or operate any locomotive, logging engine, portable engine, traction another side to this question. Which I j A Penitentiary Offenie to Set Out engine or stationary engine us­ ing fuel other than oil. In or near business Is the first to start on? Subscription .. $i 50 yr. Take Firei. forest or brush land, which is not the newspaper and printing ------ o provided with an adequate spark business for an illustration. There By request of some of our leading are five newspapers and one job of- citizens who are interested in fire arrester kept in constant use and re­ pair. Any person, firm or corporation ftce in the county. One office is all protection and the prevention of «•ho shall wiltully fail to comply ------ o— ■ that is needed to do the work. It It U no, generally known in this takes a whole lot of garages and a forest fires, we have been asked to with the foregoing provisions of this county that trained nurser are hard large number of men to repair au­ publish the law in regard to setting sec non shall be guilty ot a misde­ to c«t,«A.n, a largv number having tomobiles which are used for pleas­ out fires ad the penalties, and as meanor, aud upon conviction there­ gone to France and that persons who ure. Why not stop people riding for we are particularly interested in of shall pay a tine for each engine toe* .ue Red “ * Cross examinations pleasure? One bank in the city would this matter, we gladly do so. or locomotive without such spark ar­ Our citizens should familiarize rester 01 not less than twenty-five have been drafted by the govern- ..uffice. There is an overabundance Hitizi. and liable to be called at any of grocery stores in the city and themselves with every section of dollars nor more than one hundred this law and report any violation im­ dollars, and shall be enjoined from tuae «.or active service. county, and a good may could be dis­ mediately to the Fire Warden or the • liiiuer use 01 such engine or loco- pensed with. The same may be said »»e are glaa to k.,uw that quite a of other stores and businesses. Take County Judge, the County Clerk, motive uaul such spara arrester is p.ovideu. escape of tire from any en­ namber ot ou. vituena are iiitereHcd also the professions. It does not re­ District Attorney or the Sheriff. Below we give several sections of gine shau ue prima taele evidence in the prevention or torest tires and quire a score of attorneys to look af­ tuat »ucn appliance has not been ad­ the danger to *u*m nouses and barns ter the legal business, with as many the law. ssould a bad me get started. And it stenographers. One abstracter and Section 7. During the period be­ equately maintained in compliance 1 b important that they become in- one fire insurance agent would be tween June 1st and October 1st, wuh tms section. Upon proof that le.ested before a fire is started than sufficient. Make everybody shave which is hereby designated the clos­ any presecution has been instituted aitt* a fire wipes out their homes themselves and that would place a ed season, it shkll be unlawful for under this section by any fire war­ and uarnes. number of men in other branches of any person or persona to set out fire, den, any court of competent jurisdic­ business. There are too many men any slashing, chopping, woodland or tion snail enjion the further use ot ihe unexpected always happens In in the postoffice and girls could do brush land either his or their own the engine involved, unless equipped Tina:nook county. With one of the the work and probably a little faster. or the property of another, without and maintained in compliance with diye. 1 spring the cotknty has seen True it is that young men of draft written or printed permission from a mis section to the satisfaction ot said fo. ...any year, with conditions ripe age who have dependents have been fire warden and compliance with the lire warden, until the ueteudant has foi »tribus forest fires and meadows taken out of some of the stores and terms thereof which shall prescribe seen acquitted of tne charge preter- beg...ning tb fall, long comes a stray are engaged in other occupations, the conditions upon which the per­ red. ran. storm in the middle of July and But the trouble is we can all see mit Is given and which are necessary section 11. All persons, firms, or auays all fears of forest fires for thé the mote in the other fellow's eye to be observed in setting such fire corporations engaged 111 logging, or turn being and starts the grass to and not in our own. Why, the argu- and to prevent it from spreading so permitting loggiug upon then lands glow, surely Tillamook county is in ment could be raised that it does not that life or property of another may in mis -jta 10, shau each year, burn luck again, whett weather conditions require cheese to win the war, for be endangered thereby. This restric­ iaeir annual slashing, by which is loon. d dubious. And the patter of the cheese is not in the army ration, and tion shall not apply to the burning meant the top» auu inflammable re- rain made most every dairyman why not put the whole of the dairy­ of log piles , stumps or brush heaps, • dse left after lumbering, that may snnie, for had the dry weather con­ men into other lines of business that quantities, under adequate precau­ carry lire or cause it to spread, at tinued It would have been necessary will help win the war, for cheese is tions and person control, and fn ac- such tune and iu such manner and to ¡«.sort to feeding cattle. more or less a luxury? Some persons eArdance