TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBER 3, 1910. .» I THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIOHT. who lakor on 8unday at any occupa- time cornea, where there are two Uon, with discontent at home, uud October 8, at 9 a.m. W. Kuppenbender vs. Ike Quick. I newspapers where one is sufficient. defeats coming one after another in F. C. BAKER. Publisher. “on But whjr «H*c«-imtn»t«? BULGARIA QUITS THE WAR • 0 October 10 at 9 a.m. State ot Oregon vs. James Langley. Make Unconditional Surrender to I Bulgaria has broken away from the The fine weather thia fall made it Subscription | The Allies. * >i-5<» yr- central powers, and agreed to an un­ possible to finish the five miles of October 10, at 1 p.m. ------ o---- - Smith-Wagoner Co. vs. Charles conditional surrender to the ali'cs. hard surfaced road south of this city, That Is another nail In the coffin of and it is hoped that the next budget Stouehouse. October 11, 4:50 p.m. , London, Sept. 30.—The sigulng of a convention bringing host'll tms be­ Germany and Austria. It to generally will provide for several miles of tween the entente allies and Bulgar­ thought that Turkey will also sue hard surface roads in other parts ---------0 —— Letter From Camp Dodge. ia to a close at n do not want large amount of timber in Oregon Another Interesting Letter From > • o ■ — People to Deal With King Question. tCheese has taken another Jump sky­ ience with a type writer to do the to discourage the letter writing idea, being destroyed by fire. The timber Thomas Coates. The allies made no stipulation con­ ward, as as everything else appears work promptly. Whoever is elected to but we do think that no one letter owners, ot course, would have to pay cerning King Ferdinand, his position to be getting to where prices are al­ the office will have plenty of work would contain the variety of home a certain amount of money every August, 21, 1918. being considered an internal matter most prohibitive, it is hoped that to keep them busy, for it is no soft news as is contained in the home year, which they do now, not only to Dear Agnes:—This is one to you. one for the Bulgarians themselves to the high price of cheese will not have Job with little work and big pay for newspaper. We were sending about protect their own timber, but other j There is nothing to say—and what to deal with. doing next to nothing. 30 copies a week to Tillamook boys, the effect of curtailing its use. As timber and property, which we be-1 worse nothing to do. You see 1 am The armistice will remain in opera­ free, but the new government regu- lieve would be better done if forest out of the hospital and waiting to long us the demand keeps up there is tion until a final general peace is Newspapers are coming in for a lations makes this a violation to do fire protection was placed under one get settled again, and all I do is loaf no reason why cheese should not con­ concluded. tinue to advance in price, the «ame lot of useless advice and regulations so. around the barracks and wait to be head. In discussing the armistice conven­ ------- o-------- as other things we have to eat to about conserving paper. If the gov­ called out and sent somewhere, tion to-day Chancellor Bonar Law ernment would first stop the waste One thing — and very vital — that is keep our bodies intact, But cheese There is quite a t bit to do in the said that it meant “that Ger­ “Sunday Lid” Goes On. retailing for 40c. per pound it 1 b of paper in government departments troubuing Germany right now Is evening though, for we can leave mans' dream of a German middle- ----- o ----- it would be In a position to give the man power. Every battle that the becoming a luxury. This is the edict of the State camp from five to ten, and thet i are newspaper men advice. Dozens of Germans engage in leaves her that Council of Defense, to go into effect plenty of Y. M. C. I. A. programs, :c. Eastern empire had gone forever.” much weaker in man power. As an il ­ letters, pamphlets and books are sent Allies Get Kailways. By way of argument, suppose it ■ iiere. Allan Jones is somewhere in next Sunday. By the term of the agreement, he was the central powers that were on newspapers every day on different lustration of this it is reported that At a recent meeting of the State this neighborhood. 1 think, but 1 the paint ot winning the war, how subjects, which find their wya into the allies look 185,000 prisoners on Council of Defense, resolutions were don’t know where or how I am going continued, Bulgaria gives up com­ pletely the control of railways, the the pro-Germans and German sympa­ the waste paper basket, and it would the western front in two months, adopted, setting forth the require- to find him. thisers would be rejoicing and de­ be a great surprise to know of the and it is estimated that Germany ments of that organization as a war I Say, I don't believe I ever uientl >n- Chancellor said. Control of the Bul­ nouncing the government and con­ large amount of money it takes to lost 600,000 men during the two measure, and notice has been given ed about the Dutch bread. Once garian railways, he pointed out, gress for plunging the country Into run numerour informatiton bureaus mouths. That is eating up Germany’s that the order tor Sunday closing when I was lost from my Company, gives control of Bulgaria. Mr. Bonar Law said that since July war. They will have to keep mum, run by men who know little or noth­ man power exceedingly fast, which will be enforced to the letter for the t looked over some of the Bosche even after the war, for anyone who ing how to put concise reading mat- have been going on for tour years. duration of the war. stuff, which was lying all around. I 12, troops of the British Empire had will sympathise with Germany after ter before the public, Yes there is Another thing that goes to prove | didn’t have ambition to pick up captured 1000 square miles of terri­ The resolution follows: the barbarous blood thirsty methods just complaint against the govern- that Germany is getting short ot men "Resolved, That on and after Octo­ anything to keep for souvenires, so I tory, 250 villages and more than used by that country, should get out ment's waste of paper, but anyone is what German prisoners say about ber 1. 