TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PRIMARY NOMINATING ELECTION. Tickets to be Voted on Friday, May 17th. MAY 9, 1918. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, FOURTEENTH REPRESENTATIVE DIS TRICT, Tillamook and Yamhill Counties.________ VOTE FOR ONE 47 And further, that you appear herein by answer on or before the time above designated, and set up your Announcement. I hereby announce my candidacv for nomination on the Republican ticket for County Clerk at the ¡. mary election to be held May 1- ,'9 Erwin Harrison C. J EDWARDS, of ’’’illamouk County. REPUBLICAN. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FOR THF. OFFICE OF MEMBER OF REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FOR NOMINATION FOR COUNTY OFFICES. ________________________ ___________________ ______ REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE. VOTE FOR ONE FOR SHERIFF, of Tillamook County. FOR MEMBER OF THE REPUBLICAN NA EE. VOTE FOR ONE 4» W. L. CAMPBELL BRUCE DENNIS, of Union County. ."Republican party must a sis: in winning the war.” VOTE I'OR ONE. RALPH E. WILLIAMS, of Multnomah County. “Republic;.» FOR COUNTY CLERK, of Tillamook County. Committeeman. Present h cuinb nt.” To the Voters of Tillamook Couivy I hi 1 by ar.nouni didate for Sheriff of l\* piililicar 49 11 - Can Announcement. REPUB*.:. . J FOR NOMINATION FOR THE FOR COUNTY TREASURER, < t OFFICES OF SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVES IN CON- ______ GRESS, AND FOR STATE AND DISTRICT OFFICES. FOR UNITED S 1 A IES SENATOR IN CONGRESS, To Fill Vacancy in Term Ending March 4, 1919._____________________ VOTE FOR ONE ¡sole County VOTE FOR ONE. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, of Tillamook County_____ VOTE FOR ONE A. H. BURTON, of Multnomah County. “Win the war. Back the 5° boys. For the common people. No resignation.”_______________ W. S. COATES FRED W. MULKEY, of Multnomah County.’’ W ill resign the day FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER of Tillamook County, to fill vacancy in 1 qualify in favor of long term Senator.”____________ term ending the first Monday in January, 1921____ VOTE FOR ONE. CHARLES J. SCHNABEL, of Multnomah County. "The Gov­ ernor should appoint people’s choice for long term, to short 51 term.” H. V. ALLEY FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, of Tillamook County, for regular 4 year term____________________________________ VOTE FOR ONE. FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR IN CONGRESS, FOR TERM BE­ GINNING MARCH 4, 1919____________________ VOTE FOR ONE 52 CHAS. L. McNARY, of Marion County. “Present United States 53 Senator.” 54 ROBERT N. STANFIELD, of Umatilla County. “Support the President; provide homes for soldiers, sailors; permanent 55 shipbuilding; more factories.” 56_ D. A. BAILEY H. M. FARMER Notice to Creditors. The undersigned has been appointed executor of the last will and testa­ ment of Elizabeth I. Good.speed, de­ ceased, bv the County Court of Till­ amook County, Oregon, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present the same to me at my res­ idence in Bay City, Tillamook county, Oregon, within six months from date hereof, with proper vouchers. Dated April 25th, 1918. Annie Hess, Executrix, H. T. Botts, Attorney. Notice of Hearing Administratrix’s Final Account. ' To the voters of Tillamook Count I herewith announce myself candidate on the Republican tick t the nominating convention to be 111 May for the office of County C„.„- niissioncr. My motto: "A square deal all around.” John Weiss, Sr., Meda. To The Voters of Tillamook County. I beg to announce that I will be a candidate for County Commissioner for the South end of the county on the Republican ticket at the next primary election. Ole B. Redbcrg. To The Voters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce my self as a candidate for the office of County Notice is hereby given, that the un ­ OLE B. REDBERG dersigned administratrix in the above Surveyor on the Republican ticket at entitled estate has filed her final ac­ the Primary election to be held May JOHN M, WEISS count with the County Court of Til­ 17, 1918. If nominated and elected I lamook County, Oregon, and that said will conduct the office in an efficient FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, FIRST DISTRICT. Benton, FOR CORONER, of Tillamook County Court, by an order duly made and en- and economical manner. VOTE FOR ONE Respectfully, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia. Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson Jose­ te ■ d has fixed Saturday, the 25th day phine, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, Washington, ____________ W, S. Coates. i of May, 1918, at 10 o’clock a.in., as the and Yamhill Counties. VOTE FOR ONE In addition to above a justice is to be nominated in the fourth : time, and the office of the County To The Voters of Tillamook County W. C. HAWLEY, of Marion County. “No interests to serve but justice district ; constables for the first, second, third and fourth ! Judge for said Court, as the place, for the public interests.” districts ; members for the Port of Bay City and Port of Ne­ : the hearing of said final account. I wish to announce that I will be a Notice is further given to all per­ candidate at the next primary election halem, and a member elected from each precinct as county cen­ sons to appear at said time and place for the office of County Commission­ tral committeeman. and show cause, if any there be, why er for the South part of the county on FOR GOVERNOR VOTE FOR ONE > said final account should not be al­ the Republican ticket. I believe in lowed, said administratrix discharged good roads, and will use my best ef­ DEMOCRATIC. J. E. ANDERSON, of Wasco County. "Bone Dry. Win the War, Develop Oregon,”’ On the Democratic ticket there tire only six persons who filed; |and her bondsmen exonerated. forts in seeing that roads are con­ Dated April 25th, 1918. structed permanently and built econ­ petitions for the following places : F. C. HARLEY, of Clatsop County. “Do you want a live State? Catherine A. Long, omically, if elected. Vote for Harley for Governor," Administratrix of the Es- FOR MEMBER OF THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE. Yours respectfully, VOTE FOR ONE tate of Frank Long, Sr., GUS C. MOSER, of Multnomah County. “Patriotic American; for A. A. Irnlah. deceased, Tillamook, Ore. good roads but fighting the paving trust; economy; efficiency.” WILL H. HORNIBROOK, of Linn County. "I am for Wood­ 12 Announcement. row W i Ison, a thorough organization and a United Democracy.11 BEN W. OLCOTT,, of Marion County. “Business .efficiency for Citation. winning the war and for state affairs." To the voters of Tillamook County, ----- o------ J. W. MORROW, of Multnomah County. “ For Woodrow Wilson 13 In the County Court of the State of I hereby announce myself as a can- all the time. Candidate of no individual or faction,*' L. J. SIMPSON, of Coos County. “Uphold Republicanism; de Oregon, for Tillamook County. didate for the nomination for County velop Oregon; aid settlers and workers; encourage industry FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR IN CONGRESS, FOR TERM BE­ In the Matter of the Estate Commissioner on the Republican businesslike administration.” __________ GINNING MARCH 4, 1919______________ ___ VOTE FOR ONE of Janies R. Eldridge, deceased. ticket at the primaries to be held To Frank Eldridge, Jennie Van May 17th, 1918. If nominated and JAMES WITHYCOMBE, of Marion County “Present Governor. M WILL R. KING, of Malheur County. “My trinity: uphold the ad­ Candidate for second term.” ministration; support our soldiez boys; develop Oregon's re­ Horn, the heirs of the above named elected I will render the people of sources. ”____________________________________________________ deceased, and all others unknown. our county and nation, faithful, con­ Greetings: scientious and patriotic service, and OSWALD WEST, of Multnomah County. “Up with the flag and In the name of the State of Oregon, will favor road building of a perma­ IS down with the Kaiser and the profiteer." FOR STATE TREASURER. VOTE FOR ONE. you and each of you arc hereby cited nent nature. and required to appear in the above Respectfully, WM. ADAMS, of Multnomah County. “I have the experience and FOR GOVERNOR VOTE FOR ONE Court at the Court House in Tilla- H. V. Alley. ability to conduct an economical business administration.” WALTER M. PIERCE, of Union County, "Organization of Orc- mook City in said county and state, 16 Announcement. E. D. CUSICK, of Linn County. “Business efficiency, unhampered on the 24th day of May, 1918, at 10 gon for the winning of the war.” by politics, in all the State's affairs.”_________________________ o’clock in the forenoon of said day, I hereby announce my candidacy HARVEY G. STARWEATHER, of Clackamas County. “Unite then and there to show cause, if any 17 O. P. HOFF, of Multnomah County. “My oath, my platform; my the State’s agricultural, industrial, and commercial forces to win exists, why an order to sell should for the nomination on the Republican record, your guarantee; my experience, your protection." ticket for County Commissioner, to the war.” not be made as prayed for in the be voted on at the primaries to be O. M. PLUMMER, of Multnomah County. “Winning the war petition herein filed for the sale of held in May. 1918. first responsibility of State and Nation." Summons in Foreclosure of Delin­ last publication May 9, 1918. the following described property, to- If nominated and elected I promise wit: Johnson & Handley, quent Tax Certificate. THOS. F. RYAN, of Clackamas County, “Experience in the of­ to the best of my ability to promote A tract of land 56 feet wide off Attorneys for Plaintiff. the all efforts for the development and fice your guarantee