Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 25, 1918, Image 1

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|i.50 PER YEAR.
silo book it is free. VV. Kuppenben-
Captain Billy Star and wife and noon at the Fort Penn Hotel, Pitts­
• Mr. and Mrs. P. Langhardt, who burgh. The complications that arise
Get your big book on uses cf ce­ were residents of Tillamook a num­ are both thrilling and humorous,
ment in modern sanitary farming. No ber of years ago. motored in from Even the girl in the case gets in a
W. A. Wise, dentist
farmer should be without it. It is Portland and spent the week end bad tangle from which the hero
Spend your evenings at the Gem.
rescues her. He also saves the pt Ince
free. See Kuppcnbender.
• with W. H. Hoskins and family.
Insurance on hay-Phone Watson.*
from being blown up and wins the
Furnished rooms for rent. $2.00 a
contract despite Firkins and his
Let W. A. Church write your insur­ week, water and lights, furnished. about 25 per cent of feed that is fed ''devilish ways.”
Corner of Second and Stillwell Ave.,
* feed put up in a silo is worth about
Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Tillamook, Oregon.
This is Chautauqua Week.
30 per cent more than if put up dry?
For Sale—Team, weight 1200, full Mr. Rancher do some figuring.
I -
The annual Tillamook Chautau­
Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. O. O. F. sisters, color black, age 6 and 7,
Bldg. Tillamook, Oregon.
* gentle and well broke.—Bert Hoyt, rain visited Tillamook county with qua commenced on Monday in this
Sandlake, Oregon.
city, and the prospects look good tor
copious showers during the night.
The soil doctor i* told by Kuppen­
Owing to the trouble in obtaining The county was greatly in need of a good attendance for the entire
* boxes, shipment of cheese was de­
week. The disposal of season tickets
rain and will be a great benefit to
have been somewhat slow, which
Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver- layed, which will also delay the is­ the meadows and vegetation.
goes to make up an amount of mon­
Wire.--R. W. Bennett.
• suing of checks the flrBt of the month
The Shimer Vaporizing, Super ey guaranteed by those who signed
Kuppcnbender sells feed for less.
There are four companies of Ore­
Call at the wareiicuse.
* gon Volunteer Guard in Tillamook Heating Gas Generator Manifold. the contract, but it is expected that
"For Ford cars on>y.” Is absolutely sufficient tickets will be sold to
Highest cash price paid for hides— county, at Tillamook, Wheeler, Clov­ guaranteed to sav<- you 50 per cent cove.- this, the time being extended
L. Thayer, at Ball’s shop.
» erdale and Beaver.
of your running expenses. See Plas­ for that purpose.
Will sacrifice two lots, 105 by 105,
The opening day was devoted to
The Shlmer Manifold will give you ker Bros.
cash or auto. Ernest Gienger.
* 20 per cent more power, and the vap­
Hay Insurance costs very little. 18 organizing Mother Goose
lauqua, for the young folks and
For all kinds of cement work. See
* based on term insured.—See Watson reading and Impersonations by Jose-
* Plasker Bros.
A. T. Dolan, Mutual ‘ —
or Phone 43J or Mutual at office phine Bealsey, the musical feature
Situation Wanted.—Practical nurs­ and house. Do this now, today. Let beig the Apello Concert Co., who are
Pigs and shoats for sale, cheap, all
sizes on M. R. Hanenkrat farm.
* ing, to do general nursing. Call Dave Watson the old reliable write your splendid music entertainers.
Krake, Mutual Phone and ask for insurance.
On Tuesday, the musical features
Every dairy cow should be fed some Jannette Seymor.
were by Moana Vierra’s Royal Haw­
Linseed Oil Meal.—Ray & Co.
Including the last draft of young aiian Quartet which greatly pleased
A large number of persons were
We handle Trojan Powder. Best for at the depot on Monday to see the men who were over 21 years of age, the large audience. The lectures were
stumping.—Tillamook Feed Co.
boys entrain and leave for Camp there are only about 25 single men oy Dr. Arthur D. Carpenter, in the
Wanted a women to help in house Lewis, the last call being for 37 men. left in class one. This is to be ac­ afternoon, whose subject was "World
counted for in some measure to the in the Making," which proved a
work. Address P. O. box 143.