1918, all sales of merchandise just looked It over. I was pretty 120,000 German prisoners. of the United States as quickly as with any common sense knows that men taken from hospitals and ruBh- at any point within the state of Ore­ hungry, and ran across some bread "Something More" Promised. with paper at the present high price, ed to the front to help check the on­ gon, on the first day of the week in one of the packs. It looked fine possible. Referring to the Palestine cam­ newspaper men are not wasting pa­ slaught of the allies. Everything goeH commonly known as Sunday, at any from the back, the crust—but I turn­ paign he said: to prove that Germany’s man power time after 9 p.m. on Saturday, and at ed it over, and I was hungry no County Judge A. M. Hare informs per. ".he magnificent success of our is being so depleted is now a serious ■ o ■ ■■ us that the certified check which ac­ any time after 6 p.m. on any other longer. The stuff looked the color of armies in Palestine Strange, wasn't it, that after the problem and spell defeat for Ger­ lay of the week should be continued chocolate, and as though it might the extinction of the has resulted in companied the bld for the improve­ greater part of ment of the Three Rivers road was fire wardens had been called off and many. No doubt the allies realize the during the continuance of the war; have been made from a combination the Turkish army, but something now serious plight that Germany is there war not much prospect of a returned. From the looks of things, provided, that such sales may be of dirty potato peelings and dust. I more is going to follow.” one can only surmise that the bud fire, that a mysterious fire oc­ in, and that is the reason that they made at any drug store until 8 p.m. ' never had the nerve even to taste it, He announced that General Allen­ with are pounding them on all fronts county’s bid had been rejected, no curred In the brush near the Reeher of any day of the week except Sun-1 though I wish T now that I had. I by's forces had taken 50,000 Turkish doubt, because Attorney General house on the Wilson river, and it was such success. But every day, and day, and that the foregoing prohibí- nicked picked nn up » a ri rifle and it had had so prisoners in Palestine. Brown has ruled that a county can­ soon destroyed. A similar fire accur- every battle Germany gets into tlon shall not apply in the case of little care, and been loaded so long, The Chancellor said it had been makes man her that much weaker in red at Beaver a tew weeks ago and not bld on road work, to be paid for drugstores in the filling of prescrip­ ' that the shells were rusted or stuck promised that if the enemy continued and brings us that much near ­ power destroyed property to the value of in part by the State Highway Com­ tions, sales of medicine or sick room ' | in the magazine, and would not come to bombard defenseless towns he mission. The Judge to anxiously wait­ »100,000. We simply mention these er the close of the war. necessities, any or all of which may out. would be paid back with interest ing to know how the matter to to be two Incidents to remind the citizens be sold on any day at any hour; pro-I I haven't had any mail since the and that the promise had been kept. untimely death of H. B. Millie The of Tillamook County that when ever adjusted. vided, further, that the selling of middle of July, but I suppose I will fires are set out In the vicinity of in the east last week, a victim of meals in restaurants, hotels, lunch get a big bunch when I get settled. The British air force, he declared, had had a great deal to do with Spanish influneza, came as a great It was pro-Germans who dominated their property in the dry season they counters and eating rooms shall not Hope so. This to an awful hot place. breaking the enemy morale. the Socialist party, and it is pro-Ger- should get busy at once and should surprise, for he was a young man be deemed the sale of merchandise The hardest thing to do to to keep Success Declared Wonderful. mans who are dominating the 1. W. take no chances. These two fires with a robust, healthy constitution. under the terms of this i resolution; ‘ ’ : cool during the day, and they say “There to no changing of metal W. It Is German propaganda that to could have been prevented had prop­ His name will go on the honor roll and, provided, further, that the sale this is a rainy place, largely responsible for moat of the er precautions been taken. Most of us with others who have given up their of gasoline, distillate and lubricating usually, here at the wonderful success of the Oh, yes, we have to walk, usually. labor troubles In the United States. Tlllamookers are scared when a for­ lives