1918. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 10, - ‘ .,* • \ “O VER THE TOP,” with Ser­ geant Empey—Himself. OUR AMERICAN HERO IN PICTURES. By L. R. G., Davenport Democrat. Guy Empey. world-war fighter, Who has scars of hands from Huns tyho lived in blood-filled dugouts And fought behind Somme guns. EMPEY— GOD BLESS HIM! By E. F. Kuehn, Savannah, Ga. Who is it boosts our fund so high ? Who wafts its incense to the sky I Who raises thousands for and nigh ? Guy Empey! Empey, who knows about Archies, Who fought 'mid sharpnel and shell— Who stayed in funk holes with dead men And felt stings of Germany’s hell. Who was it not too proud to fight, Who shed his best blood for the right— Who helps the smoke funds day and night? Guy Empey! Guy Empey, war hero and writer, Who wrote for us, “Over The Top.” Who Damns and laughs at the Kaiser, Says, ’Tis up to Sammie to stop”! Empey. whole-hearted American— Who returns with unquestioned fame; Who labors for love of country, Has entered the Movie Game. Who came back to his native shore, So wounded he could fight no more— Yet still gives of his priceless store ? Guy Empey! God Bless Him ! The Greatest War Picture Ever Produced * Starring the World Famous Soldier, who served eighteen months in the front line trenches in France, and was wounded seven times going over the top. He will show you just what we are up against over there* » NINE REELS. ---------- WILL LAST 2 HOURS AND 15 MINUTES. SHOW A TT —— -—11 — 1—---------- — - • ■* * GEM THEATRE, Sunday and Monday, Oct. 13-14 L r n »u MATINEE SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 P.M. EVENING SHOWS START at 7 P.M Adults 50c Children 25c. i The High School showed their re­ iaries or such other Christmas Parcel School Notes. Stations as the chapter may estab­ spect and sympathy of the death of 4 Families of men in service abroad lish, together with "Red Cross In­ Howard B. Mlllls by marching to the There has been a great increase in are euger to make Christmas over­ spection Labels” also furnished from the enrollment of the High School, funeral in a body, and the school was seas as merry as conditions permit. division office. the increase being 19 students In one dismissed for the whole afternoon. The war department, realizing this, The cartoon may be filled with [ week. This has been considered as lias decided that each man may re­ any combination of articles that fit considering the condi­ ceive from his family a Christmas in it and which are not barred from exceptional Empey’s Message to the Boys Who tions of the country. package of standard size and ap- Christmas parcels by the Post Office Will Go “Over The Top.” ------ o------ proximaiely standard contents. Department. The list of articles that ------ o------ During the week we have had sev- The American Red Cross will pre­ may not be sent may be procured Sammy, old boy, remember that I eral assemblys and Monday morning pare these parcels for mailing, an from the same place as the cartons. arrangement having been completed The weight of the parcel must not the Glee Club entertained the stu­ you are going over to France to lick hell out of Germany. You can do it, between the War Department, the exceed two pounds, fifteen ounces dents with several good songs. Tues­ too. You’ll likely find it holds it» good, sat­ day morning we also had an assem ­ Post Office Department and the Red unwrapped. Just give old Kaiser Bill and his bly sing. The Glee Club is growing costs you even less Cross. Wheu carton is filled it should be isfying taste a long, "wonderful efficiency staff" such a Shipping space available will per­ taken to the place where it was pro­ into quite a large organization and . Yankee waloping that there won’t be to chew Gravely. It long time. will in a short time be able to render mit the sending of but one parcel to cured. enough gas left to fill the envelope goes further. You some very fine music, both for the each man. Red Cross representatives will in­ • • • • of one of his baby-killing gas bags To avoid any duplication and to spect the parcels, and will; Exclude school and for the city. only need a small called Zeppelins. It gota further—that's make sure that each parcel is correct­ any article barred by the Postal de­ ------ o------ why you can get the good chew of this class The Military Company is growing \ Sammy, you've never been licked ly addressed, a “Christmas Parcel partment from Christmas parcels. i yet and you are getting too old to taste of this class of tobac­ Label” is now being issued to every Remove any note or ntessagss. Wrap, more organized