Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 30, 1918, Image 2

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Notice to Creditors.
*---- 0------
The undersigned has been appointed
executor of the last will and testa­
ment of Elizabeth J. Goodspeed, de­
ceased. bv the County Court of Till­
amook County, Oregon, and has
qualified as such. All persons having
claims against the estate are required
to present the same to me at my res­
idence in Bay City, Tillamook county,
Oregon, within six months from date
hereof, with proper vouchers.
Dated April 25th, 1918.
Annie Hess, Executrix,
H. T. Botts, Attorney,
Noice to Creditors.
in the complaint, to-wit: for a decree
dissolving and annulling the contract
of marriage now existing between
the plaintiff and the defendant and
that the plaintiff have the custody of
the minor children, Evelyn, Gordon,
William and Paul Shartcl, and for
such other relief in equity which the
Court may deem just.
This summons is served upon you
by publication by order of the Hon.
A. M. Hare, County Judge of Tilla­
mook County, Oregon, in the absence
of the judge of the above named
Circuit Court from said county, said
order being made and filed herein on
the 20th day of May, 1918, and the
date of the first publication hereof
is May 23, 1918, and the date of the
last publication is July 4, 1918.
Johnson & Handley,
Attorneys for the Plaintiff.
Address: 107-8-9 I. O. O.
F. Bldg, Tillamook, Ore.
Notice to Contractors.
------ o
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon, will until io o'clock a.m. on
June 6, 1918, receive proposals for
the construction of the Hunt’s bridge
approaches, at which time said pro­
posals will b*e publicly opened and
The work is to be done in accord­
ance with the plans and specifications
now on file in the office of the county
clerk of Tillamook County. Each pro­
posal shall be in a sealed envelope
plainly marked on the outside "Pro-
posal to construct the Hunt’s bridge
approaches,” and shall be accompan-
icd with cash, certified check or bid-
der’s bond equal in amount to 5 per
cent of the total of the bid, such
amount to be made payable to Tilla­
mook County. All proposals shall be
made on the form furnished by the
County Clark.
The Court reserves the right to re­
ject any or all bids.
Erwin Harrison, County Clerk.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
First publication May 16, 1918.
Oregon, for Tillamook County.
Last publication May 30, 1918.
W. A. Williams, Plaintiff.
The Little Home Paper
' o------
By Charles Hanson Towne.
The little home paper comes to me,
As badly printed as it can be;
It’s ungrammatical sheap,—absurd—
Yet how 1 love each intimate word!
For here am 1 in the teeming town,
Where the sad, mad people rush up
and down,
And it’s good to get back to
lost place,
And gossip and smile for a little
The weather is hot; the corn crop’s
They’ve had a picnic in Sheldon’s
And Aunt Maria was sick last week;
Ike Morrison’s got a swollen cheek,
And the Squire was hurt in a runa­
More shocked than bruised, I’m glad
they say.
Bert Willis—1 used to play ball with
Is working a farm with his uncle Jim.
The Red Cross ladies gave a tea.
And raised quite a bit. Old Sol Mac­
Has sold his house on Linton Road;
He couldn’t carry so big a load.
The Methodist minister’s had a call
From a wealthy parish near St. Paul.
And old Herb Sweet is married at
He was forty two. How the years
rush past!
But here’s an item that makes me see
What a puzzling riddle life can be.
"Ed Stokes,” it reads, "was killed in
When the Allies made their last ad­
Ed Stokes! That boy with the laugh­
ing eyes
As blue as the early summer skies!
He wouldn’t have killed a fly—and
Without a murmur, without a regret,
He left the peace of our little place,
And went away with a light in his
For out in th« world was a jab to do,
And he wouldn’t come home until it
was through! . . .
Four thousand uiilcs irons our tiny
And its hardware store, this boy
went down.
Such a quiet lad, such a simple chap;
But he’s put East Dunkirk on the
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has been appointed admin­
istrator of the estate of Willis B.
Powell, deceased, by the County
Court of Tillamook county, Oregon.
All persons having claims against
the estate are hereby required to pre­
sent the same, with proper vouchers,
to the undersigned at his office in
Tillamook City, Oregon, within six
months from the date of the first pub­
lication hereof.
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of Real
Dated May 9th, 1918.
G. F. Chaphe, and Edith V.
H. T. Botts.
Chaphe, husband and wife
__________ Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
To G. F. Chaphe, and Edith V. Oregon, for Tillamook County.
Administrator’s Notice to Creditoi*.
Chaphe, husband and wife, the above Casper Amacher. Plaintiff.