Don’t throw away your old tires but fact that a large number of young most interesting lecture on astron­
County Clerk Erwin Harrison left get an ‘‘Inner Tire” and get from men enlisted in the navy.
omy. In the evening, Mrs. C. A. Zeh-
tor Salem this morning on business. 100 to 5000 miles more service out of
Attorney Geo. Winslow, the food ner, a Southern lady, delighted her
R. W. Bennett, expert watch re­ each tire at low cost.—See Shrode.*
administrator for Tillamook county, hearers with "American Ideas,” and
pairing. S. P. Vi/atch inspector.
Wanted, day work of any kind, says that people can buy 25Ibs. of she was loudly applauded when re­
Born, to the wife of Joe Franklin, would rather do washings and iron­ sugar for canning purposes as often ferring to the world war and the
ings at home or at house, 25c. an hour as required, without having to have a part the United States is taking in It.
a son, on Monday.
Wednesday, the Metropolitan Ar­
* permit, but it is not to be used for
We buy and sell second band autos. Bell Phone 136J.
tists gave the musical features, and
For sale or trade. One Belgum mare
Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage.*
Dr. Elliott A. Boyl the lecture en­
9 years old. Make me an offer of cow
Wanted a representative for Tilla­ titled ‘The Advantage of a Handicap’
For bargains in second hand auto­
or what you have, G. F. Hackett, mook County, either lady or gentle­ A splendid set of war pictures pleas­
mobiles go to Case’s Garage.
ship yard. Box 576 City.
man for war time necessity. Endors­ ed the crowd in the evening. A bunch
Insure your hay, pjay safe,—
ed by government officials. A big of flowers, given by Mrs. McGhee,
Need a truck to haul your milk? Or opportulty and a good income as­
Phone Watson.
was uuctloned off by Mr. Lance,
anything else? Got an old automobile?
Announcing the^iew Grant Six, the See Sliro ie, lie will explain the rest. sured to a real worker.—Address, which added >81.00 to the Red Cross.
with reference, F. E. RuBsell 129*6
ThiB (Thursday) afternoon and
best ever. See Kuppenbendcr.
It’s a "Truxtun Attachment.”
* 12th street, Portland, Oregon.
* evening the New York Marine Band
For sale, second hand furniture. En­
In conformity with the rule formed
Two boys, about 15 years of age, will be one of the best entertain­
quire at the Headlight office.
elsewhere, all wood orders must be named Paul Ingle and Archie Miller, ments of the Chautauqua. In the
Let Kuppcnbender tell you hew to
broke into the cheese factory at the afternoon Elsie Mae Gordon gave
• dour Grass road and stole >100.00 character studies and readings.
save money on ycur cement work. * —A. F. Coats Lumber Co.
The spine is the indicator of your worth of cheese. They were followed
To morrow (Friday) there will be
Before buying that automobile, see health. The ostopath cures diseases
to Willamina, where they were ar­ two very highly interesting speakers.
W. J. Stephens at the Elkhorn Billiard by adjusting the spinal lesions. Con­ rested by a Yamhill deputy sheriff In the afternoon Dr. M. T. Yamomo-
Parlors about the Oldsmobile.
sultation froo. Room 4, Masonic Bld., and admitted their guilt and sur- to, a Japanese author and lecturer,
Jenkins, the Jeweler, is now in a Phone 169-R.
rendered the cheese. They will be will speak on Japanese American re­
to the industrial school from lations, and he severely scores the
position to give you prompt service
Demand that your contractor use
Hearst newspapers for endeavoring
on your repair work.
Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­
to create bad feeling between this
For rent, four roomed house
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heyd and a
nished, with or without garage, Ap- qualities which is preferred. For sale party of friends left on Friday by country and Japan. In the evening
at the Kuppenbendcr Warehouse. * auto for Portland, to meet Jacob ¡Sergeant-Major Smith, of New York,
ply to the Headlight office.
who served three years in the British
All accounts that have not been
For Sale, bay horse, 10 years old, settled by the first of August will be Heyd, of Kirksville, Mo., who 1 came army, and was wounded, will give
about 900 tbs. Apply to W. H. Banke turned over to our attorney for col­ to spend the summer with 1 his son his experience in the trenches. The
and wife. While in Portland 1 J. A.
o n phone,
__ _ «L'n
lection. (The old) Tillamook Feed Anderson joined the party, which Eichorns Directors will have the mu­
For Sale—3 young brood sows, 8 Co., D. L. Shrode.
• was a pleasant surprise and reunion. sical features.
Saturday the closing day, Schubert
months old, bred, Paul Fitzpatrick,
There will be a special meeting of Mr. Anderson, who lived two years in Serenaders will prove attractive, al­
Bell Phone 5F12.
the Oregon Volunteer Guard at the
so a lecture "Physical Training,” by
Best by Test—Oregon Portland Armory Hall next Monday evening Oregon.
Beatrice E. Haskett, and in the even­
Cement. For sale by Lamb Schrader at which time the uniforms will be
Maggie lllingsworth vs. William ing the prelude will be "Mother
R. lllingsworth is a divorce suit filed Goose Festival.”
Take your watches and clocks to
For Sale.—50 light acyteline light­ in the circuit court( These parties
Jenkins, when in need of repair, for ing system for sale cheap, 300 feet were married in this county on the
Notice to W. R. C.
quick service.
piping and lamps. A bargain for an up 25th of November, 1902. The plain­
tiff alleges that covering a period of
We want all members of the W. R.
Best in the West—Oregon Portland to date store or ranch. Inquire at more than 15 years the defendant
* abused her and on many occasions C. to be preBent, as we are going to
Cement. Always uniform and fresK City Transfer Co.
Jasen J. Powell vb E. L. Youmans, inflicted physical violence upon her, dedicate our service flag in honor of
Lamb-Schrader Co.
Y. Masters and A. D. Craig is a thereby causing her great physical the mothers who have given the na­
Don’t pay over $1.10 for a first class
filed in the circuit court to re­ and mental pain and distress, the tion a soldier. Be loyal and be pres­
pitch fork. Get them at Smithy’» at
cover *2,500 growing out of a con­ planitlff being cruel and inhuman. ent it possible. Don't forget the date.
this price.
¡Saturday, August 3rd. Further an­
tract to purchase certain land.
Six children were born to the union.
nouncement in next week’s paper.
If you have a Ford car Investigate
For Sale—One 7x10 Tacoma Don­ The planitlff prays that the mar­ All are cordially invited. By order of
the Shlmer Manifold at Plaaker
key Engine, 800 feet of main line and
1600 feet of trip line, blocks and oth­ court to make proper provision con­
For Sale-Twin Excelsior Motor er equipment. Inquire of C. L. Wool- cerning the custody and support of
, the children.
Notice To The Public.
Cycle. At a bargain If taken at once.' cy and Son, Tillamook,
Enquire at Tillamook Garage.
Married on the 20th of July, at
that we have
Complete Neskowin-Otis Surrey
Mrs. A. K. Case left on Sunday
Bay City, Ore., the Rev. H. J. Hick-
discontinued our contract with the
spend a few days with her sister at erson, pastor of the Union church,
Salem, Or. July 23—John H. Scott, Coats Lumber Co. for hauling wood
Illwaco, Washington.
officiating, Chas. F. Girard and Au- location engineer for the state high­ from the mill. In future we will de­
Wanted to rent, dairy ranch, from gusta Keene.
way commission, haa completed a vote our equipment and energies to
>5 to 30 cow*.—John Zeller, Tilla-
Rev. H. J. Hickerson, of Bay City, survey for a section of highway be­ general and special work in our line,
mook, Oregon.
will occupy the pulpit at the Presby­ tween Neskowin, in Tillamook coun­ and feel that we can give better and
Will pay you to see Everson tor a terian Church next Sunday morning, ty. and Otis, Lincoln County, where quicker service than heretofore. We
eate investment in city property or and A. M. Ginn will preach in the there is no road at present. Because thank you for past business and
of the roughness of the country con­ solicit a continuance of the same.
farm land*.
