Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 03, 1918, Image 3

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measure is full of jokes .
20 of us, and the rest so on through
Letter From Guy- w Stockmaa.
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— 1— o .
ths village. They ar» very cool In the
------ o------.
Report Persiitent That Single Tax Somewhere in France, Sometime in summer, and, we have bad some hot
“In Memory of Hearst’s German
Idea Lnrkes in Jackson Bill.
weather here, but it can rain as easy
Propoganda” Reads Epitaph.
------ o------
here as It can In Tillamook. They
A few years ago the people of the To the Tillamook Headlight.
Eugene, Or., Sept. 27—What ap­
Dear Sir.—I am far from being a say It is caused from the heavy guns
state of Oregon, in a spirit of gentle
hear these pears to be a newly made grave,
correspondent, but when at the front. We can
and amused tolerance, listened to the
guns when the wind is in our direc­
Portland Journal's campaign for .1 left your lovely little berg of Tilla­ tion, we are about 60 mileB from the mysteriously appeared here tonight
single tax. It was Mr. JackBon’s pet mook, there seemed to be quite a few front, and our next move will be to­ on the corner of the lot where the
hobby, and his official mouthpiece people who wished to hear from me. wards them, and this won’t be long County Jail is located. The mound
shouted long and loudly. When the Of course, I promised everyone I as we have turned in most every­ I marks the location where citizens
votes were counted, however, the would write, but broke all of them, thing with the exception of the about two weeks ago burned a large
people breathed a sigh of relief, for except one, which, of course, a fellow clothes on our back, change of un­ quantity of Hearst magazines and
newspapers which had been taken
Bingle tax and Oregon citizenship won’t, you know.
derclothes and some socks. The least from the news stand of a dealer who
were found to have nothing in com­
most of the people know me not by we have to pack on our back the had agreed with the other dealers in
better off we are. We will have added the city not to sell them because of
For a time Etltor Jackson subsided. my name, but by the way I dressed, to equipment a steel lid, weighs 4 the alleged pro-German attitude of
Unable to dictate the editorial poli­ and very clear in my mind yet, pounds, and gas mask, and rlflp, and the publisher.
cies of the newspapers of the state, "There goes the fellow in white”. with all these, I wouldn't fear the
The headstone is painted white and
and stung to the quick the decisive Well 1 have two more colors attached devil himself, let alone his brother adorned at the top with a German
defeat of his pet scheme, he main­ to me now, Red and Blue, and which Bill, and 1 hope I soon get a chance crest. The inscription reads:: “In
tained an attitude of calm demeanor. I am very proud of. As I was a soi- at him. I might say here, we are re­ memory
Now Mr. Jackson steps up to bat dier the 29th day of March, I re- ceiving a good deal of instruction on Hearst’s German propaganda cremat­
again fostering and fathering a new
the gas, and the signs and ways of ed September 12, 1918”. The foot­
plan of unfathomable and inexplica­ titul camp in the U. S. A., Camp treating it., the two most deadly stone bears the lettering, “W. R. H.
ble legislation. In on the scheme
gases we are now using is phosgene, G. H..”
with Jackson is a Portland attorney, 1 never realized that I was in the and chlorene gas, and we expect to
and the two have devised a plan that
give Fritz 8 5 percent of our shells
Limit Hours of Sale of Gasoline.
is unique to say the least. Just the have to take the bitter with the gas, so we will all be home for Xmas
interest of the lawyer has not been
(maybe) but Gen. Pershing says
Asking the co-operation of the
divulged. The proposed law bears of scraping tor the world’s democra- "heaven, hell or home by Xmas,” and
members of the Oil Industry and the
the Jackson trademark, and those
I was transferred out of the Depot
public at large in the movement to
who have familiarized themselves
thy last few days, have lead the boys '
with the measure, state it is as full Brigade, after some three weeks of to betting that we would, well we conserve man-power, D. M. Folsom,
of "jokers” as some of Mr.| Jackson's physical torture, as we called it, to will all be ready to come back when Director of the Pacific Coast Section
single tax measures in the days of the 363rd Inf., Hdgs. Co., to the Sig­ it is over, at least I'll say so, and I of the Oil Division of the Fuel Ad- j
nal Patoon, and started to school
ministration, has announced that all ,
learning dope on the stuff we would am enjoying it as much as any of sellers and distributors of gasoline !
