TILLAMOOK, OREGON. OCTOBER 10, 1918. Tillamook Jottings R. W. Bennett, expert watch Ii.so PER YEAR. re- Wants to buy or rent bottom land TWO MORE TILLAMOOK BOYS pated in scores of actions, as a raider the bertaved widow our heartfelt dairy ranch that will carry from 30 KILLED IN ACTION. bomber or machine gunner, he was sympathy in this her sad hour of Wanted- Men for highway _ work to 60 cows. Inquire of Annis Geisler, promoted to Sergeancy for bravery sorrow. ------ o at top wages. Apply at paving plant Tillamook, Oregon. *2 W. A. Wise, dentist. in action. He was wounded seven Resolved that a copy of these Reso­ Herbert H. Edgar and Harry R. 5 miles south of Tillamook or phone ' times and finally was invalided to lutions be spread upon the minutes Spend your evenings at the Gem. 833.00 riding saddle, blanket and Ackley Victims of Hun Bullets. 3714, Oskar Huber. • England and honorably discharged. of our Lodge; that a copy be sent to bridle, new, used once. Suitable for Insurance on hay-Phone Watson.* Harry R. Ackley, Co. I., 128th In­ Returning to this country, Empey the widow of our departed Brother, lu conformity with the rule formed lady. Owner" will take $20.00 for out­ Let W. A. Church write your insur­ elsewhere, all wood orders must be fit. Its an English, double cincha, fantry, is another native born Tilla­ was induced to write a story of his one to the newspapers for publica­ ance. • accompanied by payment in advance. Somerset saddle. Inquire at Auto mook boy to be killed in France. He experiences and this he did in "Over tion, and that our Charter be draped Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. * Top Shop opposite P. O., Tillamook. is a brother of M. D. Ackley. He The Top” which Btands as the most for a period of thirty days in his joined the Third Oregon and went sensational book in years. It was memory. For rent—two nice furnished Co. • Tillamook County Pamona Grange, with the regiment to the Mexican published by G. P. Putnam's Sons Respectfully submitted in F. C. & B. rooms corner 9th St. and 4th Avenue Dr. Wise will return from Portland and has been read by more C. A. Johnson, East, or Inquire of Ira G. Lance at at its September session, voted to usé border, and left with the Oregon 5,000,000 persons. In addition than about October. 15th. his L. V. Eberhardt, Postoffice. • the funds of the order for the pur­ Regiment. special stories and the book in serial chase of a Liberty Bond and also a ------ o------ Albert W. Plank. Dr. Ramsey, Osteopath. Room 4, For Sale—Willamette Donkey En­ service flag to honor the grangers Herbert H. Edgar is another Tilla­ form have been published in hun­ Masonic Apartments. gine 9Vixll. Full equipment. Good of the county who have gone across mook boy to be killed in France, a dreds of newspapers throughout the Card of Thanks. Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I, O. O. F. as new. Write or phone Sam Bauer, the sea to fight for the world de- telegram to that effect being received country—the total readers of which — - - Oregon. - • mocracy. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. Neskowin, bjf his father, L. A. Edgar, who re­ have been estimated to aggregate It is with heartfeit gratitude that 25,000,000 persons. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Anderson and I wish to express my sincere thanks Jewelry, clocks, watches, zilver- Nice sewing machine, 7 drawers, sides at South Prairie. The young ware.—R. W. Bennett. R. N. Henkel, of Tillamook, were has ben used but had good care man belonged to Company F, 57th to the many kind friends who _ Infantry. FUNERAL OF H. B. MILUS. showed so much sympathy and kind­ Pianos and tuning, H. F. Cook, registered at the Hotel Portland, and looks like new—820.00. Also Portland, Oregon, last week. ness on account of the death of my two used 878.00 Singers at 830.00 Tillamook. • TILLAMOOK'S HONOR ROLL. and beloved husband, and especially to 835.00. One old style rotai y Large Concourse of People Pay Last To whom It may concern—Persons House and lot for sale. Inquire at the members of the K of P. and the will not be permitted to pick ever­ Singer, sews good—810.00 at the Token of Respect to Tillamook Boy this office. • Home Guards, I wish to express my green Blackberries on the premises Singer Agency, opposite Tillamook Easton, Peter, joined the Canadian ------o Army on outbreak of war, killed in I have a 40 cow ranch to rent. See of F. M. Trout and M. F. Goodspeed.