of efficient, economical and business ad­ entire west side of the following dc- advancement of Tillamook County. Address 108 I. O. O. F. Bldg. ministration.” ___ ________________ In the Circuit Court of the State of scribed tract of land, to-wit: Begin- Tillamook, Oregon. Believing myself perfectly compe­ BEN F. WEST, of Marion County, "One hundred per cent Oregon for Tillamook County. ning at a point sixty feet south of the tent to administer the office. I place Plaintiff. American and one hundred per cent efficiency.” J. C. Saling, Notice of Final Account. southeast corner of Block 13 in Park my candidace before the voters for vs. Addition to Tillamook City; thence C. Mills, Defendant. In the County Court of the State of west to the center of Dclmonte their suffrage. Yours truly, To C. Mills the above named de­ Oregon, for Tillamook County. Street in said Park Addition; thence VOTE FOR ONE. FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. D. A. Bailey. fendant: In the matter of the Estate of J. S. south to the south line of the sub­ In the name of the State of Oregon, Stephens deceased. JOHN S. COKE, of Coos County. “Patriotism; loyalty; con­ division known as Goodspeed’s Park; To The Voters of Tillamook County. scientious performance of public duties; nine years’ experience you are hereby notified that J. C. Notice is hereby given that the un­ thence east to the west line of lot 4 Circuit Judge.” Saling, the holder of certificate of dersigned administrator of the above of said Goodspeed’s Park, thence I hereby take this method of an­ delinquency numbered 1061 issued on named estate has filed his final ac­ north to the place of beginning con­ nouncing my candidacy for the nomi­ CHARLES A. JOHNS, of Multnomah County. “Feofless and impartial administration of justice." tax collector of the county of Tilla­ count herein and that the above nam­ taining 4 acres more or less, and in­ nation of County Commissioner on mook, State of Oregon, for the ed Court has fixed Friday, May 24th, cluding Blocks 18 and 19 df said Park the Republican ticket at the primary PERCY R. KELLY, of Linn County. "Justice is patriotism’s amount of Two and Scventy-three- 1918, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Addition in Section 30, T I S, R 9 election to be held May 17, 1918. proudest boast and loyalty’s greatest aid." one-hundreds ($2.73) dollars, the said day, at the Court House in Tilla­ W. W. M. Will work for the best interests of same being the amount then due and mook County, Oregon, as the time Witness, the Hon. A. M. Hare Judge the taxpayers and citizens of Tilla­ delinquent for taxes for the year 1914. and place for hearing objections to of the above named court, with the mook County, especially in the mat­ VOTE FOR ONE together with penalty, interest and said final account. seal of said Court affixed this 23rd er of roads. I will insist on a definite FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL costs thereon upon the real property W. J. Stephens day of April, 1918. road policy as follews: Appropriating GEORGE M. BROWN, of Douglas County. Present Attorney- assessed to you, of which you are the Administrator of the Attest: Erwin Harrison, County Clerk as much of the road fund as possible General; asks second term, continuing economical, efficient law' owner as appears of record, situated Estate of J. S. Steph­ First publication, April 25, 1918. for the purpose of hard surfacing the enforcement, securing results.” in said county and state, and particu­ ens, Deceased. Last publication May, 23, 1918. main highways without neglecting larly bounded and described as fol­ Johnson & Handley, the tributary roads, and conforming lows, to-wit: Lot numbered Two (2) Attorneys for Administrator. Notice of Meeting of Owners of Land to the state regulations when the in Block numbered Three (3) town of FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION In South Prairie Drainage District. same are to the interest of Tillamook VOTE FOR ONE Beaver. Tillamook County, Oregon. Citation. County. You are further notified that said J. ------ o----- Meeting of the owners of the land Respectfully, J. A. CHURCHILL, of Baker County. “High standards for physi­ C. Saling has paid taxes on said In the County Court of the State of in South Prairie Drainage District H. M. Farmer . cal, mental and moral preparedness in Oregon schools.”_______ premises for prior or subsequent Oregon, for Tillamook County. is hereby called for Tuesday, May 14 years, with the rate of interest on In the matter of the estate of Alfred 1918, at 2:00 o’clock p.m. at’the Court Hatching Eggs for Sale. said amount as follows: i Larson, deceased. House in Tillamook City, Oregon ------ o - ■■ Tax Rate of Verne L. Larson by Paul FOR COMMISSIONER OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS for the purpose of electing a board of S. C. White Leghorns, J. A. Hansons AND INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. Yr’s tax date paid Rect. No. Amt Int. Erickson, his duly appointed 'hree supervisors for said Drainage VOTE FOR ONE. ‘9I5 District, in accordance with Sec 3 of strain, of Corvallis, Ore., parent stock Feb, 10, 1916 32 $2.10 15 pct. Guardian, Plaintiff Chapter 414, Laws for Oregon ’for with egg record of over 208 eggs in 464 1.88 15 pct 1910 Feb. 24, 1917 vs. WM. A. DALZIEL, of Multnomah County. “Efficiency, patriot- pullet year. The father of my pen was 1917. 