for their country. It was the call oil at garages and public filling sta- between one and four kilometers for last week” the Chancellor remarked, Maybe, after the war Is over the I. est fire gets started, but lets keep of duty and patriotism that took tlons, except in the supplying of mo- | meals here, and in the hotest part of 1 "but Joy bells are ringing in all our hearts." W. W. will cease to exist, but we our eyes wide open in our immediate young Mtllls to the Atlantic coast, to tor trucks actually engaged directly the day too. hardly think so, for there are p good vicinity, and this will prevent the be trained for the tank service, and or indirectly in war industries, shall There is one thing about this army for that reason he is entitled to as many pro-Germana, whenever they settlers from fire losses. Notice to Contractor«. much honor as if he had been killed be deemed the sale of merchandise I do not like. It talks too many have an opportunity, are going to and subject to the terms and condi ­ languages. For example. I was stand ­ in battle. We feel sad that Tillamook Edgar B. Piper, editor of the Ore­ forment trouble, especially when It tions of this resolution.” ing one noon at the door of the Notice is hereby given, that the comes to readjustment of wages after gonian with about 15 other editors county has lost such a fine, promis­ It has been decided to postpone the dining room at the hospital, and County Court of Tillamook County, of leading newspapers, ing young man in the prime of life will be the the war. of the resolution until started to listen to the crowd about Oregon, will until 10 o'clock a.m. honored guests of the British gov- and full of ambition, but this is only enforcement October ■ 8. me. They were talking from Dutch of October 11, 1918,receive bids for ernment for the next another illustration of the uncertain ­ few months, Quite a number of boys In writing i to French— but no English. I think the grading and graveling of Section home seem to think the war will be who will be given first hand infor­ ty of life. It often happens that Circuit Court Next Monday. ' that even the Chinese were there. I 7 of the Garibaldi-Wheeler road, ac­ over soon and they will be home for mation how the allies are cemented young people are stricken down in | recognized about five different lan­ cording to the plans on file In the of­ this manner, while the old and in- together to lick the blood thirsty, not want to dto- The October term of the circuit guages. All these fellows can talk fice of the County Christmas. We do _____ _______ Surveyor, and the appoint them, but if they will Just barbarous kaiser and his Hun fol­ firm weather epidemics llke the court will convene next Monday some English, but they are often specifications on file in the office of exper ­ lowers. One thing that will cause Spanish Influenza. It is a sad morning with Judge Geo. R. Bagley hard to understand— and it "gets the County Clerk, figure It out how long It took to transport three million men. at Bro. Piper to wonder in amazement lence for a good, loving wife to en­ on the bench. There is a somewhat my goat.” 'On date above mentioned the Court about 250,000 a month, from the will be a visit to England's Grand dure this great bereavement in tier long docket for this term of court Am out of paper with this sheet. will publicly open and read the bids as the fleet which is augmented by that of young womanhood as well and there are several persons who United States to France, they will but reserves the right to reject any the fleets ot the allies of the United young man ’ s parents and relatives, obtain a pretty correct idea how long have been bound over to the grand and all bids. Grangers Urged to Buy Bonds. it will take to bring them back. And States. France and Italy, and the but there is this satisfaction Millis Jury: First publication, Sept. 26, 1918. ------- o------- it will also give a pretty good idea thousand of destroyers that patrol gave up his life for his country. He Additional cases recently filed are: Whereas, it has again become nec­ Last Publication, Oct. 10, 1918. how long the labor situation will the seas and which are terror to the was a young man we all greatly ad­ Carl A. Johnson vs. A. J. Wilks and Erwin Harrison. County Clerk. U-boats. His article will be highly mired and much respected and the F. E. Wilks ts a suit to restrain the essary for our Government to call up­ continue In the United States. interesting and full of useful infor­ heartfelt sympathy ot the people of defendant front tresspassing on on the people of this country to loan o------ Notice to Contractors. Last Friday the train coming In mation. and we are glad that the Tillamook County is with the young plaintiff's property or In any manner their funds to the Government to —o------ from Portland ran Into a cloud <>f honor fell on Bro. Piper. and that woman who has been made a widow taking or molesting his garden, and provide the necessary funds with which to vigorously and successfully Notice is hereby given, that the moths, which extended over several Oregon was not overlooked In the in­ by the cruel war. for damages amounting to »500. I A. H. Wensley vs. H. H. ’crat to a prosecute th« *ar 1" which we are County Court of Tillamook County, miles on the Salmonberry and Ne­ vitation extended to distinguished l * V whereas, only by Oregon, will until 10 o'clock a.m. The speech of Count Von Hertllng. suit to recover »175.00 on a prom- ¡ I now en*a8e