Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 10, 1918, Image 4

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THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, lltlcal dictator for Oregon, and who reached its quota a few days before
wants a lot of the tax certificate it had done so. Even bad there been
F. C. BAKER. Publisher.
$I.JO yr.
Editorial Snap Shots.
sharks to get hold of delinquent tax
certificates and give the poor devil
who cannot pay his taxes a whole lot
of trouble and expense.
any doubt in the matter we are In­
clined to believe that hundreds of
persons would have been willing to
have taken out more bonds or doubl-*
ed their subschiptlons.
This Store is where your $ Does Most Duty
SIZES 14 TO 48.
PUSH and aU wool
Velur and Bilevia
f ß \ r ! ’S
No one should become alarmed on
account of Spanish influenza, and ,no LISTEN
We suppose the fellow who did not doubt, before long, it will make Its
have the money to pay his taxes will , appearance in Tillamook county,
be called a slacker. We have a bit of whenever anyone is taken down
------ o-----
sympathy for that kind of a slacker.
with the malady they should Immed­ Barrage Fire Ha* Sinister Meaning
That is Only Thinly Veiled.
iately obtain medical advice and re­
It is reportedfthat government of­ main at home. The attack conies on
------- o-------
ficials have been investigating the 1 suddenly, with a chill, followed with
Why all this fuss from the Port­
production of spruce In this and fever, headache, backache, reddening land Journal concerning advertising
other camps. It would be Interesting iand running of the eyes, pains and rates for newspapers, and the delin­
to know the cost of producing ! aches all over the body and general quent tax publication?
spruce in the government spruce i prostration. With all these symptoms
Why these two measures on the
no one should be in doubt about be- ballot at the general election, bear­
------ o------
¡ing attacked with Spanish Influenza,
To save waste of man power during and the urgent need of medical ad­ C. S. Jackson and R. W. Hagood."
circuit court, why wouldn’t it be a vice. Delay in doing so is not only Why Messrs. Jackson & Hagood?
good idea to postpone non-essential dangerous to the person attacked
For weeks editor Jackson has been
cases during the war. There are a with the disease, but Is liable to raging over his two pet measures.
whole lot of petty cases that take spread the epidemic in the neighbor­ For weeks the editorial page of the
Dependable Merchandise at considerable lower prices then elsewhere
time and money to try, which are hood. We see no reason why people Journal has literally run red with a
should become excited or alarmed, murderous attack on two Oregon
unless they want to frighten them­ statutes that appear to be a great
How strange. Only a few weeks ago selves into it, for all that is needed source of worry to Messrs. Jackson &
the war lords of Germany denounced I is good common sense in handling it, Hagood.
President Wilson. Now they appeal I with proper precautions. Persons
One is the existing delinquent tax
to him to help them out now that who think if they remain at home publication law. The other target
»The Store that gives you more goods for less Money, TILLAMOOK, ORE
they are In a dilemma, with the they will keep away from the disease. for the Journal’s wrath is the ex­
people of Germany demanding peace This is a wrong opinion, for One is isting law fixing the rates for legal ,
and the allies winning on ail fronts. liable to come down with it in almost advertising for the State of Oregon.
------- o-------
Both laws have been regularly
any place, on the street and in one’s
Most everybody was a little sur-
home. Our advice to anyone stricken passed by the state legislature. They State Highway Commission Will
prised on Monday, on reading the I with Spanish influenza is to send for have stood the test of time. They
Build Three Rivers Road.
Oregonian to find that the German I
were devised for public service and
The Valve in-heed type engine illus­
a doctor immediately.
was endeavoring to
trated here, like all internal combuk
have fulfilled their mission. Both
The State Highway Commission
------- o-------
lion anfmea, require, an oil that
bring about a peace conference, the
laws are patterned after similar has decided to take over the con­
holds its lubricating qualities at cyl­
Germany and Austria knowing statutes in adjoining states. The
kaiser issued a proclamation urging
inder heat, burns clean in the com­
tract of the Three Rivers road,
chambers and geos out with
the Get man people to continue the
rates of publication in both laws, which had been awarded to the
exhaust. Zerolene fills these require­
fight. And the kaiser, not the Chan­ squealing, but want to dictate peace. are as low, if not lower, than charges county, which it was found it could
ments perfectly, bocauae It ia correct.