* Postoffice. Machines rented. deep gratitude. Also for the beautiful On Monday Tillamook people paid France. floral offerings. Ben Kuppenbender. * 1 their lueir lasi or respect to H. B. I am subject to go to the army, last toaen token of Furnished rooms for rent. $2.00 a Mrs. H. B. Millis. Ross, Bruce, machinist in Navy, died 1 Mills, who died at Camp Colt, Penn., We handle Trojan Powder. Best for week, water and lights, furnished. consequently 1 must sell quick all ,ny from injuries from accident at ‘ from Spanish influenza. stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co. • Corner of Second and Stillwell Ave., property worth more than 87,000.00. Norfolk, Va. OLD TIME RETURNS OCT. 27. Business was suspended and even For sale or rent, the O’Hara Farm Tillamook, Oregon. * Will sell for 8750.00, consisting of Gray, Perry O., Co. E. 4 4th Regiment, beef cattle, saddle horse, 4 h.p. drag the Circuit Court, which was in ses­ ------ o------ at Netarts. Enquire at the place. • died at Camp Lewis, from disease. sion, was adjourned in honor of the All Clocks in America to be Turned Don’t throw away your old tires but saw, 160 acres land, tools, dishes, Vote for W. L. Bryan, for county get an “Inner Tire” and get from rifle, revolver and bedding. Call C. J. Loerpabel, Guy, killed in France. deceased. Although several other Back One Hour. treasurer. General election.— Pd. Ad. too to 5000 miles more service out of Dobils, R. F. D„ Bay City, Ore. • Millis, H. B . died of Spanish influen­ young men of the county have loHt each tire at low cost. — See Shrode.* their lives through sickness or shot George Hoskins has bought the za, at Camp Colt, Penn. The daylight-saving regulation, en­ For Sale—Most desirable, modern, First class dressmaking. Long’s 15 acre city home in Ashland, Ore­ down oh the battle field, or died acted by Congress last spring, comes Wni. Hare place north of this city. Edgar, Herbert H., Co. F. 67th In- Appartments, Mutual Phone, Mrs. from wounds, this was the first fun­ to a close Saturday morning, Oc­ fantry, killed in France. For Sale—160 acres of land at Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas gon. Fine climate, pure wajer, health eral service held here of any of the tober, 27, at 2 o’clock when the resort, free irrigation, green mead­ tiandlake. Inquire of Dan Billings. * Burkhart. * ows and pustures year round, great­ Ackley, Harry R.. Co. I., 128th In- unfortunate young men who lost clocks of all America will be turned fantry, killed in France. their lives in this cruel war. Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, Rooms 1 A new line of wall paper just re- est variety products for home com­ back one hour, reverting to the es­ The remains did not reach this city 205-206 Tillamook Building. * | ceivcd at the Harris Furniture store, forts; A city of real homes.—R. D. Should there be any other names I until Sunday afternoon, and the fun­ tablished order of standart time. We buy and sell second han^ autos. also a prepared paste for putting it Sanford, Helman St., Ashland, Ore. * added to these we would be pleased eral was planned for the next day. Sunset and sunrise thus will be 6ne hour earlier by the clock, while twi­ <• ♦ Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.* on. Tillamook has an auto top and to obtain them. The funeral arrangements were en­ light will descent one hour earlier, harness repair shop in rear of ■ Need a truck to haul your milk? Or --------- trusted to the Home Guards and the just as before the plan to conserve Wanted to buy or rent five room house—Inquire at Dawson’s store. ¡anything else? Got an old automobile? building opposite post office. Auto Annual Meeting Red Cross Tuesday K. of P. Having marched to'the horns Summer daylight into effect. See SI110 >e, he will explain the resi. tops, curtains and cushions repaired ------- o------- of Henry Rogers, they lined up there, For bargairs in second hand auto­ It’s a “Truxtun Attachment.” * and waterproofed, harness repaired. Instructions come from the Nation­ and followed the hearse to the Chris­ mobiles go to Case’s Garage. Circuit Court Cases. Dr. E. W. Barnum, Dentist, rooms If you can't come, send your harness al Red Cross that all elections of of­ tian church, where the school chil­ House and two lots for sale. Terms 205-206 Tillamook Building. Office by parcel post to the Auto Top and ficers shall take place at the time dren were also lined up. The funeral The October term of the Circuit if desired. Inquire at this office. * hours 9 until 5, evenings and Sun­ Harness Shop. Box 164, Tillamook.