Jackson’s scheme to abolish the i
them, but the old U. S. A. is good
delinquent tax law as it now stands use in canning Fritz. Went to school enough for me. This French lingo is and engine distillate, without excep- |
seven weeks, and was tickled to
and substitute in its place an imprac­ death when an order came that we some tangle, and I can’t make my tlon, have been requested to limit '
their sales to the hours between 6 a. I
tical, etherlal scheme, cleverly fram­
tongue go around their words, and
ed to lure the voters, but intended were to leave for overseas. We left haven't had no time to study it out. m. and 6 p.m.. The appeal is being |
for some camp in the East, which
as a piece of radical and vicious leg­ name I cannot mention, as to our Their money is equally as bad. Wc made in all states of the Pacific I ;
islation that will benefit the lawyers censor, but can say it .was a lovely have had one pay day, received it in Coast Section, including California,
the title grabbers, and others of their place, anu we had a fine journey france and centimes. You can't spend Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Neva­
ilk,—at the expense of the strug­ ucross the states. We stayed at this your money here, unless you buy da, Utah and Idaho and the Hawaiian
gling home owner. Such is the Jack- place five days only, and I was lucky wine. You can buy chocolate for one Islands. The lijnit of the hours of
son delinquent tax bill. There are enough to get a twenty-four hour franc, which is about 18 cents in our service will work no inconvenience
those that intimate that Jackson's pass, and visited a very large city. money. The paper money is very on the gasoline and engine distillate
energy in working for the bill is due The next day tound my necg stiff, cheap paper, looks like counterfit to cosuming public, requiring only a lit­
tle forethought in order to secure
to the fact that his Portland Journal borne skyscrapers 111 say. At the end me.
has been overlooked in the publica­ of the 5th day we were marched
This letter finds me in the best of
With the public co-operating with
tion of Multnomah lists in days gone aboard a transport, 2,000 of us, and health, and enjoying, and training
by, and that his spleen against the land was soon out of sight, and myself in army tactics for oür the oil companies and making their
purchases only during the hours sug­
present statute is inspired through water, everywhere, and not a drop to next move,
which will be to- gested by Mr. Folsom, it is pointed
petty jealously
drink. There were 25 vessels in the ward the front lines, and where this out that a large reduction can be
newspaper field, This may or may convoy. Quite a city by itself, and wild west division is going to beat made in the number of employes
not be the case.
we had a most pleasant uninterrupt­ hell out of Fritz..
needed in the distribution of gaso­
The present tax publication law for ed voyage, which lasted seventeen
1 hope 1 haven’t taken up too much line and engine distillate through- i
Oregon is the ideal measure of public whole days. The ocean was as smooth room in your paper, and if I have out
the Pacific Coast States and
service may be considered the criter­ as glass all the way, and I made the you needent copy this, but I am in these men released are made avail­
ion. It is simple, pratical and de­ w*jle trip without feeding the fish. receipt of a letter from Mrs. Anna able for national service.
vised to protect the taxpayer from
Mr. FolBom acted at the suggestion
When we were out some three Christensen telling me she would
the title grabbers and other vultures. days from our port on this side, we send me your paper, as that is about of the Pacific Coast Petroleum War
Briefly it provides that notices be were met one evening, by twelve sub the only way 1 can keep in touch ! Service Committee, which has been
sent by the tax collector, through chasers, They sure looked good to us with the people of Tillamook, , and considering the problem of conserv- .
the mail to every delinquent taxpay­ too, as we know our journey would will appreciate it very much.
Ing man power for sometime, follow- I
er within 90 days from the date of soon be to an end. At the second day
Yours Truly,
ing the appeal of A. C. Bedford,
delinquency. Then, and only then, from our port seaplanes were flying
Guy W. Stockman.
chairman of the National Petroleum
to reach whom the mails have failed over and around us. They would stay
War Service Committee. Mr. Bedford 1
to reach, the law provides that pub­ two hours and fly back and then
stated in a recent communication of I
Can’t Chew Tobacco at Front.
lication shall be made in the news­ another one appear. I counted eight
the western body that two essentials
------ o
were to be kept in mind in taking
over us at once..
