Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 09, 1918, Image 7

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For Governor,
President Oregon State Senate
loom larger than ever in the minds of
the good
people of Oregon and
----- °”------
should get their hearty support. We
need .lien in the Cnitcd States Senate
who arc above such party politics for
perspnal preferment. Mr. Stanfield
wants to be senator in th< interests of
1 he accusation has been made that his state. He know s its resources
litical triumvirate existed in Orc and knows that in the past it ha
got: wher c by it was do ired to co:
1111c far short of getting its desire
the ciccti
t Hen Olcott iur gt.
eminent activities in Wallin
nor and ’
ks L. Me Nary tor
.—Telephone Register.
all com e 1 5. D*. \ <
week g 0 for an
Yamhill Editor Throws Some
Light on West’s Frame-Up.
Why is Oregon’s Self Appointed
Boss Afraid of Stanfield ?
pkioiu L
vernor \\ 1 xt nas ni
cd Lrom VV a > hington, uiiii-i k
ad gone l
w iui
\\ ill R. Ki ng some couipro
w a ich w Jllid open the •field tor r M r.
The reply of Mr. Huston to Mr
\\ thf to ibe a candidate for th< st enat-
thought ;
it KiUingsworth follows:
strange that alter all the pledges Mr.
Tour letter of the 1st inst, received
West made to his friend McNary and in reply will say; f did not wtth-
months ago and at the time 01 ins ap­ ! draw in favor of either of the other
pointment to the oilice, that lie would ' candidates and at the time 1 willi-
not enter the field, he should change [ drew it was not my intention to . make
Ins mind and coms out openly against any expression as to my choice as
; be­
him. But this he did in an announce­ tween Mr. McNary ami ill. Stanfield.
ment from Washington that he would
1 find, however, that many others
be a candidate. He now returns from like you have gained the impression
the capital city and makes the prop­ from the articles in the Evening Tel­
osition that all quit the field but Me-I egram that 1 withdraw ill favor of Mr.
Nary, and that it the others are I McNary, and this impels me to say
‘‘game" he will be. He congratulates | . that I have made up my mind to vote
Senator Huston 011 his withdrawal I for Mr. Stanfield. There are several
from the contest, and also tile com- minor reasons which influence 111c in
lintce of Portland republicans w ho se­ some degree, among which is this: 1
cured the withdrawal in the interest have a very strong conviction that
of securing one of two republican can­ Oregon has been discriminated again­
didates. H,cre is Mr. West’s state­ st by the National Government in
ment made on his return home: ”1 am many ways. Mr. Stanfield shares this
a strong believer in the Hooveriza- feeling and promises, if elected, to
tion of candidates. If we are to cut correct it as far as it lies in his power
down on expense on account of the to do so. Senator McNary denies that
war, there is no reason why we any such discrimination exists. He
should cut down on candidates also, was quoted in a dispatch from Wash­
and, to show my sincerity in this di­ ington to the Oregon Journal as say­
rection, 1 wish to suggest that, inas­ ing that he ‘‘took no stock in the
much as Senator McNary is giving statement that there had been dis-
the president his unqualified support crimination against
in Ins presecution of the war and is course, if he believes there lias been
most active in his endeavors to ad­ 1 no such discrimination he will make
1'or a vigorous prosecution of the war to a victorious con­
vance the interests ol the people of | 110 effort to remove it.
Oregon, Mr. Stanfield, Mr. King and
Mr. West Opposed.
myself also withdraw from the con­
For strict business principles in management of State affairs.
My principal reason, however,
test. Such action on our part would
leave Senator McNary free to devote this: 1 am not willing that Ex-Gover­
For Rural Credits Extension, Irrigation, Drainage and De­
his entire time to the duties of his of­ nor West shall dictate to the Repub­
velopment of all our resources.
fice without the inevitable distrac­ lican party who its candidate shall be.