* of the regular business meeting in service was conducted by Rev. Harry • To be sure you have a place to live October. Hence the annual meeting, Tucker, assisted by Rev. Ghas Gib­ Court convened on Monday with. Buy your hay from Kuppenbender days by appointment. with reports of the officers, Auxil­ son, th« funeral sermon being I Judge Geo. R. Bagley on the bench. now while shipping is good. • Dr. Turner, eye specialist of Port­ buy a home today. Never has the de- iaries,, and standing committees, and preached by Mr. Tucker, who eugol- mand for houses been so great. Prop- A new --- grand jury as _________ ____ - . -------- ---- —| -------- ------ -— ■» was drawn «0 Wanted to rent a typewriter. Ad­ land, will be in Tillamook again erties are selling every day but bar- the election of officers for the com-1 ezed the deceased and praised him for ' follows: S. A. Brodhead, foreman, T. -Monday and Tuesday, October 14-15, dress A. Morgan. Tillamook. ing ----- year _ will occur ------ next Tuesday ’ | his patriotic spirit. The.church was J. Harris, Jr., - C. - C. - Jensen, - _ _ L. P. ! at Jenkins’ Jewelry Store. Consult gains are not all gone yet. Some of evening, the 15th of October, in the il packed, and a large number of per- [ Gray, C. V. Stoker, A. M. Austin and Insure your hay, play safe,——jhlm. Don’t forget the date. * the best buys were listed today for Isons were unable to obtain admission. A. W. quick sale. A payment down, balance City Hall, at eight o’clock. Phone Watson. * ’ ’ Plank. * Rev. R. Y. Blalock has been ap- monthly, places you in a home of The berry picking season Is now 1 After the impressive service, the fu- j I | The Grand Jury found true bills Will trade cement work for a good pointed Justice of the Peace for the your own. See Everson at once. * nearly over and the fruit canning I neral procession wended its way to ' against milch cow. A. T. Dolan, MutuaJ third justice district, to fill the va­ done, and the moss room, which has ; the Odd-fellows cemetery, where the Howard Edmunds, alias the "Tilla­ been neglected for some time on this August Bosch, charged with vio- »2 cancy caused by the resignation of Phone. remains were buried with military ' mook Kid.” was fined 8500 by Judge account, should be full of workers I I honors, lating the prohibition law. He was the Home Guard tiring the the first part of Frank Taylor. was in T. Sarchet Bean when he entered a plea £>t caught in the act of making wine. He the week from Portland looking after j Miss Charlette Wade is represent- guilty to bootlegging. The jail sen- every aftern<^|n. With a million pads | parting volley. There was a profusion pleaded guilty ana the judge fined to be made by February, the moss | of beautiful flowers at the church his property here. * : ing the well known California Per­ tence was not imposed, as Edmunds sorting will have to be pushed vigi- | and also at the cemetery. 1 him $25.00 each on two indictments. I L. C. Wilks was indicted for assault Wanted— Women wanting to take ' fume Company, reliable dealers In has entered an offices’ training lently in the entire Northwest if our Obituary. kinds of toilet articles, soaps, ex- camp. The defendant was one of the care of children evenings.