City Transfer Co.
siderable expense will be attached to
For Sale — 121
tat acre* of Wilson river
For sale—80 acres irrigated alfalfa the project which will be borne by
bottom land. Inquire of L. G. Free­ land, Hermiston country. Part level­
the two counties. The length of the
man, Tillamook, Oregon.
ed, buildings, well, etc. $3600. Owner road will be about seven miles. It
Chautauqua Lecturer Spy.
o ■ ■
For Sale—New modern residence, R. J. Arnold, 1828 East Everett, St., will be a link of the coast highway
One of the lecturers who started
located in best residence district. For Portland, Oregon.
and ultimately may be part of a coast
out on the Elllaon-White Chautau­
•ale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd.
Eugene Jenkins, the jeweler, has military highway.
qua circuit and who was originally
First class dressmaking. Long's employed C. W. Little, of Minneapo­
booked for the second day of the
Appartments, Mutual Phone, Mrs. lis, and is in a position to give you
session in this city, has been taken
Nell Rasmussen and Mrs. Chas quick and reliable service on your
in custody by federal authorities as
watch and clock repair work.
The man of many thrills and laugh­ a German spy. He is a man who rep­
Go to Bayocean—Beautiftfl seaside ter, George Walsh, the William Fox resents himself as Captain J. M.
A new line of wall paper just re­
ceived at the Harris Furniture store, resort—Hotel. Bungalows.
Natator- athletic thunderbolt will be here Beauford, a Belgian officer and no­
also a prepared paste for putting * it ium. Take boat at Garibaldi
next Thursday in a photoplay called bleman and a secret service agent of
For sale or trade—1916, Model 83, 4 "Brave and Bold”. The Management the Belgian government, who saw
service in Germany. He is now being
Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook [cylinder Overland in good running of the Ge mTheatre promises Mr.
Walsh will surpass anything he has ! held for further investigation,
office Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes­
ever done. No doubt he will fulfill
days and Thursdays until further no­ good tires, 2 spare tires. Want lighter this promise because Walsh never
car or $700 cash. Address E. J. Kraft.
Women of Tillamook County.
Wheeler, Ore. Will demonstrate.
* does anything by halves. That is the
Get your farm implements, gas en­
reason he is so big a favorite every-
Why not protect yourself in old
A respectable middle age lady, who where.
gines, silos and cutters from Kuppcn­
age, and those dear to you, the same
Walsh has a story that gives him
bender. We guarantee all of our
change of climate, wishes employment plenty of chance to exhibit his ath­ as men do?
Oregon Life insures women same
as housekeeper. Does not care for letic ability. As Robert Booth asso­
The Shimer Manifold Is absolutely family housekeeping. Address Box
as men.
guaranteed, and if not satisfactory, lot, R. F. D., Tillamook, Oregon. *
We issue a most attractive Savings
ing to close a deal with a European policy for women.
your money back, investigate
Tillamook has a responsible, resi­ prince. This will net his firm a bil- [ Medical examination free of coet.
Plasker Bros.
dent paino tuner. Reasonable charges, lion dollars or so. The house of Firk- I It will cost you nothing to get our
Money to ioan on farm lands, from guaranteed work. Selling Steinway ins & Firkins is the Wilson Co.'s ri­
1590 up, Good term*. Reasonable rate and other quality pianos. Address H. val and at the head of this house is figures.
Write or phone, H. R. Blauvelt,
of interest. We want your business. F. Cook, Box 164. Tillamook, or leave I Chester Firkins. Now Robert Booth
Executive Special. Ramsey Hotel,
See Everson.
orders at Everson’s Real Estate of­ | has an appointment with the prince Tillamook, Oregon.
The "Guaranteed" silo ia complete fice.
* at four-forty sharp on Friday after-
and sold for less. Send for our big
Tillamook Jottings
----- o-----
Another Tillamook Pioneer Dairy­
man Passes A way.
Willard T. Newcomb was born in
the Willamette Valley on the fourth
day of September, 1867, being at
time of his death 50 years, 10
months and 16 i days.
His parent* were early settlers,
coming to this county when he was
three years of age.