with any regulations whlch with such provision of help that are altogether one sided on this sub- may be adopted by the State Board win coniine the tire to their own How funny! Th« Germans have ject, and look at it from a personal, of Forestry for the purpose of insur- lauds, aud it such ourning is done an« are still poking fun at United f selfish standpoint. We are free to Ing public safety; but if any Huch between June 1 and uctooer 1 shall Btw.es soldiers, stating that they can­ admit that by consolidating some burning without permission shall re­ rirsi cut uown ail dead trees or snags not use tire arms. They will find out businesses that a large amount < of sult in the escape of fire and injury over twenty live teot high. Builders whenever they rutl up against a man power could be saved i, but not to the property of another, this shall ox trans, toads, or railroads in this regiment of our boys from the Pacif­ in all lines of business. Before 1 the be held prima facie evidence that State snail immediately destroy or ic Coast, they are dead shots and no war is over the government may in­ such burning was not safe and was a remove au imiammaule material re­ better soldiers could be mustered augurate some system of consolidat­ violation of this section. Violation of sulting from construction or clear­ anywhere. We all remember how the » ing stores in towns, but we hope be­ these provisions shall be punished by ing for sucn improvements unless Germans also poked fun at England's fore doing r? it will put some of the a fine of not less than twenty-five prevented under tne provisions ot sec­ little insignificant army, but since large number of Information bureaus dollars ($25), or more than five tions 7 and 8 ot this act. Any person, then the Germans do not like the at Washington and other places out hundred ($500), or by imprisonment urin or corporation operating a rail­ ligtning spirit that is in Tommy At­ of business, for they are sending out of not less than ten days nor more road in this stale with coal or wood kins. Well it the German soldiers a whole lot of useless truck th'ough than three months. Permits to burn, tuel snail annually, or so when dl- don't like to meet the English sol­ the mails. And maybe it woiJd be a as provided by this section may be .ecteu oy tne stale Board ot Forestry diers in a mortal combat, they won’t good thing to reduce the ,lumber of issued by any fire warden, and shall and in a uia..uer and to an ex­ like the United States soldiers either, Senators and Representatives, and contain such safeguarding restric­ cel, c uirecteu uy saiu ooaru, uestroy lor our boys have gone to France to the great big army of men who are tions as to time of burning and pre- or remove ail lnuauiinaule material scrap with Fritz and bring victory holding down soft jobs at Washing­ caution to be taken as may be fixed irom the right or way of said rail- for the cause of the allies. ton, D. C. oy him as to the discretion of tire xouu. 011 uuiMtug unuer me provis­ wardens. Any fire warden shall have ion ot this section shall be in accor­ ------ o------ the right to refuse, revoke or post­ dance wim me provisions ot ¡sections There is a lamentable lack of en­ The American Red Oross have terprise on some of Tillamook county been and is still making an urgent pone permits when necessary to pre­ 1 aud 8 ot this act. Ketusal or neg­ beaches. By simply selling a few lots appeal to the people of Tillamook vent danger of the life or property lect to comply with the provisions does not make an attractive place county to furnish more moss, and we ot another. Any permit obtained o. this section shall be punished by a misrepresentation tine ot not less man one hundred for visitors. It requires places of are sorry to say that a large number through wilful amusement, for when persons are of our citizens have not fully realiz­ shall ue invalid and give no exemp­ dollars tor each offense; provided, out on a vacation they do not care to ed the importance of this patriotic tion from liability ot any kind. In mat me state Forester, may suitpeuu mope around, which they have to do duty we are called upon to perform. times and localities of uusual fire the restrictions or this section when on Garibaldi beach. It requires plac­ We want to arouse the people of dager, the Governor, with the advice and where he deems public safety so es like the niinutoriuiu al Bayocean Tillamook county in this matter for of the State Forester, may suspend permits or requires; it is further pro­ to please people at the seaside, but I we are not making the sacrifices that any or all permits or privileges au­ vided, that in the absence of such thorized by mis section and prohibit suspension, und 111 case of refusal or this seaside enterprise is handicap­ we should, nor are we giving up ped on account of having no road to pleasure for patriotic service. It is a absolutely the use of tire herein neglect by any person or persons at it. Although 110 body have expended nice thing to talk and preach pa- mentioned. Whenever, or wherever, fault, after proper notice, to take the any money on the Garibaldi beach triotism and laud and praise our during an open season for the hunt­ precaution against fire required by to elect a natalorlum or other ttrac- boys in France who are now in the ing ot any kind of game in this uus section, tne State Forester, or tivi places of amusement, with the thick of the fight, but we fail to ótate, it shall appear to the Gover­ district fire warden