For assistance by Portland Capital and business to every
tions due to his participation in the It is well known in Oregon that there
senatorial campaign arm put him in a has been, for the last eight years, a
section of our great State.
bi-partisian combination for the pur­
position where he could better serve
pose of controlling the principal offi­
For the rights of both Labor and Capital under a scheme
the people of Oregon and the nation
ces in the state and giving them to a
at large in the serious crisis through
of mutual co-operation.
chosen few in each party. 1 had al­
which the country is now passing, tn
ways believed that Senator McNary
For Good Roads, but fighting the Paving Trust.
making this suggestion, 1 feel that 1
was a member of that combination. 1
would be making a greater sacrifice
am sure that it was this belief that de­
We arc paying about $5000 more per 16 foot mile of Bitulith-
than Mr. Stanfield for 1 know that 1
feated him for renomination for Su­
ic Pavement in Oregon than is being paid in Washington. Let
would beat him at the general elec­
preme Judge. It is now denied, and it
us build good roads in every county in the Statec—Give Every
tion where he to be nominated at the
is just possible that 1 may be mistak­
primaries May 17 next. Senator Hus­
County a Square Deal.
en. There are some things, however,
ton has shown that be is a good
about which 1 am not mistaken, Gov­
Elect Moser and you will forever banish the subtle influence
sport, and that they say that Bob is
ernor West appointed Mr. McNary to
of the Paving Trust from Oregon politics.
also, and, in making this suggestion
the Supreme bench. When Mr. Mc­
to him, 1 am giving him a good
Nary was dcfcaed for renomination
Aggressively Independent.
chance to demonstrate the fact.”
Governor West ‘hollered his head off'
In other words, Mr. West sets him­ for a re-count, claiming that it would
(Paid Adv)
self up as a candidate contrary to his show McNary to have been nominat-
promises to his friend McNary, in­ ed.
creases the number of candidates and
Four or five days before Senator
then proposes to Hoovcrize in the in­
Lane died, when arrangements were
Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. to plaintiff on the purchase of said
being made for Senator McNary’s ap­
property and payments for tdxes and McNary, who professes he has had pointment, Governor West was on
Notice is hereby given, that the ' other liens against said property ac- nothing to do with the scheme to con­ the ground flitting back and forth be­
County Court of the State of Oregon, Icrued thereon after the purchase price trol the polities of the state by com­ tween McNary’s office and the State­
for Tillamook County, has appointed became fully due and payable and bining In» own movements with the house. When Mr. McNary was ap­
men of opposite faith. We wish that I pointed Governor West came out ami
the undersigned as administrator of ?ioo.oo as attorney’s fees.
1 his summons is published in the ’we could believe this, but we very endorsed the appointment, saying
the estate of Irene Mabel Webb, de­
ceased; and all persons having claims Tillamook Headlight by order of the much tear that McNary is in collus­ that it was a splendid one, and that be
against said estate are hereby required Honorable George R. Bagley, Judge ion with democrats to hold his own would not be a candidate against Mr.
to present them to the undersigned, | of the Circuit Court of the State of place. West’s action smacks very McNary. He has repeatedly stated
together with the proper vouchers Oregon, for Tillamook Counnty. Said strongly of a desire to camouflage since that time that he was going to
therefore, at the Todd Hotel, in 1 ill- [order is dated the 6th day of May, Oregon republicans into support of force the republican party to renomi­
Me.vary that they may be saved from nate McNary. Every time he returns
amook City, Oregon, or to T. H. 1 1918, requires publication to be made
being beaten by West. 11 we mistake from Washington he is interviewed in
Goync, an attorney at law, at his of­ once a week for six successive weeks
not the scheme is too diaphanous to th«: Journal and tells what a wonder­
fice, in Tillamook City, Oregon, with­ land the time lor answering is thereby
hoodwink the republicans of the state. ful Senator McNary is making. When
in six months from the date of this
I of six weeks from the first publica- They have been fooled in the past by ever he spoke before any of the civic
! lion. The date of the first publication democratic trickery, but it wasn't bodies of the state he went dut of Ins
Liated May 91I1, 1918.
hereof is May 9th, 1918, and the last quite as transparent as this plan, and way to praise McNary, and finally,
they have learned to watch Mr. West after Governor West hail filed as a
June 20th, 1918,
Estate of
trator of the
H. T. Botts, with more discerning eyes.
candidate for Senator, himself, he
Irene Mabel Webb, de-
Now, bow appearcth the good sense gave an interview in Washington
Attorney For Plaintiff,
Residing at Tilamook City, Ore.
which was published in the Oregon
Stanfield? His reply marks a shrewd Journal, in which he said: "While 1
man, quite equal to cope with the ma­ have little fear of the people’s verdict
chinations of the infallable Oswald. in this contest, large sums of money
in the Circuit Court of the State of
----- o------
Here it is: “Bclieveing that the re­
Oregon, for Tillamook County.
