r-T-1 III'HI —I m TILLAMOOK HBADLIOHT. SKPTBMBBR 16. 18IS. What the Editors Say Young, handsome woman of 1* or more are notified that Capt. Richard P. Hobson again la on the Chautau­ qua program. He will "make" several nereby towns.—Umpqua Valley News In view of the shoart alowance of sugar, some girls may cousider it a son of patriotic duty to give their soldier-boy friends an unusual num­ ber of sweet kisses. They say noth­ ing is loo good for the soldier.— Telephone Register. “The German army can be beaten; the German army will be beaten; the German army must be beaten.” Pershing counted on every man, woman and child in America to back him up when he said that—back him up with their souls, their flesh, their pocketbooks — to the last drop of blood, to the last dollar. Our young men are backing him with their blood. Every one of us at home must back him with our dollars—our last dollars — our future dollars. BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds. Any Bank Will Help You. ISIS ADTXBTISZMWT COSTBUVriD THOVQX tww n«ionc CO-OFKBATIOS OT Smithy’s Variety Store. UncleSam^Company Un-Limited * The biggest “big business” the world has ever seen, or is ever likely to see, is being carried on with the help of Uncle Sam & Company. It is the business of crushing out Kaiserism- the business of restoring peace by victory - - big business indeed! Uncle Sam & Company - a company that num­ bers millions of fighters and uncounted millions more of tireless, loyal workers - all putting every ounce of energy into winning the war. But Uncle Sam & Company is powerless to finish this big undertaking unless we make it OURS in actual fact. We must lend to the limit and then lend some more. It is your privilege to thrill with the thought that your dollars have gone to make certain the suc­ cess of this big undertaking. Don’t be just a “shouter”, be a “backer”; buy JJberty Bonds. Be a partner in Uncle Sam & Company. BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds Any Bank Will Help You TO. AOVMTZnMXVT COmilüTID TKBOUSI TU tatbxotic co - otbbatxow or ROLL IE W. WATSON, the Insurance Man, Tillamook. It is reported to the Sun that one night recently the name plate of the Evangelical Lutheran church was removed and a paper slip substitut­ ed bearing the inscription, “ 10 Hell with the Hun church." Such an act is not in accordance with the American ideas of fairness, and Is an act com­ mitted In an unlawful manner. If any grievances existed it could have easily been investigated and the re­ sult would have been more satisfac­ tory to all concerned.—Sheridan Sun — —o Dairymen who can’t stand the gaff and who are selling herds as a solu­ tion of the feed problem are likely to regret it later when replacing It. Feed may again become plentiful and profits greater, but the dairy herd is something that requires time to create. It Is said that many of the animals now going on the auction block bought for shipment out of the state, which means a reduction in the dairy industry for which it may take years to recover, and animals purchased later to replace those sold now will likely cost much more than the saving in the cost of feed today.—Independent. - ... o------ Postmaster General Burleson is quoted as having said that half the newspapers in the United States could be dispensed with without loss to the country, and it is a safe statement that many more than half the newspaper publishers of the country are convinced that Burle­ son, as Postmaster General, could be dispensed with, not only without loss ,to the country, but with credit to the Wilson administration.— Newberg Graphic. -■ o----- "Keep the home tires burning." This means to keep the town going ahead in spite of the war. It means for everybody to brace up. It means for business men to continue at their places of trade. It means for every good citizen to be loyal and enthusiastic for the Flag. And it means a whole lot more. Think, for a moment, and consider what it means to “keep the home fires burning.” News Republic. ------ o------ The Woodburn Independent sug­ gests with reason that highly-paid shipyard workers should be the big subscribers to the Liberty Loan for the reason that the big wages they are now receiving are one of the reasons why big loans are necessary There Is another and even stronger reason, and it is that the loan pre­ sents the one safe method whereby the workers may lay aside a portion of their big earnings against the day which will surly come when wages return to normal. Persons who have investigated tell us that taken as a whole these workers are paying but scant head to the future, and increased wages have only meant in­ creased expenditure. This was the case in England, where notwith­ standing the war dealers In luxuries are reaping a harvelst, their custom­ ers being those who for the first time In their lives are able to buy. But the workers should keep In mind that happily the making of munit­ ions will stop while we will still build ships we cannot build them at war time prices, and the time will certainly come when cost will be adjusted to earning power and bon­ anza wages will be a thing of the past. When this time comes there is bound to be repret, but the re­ gret will be neutralized If a part of the big wages remain in the shape of a bond and there are mearly mem­ ories of a good time.—Hillsboro In­ dependent. ----- o----- Postmaster General Burleson an­ nounces that hereafter there will be a charge of from $5 to *15 for all new installations of telephones, and also a charge for all changes in lo­ cation of telephones. Suppose such an announcement had been made by the telephone compaies before the government took them over wouldn’t there have been a roar of indigna­ tion from the demagogic press?