TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER lö. 1918. City Transfer Co. C. E. MELLETTE, Proprietor. GUY ALLMON, Manager. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. WOOD, COAL, STORAGE, DRAY AGE. STEAM HEATED STORAGE. Get our Prices on Special Trips to the Beaches. The Velre ¡»-bead type engine illua> trxtad her«, ilka <11 misrnal eombBS. tlon snginaa, rtqairt» in oil that hold« It« lubricating qualMica at cyl- tnder heat, bum« clean is tax coo», buttion chunbert and goes out with axhauat. Zcrolanc Ulla that« raquqv- manta perfectly, Becaunx it is eorreet- ly refined from selected CaMbrnla ax* fh.lt !>..» crude. ZEROLENE 7he Standard Oil for Motor Cars It Keeps the Engine Young! Zerolsne keeps the engine young—full-powered,smooth­ running, and economical in fuel and oil consumption— because it is correctly refined from selected California asphalt-base crude. Gives better lubrication with less carbon. Made in several consistencies. Get our Correct Lubrication Chart covering your car. At dealers everywhere and Standard Oil Sarrica Stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) H. C. BOONE, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Tillamook, Or. Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector BELL PHONE. MAIN 3 MUTUAL PHONE. rJŒDKJK You can still get Real Gravely Chewing Plug for 10c a pouch. It gives you more solid tobacco comfort than ordinary plug. Tastes better—lasts longer. ■ Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c • pouch— and worth it « Gravalylaata tomuch longer it cotta we more to cAewrAon ordinary plug P-«B. Gravely Tobacco Company. Danville. Virginia Ji CLOUGH'S CARBOLIC COMPOUND For disenfecting where Contagious or infectious diseases are prevailing.] CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ ful Germicidal mixture and by its use will improve general stable conditions. C. I. CLOUGH CO RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. \N. k. CHURCH FOR INSURANCE ire, Life, Ä.3aident, Automobile 2nd Ave. E between ist and 2nd Sts. Successor to J. S. Stephens a eases failed. It is hardly to be CAMPAIGN FOB CLOTHING QR. O. L. HOHLFELD, thought, after all that has been just­ ly said in condemnation of legislative VETERINARIAN. For Relief in Belgium—Week of trades and logrolling, that a bill to Mutual Phone. Bell Phone— 32J punlah those who refuse to trade or September 23-30. logroll can gain public approval.— Tillamook Oregon Cottage Grove, Or., Sept. 16— Oregonian. Mr. Herbert Hoover, Chairman for Having represented the Oregon 8tate the Commission for relief in Belgium, Editorial Association at the last leg­ AVID ROBINSON, M.D, Millionaire to Wear Blue Jeans. . has asked the American Red Cross, islative session, I am somewhat amus­ through Mr. H. P. Davison, to collect ed by the position of outraged virtue Edwin A. Brown, Denver soliolo- an additional five thousand tons of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON assumed by C. S. Jackson, high priest of single tax in Oregon, who accuses gist and reputed a millionaire, au­ used clothing for the Belgians. The thor of stories of men who are "down NATIONAL BUILDING, request has been gladly received, as the country newspapers of abusing out," has announced that as a the American Red Cross welcomes him because of the measures which and TILLAMOOK measure of wartime economy he will OREGON. he and Attorney Hagood initiated to wear only suits of blue Jeans until the opportunity to render such a needed service. The date set for this do away with the publication of the p> T.IBOAI.S, M.D., delinquent tax list and to decrease the war ends. He has appeared in his campaign is September 23-30. new garb at Sunday services at the the fee for legal publications. The minimum allotment for this First Presbyterian church, one of the 1 am particularly amused at Mr. division is 300 tons. Chapters will re­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Jackson's verbal contortions because most fashionable in the city. ceive their apportionments this week Surgeon S. P. Co. of the fact that on February 26 I but do not stop when allotment is (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Utah Women Make Own Sugar. wrote Mr. Jackson a letter asking reached, as there is need for all that ------ o him to appear before the editorial can be sent. Tillamook .... Oregon. association for the purpose of discus­ Women in Utah are going to make Cablegram from Mr. Hoover. sing his proposed measures, which sugar at home. The great Interest J^OBERT H. McGRATH, letter