------- e— •
Notice is hereby given, that the un­ named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, ' E. C. Monnich and Metta E.
dersigned, M. Abplanalp, by an order
you are hereby required to appear and Monnich, his wife, Strome Dav-
of the County Court of Tillamook
answer the complaint filed agiinst ’ id, true name David Strome,
County, Oregon, duly made and en­
you in the above entitled suit on or Joseph David, true name Jos­
tered, has been appointed administra­
before the expiration of 6 weeks from eph Strome, W. G. Dwight, J.
tor of the Estate of John Abplanalp,
the date of the first publication here­
M. Nichols, J. H. Mariels, and
late of said county. Notice is further
of, and if you fail so to answer for A .A. Hatfield, Defendants.
given, that all persons having claims
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
By virtue of an execution, judgment
against said estate are hereby requir­
to the court for the relief demanded
order, decree, and order of sale, issu­
ed to present the same to the under­
in the complaint, which is, that you
ed out of the above entitled Court
signed, with proper vouchers and du­
be forever barred and foreclosed of
and cause, to the undersigned Sheriff
ly verified, within six months from all
right, title, interest or claim of, in of Tiliamook County, Oregon, under
this date.
or to the following described real
M. Abplanalp, Administra- property, situate in Tillamook Coun­ date of May 6th, 1918, in favor of the
trator of the Estate of ty, State of Oregon, to-wit: Lot 4, plaintiff Casper Amacher, and again­
John Abplanalp, deceased, Block 35 of Thayer’s Addition to Till­ st the above named defendants and
each of them, that the plaintiff recov­
Tillamook, Oregon.
amook (now Tillamook City), unless
Tohnsoti & Handley, Attorneys. you nay to the plaintiff within 30 days er from the defendants the sum of
$860.00 with interest thereon from the
from the entry of decree in said cause
dale of said decree at the rate of 8
or such other time as the court may
percent until paid, the further sum of
fix as reasonable, the sum of $300, $75.00 the plaintiff’s attorney fee, the
with interest at 8 per cent per annum sum of $16.74 us taxes, and the costs
from August 15th, 1916, the further
and disbursements of said suit taxed
sum of $9.75 on account of taxes with
at $24.00, and debarring and foreclos­
interest at 6 per cent per annum from
ing all interest, title, or right of cash
September 1st, 1917, the further sum
and all of the defendants. m said suit
of $4.32 with interest at 6 per cent
to the property hereinafter described
per annum from April 5, 1918, the
and commanding the
undersigned Canada Wheat and Sugar Limits.
further sum of $37.25 on account of
Sheriff to make sale of the following
sewer assessment with interest there­
described real property, to-wit:
A Canadian ordejr in council, provid­
on at 6 per cent per annum- from
The North-cast quirtrr of the South es that no person, with the exception
November 7th, 1917, and the costs
west quarter and the North-west lof manufacturers of flour, bakers, I
and disbursements of this suit, which
quarter ot the South-east qurrter of 'confectioners, whoisale or retale deal­
sums arc payable on account of the
Section ten, in township Five South ers, or of persons living at a. greater
balance of the purchase price evidenc­
of Range Ten West if Willamette distance than 2 miles from a licensed
ed by promissory note given by you
Meridian, in Oregon, containing 80 dealer, shall hold or have in his po­
to plaintiff on the purchase of said
acres more or less, in Tillamook sition or under his control more
property and payments for taxes and
County, Oregon.
flour, made wholly or in part from
other liens against said property ac­
Now thercf .re, by virtue of. said wheat, than is sufficient for his ordi­
crued thereon after the purchase price
execution, decree, and order of sale,
became fully due and payable and and in compliance with the demands nary requirements for a period not
exceeding 15 days.
Administrator’s Notice of Hearing of
of raid writ I will or. Monday, th :
Anyone living at ¿. distance greater i
Final Account.
1st day of July, 1918, at 10 o’clock a. than. 2 miles and less than 5. miles.1
Tillamook Headlight by order of the
m. at the front door of the Tillamook from a licensed dealer may hold or 1
Notice is hereby given, that the un­ Honorable George R. Bagley, Judge County Court House, at Tillamook, control flour made wholly or in part
dersigned has filed his final account of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregcr, sell at public auction, sub­ from wheat up to an amount sufti- (
as Administrator of the Estate of Oregon, for Tillamook Counnty. Said ject to redemption, to the highest bid­ cient for his ordinary requirements
Hannah M. Nelson, Deceased; and order is dated the 6th day of May, der for c sli in hand, .11 right, title, for a. period not exceeding 30 days.