- __ Apply at with a dangerous weapon upon the boys who are injured have all the trncts etc. Phone 41-R. 41-R * principals in a bootlegging ring re­ ' I tracts Mr. Howard B. Millis was born in person of C. L. Foster, of Dallas. He this office. pads they need to heal their wounds, Don’t pay rent. A modern, up-to- cently broken up. Mrs. Bert King has consented to Colorado, September 14th 1888, with pleaded guilty and the judge fined For Sale—two year old colt, next date seven roomed house for sale at Carl Haberlach returned from a trip take the place of chairman made va- i his parents he moved to St. Louis, Mo., him $1,000.00 but remitted it to spring. Sold cheap. Enquire of Mrs. school. * ■ a bargain, near the high to Portland Wednesday, where he had cant by the resignation of Mrs. living there for a time and from there $100.00 upon good behavior. Knight. < Terms to suit purchaser. J. H. Frank- gone to make arrangements to adver­ Knight. Mrs. Gibson will be the cap­ to La Cross, Kansas, until six years May Jackson was indicted with Persons will not be allowed to p ck lin, Tillamook, Oregon. * tise Tillamook cheese in The Oregon­ tain for Tuesday; Mrs. Fred Baker, ago he came to Tillamook, Oregon. threatening to kill Hattie L. New- Mrs. ■ blackberries on the premises of On August 9th, 1913 he was united herter. The case will be tried in a Lost—Fountain pen between depot ian, Telegram and Portland Journal. for Wednesday; Mrs. Dawson for A. L. Fitzpatrick. Thursday; and Mrs. Mattison f for j in marriage to Miss Vida Rogers of 1 few days. and Tillamook Hotel. Also two pairs While there the price of cheese was Five room house for sale, Paved of kid gloves lost Saturday in an ad­ advanced to 36c Tillamook. And what Friday. On account of the busy work Tillamook, Oregon. Feeney and Bremer Co. vs. C. F. at home on Monday and Saturday it' district. Apply to C. S. Barnes, at the j dressed envelope. Finder please leave Stone. Action for money, Entry of He died September 28th, 1918, in about advertising in the T'llamook has been decided to close the rooms • i same at this office. Reward. Rialto. the service of his Country. 'Besides mandate. newspapers ? these days. E. E. Colestock vs. H. Crenshaw. For sale—Jersey cow, will freshen For sale—three high grade regis­ Rev. Arthur F. Ingler, of Everett, Ladies should remember that on his wife, he leaves a father and one in February. Apply to Clent King, tered Holstein heifers, two two-year Wash., arrived on Thursday’s train Thursday thesoldiers who are locat- sister, Mrs. Fred B. Hale, of Salt Lake Transcript from 3rd Justice District. Dismissed. Beaver. Oregon. olds and one yearling and one milch from Portland and spoke and sang at Thursday the soldiers who are locat- City, and a host of friends to mourn Fredk. H. Wheeler vs. C. C. Byers. his death. He was a member at the cow. Write, Mrs, J. A. Hazlitt, For ­ the Nazarene church in the evening. mending to the sewing room to be Sergeant Guy Empey (Himself) In Action for money. Dismissed. time of his death of the Masonic • Rev. Ingler was recently called to cared for. Volunteers are needed for “Over the Top” at the Gem Theatre, est Grove, Ore. Arthur E. Holden and Ethel Hol­ Ixxige and the Knights of Pythias den, vs. O. E. Gulstrom. Appeal from Sunday and Monday. Ii is to your interest to see our the pastorate here and comes highly this work also. recommended by his District Super ­ Lodge. work, and Justice Court 2nd District. Entry of Edward Kostlc, Cecil Spaugh and mens' and boys’ dress, Intentendent and others. The chgrch “OVER THE TOP.” mandate. Settled in favor of defend­ Linton Hellrick will leave for Van­ school shoes, made of solid leather gave him a royal welcome at th? Sun­ j ------ o------- IN MEMORIAL. no substitutes. Morris Schnal, Popu­ ent. couver, Wash., on the 15th. 1 o lar Price Clother. • day services and all Beemed pleased Gem Theatre, Sunday and Monday, State of Oregon vs. C. F. Deford. with his message in sermon and For sale—Pianola attachment with Resolution of Condolence. Two cases dismissed. October 13 and 14. Eugene Jenkins, the jeweler, has song. music rolls. Fit any standard piano. Castle Hall, Marathon Lodge, No. 89. J. Canby Morgan vs. Allie Morgan. employed C. W. Little, of Minneapo­ Enquire Bob Carlson, Wheeler, Or. Besides the insight it gives into County Judge Nicholls, of Yamhill, Knights of Pythias. Action for money. Dismissed. lis, and is in a position to give you We your Committee to draft Reso­ Ida Barnett, vs. Southern Pacific For Sale—Five brood sows with quick and reliable service on your was in the city the first of the week actual trench conuitious as they are with the petition to have the Grand being met by thousands of Americans lutions of Condolence on the death Co., Damages. Dismissed. pigs, also horse, Inquire of Peter watch and clock repair work. * •2 Jones-Knudson Furniture Co., vs. Ronde road made into a post road. now and as