every day and Leut. ! learn new habits. [lie-» of tobacco, and it co without extra cost. tie and weigh the parcel; Place on [Brill is holding out great prospects man abroad. The old folks at home are proudly his the parcel the "Christmas Parcel for the boys. Herbert Stam has been watching you, so get busy and make Every man abroad will mail I .ips. re­ Label” received from abroad, bear­ made Top-Sergeant and commanding this little old world sit up and take PEYTON BRAND 'Christmas Parcel Label” to some i avy lative or friend who will be entitled ing name and address of recipient. for Wednesday's hike. Leut Brill notice. t of The person sending the parcel will join them later in the day where to send him a parcel by complying by Arthur Guy Empey. with the conditions herein net forth. shall then In the presence of the Red they will be encamped out on one of Tpis great American war picture The relative or friend who receives Cross representative, affix stamps at the Tillamook Rivers. will be shown at the Gem Theatre a “Christmas Parcel Label" from a the rate of 12 cents for each pound ------ o----- PD CPAVFI.Y TOBACCO CO next Sunday and Monday, and it Is man in service over seas, will apply or fraction thereof. Parcel post rate The rest of this week will be given pronounced as one of the biggest the to the nearest chapter, branch or to Haboken, N. J. over to the Teachers' Institute and war pictures ever released. The Red Cross representative who there are several interesting numbers , oommunity auxiliary of the Red Nazarene Church Services. be willing to do the recorder recorder's ■ »e wining ’s r. Cross, or to such other community inspected the parcel will then affix on the program. Vote of Condolence. In addition to that of the ireiisurtwives auxiliary of the Red Cross, or to to the parcel the Red Cross Inspec­ Rev. Arthur F. Ingler. Pastor I am a candidate for the office . their ----- o------ such other Christmas Parcel Station tion Label" properly Bigned. Miss Anderson has arrived to take Sunday services: 10 am., Sunday treasurer only, and for no rraaotvw with Parcels ready for mailing remain ’ Whereas, the Great Master, in his 8chool; Mrs. B. E. King Superinten­ as may be designated by his Red half of the First grade, which has cept the privilege which bekuapi nnlng Cross chapter, and upon showing the in the custody of the Red Cross until i been divided on account of the large wisdom, lias seen fit to remove from dent. any citizen. i fruit our midst Sister Ina Chance be It “Christmas Parcel Label” will re­ I delivered by its representative to the i number of students. 11 a.m. preaching by the pastor. Respectfully yours. Resolved, that the Tillamook Coun­ i cgive one carton. 3X4 by 9 Inches in post office authorities. 6:20, p.m. Praise Service. Canzada Eversonf” size. It will be easy to ascertain from 7:30 p.m. evening sermon. The grades also have 63 gallons of ty Pomona Grange extend sympathy No Christmas Parcels Can be Mailed (Paid Advt.) to the bereaved family and that a the newspapers whether cartons have Mid-week service on Thursday at paint to go on the floors, and the Later than November 15. copy of these resolutions be printed 7:30 p.m. Strangers welcome. Seat* been received at the Christmas Parcel new seats have arrived. These instructions have been issued j In the county papers and in the Ore- free. Notice. Station. Applications should not be ------ o------ by National Headquarters of the | ■ ■ o- a—-- gon Grange Bulletin. Also that a made until cartons are on hand. i To whom it may concern. I hav©a'rod Specially manufactured cartons American Red Cross, are based on | There will be a bail game on Thurs- copy be placed on our records. To The Voters of Tillamook County. ■old my Interest in the Tlllai qnoofelrad- ---- -------- Signed, for this purpose will be sent to the argument with the War Depart- day between the teachers of the Feed Co. to Geo. Williams, who > wtfcrnsss Olive Bays, Chapters from Division Headquarters ment and the post office department, county and the lawyers and doctors Through a misunderstanding In an pay all bills against --- — »nomm the companop •*>< Margaret Wood, and will be distributed by chapters and must therefore be strictly ob- of the city, the proceeds of which article over my signature last week and collect all accounts. «nook * will go to the Red Cross. Geo. R McKlmens. to branches and community auxil- served. the statement was made that I would Charles Kunze Christmas Parcels for Men Abroad. ------ o------ I Extra Cost for Quality? No, Sir! Real Gravely Chewing Plug 1O* a pouch-anrf worthir & II