I yr refined from aoloctad California as.
The reply to the allies should be un­ fixed in nearly all of the states of
cellor, is the ruler of Germany
not do lawfully, provided the Federal
I halt-base crude.
conditional surrender if the central the union. No one questions the authorities will agree to it. The fol­
Those who read carefully President powers want peace. It is amusing to statement that as long as we have lowing letter fully explains the situ­
Wilson’s recent speeches, in regard 'read the thousand and one stipula­ courts and laws, there must be legal ation.
to the peace proposals, have a pretty tions made a part of the peace prop­ publication; no one for a moment
Salem, Ore. Oct. 7, 1918.
good idea what his reply will be in aganda, which the allies would be will contend that a delinquent tax- Hon A. M. Hare. County Judge,
the present efforts of the central foolish to accept. The sooner Ger­ payer should not be notified of his
Tillamook, Oregon:
powers to obtain an armistice. The many is given to understand that she delinquency.
Dear Judge:---The State Highway
president was explicit on sever­ will have to pay a big indemnity to
Then why the editorial barrage Commission has taken the contract
France for the each evening in the Portland Jour- for the construction of the Three
al vital pointH, and it can safely be Belgium
predicted that he will not budge one damage she has done in those nal?
Hi vers road. We are now patiently
countries the better’ Even now,
Listen folks—it’s a secret.
waiting favorable action by the
Zerolene keeps the engine young—full-powered, smooth­
when the Germans are being driven
Once upon a time Editor Jackson Government on our request to pro-
running, and economical in fuel and oil consumption—
We don’t know how public senti­ from France, it wantonly destroys boosted for single tax in Oregon, ceed. We have every reason to be-
because it is correctly refined from selected California
ment is in other parts of the country I every city and carries away the Once he wailed much after the fash- iieve that their action will be favor­
asphalt-base crude. Gives better lubrication with less
over the peace overtures by Ger- citizens into Germany. There is only ion of his present sobbing, but the able, and if so, will work all winter
carbon. Made in several consistencies. Get our Correct
many, the people In this neck of the one condition whereby the war can voters of the state heeded not. And on the project.
Lubrication Chart covering your car.
woods are unanimous in their opin- end now, and that is unconditional the press of Oregon poked consider-
Af dealers everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations.
ion that the kaiser and his war lords 1 surrender of the central powers and able fun at Mr. Jackson, which riled
Herbert Nunn,
must surrender unconditionally and strict compliance with the terms hint exceedingly.
State Highway Engineer.
that the allies are to decide the agreed amongst the allied powers,
And again once upon a time Editor
The State Highway Commission as
terms of peace without the assistance which should depose the crowned Jackson awoke to find that the Mult­
its own contractor will
I heads of Germany, Austria and Tur­ nomah County delinquent tax list
or advice of the central powers.
known as the
------ o------
key. Those who have carefully read publication had been legally awarded of highway on what is
County Judge Nichglls, of Yamhill, Mr. Wilson’s recent speech know to his esteemed contemporaries, The Three Rivers projeet in Tillamook
of October 11, 1918,receive bids for
in his efforts to have the Grand that he will not accept the peace Oregonian and The Evening Tele­ County, from the end of the Sour Notice of Sale of Real Property By
the graveling of Section 4 of the
Ilonde road designated a post road is overturns now offered the allies, and gram. Whereupon Millionaire Jack-
Garibaldi-Wheeler road, according to
a move In the right direction, which it wont' be long, if we do not miss son again gnashed his teeth and hiss­ was made at a meeting in Portland
the plans on file in the office of tlye
has the co-operation of the county 'our guess, that the president will ed "revenge!”
Tuesday of the commission.
In the County Court of the State of County Surveyor, and the specifica­
court and the people of this county. {soon tell Germany that she will have
Oregon, for the County of Mult­ tions on file in the office of the
And now conies the revenge. It’s to
Tlie building of a good highway be­ to pay, and pay a big Indemnity for be a double-barrel buck-shot revenge bid to do this work, but Attorney- nomah.
