases of the influen- giving it hearty support. waged by the Journal. He has chosen Metamorphosis. Jxtt be reported at once upon thorough One and one half million children tlw psychological time to carry out Some» here on the ocean is 'diagnosis in order that epidemics have been given something to do this his nefarious plan a time when The boy who brought our groceries 'way be prevented which might seri- summer; something that will help probably ninety per cent ot the pa­ Before the war began. Jbusly and materially hamper war tan^f'lhe burden of their country in pers of the state are struggling to His name is Willie, and he took work. keep the wolf from the door, that this struggle for freedom, something K Sjtrgeon Genial Rupert Blue, of that will help them to build charac­ they may "carry-on” in their impor­ The orders daily from the cook, -the public health service, has wired ter and something that will appeal to tant mission of helping Uncle Sant's And wrote them in his little book, And carried off the can [¡Kate headquarters from Washing­ develop their patriotism. war activities. It is a scheme quite In which we keep our kerosene. ton. I>. C., requesting state medical worthy of Jackson and a really clever Home and vacant lot gardening in liwithot it It -s to wire reports of all cities, towns and villages have been way to'cut tlie throats of the country He wasn’t very neat and clean. • of influenza and front this very’ dignified and made popular to a editors. Bring his advertising rates But how so neat and clean is he, “act can be seen the alarm that is degree that practically Insures «them down below cost and you can run The boy who brought our groceries pli bj th« United Htatea authoritiM a prominent place in the school sys­ hint out of the field! Isn't it a com- And stands so straight m yet there lia- not o. i uri.d In tin tem of our country. It would be dif­ | inendable work for a millionaire pub­ You'd never know hint for the same punty a case of the disease, but ev- ficult to estimate the educational lisher to be engaged in? Stoop-shouldered, earless boy who p- precaution must be taken, and and material value of such results. Unfortunately for Jackson the vot­ came. ers are onto his little game. They And often got a lot of blame r. Miller stated today that every at- hitlon would be given to this ser- believe in their own communities, For bringing thing so late. The Spirit of the Army Woman. jts matter and that measures would they believe in their home papers, He was so shiftless, goodness knows o ■ ■■ gfaken upon discovering a case In and they are generous enough to ad­ If he had eter brushed bls clothes! I These army women don't ootnplal n. mit that the newspaper nten of the ‘»•'locality to combat the disease But now a soldier man he is •roughly. The malady has made Its I have yet to meet one who is not a state have a God-given right to live The boy who brought our groceries. thoroughly good sport. They know pearance In 26 states front the in Oregon, in spite of Editor Jack­ And gone to shoot a Hun. lantic to the Pacific coast, but us well enough why they are in the son's personal wishes in the matter. Sunday he called on cook to say I Is not a epidemic on the Pacific struggle, and the knowledge of a Goodby before he went away; 1st where a few cases have been kind of wholesome and sustaining And pop shook hands with him that Notice to Creditor». spiritual food. They stiffen to their icovered In Washington nnd Cali ------ o------ day heroic best. One mother and she ■ttla. Over 29.000 soldier alone In the District Court of the United As proud as any one. .ve been stricken with the disease hates sewing makes al) the clothes States, for the district of Oregon. He is so soldierly and trim |th deaths to date amounting to for herself and little girl. The south­ In the matter of E. J. Arena, bank­ We all are proud of knowing him. erner. too. has risen to the occasion ‘7 Following the influenza, which rupt. No. 4955 in bankruptcy. 1 malady very similar to la grippe, and taken half a house for the sum­ Notice Is hereby given that on .the Administrator’« Notice to Creditor«, tumonla occurs and the death rate mer. and plans to do all the work 23rd day of September A. li.. 1918. -o----- nt this Is increasing alarmingly, for herself and family. We've never E. J. Aren», of Tillamook, Oregon, Notice is hereby given. thi«t the known her to do anything but dress tong the civilians in New England the bankrupt above named, was duly undersigned Adolph Schild, by an |es alone have occurred between herself prettily, read novels, and take adjudicated bankrupt, and the first order of the County Court for Tilla­ of- •00 and 75,000 cases of the influ- the children to the movies. An meeting of his creditors will be held mook County. Oregon, duly made ■ with 1000 deaths in the past 10 ficer's wife. In the Atlantic. at my office, Sth floor. Title & Trust and entered, has been appointed ad­ rl. 107 deaths occurring In two Building. Portland. Oregon, on the ministrator of the Estate of Margar­ In Boston M.IS-. 15th day of October. 1918. at 10 a. et ha Schild, deceased, and baa quali­ Shirker« in Shipyard«. ■■tHicerted efforts are being made m. at which time said creditors may fied as such. Notice is further given Uughout the east to stamp out It was Inevitable that a consider- attend, prove their claims, appoint a that all persona having claims again­ n disease anti because of the sert- able number of loafers and slackers trustee. examine the bankrupt, and st the said estate must present the les» of the epidemic the health should find shelter In the shipyards, transact such other business as may same to the undersigned at Tilla­ tortties of Oregon are In the fu i drawn there by the promise of high properly come before said meeting. mook, Oregon, on or before 6 months Ito take every precaution to pre- wages and release from military ser­ Claims must be presented lb form after this date, duly verified and I Its spread here and the local vice Under the best of conditions, required by the Bankruptcy Act, and with proper vouchers. •ns are urged to co-operate in where industrial plants increased sworn to. Dated this October, 3. 