In the Circuit Court of the State of publican voters of the state of Ore­ arc being spent to defeat the present
incumbent. In that event the game
W. A. W illiams, Plaintiff.
Oregon, for Tillamook Couny.
gon would not look with favor upon will be open and I hope to be in a
Oswald West naming the senatorial position to take a hand."
Mamie E. Davis, Plaintiff.
G. F. Chaplie, and Edith \ .
candidate -for the republican party,
"Non-Partisan” Bared.
Chaplie, husband ami wife
and inasmuch
as 1 have received
Calvin S. Davis, Defendant.
language arc
acts and this
To Calvin S. Davis, the above nam­ many thousands of letters and other
To G. F. Chaphe, and Edith V.
only susceptible of one interpretation
Chaplie, husband and wile, the above ed defendant:
and that is that Senator McNary is
In the name of the State of Oregon, assuring me of their support, I must
named defendants.
respectfully decline the proposal of perfectly satisfactory to Governor
In the name 01 the State of Oregon,
complaint filed against Mr. West that all other candidates West and the bi-partisian
you arc hereby required to appear and answer the c
To construe it otherwise and to say,
answer the complaint filed against you in the above
of June, 1918, L. McNary. 1 feel that 1 have the con- as has been said by The Evening I el-
you in the above entitled suit on m before the 20th day
of l fidence 01 the republican voters and egram and other McNary organs, that
before the' expiration of 6 weeks from said date being after the expiration
Governor Wests actions were intend­
e first publication jtlic people of this great state that i
the date of the first publication here­
them honestly and efficient­ ed to injure Senator McNary i- to
of, and if you fail so to answer for oi this summons,
senator and at this critical impute to him conduct so treacherous
aid complaint, for jb -o
Want thereof, tile plaintiff will apply appear and answer s:
are enclincd to support a and ungrateful as to place him be­
'.„intiff will apply
tin; court for the relief demanded want thereof, the plair. ef prayed for man from the busini-ss walk-. 01 life, neath the contempt of mankind if it
the complaint, which L. th it y««ii
For a decree c wald West has heretofore assert­ were true. 1 do not think Governor
West’s worst enemy believes
forever barred and lor« cl« • 1 of in the complaint, to-wit
bonds of ed that he only desired to be a can-
of such conduct.
right, title, interest or ciaim 01, i ■ of'said c >urt dissolving
matrimony and cancelling and snnull-
to the following dcscrib« «1 r« al
The Democratic party
Xistlllg be­ ¡should be successful ill debating Mc­
property, situate in Tillamook t 11:-
ndant, an d Nary m the piimariis. His interfer­ exists only tor the beneiit 01
n plaintiff ai
ty, State of Oregon, to-v.it: Lot 4,
ence is intolerable to me, as 1 he­ three men. Every Democrat!«
Block 35 of Thayer’s Addit. «n to 1 »11- hat plaintiff may
e„ Mamie E. li« ve it is to the Republican voters of not within the charmed circh
ainook (now Tillamook City), uni -s
general relief, Ii«« si..tv, ay«l 1 wiil weic«mie the «op­ more chance of prefer
thington, and
.'"U pay to the plaintiff wit 1 ' 30 cl...
is summons is published by order portunity to oppose him in the gen- ’’rabbit”. If the Republic
from the entry of decree in said cause
ral election if lie should be success­ fallen so low
ie Hon. A. M. Hare, County
ful democratic op- nominate a man of its o
°r such other time as th court may
:c of lilkitnook County, Stat« of ' ful in defeatinig
< s reasonable, the sum ol $3"O,
must accept the dictates
;on, in he absence 1 yf Hon. Geo. j ponent, Mr. King."