County Clerk.
tween Yamhill and Tillamook coun­ the wanton destruction of life and too. If Brother Jackson's scheme is General Brown subsequently gave an
In the matter of the Estate of
On date above mentioned the Court
ties is of far reaching importance property.
carried out In accordance with his opinion that the county could not le­ Leonard Krebs, Deceased.
will publicly open and read the blds
well-laid plans. It’s timed and all gally take over contracts of this kind.
but reserves the right to reject any
ties. Tillamook county dairymen ' When It comes to discussing terms planned to the minute, and the
There is no question as to the state’s ant to power and authority granted and all bids.
need the hay and feed stuff grown in of peace, the allies should not go "zero” hour Is set for election day,
to the administrator de bonis non of
Yamhill county and as soon as the about it in any chicken hearted man­ November 5th, 1918. It’s to be a authority to do the work, so the High­ the Estate of Leonard Krebs, deceas­ First publication, Sept. 26, 1918.
Last Publication, Oct. 10, 1918.
roads are put in shape so that auto tier. The German people were Just much heralded apd mighty drive on
ed, by the above entitled court on
Erwin Harrison, County Clerk.
trucks can be used there will be con­ as much imbued with the war spirit the newspapers of Oregon, with tract at the figure, $122,000, bid by the 25th day of September. A. D.
siderable trading between the two as the Kaiser and the war lords of Messrs. Jackson & Hagood at the the county.
1918, the administrator de bonis non
Notice to Contractors.
The county will expend $17,500 of of the above entitled estate will from
! counties.
Germany when war was declared. head of the big push. It’s advertised
------- u-------
'They were foolish enough to believe almost as much as a certain other this sum in grading work, leaving and after Friday, the 8th day of
Notice is hereby given, that the
Eugene news agents have placed that in carrying on a cruel, barbar­ big drive in history. It may be as $104,500 to be met jointly by the state November. 1918, offer for sale and
County Court of Tillamook County,
tlie ban on Hearst publications, and ous war they would not only rule the disastrous.
and the Federal Government, on a will proceed to sell at private sale to
Oregon, will until 10 o’clock a.m.
they are deserving of a good deal of world and an immense amount of
The voters of the state are open •<> 50-50 basis. An agreement with Fed­ the highest bidder for cash, subject
credit. But what about the newspap­ territory would be added to Ger­ argument but they refuse to be enere eral agents for Government co-opera­ to confirmation by the County Court of October 11, 1918,receive bids for
the grading and graveling of Section
ers that subscribe for the Hearst man;' but they expected to extract ed at Mr. Jackson's bidding, knowing
tion to this extent was signed at the for Multnomah County, State of Ore­ 7 of the Garibaldi-Wheeler road, ac­
, lew« service? It liaH been proven big indemnities front all the allied the petty spitework behind his plans.
cording to the plans on file in the of­
a that Hearst was connected with the countries, reducing them. Including Indications ate that they will v.,lc meeting.
of said estate in and to the follow­
Work on the project is to begin at
fice of the County Surveyor, and the
pro-German propaganda, and he was the United States, to surfdom. Had a most emphatic "NO” to eacli of tlie
ing described real property situated
^looked upon as a leading light In this Germany won the war this is what Jackson-Hagood measures. They be­ once. Much of it will be done this in Tillamook County, State of Ore­ specifications on file in the office of
the County Clerk.
SBOuntry by the junkers of Germany. she wot'ld have done with a cruel. lieve the newspapers have a right to Winter, though the project will not be gon. to-wit:
On date above mentioned the Court
The Eugene news agens should also Iron hand. So In discussing peace live; they know of the splenlil work finished before late next Spring or
All of Lots Numbered One, Two.
will publicly open and read .the bids
*<efuse to handle newspapers that these facts should not be overlooked of the Oregon press In S'tpportu,^ the early in the Summer.
Three. Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen
elave the Hearst news service, of and no chicken hearted policy allow­ war activities and loan drives with­
of Block Numbered Two in the Town but reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
which the Portland Journal is one, ed to play any part in the discussion. out recompense; they kno v that pub­
of Woods, County of Tillamook,
First publication, Sept. 26, 1918.
0ind C. 8. Jackson, the single tax ad- None of the allied countries wanted lication costs have gone skyward,
State of Oregon;
Last Publication, Oct. 10. 1918.
p ocate, is the mar. who undertook to war. England did everything possible and that rates should be raised,
An undivided one half interest in
Chas. E. Gibson, D. D. Pastor.
