Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 26, 1918, Image 9

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PEMHŒG’8 stai .
Gemaay's TrieadUacaa.
Cheyexxe, Wk»., Eu Servie» Fla<
"Why has Germany no friends?
For Genend.
asks Vorwarts. the Berlin Socialist
Now! Before Loss!
E CAN furnish you ab­
solute security against
fire, flood, theft or mis­
placement of your valuable
papers, jewelry, Liberty Bonds,
War Savings Certificates, etc.,
at an exceedingly small cost.
You should settle this important
matter of protecting your valuables
at once before loss overtakes you.
Our Safe Deposit Department is
ready with cordial service and con­
fidential security.
Tillamook County Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
Kitehen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
HAT'S lust what you do when you deposit your
money in the bank. Yon Kain both cash and
credit resource for yourself and contribute toLthe
financial worth of the whole country.
You’ll Find the First National Bank
A. W. Bunn, Farmer.
P. Heisel, Farmer.
Edwards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres.
B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer.
W. J. Riechers. Cashier.
Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd]Ave. West, Tillamock, Or.
Boiling Points
standard oil company
H. C. BOONE, Special Agent, Standard Oil CoJTilL'.mook, Or
First Class Job Printing
From in front of St. Mary's Epis­
copal church at Cheyenne, Wyo.,
there floats a service flag that has
more interest than any other in this
section of the middle west, for it car­
ries one bright blue star standing all
alone above the rest in honor of Gen­
eral John J. Pershing, commander
in chief of the American expedition­
ary forces in France. Permission to
add this star to this flag was given
by General Pershing.
General Pershing’s connection with
Cheyenne is one of sentiment, for it
was here the romance began which
resulted in his marriage to Miss
Frences E. Warren, daughter of Uni­
ted States Senator Francis E. War­
ren. Mrs. Pershing, with her three
little daughters was burned to death
in a fire at the Preidio, San Francis-
co, while the general was on the
Mexican boarder. It was in the pic-
turesque church over which the Per-
shing star floats that their funeral
services were held.
newspaper. The question is merely
rhetorical. Vorwarta knows the ans­
wer. But the truth can be told in
Germany only by indirection and in
cautious instalments.
Germany has no friends because
she deserves none. She is psychologi­
cally incapable of making friends.
She recognizes no sanction but that
of force. In her dealings with other
peoples she wants to compel submis­
sion, not to create friendship or grat­
When in German Territory.
------ o------
We may be thankful that the war
in the form it has assumed has, on
the whole, been spared in our home
The war is not over. If the allies
penetrate into German territory, they
will not be capable of the beastly
atrocities committed by the Germans
in Belgium and France, but under
tie extreme provocation they had,
it will be a very grave question
whether they will not exact from the
Unifying the Churchea.
Germans a form of retributation be­
the war to result in fewer yond anything the Germans have be­
churches and more religion? Last lieved possible.
winter under the duress of heatless
days there were numerous instances The Speech of a Baffled and Beaten
of churches uniting their services on
account of the coal shortage. The
three Pretestant churches of Scho­
The words spoken by the German
harie, N. Y., have gone a step father
than the expediency measure of last kaiser at the Krupp munition works
winter and have voted to form a fed­ are the troubled thoughts of a guilty
eration for the period of the war. soul. He "doth protest too much."
The denominational bodies repre­ He labors hard to cast off his guilt
sented in this federation are Method­ and a greater falsehood was never
ist, Lutherans and Reformed and spoken than his assertion that "envy
they are to be served by a new min­ induced our enemies to fight and
ister chosen from a denomination war came upon us.”
Every American knows that no
other than any of the three.
The time may be far distant when thought of envy of Germany prosper­
there will be a single Christian ity and growth lay in any mind in
Church. It may be wise that there this country in 1914. And beyond
should not be. There is, however, an that the record is incontestable that
unquestionably strong tendency to­ France wanted peace, that Italy
ward greater church unity. The first shrank from entering the conflict,
and most neutral step would be unity and that British statemenship, pro­
in the many branches of different de­ foundly saddened by the dread pros­
nominations. If three churches in a pect of war, made frantic efforts in
small village can worship together, every chancellery in Europe to pre­
why should not all the scattered vent it.
That is history and the kaiser can
members of the Methodist denomina­
tion be brought together and another not cry it out.
“Who was it” asks the kaiser, “who
union be consummated of ail Luth­
Introduced terrible hatred into this
eran bodies?