1 interest at 8 per cent per annum
We submit that Mr. Stanfield’s re- nor West, or any othdj
agl< y, Circuit Judge of said court,
n August 15th, 1916, the furtly r
le and
entered on I ply to such an unworthy Schemc as the bi-partisian combine,
:h order was mad»
sum of $9.75 on account of tax« ' v' h
pul up stamps him as a citizen it to go out of bt
fate of ' W est t puts
md «lay of May, iS>tS. The d.i
interest at 6 per cent per annum from
As a protest :
di honor, who priz i as its true w arili
first j ublicattoi. ,i tl
vote for Mr. Sta
$«4 Umber
our tree .\merican citizenship w
ember 1st, 1917, the further .-nr«
hursday, Maj 9lh« *9,i\ an'
to every citizen the right to purpose in sayin
of $4 3-’ with interest at 6 per cent ' 1
of the last publication 1 Tiiurs- pcrmiti
suffrages of the people on his dictate in any w
P* 1 annum from April 5. ■' t>18, the
June 20th, 1918. and th«:
without being dictated to to how tin v sha
further sum of $37.25 on account
iscrii’ iis is -even (7), nd the merits, and of smooth politicians w ho
me they cxercis«
sewer assessment with interest
prescribed for the publication by a cotcric
ek to place themselves in office in- choice and th« y will continue
On at 6 per cent per annum from
f is six (6) week
*ov, mber 7th, 1917, and the costs
definitely by creating a machine of that now as I am out of the
(7) insertion«
and _______
, leading
_ the* ve­ | only make this statement as sho
ami disbursements of this suit,
Job 1 L«hn.
ters of the state into their trap. After (ht reasons which impel me to v
J*'*11' arc payable on account of the
Attorney f«
Stanfield should 1 (or Mr. Stanfield.
balance of the purchase price cvidenc*
Tillamook, Oregon. this episode K. N.
**1 by promissory note given by you
Democratic Party Exist Only lor
Beneiit ol a Few bosses.
A Patriotic American.
A Native of Wisconsin, age 47.
For 27 Years a Resident of Oregon.
A Vigorous Champion of the Rights of
the People.
Farmer, Stock Raiser and Producer
Believing that the Republican voters of the State of Oregon
would not look with favor upon Oswald West naming the Sen-
torial candidate for the Republican party.
And inasmuch as 1 have received many thousands of letters
and other assurance from the Republican voters assuring me of
their support, 1 must respectfully decline the proposal of Mr.
West that all other candidates withdraw and give a clear field
to C. L. McNary.
I feel that I have the confidence of the Republican voters
and the people of this great state that I will serve them honest­
ly and efficiently as a Senator and at this critical time they arc
inclined to support a man front the business walks of life.
Oswald West has heretofore asserted that he only desired
to be a candidate that lie might oppose me if T should be suc-
Cessful in defeating McNary in the primaries.
His interference i: intolerable to me, as I believe ii is to the
Republican voters of the state, and I will welcome the oppor-
tunity to oppose him in the general election if he should be suc­
cessful in defeating his Democratic opponent, Mr. King.”
R. N. Stanfield.
Mr. Stanfield makes the above reply to the proposal of Os­
wald West that all candidates for senator withdraw in favor of
Mr. West’s candidate. The whole activity of the Democratic ma­
chine is attempting to stem the tide of dissatisfaction against
their candidate now in the senate is laid bare in this last supreme
attempt of Mr. West to bolster up a forlone hope.
The question is, do the people and the Republicans want
this sort of bossism in Oregon, or do they want too per cent
Americans and 100 per cent Republicans, such as Mr. Stanfield,
a successful, energetic, patriotic self-made man whose every act
has added to the progress and growth of Oregon, a man who
gets results, accomplishes something, who has worked and
know-, how to work and who will work.
Which do you want? A man who can stand on his own feet,
or one who cannot?
Stanfield is 100 per cent American and too per cent Repub­
lican and he would support the President in winning the war.
Paid adv., by Stanfield Senatorial League, 203 North Western
Bank Buildiing, Pcrtlaii.