28 2.10 >5pct Margaret Larson, and all per­ __ ism, progress."______________________________________________ 1917, Feb. 2, 1918 a full brother of the pen that won the Erwin Harrison, Said C. Mills, as the owner of the sons unnamed and unknown, County Clerk. “All Northwest Egg Laying Contest.” C. H. GRAM, of Multnomah County. "Closer cooperation between said title of the above described having or claiming to have an My pen, when seven months old, employer and employee to promote accident prevention."______ property as the same appears of rec­ interest in the above estate as Nov. 28, 1917 laid over 50 percent egg Executrix ’ s Notice to Creditors. JOHN H. HOLSTON, of Multnomah County. "Will use one ord, and each of the other persons heirs or distributees. yield.. above named are hereby further no ­ Defendants hundred dollars of salary monthly to purchase I iberty Bonds." 60 per cent or 18 eggs per hen for Notice is hereby given to all whom tified that J. C. Saling will apply to To the above named defendant, JOHN C. N ICKUM. of Multnomah County. ¿¿Room velt jn^ i02oT_ the Circuit Court of the County and MaYgarct Larson, and to all persons it may concern, That the undersigned month of December. 70 per cent or 22 eggs per hen for state aforesaid for a decree foreclos­ unknown and unnamed having or has been appointed executrix of the ing the lien against the property claiming to have interest in the above last will and testament of John month of January. Pen is mated to an O. A. C. cockerel FOR COMMISSIONER OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION above described and mentioned in said | entitled estate as heirs or distribu­ Neiger, deceased, by an order of the mother of same laid 238 eggs in her certificate, and you arc hereby sum ­ County Court of Tillamook County tees. OF OREGON ___________________________VOTE FOR ONE. moned to appear kvithin sixty days In the name of the State of Oregon, Oregon, made and entered of record pullet year. _, $8.00 FRANK J. MILLER, of Linn County. “Present Incumbent. $1.50 per setting of 15 eggs, after the service of this summons you are hereby commanded to appear °"h 3°th day °f Apri1’ '9'8- per hundred, Eggs tested free of upon you, exclusive of the day of ser ­ before the Honorable County Court thereof ” "°W CXCCUtrix FRED A. WILLIAMS, of Josephine County. “A six cent fare is charge, with Breeder’s Magic F.gg too much lor a five cent ride."_______________________________ vice, and defend this action or pay for Tillamook County, State of Ore­ All persons having claims against Tester. the amount as above shown, to­ gon, in the court house of Tillamook Mrs. Sarah E. Hatch, gether with costs and accrued interest City, Oregon on the 15th day of July, ' the,.,.Stjte ot sa,li Jrceased, are hereby Garibaldi, Ore. and in case of your failure to do so a 1918, at the hour of to a.m. of said | notified to present them to the under* FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER DIVISION NUMBER ONE decree will be rendered foreclosing signed, as said executrix, with the day, then and there to show cause, if Benton. Clackamas. Clatsop. Columbia. Coos. Curry, Douglas. Jack, For Sale and Rent. son. Josephine. Klamath. Lake. Lane. Lincoln. Linn, Marion, Multno­ the lien of said taxes and costs against any exists, why a decree should not proper vouchers thereof, at the law — ■ o jottice ot Webster Holmes, in Tilla- the land and premises above named. be entered by said Court, in the above mah Polk. Tillamook, Washington, and Yamhill Counties. Sixteen good cows, 13 fresh, price S' ty ’ Ore gon, within six All process and papers in this pro ­ entitled cause and estate finding the VOTE FOR ONE nn,thS| ‘hc datc of ,his notice. $75 each. Good market for milk. 5° ceeding may be served upon the un­ above named plaintiff, Vern L. Lar­ acre dairy ranch. Will lease for 3 or H. E. ABRY, of Columbia County. _“E 11 icicncy " Dated this 2nd day of May, 1918. dersigned residing within the State of son, to be a legal heir and the ligiti- 5 years. Price $300 a year, part can be Oregon, at the address hereinafter tnate son of said deceased, and entitl ­ Barbara Neiger, PERCY A. CUPPER, of Marion County. “My record in this work worked out on plr.ee. Good buildings» mentioned. This summons is publish ­ Executrix of the last Will ed, as such, to take the residue of this __ as Assistant State Engineer,"_________ ______________ well fenced, will leave farming toe