— Telephone Register. ------ o------ The Graphic has repeatedly called attention to the fact that while the government officials were constantly urging *he newspapers to save in the use of paper, the departments are wa.t'ing more paper than ever before. A few days ago Senator Walsh made a talk in the Senate on "An Epidem­ ic of Useless Publicity.” • that con­ firmed what the Graphic has been saying. We quote from the press dis­ patches: He assailed the waste of pa­ per by various branches of the Gov­ ernment, while the newspapers of the country are being forced to ad­ opt the most drastic measures of con­ servation. He said that most of the departments of the government seem ed to have an unappeasable appetite for "pitiless publicity” and that the proper way to describe the situation was to paraphase a once popular song "Every Little Bureau Has a Bulletin of its own.” The United States government, through its ot- ftcUls ao4 depart menu. should sot £)R. O. L. HOHLFELD, an example ot economy and conser­ vation but, alas, on the contrary, we VETERINARIAN. have a deluge of bulletins, reports, Mutual Phones surveys, magazines and various otherj Bell Phone— 32 J publications choking the government Tillamook Oregon. printing office, cloging the mails and and cluttering up many an office, accounting room, in business houses, J^AVID ROBINSON, M.D, and numerous parlors of sittig rooms in quiet, happy homes. If some of these psychological editors or editor­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ial psychologists are paid at space NATIONAL BUILDING, rates »t the gait we are traveling, I the recent expenditure for airplanes TILLAMOOK OREGON. we did not get will pale into insigni- t'ance. It has been stated on good au- T..HOALS, M.D., hority that it takes more than one pound of coal to supply power suffi­ cient to prduce one pound of paper, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. but a much less quantity of brains Is Surgeon S.P. Co. sufficient to waste tons ot the same (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) print paper after it has been produc­ ed.-—Newberg Graphic. Tillamook - Oregon TO AID SOLDIERS. TD OBERT H. McGRATH. Canadians Will be Given Land in Peace Biver Country. The Canadian government is now working out the details of the largest colonization scheme of the many am­ bitious plans the Dominion govern­ ment has put through in the past, according to F. C. Salter, European representative of the Grand Trunk railway system. Mr. Satler says the Canadian offi­ cials are not waiting until the war is over before laying its plans, but hope to have everything in readiness so that when the soldiers do return from the battlefields those that care to follow agriculture can go direct to the farms. A large tract of land in the Pierce river country of northern Alberta has been chosen, and it will be turn­ ed over to soldiers on such easy terms and with such assistance as is need­ ed, that a man with the.least bit of ambition to become a farmer will have the opportunity. COUNSELLOR-AT LAW, ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. P orti and O ffice 1110 W ilcox B ld . QARL HABERLACH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B lock Tillamook EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET. TILLAMOOK, . OREGON 0R. L. L. HOY, If. If you can hold your head up while the others Are drooping theirs from marches and fatigue: If you can drill in dust that clouds aud smothers. And still be fit to hike another league; It you can stand the greasy food and dishes, The long black nights, the lone­ some road, the blues; It you can choke back all the gloomy wishes For home that seem to spring right from your shoes; If you can laugh at sick call and the pill boys. When all the other lads are check­ ing in. if you can kid and jolly all the kill joys, Whose faces long ago forgot to grin If at parade you stand fast at atten- tion. When every muscle shrieks aloud with pain; If you can grin and snicker at the mention Of some bone play connected with your name; if you succeed to keep your knees from knocking, At thoughts of all the'bullets you may stop; If you can do these things and real- • ly like them, You’ll be a tegular soldier yet, old top. Licensing Packers. The presidential order that all op­ erations of packers on the live stock markets shall be subject to federal license may be merely the beginning of regulation for this industry. Tlie attitude of the federal author­ ity with respect to the packers and also with respect to cotton indicates an intention on its part to very markedly extend the system of fed­ eral control over necessities. The success that has attended ad­ ministration of the countrys’ wheat resources undoubtedly has been re­ sponsible, in greau. measure, for the decision to undertake further labors of a similar nature. Before the next harvest is brought in. It is" highly probable the government will be in direct control of all the food resourc­ es of the nation. An extention of authority along the lines indicated undoubtedly will be welcomed by the people. While the city man looks at this question from a different angle than does the farmer, the latter is just as vitally Interested, in the success of the new program. The Increasing price ot grains oth­ er than wheat and the advance In the price of hay have combined to develop an extremely serious prob­ lem for the countrys’ dairying and stock raising interests. There Is a -ei-hng tnat the present quotations on these commodities are unduly high and, as a result, there is a marked inclination to reduce herds and stocks ot poultry. It the menu of the American fam­ ily is to be maintained during the war there must be a steady increase In the number of meat animals be- cause this country must supply not only its own huge army and its civ­ ilian population, but, as well, the armies and civilian population of the allies. Regulation of the packing Industry may be a step In the direction of ex­ panding herds and stabilizing prices, out in order to make this great plan truly effective, it also will be neces­ sary for the government to go fur­ ther along the line of agricultural control and regulation) Oregon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , * Tillamook, O regen. T. BOI lb ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook.............................. Oregon Both Phones. C. 1IAWK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oregon Bay City 01< J. G. ¡TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND — OR EGON Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. J OHN ¡I.EI.ANDj HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, T illamook B lo ^ k , Tillamook - - - • Otegl«. ROOM NO. ail. h ; GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ovrt ~L j js k O tgon. Tillamook I H. T. Botts, Free, Attorney at-Law. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treas., Attorney-at- I. aw and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Abstracts. Real Estate, Insurance. Both Phones. TILLAMOOK—OREGON. TOWERS FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Waterproof Absolutely. Its loose fit and good feel put you at ease on any job that turns up. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I A.JTOWTOCO BOSTON