When all the branches of each of war?” and he hastens to add the
the great denominations become false answer: "It was the enemy.”
united, a great step will have been Does the German kaiser imagine that
taken toward unity of Christian the world can so soon forget such
blasting truths as Germany’s quick
forces. Leslie’s Weekly.
coinage of the hate-engendering slo­
gan, "Gott strafe England?” Does he
No Party Monopolizes Patriotism. imagine that human memory is so
----- o-----
transitory that even now it can for-
It is recognized here among all get the storms of German hatred
careful students of the political situ­ that glorified the sinking of the
ation that the balance of power in Lusitania, that shouted the German
the coming election is held by the nation hoarse over Belgian atrocities
thinking voter of the highest type. and the horrors of the invation of
This is the voter who must be ap­ France?
pealed to as an American, who reas-
With Pecksniffian cant the kaiser
one tilings out for himself on broad impiously appeals to heaven to wit­
constructive lines, and who casts his ness that since December,
1916, he
vote in national affairs with as has made repeated overtures for
great care as he makes a decision in peace—but a peace that would leave
any of the vital affairs that affect Germany rich with the spoils of con­
his own life. This type of voter is quest and unpunished for its crime.
asking urgently and seriously wheth­
Between the lines of the German
er he should support the Republican emperor's speech can very readily be
or Democratic congressional candi­ read a cunning purpose to save him­
date in the present campaign.
self and his throne from the deep dis­
The Democratic appeal is chiefly appointment and the impending
based on the cry of "support the wrath of his own outraged and suf­
President," despite that in his cab­ fering people. It is the speech of a
inet of the war and in all vital leg­ baffled and terror-stricken man.—
islation the support necessary to the Spokesman Review.
enactment of war legislation asked
by the president has been that fur­
nished without thought of party by Notice of Hearing Administrator’s
Final Account.
the Republicans in Congress. The
Democrats are also, wherever they
Notice is hereby given, that the un­
can, striving to create an impression
that in some inexplainable way it dersigned has filed in the County
would be an act of disloyalty to vote Court of the State of Oregon, for
against the President’s party candi­ Tillamook county, his final account
dates. They are still using this false as administrator for the estate of
issue despite the fact that it has fail­ Paul Kingston, deceased; and, that
ed them in Wisconsin, New Hamp­ said Court has appointed Saturday,
shire and Illinois, and will doubtless the 26th day of October, 1918, at
again fail them again in Maine in ten o'clock a.m., at the court room of
September. The war has never been said court, in Tillamook City, Tilla­
in any sense a party issue from the mook County, Oregon, as the time
moment the United States entered and place for the hearing of objec­
the conflict. As a matter of fact tions to said account, if any there be,
everyone knows that Democrats and and for the closing of said estate.
Dated September 26th, 1918.
Republicans are united to bring
William Kingston.
complete success to the allied cause,
mlnistrator of the Estate
although it is a matter of record that
of Paul Kingston,
the Republicans in Congress, because
they possess a higher grade of judg­
ment and a clearer vision, have fur­
nished more effective support to war
Executor’s Notice to Creditors.
legislation than the Democrats.
The Republicans have for the
Notice is hereby given, that the
thinking voter two main lines of
argument. There are: First, that the undersigned, Adam J. Schmelzer, by
President and the world should an order of the County Court for
know that in electing a Republican Tillamook County, Oregon,
Congress the will of America would made and entered, has been appoint­
express itself definitely now against ed Executor of the Estate of Laura
a premature or compromise peace; I. Chance, deceased, late of Tillamook
and second, that the rehabilitation County. Oregon.
Notice is further given that all
of the nation after the war must be
placed in the hands of the party best persons having claims against said
fitted by temperament, ability, his­ Estate must present the same to the
tory. and personnal to accomplish undersigned at Beaver. Oregon, duly
what will have to be almost a miracle verified with proper vouchers, with­
in six months from and after this
of constructive statemanship.
Dated September 12, 1918.
Adam J. Schmelzer, Ex­
ecutor of the Estate of
"I have been selling Chamberlain**
Laura I Chance, deceas­
Tablets for about two years and
heard such good reports from my
customers, that I concluded to give
them a trial myself, and can say that
I do not believe that there is another
preparation of the kind equal to
To whom it may concern. I have
them." writes O. A. McBride, Head­ sold my interest In the Tillamook
ford, Ont. If you are troubled with Feed Co. to Geo. Williams, who will
indigestion or constipation give them pay all bills against the company
a trial. They will do you good.—For and collect all accounts.
Sale by Lamar’s Drug Store.—Pd Ad.
Charles Kunze.
the PresKbnt
xx What we i seek is the reign
^of law, based upon the con­
sent of the governed and
sustained by the organized
opinion of mankind.”
— President Wilson.
Any Bank Will Help You
urn min
iiiii HH ih "
HAT YOU DO TODAY, they will read
about when they are as old as you. They
will want to know what you did on the
to turn your face away in shame.
Later, you will give all you possess to make your
child proud of you
—plenty of Liberty Bonds will do it.
BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds
Any Bank Will Help You
The German Yoke
Never will the German yoke be fitted to
an American neck, but it’s up to you
to kill such German hopes by
Buying Liberty Bonds Until It Hurts.
BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds
Any Bank Will Help You