acting with his exception of dance halls, a large I practice patriotism if we neglect to nor upon the showing of the State consent may have the work done to amount of money have been expend- provide sphagnum moss for absorbant f orester that by reason of extreme the extent he deems requisite to pub­ eu on road work and it is no more I pads to assuage the flowing blood drought the use of firearms or fire lic saiety, and the cost thereof and than light that Bayocean should from wounds Inflicted upon our no­ by hunters is liable to cause forest the expense of any tire patrol rend­ fires, he may, by proclamation, sus­ ered necessary by the delay shall be have a road and a way out. ble boys. That is why a limited 1.um­ pend the open season and make it a recoverable from the offender by ac­ ber of Red Cross workers in this The German language paper» county are now devoting their time closed season for the shooting of tion for debt. Section 12. Any person who shall which printed German propaganda, and energies to this work, and the wild birds and ahimals of any kind are either closing up shop or making snap shot man lias no compunction lor what time as he may designate, unlawfully or maliciously set fire to apologies for their activities in be­ in saying that those who are and during the time so designated any woods, forest, timber, brush or half ot the Kaiser and the junkers of not taking an active part in the moss all provisions of the law relating to vegetable matter whatever with in­ Germany. They sowed the seed of picking drive are not doing their pa­ closed seasons for game shall be in tent that the property of another shall be injured thereby, shall be poison in the United States and ac­ triotic duty. We do not want to hurt force. section 8. Any person who sets out guilty of a felony, and upon convic­ cused the allies of starting the war, the feelings of anyone, but we can­ und, no doubt, had a great deul to not help note one fact. People have fire or causes to be set out, any tion thereof shall be punished by im­ do with the sentiment that prevailed devoted a great deal of time to pleas­ woods, brush, grass, grain, stubble, prisonment in the State Penitentiary artlongst pro Germans in blowing up ure and amusement this week, and or other material being or growing for not less than one year nor more bridges and ammunition factories little to moss picking at a time when on any lands not his own without than ten years. Section 13. In addition to the causing loss of life. It is a poor time there are urgent need of absorbant perinissio from the owner, or who for the German language newspapers pads for wounded soldiers whose life woliully or negligently allows fire penalties provided in this act, the to be apologizing, but when the war blood is flowing from horrible, gast- to escape from his own land, or any United States, State, county, or pri­ is over the government should tell ly wounds, Inflicted on our boys on one who accidently sets any tire on vate owners, whose property is in­ those who ran these papers to get the battle field. In all seriousness we his own land or another's and allows jured or destroyed by fires in viola­ odt ot the United States and go appeal to the people to forego pleas­ it to eseape from his control without tion of this act, may recover in a back to Germany, for the people of ure for the time being and make extinguisning 11, or usiug every ef­ civil action double the amount of the United States are not going to some sacrifices the next few months fort to do so, shall be punished by a damages suffered if the fires occur­ tolerate German propaganda being t o furnish an abundance of moss for fine ot not less than fifty dollars, red through wilfulness, malice or circulated In tills country In the fu- absorbant pads. If our citizens would nor more than one thousand dollars, negligence; but if such fires were or imprisonment for not less than caused or escaped accidently or un­ ture. take as much interest in gathering one month nor more than one year; avoidable, civil action shall lie only 1 ■■ o------ and picking moss as they have in at­ provided, that it shall be ¡awful to for the actual damage sustained as P readier* and ministers of the tending the Chautauqua this week, gospel who preach in German or what a wonderful record Tillamook ouild, in a careful manner, camp determined by the value of the prop­ some other foreign language had bet­ people could have made for the coun­ fires on uny uninclosed lands , the erty injured or destroyed, and the ter take a hunch and cut it out. ty in patriotic service rendered the owner of which has not forbidden detriment to the land and vegetation Germany is a barbarous, blood-thirs­ government and the American Red such building of camp fires thereon thereof. Persons or corporations ty nation, and Its very name will Cross, and how proud we would all by personal notice or by posting such causing fires by violations of this stink in the nostj-lls of the people of feel. There Is yet time to make a rec­ prohibition in conspicuous places or act shall be liable in action for debt the world for generations. And, fur­ ord for the county. The urgent de­ otherwise, if, before departing from, to the full amount of all expenses ther, the ministers who preach tn mand for moss is far more important the place where such camp fire has incurred tn fighting such fires. Section 14. Any person not ent­ the German language, or the persons than a Chautauqua, and although we has been built, the builder