Erwin Harrison. County Clerk.
I lUlly-rag the Stale l.egislalute and to avoid the horrible war and Ger­ rather than lowered, if the nswupt-
and to Lots Numbered One. Two and
Communion Services at 11 A. M.
a»» invoking the initiative law many forced the United Slates into pers of the state are to survive. So
Preaching at 7:30 P. M.
ut of pure spite to injure the coun­ it. We all remember not long since much for the legal rate bill.
Town of Woods, County of Tilamook,
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
ty newspapers because they are op- the kaiser's threat of what he would
State of Oregon;
They naturally expected the attor­
On the evening of the 10tb there
Xo^»d to single tax.
I do to the United States and muke ney's part in the delinquent tax bill.
An undivided one-half interest in
I this country pay for the war. People They know tliut attorneys and tax will be a get together social at the old and to Tract No. 654 as shown by
------- O-------
»i It was a aid scene on .Monday that argue that Germany should not title grabbers are close pals as t rule, Methodist Church for the purpose of Volume One. page 251. Line 3 of
I q .,1) en so many of our citizen., paid be made to pay indemnity to Belgium
and they know that the schemj Jack getting acquainted with the member­ 1913 Tax Roll of Tillamook County.
last token or respect in honor and France, and w ho would give son A Hagood, the laywer, propose, ship and friends of the various Allied State of Oregon, in Section 19, Town
! Owing to the scarcity of teachers
Ijj the memory of H. B. Millls. u Germany her colonies again, should would throw the delinquent taxpay­ Churches, and all others who may ship Four South. Range Ten West of
the Oregon Normal School will offer
aJiuim man who had been stricken remember that if Gqrman had ob- ers entirely upon the mercies of the wish them well. After the social a the Willamette Meridian in Tilla­
War Emergency Course of twenty
j»w n a few weeks after being ac- tained the upper haul all the peo- title grabber. Jackson would provide business session will be held.
mook County, State of Oregon; and
weeks outlined by the Superintend­
epte<t us a member of a newly form- pie of the allied countries would be delinquency notices by mi l. The ex­
Light refreshments will be served.
ent of Public Instruction. The course
4 tank com puny We nil deplore the looked down upon and treated as isting law provides thi very same
and to a pared of land described as will begin with each of the terms
r Bug mans' dentil and sympathise slaves. for that is what is called thing, but goes a step fa ft fie ", i't the
follows: "Beginning at the Southeast
TILLAMOOK HOM EC. I AND corner of A. Phelps one-acre Tract commencing Nov. 16, 1918; Feb. 8,
I,th the bereaved, but when we eon- ' German kulture
interest of the unfortunate owner
11919; and April 12, 1919. The Supt.
|er how* the ravages of war and
in Section 19, Township Four South
whose property has b icome dclln-
On account of the inclement weather of Range 10 West of the Willamette I of Public Instruction will consider it
I Ws» have played havoc with the I It wasn’t the best of judgment to quent and provides that only upon
.kpg men of France and England,
Wednesday night the Home Guard Meridian; Thence North 6 degrees equivilant to the Teachers’ Training
failure of the mail notice, shall pub­
Course and issue a certificate upon
[¡•have borne the brunt of tN war
lication be made. The voters know Company did not drill outside, but 37 minutes West 150 feet; thence
so many years, the sad event on Tillamook county hnd reached its that Jackson has forgotten to men­ Judge Bagley kindly turned the Court North 83 degrees 23 minutes East its completion valid to teach in the
elementary grades for one year.
s us some idea of the 'quota before it had done so. It was tion this fact in his argument. They Room over to them and they held a 20* feet; thence South 6 degrees 37
This course will be open to those
usands of funerals of young men not only misleading but hnd a ten­ know too, that the present law is very instructive school. Other rainy minutes East 199 feet to the inter-
who have had two years or more of
1 have taken place In those coun- dency to retard persons from buying fashioned to protect the unfortunate drill nights it is suggested the boys section line of ordinary high water;
high school work or Its equivalent
B. The war 1s now coming clone bonds, for there is a decided opinion delinquent from the tax title grabber
thence South 7* degrees 8 minutes and who are at least eighteen years
bring their I. D. R.
le to us. with every few weeks prevailing that after the quota Is and others of his type, and they will
of age.