1918, requires publication to be made
that the County Court of the State of
claim and interest which the within Anyone living more than 5 and less
Oregon, for Tillamook County, has once a week for six successive weeks named defendants, or any of them had than, to miles from, a licensed dealer
set Saturday the 22nd day of June,
in or to the zbove described real may have sufficient for his ordinary
1918, at ten o’clock a.m., at the court­ fixed as on or before the expiration property on June 5th., 1915, the «late 'requirements up to sixty days,, while
room of said court in Tillamook City,
of the mortgage executed by John N. a person living more than too miles
Oregon, as the time and place for the tion. The date of the first publication Hulett and Mary E. Hulett, his wife, from, such a dealer may have suffi­
hereof is May 9th, 1918, and the last
hearing of objections to said account
and herein foreclosed, or since that cient for his ordinary requirements
publication June 20th, 1918,
and the examination thereof and the
date had in on acquired to the above for a. period up to 120 days.
H. T. Botts,
closing of said estate, and any and all
described promises or any part there­
Attorney For Plaintiff,
Any wholesale or and retail dealer
of, in order to satisfy said execution,
persons interested in said estate are
Residing at Tilamook City, Ore.
judgment, desree, and order of sale, licensed by the Canadian food board
hereby required to appear at said time
may not hold flour made wholly or
interest, costs, and accruing costs.
and place and offer objections to said
in part from wheat in excess of a
Dated this 2.5th day of May, 1918.
account, if any they have, and to the
quantity sufficient for his ordinary
closing of said estate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. trade requirements for a period ex-
Dated May 23rd, 1918.
Otto- W. Hcidcr, Sheridtin cecding 00 days.
Axel Nelson, Administrator Oregon, for Tillamook Couny.
The regulation regarding paral­
and. Willamina, Ore.,
of the Estate of Hannah Mamie E. Davis, Plaintiff.
lels this save in the last clause, Man­
Lorney for Plaintiff.
M. Nelson, Deceased.
Calvin S. Davis, Defendant.
ufacturers, wholesalers, or retailers
First publication May 30, 1918.
To Calvin S. Davis, the above nam­ Last publication. June 27, 1918.
may not have more sugar than is ne-
Executrix’s Notice to Creditors.
ed defendant:
quir.cd for a. period exceeding 45
in the name of the State of Oregon,
Notipc is hereby given to all whom you arc hereby required to appear and Wheat Bread Is Not a Necessity.
it may concern, That the undersigned answer the complaint filed against
Japan’s. Bulging Stock.
lias been appointed executrix of the you in the above entitled suit on or
Dr. J. H. Kellog, the head oi the
last will and testament of John before the 20th day of June, 1918, sanitarium at Battle Creek, MJch.,
Latest returns publish’d by the fi­
Neiger, deceased, by an order of the said date being after the expiration of si ays there is nothing in wheat bread
County Court of Tillamook County, six weeks from the first publication that we can not get from other foods. nar.ee department of J ipat: show the
Oregon, made and entered of record of this summons, and if you fail to
"Our people must cultivate the po­ gold specie held by that country on
therein on the 30th day of April, 1918, appear and answer said complaint, for tato eating habit. More potatoes and March ¡5th to have been $529,872,000
and that she is now the executrix want thereof, the plaintiff will apply less breakfast cereal and bread, w ould cf which $227,088,0«». was held at
to the court for the relief prayed for be a very great improvement. Cereals home and $302,784,000 held abroad.
All persons having claims against in the complaint, to-wit: For a decree contaiu an excess of acids. Tim pota­ 'This is mainly due to the balance of
the estate of said deceased, are hereby of said court dissolving the bonds of to furnishes a rich supply of organic ¡trade in favor of Japan in the q.ilue of
notified to present them to the under­ matrimony and cancelling and annull­ bases, or alkalis which neutralize the her «.xpjr.ts over imports. Eor the
signed, as said executrix, with the ing the marriage contract existing be­ acids of the body and keep the blood, three past calandar. yca«s, 191.5-17, in­
clusive, ou.’ trade with Japan aggre­
proper vouchers thereof, at the law tween plaintiff and defendant, and in healthy condition.
office of Webster Holmes, in Tilla­ that plaintiff may be restored to her
“Meat will be used Jess and. less iu gated $885,000,000., of wh.ch $341,-
mook City,
within six former
maiden name,, Mamie E. the future, and the important, thing to <»0,000 consisted at exports,, and $544-
months from the «late of this notice. \\ orthington, and for general relief. know is whether or not we can get 000,000 of imports. Japan's, f.ivorablt
Dated this 2nd day of May, 1918.