He was married to Bertha Penwell,
Feb. 19 th, 1905..
He is surviyed by his wife, mother,
two brothers and three sisters, who
have the sympathy of the people of
the county in their bereavement.
William Smith Hays, a pioneer
farmer and dairyman of Tillamook
County, passed away at his home in
this city on Friday morning. He had
been quite sick for several months,
and his death was not unexpected.
The deceased had, in former years
with his son R. R. Hays taken an ac­
tive part in the development of the
county and played an important part
in the political activities of the
Need of More Moss Workers.
Mr. Hays is survived by the fol­
The problem of supplying the hosl-
iowig grand children: R. B. Hays, of pitals of the armies of the allied
Tillamook; Mrs. David Burns, of powers in France with suitable ab-
Portland; Mrs. R. I. Thompson, of ‘sorbant pads rests with special em­
Heppner, anu R. R. Hays, who Is in phasis upon the women of the coast
the officers' training camp at Camp counties of Washington and Oregon,
Fremot, California; also Robert and because the moss which Is used for
Elizabeth Burns and Robert Blaine this purpose grows almost exclusive­
and Elizabeth Hays, great grand­ ly in the cranberry bogs along this
The funeral took place on Sunday
It cannot be shipped long distances
under the direction of the Masonic before being made into pads, because
lodge, aid the interment was in the it deteriorates in shipping.
Oddfellows Cemetery.
Tillamook county has an unlimited
Occupying an assured position supply of this moss, and it is with
among the veteran dairymen of Till­ great thankfulness that we offer it
amook county William Smith Hays, for this service to our country. It is
bad been quite successful as a gen­ being shipped in large quantities to
eral farmer and dairymen. He was a Portland and other branches of the
typical representative of a self made Portland Red Cross Chapter to be
men of the county, having acquired a sorted and made into pads. Portland
competency chiefly through his own women are now sorting an average
exertions, his sturdy industry, wise of twenty* sacks per day.
perserverance and judicious manage­
The auxiliaries at Cloverdale,
ment briging him a due reward. He Beaver, Sandlake, Yellow Fir, Fair­
was a native or Glade Mills, Washing­ view. Bay City, Garibaldi, Rockaway,
ton County, Pa., and born December, Brighton, Wheeler and Mohler, as
29, 1831, being the oldest son, and well as Tillamook, are busy sorting
third child, of Robert Hays.
moss, but the output is still not as
A native of Pennsylvania, Robert large as it should be. Many women
Hays removed to Ohio in 1838, set­ are allowing unessential activities
tling first In Buttler county, and af­ to detain them from the work and we
terwards in Logan county, near Bell- want to bring the thought eo every
efontain, where he lived a number of women in reach of the moss that our
years. Migrating to Dewitt county, boys are giving their whole time,
ill., in 1854, he engaged in farming, and risking their lives, that we, at
during the harvesting season running home, may live in freedom. If Tom­
a threshing machine in connection my Coates, Clifton Martin, or Walter
with his other labor, He continued Stark or any other of our splendid
his residence on the farm that he men, became injured, and the upply
there improved until his death, in of these pads is insufficient, then
1872, at the age of sixty-six years, these women who do not give their
lie married Maria Smith, who was utmost support to this work should
born in Pennsylvania, and died. feel that the blame rests on them.
about three weeks before he did, in
Some allow an hour a week to ex­
Dewitt county. 111. Of the eight chil­ cuse them for further service. Others
dren brou to the union, two died in are saying that the other place are
intancy, and three sons and three not doing their part. These are slack­
daughters grew to years of maturity. er excuses, and should be condemned
Reared and educated in the sub- immediately. Such work will never
urus 01 Bellefontaine, Ohio, William win the war. When our boys come
omitli nays was there trained to ag­ home crippled, or when we meet
ricultural pursuits under the judi­ those on the other shore who will
cious instruction of his father. At never come back here, let us be able
the age of 2 2 years he embarked in to look them squarely in the face
tanning with his father, and met and say we did our best.
with excellent success. In 1875 he
left the Prairie state, coming to Ore­
2,500 Student Nurses Wanted.
gon. Locating at Clackamas county,
he lived tor eight or nine months in
So many trained nurses are needed
Milwaukee, and then went to Collin­
sville. Cal., where he spent about in the army that the U. S. Govern­
live years a large part of the time ment is asking for twenty-five stu­
running a threshing machine in that dent nurses now, to take the places
vicinity. Returning to Oregon in of the trained nurses in the hospitals
1888, he had a billard hall and to­ that they may be released for the
bacco stand in East Portland, for work in France.