Mr. Jackson haughtily ignored. taken In sugar-beet production for Henry P. Davison. Chairman Red Cross War Council, The letter was as follows: COUNSKLLOR-AT LAW, syrups by the women of one county "I understand that you propose to has led to the planting of from 75 to Washington, D. C. The ten million imprisoned people ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDIN9, put a measure upon the ballot to 100 pounds of sugar beet seed. This lower the legal rate for country is the direct result of the work of in occupied Belgium and France are* TILLAMOOK, OREGON. newspapers as well as one changing the county home demonstration facing shame, suffering, disease and the manner of advertising delinquent agent, who has demonstrated the use and some of them death for lack of P ortiand O ffice taxes. 1 do not know what has caused and making of the syrup to each of clothing this winter. They must be 1110 W ilcox B ld . your uncalled for interest in the the 15 organizations in the county helped. I hope that the Red Cross country papers nor what your object with whom she works. The woman will undertake a renewed campaign ! ARL HABERLACH may be in meddling in a thing like have also made between 2000 and to obtain this clothing in America. the legal rate which limits the rate 2500 pounds of potato starch, aver­ It can come only from us. Your first ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. so that a newspaper can not over­ aging 25 pounds to four bushels of campaign yielded magnificant re­ charge but leaves a paper free to go potatoes. This means the saving of sults, bringing in fully 5,000 tons of T illamook B lock as low as it pleases, but whatever 400 bushels of potatoes that other­ clothing in good condition. But much Oregon- your reason may be and no matter wise would have been wasted. more is needed if these war-ravaged Tillamook what may be the source of your people are to get through the winter animus, I want to arrange to have in decency and safety. In the face of French Orphans. you appear at either a meeting of the brutal coercion and spiritual suffer­ w EBSTER HOLMES, ------ o Willamette Valley Editorial Associa­ ing they remain splendidly, courage­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Thirteen hundred and ninety four ous. This courage .challenges our tion or at a meeting of the State As­ sociation, to address the editors upon French war orphans have been adopt­ charity. Let us match the courage of COMMERCIAL BUILDING, these subjects. If we are wrong we ed by the National Association of the I Belgium by the generosity of Ameri­ FIRST STREET, want to know it. If you are wrong, Daughters of the American Revolu­ I ca. Herbert Hoover. tion. These children are the wards of we may tell you so. TILLAMOOK, - OREGON Mr. Davidson’s Reply. "I will do whatever I can to ac­ the French government, which pays commodate you as to dates and would half the sum necessary to their main­ My Dear Mr. Hoover: Your cablegram regarding the col­ QR. L. L. HOY, like a reply by return mail to the tenance, while the other half is con­ effect that you will make t^n effort tributed by the various D. A. R. lection of used and surplus clothing i for 10,000,000 imprisoned people in PHYSICIAN AND SURGEC N to be present at one meeting or the chapters. The names of the orphans are sent occupied Belgium and France is a other.” T illamook B lock , Other representatives of Mr. Jack- to Mme. Jusserand after each case 1 call lo the Red Cross to assist again 1 #on’s paper attended the meeting of has been investigated by the com­ in the relief of this stricken popula­ Oregtn. ¡Lite state association, but to date Mr. mittee of which Marshal Joffre is the tion. We have set aside the week of Tillamook, 1 Jackson has not given a reason for head. •September 23-30 -for a special cam­ not desiring to meet the country The committee reports that there paign for this purpose. As the need T. BUI 18 newspaper men face to face. are 3000 more children who need is greater than ever, it is certain that In connection with the legal rate help, but owing to the shortage of the people of the country will res­ ’ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ' bill 1 recall an occurrence at the ses­ labor it is impossible to obtain the pond even more generously than be­ sion at which the present legal rate clerical assistance necessary to com­ fore. Your appeal has been sent to Complete Set of Abstract Bocks in­ Office. i bill was enacted. Attorney Hagood, pile the lists. The* French office, our chapters through our