1918. matter and to consult a physl- their working forces so rapidly, a The schedule filed discloses no Adolph Schild. Adminis­ at once upon discovering signa certain proportion must prove unfit assets. trator of the Estate of grippe us precaution early in or inefficient. To comb them out re­ Dated September 30, 1918. Margaretha Schild, de­ Tame may mean the taring of quires time and vigilance. In under­ A. M. Cannon. ceased, Tillamook. Ore. ’ lives, and prevent the spread- taking to shift out the slackers In the Referee in Bankruptcy. Johnson & Handley, Attorneys. ing of a dtsasterous epidemic.—Um­ SFANISu L n fLUENZA. pqua Valley News. ------ o------- How it Spread in the United State» A Statement on Wastage of Food. and it« Symptoms. ----- e— QR. O. L. HOHLFELD, BEPUBLICAN TICKET. ------o------ VETERINARIAN. United States Senator (Short Term) FRED W. MULKEY, of Multnomah Bell Phone—32J t Mutual Phone. County. United States Senator (Long Term) Oregon. Tillamook CHARLES L. MCNARY, of Marion County. QAVID ROBINSON, M. D . Representative in Congress. First Dirstrict, W. C. HAWLEY, of Marion County. PHYSICIAN AND gURGEON Governor. JAMES WITHYCOMBE. of Marion NATIONAL BUILDING, County. State Treasurer. TILLAMOOK OREGON. O. P. HOFF of Multnomah County. Justice ot Supreme Court. T.JBOAI.S, M.D., CHARLES A. JOHNS, of Multno­ mah County. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Attorney General. GEORGE M. BROWN, of Douglas Surgeon S. P. Co. County. II. O. O. F. Bld».) Superintendent of Public Instruction - Oregon j . A. CHURCHILL, of Baker Coun- Tillamook ... ty. Labor Commissioner. TD OBERT H. McGRATH, C. H. GRAM, of Multnomah County C ounsellor - at L aw , Public Service Commissioner. FRED A. WILLIAMS, of Josephine ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN?, County. Superintendent Water Division No. 1 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. PERCY A. CUPPER, of Marion P orti and O ffice County. 1110 W ilcox B ld . Superintendent Water Division No. 2 GEORGE T. COCHRAN, of Union QARI. HABERLACH County. ____ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Eire Wood. ------o------ It is an odd sight, here in Tilla- mook, to see carloads of slab wood being shipped in for the cheese factor ies and farms surrounding the town, and it is strange that they should choose to use this fuel for their win­ ter use. At its best, slab wood is poor fuel. It is expensive. The work of unload­ ing it from the cars is hagd. The hauling it from the freight depot is costly. It takes up car space now so badly needed for the transportation of war materials and every loyal American should bear this in mind, j When it is finally set down at its destination it must be cut into stove 1 lengths and this costs more money and more time for handling. In Till­ amook and ail through the county, j wood of the fiest quality is plentiful, land the only reason we can think of to account for the shipping in of slab [ wood is a shortage of labor, i The cutting of logs has always been a slow job, and we suppose that the ranchers have found it impossible to get out their wood in the usual way, ' and so have turned to the slab wood. But the problem has been solved by those who have used the Vaughn Light Drag Saw. This useful little saw eats its way through a big log as a boy bites through a pie. They are mobile as machine guns and as steady as armored tanks. One of them in a day will get out an irn- mense quantity of wood, cut out of big logs into stove length. A number of farmers or chee8e factories might co-operate in buying one of these saws and get out their winter’s wood in a fortnight—bid defiance to the slab pile,, have bet­ ter wood at less cost, have more cleared land and more neighbors and • he consciousness of having done something towards winning the war. Kuppcnbender will demonstrate the Vaughn Light Drag Saw to you at any time. See him. * T illamook B lock Tiilamook Oregon ^^fEBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, - OREGON QR. L- L. HOY, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGECN T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregon. l-. Bui 1 a H VTTORN EY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bo< ka in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tilianiooa .... Oregon Both Phones. C. HAWK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bay City Oregon QR J. G. ¡TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND — OREGON Regular Monthly Vioits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON Oregon Norman School. ATTORNEY, AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, T illamook B lock , Terms begin as follows. First Term—September 16. Tillamook - Diego*. ROOM NO. 261. H GOYNE, Second Term—November 16. Third Term—February, 8. Fourth Term—April 12. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office : O pposite C ourt In order to obtain credit for work Tillamook • F use O. »gon. done, students should enter the first day of the term. Sent to Registrar for catalogue. BACK GIVES OUT. ----- o------ Plenty of Tillamook Readers Have This Experience. You tax the kidneys—overwork them—■ They can't keep up the continual strain. The hack may give out—it may ache and pain; Urinary troubles may set in. Don’t wait longer—take Doan’s Kidney Pills. Residents of this vicinity endorse them. Can Tillamook people doubt the fol­ lowing evidence? Mrs. H. C. James. 420 Pacific Ave., Forest Grove, Ore., say»: "Doan’s Kidney Pills are a medicine of merit and I can certainly recommend them to anyone who wants a reliable kid­ ney medicine. I was more or less sub­ ject to kidney disorders and at times I suffered from severe backaches. After I have taken a box or two of Doan'» Kidney Pills my back has felt stronger and my kidneys have be­ come normal.” Price 60c., at all dealers. Don’t sim­ ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’» Kidney Pill». Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo. N. Y.—Paid Ad. i H. T. Botts, Free Attorney. at-I.aw. John Leland Henderson. Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney-at- Law and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Law Abstracts. Real Estate, Insurance. Both Phones. Tl LL A MOOK—OREGON. I