Enrollment means that the candi­
four years, being located on Fourth
¡street. Becoming a resident of Tilla­ date will hold herself ready until
mook City in 1885, Mr. Haya engag­ April 1st, 1919, to take training
ed in terming and dairying, in which whenever she is offered an assign­
he met with success. He also purch­ ment in a training school, unlese she
ased land within the city limits, buy­ has in the meantime entered other
ing a tract of thirty acres, which he government war service.
Oregon'* quota of these student
and his son. Robert R. Hays, layed
out as the Hays Addition to the nurses is three hundred and ten, and
city. Politically Mr. Haya was a Tillamook County’s share is five.
Will all young ladies who can con­
steadfast Republican but persistently
refused all official honors. Frater­ sider this opportunity to serve their
nally he was a prominent member country please consult the recruit­
of the Masonic Order, belonging to ing officer in charge who is nearest
to them. Below is a list of recruiting
Tillamook Lodge No. 57.
Mr. Hays married while living in officers.
Cloverdale—Mrs. Frank Taylor.
Illinois, Angellne Roas, who was
Beaver—Mrs. Minnie Gilbert.
bora in Ohio. Their only child, Rob­
Tillamook—Mrs. W. J. Riechers.
ert Roas Hays, was born June 3,
Bay City—Mrs. Finlayson.
1856. He learned the surveyor's trade
Wheeler—Mrs. John Kidd.
when young, and worked at it for
Nehalem—Mrs. Henry Tohl.
some time. He was a very bright,
active young man, and his death,
which occurred at bls home in Tilla­
The Shooting of Dan McGrew.
mook, in 1897, was deeply lamented.
Robert W. Service's greatest poem
True to the political faith in which
be was rared, Robert R. Hays was a has been made into a magnificent
staunch Republican, and served one screen drama, with Edmund Breese,
term as county clerk, and for two as the star, ad will be shown at the
termes was clerk of the House of Gem Theatre, Saturday, July 27. The
Representatives. He was a delegate story, one of the most throbbing and
to the National Republican Conven­ dramatic ever produced, revolves
tion, which met in Minneapolis. around Jim Maxwell, his wife Lou,
Minn., in 1892 and was the only their child, and "Dan McGrew.”
member of the Oregon delegation McGrew convinces Lou that her hus­
who voted for Harrison for Presi- band is unfaithful, and persuades
dent. He was a member and master her to elope with him to Alaska. She
of Tillamook Lodge, No. 57. A. F. &. discovers his despicable character,
A. M., and member and presiding of­ and become a women of the dance­
ficer of Johnson Chapter, R. A. M.., halls. Maxwell becomes a wonderer,
Council and K. T. of Portland.
at last in the Malamute saloon, he
comes face to face with Dan McGrew.
What happens when these two meet
Death of Willard Newcomb.
is familiar to readers of Service’s
We are sorry to announce the famous classic, and it is doubly pow­
death of Willard T. Newcomb, who erful on the screen. The snow fields
died at his home in this city on Sat- of the region of the Youkon furnish
urday, July 20th, after several la beautiful background for the stir­
months of sickness. The remains ring drama.
were bur id on Monday, the Masons
and Oddfellows having charge of the
Cause of Despondency.
funeral, the interment being in the
----- o
Oddfellow's cemetery.
Despondency is often caused by in­
The deceased was an industrious digestion and constipation, and quick­
and highly respected citizen, having ly disappears when
a large number of friends who de­ Tablets are taken. These tablet*
plore his death. He was a member strengthen the digestion and move
of the Masonic and Oddfellow lodges the bowels.. For sale by Lamar’s Drug
| in this city.
I Store.—Pd Adv.