Capt. Jones has appointed C. B.
t of our young men added to the reached no further effort should be refuse point blank to support such a
nary high water: thence North 6 de­
made to Increase it to a large amount,
For detailed information addless
Stanley, 1st Lieut, and R. L. Shreve,
tor roll.
grees 37 minutes West 74 feet to the
for It is claimed that there will be scheme.
Registrar Oregon Normal Sch .,1
------ o-------
place of beginning in the Town of
other Liberty I-oan drives before long
ies of examinations for non-commiss­ Woods. Tillamook
r help« some Industries and 'Under the circumstances, we hardly The Serious Timber Fire on Wil­
ion promotions. All who wish to try Oregon.
I others. For Illustration cheese think it fair to criticise those who
Dairy Ranch at a Bargain.
son River.
for Corporal or Sergeantships should
Bids offered In i writing for said
to sell for 12c. per pound, now I did not subscribe as large amounts
■ ■ o-------
get busy with their I. D. R. and attend real property may be made at any
la for 40c. The price of the ■ as they otherwise would. We find
> or one week only I am authorized
Between three and live thousand drill faithfully. The boys pronounce time after the publication of this
light and advertising rates are the same thing in Tillamook as other
? .°"er • splendid river bottom
erne to-day as they were 20 conntiee. and that Is a large number
dairy ranch at a great reduction.
ago. yet it coats more than ¡of persons who are well fixed finan­ Wilaon River, which destroyed the nesday night as very well spent. All office of Emil P. Slovarp. Attorney, This property must go on short no­
b th«, expense to produce It. It cially failed to buy Liberty Loan school house and the Reeher residence. men subject to draft are urged to drill
tice. stock and crop included. This
■ good complaining, for it Is all bonds in as large amounts as some The loss falls on Blodgett Co., Wright with the Home Guard Co. every Dated and first publication October place is , money maker. Low price
love and war. We can't help persons thought they should Before Blodgett Co., Willis & Elrod, Peter Wednesday night. Meet at 8 P. M. at
and easy terms. Phone or call A. C
Jefferson J. Krebs.
lUh that we were anion get the being too critical, It is well to re­ Haskel, W. 8. Cone and Kiger and the office of Sheriff Campbell who is
Administrator de bonis non.
late dairymen these times and member one cannot always estimate Thayer. The fire started from the Major of Tillamook County Home
C. C. Stout and Emil P. Slovarp.
Bong the unfortunate news- another's financial ability to buy Bill Smith place.
Attention All Men of Draft Age.
Guard Battalion. Unless you have had «08-9 Henry Building, Portland. Ore
’man. And not withstanding large amounts of bonds, especially
some drilling you need not bring guns Attorney» for the Estate.
t 8. Jackson is invoking the when they have been liberal buyers A Bargain in * Choice Buildiuig Spot
Hoi? “re "7*“ t0 drl" w,,h
at tint.
JSv< law with a law that gives of previous bonds. Looking at the lo­
One of the beat bargains in a
Home Guard
pnmii County a fair rate for cal situation from all angles, we building spot. Just at the edge of the
Notice to Contractor».
Safety Firat.
th2»ln< Th<! *t0Ternn’ent requests
Mvertisement and a lower and think Tillamook County did wonder­ city limits, can be secured for a
that you put yourself In the best pos-
------ o-----
¡■rate for the other counties of fully well and there is little room to few daya. Nothing better in the
Keep insured in best companies
1» hereby
that the t^krnTh20.n b*f°r* 7OU *",er ,he
This is the suddenly rich criticise, even If a slight error had county. You will buy if you inveeti- writing insurance. Everson repre-
County Court of Tillamook County ru7y
Pan °f xour «*‘rto»»e
hat Is acting the part of po-
been made that the county had gate. See Everson.
senta them and solicita your business. Oregon, will until 10 o’clock am'
V— * '
Manish Serge, Broadcloth
and all Wool Poplin
Q |T I r|\S
0 cii u
Wool Jersey, Wool Serge, TVD17QQT7Q
Satin and Silk
Standard Oil for Motor Cars
It Keeps the Engine Young!