Among the American soldiers who
Could any plan be fairer? Could
On our way down the channel, I have gone to France there have been steps to meet the national emergen­
there be any better scheme to pro­ saw some of the castles, I used to
cy, first.
tect the unfortunate delinquent from read about in books and had no idea a decline in the American habit of
"That every man within the draft
the malicious cunning of the tax I would see them. We landed some-
age whom it is possible to dispense
title grabbers who love to work in 1 where in dear old England. It is said ports, and Y. M. C. A. secretaries with should be spared for military
who sell tobacco in canteens in
the dark.
a certain Poet tfiat th*8 cltY was a France say that modern warfare service.” and second
Now comes Mr. Jackson and the I ' inass
"That tHe vital importance of the
of fog most of the time, but as rather than prejudice is responsible
Portland Attorney and initiate a bill our luck happened, it was very clear
oil industry to the successful carry­
to abolish the publication. It requires and we had a wonderful view of it,
ing on of the war requires the reten­
no particular mental acumen to see lying at anchor in the harbor. The the trick, they say. A devotee of the tion of an adequate force to maintain
the result, to note the splendid op­ next day at 10:30 we landed on dry plug is seriously embarrassed when the industry in the highest state of
portunity for the title grabbers and land, and 1 put my foot down good called upon to don the gas mask. One operating efficiency.”
their legal friends to quietly "clean and hard, to see if the ground was southern soldier is said to have put
Chairman Baruch, of the War In­
up” on those who have failed to re­ still, as 17 days on a vessel is quite a it like this: "With terbacca bitin’ dustries Board, in a recent order,
inside your cheek, the ol' gas mask i placed the oil industry first in the
ceive notice. Theortically the scheme while on water.
anchored between yer teeth, mustard
looks fine on paper. So did single tax.
We were marched direct from our was all about ye an' no chanct ter liqt of essential industries.
So did other bits of freak legislation vessel from a large enclosed station
The movement to conserve the man
that have been turned down cold by or depot, and commenced loading on open yer mouth—war sure is hell.” power of the country was initiated
thinking voters.
by Mask L. Requa, head of the oil
small cars. Some joke, I’ll say, but
Jackson would have the tax collec­ eight of us were squeezed into a com­
division of the fuel administration,
Olson on Supreme Bench.
tor send the notice through the mall partment, and eight compartments to
who urged that every man than can
o -
-—as he now does under the present a car with what it looked to me a
dispensed with be re­
* leased for be national
law. The law makes the burden obli- | toy engine hooked ahead. But I won’t
gatory on your part to keep him no­ ■criticise too strong, but will say, I Olson, of Portland, today was ap- 1
tified of any and all changes
in i was surely surprised at the speed
8 lose
preme Court to fill the vacancy Administrator’» Notice to Creditor».
your address; otherwise ;
they went- a“d rode four hours on caused by the death of Justice Frank !
- ■ o......
your defense in case of foreclosure, ■ this
train and landed at a village,
Notice is hereby given, that the
and cannot plead lack of notice. In from here we hiked 3 Vi miles, to a A. Moore. No statement accompan­
other words you are left holding the most beautiful camp, they called it a ied the announcement of the ap- I undersigned Adolph Schild, by an
sack. To add Insult to injury Jack- British rest camp, but the camp was pointment from the executive offi- ' order of the County Court for Tllia-
1 mook County, Oregon, duly made
son would make the tax collector all there but I never found the "rest” cere.
Mr. Olson was immediately sworn and entered, has been appointed ad­
personally liable to keep properly part of it, but only stayed there a
posted on your address. Briefly stat­ few days and we were once more on in, receiving this commission here ministrator of the Estate of Margar-
ed, you must keep the tax collector the small trains, bound for another personally. He will take up his new etha Schild, deceased, and has quali­
posted at all times, or lose; if Uncle i "rest camp", this was someplace in duties with the court the first of fied as such. Notice is further given
that all persons having claims again- ,
Sam fails to deliver the notice as France (and a rest camp again at the week.
the said estate must present the
often happens, well, you lose again; that). But thanks to goodness we only
tices to County Clerks that a succes­ same to the undersigned at Tilla­
if the tax collector fails to do his stayed here one day, and left for
State Senate mook, Oregon, on or before 6 monthH
part, you lose a third time—and the Isomeother place in France. We were sor to Mr. Olson in the Nivember.
A after this date, duly verified and
poor collector loses also. Can you put on a train, or I mean box cars, 40 is to be elected in
blank will be left for the voter to with proper vouchers.
beat it?
of us to a car, planking for seats, and
his candidate,
Jackson’s scheme would end with ! if you have ever sit two days and write in the name of for any candi- Dated this October, 3, 1918.
as it is now too late
Adolph Schild, Adminis­
the sending of notice by the collec­ ' nights on boards, you know how date to have his name placed on the
trator of the Estate of
tor. The present law provides for ex­ bard they get, but I could do it
Margaretha Schild, de­
actly the same scheme
again, and perhaps I will, and I
ceased, Tniamook, Ore.