This summons is published by order along without it. The experiments balance in h r ttadc with as during
Barbara Neiger,
of the Hon. A. M. Hare, County made in recent years by McCollum of the three year period, therefore, ag­
Executrix of the last Will Judge of Tillamook County, State of Wisconsin university and. by Meudel gregated $203.000,000, which is a pret­
and Testament of John Oregon, in he absence of Hon. Geo. of Vale Luiversity show that meats, ty satisfactory showing far Japan.
Neiger, deceased.
R. Bagley, Circuit Judge of said court, eggs and milk contain certain pro­
1 he total vaJta of our trade caixted
W ebster Holmes,
which order was made and entered on teins that are very valuable for the in Japanese bottoms during the three
Attorney for said Executrix the 2nd day of May, 19'8. The date of body, because they are »hat is known calendar years mentioned was $1,278.-
the first publication of the summons as complete proteins. They are capa­ ixxxooo, of which $729,000,0«» was im­
and Estate.
is Thursday, May oth, 1918, and the ble of making perfect tissues. This is ports ami $549,0«»,000 exports. Japan
date of the last publication is Thurs­ not true oi cereals, not even of wheat. carried 4 pc. cent of the total of our
day, June 20th, 1918, and the number
“Corn with milk added is a perfect foreign trade carried in foreign ves­
'■ -—O' —
In the Circuit Court of the State of of insertions is seven (7), and the substitute for wheat. It would do no sels in 1915, 72-5 per cent in 1910,
time prescribed for the publication harm if a complete embargo should and 11 per cent in 1917. Gold exports
(tregon, for Tillamook V ounty.
is six (6) weeks, and said be placed on wheat flour all over the to Japan icr the three years aggregat­
Mollie Shartcl, Plaintiff,
seven (7) insertions.
United States. The people can live ed $ 182.ooo.1x», raising from $250,000
John Leland Henderson, perfectly on corn as long as they have for 1915 to $155,500,000 for 1917. Im­
Mark T. Shartel, Defendant.
Attorney for Plaintiff
milk, eggs, nuts and beans.
ports of gold from Japan aggregated
To Mark T. Shartcl, the above
Tillamook, Oregon.
"There isn't going to be any short­ $20.ooo,o<Ki, practically
1 imed defendant;
age of corn. The corn we arc now­ amount beinig imported during 1915_
In the name of the State of Oregon,
feeding to our cattle, pigs and sheep $i0.6e».o<». It a good customer is a
you arc hereby required to appear
will furnish food for 160.000,000 peo­ friend worth cultivating. Japan has
nd answer the complaint filed ag.’.in-
t you herein, on or before the last
All persons having account with ple for a year. It is the greatest econ­ little complaint to make against us.
< v of the time prescribed in the or- me, kindle settle same with Kath­ omic waste in the country to teed But how will the American working­
. :■ for the publication of this ruin- leen Mills, at the City Recorder’s of­ corn to cattle. Of course, beer is made man feel about this after the war.
V OUS, to-wit: July 4th, 1018, and if fice in the City Hall. Your prompt at­ of corn, which is an enormous waste when Japanese competition is taking
you fail to so appear and answer for tention to the payment of your bill also, but the biggest waste of corn in a section out of his wage, under the
, 11 ■ thereof, the plaintiff will apply will save you the costs of collection. this country is in feeding it to the policy calling for "a removal of all
economic barriers"?
Grant Mills.
■». t! • Court for the relief prayed for
Unusual Times
E ARE facing the most extraor­
dinary situation in the history of
our country. Never before have
so many new problems—so many de­
mands for re-adjustment—thrust them­
selves upon men and women for settle­
Things big with fate are happening and we must
know how to adjust our business—our homes__ our
personal lives to the new conditions.
This bank publishes a Monthly Bulletin I etter
that represents a very unusual sen ice at this time.
In a clear and general way these Bulletins present
the pith of facts that influence your welfare.
This is one of the ways w e are helping our friends
customers to meet the demands of the present
assisting them in their plans for the future. We
gladly mail future copies regularly to anyone
for the asking.
Tillamook County Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
Kitehen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere.
For disinfecting where Contagious or
infectious diseases are prevailing. ’
ful Germicidal mixture and by its use
will improve general stable conditions.
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspector
Until further Notice. Calls answered from
i'illamook Hotel—Day or Night.
uamb - schrader CO.
Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillamook. Or.
Love is the '.Greatest Thing in the
World. Nobody Loves your family
as you do. Who, then, will provide
for them if you do not ?
2nd Ave. E, between 1st and 2nd Sts.