divisional co-author with Jackson of the two which handles this work, was i dam- organization, and our workers, we Taxes Paid for Non Residents. initiated bills, was there. He admit­ aged recently by bombs. feel sure, will be glad to know that T illamook B lock , ted that the legal rate bill was a they can again be of service in this Tillamook .... Oregon 1 good one and a wise peace of legisla­ way. Cordially yours. Jacks of All Trades. Both Phones. tion. "If you will allow our delin­ Sgd. H. P. Davidson o ----- quent tax bill to go through without Chairman Red Cross War Council a fight, I will go before the commit­ Uncle Sam reached out and took us. w. C. HAWK, so of course we went and came ; The Kind of Garments Needed tee which is considering your bill Every kind of garment, for all and tell them that is one of the best To his school of preparation for the ! military game; ages and both sexes, is urgently pieces of legislation ever proposed to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON We laid down the tools of labor for needed. In addition, piece go .us, 1 a legislature," he said. our rifles and our packs, Before the committee which allow­ light, warm canton flannel and other Bay City Oregon- ed but 10 minutes for the discussion Wrapped our clothing into bundles 1 kinds of cloth from which to make and put khaki on our backs; garments for new babies, ticking, of the bill, Mr. Hagood used more than the allotted time. I asked for Yes, we left the farm and office and I sheeting and blankets, woolen goods QR J. G.iTVRNER, the counter and the mill permission to ask but one question of any kind—and shoes of every size as my part of the argument. I then And the time clock all behind us, but are asked for. Scrjip leather is need­ I EYE SPECIALIST. we hadn’t left our skill; asked Mr. Hagood if he had made ed for repairing footwear. the statement quoted above. Evident­ And while fighting in the trenches II Since the clothes will be subjected PORTLAND — OREGON is the work we have in view. ly thinking a trade was in sight, to the hardest kind of wear, only Regular Monthly Visits to Hagood admitted the fact. Chairman Any other job you mention Is the ' garments made of strong and dur­ kind that we can do, Kubli was visibly astounded by the able materials should be sent. It is Tillamook and Cloverdale. For the farmers and the plumbers useless to offer any afflicted popula­ admission. The bill was immediately WATCH PAPER FOR IJATES. And the agents and the drummers, reported out favorably. tion garments of flimsy material or This law, which Mr. Jackson’s au­ And the miners from the tunnel and guady coloring. Make the gifts prac­ the shaft. J OHN LELAND., HENDERSON thorized representative once admit­ tical. And the peddlers and the tailors ted to be one of the best pieces of | Garments need not be in perfect And the lumbermen and sailors . ATTORNEY i legislation, is now held up to ridicule condition. A hundred thousand desti­ Have their quota In the army of the tute women in the occupied regions ' by the man who once endorsed it. AND draft. The newspaper 1 publish does not are eager to earn a small livelihood COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. (From “In Camp and Trench: by repairing gift clothing and mak­ have the county printing. Songs of the Fighting Forces,” by ing new garments adapted to needs T illamook B lock , Elbert Bede. Berton Braley, George H. Doran Co. with which they are familiar. Tillamook - OiegjA. I ATTACKER ONCE ENDORSED LAW ------o------ Mr. Bede Reveals Double Dealing of Publisher’s Man Friday. PROSTITUTING THE LAW. ----- o Initiative Measure Introduced Gratify Jackson's Spite for Country Newspapers. ------o The Rivetless Ship. to Garments Needed. ROOM NO. 261. ------ o------ Men’s wear—-Shirts (preferably of Advices to the Journal of Com- i H GOYNE, light colored flannels,) undershirts, merce tells of the successful and underdrawers, trousers, coats, work­ highly interested tests of the ! new suits (overalls), suits, shoes. over­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. welded ship built in England and coats, Jerseys, sweater-vests, socks, Office: O pposite C ourt ;F jueb. launched two months or so ago. The and sweaters. vessel has been In service with full i Women's wear—Skirts, drawers, Tillamook - O. tgon. cargo during exceptionally rough corset slips, petticoats, shirts, coats, weather, "answering satisfactorily suits, shoes, cloth hats, knitted caps, in every way to the severe tests em- stockings, blouses. ployed." | Boys’ wear—Shirts, union