Jackson, but goes a step further in might say here the country we trav­
Johnson & Handley, Attorneys.
Jim Dale.
the direction of common sense, and eled through was beautiful. Their
■ ■ o
requires the tax collector to publish crops are wonderful, and gardens too
Notice to Creditor».
the list which is still delinquent but they still use the old reaper that Young Jimmy Dale, across our street
Is just a gawky lad.
- '— -o
after Jackson’s method has been McCormick first invented, and the
In the District Court of the United
tried out, thus giving the essential i women going behind binding the
His heart was mighty bad.
States, for the district of Oregon.
publicity to protect the delinquent bundles. We landed at a very large
In the matter of E. J. Arenz, bank­
from the wiles of the tax title grab­ i village, at 10:30 a.m., unloaded our They wouldn't let him do much work
rupt. No. 4955 in bankruptcy.
ber and the tax lawyer. Of course cars, loaded onto another narrow
Or any hearty play,
Notice is hereby given that on the
these latter gentlemen are working track cars, and was on our way But, just the same, they drafted Jim,
23rd day of September A. D„ 1918,
tooth and toe nail for the law and be­ again, arriving at another village at
And Jim has gone away.
IE. J. Arenz, of Tillamook, Oregon,
lieve they can put it oyer this fall, 3:30 a.m.. We then unloaded and
j the bankrupt above named, was duly
under the much abused banner of I hiked to this village where we have Jim was a sort of great big kid.
And fooling all the while;
I adjudicated bankrupt, and the first
■’economy" so-called.
been since, and 1 can say I have
Certainly there could be no fairer, found the (rest) part of it here, even So, when they ordered him to camp {meeting of his creditors will be held
He went there with a smile.
1 at my office, 8th floor, Title & Trust
more equitable scheme than the pres­ though we do the country over every
Building, Portland, Oregon, on the
ent law. Let well enough alone and day on manoeuvers and drills, and I Jim Dale is in the army now.
I 15th day of October, 1918, at 10 a.
Lank legs, bum heart and all.
help the 8tate of Oregon protect the have never been so tired yet, that I
! m., at which time said creditors may
holdings of its people from the tax haven't enjoyed every bit of it, but To fight like other drafted men
j attend, prove their claims, appoint a
That got the country's call.
vultures. Watch for the "Jackson" the signal corps is lucky, as we go in
label at the coming election and army trucks, but we do our share God, yes! Jim’s heart may drop him trustee, examine the bankrupt, and
transact such other business 4s may
t swat the measure hard.
when we land.
properly come before said meeting.
I might tell you a few things of in­
Or he may live to be
Claims must be presented in form
terest about this village. They say it Shot all to pieces "over there”—
required by the Bankruptcy Act, and
is some 200 years old, and
What odds to you or me?
sworn to.
To whom it may concern. I have doubt It in the least. The houses or
The schedule filed discloses no
sold my interest In the Tillamook billets as they call them, are built of By thunder! It's these odds to you:
1 assets.
If kids like Jim can go.
Feed Co. to Geo. Williams, who will ■tone, everything sleeps in the same
Dated September 30, 1918.
pay all bill» against the company house. cows, homes, pigs, chickens, With smiles, to fight our war» for us
A. M. Cannon.
and collect all accounts.
geese. down to the dogs and cats.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Charles Kunie.
The French people have fine stock, If we can buy a bond or two
and they take fine care of them,
And don't, while Jim, poor cum .
Before buying that automobile, see
Jenkin», the Jeweler, is now in a everything Is rolling fat.
Goes smiling off to death or wounds. W. J. Stephen» at the Elkhorn Billiard
position to give you prompt »erviee
We were billeted in a French house
Then hell'» too good for us:
Parlor» about the Oldsmobile.
oo your repair work.
The Usefulness
of This Bank
people do not realize the many
different ways in which this bank can
serve them. It is unusually well equip­
ped to furnish valuable information and
advice on financial and business matters.
Our customers have often been able to
avoid serious losses by making use of our
access to first hand business information.
Our membership in the Federal Re­
serve Banking System gives us special
facilities for meeting the requirements of
this community. Moreover, it is our
aim to give a helpful, progressive per­
sonal-service to every depositor—regard­
less of the size of his account.
Put our sincerity to the test. Step in .
and have a talk with us.
Tillamook County Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
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Summon« all the force« and resource« of the Republic to
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which the United State» authoritie» have ranked at one of the
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Fw caul«, a» IltaMrsu» Book kt. *o4 otbw iaforaulioa writs to dto Kcai.lrw, Con sili». Onto»