of such who curry on conversation In that would not deprive our citizens of a fire totally extinguishes the same; ployed and compensated as a fire language, are open to suspicion. It Is good class of entertainment. It is the and provided further, that nothing warden who shall direct anyone vlo- good advice right now to advise duty of otir citizens to make some in this section shall apply to the set­ lating any of the provisions of thls people to desist from preaching or sacrifices, especially at a time when ting ot a back fire, in good faith, to act, and shall furnish information of talking In the German language. It the government and the American prevent the progress of a fire then such person, shall, upon his convic­ tion, receive one-half of the fine may save a good deal of trouble for Red Cross make appeal to hurry up burning. Section 9, Any person who builds paid by such person so convicted, the United States casualty list is the production of moss. The people growing longer every day. and thlH of the county have freely given of a camp fire upon lands within this otherwise all fines Imposed under will embitter people against Ger­ their money, and we feel proud of State, not his own, without clearing this act, less the cost of collection, many and those in this country who Tillamook County's record in that the ground around it free from ma­ shall go into the general fund of the preach and talk in that language. respect, and now we w-ant our citi­ terial which will carry fire, or who county in which conviction is had. Section 15. Whenever an arrest The English language Is good eough zens to practice patriotism by giving leaves thereon a camp fire burning for the United Staten, and those who time to gathering and picking over aud unattended, or who permits a shall have been made for violation don’t want to preach and carry on moss. Won’t you deprive yourself of camp fire to spread thereon, or who of any provision of this act, or when­ conversation In that language had a little pleasure and make a few sac­ uses in any firearms discharged ever any evidence which shows with better get out of the country as rifices the next few weeks and gath­ thereon other than incotubustable reasonable certainty any such viola­ quickly as possible, for the lines are er and sort moss for the government gun wadding, shall be punished by a tion shall have been lodged with him fine of not loss than twenty-five dol­ the district attorney for the county being closely drawn against Ger­ and the American Red Cross? lars, nor more than five hundred in which the criminal act was com­ man language preaching, the same dollars, and upon refusal or neglect mitted must presecute the offenders as against German language ncws- to pay the fine and costs imposed with all diligence and energy. If Seamen Will Boycott Germany. papers, with their German propa shall be imprisoned for a period not any district attorney shall fall to ganda. British and French seamen have1 to exceed one day for every two dol­ comply with the provisions of this Some persons appear to be highly entered into au agreement declaring lars thereof, or may be subject to section he shall be guilty of a misde­ indlgnanl because there are so many that they w III exclude all Germans both such fine and impriMnment at meanor. and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dol­ young men employed in stores and from crews and carry no German the discretion of the court. lars nor more than one thousand dol­ Section 10. From June 1st to Oc ­ goods after the war. The action IS they consider, other places, who, lars. In the discretion of the court. should be either I11 the army or in said to be in retaliation for the tober 1st of each year it shall be un­ Presecution against the district at­ some other useful occupation to help "shameful assassination of 15,000 lawful for any person, firm or cor­ poration. or employee thereof, to use 1 torney shall be conducted by the At- win the war. The point is well taken noncombatant seamen." THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. and a good argument can be made from that standpoint, but there Is F. C. BAKER. Publisher. TO PREVENT FOREST FIRES. torney General. The penalties of this section shall apply to any justice of the peace, with proper authority, who refuses or neglects to issue a warrant for the arrest of any person when complaint under oath of viola- tlon of any terms of this act has been lodged with him. Editorial Snap Shots. AUEX. JWcNAIR & CO. GENERAL HARDU1ARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere BIG ENOUGH-SMALL ENOUGH HOUGH steadilv growing 111 size, the First tional Bank|is’vet small enough to appreci- ute the youngest depositor |with the smallest de- Xnd, stiil it is large enough to fulfill the posits needs of the largest depositor. Bring a National Bank, it is under Government Regulation. DIRECTORS A. I t . Bunn, Farmer. P. Helsel, Farmer. C. J. Edwards. Mgr. C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres. B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. tF. J. Riechers. Cashier. 'ationalBan L1AMB-SCHRADER co wholesale and retail CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd|Ave. West, Tillamoik, Or. Bollir^ Points —«r» vaporizing point». In Red Crown juoliw they form r continuou», uniform chain—giving »ready, dependable power, took for the Red Crown »ign. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Gasoline ^Quality H. C. BOONE, Special Ag:at,¡Standard Oil Co., Tillamook, Or.