suits, » H. T. Botts, J Pres. Attorney The ship was especially built "to undershirts, trousers, coats, suits, » 1 at-Law. prove the ability of welded construc- shoes, overcoats, jerseys, socks, stock­ I > tion to withstand the strains peculiar ings, sweaters. ) John Leland Henderson, Sec­ to a ship at sea." This principal hav- | Girls' wear—Dresses, skirts, over- > ) retary Treas., Attorney-at- ing been established it is proposed coats, nightdresses, drawers, stock­ Law and Notrary Public. that future vessels shall be a com- ings, undergarments, | petticoats, ____ _____ suits bination of the welded and riveted blouses, shoes, waists. Tillamook Title and type, and this plan of construction | Boys’ and Girls' wear—Hooded will aoon be tried in the United caps, pinafores, woolen union suits. Abstract Co. States. It appears that: | Infants Wear—Baby blankets, Abstracts. Real Eetate, “The United States shipping board, baby shirts, sweaters, bonnets, bibs, Insurance. having been in close touch with the | diapers, shoes, baby dresses, cloaks, experimental work, in making ar­ jackets, shawls, socks, bootees and Both Phones. rangements for the construction of binders. TILLAMOOK—OREGON. a number of 10,000-ton standard Miscellaneous—Bet ticks, bed­ ships, in which the use of rivets will sheets, pillow cases, blankets, muf- be reduced to 2A4 per cent of the . flers. number originally required." Woolen good of any kind whatso­ The next test will doubtless be a ever are acceptable; soft hats and test of the cast steel type of welded caps for all ages, and sweaters of any vessels, which has been so long urg­ kind and site. ed upon our shipping board, but has Men s shirts and pajamas, so worn thus far not seemed to commend it- or shrunken as no longer to be ser­ THAN EVER self to the board sufficiently to test viceable. are particularly welcome, j/our rairy in a small vessel. since the material can be utilized for making children's garments. days must be It is disclosed by Editor Bede’s letter, published elsewhere in The Oregonian today, that the voters of Oregon are asked to punish the coun- try newspapers for lese majesty, As representative for the country news­ papers, Mr. Bede was condescending­ ly offered a trade in legislation by the emissary of the Portland Journal. The Journal had a hobby that notice to the public of pending issu­ ance of certificates of tax delin- quency and their availability to purchasers should not be given. It felt that failure of tax payments should be kept quiet. Neglect to pay should be a secret between the prop­ erty owner and the Sheriff. So the emissary offered to traffic, according to the Bede revelations. If Bede would not oppose this fantastic idea the emissary would give his hearty indorsement to a bill fixing the max­ imum rates on public advertising in country newspapers. But the deal was spurned. The ad­ vertising law was passed, but the Journal's insane law to suppress in­ formation concerning tax delinquen­ cies was not. Could there be any greater affront? Sa) now, in a year when people's thoughts are turned to the high alms Tablets. of the Nation and the war duties de­ ----- o----- volving on everybody, there is •*I have been selling Chamberlain’s launched by Initiative petitions pro­ Tablets for about two years cured by the Journal, a bill to repeal heard such good reports from and _ my the advertising law which Its own customer«, that I concluded to give representative offered to indorse, them a trial myself. and can say that and did admit before a committee of I do not believe that there is another the Legislature that he was ready to preparation of the kind equal to approve as a wise measure. them." writes G. A. McBride. Head­ It la not the first time an attempt ford. Ont. If you are troubled with has been made to prostitute the in­ indigestion or constipation give them itiative to gratify spite. In the past a trial. They will do you good.—For such attempts have in the grosser ■ Sale by Lamar's Drug Store.—Pd Ad. M ore Do Not Send. Garments of flimsy material or gaudy coloring, ball dresses, high­ heeled slippers, etc. Stiff hats, either men's or women's straw, dress or derby. Anything containing rubber, rain­ coats, rubber boots, etc. (Note: Rubber heels can easily be removed from shoes.) Books, toys. soap, toilet articles. Notes of communication of any sort or description must positively not be sent. productive •’wtutoricreaires B rand REFLEX SLICKER Townsfistt Cut full in shoulder, ch st and arms-coTtfcrtable. s lo^cocari^. Ufetenmf absdoiA iSS * AJ£5’di