other thousands will I of our beloved brother Howard B. Betchard on Harrison ranch. The Tillamook Singer Sewing Ma­ The City Council agreed to indorse come to know them soon, "Over The > Millie, beg to submit the follow'ag: Albert Krake. Action for money. Dis­ bred For Sale—Berkshire pure Top" take an unique place in the chine Agency is now permanently lo­ Whereas the Supreme Ruler of the missed. pigs, four months old. Enquire of A. cated opposite the post office, where the movement, asking the Oregon de­ patriotic educational propaganda of ' Universe in His infinite wisdom and J. M. Erickson vs. W. A. Clark and E. Williams, Mutual Phone. monthly payments may be made and legation to see that it is desig­ the nation. The war is presented in . mercy has seen fit to call from this Mrs. W. A. Clark. Action for money. nated a post road as soon as possible. such a way that every parent or re­ worlu of pain and sorrow to that Judgment. Chevrolet Motor Car, 17 model in' supplies ordered. our beloved good condition, for sale at a bargain. | For sale or trade, one sorrel mare The Tillamook County Court also took lative of a soldier should see it, be 1 happy home above, Tillamook County Bank vs. Darwin Enquire at Headlight office. * six years old, weight 1500 lbs; and similar action and other organizations cause it gives reassurance that Amer­ Brother, and in his death we are Shaw and Elmer Lucas, Action for will be asked to give their assistance. ican courage and fighting instinct once again reminded that our lives money. Dismissed. Best by Test—Oregon Portland on« colt, three years old. iron gray. State of Oregon vs. James Langley. On Thursday afternoon a welcome as they have on other battle fields in are of short duration, and are called weight 1100 lbs. «*••• Will — trade ........... for good Cement. For sale by Lamb ’ ' Schrader ’ ------- —• to pause a moment in the busy whirl Indictment. Demurrer sustained. rain put in an appearance, which other days. dairy cows. Andrew Vetsch, Elmore « Co. The Vitigraph Company was many ranch. *2 soon put out the forest fires that months in the making of the picture of life, and bow our heads in bum­ Case dismissed, to be resubmitted to ble submission to the will of Him grand jury. Wants to rent dairy ranch of from started in the north part of the More than seventy-five hundred of county and especially the serious fire and is said to have expended a vast who rules the destinies of all. 15 to 20 cows. D. Betschardt. Mohl- . Reed Farmer, vs. East Beaver • ■ our own American boys in khaki ap­ up the Kilchis river In the Whitney sum of money on it. One of the high In the death of our Brother we Cheese Co. Action for money. Demur­ •r. Oregon. pear in "Over The Top” the great lights in it is the actual reproduc­ have lost a true and loyal Knight, Kuppenbender always carries a American drama of the screen to be Co.’s timber. Late Friday night, al­ tion of President Wilson in the act of one who was true to every principle rer overruled. ’ Ralph Ackley vs. Joseph Fellman. though over two weeks late, the an ­ full line of mill feed at the lowest shown at the Gem Sunday and Mon- nual equinoctlcal storm struck the signing the proclamation of war of our Order, and true to his friends. Action for money. Judgment. prices. • day. Dee Moon and A. N. Woods vs. W. county and it was the first hummer against Germany. Another is the He left all that was near and dear to sinking of the Lusitania, the act of him to answer Best in the West—Oregon Portland Did you ever stop to think that of the season. It did no damage, how­ frightfulness that transported Empey Man can do no his country's call, Y. Masters and F. K. Masters, Action more. His devotion to for money. Dismissed. Cement. Always uniform and fresh. about 25 per cent of feed that is fed ever, simply rocking a few poorly W. L. Clark vs. Jos. Blaser, Action Lamb-Schrader Co. * without cutting is wasted? And that built buildings, and finding leaks in trom an office in Jersey City, wither those near and dear to him, as well he had retired after long service in as to his friends, was a shining ex­ for money. Order of dismissal. We always have second hand cars feed put up in a silo is worth about roofs. th« U. S. Cavalry, and sent him to ample for all to follow, and we know Why is “Over The Top” the great­ Jason J. Powell vs. E. L. Youmans, for sale at very attractive prices. See 30 per cent more than if put up dry? the front line in France as an that when he shall have reached the est story of the war? Because it is avenger. W. Y. Masters and A. D. Craig. Ac- Kuppenbender. • Mr. Rancher do some figuring. river that marks the unknown shore written by a man who has been there tion for money. Verdict in favor of Empey stands out as one of the his hands will be filled with deeds For Sale — A fine pair of black Jenkins, the Jeweler, is now in a who has suffered seven wounds, been 21000 in promoted for bravery and still stirs most romantic characters brought of charity the golden key that opens the defendants. position to give you prompt service mares, about 2000 or 21000, The case of Joseph I^imbrecht, on your repair work. * good order, good workers, also three the heart of America with his lec­ out by the war. From the time he left the gate to the palace of Eternity. Farwell our Brother, we shall miss charged with indecency. is on trial. wagons. At your own price have no tures and vibrant tales, because it is Manual Training High School in For Sale—New modern residence, further use for them.—Homer D. Brooklyn as an adventurer on the you; there will be a vacant chair, The defendant is evidently a pro-Ger- chuck full of humor rather than the . located in best residence district. For Flagg. Bay City, Oregon. seas., this young American's but the memory of your many acts man. * tear; because it ha s the vigor, the high ' Mie at a bargain. Sec Frank Heyd. * life has been filled with colorful ac­ of kindness and sympathy will be C. J. Edwards. Cloyd Dawson and dash and the indomitable optimism ' tion and at the age of 34 he is one fresh in our memory through each Wants to buy or rent a place with Notice. about 15 or 20 cows. Address Box Rev. Hickerson, who are members of of the true American thoroughbred. of the world’s most picturesque fig­ 1 unfolding year, another link in the ■w ------ o------ 4« I the United War Work Committee, The Vitagraph picture, ’Over The ' ures. He served six years In the reg­ golden chain that binds us to this 151 Tillamook, Oregon. Notice is hereby given, that a Top ” starring Empey, himself Is the left on Wednesday io meet with the ular cavalry and saw active service glorious trinity. None knew you as caucus will be held at the City Hall, Lumber for Sale.—The lumber climax of screen art. It is the Great on < managers in Portland. Mesdames the Mexican border. After his a friend but to admire and respect in the City of Tillamook. County of used at the Chautauqua is for Mie. Edwards and Dawson accompanying American photodrama.. To be shown ( discharge he went into business in you. To those who are left behind to Tillamook, and State of Oregon, on See H. T. Botts. and at the Gem Theatre Sunday them. Jersey City and for seven years was mourn your loss, we can only say Saturday, the 24th day of October, Monday. Get your hay at the Kuppenbender a member of the National Guard in that life has its sunshine and Its 1*14, at I o'clock a.m. Said caucus is H. Booth has hit onto a new meth­ Warehouse. Prices are always the Jersey and New York. shadows, its days of joy and its to be held for the purpose of nomina­ od of keeping his cows free from flies. Ranches for Sale. lowest. Following the sinking of the Lus­ hours of sorrow, and In this great ting candidate« for city office«. When the cows are In the barn ha By ordey of the Common Council. Both large and small ranches are itania, he went to London and volun­ drama we must all have a part. Want to rent bottom land dairy fastens a piece of fly paper on their Therefore be it resolved, the we Dated October 7th, 1*14. for sale now on account of shortage teered for service in the Royal Fusil­ carry from 20 to 60 ranch that will backs and he says It does the work, A- H. Gaylord cows. Apply to Ernest Qisler, Tilla- for after a few days there were no of help to run them. See Everson for iers of London. He was eighteen as members of Marathon Lodge, No. City Recorder. months in the trenches and partiei* I*, Knights of Pythias, extend to the best buys in the county. mooh, Oregon. flies In hia barn or on hie cows. pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. ’ I o •